Typology of personal traits of officers involved in the training of csdets at higher military educational institutions (military educational units of higyer educational institutions) as the component of their image formation

The formation of a positive image of officers involved in the training of cadets at higher military educational institutions. The results of empirical research which effect the determination of typology of their personality traits of these officers.

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Дата добавления 11.12.2022
Размер файла 92,1 K

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Department of the Military Institute

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


K. Kravchenko, PhD in Psychology

L. Hrebeniuk, PhD in Pedagogy

L. Belichenko, Postgraduate Stud.



higher military educational officer

The purpose of the article is to highlight some part of the large-scale research on the formation of a positive image of officers involved in the training of cadets at higher military educational institutions (military educational units of higher educational institutions), namely: to present the results of empirical research which effect the determination of typology of their personality traits.

In our research we understand typology of personal traits as a set of pronounced and stable psychological characteristics that determine the behavior of the officer during his service. The following categories were determined among the involved officers: officers of the senior level, officers-educators, and officers of the course level of higher military educational institutions (military educational units of higher educational institutions) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the results of empirical research were defined three most typical personality traits for the officers of senior level and officers-educators, and four of them for the officers of the course level. Personality types of the senior level officers: 1) balanced type (59.43 %); 2) effective (22.42 %); 3) executive or committed (18.15 %). The balanced and effective types encompass the necessary range of personal characteristics that contribute to the formation of a positive image. The executive type lacks management skills. Personality types of the officers- educators: 1) star type (50.14 %); 2) introverted (14.05 %); 3) almost exemplary (11.43 %). Each type of officers-educators has a number of aspects that hinder them from forming a positive image, such as lack of self-will, emotionality, and pedagogical skills, as well as a certain rigidity during classes. Personality types of the course level officers: 1) correct or moral and ethical type (59.39 °%); 2) ambitious (14.01 °%); 3) infantile (10.78 °%); 4) dramatic (9.07 °%). Among the identified types of personality traits of course officers, problems in image formation may arise within infantile type. One of the main reasons is the establishment of friendly relations with cadets that affects the service of the latter and does not contribute to the formation of necessary qualities of future officers. That is why this type of officers cannot be a role model for others.

Keywords: personality traits, the image of officers of higher military educational institutions, senior officers, teaching officers, course officers.


К. Кравченко, канд. психол. Наук Л. Гребенюк, канд. пед. Наук Л. Беліченко, ад'юнкт штатний наук.-організац. від-ня Військового інституту Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна


Висвітлено частину масштабного дослідження щодо формування позитивного іміджу офіцерів, задіяних у підготовці курсантів у ВВНЗ (ВНП ЗВО), а саме: представлено результати емпіричних досліджень з визначення типології їхніх особистісних рис як комплексу яскраво виражених і стійких психологічних характеристик, що обумовлюють поведінку офіцера під час виконання його службової діяльності. Серед офіцерів, які брали участь у дослідженні виділено такі категорії: офіцери керівної ланки, офіцери-викладачі та офіцери курсової ланки ВВНЗ (ВНП ЗВО) ЗСУ. За результатами емпіричних досліджень серед офіцерів керівної ланки й офіцерів-викладачів визначено по три найпритаманніших їм типи особистісних рис, серед офіцерів курсової ланки - чотири. Типи особистості офіцерів керівної ланки: 1) збалансований тип (59,43 %); 2) результативний (22,42 %); 3) виконавчий, або відданий справі (18,15 %). Збалансований і результативний типи мають необхідний комплекс особистісних характеристик, які сприяють формуванню позитивного іміджу. Виконавчому типу не вистачає управлінських здібностей. Типи особистості офіцерів-викладачів: 1) зірковий тип (50,14 %); 2) інтровертований (14,05 %); 3) майже зразковий (11,43 %). У кожному з визначених типів, характерних офіцерам-викладачам, є певні аспекти, що заважають їм у формуванні позитивного іміджу, а саме: відсутність власного бажання, емоційності та педагогічної майстерності, а також певної жорсткості під час занять. Тип особистості офіцерів курсової ланки: 1) правильний або морально-етичний тип (59,39 %); 2) амбітний (14,01 %); 3) інфантильний (10,78 %); 4) драматичний (9,07 %). Серед визначених типів рис особистості офіцерів курсовоїланки проблеми у формуванні іміджу можуть виникнути в інфантильного типу. Однією з основних причин цього є притаманне зазначеному типу встановлення дружніх стосунків з курсантами, що негативно впливає на несення служби останніми та не формує у них необхідних якостей майбутніх офіцерів, тобто цей тип офіцерів курсової ланки неспроможний бути зразком для інших.

