Consideration of individual characteristics of students as an important factor of pedagogical support

Since each student has his/her own individual characteristics, these features should be taken into account in the provision of pedagogical support students. Taking into account individual characteristics increases the effectiveness of teacher assistance.

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Ganja State University

Consideration of individual characteristics of students as an important factor of pedagogical support

Talibova Dilshad

Індивідуальні характеристики студентів як важливий фактор педагогічного забезпечення

Талібова Ділшад2

Гянджінський державний університет, Гяндже, Азербайджан

Основною метою педагогічного супроводу є досягнення розвитку учнів. Оскільки кожен учень має свої індивідуальні особливості, то їх необхідно враховувати у педагогічному супроводі. Урахування індивідуальних особливостей підвищує ефективність допомоги вчителя та педагогічного супроводу. Тому індивідуальні вміння, навички та інші особливості учнів повинні вивчатися і враховуватися вчителем. У статті висвітлено ці питання, проаналізовано наявні недоліки, прокоментовано методологію роботи в цьому напряму.

Освітній процес має бути зосередженим на вихованні дітей. При цьому їм потрібна педагогічна підтримка, що, де, коли і яким чином їм надати. На наш погляд, поглиблене вивчення особливостей студентів важливе для того, щоб педагогічна підтримка була ефективною, а не залишалася лише допомогою заради перерви. Практика показує, що дитина здатна краще оволодіти і сприймати педагогічну підтримку, той педагогічний вплив, який на неї здійснюється так, щоб усі ефекти здійснювалися з урахуванням її індивідуальних особливостей. Вплив може бути відповідно до його/її бажань, інтересів та схильностей, проникати у його/її внутрішній світ. Вочевидь, що це може статися лише за умови, що вчитель добре знає індивідуальні особливості дітей, усі психологічні особливості їх особистості, темперамент, характер, особливості пам'яті, уяви, рівень умінь і навичок, потенціал. У зв'язку з цим одним із основних аспектів, які слід враховувати під час педагогічного супроводу є досягнення розвитку індивідуальності у дітей, у тому числі й учнів.

Педагогічна підтримка ефективна та націлена на результат, якщо вона не одностороння, а охоплює багато напрямів. Об'єктом педагогічної підтримки має бути психічне і фізичне здоров'я учня, різноманітні вміння та навички, можливості для самовизначення та самореалізації, а педагог має уміти забезпечити їх розвиток.

Ключові слова: саморозвиток; індивідуальність; характеристики; педагогічний супровід; принцип.

The main purpose of pedagogical support is to achieve the development of students. Since each student has his / her own individual characteristics, these features should be taken into account in the provision of pedagogical support. Taking into account individual characteristics increases the effectiveness of teacher assistance and pedagogical support. Therefore, the individual skills, abilities and other characteristics of students should be studied and taken into account by the teacher. The article highlights these issues, analyzes the existing shortcomings and comments on the methodology of work in this direction.

The learning process should be focused on the education of children, and buyoramne materials should be used for their development. At the same time, they need pedagogical support for what, where, when and in what way to give them. In our opinion, in-depth study of students is important for pedagogical support to be effective and not to remain just a help for the sake of break. Practice shows that the child is able to better master and perceive the pedagogical support, the pedagogical influence that is made on him/her so that all the effects were made taking into account his/her individual characteristics. The influence can correspond his /her desires, interests and inclinations, as well as penetrate his/her inner world. It is obvious that this can happen only if the teacher is well aware of the individual characteristics of children, all the psychological features of their personality, temperament, character, memory features, level of skills and abilities, potential. In this regard, one of the main aspects to be considered during pedagogical support is to achieve the development of individuality in children, including students.

Pedagogical support is more effective and result-oriented if it is not one-sided, but covers many areas. The student's mental and physical health, various skills and abilities, opportunities for self-determination and self-realization must be the object of pedagogical support, and the teacher must be able to provide pedagogical support for their development.

Keywords: self-development; individuality; characteristics; pedagogical support; principle. pedagogical support assistance


One of the most important goals of the educational process is to achieve selfdevelopment by influencing the personality of students. Since education is a purposeful process, the main goal should be to create not only external influences, but also internal motives in the child, so that the interest could be brought up, self-development, self-education could be formed under their influence. There is a great need for pedagogical support here.

