Professional foreign language practice at higher educational institutions

Forms of education that are carried out in the course of professional practice of a foreign language in educational institutions. The need to master knowledge about entrepreneurial activity. The level of professional qualification of a specialist.

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Professional foreign language practice at higher educational institutions

A. P. Boichuk

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

The proposed research is aimed at identifying teaching forms and methods that performed at the process of professional foreign language practice at higher educational institutions.

It is noted that the main purpose of practical foreign language training is to consolidate and improve professional knowledge and skills obtained during theoretical training and also the formation of such personal qualities as professional independence, professional mobility and self-control that is necessary for decisionmaking, planning and solution of professionally oriented tasks, performing of professional functions at the appropriate level. It should be taken into account that foreign language practical training is crucial in the process of training future employees in the sphere of foreign language translation and pedagogics, it forms a system of professional knowledge and skills that determines the level of professional qualification of a specialist. Accordingly, practical training allows future professionals to understand the objective necessity of acquiring knowledge of business activities, as well as accumulate, analyze, summarize and comprehend the knowledge of the real work, organized by the heads of the practical training. An important task of the practical language training is the professional adaptation of students to the real working conditions. Practical language training is crucial in the process of training future employees; it forms a system of professional language knowledge and skills that determines the level of professional qualification of a specialist.

In the course of the reseach it was generalized that teaching methods of conducting practical classes stimulate individual work of students in acquiring professional knowledge and skills. Thus, the outside practical lessons, active forms of education, training and vocational practices and extracurricular work which introduced into educational process help the formation of professional characteristics of future specialists and are used for realization of students' language professional and practical skills.

Based on professional and proven experience the author argues that a prerequisite for the formation of a professional is the formation of professional foreign languages competencies and professionally-oriented qualities of the future specialist. іноземна мова професійна кваліфікація

Key words: educational process, professional language practice, language skills, theoretical and practical training, teaching methods, educational activity.

Бойчук А. П. Професійно-орієнтована іншомовна практика в закладах вищої освіти

Пропоноване дослідження спрямоване на виявлення форм і методів навчання, які здійснюються в процесі професійної практики іноземної мови у вищих навчальних закладах. Особлива увага приділяється аналізу чинників, що впливають на успішність навчання. Основними з них визначено принципи, цілі, завдання, зміст, прийоми та засоби навчання.

Зазначається, що основною метою практичного навчання іноземною мовою є закріплення та вдосконалення професійних знань і навичок, отриманих під час теоретичного навчання, а також формування таких особистісних якостей, як професійна незалежність, професійна мобільність та самоконтроль, необхідних для прийняття рішень., планування та вирішення професійно орієнтованих завдань, виконання професійних функцій на належному рівні. Слід враховувати, що іноземна практична підготовка є визначальною в процесі підготовки майбутніх працівників у сфері перекладу іноземної мови та педагогіки, вона формує систему професійних знань і навичок, що визначає рівень професійної кваліфікації спеціаліста. Відповідно, практичне навчання дозволяє майбутнім фахівцям усвідомити об'єктивну необхідність оволодіння знаннями про підприємницьку діяльність, а також накопичити, проаналізувати, узагальнити та осмислити знання з реальної роботи, організованої керівниками практичних занять. Важливим завданням практичної мовної підготовки є професійна адаптація студентів до реальних умов праці. Практична мовна підготовка має вирішальне значення в процесі підготовки майбутніх працівників, вона формує систему професійних мовних знань і навичок, що визначає рівень професійної кваліфікації спеціаліста.

У ході дослідження було узагальнено, що методи навчання проведення практичних занять стимулюють індивідуальну роботу студентів у здобутті професійних знань і навичок. Таким чином, запроваджені в навчальний процес зовнішні практичні заняття, активні форми навчання та професійної практики та позааудиторної роботи сприяють формуванню професійних якостей майбутніх спеціалістів і використовуються для реалізації мовних професійно-практичних навичок студентів.

На основі професійного та перевіреного досвіду автор стверджує, що передумовою формування професіонала є сформованість професійних іноземних мовних компетенцій та професійно- орієнтованих якостей майбутнього спеціаліста. foreign language professional qualification

Ключові слова: навчальний процес, професійна мовна практика, мовні навички, теоретична та практична підготовка, методи навчання, навчальна діяльність.


