Training of future masters for pedagogical activities in the institutions of higher education by means of educational trainings
Preparation of future masters of medicine for teaching activities. The use of pedagogical innovations for the integration of medical and pedagogical education. Approbation of professional knowledge, skills, abilities of doctors in pedagogical trainings.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 24,5 K |
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І. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University
Training of future masters for pedagogical activities in the institutions of higher education by means of educational trainings
I. Melnychuk, Dr of Ped. Sc., Professor
Ternopil, Ukraine
The article deals with the problem of training of future masters of medicine, who did not have received a pedagogical education, for pedagogical activities. It has been generalized that optimal conditions in the described process is using modern pedagogical innovations, which make possible an integration of vocational (in particular, medical) training and pedagogical education, give an opportunity for future masters of medicine testing own professional knowledge, abilities and skills in pedagogical situations that simulate professional-pedagogical, medical-professional activities. Educational trainings may become such technologies. Analysis of scientific literature gave a possibility to generalize that scholars describe theory and practice, contextual and methodical aspects of conducting trainings, reveal the main stages of training technologies, propose methods of organization and conducting training of personal development, which gives an opportunity to identify the essence of trainings in general. The purpose and task of the research is to describe the essence of educational trainings, which appropriate to apply in the vocational training of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activities in the institutions of higher medical education. It has been generalized that in the process of participating the future masters of medicine in educational trainings, participants have ability to identify the main advantages of such work for the use of training forms and methods of teaching in pedagogical activity as a lecturer of medical institution of higher education.
It has been stated that the purpose of training of future masters for participating and individual conducting educational trainings in pedagogical activities of lecturers must inform the participants with the main model of preparing for training, which is seen as the basis for making appropriate syllabus that combine the following stages: determining the topic and purpose of training as an image of the future result; determining the composition of the training group; identifying the time resources; formulating the problem; formulating the tasks; selecting appropriate exercises, situational tasks of professional purposes; emphasizing the blocks of the training syllabus and classes for each block; drawing up a scenario of training plan; writing a short training scenario with the purpose of each class and all the necessary materials.
Keywords: masters, vocational training, pedagogical activity, educational trainings, training requirements.
Підготовка майбутніх магістрів до педагогічної діяльності у закладах вищої освіти засобами навчальних тренінгів
Ірина Мельничук, д.п.н., Тернопільський національний медичний університет імені І.Я. Горбачевського (м. Тернопіль, Україна)
У статті розглянуто проблему підготовки майбутніх магістрів медицини, які не мають педагогічної освіти, до педагогічної діяльності. Узагальнено, що оптимальними умовами в означеному процесі є використання сучасних педагогічних інновацій, які уможливлюють інтеграцію професійної (зокрема, медичної) підготовки та педагогічної освіти, дають змогу майбутнім магістрам медицини апробувати власні фахові знання, вміння і навички у педагогічних ситуаціях, що моделюють професійно-педагогічну, медично-професійну діяльність. Такими технологіями можуть бути навчальні тренінги.
Аналіз наукової літератури дав змогу узагальнити, що дослідники висвітлюють теорію та практику, змістовні і методичні аспекти проведення тренінгів, розкривають основні етапи технології проведення тренінгів, пропонують методику організації та проведення тренінгу особистісного зростання, що дає змогу визначити сутність тренінгів загалом. Метою і завданням дослідження визначено розкриття сутності навчальних тренінгів, які доцільно використовувати у професійній підготовці майбутніх магістрів медицини до педагогічної діяльності у закладах вищої медичної освіти. Узагальнено, що в процесі участі майбутніх магістрів медицини в навчальних тренінгах, учасники мають змогу визначити основні переваги такої роботи для використання тренінгових форм і методів навчання у педагогічній діяльності на посаді викладача медичного закладу вищої освіти:
Вказано, що з метою підготовки майбутніх магістрів медицини до участі й самостійного проведення навчальних тренінгів у педагогічній діяльності викладачі повинні ознайомити учасників з основною моделлю підготовки до тренінгу, що можна розглядати як основу для написання відповідної програми, яка поєднує такі етапи: визначення теми і мети тренінгу як образу майбутнього результату; визначення складу тренінгової групи; визначення часових ресурсів; формулювання проблем; формулювання завдань; підбір відповідних вправ, ситуативних завдань професійного спрямування; виділення блоків тренінгової програми і занять для кожного блоку; складання сценарного плану тренінгу; написання короткого сценарію тренінгу з вказаними метою кожного заняття і всіх необхідних матеріалів.
