Pedagogical realization of proper names translation

Analysis of onomastic vocabulary and the possibility of its implementation in English language classes for future translators. Research a system of scientific exercises to develop their competence. Ways to work out certain material in speech situations.

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Pedagogical realization of proper names translation

A.V. Prokopenko, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. in Philological Sciences; A.I. Velykodna, student of the 6th year of education, Sumy State University


The relevance of the study is due to the need for an in-depth analysis of onomastic vocabulary and the possibility of its use within English classes for future translators. Three main types of translation exercises have been studied: non-communicative, conditionally communicative and communicative. The study developed a number of visual exercises (according to each of the types) that can be used by the teacher in English classes for future translators. The exercises were based on the series of novels “Witcher” by Andrzej Sapkowsky, including the books “The Last Wish” and “The Sword of Destiny”. It is established that the use of all three types of exercises is important for the complex development of translation skills because all of them should debe used at different stages of elaboration of a new lexical topic; all of them have different directions, goals and methods of implementation. Thus, non-communicative exercises do not depend on the context and are aimed mainly at methodical sharpening of the studied material and bringing the student's knowledge to automatism.

Conditionally communicative exercises are characterized by proximity to the real language situation, but there is an unnatural repetition of vocabulary and grammar being studied. At this stage, the student can translate individual phrases, determine the type of translation transformations, etc. The stage of communicative exercises is the most difficult, because it involves direct work of the student with the text or its individual fragments (without prompts from the teacher).

Key words: communicative exercises, non-communicative exercises, conditionally communicative exercises, fantasy discourse, practical lessons of English language.


Педагогічна реалізація перекладу власних назв

А.В. Прокопенко, А.І. Великодна

Актуальність дослідження зумовлена необхідністю глибокого аналізу ономастичної лексики та можливості її на заняттях з англійської мови для майбутніх перекладачів. Досліджено три основні види перекладацьких вправ: некомунікативні, умовно-комунікативні та комунікативні. У рамках проведеного дослідження розроблено систему наочних вправ (відповідно до кожного із видів), які можуть бути використані вчителем на заняттях з англійської мови для студентів перекладацького напряму. Вправи розроблено на матеріалі циклу романів «Сага про Відьмака» Анджея Сапковського, зокрема книги «Останнє бажання» та «Меч призначення». Встановлено, що для комплексного розвитку перекладацьких навичок важливим є використання усіх трьох видів вправ, адже всі вони мають застосовуватися на різних етапах опрацювання нової лексичної теми і мають різне спрямування. Так, некомунікативні вправи не залежать від контексту та націлені основним чином на методичне повторення вивченого матеріалу та доведення його до автоматизму. На цьому етапі важливо надавати студенту вправи на встановлення відповідності, вправи з вибором готового варіанта відповіді. Для умовно комунікативних вправ характерною є наближеність до реальної мовної ситуації, дещо неприродня повторюваність лексики та граматики, що вивчається. На цьому етапі студент може перекладати окремі фрази, визначати вид перекладацьких трансформацій тощо. Етап комунікативних вправ є найскладнішим, адже передбачає пряму роботу студента з текстом чи окремими його фрагментами (без підказок з боку вчителя).

Ключові слова: комунікативні вправи, некомунікативні вправи, умовно комунікативні вправи, фентезійний дискурс, практичні заняття з англійської мови.

Proper names as an object of linguistic research have always attracted a lot of scientists. Onomastic lexicon has been studied by philosophers, historians, linguists, and culturologists from various aspects and points of view. The meaning and connection of the proper names with the culture and development of society still generate a lot of controversy among scholars.

The relevance of our research is that in modern linguistics not all issues related to the denotative-nominative classification of proprial vocabulary, its typology and features of translation in certain types of thematic discourse have been systematized and analyzed. We consider it necessary to analyze the influence of onomastic lexicon on the training of translation skills during the practical classes of the English language.