Ключові слова: риси особистості, імідж офіцерів ВВНЗ (ВНП ЗВО), офіцери керівної ланки, офіцери-викладачі, офіцери курсовоїланки.


Considering the formation of the image of officers who serve at higher military educational institutions (military educational units of higher educational institutions) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the specifics of military activity, we can claim, that the purpose of creating a positive image of officers is to influence cadets' consciousness, educate them as individuals and help to direct their further professional orientation as future defenders of the Motherland by personal example. It is obvious that under the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict this issue has become urgent.

In general, forming a positive image for an officer is not only an opportunity for self-expression and self-presentation, demonstration of the most important personal and professional traits, management skills to the target audience (not only cadets but also senior command), but also an effective mechanism for influencing personnel both during daily activities and under conditions of warfare. As V. Aleshchenko states: "Combat readiness, law and order, military discipline, moral and psychological state of personnel of subordinate unit primarily depends on the officer (his personal and professional qualities)" [1, p. 5-15].

The thorough theoretical analysis of the category "image" in various fields of science allows to identify common and necessary components during the formation of a positive image. Namely: moral and cultural values of the image bearer, knowledge and consideration of individual psychological feature of the target audience (those people for whom the image is created), the presence of such characteristic as competitiveness (the image carrier should be not just "good" but "better than others"), communicative and organizational (management) skills of the image carrier are quite important. The created image, or the newly formed, should not violate the legal framework and requirements of regulations governing the activities of its bearer and others [2, p. 111-112].

In the context of this article, the authors defined two other very important components in the formation of image: it should reflect the individual psychological characteristics of its carrier, i.e. not be fictional and artificial; the bearer of the image must demonstrate such personal and professional qualities that the target audience will have desire for personal development. This is due to the relevance of the chosen topic, namely the need for a detailed study of personality traits of officers involved in the training of cadets at higher military educational institutions (military educational units of higher educational institutions) and the creation of their typology.

Analysis of recent research

In military sphere, the image of officers is, of course, studied in the context of professional activity. D. Havra drew attention to the fact that providing of highly efficient functioning of the image carrier in the field of its main functional purpose is the key to any effective image policy and creation of positive reputation [3, p. 21].

According to A. Shumeiko, the conceptual model of the process of forming the image of an officer has the following components: environment for the formation of the professional image of a serviceman, his/her resources, specific individual manifestations of professional image [4, p. 207-213].

O. Kolosovych claims that successful style of professional activity of an officer contributes not only to his professional adaptation and formation of a positive image, but also to successful task (missions, orders) performance by his subordinate unit. Six basic levels of the style of professional activity of officers were defined by O. Kolosovych - sensory- motor, cognitive-creative, communicative, emotional-volitional, motivational, organizational [5, p. 22].

The adaptation of an officer to his/her activity plays a significant role in the formation of the image. A. Alieksieiev and others found [6], that during the process of adaptation to the activity, the style of "successful" officers are formed and characterized by independence, practice-orientation, energy, and optimism, developed organizational and communicative skills, high motivation to achieve practical results, adequate self-assessment. According to our research, adaptation to activity could be developed not only at military service, but also during educational process of future officers at higher military educational institutions (military educational units of higher educational institutions). But to realize this, a certain professional environment should be created, such professional environment where officers will be leaders, will be equal to them, and not vice versa.

V. Vintoniak found that the subjective image of the profession of modern officers is not sufficiently formed, and the components of the professional "I-image" do not become the subject of understanding and do not contribute to strengthening the professional identity of an officer [7, p. 180-185].

