New ecological thinking development as a way to environmental preservation
Qualification of a teacher of any occupation should guarantee the professional readiness to realizing the tasks of ecological education. Ecological education is to supply a young generation with knowledge about intercommunication of nature and society.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 23.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 21,5 K |
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Tetiana Kuchai, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Ferenc Rбkуczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian Institute (Beregovo, Ukraine)
Vitaly Honcharuk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher of the Department of Chemistry, Ecology and methods of their training, Uman State Pavlo Tychyna Pedagogical University (Uman, Ukraine)
Natalia Rokosovyk, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Ukrainian Language and Literature of Foreign Philology and Translation, Institute of Philology and Mass Communications of the Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine" (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Tetiana Zorochkina, doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)
Тетяна Кучай,
доктор педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри психології і педагогіки, Закарпатський угорський інститут імені Ференца Ракоці II (м. Берегове, Україна)
Віталій Гончарук,
кандидат педагогічних наук, викладач кафедри хімії, екології та методики їх навчання, Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини (м. Умань, Україна)
Наталія Рокосовик,
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри української мови та літератури, іноземної філології та перекладу, Інститут філології та масових комунікацій Відкритого міжнародного університету розвитку людини «Україна» (м. Київ, Україна)
Тетяна Зорочкіна,
доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького (м. Черкаси, Україна)
Анотація. У статті розглядається актуальна глобальна проблема екологічного виховання та основні принципи збереження навколишнього природного середовища, розробка цілей і завдань екологічної підготовки фахівця, який має усвідомлювати важливість екологічної освіти, відповідно до сучасних підходів, визнаних у міжнародній педагогічній практиці. Підкреслено, що кваліфікація педагога будь-якої професії має гарантувати професійну готовність до реалізації завдань екологічного виховання. Особлива увага приділяється екологічній освіті, яка має забезпечити молоде покоління науковими знаннями про взаємозв'язок природи і суспільства. Це також має допомогти молоді зрозуміти багатогранну цінність природи для суспільства загалом і кожного зокрема, навчити її вимог правильного ставлення до природи, спілкування з нею, норм правильної поведінки в процесі природокористування, розвивати прагнення та вміння брати активну участь у збереженні навколишнього середовища. Важливе місце в процесі екологічного виховання молодого покоління посідає формування екологічної свідомості. Процес формування екологічної свідомості особистості автори розглядають як важливу проблему сьогодення, як чинник формування професійної готовності майбутніх педагогів здійснювати здійснювати природозбережувальне учнів у школі. Зроблено висновок, що розвиток нового екологічного мислення дітей та юнацтва - це шлях до збереження навколишнього середовища, умова сталого розвитку, раціонального природокористування; важливою й необхідною умовою сталого розвитку є таке співіснування людини з природою, де в пріоритеті екологічні принципи, які уможливлюють стійке невиснажливе використання природних ресурсів (це особливо актуально за сучасних умов України); поширення екологічної інформації, системи знань про природу, розвиток екологічної теорії, її популяризація, створення оптимальних соціально-економічних, культурно-освітніх умов, що є основою для формування нового екологічного мислення та культури особистості.
Ключові слова: екологічне виховання, підготовка вчителя, виховання молоді, професіоналізм, довкілля.
teacher professional readiness ecological education young generation
Abstract. The article focuses on the actual global problem of ecological education and the basic principles of preservation of natural environment. The development of aims and tasks of ecological training of a teacher, which has to understand the importance of ecological education in accordance with modern approaches, which are acknowledged in international pedagogical practice. It is highlighted that the qualification of a teacher of any occupation should guarantee the professional readiness to realizing the tasks of ecological education. Special attention is paid to ecological education which is to supply a young generation with scientific knowledge about intercommunication of nature and society. It also should help young people to understand the many-sided value of nature for the society on the whole and everybody in particular, and to make a requirement in socializing with nature, to teach them the standards of correct conduct in the process of co-operating with the nature, to develop aspiration and ability to actively participate in preserving the environment.
Keywords: ecological education, training of teacher, education of young people, professionalism, environment.
