Textbook as a means of creativity development of a student
Comparative analysis of textbooks for primary school in Poland and Ukraine. The place of development of logical and critical thinking in modern textbooks of the New Ukrainian School. Creative tasks aimed at organizing students' research activities.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 25.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 92,3 K |
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Zhytomyr Ivan Franko state university
Textbook as a means of creativity development of a student
Vita Pavlenko,
PhD in pedagogy (candidate of pedagogical sciences), docent of the department of professional-pedagogical and special education, andragogy and management
The article provides a comparative analysis of primary school textbooks in Poland and Ukraine. Summarizing the results of the analysis of the approaches of different authors, the following functions of the school textbook are singled out: informational, managerial, developmental, communicative, educational, differentiation of learning, individualization of learning.
It is established that in modern textbooks of New Ukrainian School (NUS) much attention is paid to: development of logical thinking; activity approach; work with information; development of students' critical thinking; ability to interact and communicate; creativity development. Technical means of learning are tools, used to enhance the educational process, to help develop creativity, evoke and sustain positive emotions. Tasks of a creative origin aimed at organizing the search activities of students and the development of creativity improve the developmental function of textbooks for primary school. One of the key trends is the use of «open» textbooks. It is established that textbooks should ensure illustrative materials to promote the development of mental processes in students (attention, memory, imagination, thinking) and the development of creativity. Learning tasks in such textbooks should be divided into reproductive, productive and open. It is noted that the «open» textbook promotes the creativity of teachers who become its contributors; in addition, the textbook is enriched with local realities.
Keywords: textbook, development of creativity, modern Polish primary school, creative potential, New Ukrainian School (NUS), reform.
Віта Павленко. Підручник як засіб креативного розвитку учня
У статті проведено порівняльний аналіз підручників для початкової школи Польщі та України. Узагальнюючи результати аналізу підходів різних дослідників, автор виділяє функції шкільного підручника: інформативну, управлінську, розвивальну, комунікативну, виховну, диференціації та індивідуалізації навчання. Автором виявлено, що в сучасних підручниках Нової української школи (НУШ) значна увага приділяється розвитку логічного мислення; діяльнісному підходу; роботі з інформацією; розвитку критичного мислення учнів; розвитку креативності та здатності учнів до взаємодії й спілкування. Творчі завдання, спрямовані на організацію дослідницької діяльності учнів та розвиток їх творчості, покращують розвивальну функцію підручників початкової школи. Однією з ключових тенденцій сучасної освіти є використання «відкритих» підручників, які підтримують творчість учителів-співавторів.
Ключові слова: підручник, розвиток креативності, сучасна польська початкова школа, творчий потенціал, Нова українська школа (НУШ), реформа.
Main part
Introduction of the issue. Taking into account the integration of the Ukrainian system of education into the European educational space and its focus on improving quality of training in accordance with international standards, it is important to implement the main learning and teaching objectives and conduct a creative use of valuable foreign experience, such as development of creativity in particular. Thus, in this context, Polish innovative experience and substantial research conducted in the sphere of education are of great interest and importance.
Technical means of learning (TML) play important role in the development of students' creativity; TML is an important tool, which is used to enhance the educational process, but its major significance is incalculable in primary school, for they not only are exploited by the teacher to help develop creativity, but also evoke and sustain positive emotions.
Analysis of basic research and publications on the issue. The concept of modern textbooks aims at developing multiple students' competencies, its essence, structure and functionality were investigated by V. Beilinson, V. Bezpalko, D. Zuiev; textbook in the context of developmental learning - L. Zankov, A. Poliakova; theory and practice of a textbook for primary school - Ya. Kodliuk; use of the textbook in the educational process - Yu. Babaskyi, I. Lerner, O. Savchenko.
The works of Polish scientists are devoted to the problem of comprehensive development of personality (L. Bandura, I. Borzym, A. Goralski, W. Kwiatniowa, T. Lewowicki, S. Mieszalski, A. Nalaskowski, S. Palka, A. Senkowski, A. Goralski, D. Ekiert-Grabowska, J. Easzczyk, D. Nakoneczna, W. Panek, J. Cieslikowska.
In pedagogy the textbook is considered not only as a carrier of educational content, but also as a technological model of educational activities, which holistically and consistently reflects all the main stages of the learning process. The manufacturability of textbooks for primary school is reflected and implemented in the construction of educational topics, the structure of which corresponds to the general structure of lessons, and in the organization of all types of educational activities [2, p. 150-162].
Aim of article is to conduct comparative analysis of the importance of the textbook for the development of students' creativity in modern primary schools in Poland and Ukraine.
