Empiric research related to information technologies application in professional English learning process for tourism specialty students

The impact of globalization on English language acquisition by students of the specialty "Tourism". The use of information technology in the process of teaching professional English. Benefits of using IT in the formation of students' speech skills.

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Дата добавления 13.12.2022
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Structural-functional model of practical information technologies application into English for tourism studying process. Empiric research was based on the topic “Global Tourism: International benefits along with Threats''.

So, the results are presented in the logic structural-functional model which consists of TEN parts. Each of them is aimed to apply information technologies resources:

1. Open the group discussion by paraphrasing the quotations below. Which one do you agree with?


- “Travel isn't always pretty. It isn't always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.” - Anthony Bourdain

- “Traveling - it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” Ibn Battuta

- “We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” - Anais Nin

- “A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” - Tim Cahill

- “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” - Gustave Flaubert

- “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready.” - Henry David Thoreau

- “Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all of one's lifetime.” - Mark Twain

- “Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” - Andre Gide

2. Show what you know. Study the following vocabulary giving extensive explanations; come up with statements including some of them as well as try to add couple of your own to this list. Consider the presented tips for using lexis (table1):

- Look carefully through the list to make sure you know the words and are confident that you can use them in your written or spoken English.

- Look up the meaning of any new words and put them in a sentence. If you're not sure your sentence is correct, post it in the comments section at the bottom of the page and we'll check it for you.

- Make a handwritten note of any new words, ideally in a separate note pad that you carry with you. Whenever you have a few minutes - waiting for a bus, just before going to sleep, waiting for the kettle to boil - take out the list and look through, reminding yourself of the word and the meaning.

- Improving your vocabulary for IELTS takes practice, so try to use the new word(s) in any suitable situation over the next few weeks - using the new word will help you remember it!

- Write the new word a number of times - writing down vocabulary will help you remember it and will also help with spelling.

Vocabulary “Tourism”

Airport check-in fly land landing plane take off destination journey passenger route travel agent trip camp go camping charger flight cruise excursion (youth) hostel hotel luggage motel package holiday self-catering holiday sightseeing go sightseeing suitcase tour tourism tourist vacation bus station car coach station lane motorbike motorway rail go by rail railway railway station road main road minor road boat crossing ferry port sail sea set sail ship voyage ABTA the Association of British Travel Agents agritourism in the countryside attraction enjoyable beauty countryside that attracts tourists Butlins groups of buildings containing restaurants, swimming pools, bars, places to sleep where people can spend their holiday a lot of free entertainment for visitors courier look after tourists on an organized holiday ecotourism the business of creating and selling holidays that give people the chance to learn about a natural environment, and cause as little damage to the environment as possible gondolier to take people for rides in a gondola in Venice guide guidebook a book for tourists that provides information about a place heritage centre a building where tourists and other visitors get information about a place and its people, including information about the natural features of the area high season World Health Organization (WHO) World Industry Council on the Environment (WICE) World Leisure and Recreation Association (WLRA) World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Union of International Fairs (UIF) Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Multinational Meetings Information Services BV Nordic Hotel and Restaurant Association

3. Reading comprehension with deep analysis of its parts and content as well.

3.1 Read the article and translate it into Ukrainian.

3.2 Discuss the meanings of the highlighted words and phrases in the article.

3.3 Write the plan to the text and summarize it in a written form using the following linking devices (table 1):

Table 1

Plan to the text



Conversely\On the contrary

First of all

In the second place

Even though\Although

For a start


In spite of\Despite

In the first place


Differing from\In contrast\Instead


And then

In comparison

To begin/start


In reality



On the one hand\On the other hand

Let us begin/start

Both... and...





First and foremost



First and most




Just like

Summing up/to sum up

Due to / due to


To conclude/in summary

the fact that



Owing to / owing

In the same way

In short/in brief

to the fact that

In the same manner

On the whole


By the same token


Because of





Last of all



Last but not the least

4. Get acquainted with two scientific researches concerning advantages and disadvantages of internet communication skimming together with scanning two texts below. Prove the content comprehension with 10 questions for groupmates' discussion. Exchange the list of enquiries with other partners in form of dialogues and mini-presentations.

5. Translate in a written form into Ukrainian one of the passages taken from any of above texts.

6. Write a opinion essay based on topic “Impact of Globalization on Tourism: Positive and Negative Outcomes” applying the following linkers: to express opinion, in my opinion, personally, I think/1 believe (that I strongly believe that, it is clear (to me) that, I(completely) agree/disagree with, it seems to me that, as I see it, in my view, from my point of view, as far I am concerned, I am sure/ convinced that, I (dis)agree with the statement, because my main reason is/another reason, one reason for is, many people say/ believe that, because, since, because of/ due to.

7. Broadly applying various possible modern translation techniques and appliances (paper Cambridge dictionary, on-line translation, on-line dictionaries) change the following into Ukrainian putting it in your own words. Comment on what you have read.