The problem formulation. Under the conditions of present time ecological problems appeared to be an urgent question which is to be solved by humanity: contamination of soils, air, reservoirs of toxic substances, extinction of rare types of plants and animals, ozone holes, maintenance of gene pool and others. The main reason for all the nature confusions has always been man. Not realizing the place in a natural environment, man does the harm to the descendants. That is why presently the task of ecological education of young people is very acute for teachers and educators. Such education must begin from early schooldays, and it should take into account pupils psychological and moral specific features (Koreneva, 1999, р. 19).
Today teachers come across a very important problem which is to develop in students ecological knowledge, abilities and skills. Even on the early stages of professional training of teachers such concrete tasks of ecological education of children can be realized. On the higher levels of professionalism a teacher will try to develop ecological culture of a child, help him to realize the importance of intercommunication in life of man and nature. The factual side of ecological education, playing the proper role, all the same will give a place to other, major tasks. A teacher will start to pay special attention to the process of training, supplying students with the knowledge about nature to development the necessary attitude to it.
The ecological training of a teacher will have, besides failures, a number of advantages due to gnosiological functions. Foremost, it is a clear orientation of a teacher on the concrete applied character of natural and scientific knowledge. Very fruitful and structural is also an idea of outgrowing of educational theoretical aspects of ecological training of a teacher in the ramified system of nature protection work. Research work, participating in voluntary nature protection societies, organization of ecological expeditions, and creation of detachments of guards of nature - all these measures must be taken to preserve the nature. At the same time all these must have scientific and theoretical grounds. Such forms of ecological training of a teacher which is supplied with concrete skills of organization of nature protection among students (creation of green and blue patrols, growing of medical herbs; additional fertilizing of wild beasts and birds; inspection of separate territories and study of influence of anthropogenic factors on the nature; exposure and guard of sources, rare objects of nature; creation of the local Red books; guard of sights of nature of local value and others) (Tarasenko, 2006, р. 116).
Analysis of recent research and publications. The theoretical and methodological foundations of environmental education were formed under the influence of humanistic ideas of world thinkers of different eras - Platon, Ya. Comenskyi, I. Pestalozzi, Zh.-Zh. Rousseau as well as domestic scientists, V. Vernadskyi, O. Zakharenko, G. Skovoroda, V. Sukhomlynskyi, K. Ushinskyi, and others.
General pedagogical and psychological aspects of ecological education of young people are reflected in the works of Ukrainian scientists (S. Honcharenko, L. Lukyanova, N. Menchynska, N. Nychkalo, S. Sysoeva, I. Suravegina, L. Khomych and others).
The purpose of our research lies in ecological education of children, to provide a rising generation with scientific knowledge about intercommunication of nature and society.
Theoretical - analysis of psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on the topic raised, synthesis, comparison and the apposition, induction and deduction, analogy, which allowed us to characterize the state of working out the problem in scientific literature and draw our own conclusions.
The future of natural environment depends to a great extent on the successful realization of ecological education and the development of new ecological thinking. What are ecological studies and education? We consider it to be a psychological and pedagogical process, directed at mastering scientific bases of management of the nature, forming the proper practical skills, making certain orientations, and man's active position in industry of conservancy.
In the 90s great attention was paid to the problem of methodical organization of ecological education. There are two basic tendencies in this sphere. Some specialists consider it necessary to develop a separate object “ecology”, which needs to be included in maintenance of education on different levels, as ecological education is not equivalent to biological, although they are closely connected. Others assert that more effective is an “ecologization” of all of educational objects, as ecological problems carry global, by-disciplinary character. We think that the second approach is more beneficial.
In the discussions focusing on the problems of ecological education, there is a question about that which must be highlighted: “nature environment” (“environment”) or “world of nature”. In the first case ecological education must be directed at firstly, forming the systems of pictures of the world of nature as aggregate of concrete natural objects (and their complexes), secondly, subjectively meaningful attitude toward natural objects that have unique value and, thirdly, strategies and technologies of non-pragmatic cooperation with them. The first orientation in ecological education (on “nature as environment”) was the most developed in the world and was supported at an international level (Akhyyarov, Petrova, Naumova, 2001, p. 16-17).