Let us consider foreign experience as to formation of the officers' image. Valuable and motivational components of the image of officers from various foreign countries are significant personal and professional traits, some of which are: in Israel - education of highly intelligent youth, committed to the ideals of the country and ready to serve for its interests; in USA - formation and development of personality of American military - patriot of the United States, motivated by selfimprovement. In Great Britain and France, encouragement of military to patriotism and understanding of their peacekeeping role in Western Europe based on democratic principles (which is also typical for the Armed Forces of Ukraine); in Germany - formation of flexible professional thinking, problem consciousness, readiness for clear assessment of real events (realism) [8; 9, p. 213-219; 10].

Social and psychological image characteristics of the personality of a US serviceman are optimal level of professional responsibility, leadership qualities that are perceived by other people as charismatic, patriotism and courage of the military personnel, proper level of training, example of valor and heroism [9, p. 213-219; 10-12, p. 110-121].

O. Kovalchuk claims that the Army Leader Development Strategy - ALDS [13, p. 52-57] is used to develop the image of the army in the United States - a purposeful process of becoming a competent leader with strong positive traits based on the synthesis of training and self-development. According to the scientist, the all-army program CSF2 (USA) prepares future army leader - an intellectually developed creative person who can adhere to high corporate moral and ethical standards of servicemen.

Thoroughly studying the category of "image", we came to clear and logical conclusion that the image of an officer can be attributed to individual (personal) and professional image, in contrast to the image of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which belongs to the image of the organization. It is necessary to distinguish two sides of the image: personal image - the image of man/woman, due to his/her inner qualities and individual properties of the psyche; professional image - the image of individual, determined by specific features of professional activity.

A. Zlotnikov, Yu. Bilotserkivska, V. Kyslyi, I. Prykhodko et al. [14, p. 167-171; 15, p. 171-175; 16, p. 478-493; 17; 18] identified such basic professionally significant qualities of the officer corps as: level of intelligence; motivation and focus; willpower; leadership and organizational skills; physical development; responsibility; speed of decision making; state of health; attention; psychological stability; the presence of a sense of self-preservation; resistance to external stimuli; level of professional knowledge, skills, abilities (level of mastery of military equipment and hardware, knowledge of general combat regulations and mastery of combat tactics, etc.).

The presence of the above mentioned qualities and their formation at a sufficient level contribute to the ability to manage personnel and, in turn, is one of the factors which form a positive image. This indicates the increased requirements to officers and the importance of psychological qualities for a person's willingness to be a commander with a certain positive image. But the process of forming and improving the necessary traits for leadership is not one-time but has its own sequence and logic. An important role in this process is played by the officer's systematic self-assessment of the degree of formation of professionally significant features.

The research by M. Muravska [19, p. 124-131] and B. Barkhaieva [20] made it possible to determine the cadets' ideal image of a leading officer: the first, the most important group of qualities reflects business qualities (orientation to military specialty in general), the second - strong-will, the third - attitude to people.

It should be noted that the factors influencing the formation of the image include motivation, military-professional orientation, professionalism, and skills of unit management. If such factors are present, it is possible to predict that some positive image of an officer will be formed, and vice versa - their absence can lead to the formation of a negative image.

Let's take a closer look at each of these factors:

1) motivational sphere of the officer's personality is the motivating element of activity, which also plays the role of a regulator. A number of recent studies [21, p. 93-103; 22, p. 61-72; 23; 24, p. 38-41; 25, p. 202-208; 26, p. 125-129] proved that motivation of officers to professional activities includes such structural elements as: professional vocation (attraction to a profession based on knowledge of its purpose); professional intentions (conscious attitude to a certain type of professional activity); valuable orientations in professional activity (developed by society and accepted by the individual grounds for assessing the purpose of work, the system of spiritual values, professional mentality, rules of professional ethics); motives of professional activity (internal motivation that determine the direction of human activity in professional behavior in general in orientation of people to various aspects of professional activity); professional harassment (the desire to achieve a certain level of professional activity, that is chosen by the person himself, knowing his previous results); professional expectations (ideas about their possible successes, relationships with colleagues);

2) military-professional orientation of officers. A. Polov- niev proposed to consider the social types of military-professional orientation of officers: constructive (general orientation to continue military-professional activities), destructive (general orientation to liberation) and indefinite [27];

3) professionalism. O. Ponomarenko believes that professionalism in the field of dangerous professions, which includes the profession of officer of any law enforcement agency is a systematic set of personal, ideological, business, professional and moral qualities of a person [28, p. 239-249].

