Using group-based methods in a foreign language classroom with students of higher education establishments
Assessment of the advantages of students' work in small groups when learning a foreign language. The models of using small groups in foreign language classes, which should contribute to overcoming language barriers, eliminating shyness and insecurity.
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Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 28.12.2022 |
Размер файла | 22,7 K |
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Higher educational establishment «Poltava university of economics and trade»
Using group-based methods in a foreign language classroom with students of higher education establishments
Tetiana Sokurenko
Olena Kononenko
Alina Kryshtal
The article deals with the problem of using group-based foreign language learning in higher education establishments. The emphasis is on the advantages of small-group work in the foreign language classroom. The general models of using small groups are described in the article.
Keywords: group work, small-group work, learning teams, interactive teaching methods.
Використання групових методів при навчанні іноземної мови студентів вищих закладів освіти
Сокуренко Т, Кононенко О., Кришталь А.
Вищий навчальний заклад «Полтавський університет економіки і торгівлі», Україна
У статті розглядається питання організації групової роботи на заняттях з іноземної мови у вищій школі. Наголошується на перевагах роботи студентів у малих групах при вивченні іноземної мови. Охарактеризовано загальні моделі використання малих груп на заняттях з іноземної мови. Доведено, що використання роботи в малих групах на уроці іноземної мови сприяє подоланню мовних бар'єрів, усуненню сором'язливості та невпевненості. В умовах взаємонавчання та взаємодопомоги студенти втрачають страх перед неуспішністю та підвищують комунікативно-пізнавальну мотивацію. Обмінюючись роботою та інформацією, навчальна група може отримати знання, які окремий член групи не може отримати самостійно. Необхідні подальші дослідження щодо аналізу інтерактивних методів формування комунікативної компетентності студентів під час вивчення англійської мови.
Ключові слова: групова робота, робота у малих групах, навчальні команди, інтерактивні методи навчання.
Main part
Problem statement. During the reform of higher education in Ukraine, it is important to find new forms and methods of organizing the educational process, which would contribute to the formation of an active, creative, competitive personality of the future specialist. In other words, it is necessary to create conditions under which the future specialist not only deepens his knowledge, gets information, showing intellectual and cognitive activity, but also forms as a person: expresses his personal position, individuality, subjectivity and social activity. Hence, logical development and implementation of new interactive teaching technologies in the educational process that provide freedom of creative personality (Гanaцнн, 2012a, c. 145).
Foreign language learning should not be limited to the transfer of a certain amount of language knowledge to students: students should use this knowledge in all types of speech activities. Group work plays an important role in teaching oral speech. While doing such activities, students learn to discuss, persuade, argue their point of view, give explanations or request the necessary information. Among the innovative learning technologies, interactive technologies are gaining importance today, which provide maximum activation of communicative activities in a foreign language class through the active use of group forms of interpersonal interaction. Therefore, group work in foreign language classes is always relevant (rnymoK, 2010, c. 156).
Analysis of recent research and publications. Group forms of the organization of educational and cognitive activities of students of higher educational institutions are reflected in the works of M. Artyushina, M. Bondarenko, V. Dyachenko, O. Kovalenko, S. Kushniruk, H. Liimetz, Y. Malovany, L. Marisova, M. Mahmutov, G. Molodykh, Y. Furman. Scientists as A. Aleksyuk, T. Kudryavtsev, I. Lerner, V. Molyako, M. Skatkin, A. Furman and others studied the methods of problem-based learning; O. Zaluzhny, I. Yermakov, O. Kobernyk, O. Stadnik, and others studied projective learning. The analysis of interactive educational technologies is reflected in the works of the following scientists N. Balitskaya, K. Bakhanov, O. Bida, L. Pirozhenko, N. Pobirchenko, O. Pometun.
Despite the large number of studies on this problem, the issue of using group forms of work for the formation of foreign language competence of students has not found its final solution yet. Therefore, we see the need to dwell on this issue in more detail and reveal the importance and specificity of the use of group work in foreign language classes in higher education establishments, which is the purpose of the article.
