Formation of creative personality: axiom life success

The essence and importance of forming a creative personality since studying in secondary education. The human creativity is capable of creating innovations in any field. The analyze the studied forms of work on the development of creative personality.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 03.12.2022
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Iryna Rozman,

Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of English, Literature and Teaching Methods, Mukachevo State University (Mukachevo, Ukraine)


Ірина Розман,

доктор педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри англійської мови, літератури з методиками навчання, Мукачівський державний університет (м. Мукачево, Україна)

Анотація. У статті розкрито сутність і значення формування творчої особистості в процесі навчання в закладах середньої освіти. Зазначено, що динамічні зміни в усіх сферах людської діяльності слугують потребі формування високого рівня інтелектуального розвитку особистості. Наголошено, що креативні можливості людини здатні до створення та засвоєння інновацій у будь-якій галузі. Сучасні тенденції розвитку суспільства мають усі можливості щодо виховання критично-мислячого покоління. Зауважено на тому, що сучасна молода людина - не тільки спостерігач, а творець свого щастя. Юнацтво спроможне генерувати оригінальні ідеї, брати на себе розв'язання сміливих завдань, нестандартних рішень та відповідати за них. Метою статті є аналіз вже досліджених форм роботи щодо розвитку творчої особистості та рекомендації щодо здійснення успішної власної життєвої позиції. Використано як загальні, так і спеціальні методи вивчення питання: порівняння та дослідження наукового матеріалу, абстрагування, сходження від абстрактного до особистого спостереження. Зосереджено увагу на результатах дослідження, які є підтвердженні власними висновками щодо значення формування гнучких якостей для розвитку творчої особистості. Зазначено, що для розв'язання цього питання необхідно враховувати перспективні освітні технології. Вони формують сутність методичної культури майбутнього фахівця. Формування творчої особистості повинно відбуватися в процесі професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів. Саме такий підхід визначає напрям професійно-педагогічної діяльності, що сприяє не тільки розвитку, а й подальшому саморозвитку педагога-професіонала. Акцентовано, що творча особистість - це такий тип особистості, для якої характерна стійка, високого рівня спрямованість на творчість, мотиваційно- творча активність. Ці якості проявляються в органічній єдності з високим рівнем творчих здібностей. Вказані здібності дають змогу особистості досягти прогресивних, соціально та особисто значущих результатів у одній або кількох видах діяльності. Учені виокремлюють такі риси творчої особистості: проблемне бачення ситуації, сміливість думки, гнучкість мислення, альтернативність, незалежність, діалектичність, здатність до перенесення та критичність. Аналізуючи думки та висновки знаних фахівців, доведено, що творчі здібності особистості - це поєднання особистих властивостей і рис характеру людини відповідно до вимог певного виду освітньо-творчої діяльності.

Ключові слова: критично-мисляче покоління, творча думка, рушійна сила, креативний підхід, людський капітал, інноваційний тип, методичне мислення, саморозвиток.

development creative personality secondary education

Abstract. The article reveals the essence and importance of forming a creative personality since studying in secondary education. It is noted that dynamic changes in all spheres of human activity serve the need to form a high level of intellectual development of the individual. It is emphasized that human creativity is capable of creating and mastering innovations in any field. Modern trends in society have every opportunity to educate the critical generation. It is noted that the young man at the moment is not only an observer, but the creator of his own happiness. Young people are able to generate original ideas, take on solutions to bold ideas, non-standard solutions, be responsible for them. The aim of the article is to analyze the studied forms of work on the development of creative personality and to offer their own conclusions before the implementation of a successful own life position. The study of these issues was both general and special methods of studying issues: research and study of the material used, abstraction, coincidence from the abstract to the personal level. It is indicated on the results of research, which are confirmed by their own arguments about the importance of forming flexible qualities for development and creative personality.

To address this issue, it is necessary to take into account promising educational technologies. They form the essence of the methodological culture of the future specialist. The formation of a creative personality should take place in the process of professional training of future teachers. This approach determines the direction of professional and pedagogical activities, which contributes not only to the development but also to the further self-development of the professional teacher. It is emphasized that the creative personality is a type of personality, which is characterized by a stable, high level of creativity, motivational and creative activity. These qualities are manifested in organic unity with a high level of creativity. These abilities allow individuals to achieve progressive, socially and personally significant results in one or more activities. Scholars distinguish the following traits of creative personality: problematic vision of the situation, boldness of thought, flexibility of thinking, alternative, independence, dialectics, tolerability and critical thinking. Analyzing the opinions and conclusions of well-known experts, it is proved that the creative abilities of the individual - a combination of personal qualities and character traits in accordance with the requirements of a particular type of educational and creative activities.

Keywords: critical-thinking generation, creative thought, driving force, creative approach, human capital, innovative type, methodical thinking, self-development.


The problem formulation. Dynamic changes in all spheres of human activity serve the need for formation with a high level of intellectual development. Human creativity is able to create and master innovations in any field. Modern trends in society have every opportunity to educate the critical generation.