Self-development is a complex process of self-transformation, self-government, self-nurture and selfeducation. In this process, the pedagogical task is mainly to provide some assistance and support to students in order for it to proceed at a high level. To do this, along with creating positive motives in them, performing work aimed at their development, first of all, self-control, setting certain goals for self-development, ways of self-improvement, etc., it is necessary to try to ensure that students should have certain knowledge and skills. Since self-identification is a complex pedagogical and psychological process, the ability of students to achieve it requires a certain pedagogical solution. For efficient and qualitative outcome of this process, there are important issues such as searching and finding favorable methods and means of influence.

Formulation of the problem. Pedagogical influence and support for students should be performed in the way so that they could wish, want, as well as be able to achieve self-development. This is the main purpose of pedagogical support. In order to achieve the development of individuality, it is necessary to follow certain principles. In her research, S. N. Shibayeva characterizes the principles of development of individuality of young adolescents in the process of cooperation as follows: 1) principle of activity (participation of each member of the group in joint activities in the acquisition of new knowledge by students); 2) principle of activity (complex organization of multifaceted activities); 3) principle of collectivism (creation of a high-level developing group for the formation of universal values in the individual); 4) principle of personal approach (accounting for the capabilities and individual-psychological characteristics of younger adolescents); 5) principle of encouragement (understanding the value of each member of the group, creating situations of success) (Shibayeva, 2013: 27).

Pedagogical support is more effective and result-oriented if it is not one-sided, but covers many areas. The student's mental and physical health, various skills and abilities, opportunities for self-determination and self-realization must be the object of pedagogical support, and the teacher must be able to provide pedagogical support for their development. Such support allows children to acquire vital skills and, at the same time, create a great incentive to activate themselves.

Pedagogical support should contribute to the development of child's individuality. This factor replaces the authoritarian approach to the process of training and education by the humanistic approach, and autorotarian pedagogy is replaced by humanistic pedagogy.

Giving special importance to the individuality of students S. N. Shibayeva writes: “1) individuality develops in activity and is detected in it; 2) individuality is detected before personality, develops and affects personality traits; 3) when individuality is directed for the benefit of society, it acquires social value and is characterized by it; 4) the development of individuality provides a high level of intellect of the individual, successful realization of socialization ((Shibayeva, 2013: 20).

Research objectives:

To promote the development of child's individuality;

To strengthen the health of students, to develop mental, labor-related, communicative skills;

Achieving students' self-development by influencing their personality;

To ensure that the learning process is personality-oriented, student-oriented

The methodological basis of the research is a set of methods, principles, tools and theoretical provisions applied in order to study, understand and change pedagogical facts, events and processes.

The main part

The teacher is engaged in strengthening the health of each student, forming their morals, mental, labor-related, artistic, communicative and other skills and he / she must be able to support the solution of problems in the development of their skills. At the same time, the teacher should try to strengthen vital skills in children, to form certain stimuli in them, motives for self-identification, self-realization, selforganization and self-education. The consideration of the individual characteristics of students further enhances the effect of the help and pedagogical support that the teacher makes and increases its effectiveness. Thus, the diagnostic information obtained about each student should incline the teacher to the formation of ideas about that student, so that the teacher could predict in advance what content, methods and forms pedagogical support could be provided using this information.

Outstanding Russian pedagogue K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “The educator must know the child as he/she really is, be acquainted with all his/her weaknesses and strengths, with all his/her daily needs, as well as with his/her great spiritual needs. The educator must learn the person in the family, in society, among the people, in the midst of humanity, and in the face of his own conscience; he / she should study a person at all ages, in all classes, in all situations, in celebrations and sorrows, in rising and descending situations, when he / she is sick and healthy, when he / she is in a bed of boundless hopes, where all human consolations are powerless. He/she must know the causes of the ugliest and highest things, the history of crimes and lofty thoughts, the history of all passions and all kinds of character. Only at this time can he/she acquire the means of education of human nature itself - and these means are quite a lot” (Ushinsky, 1953: 98).

In this opinion, the great pedagogue skillfully emphasized both the importance of learning and why it is necessary. However, the prominent pedagogue A. S. Makarenko went a step further and noted the importance of learning, namely the need to study the personality of children in order to provide pedagogical support. A. S. Makarenko wrote: “The educator must recognize the child not only in the process of learning indifferently, but also in the process of working with the child and helping him / her closely. The educator should look at the child as an object that needs to be educated, not as an object that needs to be learned” (Makarenko, 1988: 90).

