Modern technologies for training and advanced training of police officers
Researched and devoted to the study of high effectiveness of active forms, methods and technologies of training police officers during educational process. Noted the important tool for the professional activity of law enforcement officers of Ukraine.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.11.2022 |
Размер файла | 25,2 K |
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Donetsk Law Institute, MIA of Ukraine
Modern technologies for training and advanced training of police officers
Lopatynska Iryna, PhD in Pedagogical Science
Kryvyi Rih
The article is devoted to the study of high effectiveness of active forms, methods and technologies of training police officers during educational process. The system of training police officers combines psychological, theoretical and practical aspects It is noted the important tool for the professional activity of law enforcement officers of Ukraine is the study of advanced professional experience of law enforcement agencies in Europe. As the employee of the National Police is focused on effective solving the tasks facing him, but constant psychological support and awareness of the possibility of professional development.
Key words: advanced training; educational technologies; National Police officer; international experience; «CEPOL» agency.
Лопатинська Ірина Сергіївна, кандидат педагогічних наук
(Донецький юридичний інститут МВС України, м. Кривий Ріг)
У статті проаналізовано систему підготовки поліцейських до службової діяльності. Наголошено, що ефективна професійна підготовка об'єднує психологічний, теоретичний та практичний аспекти. У свою чергу, психологічний аспект підготовки спрямований на розвиток психологічної складової важливих якостей у діяльності поліцейського; теоретичний - інформаційний компонент (сприйняття, переробка та збереження інформації, необхідної для виконання професійної службової діяльності; управління діяльністю і прийняття рішень, планування, контроль); практичний є сукупністю заходів, серед яких важливу роль відіграють організаційні, інформаційні, прогностичні та проєктні. Результативність та продуктивність використання активних форм і методів підготовки майбутніх поліцейських до службової діяльності зростає, якщо забезпечити послідовність професійної спрямованості та спроєктувати ситуації, що моделюють реалії службової діяльності в лавах Національної поліції. У запропонованому дослідженні розглядаються освітні технології навчання майбутніх співробітників правоохоронних органів як поетапно організована діяльність викладача, що взаємодіє із здобувачами вищої освіти для досягнення оптимальних результатів. Вибір технологій (проєктних, тренінгових) залежить насамперед від завдання, яке необхідно вирішити; установок і мотивації на досягнення високих результатів під час служби в Національній поліції. Зазначено, що на сьогодні дієвим інструментарієм підвищення кваліфікації правоохоронців України є вивчення передового професійного досвіду правоохоронних органів країн Європи, де, між іншим, необхідно буде застосувати набуті навички володіння та розуміння іноземної мови. Наприклад, одним із джерел обміну досвідом правоохоронців та підвищення кваліфікації співробітників поліції є агентство Європейського Союзу «CEPOL». Агенція об'єднує мережу навчальних інститутів для службовців правоохоронних органів у державах-членах ЄС та займається організацією тренінгів щодо питань безпеки, співробітництва правоохоронних органів та обміну інформацією.
Ключові слова: підвищення кваліфікації; освітні технології; співробітник Національної поліції; міжнародний досвід; агенція «CEPOL».
Formulation of the problem. Today, the tasks facing various types of higher education institutions, including educational institutions with specific learning conditions, determine all the new requirements for the professionalism and skills of graduates, future employees of the National Police of Ukraine. European standards for police rules are aimed at ensuring that National Police officers implement high human standards, improve their professional skills and take responsibility for their duties.
Today, the employee of the National Police is focused on effective solving the tasks facing him, but constant psychological support and awareness of the possibility of professional development are especially important for each specialist of the NP. Therefore, in our opinion, it is necessary to provide conditions for the positive dynamics of the quality of professional growth, the use of new forms of optimization professional activity, enrichment of the spiritual and intellectual potential of employees of NP; no less important is the development of the police team, its cohesion, which is a factor in the formation of a confident personality of the police, the formation of positive interpersonal relationships in the system "leader-subordinate", "subordinate-team"; creating an emotionally favorable environment that has a positive effect on the support of the staff of the NP and the establishment of positive interpersonal relationships in it.
Successful solution of these problems is possible with a meaningful organization of continuous professional training of police officers. According to Art. 72. Law "On the National Police", professional training of police officers consists of: 1) initial training; 2) training in higher educational institutions with specific learning conditions; 3) postgraduate education; 4) service training - a system of measures aimed at consolidating and updating the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities of a police officer, taking into account the operational situation, the specifics and profile of his operational and service activities" [1].
