Pedagogical conditions of usage didactic games for young children’s sensory education
The use of didactic games by teachers of preschool education institutions, which play an important role in the formation of sensory standards in young children. The essence of sensory education as purposeful, consistent, systematic pedagogical influence.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 17,8 K |
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Pedagogical conditions of usage didactic games for young children's sensory education
Oksana Vilkhova, Poltava, Ukraine
Olha Hryshko, Poltava, Ukraine
The article substantiates the relevance of didactic games usage by educators of preschool institutions, which play an essential role in young children's sensory standards formation. The essence of sensory education as a purposeful, consistent, and planned pedagogical influence is determined, which ensures the formation of children's sensory cognition, development of sensation processes, perception, and visual representations through acquaintance with human sensory culture. It has been found that the pedagogical conditions for the successful use of didactic games in the children's sensory development are the following: consistency and systematic use of didactic games; repetition of their holding with a gradual transition from the simple to the complex ones; individual approach taking into account the age characteristics of children, developmental environment. It is proved that a child's sensory development literally formed from the first days of their lives is the key to a successful implementation of various activities. That is why it is so essential that sensory education is systematically included in all spheres of a child's life, especially in the processes of cognition of objects and their properties (shape, structure, size, proportions, color, location in space, etc.).
Keywords: didactic games; exercises; sensory development; young children; basic competencies; educators of preschool institutions; pedagogical guidance
Оксана Вільхова, Ольга Гришко
У статті обґрунтовано актуальність використання вихователями закладів дошкільної освіти дидактичних ігор, які відіграють важливу роль у формуванні сенсорних еталонів у дітей раннього віку. Визначено сутність сенсорного виховання як цілеспрямованого, послідовного і планомірного педагогічного впливу, що забезпечує формування у дітей чуттєвого пізнання, розвиток процесів відчуття, сприймання, наочних уявлень через ознайомлення з сенсорною культурою людини. З'ясовано, що педагогічними умовами успішного використання дидактичних ігор у сенсорному вихованні дошкільнят є послідовність і систематичність використання дидактичних ігор; регулярність їх проведення з поступовим переходом від простого до складного; індивідуальний підхід з урахуванням вікових особливості дітей; предметно-розвивальне середовище. Доведено, що сенсорне виховання дитини з перших днів її життя є запорукою успішного здійснення різних видів діяльності, формування різноманітних здібностей. Однією з найважливіших складових організації процесу сенсорного виховання є предметно-розвивальне середовище. Наявність дидактичних посібників, іграшок, які стимулюють сенсорний розвиток дітей відіграє дуже важливу роль. З'ясовано, що науковці у своїх працях у галузі дошкільної педагогіки і психології акцентують увагу на тому, що без цілеспрямованого сенсорно-пізнавального впливу на дитину її сприйняття надовго залишається поверхневим, фрагментарним, не створюється база, необхідна для інтелектуального розвитку, оволодіння різними видами діяльності (малювання, конструювання тощо), повноцінного засвоєння знань і набуття навичок. Провідна роль у цьому процесі належить дорослим - вихователям, батькам, найближчим родичам.
Саме тому так важливо, щоб сенсорне виховання планомірно і систематично включалося в усі сфери життя дитини, перш за все в процеси пізнання предметів та їх властивостей (форма, будова, величина, пропорції, колір, розташування в просторі тощо).
У статті акцентовано увагу на тому, що дидактичний матеріал, який використовують педагоги для під час проведення ігор повинен сприяти створенню певних проблемних ситуацій, активізувати мислення дітей раннього віку, стимулювати їх до пошуку вирішення поставлених завдань.
Ключові слова: дидактичні ігри, вправи, сенсорний розвиток, діти раннього віку, базові компетентності, вихователі закладів дошкільної освіти, педагогічне керівництво.
Formulation of the issue
didactic games preschool education children
In the current conditions of socioeconomic transformations in Ukraine, the requirements for younger generation education and upbringing are growing. One of the priority spheres of modern education system development is the need to create conditions for its qualitative renewal, which meets the socio-cultural and economic needs of society. That is why one of the key objectives of modern preschool education is to provide conditions for children's full physical, mental and spiritual development of each child and the formation of their key life competencies.
An educational line Preschool Children's Sensory and Cognitive Development is identified in the Basic component of preschool education in Ukraine (Basic component, 2021). There are classes devoted to the sensory development of 3-year-old children twice a week. It indicates the need to improve the quality of work directed to young children's sensory development.
