Introduction of personally-oriented technology in the educational environment of children's music school as a pedagogical condition of esthets

Leading requirements for the application of personally oriented learning technology aimed at the aesthetic development of schoolchildren. Pedagogical methods of introducing a personal approach into the educational process of a children's music school.

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Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko

Department of Choreography and Music and Instrumental Performance

Introduction of personally-oriented technology in the educational environment of children's music school as a pedagogical condition of esthets

Zhang Gui, Graduate Student


The effectiveness of aesthetic development of high school students in the conditions of children's music school directly depends on the application of a certain range of pedagogical conditions, including the introduction of personality-oriented technology in the educational environment. The author argues that an important psychological and pedagogical principle should be considered an individual approach, as a methodological tool based on a set of initial conceptual ideas, goals, methodological and diagnostic, as well as psychological and technical tools to better understand, know the child's personality and on this basis to carry out its development in the modern education system. It was found that personality-oriented education is increasingly established as a key psychological and pedagogical principle of the educational process, on which largely depends the effectiveness of aesthetic development of students.

The starting points on which the personality-oriented educational system is based are clarified, among them: the primacy of individuality, self-esteem and personality of the child; development of the student as a person; special work of the teacher in order to identify the subjective experiences of the student. It is proved that the main purpose of introducing personality- oriented technology in the educational process of children's music school is the process of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the child in the formation of its subjectivity, cultural identification, aesthetic consciousness, aesthetic receptivity, development of aesthetic activity. The article highlights the main ideas of personality-oriented learning; the leading requirements, observance of which presupposes the use of personality-oriented technology aimed at the aesthetic development of high school students, are revealed, the most important pedagogical techniques necessary for the introduction of personality-oriented technology are substantiated.

Key words: personality-oriented technology, educational environment, pedagogical condition, aesthetic development, students of children's music school.


Впровадження особистісно орієнтованої технології в навчально-виховному середовищі дитячої музичної школи як педагогічна умова естетичного розвитку старшокласників

Ефективність естетичного розвитку старшокласників в умовах дитячої музичної школи безпосередньо залежить від застосування певного кола педагогічних умов, серед яких впровадження особистісно орієнтованої технології в навчально-виховному середовищі. Автор доводить, що важливим психолого-педагогічним принципом слід вважати індивідуальний підхід, як методичний інструмент, який базується на сукупності вихідних концептуальних уявлень, цілей, методичних і діагностичних, а також психолого-технічних засобів, що дозволяють глибше зрозуміти, пізнати особистість дитини, і на цій основі здійснити її розвиток в умовах сучасної системи освіти. З'ясовано, що особистісно орієнтоване виховання все більше утверджується як ключовий психолого-педагогічний принцип організації навчально-виховного процесу, від якого значною мірою залежить ефективність естетичного розвитку учнів.

З'ясовано вихідні положення, на яких базується особистісно орієнтована освітня система, серед них: первинність індивідуальності, самооцінки та особистості дитини; розвиток учня як особистості; спеціальної роботи вчителя з метою виявлення суб'єктивних переживань учня. Доведено, що основною метою запровадження особистісно-орієнтованої технології в навчально-вихований процес дитячої музичної школи є процес психолого-педагогічної допомоги дитині у формуванні її суб'єктності, культурної ідентифікації, естетичної свідомості, розвитку естетичної сприйнятливості, освоєнні естетичної діяльності.

У статті виділено основні ідеї особистісно орієнтованого навчання; розкрито провідні вимоги, дотримання яких передбачає застосування особистісно орієнтованої технології, спрямованої на естетичний розвиток старшокласників, обірун- товано найважливіші педагогічні прийоми, необхідні при впровадженні особистісно орієнтованої технології.

Ключові слова: особистісно-орієнтована технологія, навчально-виховне середовище, педагогічна умова, естетичний розвиток, учні дитячої музичної школи.

Formulation of the problem in general

Domestic education in children's music schools at the present stage has significant resources in solving educational and upbringing tasks of the growing generation. Currently, research in the field of harmonious, diverse development of personality, involvement of children and adolescents in traditional values, world cultural heritage are of particular importance. In this context, children's music schools are designed to ensure the fullest possible individual development, including aesthetic, free choice of children's artistic and creative activities, the variability of the proposed forms, methods and practices.

