Cultural approach in shaping the readiness of future educators for creative artistic and constructive activity with preschoolers

Analysis of the ethno-aesthetic component of the cultural approach in the process of preparing educators for the management of creative artistic and constructive activities of children. Aestheticization of the educational process in education institution.

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Дата добавления 05.12.2022
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Cultural approach in shaping the readiness of future educators for creative artistic and constructive activity with preschoolers

Galyna Boryn,

Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Культурологічний підхід у формуванні готовності майбутніх вихователів до творчої художньо-конструктивної діяльності з дошкільниками

Галина Борин,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)


Статтю присвячено аналізу етноестетичному складнику культурологічного підходу в процесі підготовки майбутніх вихователів до керівництва творчою художньо-конструктивною діяльністю дітей дошкільного віку. Особливу увагу зосереджено на тому, що вдосконалення підготовки майбутніх вихователів до виховання дітей дошкільного віку пов'язано з відродженням культурно-освітньої місії закладу вищої освіти, налагодженням тих освітніх взаємовідносин, які передбачають єдність форм, методів і засобів духовного та творчого розвитку майбутніх педагогів. Наголошено, що в основу культурологічного підходу покладено систему ціннісного відношення до соціального оточення, до самого себе. У сучасній педагогічній науці культурологічний підхід є методологією, в основу якого - педагогіка гуманізму, він передбачає формування майбутньої особистості у відповідних історико-культурних умовах життя, розвитку, освіти.

З'ясовано, що підготовка майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти є перманентним едукаційним процесом, зміст якої узгоджується українським суспільством. В основі означеного процесу - звичаї та традиції українського народу, орієнтування на національні взірці народного мистецтва. Уточнено, що естетизацію освітнього процесу в закладі вищої освіти зорієнтовано на використання тих форм і методів, які сприяють становленню педагогічної культури здобувача освіти засобами мистецтва. Українське народне мистецтво, проникаючи у зміст навчання студентів, забезпечує можливості задля всебічного гармонійного розвитку майбутнього вихователя, сприяє реалізації його творчого потенціалу. Розглянуто процедури реалізації етноестетичного компоненту культуроголічного підходу під час художньо-конструктивної діяльності здобувачів освіти у закладі вищої освіти з активізацією таких характеристик: цілісність і субсенсорність (надчутливість) сприйняття світу, синергія, образність, асоціативність, чутливість мислення, здатність до анімізму.

Ключові слова: культурологічний підхід, художньо-конструктивна діяльність, освітній процес, заклад дошкільної освіти, етноестетичний компонент, професійна підготовка, заклад вищої освіти, здобувачі освіти, діти дошкільного віку.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the ethno-aesthetic component of the cultural approach in the process of preparation of future educators for the management of creative artistic and constructive activity of preschool children. Particular attention is paid to the fact that improving the training of future educators for the upbringing of preschool children is related to the revival of the cultural and educational mission of a higher education institution, establishing those educational relationships that provide for the unity of forms, methods and means of spiritual and creative development of future teachers. It is emphasized that the basis of the cultural approach is the system of value attitude to the social environment, to itself. In modern pedagogical science, the cultural approach is a methodology, which is based on the pedagogy of humanism, it involves the formation of a future personality in the relevant historical and cultural conditions of life, development, education.

It has been found that the preparation of future educators of preschool education institutions is a permanent edging process, the content of which is agreed by ukrainian society. At the heart of this process - customs and traditions of the л^іпєп people, orientation on national models of folk art. It is clarified that the aesthetization of the educational process in the higher education institution is focused on the use of those forms and methods that contribute to the formation of pedagogical culture of the applicant with the means of art. Ukrainian folk art, penetrating the content of students' learning, provides opportunities for the comprehensive harmonious development of the future tutor, promotes the realization of his creative potential. The procedures for the implementation of the ethno-aesthetic component of the cultural approach during the artistic and constructive activity of education applicants in higher education with the activation of the following characteristics are considered: integrity and sub-sensory (hypersensitivity) of the perception of the world, synergy, imagery, association, sensitivity. ethnoaesthetic educator cultural education

Keywords: cultural approach, artistic and constructive activity, educational process, preschool education institution, ethnosthetic component, professional training, higher education institution, education applicants, preschool children.