In the training system of specialists for the industry of Ukraine the practical side of this problem takes an important place. The modern higher education focused on practice is based on the qualification and training standards of higher education, the requirements of the modern labour market, experience of the leading foreign institutions. Taking into account the emergence of new professions with fluent speaking foreign languages, educational institutions are trying to reformat the educational process and to keep pace with new socio-economic challenges.

The primary goal of the educational process reform is training professionals in demand by today's labour market. This means that we need to prepare such professionals who can take vacancies in the regions of residence and create the curriculum the content of which is approached to foreign languages requirements of business enterprises as much as possible.

It should be noted that various types of business with foreign participation are being developed in Ukraine rapidly. The experience of organizing it shows that training specialists for the Ukrainian economic industry does not fully meet the needs of the economics, both quantitatively and qualitatively. That is why it is necessary to create conditions of learning foreign languages which meet the modern requirements of the educational process, the possibility of obtaining a practical knowledge.

Theoretical framework and research methods

Scientific interest of studying the problems of future specialists' professional foreign language training is inherent in the domestic pedagogical thought. Such scientists as Overton J., Stupples P., Murray W., Gamlen A., Sivkovych H., Tytun O., Boichuk A., Kushylyk R., L. Poliova, study the problem of practical training.

In a broad sense, the practical foreign languages' training is all kinds of educational, vocational and professional practice and various laboratory and practical classes. The essence of practical training is to organize and conduct individual work of students in order to get professional language skills and competences necessary for their future speaking activities.

Scientists affirm that practical training is «an integral part of higher education that reflects the patterns, contents, methods and forms of organizing the process of formation the skills directed on developing the ability of students to be ready to work efficiently in the fields of their chosen profession» [2, p.15].

Researchers note that one of the most effective approaches to improving the effectiveness of practical training in foreign language training is the option of dual learning, which involves early introduction of the student in real professional conditions. Another approach to raising the effectiveness of practical training is the thought, which is singled out as longterm practice. Its essence is that the educational process takes place within the walls of the educational institution, but in the process of educational and research work, students carry out various types of work together with the labor collectives of social partner organizations. This approach is typical for innovative educational institutions. Thus, various types of practices can be considered and used as limit options.

The aim of this study is to identify teaching forms and methods that performed at the process of the students' practical traing at higher educational institutions.


The main purpose of practical foreign languages training is to consolidate and improve professional language knowledge and skills obtained during theoretical training and also the formation of such personal qualities as professional independence, professional mobility and self-control that is necessary for decision-making, planning and solution of professionally oriented tasks, performing of professional functions at the appropriate level.

The scholars stress on the principle of priority of theoretical and practical education and notes that «it facilitates the adaptation of curricula to modern requirements of the labour market and provides the opportunity for students to mobilize their knowledge and apply them in specific work situations» [5, p.88].

An important objective of the practical language training is the professional adaptation of students to the real working conditions. So, in the process of conducting various forms of practical language training the formation of new knowledge and skills associated with the specificity of the production process is also carried out.

It is also claimed that «professionally-directed motivation of the educational activity promotes the formation of a competent professional with the modern type of professional thinking which involves conducting functional business games, solving complex problem situations and tasks, making projects regarding the future professional activity, the participation of the future specialist in the development of real production programs and projects of the particular companies, discussion the professional situations, problems and tasks» [3, p.182].

Thus, practical language training is crucial in the process of training future employees, it forms a system of professional language knowledge and skills that determines the level of professional qualification of a specialist.

Modern pedagogical science determines the next stages of practical language training in the educational process: introductory, training (technological), industrial (professional) ones [6, p.193].

The content and types of language practice, its purpose, duration and dates are determined by a program of practice, developed by the teachers of the University. The main guidance document which covers the content and technology for each type of practice is the curriculum.

One of the tasks of modern higher education is to teach future specialist to adapt to situations of constant renewal of professional knowledge, rapid changes in the conditions of labor and production [1].

Practical language training is carried out in several ways:

1. The use of active language teaching methods during seminars, practical and laboratory classes, individual work, group material studying, work in small groups, the introduction of creative design works, followed by the presentation, an active exchange of knowledge among students.

Active language teaching methods have a high degree of approximation the students to the conditions of professional activity, to particular situations. Active methods allow the students to feel the peculiarities of their future profession, take initiative and responsibility, learn to argue and defend their point of view. They also promote the development of business speaking skills, abilities to listen to the proposals of the team partner, to produce a collective decision in foreign languages.