The basic principles of preserving natural environment are the following:
• priority of requirements of ecological safety, the necessity to inhibit ecological standards, norms and limits on the usage of natural resources during realization of economic, administrative and other activities;
• ecological guarantee of safety of the environment for life and health of people;
• preventive character of measures on the guard of natural environment;
• ecological character of financial production on the basis of complexity of decisions in the questions of guard of natural environment, use and recreation of refurbishable natural resources, wide introduction of the newest technologies;
• maintainance of spatial and specific variety and integrity of natural lenses and complexes;
• scientifically grounded concordance of ecological, economic and social interests of society on the basis of combination of by-disciplinary knowledge of ecological, social, natural and technical sciences and prognostication of the state of natural environment;
• necessity of ecological examination;
• publicity and democracy in making a decision, realization of which effects the state of natural environment, developing in people ecological view on the world;
• scientifically grounded setting the norms of influence on economic and other activities on natural environment;
• free general usage of natural resources and charged special usage of natural resources for economic activity;
• penalty for contamination of natural environment or worsening the quality of natural resources, indemnification of the harm, caused by legislation about the guard of natural environment;
• solving the questions of natural environment guard and use of natural resources taking into account the degree of anthropogenic changeableness of territories, combined actions of factors which negatively effect the ecology;
• combination of measures of stimulation and responsibility in matters of guard of natural environment;
• solving the problems of guard of natural environment on the basis of wide intergovernmental collaboration (Zakonodavstvo Ukrayiny pro okhoronu navkolyshn'oho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha, 2000, p. 4-5).
Among many aspects of conservancy of the nature an important value has the pedagogical aspect, which includes the system of education with the purpose to teach man the culture of conduct in socializing with nature, and also high civil responsibility for the maintenance of nature in the process of labour (Zakhlebnyy, 1987, p. 5)
The direct socializing with nature is the inexhaustible source of high moral senses. Forming the relation of man to nature is included in the general system of education, because all “spiritual life of man is directly related to nature” (Slobodyan, 1979, p. 3).
Considering the low level of ecological education and knowledge of population on questions of environmental preservation, for accelerating the process of “ecologization” of citizens' consciousness it is necessary:
• to provide legal, scientifically methodological, financial and economic development of educational establishments, directions of active children's and young people's ecological education must have the priority;
• to develop and assert a plan to carry out the edition of educational and methodological literature of ecological maintenance for general and out-of-school educational establishments (Radchenko, 2005, p. 13-17).
Professional training of a teacher presupposes his orientation on understanding difficult dialectics of an educational process. Ecologization of child's world is not the result of an educate “monoinfluence” - this is the system of the relative, balanced methods of correct perception and estimation of nature. There is not any single system of education, created during the development of pedagogical idea, declared the only one method of influence on the personality of a pupil as “panacea” of all the confusions and deformations of his attitude toward the surrounding world. On the contrary, the leading pedagogical ideas of the world value has always been against the phenomenon of the “synthetic” educational process, oriented at the global result of cosmos and earth value (Tarasenko, 2006, p. 110).
The development of aims and tasks of ecological training of a teacher must be against the determination of essence of ecological training in accordance with the approaches, acknowledged in international pedagogical practice. According to the accepted definition at the first international conference on pedagogical questions of ecology (The USA, 1970), ecological education is explained as a continuous process of mastering values and concepts, which provide the development of abilities and relations, necessary for an awareness and estimation of intercommunications between people, their culture and environment (Tarasenko, 2006, р. 117).
The combination of tasks of ecological and aesthetically education must materialize in the specific forms of cooperation of teacher with schoolchildren - these forms must provide the valued mastering of nature, ecologically justified on the basis of activation of culture activity of both the teacher and students. Activity on mastering the nature is possible if you count culture which contains the elements of creation and has the value.
Education as a component of professional training of a teacher in the system of institute of higher and post qualification education must not impose on the teacher the skills of usage permanent forms of the world, but form the necessity of permanent searching and updating the methods of adequate influence on the attitude of children to the nature with primary attention to the mechanisms of activation of cultural activity.