The problem formulation. In a difficult period of complicated historical events, characterized by the struggle for independence, national-cultural and legal assertion of statehood, the task of restructuring society, the strengthening of the foundations of its spiritual culture. Improvement of the training of future educators for the upbringing of preschool children is associated with the revival of the cultural and educational mission of the institution of higher education, the establishment of those educational relationships that provide the unity of forms, methods and means of spiritual and creative development of future teachers. The basis of these processes is based on the formation of the basic professional culture of the applicant of education, the education of its ability to perceive works of art, the formation of high aesthetic ideals, cultural needs, the development of cultural self-knowledge.

Improvement of methodological bases of pedagogical activity, professional mobility and creative activity require students' ability to perceive and introduce innovative pedagogical experience. The cultural approach involves mastering the future teacher of general and professional-pedagogical culture, assimilation of relevant pedagogical theories, technologies, values, because in its future professional practice it will implement the cultural functions of the national education system.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In modern pedagogical science, the cultural approach is a methodology, which is based on the pedagogy of humanism. This approach involves the formation of a future personality in the relevant historical and cultural conditions of life, development, education. The basis of the cultural approach is the system of value attitude to the social environment, to itself. The peculiarities of the formation of the methodological culture of the future teacher are covered in the studies of O. Abdulina, I. Beha, V. Bondar, G. Valeyev, I. Ziazun, O. Moroz, V. Slastionina, N. Khmel. The issue of improving the aesthetic and cultural education of preschool children is covered in the scientific achievements of scientists M. Dubovik, M. Kardashov, N. Kirichenko, V. Kotlyar, I. Likkova, O. Sukhorukova, L. Sirchenko. The peculiarities of the influence of decorative and crafts on the formation of the future personality of preschoolers are devoted to research by scientists O. Botyuk, L. Kaluska, M. Kirichenko, T. Yeskova, S. Lavrynenko, L. Sirchenko, L. Dikidanova. The problems of using the means of science in working with children of preschool age are covered in the studies of L. Artemova, G. Bellynko, A. Bogush, N. Lysenko, E. Lozynskaya. Scientists substantiate the theoretical foundations of national science, methodological aspects of familiarization of children with Ukrainian folklore, national culture, art, state and national symbols, life, holidays, customs, rituals, games, toys, folk crafts and arts.

Scientific intelligence indicates that the ethnosthetic component of the cultural approach in the preparation of future teachers for the leadership of creative artistic and constructive activity of preschool children has not been sufficiently investigated and requires further scientific developments.

THE AIM AND Research Tasks - analysis of the ethno-aesthetic component of the cultural approach in the process of preparation of future educators for the leadership of creative artistic and constructive activity of preschool children.


Elaboration of scientific sources and modern approaches to the problem of applying a cultural approach in higher education institution; Analysis, generalization, synthesis and systematization of scientists in order to distinguish the ethnosthetic aspect of a cultural approach in the professional training of future educators for creative artistic and constructive activity with preschool children.


The essence of the methodology of the cultural approach is in the study of the spiritual world of the individual in the context of its socio-cultural existence. As a specific scientific methodology of cognition, the cultural approach is based on the value paradigm and is conditioned by the objective connection of the applicant with the culture and system of values of society and contains the ethnic part of the culture of the native land. The preparation of future educators of preschool education institutions is a permanent ecclesiastical process, the content of which is consistent with ukrainian society. At the heart of this process - customs and traditions of the ukrainian people, orientation on national models of folk art. The aesthetization of the educational process in the institution of higher education is focused on the use of those forms and methods that contribute to the formation of pedagogical culture of the applicant with the means of art. Ukrainian folk art, penetrating the content of students' learning, provides opportunities for the comprehensive harmonious development of the future tutor, promotes the realization of his creative potential. Education of personality on the centuries-old experience of their people, traditions of applied art, imbued with centuries-old educational folk wisdom. Therefore, future educators should master pedagogical skills in the guidance of artistic and constructive activity of children using the traditions of ukrainian folk arts and crafts.

Future educators should aim that teaching children to produce useful, affordable (taking into account their age characteristics) use, contribute to the enrichment of the spiritual world of the child, nurture a desire to work creatively. The use of these ethno -aesthetic means contributes to the formation of ideas about culture, life, traditions, customs, rituals of the native people; familiarity with the spiritual and material values of the family and the people, with the connection of man with past and future generations as the basics of national consciousness, which is the foundation of national-patriotic education.