This issue was viewed by following linguists: A.V. Superanska, Ye.M. Vereschahin, V.H. Kostomarov, O.V. Nazarenko, Tim Brennen. These scientists have made a range of proper names classifications and tried to explain the linguistic nature of onyms. The majority of their classifications are based on such criteria as subject and object correlation. O.V. Nazarenko investigates fantasy discourse and the use of proper names in it.

The following methods were used within the research: descriptive method, comparative historical method, method of continuous sampling, method of comparison, method of analysis and synthesis, method of abstraction, method of induction and deduction, method of dictionary definition.

The object of research is proper names in English fantasy discourse.

The subject of the research is the peculiarities of proper names translation from English into Ukrainian (on the basis of fantasy discourse).

The aim of the work is to develop methods for implementing the onomastic lexicon during the English language classes for tra i n ing the translation skills of the students.

The results of the research

The problem of interpreting proper names remains relevant for both interpreters and editors today. The main responsibility lies in the correct choice of translation technique, which helps to preserve the semantic and stylistic features of proprial vocabulary. At the same time, the translator must pay primary attention to the genre features of the discourse and the readership. No less important is the complexity of semantic structures and connections in onomastic lexicon, because when searching for a match for [it in the target language, these connections are often lost, which provokes difficulties in identifying the person or object that bears the submitted names.

For decades, there has been a formal notion in translation practice of "automatic" translation of onomastic vocabulary. The long-term use of this approach has resulted in numerous inaccuracies and errors in the translation of proper names of foreign origin. In addition, such accuracy in the transmission of foreign onyms often provokes the appearance of words that are inconvenient for pronunciation and memorization in the target language [2, p. 29].

To date, linguists have not established clear rules for the transmission of foreign onyms from English into Ukrainian and vice versa. In general, this situation is quite understandable, because, Ukrainian and English do not have complete equivalent equivalents at the lexical, grammatical and even phonological levels. Thus, even the sound forms of closely related languages can differ significantly, while English and Ukrainian belong to different language families.

The methodology of translation teaching is a rather complex science, and the main of its principles is the existence of a clear and consistent linguodidactic system [1]. It is with the help of this science that an experienced teacher can identify the main areas that need to be worked out in the process of training interpretation and translation during English classes, as well as select appropriate exercises that will promote the diverse development of professional skills of a translator.

We consider it necessary to use the classification, which is based on the criteria of compliance of exercises with specific goals of the learning process, to highlight the exercises developed by us for studying the material on the topic "Translation of proper names" [3]:

• conditionally communicative;

• communicative;

• non-communicative.

The main characteristic of non- communicative exercises related to the translation of proper names is that they do not depend on the context, so they can be used during the first stage of practical study of the topic. The main attention of the student will be focused on the correctness of the search for an equivalent match to the proper name in the target language without involving the language situation, which should be addressed after mastering the minimum skills on the given topic.

There are a few examples of non- communicative exercises developed by us to improve practical skills on the topic "Translation of proper names". The exercises were developed on the basis of a series of novels "Witcher" by Andrzej Sapkowski, in particular, "The Last Wish" and "The Sword of Destiny".

Exercise 1. Name the translation techniques used in translating such anthroponyms and mythonyms.

Treska - Жмутик;

Foltest - Фолтест;

Velerad - Велерад;

Adda - Адда;

Witcher - Відьмин;

Black Annis - Баба-Яга.

Exercise 2. Name the translation techniques used in the translation of such toponyms:

Cintra - Цинтра;

Blaviken -Блавікен;

Dorndal - Домдаль;

Tridam - Тридам;

Murivel - Мурівел;

Holopole - Холопілля.

Using these exercises will help students better understand and consolidate the language material. At the stage of non-communicative exercises the teacher gives the students the opportunity to receptively perceive new material: recognizing translation techniques based on comparing words or phrases of the source language and the target one; matching phrases with the method of their translation, etc. Thus, the main feature of non- communicative exercises is in their unproductiveness.