S. Filippov points out that the criteria for assessing the level of professionalism can be: external (characterize the effectiveness of the professional task, the most objective opinion of superiors) and internal, psychological (professionally significant properties; professional knowledge, skills; professional motivation; professional self-assessment; ability of selfregulation and stress resistance; features of professional interaction; general physical fitness) [29].

According to B. Barkhaiev, P. Korchemnyi and others, the officer's professionalism is his structural reorganization, the basic grounds of which are such psychological formations as taking responsibility for decisions; personal courage; sufficient and adequate self-criticism; socially-oriented basis of motives, actions; operational sphere of the psyche, which provides the executive part of professional activity and largely affects the quality of the result [20, p. 135-140].

S. Lysiuk, Yu. Tsariov and others define the professionalism of an officer as one of the conditions of effective activity, which is an integral characteristic of individual, and is determined not only the degree of its mastery, means, ways of solving professional problems, but also the ratio of its motivational, intellectual, emotional, volitional, and operational spheres [30; 31, p. 170-171; 32, p. 150-163];

4) command and control of a unit is the most important component of officer's activity. Despite the sufficient number of guidelines for command and control of a unit, officers do not always follow strict instructions, but focus on situation. It should be noted that such work of the officer-commander is "alive" work with people and that is why "normal commanders" (according to understanding of subordinates) are primarily focused on compromise solutions in situations where conditions contradict instructions.

S. Zabolotnyi [33, p. 89-91] points out that the vast majority of officers who make up the "backbone" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have the military rank of "captain" and "major" and poor experience of personnel management. Among the officer's activities in managing the unit, support of military discipline at appropriate level is important. B. Barkhaiev considers this ability of an officer to lead the unit and the ability of the unit to perform assigned tasks. Considering the causes of discipline violations, researchers [20, p. 361-363] distinguish two groups: the reasons caused by shortcomings in unit management, and those that are the consequence of the identity of the offender.

Analyzing the experience of managing units, especially those consist of cadets, we can conclude that the more an officer pays attention to the discipline of his unit, the more negative color his image has. Therefore, it is desirable to pay special attention to this issue during the development of recommendations and training programs for the formation of the image of officers.

Having done the research on the professional activities of officers in educational institutions, N. Storozhuk concluded that it was aimed at solving such problems of military service that create personal development of servicemen, their moral and psychological health, well-being and potential combat capabilities. (motivational problems - the lack of appropriate modern tasks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine motives for proper performance of duties; professional qualifications - unfitness or unpreparedness of servicemen to perform official duties; functional and psychological - negative psychophysiological states of servicemen that appear just in the process of activity); collective and group problems that worsen moral and psychological climate of the military team (various types of violations and deformations of internal collective ties, disintegration of positive values of the team, reflected in domestic conflicts, various forms of psychological incompatibility, the existence of micro groups and characterized by persistent negative choice of antisocial, anti-service goals and guidelines, activity problems present in service, training and combat activities due to the inconsistency of psychological qualities of servicemen to the objective requirements of military service) [34, p. 134-138; 35, p. 296-301; 36].

Based on the results of the analysis of the problem E. Sampson identifies the following factors that form people's opinion of each other:

• how well a person does his job - 10 %;

• image and personal style - 30 %;

• reputation among those with whom a person interacts, public success - 60 % [37, 38].

That is, based on the research of E. Sampson, we can propose the following recommendations for the formation of a positive image of officers: do job honestly, look neat and take care of reputation among colleagues and cadets. Thus, we considered personal and professionally important qualities of officers as the components of forming a positive image. It should be noted that a large number of the considered scientific research have rather general character and, in our opinion, do not reflect features which concern the officers involved in training of cadets. Based on this, it was decided to study in detail the psychological characteristics of officers involved in the training of cadets at higher military educational institutions (military educational units of higher educational institutions) and to create a certain typology of their personality features.