Therefore, the learning process should be focused on the education of children, and buyoramne materials should be used for their development. At the same time, they need pedagogical support for what, where, when and in what way to give them. In our opinion, in-depth study of students is important for pedagogical support to be effective and not to remain just a help for the sake of a break. Practice shows that the child is able to better master and perceive the pedagogical support, the pedagogical influence that is made on him/her so that all the effects were made taking into account his/her individual characteristics. The influence can be executed in accordance with his /her desires, interests and inclinations, to penetrate his/her inner world. It is obvious that this can happen only if the teacher is well aware of the individual characteristics of children, all the psychological features of their personality, temperament, character, features of memory, level of skills and abilities, potential. In this regard, one of the main aspects to be considered during pedagogical support is to achieve the development of individuality in children, including students. This issue has been widely studied in Russia and in our country in the research work of a number of authors, in particular, L. S. Vygotsky, P. Y. Galperin, A. V. Mudrik, A. P. Krakovsky, A. B. Bayramov, A. A. Alizade and a number of other pedagogues and psychologists. The results of a number of studies show that the development of child's individuality is associated with a number of issues, especially the biological features of the development of the organism, as well as the cognitive, personality-centred and communicative impact of teaching on the student. Psychological and social development of students also does not play a small role in this process. S. N. Shibayeva, who conducts special research in this field, writes: “The sphere of cognition is determined in connection with the active formation of young adolescents' verbal-logical type of thinking in the context of the learning process. The development of student's personality is focused on his / her self-awareness in the learning process. Constructive communication is activated in connection with the formation of the young adolescents' need to communicate with adults, such as interest in communication, interaction skills.” (Shibayeva, 2013: 21).

S. N. Shibayeva continues to conclude that the main criteria for the development of young adolescents' individuality are cognition, personality and communicative influence of teaching. They ensure the completeness of the general culture, personality, cognition and self-development of the individual. On this basis, inheritance is ensured at all levels of the educational process (Shibayeva, 2013: 22).

The more important it is to take into account the individual characteristics of students in the process of pedagogical support, the development of these characteristics is the more important, necessary. The results of our research work show that without achieving such a development, the pedagogical support provided will be insignificant.

Our observations show that there are still a number of shortcomings in the activities of teachers in the direction of studying the individual characteristics of children and achieving their personal development. These mainly consist of:

the lack of methods that can ensure the processes of children's individual development and nonrational use of the existing methods;

teachers' distrust in the students' subjective opinions and personal experiences, and, as a result of this, they are often ignored;

teachers' insufficient knowledge about the technologies of pedagogical support, forms and methods of their provision;

some teachers' authoritarian communication and leadership style which do not provide for pedagogical support;

the refusal of some students to turn to teachers for pedagogical support, help and assistance;

teacher-oriented training as a result of the lack of personality-oriented, student-oriented learning process;

failure to use innovations in the training process and weakness of the transition from traditional training to new training methods;

inadequate approach to working with pairs and groups within the teaching / learning process, etc.

In the course of the study, such a task was especially manifested in the fact that in the development of students' individual characteristics there are certain limitations in the process of training, which is carried out in the traditional manner. At this time, when modern training methods are used, it becomes possible to achieve more effective results when there is a transition from authoritarian training rules to a democratic educational process. In this regard, the use of “Brainstorming”, “Cluster”, “Round table”, “Venn diagram”, “Intellectual auction” and dozens of other new teaching methods is more productive, and in parallel with the students, the pedagogical support of both teachers and peers is possible.

Let's look at some fragments of the Mathematics lesson on “Addition and subtraction”, which I observed in the first grade, by Salmanova Konul Ogtay, a primary school teacher of Ganja city secondary school No. 20.

There were various didactic resources at the lesson: textbooks, pictures, computer, projector, worksheets, MiMO device, markers, etc. The teacher started the lesson with “Brainstorming”. In addition, interviews and didactic games were used at the lesson.

The teacher said these words to create motivation: “Children, let's listen to such a tale: The ogre keeps the Jirtdan captive in his castle. There are several conditions of the ogre. He says that if you do my tasks quickly and correctly, I will give you the keys to the castle and release Jirtdan. If you want to get the key, each

of you must be active, or Jirtdan will be captured in my castle forever”.

The electronic board was examined and it became clear that the ogre gave the children various tasks related to addition and subtraction in 10 circles to give them the keys to the castle. To save Jirtdan, these tasks must be completed.