It should be noted that ensuring a personality's comprehensive and harmonious development by implementing the objectives of young children's sensory education is possible only if representatives of pedagogical professions have a wide range of professional and pedagogical and methodological skills. To a large extent, this is provided by the profession of an educator.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of the game has long attracted the attention of professionals. Well-known representatives of Ukrainian preschool pedagogy and psychology, namely O. Zaporozhets, S. Rusova, N. Sakulina, E. Tykheeva, O. Usova, M. Shchelovanov, etc., as well as leading foreign scientists in the field of preschool pedagogy, namely J. Decroly, M. Montessori, F. Froebel, believed that sensory education was aimed at ensuring preschoolers' full and comprehensive development. The game theory was developed by both foreign (J. Piaget, W. Stern, K. Gross) and national researchers in the field of psychology and pedagogy (B. Ananiev,
L. Vygotsky, O. Leontiev, S. Rubinstein, D. Elkonin, F. Froebel,
M.Montessori, E. Tiheeva, Z. Boguslavskaya, E. Smirnova, etc.).
Analysis of preschool education practice shows that most educators consider the importance of gaining experience while organizing young children's sensory education. It is a necessary condition for successful professional activity. However, a significant number of preschool education specialists admit that the process of young children's sensory education is unfocused. Most modern programs of preschool children's education and upbringing do not have objectives to provide children's sensory education and development. Their implementation is spontaneous and not systematized in some areas of educators' work, which are aimed at mental development, speech development, and acquaintance with the environment. All these facts convincingly prove that it is necessary to study the content, determine the conditions and means of organizing young children's sensory development. As we can see, young children's sensory education is an urgent pedagogical issue, the solution of which is essential both for the future specialist and for society as a whole.
The purpose of the publication is to clarify the pedagogical conditions for didactic games usage in the process of young children's sensory education.
The research methods are the following:
- theoretical ones, namely pedagogical analysis of philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical literature sources, scientific and methodological literature on this issue, analysis of state and regulatory documents in the field of preschool education to determine the theoretical foundations of the sensory education issue; systematization and classification of scientific and pedagogical literature in order to determine the relevance of the research issue;
- empirical ones, namely search and identification of difficulties of preschoolers' sensory perception, study, and generalization of pedagogical experience, different views on the research issue to determine the effectiveness of game technology in the system of sensory education.
Presenting the main data
Psychologists and educators point out that early age is the most favorable time for sensory education, without which the formation of a child's mental abilities is impossible. This period is essential for improving the activity of the senses, for the accumulation of ideas about the world around, and for recognizing the baby's creative abilities. The most effective means of children's sensory development is didactic games and didactic exercises. Didactic play is one of the ways to develop childrens cognitive and intellectual activity, as well as an important form of support for children's initiative. With the help of the game, the child learns all the sensory standards and masters the ability to compare, draw general conclusions, and classify. On the basis of the mastered representations, cognitive processes develop, aesthetic feelings develop. Enrichment of sensory perceptions is due to the accumulation of sensory experience gained through the senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste). One of the necessary conditions for young childrens sensory development is its implementation in the process of meaningful, practical activities (play activities) for children with play material (Grama, 2018).
Integration with other activities, especially the productive ones, is essential for the sensory education organization. It allows us to enrich the child's experience, and to create conditions for a child to inspect objects, study the properties of various objects and their relationships.
At an early age, the child develops the most essential psychological tumors, which are most pronounced during play.
Many researchers note that one of the most essential components of the process of sensory education organization is the subject- development environment. With the availability of teaching manuals, toys that stimulate children's sensory development play a very essential role. Didactic material is divided into `artificial' and `natural' one, which allows children to form sensory standards of shape, color, size, quantity, etc. (Levushkina, 2012).
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of preschoolers' sensory-perceptual sphere development. Early age is the most favorable for improving the senses, gaining ideas about the world around us. That is why sensory education is aimed at ensuring the child's full sensory development. Since ancient times foreign and national scientists have considered one of the main areas of preschool education. Sensory development is still considered the basis of children's general mental development.
M. Montessori paid particular attention to the enrichment of the subject-development environment with specific didactic materials. The scholar developed a system of games and materials that were an age-appropriate form of studying, and effective means of forming ideas about the world around us (Dyshlyuk, 2015).
In her research, it was noted that the subject-development environment could not be a sufficient condition for the sensory education organization. It was necessary to provide pedagogical guidance in the process of sensory education (Dychkivska, Ponimanska, 2006).