Well-known educational, upbringing and developmental potential of musical art, its influence aimed at improving the growing personality. That is why the aesthetic aspects of music education in the educational process of children's music schools are obvious. However, theoretical and practical aspects of musical and aesthetic development of modern adolescents due to their age characteristics, the specifics of hobbies, remain among the most important for modern practice of additional music education. The search for the most effective pedagogical resources for the successful musical and aesthetic development of modern adolescents in children's music schools determines the demand and relevance of this article.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of aesthetics and aesthetic education are an important subject of research of domestic and foreign scientists and methodologists. Thus, L. Barenboim notes: «The most important trend in music pedagogy of the modern world, which largely determines its methods, can be determined by the desire together with general pedagogy to achieve the harmonious development of the human personality. achieving a balance between “reasonable” “spiritual”» [1, p. 43].

Not only musicians, but also scholars of other fields of culture attach great importance to the aesthetic principle, especially music, educational work that pursues the same goal. The roles of aesthetic ideal in aesthetic education, aesthetic attitude of man to reality, aesthetic need are devoted to the works of O. Bovanenko, D. Jolie, I. Zyazyun, L. Kustaryova, І. Lisovskaya, V. Murian, V. Ovcharenko, O. Otych, G. adalka, V. Radugina, S. Radchenko, O. Shcholokova, and others.

The purpose of the article. To highlight the features of the introduction of personality-oriented technology in the educational process of children's music school, as a pedagogical condition for the aesthetic development of high school students.

personality oriented aesthetic educational musical

Presenting main material

Personality-oriented technologies today place the child's personality at the center of the entire school education system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development and realization of natural potentials. As you know, the epicenter of education is the child's personality. According to J. Dewey, «A child is the sun around which all means of learning revolve. Children are the beginning, the middle and the end of everything».

Modern requirements for the formation of a personal approach are revealed in the research of such well-known psychologists as K. Albulkhanova- Slavska, O. Asmolov, V. Davydov, V. Molyako, V. Stolin, T. Tytarenko, I. Yakimanska and others. In the 1970's and 1990's, this problem repeatedly appeared in the works of Sh. Amonashvili, I. Kon, O. Leontiev, V. Petrovsky, K. Rubinstein, V. Sukhomlinsky, B. Fedoryshyn, and others, with further research by I. Bekh , O. Savchenko, V. Kremenem [2, с. 30]. In the works of the classics of Ukrainian pedagogy K. Ushinsky, A. Makarenko, V. Sukhomlinsky developed most of the advice that can be used as a basis for modern concepts of learning and personality- oriented education. Without formulating the principles and methods of this approach, without naming the term "personality-oriented learning and education", these researchers have already dedicated their research to him [1, с. 19].

An important psychological and pedagogical principle should be considered an individual approach, as a methodological tool based on a set of initial conceptual ideas, goals, methodological and diagnostic, as well as psychological and technical tools to better understand, know the child's personality, and on this basis to implement it development in the modern education system. Personality-oriented education is increasingly established as a key psychological and pedagogical principle of the educational process, which largely depends on the effectiveness of reorientation of learning to develop students' personalities [5, с. 25-26].

Personality-oriented education is carried out through activities that have not only external attributes, but also internal content, including cooperation, self-development of the subjects of the educational process, knowledge of their personal functions [2, с. 28]. Personality-oriented learning is learning that focuses on the personality and self-esteem of the child: first reveals the subjective experience of each, and then consistent with the content of education [6, с. 22].

Personally oriented educational system is based on the following starting points: the primacy of the individuality, self-esteem and personality of the child as an active carrier of subjective experiences, formed long before the influence of specially organized school education; design and implementation of the educational process requires special work of the teacher in order to identify the subjective experiences of the student; the development of the student as a person occurs not only through the mastery of normative activities, but also through constant enrichment, transformation of subjective experiences as an important source of personal development; the main effect of learning should be the development of cognitive skills through the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills [2, с. 29].

The purpose of introducing personality-oriented technology in the educational process of children's music school is the process of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the child in the formation of its subjectivity, cultural identification, aesthetic consciousness, development of aesthetic receptivity, development of aesthetic activities.

The main tasks are: development of individual cognitive abilities of each child; identification, initiation, use and maximum «cultivation» of individual experience of the growing individual; helping the child in self-knowledge, self-determination and self-realization, rather than the formation of predetermined traits; formation of a culture of life in the individual, which gives the opportunity to productively build their daily lives, the correct definition of the life line.