Educators should form a willingness to familiarize children (in an accessible form) with aesthetic value, history, traditions, symbols of works of different types of arts and crafts, which conveys aesthetic ideals, features national manifestations. Particular attention is paid to this aspect of the selective discipline «Decorative аrts and fundamentals of design». Her students master in the sixth semester: they get acquainted with different types of decorative art of ukraine, master practical skills in the production They paint products in the techniques of petrikov, opishnansky, yavoriv and other paintings. According to T. Yeskova, the peculiarities of the professional training of future educators in the specified line «should be considered in the psychological-pedagogical and art aspects of creativity» (Yeskova T., 2018, рр. 5). In particular, the scientist advises during the teaching of the discipline «Decorative arts and fundamentals of design» to use cross-curricular connections.

It is well known that the personality develops on the basis of the system of cultural values acquired by it and, at the same time, brings new ones, creating its own elements of culture. The cultural approach is important for the development of humanistic pedagogical foundations, since it is based on the idea of human-centrism, which is based on its object, the value of a person as a person, is based on the recognition of personality rights, his free creative development in accordance with natural abilities. Of great importance in the professional training of future educators in the designated aspect should be given to a folk toy, which is an integral part of the organization of educational process in the institution lifestyle in general. Due to its naturalness, elegance of forms, variety of possibilities of natural materials, symbolism and perfection of aesthetic properties, ukrainian folk toys develop the inner world of the child, aesthetic taste, evoke a sense of belonging to their people, its history, form national consciousness.

The acquisition of future educators of ethnosthetic experience is carried out by means of folk pedagogy, ethno -pedagogy, ethnoesetics. Artistic and constructive training of future teachers, despite significant achievements in this field, should be directed to the readiness of education applicants to familiarize children with folk crafts and crafts: Easter eggs, embroidery, pottery, weaving; formation of ability to demonstrate the peculiarities of the implementation of unique folk paintings in the variety of their patterns; mastering the stages of manufacturing products, displaying the uniqueness of each product. It is also important to develop the ability of future educators to aim preschoolers to create their own compositions, to develop creative abilities, to cultivate observation, attentiveness, respect and a caring attitude to the traditions, customs and rituals of their people.

Works of folk art are used in the design of the interior and exterior of the preschool education institution, they are introduced to the classes, used for the independent visual activity of children. It is important that familiarization with works of art is accompanied by stories about their origin, purpose, accents on the brightness, colorfulness and originality of paintings and images. This will contribute to the desire of children to create and decorate household items. It should be borne in mind that the aesthetics of life, as an ethno -aesthetic tool, contributes to an awareness of the child of the beauty of the surrounding reality, the education of it the desire to create and protect it. The aesthetic design of the group room of the institution of preschool education is determined by the requirements for the protection of life and promotion of health of children, the content of educational work, the tasks of artistic and aesthetic development. It is important that the design of the premises is stylistic, facilitated with the life of their people. Therefore, the interior of the preschool education institution should contain beautiful embroideries, wrapping, woven carpets, carved items of daily use, folk ceramics, folk toys. This contributes to the development of aesthetic preferences, patriotism, diligence.

We believe that the preparation of students for the organization of artistic and constructive activity with children of preschool age should be based on the support of ethno-pedagogy. Such work should be organized on the basis of the interconnections of folk-pedagogical experience with the manifestations of artistic and aesthetic activity of the students themselves, the level of their awareness in the field of folk art, the attachment for creative self-realization. Involvement of preschool children in folk crafts, decorative and crafts, promotes the education of worthy citizens of their country, who are able to respect representatives of different cultures, be aware goodwill, compassion, courage and more.

We agree with the ideas of N. Shevchenko on the need to take into account the set of interrelated pedagogical conditions by the tutor in order to efficiency of use of ethnosthetic means in the practice of preschool education institution, in particular:

• adherence to the criteria of accessibility, multifunctionality, aesthetics, emotional saturation and personal significance of ethno -aesthetic means for the child in the process of their choice;

• systematicity, consistency, purposefulness of using ethnosthetic material;

• the study of elements of science should be supported by the family, be diverse and multidimensional (Shevchenko N., 2015);

• satisfaction with the relationship with the teacher and children, the results of joint activity, which is ensured by the caregiver's attention to each child, a demonstration of respect for her and a friendly attitude to her activity; belief in the ability of the child, creating a situation of success;

• use in the design of the premises of the institution of preschool education and in various activities of elements of folk life and art;

• motivation of children by the teacher for creative activity, their support, encouragement.