Main part of research

Under the typology of personality features we understand a set of pronounced and stable personal qualities that determine the behavior of the officer during his service.

The research was conducted on the basis of some higher military educational institutions (military educational units of higher educational institutions) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (2020-2021) by conducting psychological diagnostics according to the method of J. Oldham and L. Morris "Methods of determining the type of personality" [39].

Let's move on to consider certain categories of officers involved in the training of cadets, namely: senior officers (13.33 % of the total number of respondents), officers-edu- cators (66.67 % of the total number of respondents), course officers (20 % of the total number of respondents). Group 1

- "officers of the senior level" - included officers who occupy senior positions at military institutions, positions of heads of faculties, their deputies and heads of departments. Group 2

- "officers-educators" - officers involved in teaching activities. Group 3 - "course level officers" - those who occupy positions of heads of the course and course officers. It was decided to apply the factor analysis, which allows us to determine the types of personalities of the involved officers.

Factor analysis of the group 1 allowed to obtain a three-factor structure that describes 100% of the total variance of the traits - more than a half, which is considered as an acceptable result. These percentages were divided into the following:

• the first factor (component) accounted 59.43 %;

• the second - 22.42 %;

• the third - 18.15 % of the variance.

The factor load greater than 0.7 was chosen as the criteria of the level of significance, which allowed to avoid the inclusion in each of the factors of indicators (traits) with low factor load, i.e. those that belong the least to it (see Table 1).

Table 1

The results of research according to the method of J. Oldham and L. Morris "Methods of determining the type of personality" of the respondents of the group 1 "Senior officers"



І (59,43 %)

ІІ (22,42 %)

ІІІ (18,15 %)







































































The first factor (59.43 %). According to Table 1, we can see that 59.43 % of officers who occupy leading positions have such indicators as: "Sensual" (0.994), "Vigilant" (0.989), "Permissive" (0.958), "Active" (0.916), "Serious" (0.907), "Self-confident" (0.763). The main characteristics of this type are the following:

• feel free and confident among people (whom they know);

• friendly but careful in official relations;

• can achieve recognition in their activities (although they try to avoid wide social spaces);

• have a developed imagination;

• tend to be aware of information (must know everything);

• concerned about the opinion of others about themselves (love recognition);

• prone to order, consistency and clarity in work;

• do not make premature conclusions, do not demonstrate initiative (if are not sure that it is necessary);

• will do what is expected of them, but not more;

• tactful and caring towards others;

• work best according to instructions;

• attentive to details, exceptionally understand the environment;

• are constantly ready to face troubles;

• immediately notice false messages (hidden motives, distortions of truth, attempts to mislead them);

• make decisions easily, but think over them before taking an action;

• independent;

• good listeners;

• take criticism seriously;

• appreciate comfort very much;

• can resist demands that they consider unreasonable or beyond their capabilities, while reasonable and realistic demands will be met perfectly;

• usually cheerful and optimistic (but changeable in mood);

• intolerant of pressure, which deprives them of opportunity to control their own actions;

• energetic, active (can't sit still and won't let their subordinates do it);

• purposeful and focused;

• realists;

• show emotions depending on the situation (do not like to share deep experiences, only with proxies);

• well adapted to changes;

• have leadership qualities;

• have talent to involve others to performing tasks;

• confident in their abilities and knowledge (there is no doubt that they are ingenious).

It will be worth paying attention to those indicators that are not inherent (or almost non-existent) in this category of officers. For this subgroup of officers, this was the indicator of a "Hermit". Based on this, it can be argued that this group of officers is not typical to abstract from others.

Summarizing the certain characteristics of the first type of officers of described category, we can call it "Balanced" and assume that certain personality traits will contribute to the formation of a positive image.