Thanks to sensory education, the child begins to perceive more fully different objects, the variety of their properties and relationships. Research in the field of pedagogy and psychology shows that without such influence the child's perception remains superficial, fragmentary, there is no foundation necessary for general mental development,
mastery of various activities (drawing, design, etc.), full acquisition of knowledge and acquisition of skills.
Pedagogical guidance involves the usage of a set of methods and techniques for sensory education of young children, enrichment, and creation of the subject-development environment, stimulating their interest. At a very young age, the leading role in the child's development plays an adult. It is also since the child's mental processes are imperfect; they can not control them independently.
According to some researchers, for didactic material to promote sensory development, it is also necessary that this material creates a problem situation, activates children's thinking, and stimulates them to seek solutions to this situation (Bureishina, 2014). The most common form of educational tasks is didactic games and exercises. They open a vast space for children to learn about the world, teach them to apply knowledge and skills, think creatively.
The main difference between didactic games and didactic exercises is that the implementation of game rules is guided by game actions, through which children implement the game plan. Game actions are a kind of 'drawing' of the game plot. They form the basis of the didactic game, and without them, the game itself is impossible (Gromova, 2014).
It is recommended to use both didactic games and didactic exercises to work on sensory development. The primary purpose of didactic exercises on sensory development is to consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills of particular sensory actions. The didactic meaning of the exercises is that the child gets the opportunity to act independently, many times repeating different practical operations, to see the result of their actions. The result is achieved through multiple exercises with didactic material.
In fact, the purpose for which a didactic game or exercise is conducted is a didactic objective. It is determined by the educator, in accordance with the program of preschool development. The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the focus of the game or exercise educational content on the development of children's cognitive mental processes.
The game begins with the educator announcing the game objective that the children need to solve. The didactic game should have the following components: didactic objective, game task, game actions, rules, game result (Gromova, 2014).
It is worth noting that the didactic exercise has instructions, which are clearly defined requirements for children's activities. The instructions are usually specific, clear, and concise.
In contrast to the didactic game, after informing the children of the instruction of the didactic exercise, the children immediately start to solve the problem. In the structure of didactic exercises, this component is called performing actions.
Interesting performance actions actually 'hide' from the child the complexity of the didactic objective. As a result, they help solve mental problems, which are not yet possible for young children outside of this exercise.
Solved didactic objectives and followed instructions are the final part of the didactic exercise. Researchers advise evaluating the result from the following positions: from the child's point of view, namely if the didactic exercise gives the child the opportunity to correct, identify acquired knowledge and skills, and if the child followed the instructions; from the educator's point of view, namely if the didactic objective is solved, ie whether the educational, developmental, and upbringing goals of the exercise are achieved (Gromova, 2014).
We also emphasize that didactic play is a game aimed at forming a child's need for knowledge, active interest in what can be their new source. It is a playful method of teaching young children, a form of teaching children, independent play activities, and a means of children's comprehensive education. It is also one of the forms of improving children's cognitive skills. The didactic game as a form of teaching interacts with educational (cognitive) and game (interesting) activities (Dychkivska, 2020).
Accordingly, the educator simultaneously teaches children and participates in their play, and children learn by playing. In the Basic component of preschool education, the educational line Child's Game provides for children's creative abilities development, independence, initiative, the organization in play activities, and the formation of their lasting interest in learning about the environment and self-realization in it. The game ensures the satisfaction of each child's playful preferences, promotes friendships, partnerships, and playful associations of interests. It encourages the exchange of ideas, selfesteem, and others, encourages improvisation, expression of their ethical judgments (Basic component, 2021).
When using didactic games, the educator sets sensory and mental goals for children in a playful way. The development of the child's perception and ideas, perception of knowledge and skills is not in the learning process, but in the course of interesting play activities (hiding and searching, guessing and guessing, depicting various life situations, competing to achieve results).
In the general structure of learning, the developmental game acquires independence. Its place is determined by the role given to it by the educator, using a variety of developmental forms and means of education in the upbringing of children. With competent, skillful use of the didactic game by the educator in sensory development and education of young children, it is possible to achieve high results, both in sensory and in the general development of children (Grama, 2018).
Thus, didactic games as a special means of learning that meet the characteristics of the child are included in all systems of preschool education. Initially, didactic games were created by folk pedagogy. They have a lot of funny jokes, humor, but at the same time, they require children to work hard mentally, compete in intelligence, concentration. In games with toys, various objects, with pictures, the child accumulates sensory experience. Disassembling and assembling the pyramid, collecting paired pictures, she learns to distinguish and name the size, shape, color, and other features of objects.