Presentation of the main material with substantiation of the obtained scientific results. Summarizing the results of the analysis of the approaches of different authors, the following functions of the school textbook are distinguished: informational, managerial, developmental, communicative, educational, differentiation of learning, individualization of learning [10, p. 3-6].
The developmental function of textbooks aims to ensure that illustrative material promotes the development of mental processes in students (attention, memory, imagination, thinking) and the development of creativity.
An important component of developmental learning is the development of creativity in younger students, and therefore basis of creative activity is considered to be flexibility, speed, logic, innovativeness of thinking, developed imagination, non-standard thinking. Tasks can be divided into two groups: those that require restructuring or addition to the already known (composing a problem according to the pattern; plan the work in accordance to the scheme; supplementing texts;
composing a story based on a picture; performing exercises in different ways, etc.), and those that require student's independent work with the introduction of elements of novelty into the main activity (composition of works, tasks; creation of own projects).
In the context of the ideas of the New Ukrainian School, modern textbooks of the new generation in the system of advanced education have been created, which includes current textbooks, namely: «I explore the world», «Mathematics», «Ukrainian language. Bukvar», «Ukrainian language and reading», «Art», «English language», «French language» and other [6]. The best teachers-practitioners were involved in the creation of the above-mentioned learning materials.
The experience of foreign countries (Poland in particular) was used in the creation of textbooks for the New Ukrainian School. However, it was decided to realize those goals that are important for the Ukrainian educational space. Thus, a textbook should provide any desired level of study of the subject, moreover, it should not be designed for an average student. Accordingly, the way of presenting the educational material, as well as the ways of organizing educational texts, the system of exercises and tests, including reference information should focus on the possibility of the student's choice of the way of mastering the given material at different levels.
Important are the elements of the textbook aimed at consolidating knowledge, the possibility of their application in new situations that require independent research, data retrieval, and so on. Competence approach in the textbook is manifested by the emphasis on the ways and kinds of students' activities and the creation of conditions for their personal development [7].
Within the framework of the competence approach, the activity function of the textbook as a tool for managing the student's educational and cognitive activity is qualitatively distinguished.
Learning tasks in textbooks should be divided into reproductive, productive and open.
Thus, for analysis textbooks for 2nd grade pupils have been chosen, namely: Ponomareva K., 2019. Ukrainian language and reading (Part 1) [9]; Lobova O., 2019. Art [3]; Morse N., Barna O., 2019. I explore the world (Part 2) [5]; Bevz V., Vasilieva V., 2019. Mathematics [1]; Mitchell G., 2019. English language [4].
According to the statistical procedures conducted, of the total array of tasks (756 units) of the textbook in mathematics 19% are reproductive, 64% were marked as partial search based, and 17% - creative.
The textbook in English contains 211 tasks, 18% of which are reproductive tasks, 21% - partial search, and 61% - creative.
Next sample - textbook «I explore the world (Part 2)» contains 260 tasks, 21% of which are reproductive tasks, 66% - partial search and 13% - creative.
In the textbook for 2nd grade «Art» 212 tasks have been identified, among which 38% are reproductive tasks, 53% - partial search and 9% - creative.
Ukrainian language and reading (Part 1) textbook contains 763 tasks, statistical analysis revealed that 26% are reproductive tasks, 64% - partial search and 10% - creative.
On the positive side, more than half of the tasks in the textbooks are partially exploratory, which can potentially have a positive effect on the development of students' creative potential. At the same time, in our opinion, textbooks contain unreasonable number of reproductive tasks. The share of creative tasks is small, but the positive thing is that they are available in almost every educational topic.
Tasks of a creative nature aimed at organizing the search activities of students and the development of creativity improve the developmental function of textbooks for primary school.
The first group of tasks is research-based in nature. Exercises of this kind involve the collection of information about the native land, origin of the names of settlements, streets, rivers; study of the family tree. For example, the rubric «Be a researcher» (in textbooks on Ukrainian language and reading) encourages students to use additional literature and other information sources, refer to the previous material in order to repeat and consolidate it, as well as to carry out the simplest generalized analysis of the studied works. The rubrics «Explore», «Search», «Observe», «Reflect», «Find out» (in the textbooks «I explore the world») encourage children to independently plan the course of work, select material for observations, experiments, make assumptions, record results of experiments, make sketches, conclusions, for example, learn about the traditions of the area and create a photo album. When studying the topic «Man - part of Ukraine» to explore our country's neighbors, a project «Let's travel to Ukraine» is offered as a supplementary material.