Analysis of recent research and publications. Analysis of the scientific literature suggests that most domestic (O. Rybina, I. Chornokozov) and foreign (V. Kilpatrick, G. Dryden, J. Voss) scientists and researchers paid much attention to pedagogically organized, consistent system of conditions, influences and opportunities to meet the complex needs of the individual in training and the transformation of these needs into professional values.
The aim of the work is to identify the main aspects of training the police officers, to reveal their relationship and to study the possibilities of modern technologies to improve and promote the skills of current and future employees of the National Police, taking into account international experience.
Presenting main material
The experience of work in the higher education institution of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) allows us to state that systematic methodical work is needed in the educational institution for the training specialists for the National Police. The high effectiveness of active forms and methods of training police officers during educational process in the increases if you ensure the consistency of professional orientation and design situations that simulate the reality of official activities in the ranks of the National Police. On the other hand, the socio- psychological climate in the educational institution provides psychological comfort to each participant in the educational process and plays an important role in the professional development of future police officers. The system of training police officers combines psychological, theoretical and practical aspects.
The psychological aspect of training is aimed at developing the psychological structure of important qualities for the activities of the police, who guide, control the service and implement it in various actions. Among them an important place is occupied by such qualities as: flexibility, tolerance to difficulties, willingness to act in extreme situations, willingness to compromise, control over feelings, emotions, language, behavior; ability to empathize, willingness to cooperate, to work in a team; willingness to be open to their colleagues. No less important, in the content of the psychological component of training, are communicative qualities. In the structure of communicative qualities N. Tatarinova identifies: the ability to communicate in the system "managersubordinate", ensuring the removal of the emotional and psychological barrier [2].
Note that the possession of moral and psychological qualities create better conditions for the development of motivation and creative nature of collective activity, the correct formation of the police personality, provide a favorable emotional climate in the team, prevent the emergence of "psychological barrier", provide management of socio - psychological processes in the police. I. Chernokozov defines the following moral and psychological qualities: observation and attentiveness; endurance, self-control, ability to make rational decisions in conflict situations; ability to control oneself and restrain negative emotions; self-criticism combined with sensitivity; the ability to anticipate all possible consequences of their words and actions; creative thinking, courage in solving moral problems [3].
In the content of the theoretical aspect an important role is played by the information component (perception, processing and storage of information necessary for the performance of professional activities; activity management and decision-making, planning, control and evaluation of own actions); analytical component (observe the processes taking place, analyze their course, identify their components and establish links between them, comprehend each part of any process and find its inherent patterns, predict the outcome of any action before its commission in reality, predict the development of the team and each of its members).
The practical component of police training is a set of activities among which an important role is given to organizational, informational, prognostic and design, when the teacher, during the educational process, creates conditions for self-actualization and selfrealization of a cadet or student. The practical aspect of training a police officer, aimed at updating his internal readiness for change and self-change, ensuring the appropriate choice of forms, methods, means of work in the service to solve professional problems. Application of different types and forms of activity (cases, professional tasks, dialogues, discussions, debates, projects). These activities are multifaceted and ensure the integrity of the educational process, the professional development of future employees of the National Police.
Establish a clear relationship between all components (theoretical, psychological and practical) of the process of training police officers for professional activities, build a model of emotionally favorable environment in the cadet (student) team - it means to establish decisive chains in the relationship and anticipate the teacher's actions in climate improvement, psychological comfort for all participants in the educational process. At the same time, the emotional unity of the teacher and the student group is important, which contributes to the creation of a creative atmosphere, democratic style of behavior, friendly relations and prospects for the development of cooperation between teacher and students.
The effectiveness of the multicomponent block of police training is due to the competent use of various psychological and pedagogical technologies, which should become an integral part of the training process in the educational establishment. The idea of developing psychological and pedagogical technologies of modern education is the need to move from explanation to understanding, from social control to development and self-control, from management to self-government.
Modern pedagogy defines the educational technologies of training future police officers as a step-by-step organized activity of a teacher who interacts with students of higher education in order to achieve optimal results through some standard of behavior and activities. According to I. Zaichenko, the main components of pedagogical learning technology are:
- pedagogical communication;
- pedagogical requirement;
- pedagogical assessment and creation of success;
- pedagogical resolution of conflicts;
- organization of individual and group activities [4].
Recently, design technologies developed by J. Dewey and W. Kilpatrick have been recognized, and their ideas have been developed in the works of E. Polat and O. Rybin. The basis of project technology is the method of projects, this method involves "a certain set of educational and cognitive techniques that allow you to solve a problem during independent action with the mandatory presentation of results" [5]. Project technology involves achieving the goal by solving the problem of obtaining a real practical result.