It is well known that the involvement of preschoolers in the works of ukrainian folk decorative art forms an artistic taste, a sense of beautiful, contains an ethno -aesthetic component, because it fosters a love for the traditions of their native land, encourages children to create on the example of folk craftsmen. Traditional folk stylized motifs of artistic products are quite affordable and interesting for the reproduction of preschoolers with decorative drawing, applique, sculpting, decoration of children by their own.

In order to activate students' mental activity and involve them in the perception of the best examples of folk craftsmen, it is necessary to use a special form of training, which is based on practical actions of display and demonstration, creative solution of a certain cognitive and problematic pedagogical problem-master class. Thus, on the eve of Easter holidays, students have the opportunity to learn to produce different types of easter eggs while participating in a creative master class that takes place in the art museum; get acquainted with the peculiarities of egg decoration with different materials; master the most famous practical techniques for the production of easter eggs; they create easter souvenirs on their own, which during the holidays will be able to give relatives. Participation in such workshops is a very useful process for future preschool specialists, because it gives them the opportunity to join the spiritual treasury of the ukrainian people, to combine their theoretical knowledge of the courses «Fundamentals of fine arts with the method of management of imagery of children», «Decorative and applied art», «Art work and basics of design» with practical activities. Children of products they make on their own.

The organization of artistic and constructive activity of education applicants during practical classes occurs with the activation of the following characteristics: integrity and sub-sensory (hypersensitivity) of the perception of the world, synergy, imagery, associative, sensitivity of thinking, ability to animism. It is also important to consider traditional and innovative (including the integration of humanities and neuro sciences) technology of creative development of children. It should be borne in mind that the development of individual creative abilities of preschool children occurs against the background of general development in the process of specially organized classes, characterized not only by artistic and aesthetic skills, but also by depth and force of interest, conscious attitude to the quality-constructive activity. This is facilitated by the creation of an appropriate environment, a successful selection of tools and methods of working with children that would contribute to the aesthetic development of the surrounding reality, its reflection in their own creative activity. The development of the tasks will help students to reveal their creative abilities necessary in working with children, will promote the improvement of artistic and constructive skills. It is also necessary to direct the future caregivers to the conclusion that in folk pedagogy of great importance the ethno -aesthetic essence of labor education was given through the involvement of children in different types of crafts: wooden and earthenware, carved products, embroidery, weaving, etc. It should be borne in mind that the nervous system of older preschool children is characterized by the plasticity of the nervous system. Therefore, the sensitivity to the beauty of art is deeply rooted, which creates at the same time favorable conditions for the aesthetic development of the future personality, taking into account the ethnic environment in which he resides.


The institution of higher education becomes the educational environment in which the permanent cultural development of the student is carried out, the experience of cultural behavior is improved, cultural self-identification is expressed and personal creative potential is realized. The use of a cultural approach in the process of preparing future educators for the leadership of creative artistic and constructive activity of preschool children will contribute to the involvement of students in pedagogical reflection of their own artistic and aesthetic potentials on the basis of the latest ideas of psychological and pedagogical sciences. We believe that it is on the ethnoesthetic foundations that the latest technologies of artistic and constructive activity of children become deeper. The artistic and constructive development of preschoolers on the basis of ethnoesthetics necessitates the formation of a student's ethno-pedagogical culture, immersion in the element of folk crafts, decorative and crafts (embroidery, weaving, carpet, cutting, wilting, vicetting). Education applicant should learn the forms and methods of formation of ethnosthetic culture of preschool children, to understand the essential characteristics of the national culture of the Ukrainian people, to learn to use the latest educational technologies for the sake of artistic and aesthetic development of children in symbiosis with folk-pedagogical means.

Our further scientific intelligence is planned to devote to the characteristics of pedagogical conditions for the preparation of future educators for the management of creative artistic and constructive activity of preschool children by means of pedagogical practice.


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2. Yeskova T.L. (2018). Pidhotovka maybutnikh pedahohiv do kerivnytstva khudozhnoiu pratseiu v zakladakh doshkilnoyi osvity [Preparation of future teachers for the management of art work in the institutions of preschool education]. Innovation in education. Issue 7(1), 117-124.

3. Lavrynenko S.O. (2005). Pidhotovka maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovykh klasiv do natsionalnoho vykhovannia zasobamy mystetstva [Preparation of future primary school teachers for national education by means of art. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. Kirovograd.

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