Ключові слова: магістри, професійна підготовка, педагогічна діяльність, навчальні тренінги, вимоги до проведення тренінгів.
The role of pedagogue in society is considered within his activities. Professional pedagogical activity is carried out not only by graduates of pedagogical institutions of higher education (IHE), who are called to work in schools. Thus, the lecturers of medical IHE are doctors, stomatologists, pharmacists, nurses, etc., who received pedagogical training at the master's, postgraduate, doctoral levels. The first degree of the formation of readiness of specialists in medicine for pedagogical activities becomes study for a master's degree. Optimal conditions in the described process is using modern pedagogical innovations that makes possible integration of professional (in particular, medical) training and pedagogical education, give the possibility for future masters of medicine to test own professional knowledge, abilities and skills in pedagogical situations that simulate professional-pedagogical, medical-professional activities. Educational trainings may become such technologies.
The problem formulation. Training of future masters for pedagogical activities, have not got special pedagogical education (for example, in the institutions of higher medical education), needs acquaintance of master's students with specifics in general and modern effective technologies of learning, in particular with trainings.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Analysis of scientific literature, in which researchers outline the content and methodical aspects of conducting trainings (Vachkov, 2007), theory and practice of psychological training (Miliutina, 2004), reveal the main stages of the technologies of trainings (Puzikov, 2007), propose the methods of organizing and providing trainings of personal development (Fedorchuk, 2014), gives an opportunity to determine the essence of trainings in general. Scholars generalize that training is one of the ways of practical work with psychological characteristics of certain people; that is a mechanical process directed to the production of monotonous and predictable patterns of behavior with standard instructions and multiple repetition and training skills; a special form of study, which relies not on declarative but on real knowledge, gives the opportunity to get from personal experience what is said in the theoretical material; it is a multifunctional method of purposeful changes of psychological phenomena of a person, group or organization in order to harmonize the professional and personal being of a person. Competently conducted training allows a person quickly to gain specific knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to perform a particular job.
Aim and tasks research
The purpose and task of the research is to describe the essence of educational trainings, which appropriate to apply in the vocational training of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activities in the institutions of higher medical education.
Research methods
The main methods of research are: the analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature on the peculiarities of training work; generalization of own pedagogical experience on use of educational trainings in training of masters of medicine for determining the advantages of educational trainings in preparation of graduates of medical IHE for pedagogical activities.
integration pedagogical medical education
Results of the research
Educational trainings refer to interactive methods. In contrast to traditional forms of learning, active «including» of behavioural models and interchange of experience between the participants of group takes place in training. During the vocational training of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activities in medical institutions of higher education by means of educational trainings, the primary task for lecturers is to acquaint participants with the characteristics of the training group. Future masters of medicine record the following main features of training:
• effectiveness of work in educational training needs a clear identified group of participants (usually 10-15 persons);
• educational trainings are characterized by the unity of time, place and action: everything happens and is discussed here and now, on the personal experience of participants and trainer, without homework or prior training;
• in the process of group work activity of participants of group and their personal experience, not the received from trainer information predominates;
• classes aim not only the formation of knowledge, but also widening practical experience of participants and the group in general.
During the participation of future masters of medicine in educational trainings participants have ability to determine the main advantages of such work for the use of training forms and methods of learning in pedagogical activity as a lecturer of medical institution of higher education:
• activity of each participant from training group;
• combination of educational information and emotional attitude for it;
• increasing the level of motivation for applying pedagogical innovations;
• capability of group for collective thinking decision-making;
• practical verification and consolidation of the acquired knowledge.
Given that in pedagogical activities lecturers use a comprehensive system of forms, methods, teaching means, so future masters are called not only to know the advantages of using training, but also certain disadvantages:
• educational trainings are not suitable for presenting a large amount of purely theoretical material (formulas, historical information, etc.);
• the work of training group should cover a relatively small group of participants, which does not always correspond to the number of students;
• theoretical training of group participants must be the same;
* proper pedagogical skills of the lecturer are required, as the participants of the training can be differently aware of the essence, purpose, tasks and expected results from the implementation of training exercises.
An important aspect of lecturer's work in organization and conduction of educational training is accentuation of attention on the purpose of participants' work in training groups: team cohesion; resolving intragroup conflicts; removal of psycho- emotional stress in the group; facilitation of processes of adaptation to new conditions of activity; mastering social and professional roles, etc. Participation in educational trainings allows future masters of medicine to carry out corrective and developmental work aimed at the development of professionally significant qualities and mental processes; development of communicative competence, self-confidence, emotional stability, self-regulation skills.