Due to the use of conditionally communicative exercises, students have the opportunity to train a certain material in a language situation that is as close as possible to the natural one. The difference is that the actions performed by students are almost not reproduced in a real language environment: repetition of a similar lexicon or grammar. Below we present examples of conditionally communicative exercises that can be used by the teacher:

Exercise 1. Translate anthroponyms from English into Ukrainian, name the translation techniques which were used by you:

Geralt, Marilka, Foltest, Carry-pebble, Shrixe, Voivod Tracasse, Master Irion, Borg, Karelka.

Exercise 2. Translate toponyms from English into Ukrainian, name the translation techniques which were used by you:

Temeria, Old Narakort Inn, Valley of Flowers, Wyzim, Dorndal, Yamurlak, Pontar, Tavern The Fox, Arcsea, Cintra, Murivel, Duchy of Attre.

Exercise 3. Name the techniques used for the translation of these onyms, make sentences with them.

Moola, Folger, Manticore, Bruxa, Monster, Striga, Ilyocoris, Leshy, Werewolf, Ghoul, Giant scorpion.

In fact, communicative exercises include teaching methods whose main purpose is the development and formation of communicative skills. At the same time, the student must already independently translate entire fragments of the text and be able to distinguish the lexical units indicated in them. Below we have presented possible options for communicative exercises that can be used in English translation practice classes.

Exercise 1. Translate the separate fragments into Ukrainian

A) “Levels. But they call me Degen or Fanger around here. And they use me to frighten children. “Frighten children,” repeated Geralt with his mouth full. "Without any reason, no doubt?"[4].

B) “Very well, Caldemeyn. What the heck, we'll risk a meeting with Master Irion. Shall we go? "[5].

C) Communicative exercises differ signify- cantly from the previous two types. The difference is primarily that at this stage the student is completely immersed in the speech situation and receives no hints from the teacher in the form of key words, indicating translation methods or comparisons. The student is given a set of sentences or a fragment of the text, after which he or she must not only perform the translation, but also identify the relevant lexical units within the passage, and then, analyzing the general content and style of discourse, choose the appropriate translation technique for these lexical units.

D) Based on the study, it can be concluded that a comprehensive approach should be used to teach the students how to translate the proper names. It is necessary not just to provide students with theoretical information and several exercises to consolidate it, but to conduct a comprehensive training using three types of exercises: non- communicative, communicative and conditionally communicative.

E) The practical value of the research lies in the detailed study of the features of onomastic vocabulary in the future and the analysis of its impact on the perception of artistic, in particular fantasy, discourse by the readers.

english vocabulary translator competence

Список використаних джерел

1. Торчинський М.М. Структура онімного простору української мови. Хмельницький: Авіст, 2008. 548 с.

2. Черноватий Л.М. Система вправ для навчання послідовного перекладу з опорою на систему перекладацького скоропису. Умань: Збірник наукових праць Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини. 2013. Вип. 3. С. 338-348.

3. Hamilton R. Mapping Metaphor with the Historical Thesaurus: A New Resource for Investigating Metaphor in Names. 2014.

4. Sapkowski A. The Last Wish.

5. Sapkowski A. The Sword of Destiny.


1. Hamilton R. (2014). Mapping Metaphor with the Historical Thesaurus: A New Resource for Investigating Metaphor in Names

2. Torchynskyi M.M. (2008). Struktura onimnoho prostoru ukrainskoi movy: monohrafiia [The structure of onyms in the Ukrainian language: monograph]. Khmelnytskyi: Avist. 548 p.

3. Chernovatyi L.M. (2013). Systema vprav dlia navchannia poslidovnoho perekladu z oporoiu na systemu perekladatskoho skoro- pysu [System of exercises for teaching consecutive translation based on the system of translation cursive]. Uman: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Umanskoho derzhavnoho pedahohich- noho universytetu imeni Pavla Tychyny. Vyp.11.338-348.

4. Sapkowski A. The Last Wish

5. Sapkowski A. The Sword of Destiny.

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