Thus, the actual tasks of training a teacher to realize the tasks of ecological and aesthetical education presuppose a conceptually theoretical comprehension by the teacher the features of cooperation of aesthetical and ecological world view in the system “society is a culture - nature”. These tasks also require the correction of the teacher's approach to the outward things, knowing the mechanisms of transformation of a personality's potentials in the professional activity. All these will considerably strengthen the authenticity of training a teacher, provide his knowing the object and supply him with the skills for successful organization of world education of students.
Qualifying description of a teacher of any profession presupposes his professional readiness to realize the tasks of ecological education. However, the integral conception which would form the social and ecological functions of a teacher regardless of the type of the subject has not been developed so far. The analysis of the modern theoretical and methodological science, concerning ecological training of a teacher testifies that in this aspect the system of training of a teacher has not got a common idea. Higher and post educational establishments still feel the shortage of the methodologically grounded conceptual positions in ecological training of teachers in relation to a specific purpose.
The increase of ecological culture of society and professional training of specialists is provided by education in a number of preschool establishments, and in the system of universal secondary, professional and higher education.
Ecological knowledge is an obligatory qualifying requirement for all public activity of which is CPLD with the use of natural resources and results in influence on the condition of natural environment. Special higher and professional educational establishments carry out training of specialists in industry of guard of natural environment and usage of natural resources taking into account public necessities (Zakonodavstvo Ukrayiny pro okhoronu navkolyshnDoho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha, 2000, p. 6).
From the mentioned above follows, that ecological education is called to provide a rising generation scientific knowledge about intercommunication of nature and society, to help to understand the many-sided value of nature for the society on the whole and everybody in particular, to make a requirement in socializing with nature, to teach correct conduct in the process of cooperating with it, to develop aspiration and ability to actively participate in preserving the environment.
Successful realization of ecological education of students to a great extent depends on the observance of a number of pedagogical conditions. Research workers consider that the main condition of the effective making of ecological culture is the combination of educational material of the proper maintenance with practical activity of schoolchildren in a natural environment (Tkachuk, 1988, p. 5).
Consequently, ecological education needs to be carried out in family, preschool establishments, in schools, and universities. A great significance has a robot in junior classes; it forms the ecological culture of a student, and socializing with nature also plays a great role. Implanting in children love to nature, their ecological education provide a rising generation with scientific knowledge of intercommunication of nature and society.
Akhyyarov, K., Petrova, T, Naumova, L. (2001). Ekolohycheskoe obrazovanye: Opyt, Prohnozy [Ecological education: Experience, Forecasts]: Monohrafyya. Sterlytamak: Sterlytamak. hos. ped. yn-t.
Koreneva, I. (1999). Pravovi aspekty ekolohichnoho vykhovannya [Legal aspects of ecological education]. Pochatkova shkola, 10, 19-20. Radchenko, T D. (2005). Stalyy rozvytok i ekolohichna osvita. Dostupnist' ta neperervnist' ekolohichnoyi osvity - vymoha chasu [ustainable development and ecological education]. Vseukrayins'ka naukovo-praktychna konferentsiya. Zakarpattya 4-7 lypnya. Uzhhorod, 13-17. Slobodyan, Y M. (1979). Pryrodookhrannaya rabota v shkole [Environmental work in the school]. K.: Radyans'ka shkola, (III kv.).
Tarasenko, H. (2006). Vzayemozv'yazok estetychnoyi ta ekolohichnoyi pidhotovky vchytelya v systemi profesiynoyi osvity [Relationship between aesthetic and ecological teacher training in the professional education system]: Monohrafiya. Cherkasy: "Vertykal'".
Tkachuk H. P. (1988). Formuvannya ekolohichnoyi kul'tury uchniv [Formation of students' ecological culture]. K.: T-vo „Znannya” URSR.
Zakhlebnyy, A. N. (1987). Okhrana pryrody v shkol'nom kurse byolohyy [Nature protection in the school course of biology]. Posobye dlya uchytelya. M.: Prosveshchenye.
Zakonodavstvo Ukrayiny pro okhoronu navkolyshn'oho pryrodnoho seredovyshcha [Legislation of Ukraine on environmental protection]: stanom na 1 kvitnya 2000 r. / Verkhovna Rada Ukrayiny. Ofits. vyd. (2000). K.: Parlam. vyd-vo.
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