The purpose involves the following tasks: 1) to clarify the nature and benefits of group work in learning a foreign language; 2) to define and characterize models of work of students in small groups; 3) to describe the methods of working in small groups in foreign language classes.
Research results and discussion. The concept of «group work» is considered by researchers as a general term that includes a variety of methods and techniques that involve the cooperation of two or more students, aimed at achieving a common goal (Brown, 200, p. 177-178). Thus, the concept of «group work» means work in small groups because such form of the organization of educational activity creates the most optimum conditions for constant speech interaction of every student without exception that is important at studying of a foreign language to achieve the communicative purpose of training.
Studying of pedagogical literature (A. Aleksyuk, Y. Babansky, I. Lerner, H. Liimetz, A. Matyushkin, M. Mahmutov) gives grounds to claim that usually the frontal, collective and individual work of students in the classroom is determined.
Frontal educational activity - a form of organization of educational activity, which provides simultaneous joint work of the whole team, i.e. student group (AMiparoBa, 2009, p. 54).
V. Dyachenko believes that the leading role belongs to the collective form, because «its use encourages students to collective learning, the specificity of which is a joint collective educational and cognitive activity» [5, p. 3].
Cooperative (group) educational activity - a form of organization of students' training in small groups united by a common learning goal. (AMiparoBa, 2009, p. 55).
In the context of the study, it is appropriate to define the term of interactive learning, which was proposed by scientists O. Pometun and L. Pirozhenko as «a special form of organization of cognitive activity, which has a specific purpose - to create comfortable learning conditions in which everyone experiences their success, intellectual ability» (noMeTyH, nnpo^eHKO, 2003, p. 118). Thus, it is about learning English by the students, the leading component of the content of which is the acquisition of different types of speech activities: listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is interactive learning involves a deviation from the traditional logic of the educational process, i.e. learning new not from theory to practice, but, conversely, from the formation of new experience to its theoretical understanding through the application (noMeTyH, nnpo^emo, 2003, p. 123). Scientists O. Pometun and L. Pirozhenko divided interactive learning technologies into the following groups: pair learning, frontal learning, learning in the game, learning in discussion (noMeTyH, nnpo^emo, 2002, p. 26).
Pair work (dynamic pair, static pair, variation pair) gives the opportunity to think, express, exchange ideas with a partner; promotes the development of skills of interpersonal and professional communication, critical thinking, the ability to persuade and discuss (AMiparoBa, 2009, p. 56).
Group learning technologies (cooperative learning technologies) ensure the activity of all students of the academic group in learning English, promote the formation of cooperation skills, dialogic interaction (for example, mastering the techniques of active listening, general decision making, conflict resolution), etc. (AMiparoBa, 2009, p. 57).
Work in small groups is reasonable to use to solve more complex problems that require collective solution (Гanaцнн, 2012a, p. 54).
Investigating the problem of joint educational activity, scientists emphasize that work in small groups: 1) generates interactive speech; 2) stimulates the responsibility and independence of the student; 3) is a step towards the individualization of learning; 4) creates a positive emotional climate that provides a sense of security (Brown, 2000, p. 178-179). Working in small groups, silent students usually become active participants in communicative interaction, overcoming their own shyness and fear of criticism and disapproval from peers. In terms of learning environment, students help each other intellectually and emotionally and, accordingly, overcome the difficulties that arise in their path more easily. At the same time, group activities contribute to the cohesion of the student body and the formation of humane relations between team members (Brown, 2000, p. 180).
Studying this problem, it was found that in the process of group work in foreign language classes students develop general (ability to listen, argue or disagree, draw conclusions, summarize information) and compensatory (use of lexical paraphrase, replacement of complex grammatical constructions with more commonly used, use of reference materials) skills (Павлова, 2011, p. 24).