In order to prepare future masters of medicine for participation and individual conducting the educational trainings in pedagogical activities lecturers acquaint participants with the basic model of preparation for training, which can be considered as a basis for writing a syllabus.
1. Determination of topic and purpose of training as an image of future result. To this end, it is appropriate to answer the question: What do future members of the group want? What can the group and each of its members really be able to and should achieve? What can and should I do? What will be the end result of our work?
2. Determination of composition of the training group.
3. Identification of time resources. Since classes in medical IHE can last 2 and 6 academic hours, then the educational training syllabus is developed taking into account the above factors: How many training classes will be held? How long will each class last? Is it possible to conduct training for several classes? You should decide on the pace of training sessions and choose the one that is optimal: «marathon» style or short meetings over a long period of time.
4. Formulation of the problem. It is necessary to clearly state the problems that need to be addressed in the training process - a question to which there is currently no clear answer. Formulation of the problem must be in interrogative form, however, more than five problems should not be presented. It is possible to concentrate on any one and to direct training on its decision, hoping that change in that one will automatically entail everything else.
5. Formulation of tasks. Task - is the aim of activity presented in certain conditions. Tasks must be formed not in interrogative, but in affirmative form. For example, to work in the system of representations of participants, it is possible to formulate tasks: to help participants understand the essence of pedagogical activity of a medical worker; in the system of relations - to give participants the opportunity to gain experience of pedagogical interaction; in the system of skills - to offer a model of constructive interaction with patients at the level of pedagogical communication, etc.
6. Selection of appropriate exercises, situational tasks for professional purposes. Ideally, when creating an author's training, games and exercises should be author's creations. But a novice trainer usually has to turn to professional literature and use already known exercises. To select each of the following exercises, you need to determine: What do you want to work with (group characteristics as an object or individual characteristics of the participants). What changes do you want to make? Using what exercises can you make these changes? How can you prepare a group to perform this exercise? What result can be achieved?
7. Emphasizing the blocks of the training syllabus and classes for each block. It is worth to identify blocks (modules), which must be presented in training. Block system of training may look the next: preparation, awareness of the problem, reassessment, action, reflection. This is a fairly traditional scheme in which the boundaries of the stages of development of the group are indicated conditionally. It should be borne in mind that the full implementation of all blocks will significantly increase the duration of training. Each block can be converted into a separate training, i.e. this program is modular in nature. At the same time, in each module the group will go through the same stages as in the holistic training program.
8. Drawing up a scenario of training plan. Implementation of that step is related to the distribution of selected or developed techniques. It is necessary to take into account the following points: the purpose of technology; time that must be spent on equipment; compatibility of different techniques; stage of group dynamics, when it is best to conduct the technique; type and degree of activity of participants initiated by technology (physical, intellectual, etc.); expediency of application of psychotechnics at present (readiness of participants for it). It is necessary to prepare in advance additional exercises - other in form, but aimed at solving the same tasks.
9. Writing a short training scenario with the purpose of each class and all the necessary materials. It is advisable to write a training scenario maximum in details, taking into account all the details in exercise description. It will be appropriate to plan each class on a separate card with the names of the exercises - this will be a cheat sheet that will help in training. It is not recommended to take the whole detailed scenario for classes: a pack of paper in your hands will severely constrain the activity of the lecturer. When compiling a syllabus, it is important to know that most trainings should include: exercises to get acquainted with the problem; communicative and analytical exercises; exercises that motivate group dynamics; specialized exercises aimed at the formation or development of the necessary skills, abilities or qualities; exercises focused on the development of empathy and reflection skills; corrective and developmental exercises.
Lecturers who intend to conduct classes in the form of educational training, it is advisable to follow the phased training.
An important stage of any training, regardless of its goals and tasks, is to acquaint participants with the problem, when each of them makes a unique presentation for other participants. This is an introductory procedure that arouses interest, introduces participants to the work, sets the general rhythm of work. At the same time, the facilitator needs a developed ability to patiently listen to a variety of statements of the participants. Not only to listen without interruption, but also to constantly monitor the course of thought, to try to understand the content, rejecting their judgments and assessments.
An important element identifying the effectiveness of training is the work expectations. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention that expectations and results were defined in positive terms. Adequately positive attitude to work with certain goals and expectations (perceived by each participant) increases the effectiveness of the group. It is useful to learn about the goals they set for themselves, what they expect from working in a group, what everyone wants to get in the training process, and what should happen for the participant to say to himself: «For me, this training became useful».