The modern young man is not only an observer, but also a creator of his own happiness. Young people are able to generate original ideas, to take decisions of bold ideas, non-standard decisions, to be responsible for them.

Human resources require constant creative work to improve the capabilities of the individual. Today the system of national education is focused on the development of higher education, which makes adjustments in the process of professional training of future professionals for the development of the state. Accordingly, the system of training future specialists in higher education institutions must meet the new requirements and ensure a high level of readiness. This applies, first of all, to teachers who will promote the professional activity and methodological readiness of specialists. It is necessary to develop methodical thinking in future teachers. This makes it possible to become a litmus test for determining the level of formation of the student. Helps to transform psychological, pedagogical and subject knowledge into methodological activities. Teachers need to focus on the concept of humanizing education.

Education of creative personality is one of the leading tasks of modern school, because now, in the period of formation of new social relations in Ukraine, more than ever, our country needs people who are able to make unusual decisions, able to think creatively.


The aim of the article is to analyze the already studied forms of work on the development of creative personality and offer their own conclusions to the implementation of a successful own life position.


To address this issue, it is necessary to take into account promising educational technologies. They are the essence of the methodological culture of the future specialist. The formation of a creative personality should take place in the process of professional training of future teachers. This approach determines the direction of professional and pedagogical activities, which contributes not only to the development but also to the further self-development of the professional teacher.

Such foreign scientists as M. Armstrong, D. Bell, N. Bontis, J. K. Galbraith, E. Darendorf, P. Drucker, E. Cannes, FW Taylor, K. Tominaghi and others. The works of scientists G. Becker, T. Schultz, L. Throw, M. Blaug, S. Bowle, W. Bowen, B. Kicker, E. Denison, J. Kendrick, F. Welch, J. Coleman. This issue was developed in the works of Ukrainian I. Antonyuk, S. Vovkanych, O. Hnybidenko, O. Gerasimenko, I. Grishnova. The importance of pedagogical conditions for the development of talent in their works highlighted: I. Aksarina, E. Ganin, O. Nazarova, N. Parkhomenko, R. Seryozhnikova, N. Tverezovskaya, L. Filippova, L. Yakovitskaya (pol. Marina Hrynova).

As Nella Nychkalo notes, «At the beginning of the 21st century, in the conditions of rapid development of globalization and integration processes, the theory of human capital acquires special significance. It was theoretically substantiated and introduced into scientific circulation at the turn of the 50-60s of the twentieth century» (pol. Nella Nychkalo). Creative thought can be the driving force of progress.

According to T.V Schultz «education, professional qualifications, developed talents, health, understood as the concept of human capital, have a specific economic value» (pol. Theodor Shultz). Theodor William Schultz, winner of the Nobel Prize (1961), proved that the set of knowledge, skills, abilities used to use the various needs of man and society as a whole, have a basis for creative man. Teacher creativity has great potential for educating creative personality.

Pedagogical conditions are considered a system of measures aimed at informatization of the educational space. First, a certain style of work of teachers should be developed, focused on the formation of the development of creative abilities of students. Second, there must be a motivation for the learner to use new information technologies. Third, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of educational content based on the integration of new information technologies. Subjects should be introduced in higher education institutions that will promote this goal. The most important thing is to implement practical forms of teaching and allocate a sufficient number of hours for laboratory classes. Soft skills education helps to develop communication skills, analytical and critical thinking. The ability to listen and work in a team is also a component of success.

Setting and achieving goals through an active life position is an important asset for a bright life position. Positive emotional attitude, ability to resolve conflicts and the ability to be inspired by new ideas will always help in creating a reliable business (pol. Svetlana Sysoieva).

It has long been believed that outstanding talent is first and foremost heredity. When it is said that Mozart gave his first concert at the age of three, or that John Stuart Mill read classical Latin literature at the same age, most of us react simply: "Of course, they are geniuses".

According to members of the Japanese Association for Early Development, which was founded more than 30 years ago, neither Mozart nor Mill were born geniuses, their talent began to develop due to the fact that from an early age they created favorable conditions and gave excellent education (pol. Irina Hryshchenko).

There is a whole science of acmeology - the science of ways to achieve the highest level of personal activity. Today this level is considered to be creative activity.

Creative personality is much better and easier to adapt to domestic, social and industrial conditions, uses them more effectively and changes according to their own preferences, beliefs and more. It is in the process of solving creative problems, finding non-standard ways to solve them that students develop the ability to be critical of the trivial, learn to discuss.

Creativity of students contributes to the formation of their moral, ethical and volitional qualities. Creative activity of schoolchildren has a beneficial effect on their physical and aesthetic development (Why and how to develop children's creative abilities, 2019).

In the system of creative learning, the value of the mistake made by the student is assessed differently. Much attention is paid to the didactic function of doubt in the process of creative search. Doubt is seen as a warning against error.

It is well known that the most effective method to develop creativity is a game, and especially developmental. Research by psychologists shows that productive creative thinking is facilitated by mastering special ways.