Today, a significant role is given to training technologies. They are based on various trainings (personal growth, socio-psychological, organizational skills training, communication training, game training). Through the implementation of cases, finding a way out of role-playing and game situations, technological procedures were worked out: creating a problem situation, using emotional and communicative stimuli to intensify the actions of teachers to achieve the projected goals, Melnik V. believes that training procedures enrich the experience of students in creating situations of professional orientation, for example, in the police team through the use of active methods: design situations, improvisation, game and problem methods [6].
The choice of technology depends on the task to be solved and the attitudes of police officers, their attitude to professional activities and the focus on achieving high results while serving in the National Police. Taking into account the experience, attitudes, desires, capabilities and abilities. In other words, defining the tasks, content, forms and methods of training a specialist and his awareness of the importance for their own professional growth and development are important components of professional success of future and current employees of the National Police of Ukraine.
At the same time, the process of studying professional subjects should be based on the practical orientation of professional training. However, in the context of globalization of society, the expansion of international professional relations, the issue of foreign language training of specialists - law enforcement officers who would be fluent in a foreign language - becomes especially relevant. Under professional-oriented language learning, scholars understand training that takes into account the needs of students in learning a foreign language and the features of the future profession or specialty, which in turn require its study.
Practically all forms of activity of law enforcement officers provide professional communication, exchange of information, therefore, during training in a higher education institution future law enforcement officers should learn professional communication and be ready for professional activities of communicative nature (both oral and written), type of activity, divisions and positions.
Today, an important tool for the professional activity of law enforcement officers of Ukraine is the study of advanced professional experience of law enforcement agencies in Europe, where it is necessary to apply the knowledge and understanding of a foreign language.
For example, one of the sources for sharing the experience of law enforcement and training for police officers is the European Union Agency, CEPOL. Its headquarter is in Budapest, Hungary.
The agency's activities are dedicated to the development, implementation and coordination of training for law enforcement officers. Since July 1, 2016, the official name of CEPOL is "European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training". CEPOL promotes a secure Europe, cooperation and knowledge sharing among EU law enforcement agencies, as well as cooperation against organized crime. training police professional activity
There are many good reasons to work with CEPOL, namely: law enforcement officers have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments and trends in law enforcement, learn from experts, share best practices and practice their foreign language skills.
CEPOL brings together a network of training institutes for law enforcement officers in EU Member States. It provides for the organization of trainings on security issues, law enforcement cooperation and information exchange. CEPOL Agency uses a multi-layered approach to training, including: holding, conferences, seminars. They usually last a week and take place at an educational establishment in one of the Member States or at CEPOL headquarters. This allows you to better understand the subject. Training often involves case studies, and participants are encouraged to share best practices. Online learning: online learning is a way of distance learning that takes the form of webinars, online modules and online courses. CEPOL's current work includes online learning (ie webinars, online modules, online courses, etc.), exchange programs, general education programs, research and science. All events are supported by the e-network, the CEPOL online learning platform. The e-Net platform also hosts the e-Journals service, which provides registered users with access to international scientific journals related to police science and police practice.
CEPOL also works with EU organizations, international organizations and third countries to ensure a collective response to the most serious security threats. The Agency's annual work program is based on this network and other stakeholders, resulting in relevant and targeted activities aimed at meeting the needs of Member States in the priority areas of the EU's internal security strategy. CEPOL constantly strives to offer innovative and advanced training activities, integrating relevant developments in knowledge, research and technology.
CEPOL's activities provide an opportunity to keep abreast of the latest international developments and trends in law enforcement, especially with regard to cross-border and serious international crime. Make Europe a safer place by training and educating law enforcement [7].
Thus, studying the main aspects (theoretical, psychological and practical) of police training, it should be noted that the opportunities for personal and professional growth of law enforcement officers, addressing security issues and creating an emotionally conducive environment for professional development. It is necessary to reveal the relationship and study the possibilities of modern educational technologies (training, project) to improve and enhance the skills of future and current employees of the National Police.
It is important and necessary to take into account international experience in order to promote law enforcement cooperation through training for the benefit of citizens, to strive to consistently provide products and services that meet the expectations of stakeholders. CEPOL intends to provide diverse stakeholder groups with quality learning opportunities, as well as ongoing international best practices. In the future, we are confident that law enforcement agencies will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments and trends in the field of law enforcement, learn new practices and implement them in their professional activities.
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