The teacher asked: “Children, are you ready to help Jirtdan?” In the teacher's question and by the expression of her face, it was felt that it was necessary to help Jirtdan, support him, otherwise it would not be possible to save him. All the children said: “Yes!” After answering, the teacher divided them into 4 groups as follows:

Cards were distributed to the students. She distributed the pictures depicting Jirtdan, the ogre, the bundle of wood and the castle. Then instructed them to sit together if they had the same pictures. In group I, children with the bundle of wood, in group II, children with the picture of Jirtdan, in group III, children with the picture of the ogre, and in group IV, children with the picture of the castle sat together.

The teacher asked the students a research question: “When and in what calculations do we use the addition and subtraction operations?” Worksheets with assignments were distributed to the students. The task was to fulfill the assignment correctly in 15 minutes. After that a team (group) could take an electronic pen, hit the ogre and get the key. This group was chanced to rescue Jirtdan with the key.

The teacher supervised the students performing the tasks, asked questions to help the children with difficulties and gave them instructions. Even during the process of fulfilling the assignments, weak students were told: “Think well, you can do it. Well, that's right” and so on, which activated them. The teacher tried to get the children to work in a collaborative environment, to help each other, to listen to each other and to work together to achieve high results.

The teacher showed a picture of a tree with 7 apples on the top and 3 apples on the bottom to the first group. The question was as follows: write and solve examples of subtraction and addition in accordance with the picture. The task of the second group was marked by the numbers 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10 at the top; below, there were numbers that allowed solving related examples; the columns with empty cells were described. The question was: write the corresponding numbers to the empty cells. The task of the third group was to describe the numbers and the arrowheads with “+”, “-“ and empty circles between them, as well as to solve them in sequence (addition and subtraction). The fourth group was given examples without the “+” and “-“ signs, but with the answers where to put the sign.

After the tasks were announced to the students, they began to solve the examples. The students willingly presented the work they had done and the winning team got the key.

In the information exchange organized by the teacher, her pedagogical support of the students was clearly felt. When the students answered the questions for discussion (such as “What are the components of the addition?”, “What are the components of the subtraction?” and so on), the teacher guided them, allowed teammates to correct incorrect answers and tried to get all students to take an active part in the interview. The individual approach of the teacher to the children, the consideration of their individual characteristics in the assigned tasks, the provision of students with certain assistance and direction was vividly manifested, which led to the active work of not one or two students in groups, but all the students.

Such issues as intra-group cooperation, the direction that the teacher himself / herself gives to the students, the involvement of the students in activities showed that the pedagogical support of the teacher has a significant positive effect on the increase in learning success, the work of students with enthusiasm, and has a significant positive effect on the high results obtained.

Approbation of research results. The main provisions of the article are reflected in the author's theses submitted to scientific conferences in Azerbaijan and abroad, as well as in scientific articles published in various journals in Azerbaijan and abroad.


Thus, as a result of the first chapter, we can say that pedagogical support is a principle that has proven itself in pedagogical theory and the method of activity has been proven in practice, and its consideration in pedagogical activity always leads to positive results. Therefore, it is always useful, always has a positive result. The problem has a deep essence and requires the implementation of a number of tasks related to pedagogical competence.

There are a number of psychological - pedagogical conditions for the influence of pedagogical support on the formation of student's personality, which should not be overlooked in the pedagogical process. These are important issues such as organization of pedagogical process on the basis of humanism principles, the constant expectation of teacher - student cooperation, the establishment of pedagogical process on “teacher - student”, “student - student”, “subject-subject” cooperation and consideration of individual-psychological characteristics of each student. Teachers should take into account the development of student's personality as the main target in the organization and provision of pedagogical support and the pedagogical process they lead, the main content line of this process should be oriented to this.


Makarenko, A.S. (1988). SeQilmi§ pedaqoji asarlari, II cild, Baki: Maarif [in Azerbaijanian].

Shibayeva, S.N. (2013). Pedagogicheskaya podderzhka razvitiya mladshikh podrostkov v protsesse uchebnogo sotrudnichestva [Pedagogical support for the development of younger adolescents in the process of educational cooperation]. Extended abstract of candidate's thesis. Moscow [in Russian].

U§inski, K.D. (1953). Segilmi§ pedaqoji eserleri. Baki: Azarna§r [in Azerbaijanian].


Шибаева С. Н. Педагогическая поддержка развития младших подростков в процессе учебного сотрудничества: автореф. дис. канд. пед. наук. Москва, 2013.

Makarenko A. S. Seзilmiз pedaqoji asarlari, II cild, Baki: Maarif, 1988.

Uзinski K. D. Seзilmiз pedaqoji asarlari. Baki: Azarnaзr, 1953.

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