Percentage of reproductive, part-search and creative tasks in NUS textbooks
textbook school logical thinking
Tasks for the development of creativity teach students to choose rhymes for a line, a single word (from the text, independently); compose their own poems. Considerable developmental opportunities include exercises for composing fairy tales, stories (some of them offer to continue the work, others - to compose it yourself; some tasks set a specific theme of the work), patter, riddles, counters and more. After analyzing the textbooks «Ukrainian language and reading», «Mathematics», «I explore the world» it was possible to find out that the greatest potential for the formation of cognitive processes have textbooks in mathematics. These textbooks differ, in particular, in the number of tasks for the development of imagination and fantasy, which are represented by special sections: «Compare», «Group», «Find an unknown number», «Find and correct mistakes», «Decipher the word», «Jokes», «Trap tasks», «Interesting squares», «Interesting tasks», game «Tangram», game «Fifth extra».
The most numerous is a group of tasks aimed at developing the ability of younger students to think. They are presented in reading books and textbooks «I explore the world» (rubric «Think together», work in pairs, group work «Discuss it first with a neighbor at the desk, and then - in class»; exercises to prove their own opinion, summarizing, etc.). Such tasks are contained in a textbook in mathematics, they encourage students to explain the course of reasoning, the sequence of actions, the development of logical and non-standard thinking, tasks with high logical load (task «with an asterisk»). Tasks of developmental nature (for example: make a plan for the problem, make a short record of the problem, to choose from the proposed correct short record for the problem) involves the development of mathematical knowledge.
Tasks for the development of creativity are presented in the textbooks «Ukrainian language and reading», and among them dominate the exercises that require students to be independent, as well as the ones that encourage the development of speech of junior pupils, for example: «comment…», «discussions with a neighbor at the desk…» etc.
Textbooks of the «I explore the world» series have significant developmental potential. The tasks of research nature contained in them include the use of additional literature, the organization of search activities. Practical exercises are mostly competitive (such as «make a collage») and are aimed at developing students' curiosity, attention and imagination (use of ethnographic material - the task of understanding proverbs and sayings), observation and attention (experiments, observations), memory and creative thinking (crossword puzzles, involving exercises).
In modern NUS textbooks much attention is paid to:
- development of logical thinking (each lesson offers several tasks with a logical workload, as well as the textbook contains a selection of tasks for the planned individual lessons on the development of logical thinking);
- activity approach (practical tasks for which the student must cut, bend, design, build or use software, etc.);
- work with data (in the modern information society it is important to be able to collect, systematize, analyze, present data);
- development of critical thinking (multiple «find error», «true or false» tasks, etc.);
- ability to interact and communicate (tasks where students can express and substantiate their opinion, find a compromise, distribute responsibilities, etc.);
- development of creativity (many creative tasks where are offered to students, so they can express their individualities, and also encourage to offer different ways of solving the problem tasks given);
- variability of thinking («Mathematics 4th grade», V. Bevz, D. Vasilieva - exercises №263, 99, 377.
In order to make it easier for primary school students to adapt to the specifics of secondary school, the textbook for 4th grade offers:
- projects for each of the sections. Students can perform them as throughout the year, or they can be set aside separately at the end of quarters or semesters.
The following projects are offered in «Mathematics. 4th grade» by V. Bevz, D. Vasilieva: part 1 - project 1 «Knowing and exploring the world»; project 2 «Gaining experience in financial calculations and entrepreneurship»; project 3 «Symmetry around us»; part 2 - project 1 «How and why to measure the temperature»; project 2 «I care about my own health»; project 3 «Making on the basis of bending and cutting»).
The answers to some exercises are given at the end of the textbook, so students can perform self-assessment and, accordingly, develop skills corresponding abilities of self-analysis and selfcorrection.
It should be noted that the development of creativity of students largely depends on the individual style of work of a teacher, his/her experience, the availability of appropriate didactic materials. The level of development of students with which they come to school, the environment in which they are brought up has a great influence on this process.
Teachers often use lessons of developmental orientation, systems of corresponding lessons, which are dominated by the developmental component, and educational and upbringing goals are subordinated to the developmental one. Thus, such educators constantly use creative teaching methods during their lessons, where children have to communicate with each other while developing speech and thinking.
Analysis of the experience of developmental learning in schools shows that from the first days of the beginning of the educational process child's creative thinking and steady interest in knowledge are being developed, thus skills and abilities act as a means for the development of the people's personality.
It should be noted that a quality textbook can become a powerful tool for learning, education and development of the child. In the process of implementing the developmental function of the textbook, the professional competence of the teacher is of great importance. The relationship «teacher-textbook» becomes particularly acute: the modern primary school teacher does not have enough theoretical and practical training to work with educational literature of a new kind. After all, the primary school teacher can choose the textbook to work on, taking into account the basis of the particular school.
Therefore, the teacher must make every effort to form a culture of thinking in students, which presupposes formation of specific properties of thinking, namely: correctness, transparency, meaningfulness of response, formulation of the opinion.