The second factor (22.42 %) is represented by the following indicators: "Self-sacrificing" (0.967), "Aggressive" (0.938), "Dramatic" (0.902), "Adventurous" (0.823). Here are the characteristics of a particular type of officers:

• fully committed to their job;

• despite the fact that they tend to believe that everyone should be able to take care of themselves personally, try never to refuse help (if asked or if they see that the person does not cope with the task) - this situation can often lead to physical and emotional exhaustion;

• comfortable in business relations (honest, ethical, friendly, tolerant);

• independent, responsible, purposeful, courageous;

• inherent leadership qualities, strong personalities - do not shy away from the struggle;

• strive to be the best;

• work better within a certain power structure (where everyone knows their place and authority);

• require others to strictly follow the rules;

• can work well in difficult conditions;

• emotional, but if necessary push emotions and experiences into the background);

• may have a changeable mood;

• love attention of others, but only in a positive way;

• easily support new ideas of others;

• neat in appearance;

• risky;

• have their own system of values;

• skilled in communication;

• will always find a way out of a difficult situation (inventive);

• have a sharp mind, although they cannot always rationally plan their actions.

This subgroup of officers has almost no manifestation of the "Sensory" indicator. They do not have the analysis of information about the environment and concerns about the opinions of others. They do not expect a positive evaluation of their work, but simply do what they have to do.

Thus, it can be assumed that the second type of senior officers also has every opportunity to form a positive image, but it should be noted that they are more focused on the result of activity. They may be too trusting of their subordinates, which may even lead to some frustration, as not everyone has such a set of individual psychological and professionally important qualities, and they are honest in their work. This type of personality feature of officers can be called "Effective".

The third factor (18.15 %) reflects such indicators as "Hermit" (-0.994); "Devoted" (0.882) and "Honest" (0.840). Before describing this type of officer, you should pay attention to the indicator "Hermit", which is represented by a negative value. This means that the more these officers show the qualities of "Hermit", the less will be the qualities of "Hermit" and "Devoted" indicators and vice versa. This type is characterized by loyalty to other people, respect for senior management, high moral values, commitment, dedication to their work, the state, family, team, they are characterized by well-thought-out actions, they rarely make serious mistakes.

Thus, this type can be called "Executive or dedicated". The officers who belong to this type are honest performers, but they need a leader because their leadership qualities are not at appropriate level. Sometimes these people can be introverted and abstracted from the external environment (this can happen for various reasons), which negatively affects their work and relationships with the team. Thus, this type of officers in senior positions can be said to have been good servicemen for a long time, who performed their duties conscientiously and were later appointed to senior positions. They are bearers of worthy individual psychological features, but not all such qualities can be useful for the chief (especially a military unit). But such person lacks professional skills in management. So we can to assume that this type of officers is quite difficult to form a positive image, especially within cadet environment.


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  • Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.

    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • University of Cambridge is one of the world's oldest and most prestigious academic institutions. The University of Cambridge (often Cambridge University), located in Cambridge, England, is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world.

    доклад [23,1 K], добавлен 05.05.2009

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

    реферат [15,2 K], добавлен 01.04.2012

  • Problems of child's psychological development. "Hot-Cold" games (for children till 7 years old). Intellectual Eye Measurer. Definitions and classification. Assessment. Computer, teacher's version. Mathematics. Statistics (for training of banking workers).

    реферат [46,3 K], добавлен 19.09.2015

  • Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.

    презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012

  • Reading is the foundation on which academic skills of an individual are built. The importance of teaching reading. Developing reading skills and strategies. Stages of conducting reading and reading activities. Rules of training of the advanced readers.

    курсовая работа [36,2 K], добавлен 10.04.2012

  • Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.

    курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013

  • Features of training of younger schoolboys and preschool children. Kognitivnoe development of preschool children. Features of teaching of English language at lessons with use of games. The principal views of games used at lessons of a foreign language.

    курсовая работа [683,5 K], добавлен 06.03.2012

  • Oxford is a world-leading centre of learning, teaching and research and the oldest university in a English-speaking world. There are 38 colleges of the Oxford University and 6 Permanent Private Halls, each with its own internal structure and activities.

    презентация [6,6 M], добавлен 10.09.2014

  • Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.

    презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016

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