In the implementation of this pedagogical condition, we took into account the basic requirements for personality-oriented technologies: educational material should include identifying the content of subjective experiences of the student, including the experience of his previous studies; presentation of knowledge should not only expand their scope, structure, integrate, summarize the content, but also constantly transform the acquired subjective experiences of each student; in the process of learning it is necessary to constantly reconcile the subjective experiences of students with the content of acquired knowledge; active stimulation of the student to self-assessment of educational activity, the content and forms of which should provide an opportunity for self-education, self-development, self-expression; design and systematization of educational material, which allows you to choose its content, type and form during the tasks; identification and evaluation of teaching methods that the student uses independently, stably, productively; ensuring control and evaluation not only of the result, but first of all of the learning process; the educational process should ensure the construction, implementation and evaluation of learning as a subjective activity [6, с. 22].

The simplest link that creates a personality- oriented technology is a personality-oriented pedagogical situation. This is a learning situation in which the child must find meaning, adapt it to their interests, choose a creative moment and critically evaluate it. Such a task cannot be solved only at the level of knowledge and reproduction. There are no easy decisions, answers and truths. The life and way out of a certain situation is not the past and future of the student, but his present. The same lesson gives different children different cognitive and life experiences. That is why the task of the pedagogical condition defined by us is to support and form a child as a unique person, to develop his creative potential and readiness for independent cognitive activity.

The traditional method encourages students, first of all, to memorize and reproduce the educational material. Personality-oriented learning is a holistic psychological and pedagogical concept that covers various aspects of the educational process. The generalization of the results of pedagogical theory and practice makes it possible to identify the main ideas of personality-oriented learning: school is a part of life; learning is important as a process, not a result; active involvement of students in solving educational tasks; compliance of the methodology with the child's learning abilities; meeting the educational needs of each child in the classroom; pay special attention to forms of group and pair work; dominant form of educational communication - dialogue between students, pupils and teachers [3].

The development of communication skills and skills of cooperation, teaching students to learn requires a radical change and the content of the work of the teacher. Its main goal is to organize a joint solution to the problem (not to "show" and "explain" to students). We share the opinion of O. Savchenko, who notes that the main actors in the lesson should be individual children, groups and the class as a whole. The teacher becomes an invisible conductor who listens in time, notices, corrects, supports and involves each of the performers [4]. Learning to focus on personality - is to teach children to think independently, be able to defend their opinions, ask questions and act in the world [1, с. 2-3].

The main task of personality-oriented learning in our study is to teach children to think independently, discuss, defend their opinions, ask questions, be active in acquiring new knowledge. Lessons based on personal interaction allow for an individual approach, stimulate cognitive activity of students, teach to identify ways to acquire reliable knowledge, skills and abilities. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that preparing for learning using personality- oriented technologies, it is important to analyze the content of educational material, identify types of student activities, prepare tasks based on the amount of educational material and complexity of learning. In this case, the following requirements must be met: clearly formulate cognitive tasks that motivate students to solve the problem, encourage activity, creative thinking, search for new knowledge and new ways of working; focus on the activities of students with low learning outcomes; not to create competitions for the speed of tasks; to teach students to practice self-control, self-analysis and self-assessment [3].

The main task of the teacher is to give each student the opportunity to express himself as a subject of educational and cognitive activities. In personality-oriented technologies, great importance is attached to the emotional culture of the teacher, his voice, intonation, speech. Communication and cooperation of students in the classroom - one of the basic principles of personality development in a person-centered learning system.

It is personality-oriented technologies that put the child's personality at the center of the entire school education system, providing comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development and realization of natural potentials. Accordingly, choosing the second pedagogical condition, we took into account that: the student is always the subject, not the object of learning; the main purpose of learning, in addition to the acquisition by the student of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities - the development of his personality as a subject of social activity and relations.

On this basis, the most important pedagogical techniques in the implementation of personality- oriented technology, we considered: reliance on the subjective experience of the learner - constant updating in the learning process already gained by the student experience (I. Yakimanska); training of subjective activity - such a structure of learning, when any activity of the student is realized, acquires signs of completeness and completeness (S. Pidmazin).

Thus, in order to provide personality-oriented technology in the process of aesthetic development of high school students in children's music school, it is important to adhere to dialogue, activity and creative nature of education aimed at supporting individual student development, giving him the necessary space for independent decision making, creativity, choice behavior. In such conditions, the personality-oriented paradigm plays a positive role in the context of the aesthetic development of children's music school students. The introduction of a personcentered approach promotes the formation of students' positive attitudes to learning, develops the ability to work in groups and independently, ensures high activity of the team, increases the effectiveness of classes, stimulates cognitive development, which are necessary conditions for aesthetic development.


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2. Освітні технології/ За заг. ред. О.М. Пєхоти. Київ: А.С.К., 2002. С. 25-45.

3. Підмазін С. Технологія особистісно орієнтовного уроку. Завуч. 2001. №20-21. С. 29-31.

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