Prior to the reform of 2016 in Poland, all textbooks for schooling were purchased by parents on the advice of teachers. The market reacted to such a stable demand with too rapid growth - both in terms of supply and price. Thus, schools began to buy too expensive textbooks with additional optional separately purchased materials: notebooks, manuals and various teaching materials.
The state decided to take control over this process, therefore legal entities conducted centralized purchases of all necessary textbooks for elementary and high school. Moreover, Polish pupils and students got and used textbooks for free. There are no compulsory textbooks in Poland, nor are there compulsory curricula. Teachers independently choose the tools that will be used in teaching. Alicja Kaczmarska-Strzebonska is the author of books for teaching reading and writing exploiting composition method, which is considered the most effective. It possessed such feature as simplicity of execution and trouble-free fast results achieving, so it is recommended by the top teachers and methodologists in Poland. The primer is designed with maximum attention to its essential value, moreover, bright illustrations serve as additional advantage.
The content of the «Primer» was divided into two parts. The first part presents the letters and syllables as an opportunity not only to learn to read, but also to write, because when the pupil fills in the following letters, the arrows show the easiest way to write them, and there is a place for selfeducation and self-improvement. The letters are entered in the correct order, so that they can be used to build simple, usually one - or two-syllable words. If there is a word in the sentence that the child has not learned before, it is replaced by a picture. For example, in «Dad has a tractor» exercise the last word is replaced by an illustration of a tractor, and in «Mom has a handbag» at the end of the sentence there is a red women's handbag. Exercises to supplement the sentence, which promotes the development of creative thinking and imagination, are involving.
In the second part of the «Primer» there are exercises that exploit the method of composition. However, major part of the primer is based on the inductive method: the texts are arranged from the simplest to the most complex. The exercises are creative, children involving, for they offer exercises in relevant topics related to travel, nature, animals, as well as dinosaurs and space. All texts use a clear division into syllables that differ in contrasting colors [11, p. 160].
The Polish textbook «Elementarz odkrywcow. Edukacja polonistyczna, przyrodnicza, spoleczna. Cwiczenia» for 2nd grade students continues offering exercises that let children to explore the world of Polish language, social and science education. Students improve the necessary skills of reading and writing, on the principle of gradual step-by-step complicating the content of educational material and approach the study of language, namely:
- develop the ability to write and read through well-chosen exercises;
- improve perception and visual memory on pages with images of syllables, words and puzzles;
- improve language skills and enrich vocabulary;
- get acquainted with the world of linguistics and spelling (series «Spelling Skirmishes»);
- develop receptivity, logical and creative thinking and the ability to express themselves through specially selected exercises in the cycle «Researchers' Day».
- allow students to get to know the world of nature and teach respect for the world around on the pages of «Przygody Naturalny»;
- allow to understand and remember the meaning of nature and encourage observation of the natural world [12, p. 88].
One of the key trends is the use of open textbooks. An open textbook promotes the creativity of teachers who become its contributors; in addition, such a textbook is enriched with local realities. Students are more motivated to learn if they know that some textbooks have been written by their teachers.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. Thus, the analysis of textbooks for primary school showed that they have great developmental potential. However, the presentation of corresponding tasks in textbooks requires improvement, for they are placed unsystematically, not all types of tasks are given in particular textbooks, the positive dynamics of their use is not sufficiently ensured. In order to develop the processes of memorization in elementary school students, it is important to include more exercises of this kind, as well as the ones based on the use of life experience, which potentially can actualize of acquired knowledge.
As a result of the 2016 reform, the following trends are observed in the educational process in Poland:
- movement from the use of one textbook to the use of sets of educational materials that contain key ideas, topics;
- excessive use of digital educational materials.
References (translated & transliterated)
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презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 29.11.2014Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.
курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.
курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.
учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015Oxford is the oldest English-speaking university in the world and the largest research center in Oxford more than a hundred libraries and museums, its publisher. The main areas of training students. Admission to the university. Its history and structure.
презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012Study the history of opening of the first grammar and boarding-schools. Description of monitorial system of education, when teacher teaches the monitors who then pass on their knowledge to the pupils. Analysis the most famous Universities in Britain.
презентация [394,4 K], добавлен 29.11.2011Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.
курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.
презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015Principles of asr teсhnology. Performance and designissues in speech applications. Current trends in voise-interactive call. Difining and acquiring literacy in the age of information. Content-based instruction and literacy development.
курсовая работа [107,9 K], добавлен 21.01.2008Direction of professional self - development. Features of emotional sphere. Personal qualities of the social teacher and teacher of self-knowledge. The concept of vital functions as a continuous process of goal-setting, operations and human behavior.
презентация [2,5 M], добавлен 08.10.2016