Such methods include: selection of opposite properties, search for analogies, associating concepts, asking questions, reformulating, generating ideas, combining and others (Why and how to develop children's creative abilities, 2019).

Coaches who can help set you up for collaboration. Optimists, positive people will not take away your creative energy of life affirmation.

Creating and managing a successful campaign is extremely difficult. I completely agree with A. Robertson: “The leader of such a team needs to learn to quickly recognize talent, respond to it and give the opportunity to grow.

He must be the person under whose leadership a talented person would like to be. This is hard work, but if you understand how to do it, the reward will be high (pol. Alan Robertson). The author emphasizes that talent provides an opportunity to create conditions for further development of creative personality and benefit from its ability to work. The development of his talent encourages a person to be happy and satisfied with his work, and helps a talented leader to keep it in his team.

N Kabus substantiates the expediency of applying the resource approach as a methodological basis for socio- pedagogical activities for the sustainable development of social groups, identifying the main resources, the activation of which will ensure the effectiveness of activities.

The scientist notes that the resource approach is an important basis for solving the problem of sustainable overall development. The most valuable resources of society, which ensure its ability to progressively develop on the basis of sustainable development, are social and human capital” (pol. Nataliya Kabus)

According to Korina LV it is necessary to develop the nonlinearity of students' thinking by finding and analyzing errors and reviewing. The moment of task analysis is very important: it is better to check it near the student. So he immediately sees the mistakes and comments of the teacher. High-level tasks that can be solved in different ways are also very important. Deliberately provoked error and tasks with uncertain answers force you to work creatively.

The purpose of such forms of work is to establish the probability of the solution condition only with the introduction of creativity and solid knowledge of a particular individual. Tasks are aimed at selecting and optimizing the solution process, non-standard and original solutions. Solving these types of problems (problems) develops the ability of the individual to reflective and evaluative actions and, along with creativity, criticality improves such intellectual personal qualities as independence, flexibility, anti-conformism of thinking (pol. Lyubov Korinna).


Therefore, you need qualified help and support in the formation of a talented person. Coaching is a great tool to help develop a creative personality. Ask the right questions, analyze the answers and re-encourage new questions to actively seek solutions. Being able to answer your own question helps the employee take responsibility for the results obtained and feel your importance for the satisfaction and success of their work. Taking care of the development of creative abilities of students, involving them in creative work, we create the necessary conditions for the development of all, without exception, the mental qualities of students.

However, one of the most important problems in the field of education today is to rethink the importance of the role of teachers in the educational process. It is important to pay attention to the need to give priority to problem- based, research-based learning technologies.


Kabus, N. (2016). Resursnyi pidkhid yak pidgruntia sotsialno-pedahohichnoi diialnosti zi staloho rozvytku sotsialnykh hrup (Resource approach as a basis for socio-pedagogical activities for sustainable development of social groups). Scientific notes of Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatiuk. Series: Pedagogy, 1, 10-16. Retrieved from (in Ukrainian).

Shultz, T (1968). Human Capital in the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Vol. 6. N.Y. (in English).

Dlia choho i yak rozvyvaty tvorchi zdibnosti ditei (Why and how to develop children's creative abilities): metodychni rekomendatsii. (2019). Retrieved from Y1AC0QFnoECA4QAw& ditey-134254.html&usg=AOvVaw0Groy5VrBNn_rZfQPkHpqC (in Ukrainian).

Hrynova, M. V., Moroz, A. (2018). Pedahohichni umovy zberezhennia liudskoho kapitalu v ob'iednanii terytorialnii hromadi (Pedagogical conditions for the preservation of human capital in a united territorial community). Origins of pedagogical skills, 22, 63-67. Retrieved from https:// CAgQAQ& sg=AOvVaw01Hs5U91Kj1Bp1EojtWaXQ (in Ukrainian).

Hryshchenko, I. M. (2009). Kharakterni osoblyvosti rozvytku osvity v Yaponii (Characteristic features of the development of education in Japan). Tribune, 11-12, 28-29 (in Ukrainian).

Korinna, L. V. (2014). Formuvannia tvorchoi osobystosti v systemi roboty litseiu z obdarovanoiu moloddiu (Formation of creative personality in the system of lyceum work with gifted youth). Innovative approaches to the education of student youth in higher educational institutions, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Zhytomyr, May 22-23, 2014. Zhytomyr: ZhSU Publishing House. I. Franko (in Ukrainian).

Nychkalo, N. (2013). Problemy rozvytku liudskoho kapitalu u pedahohitsi i psykholohii (Problems of human capital development in pedagogy and psychology). Nauczyciel i Szkota, 1(53), 55-64 (in Ukrainian).

Sysoieva, S. (2006). Osnovy pedahohichnoi tvorchosti (Fundamentals of pedagogical creativity): pidruchnyk. Kyiv (in Ukrainian).

Robertson, Alan, Abbey, Graham. (2004). Upravlenye talantamy. Kak yzvlech vyhodu yz talanta vashykh podchynennykh (Talent management. How to benefit from the talent of your subordinates). Dnepropetrovsk (in Russian).

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