At the same time, for the purpose of realization of students' language professional and practical skills, acquired during the study of theoretical material, individual work and other forms of educational activities, such active form of practical classes as outside practical lessons are applied.

The outside practical lesson is a part of the educational process and is a prerequisite of mastering the specific speaking practical knowledge and skills by the future specialists. The students are given the instructions and guidance which they should perform. After the assignment, the students present their generalized practical solutions.

2. Speaking practice at the enterprises.

The main aim of the practice is the acquisition of foreign speaking skills of individual work by students, practical experience and skills to implement their speaking knowledge in future professional activities. The practical work allows the students to form professional foreign language competence, the ability to manage the technological speaking activities, the knowledge of modern needs of economics

The student's survey has shown that the students who took the practice directly had a higher level of professional foreign speaking competences development for the work after the training and vocational practice.

3. Extracurricular students' work in scientific student languages circles, clubs, participation in exhibitions, trainings, conferences, foreign languages weeks.

The purpose of the educational and practical activities of the University is aimed at improving competencies in the future profession. Thus, in the framework of the club and circles students work with documents samples in foreign languages, solve vocational and work situations, applying the method of the business game. As a result of the training experiments, students conduct a foreign language discussion of the correctness of their actions and decision.

The basis of a high-level organization of practice, as well as any other type of educational process, is the presence of a curriculum that must be linked to the requirements of educational standards, curricula and programs of disciplines, professional standards and requirements of employers.

Experience confirms that taking into account the requirements of employers on the content of training it simplifies the procedure of correcting old and developing new teaching materials and programs, as well as opens opportunities for competency-oriented student practice, expands employment opportunities for graduates.

Thus, L. Poliova, emphasizing the principle of priority of theoretical and practical training, notes that «it helps to adapt curricula to modern labor market requirements, as well as allows students to mobilize their knowledge, applying them in specific production situations» [4, p.173].

Practical foreign language training allows future professionals to understand the objective necessity of acquiring knowledge of business activities, as well as accumulate, analyze, summarize and comprehend the knowledge of the real work, organized by the heads of the practical training.


Thus, the main purpose of professional foreign language practice at higher educational institutions, along with consolidation and improvement of professional knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of theoretical training, is the formation of professional competencies and professional-oriented personality traits of future professionals, including professional motivation, professional independence, professional innovation, professional responsibilities and other professional activities and functions required for performance.

So, the organization of practical foreign language training of future specialists is an important element in the overall training of personnel. Teaching methods of conducting practical classes stimulate individual work of students in acquiring professional knowledge and skills. The outside practical lessons, active forms of education, training and vocational practices and extracurricular work which introduced into educational process help the formation of such professional characteristics of future specialists as:

- foreign languages skills, abilities, knowledge, methods and techniques of works on the organization of work;

- foreign languages experience and creativity in the conduct of work;

- foreignlanguageseducationofentrepreneurship, self-reliance, ability to establish personal contacts.


1. Overton J., Stupples P., Murray W., Gamlen A., Palomino-Schalscha M. Learning journeys: Five paradigms of education for development. Asia Pacific Viewpoint. 2020. Vol. 61. DOI: https://doi. org/10.1111/apv.12283

2. Воробієнко П., Ложковський А. Компетентнісний підхід у вищій освіті - від теорії до практики. Вища школа. 2016. № 6, С. 13-20.

3. Кушлик Р. В., Кушлик Р Р Практична підготовка майбутніх фахівців у галузі електрична інженерія. Удосконалення освітньо-виховного процесу в закладі вищої освіти: зб. наук.-метод. праць. Мелітополь, 2020. Вип. 23. С. 180-184.

4. Польова, Л. В. (2012). Особливості практичної підготовки фахівців з туризму. Вісник Луганського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка, №4(239), 169-175.

5. Сівкович Г., Бойчук А., Титунь О. Self-directed learning method in teaching foreign languages for professional purposes. Освітні обрії. 2020. № 51(2). С. 86-89.

6. Шевчук Т В., Сідельник О. П. Практична підготовка студентів вищих навчальних закладів як невід'ємна детермінанта формування їхніх професійних компетенцій. Науковий вісник ЛНТУ України. Серія економічна. Львів, 2017. Вип. 27. № 2. С. 189-198.

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