Any group has certain norms and rules of existence. Starting from the procedure of acquaintance in the group the rules of work are set and intragroup norms are formed. The rules are introduced in stages and first set by the presenter. It is possible for the presenters to make them public, but even in this case a discussion procedure should be organized, inviting each participant to speak. In any case, the rules must be defined, understood and accepted by the participants. Norms are set by the work itself, although it is partly a reflection of existing rules. These are consistency, confidentiality, activity, sincerity in communication and the right to say «no», addressing the name, trusting style of communication, personalization of statements (participants are invited to say more of themselves: «I believe that ...», «I think ...»), discussion of procedures on the principle of «here and now». The final agreed and adopted rules are the basis for the work of the group.
The success and effectiveness of the exercises largely depends on the correctness of the instructions. The instructions must be accurate, clear and concise. Demonstration is possible in some exercises.
The effectiveness of training procedures is affected not only by the adequacy of their inclusion, the correctness of the instructions, but also how they are completed. Some exercises have a logical conclusion. For example, the end of the procedure of the exercise conducted in a circle can be considered the completion of its implementation by the last participant. In other cases, the condition of finish may be stipulated in advance, for example: the exercise will be completed when each participant says something or takes some action. In the third category of tasks, the condition for completion of the procedure may be the expiration of a predetermined period of time. But the end of the procedural part of the task and its completion are not the same thing. Even in those exercises that have their own logical conclusion, certain instructions and procedures, the discussion should not be neglected.
Reflections and discussions after the exercise are its most important components. It is necessary to leave enough time for this. Discussion should be given at least twice as much time as the exercise itself. It is important to give participants the opportunity to report what happened to them during the exercise, to analyze and make sense of personal experience. Discussions can be built according to the scheme:
1) description of the performed actions with their further interpretation;
2) description of feelings during the performance of exercise with the interpretation of what they related to;
3) feedback of group and presenter.
The less structured discussion, starting with more or less vague open-ended questions, such as, «What do you think about this exercise?», can be used. It is necessary to give participants time so that they can think about the questions and answer them.
Some exercises, especially role-playing games, require conducting of specially organized procedure to exit the role and comprehend own actions. This is more than just a discussion. During the exercise or role-playing, the participant often invests certain emotions in their actions. Therefore, at the end of such emotional procedures or classes, it is necessary to bring participants to discuss what they felt. This stage can be called «debriefing». It must be conducted to remove the roles and «return» the participants to real life. In this case, the trainer, especially after the role play, where each participant was assigned a role, should ensure that other participants ask questions about the real situation, and not from the role they play during the game.
Organization of group survey can be organized in different ways:
1. The survey in a certain sequence. The advantage of this method is that the participant can better prepare for the answer. The disadvantage is that participants who are focused on waiting for their question may pay less attention to what is happening in the group.
2. Participants receive questions from the leader without any notice. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to mobilize participants and focus their attention. The disadvantage is that in some cases, the unpredictability of who will be asked next can lead to excitement of participants and increase the overall tension in the group.
3. Asking question to the whole group. In this case, participants answer the question only when they feel ready to answer. The advantage of this method is that it allows participants to prepare for the answer and does not cause anxiety. The disadvantage is that individual participants may «drop out» of the overall work, and this requires more flexibility on the part of the trainer.
Conclusions and prospects of further research
Summing up, we note that the training of future masters for pedagogical activities involves testing of their own knowledge, abilities and skills in safe conditions of direct participation in educational trainings. For effective work of all participants of educational trainings lecturers need to consider the basic requirements to the organization of the specified pedagogical forms and methods of classes.
Prospects for further studies we see in the development of special methodical materials that will ensure the optimal work of participants of educational training - future masters of medicine for pedagogical activities.
1. Vachkov, I.V. (2007). Psihologiya treningovoy raboty: Soderzhatelnye, organizatsionnye i metodicheskie aspekty vedeniya treningovoy gruppy [Psychology of training work: Content, organizational and methodological aspects of conducting a training group]. Moscow: Eksmo, 416 s.
2. Miliutina, K.L. (2004). Teoriia ta praktyka psykholohichnoho treninhu [Theory and practice of psychological training]: navchalnyi posibnyk. Kyiv: MAUP, 192 s.
3. Puzikov, V.G. (2007). Tehnologiya vedeniya treninga [Technology of conducting training]. Saint Petersburg: Izdatelstvo «Rech'», 224 s.
4. Fedorchuk, ММ. (2014). Treninh osobystisnoho zrostannia [Training of personal development]: navchalnyi posibnyk. Kyiv: «Tsentr uchbovoi literatury», 250 s.
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