The children's sensory development is an analytical game directly related to the development of logical thinking and the ability to express their thoughts in a sentence. To solve a game problem, you need to compare the features of objects, establish similarities and differences, combine, and draw conclusions (Grama, 2018).
The role of didactic games in sensory education is difficult to overestimate. The didactic game gives the child the opportunity to learn how the world is arranged, and expand their horizons. Didactic games perform an essential function, namely control over the state of sensory development of children. Sensory development can be achieved only with a specific system of didactic games. In special classes in preschool institutions, participating in didactic games, children accumulate sensory impressions, learn to understand, systematize, expand and use them in practice.
Various toys (inserts, pyramids, cubes, matryoshka dolls, etc.) have significant opportunities for sensory development. Children are attracted by the brightness of these toys, the fun of acting with them. Playing, the child acquires the ability to act on the basis of distinguishing the shape, size, color of objects, masters a variety of new movements and actions. And all this kind of learning key knowledge and skills is carried out in exciting forms available to the child (Bureishina, 2014).
A specific role in the sensory education of young children belongs to natural phenomena because, at any time of year, children experience the joy of the variety of sensations it gives. It is essential to give them the opportunity to fully experience these pleasant and joyful moments. You can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of nature only for a moment, but this moment is essential for children's sensory development. Thus, in the forest, park kids learn to distinguish the color of autumn leaves: a birch is lemon, willow is greenish-yellow, and aspen is red or purple. What is seen is perceived more vividly if children are invited to listen to the voices of birds, the sound of the wind, the rustle of falling leaves, etc. (Grama, 2014).
Most children react to new, thrilling feelings with violent movements: running, jumping, lying on the grass, shouting, screaming, laughing. This reaction is natural; it must be manifested. The children start various games: they run around the trees, hide behind them, hug the trunks with their hands, run down the hill. Children are especially attracted to water: they dip their hands into the stream, throw branches and watch them float upstream. `Dishes' are cooked with herbs, fruits, roots, sand, and water. Kids easily and willingly learn the names of flowers, herbs, stones. Such direct communication with nature helps children find them, guided by the shape, structure, smell, humidity, smoothness, fluff. The more sense organs are `involved' in cognition, the more signs, and properties the child highlights in the object under study, the phenomenon, therefore, the richer their ideas are. On the basis of such ideas, mental processes, imagination, aesthetic feelings are formed.
The pedagogical value of the didactic game is that it requires children to focus, attention, mental effort, requires the ability to understand the rules, sequence of actions, overcome difficulties. Such games promote the development of preschoolers' feelings, perception, formation of ideas, learning. Didactic games provide an opportunity to teach children a variety of ways to solve mental or practical problems (Dychkivska, 2020).
Conclusions and prospects for further research
Thus, the sensory development of young children in the process of didactic games is in constant connection with the development of their logical thinking and ability to express their thoughts in words. In order for children to be able to solve a game problem, they need to learn to compare the object's features, find commonalities and differences, generalize, and conclude. Only with a certain system of didactic games, it is possible to achieve effective sensory development. While classes in preschool institutions, participating in didactic games, young children learn sensory impressions, learn to understand them, systematize, expand and use them in practice. We see prospects for further scientific research in detailing the pedagogical conditions of young children's sensory and cognitive development in the postwar period.
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курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012Motivation to learn a foreign language in Kazakhstan. Motivation in the classroom. The role of games on language lessons. Examples of some games and activities which had approbated on English language lessons. Various factors of student motivation.
курсовая работа [25,0 K], добавлен 16.01.2013Investigation of the main reasons English language jelly. Characteristics of the expansion content Total Physical Response; consideration of the basic pedagogical principles of its use in teaching language inostannomu junior and senior school age.
курсовая работа [40,2 K], добавлен 21.02.2012Methods of foreign language teaching. The grammar-translation method. The direct, audio-lingual method, the silent way and the communicative approach. Teaching English to children in an EFL setting. Teaching vocabulary to children. Textbook analysis.
курсовая работа [142,6 K], добавлен 09.12.2012Порядок проведения урока "Education in Great Britain" в 10 классе. Коммуникативная компетенция как один из основных принципов преподавания иностранных языков на современном этапе. План-конспект мероприятия "Valentine’s Day" по английскому языку.
контрольная работа [17,0 K], добавлен 06.12.2011The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015