8. Переконливих причин, щоб подорожувати частіше

Подорож - це завжди можливість відкрити щось нове та відпочити тілом й душею. Деякі люди народжуються з любов'ю до подорожей і проводять своє життя, шукаючи нові враження. Інші ж планують свої щорічні відпустки, вихідні, які проводять теж поза домівкою. Ваша подорож не обов'язково повинна бути тривалою. Провівши один день поза звичною атмосферою, досліджуючи нове місто, ви відкриєте в собі нові можливості, приховані вміння та наповнитесь незабутніми емоціями.

Відпочинок. Якщо ви перебуваєте далеко від щоденного стресу, ваше тіло і розум відпочиває. Окрім цього, ви отримуєте новий досвід та вчитесь тримати свої думки подалі від щоденних проблем. Завдяки цьому ви можете зосередитись на тому, що бачите - пам'ятки, запахи, звуки та інше. Через кілька днів ви відчуєте, що ваше тіло починає розслаблятись.

8. Complete the essential vocabulary table “Parts of Speech” incorporating active glossary extracted from translated article (table 2).

Table 2

Parts of Speech





Other (Set Expressions, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, Collocations)





Cover a lot of ground

9.1 Speech etiquette in modern communication! Be creative in finding the most appropriate English equivalents to the frequently used idioms, phrases in today's business environment.

1. в адміністративному порядку.

2. спека, як у пеклі, нестерпна (нестерпуча, страшенна) нудота (нудьга)).

3. як з воску вилити.

4. відкрив Америку!

5. Не їсться, не п'ється, і серце не б'ється, апетит приходить під час їжі.

6. Перший шматок з'їси усмак, а другий уже не так.

7. митець (мастак) у своєму ділі (у своїй справі).

8. продати з аукціону (з торгів, з молотка); цінувати, поцінувати.

9. наказати (наверзти, намолоти) сім мішків (три мішки) гречаної вовни; наказати на вербі груш; смаленого дуба плести.

10. зчинити ґвалт (галас, лемент, гармидер, рейвах), приводити, привести кого до банкрутства; завдавати, завдати кому банкрутства; вивернути кому кожуха.

9.2 Research activity: complete this list looking for as more as possible the newest expressions lately appeared in modern speaking on business.

10. Make a project on theme “Popular Types of Tourism in Ukraine as well as around the Globe” in three possible deliveries:

a) presentation in front of audience with personal speech and comments;

b) written report analysis based on collective data from various sources;

c) multimedia option presented by means of selected topical video [31].

Accordingly, giving general characteristics to the structural-functional model, it should be noted that all ten elements are aimed to implement different internet resources in order to make English for Tourism learning process as effective and resultful as it is possible.


Above all, the world faces many challenges, of which one of the most important is creating the tourism professionals of tomorrow. In this situation a special role is given to universities as the leading force in educating the younger generation who will be entering the labour market in the near future and will be responsible for developing industry and society. As they will be working in conditions no one can currently predict, it is especially important to promote the foreign language professional competence of future tourism area specialists as well as the generic competences that would enable them to learn fast, adapt to new circumstances and creatively develop their industry.

Thus, the role of universities is increasing all over the word. However, to strive for a common aim, university professors have to work hand-in-hand with the industry representatives thus contributing to the creation of new curricula and updating the existing ones in accordance with the needs of the industry and considering the requirements of the whole society. This can be done by conducting joint studies, and by exploring the needs and wishes of stakeholders in order to create updated curricula that could be successfully implemented in the next decade as well.


In conclusion, we may say that information technology is indivisible part of education in the twenty-first century. When used correctly in the classroom, technology can allow tourism area students to experience situations and circumstances that the students of 20 years ago could only dream about.

Again, through technology, books and figures can suddenly become alive and applicable to the real world. In addition, information technology provides an even greater avenue for interaction between teacher and students. At the English lesson's different videos, exercises, games, listening drills may be done. Information technology makes learning English available to a wider range of learners as well.

Especially, the concept of English for Tourism is multispectral and multi-strained. Its appearance has proved to be an apparent result and urgent necessity on the changes the science and society in general faced with due to drastic and global processes taken their place starting from the second half of the 20th century.

Future investigations prospects. To our mind, future investigations might be streamlined to deeply discover the answers to the following research questions:

- “What knowledge, skills, abilities and attitude are important to work in the tourism business?”

- ” How do employers and students evaluate student knowledge in tourism courses and how are skills and abilities developed?”

- “How can tourism curriculum be improved in order to enable students to acquire an up -to-date tourism education?”.


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26. Shaikina, O. (2016). Information Technology in English Language Teaching. Podcasting in Higher Education, Young scientist, №6, 287-289.

27. Sangpikul, A. (2009). Internationalization of Hospitality and Tourism Higher Education: A Perspective from Thailand, Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, Vol.9, №1, 2-20.

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