However, the success of teamwork in micro groups depends on the psychological readiness of students and teachers to work in groups, the desire of students to work together, as well as personal and professional qualities of the teacher, his/her ability to rationally organize activities in groups (Павлова, 2011, p. 25).
In foreign literature there are three general models of using small groups in foreign language classes (Fink, 2002, p. 5-6): casual use, cooperative learning and team-based learning. Random use of group work is the easiest for the teacher, as it does not require prior planning. The teacher spontaneously organizes microgroups in the classroom, pairing students sitting together and giving them a few minutes to solve a specific problem or discuss a specific issue. This technique can be effective in lectures, as it diversifies the often monotonous speech of the lecturer, activates cognitive processes and makes students interested in the topic of the lecture (Fink, 2002, p. 7).
Cooperative learning involves a regular use of carefully planned and structured group activities. The teacher should consider how and for how long to form the groups, whether to distribute roles, how to achieve the desired level of individual and group responsibility of students (Fink, 2002, p. 8).
In team training, working in small groups are the main activity in the classroom. In this approach, the teacher uses techniques and methods aimed at transforming newly formed groups into highly productive learning teams. Such teams have two special features that contribute to learning: 1) as a member of the team, each student makes great efforts in learning; 2) the team can jointly solve a problem that is impossible to solve independently, even the most talented members (Fink, 2002, p. 9-10).
If we talk about the composition of study groups, they can be homogeneous (unite students on the same features, such as level of knowledge, training, interests, gender, etc.) or heterogeneous (mixed). Most researchers believe that more effective are heterogeneous groups that promote mutual learning, student activity, stimulate creative thinking and intensive exchange of ideas, allow students to complement and enrich each other (Fink, 2002, p. 16).
In foreign language classes, the teacher can use a variety of methods and techniques in small groups. The analysis of researches of scientists (H. Brown, W. Rivers, O. Pometun, L. Pirozhenko, V. Yagodnikova) allows to allocate some interactive methods promoting effective formation of foreign language competence of students.
Brainstorming method. The purpose of this method is to initiate cognitive processes, the development of imagination and creativity of students, it is advisable to use in the preparatory stage of reading the text, discussing a complex problem or writing a work on a particular topic. Brainstorming involves the spontaneous expression of students' associative ideas, facts, or feelings about a proposed topic, problem, or situation. For example, before reading The Cyber School, students are asked to quote: a) words related to school and education; b) phrases or sentences that reflect students' predictions about the cyber school as the school of the future. The task is to record all opinions without remarks and comments. The main thing is the number of ideas, which ultimately generates quality. Evaluation and criticism of opinions is not allowed during the speech. After applying the method, the expressed ideas are grouped, discussed and evaluated. All the most interesting ideas are passed to other groups for joint discussion (Павлова, 2011, p. 26).
The method of «gathering information». It is advisable to use it when studying grammatical and lexical material. For example, students are given the task of individually studying or repeating a grammatical phenomenon, discussing it in small groups, and identifying the most important (three to four) features of the phenomenon that need to be memorized. During the group task, the teacher walks around the group and, without interfering, remembers or notes mistakes or unclear points. One of the students reports the results of the work to all groups. Group members either confirm the information or disagree with it. The teacher comments and helps the students. This method will be effective when discussing a certain topic, when students in small groups define three or four arguments «for» or «against» a certain question in order to discuss it with another group (Павлова, 2011, p. 28).
«Search for a key sentence» is used in the process of reading the text. Students in pairs read the same paragraph of a certain text, check the comprehension of what is read and together find and emphasize the main sentence that best conveys the meaning of the passage. The groups compare and argue the underlined sentences, which serves as a basis for the interpretation of the read paragraph (Павлова, 2011, p. 29).
Also effective are the methods of «aquarium», «carousel», «two-four-all together», which promote the development of foreign language skills, the ability to lead a discussion in a foreign language, argue their views, persuade and make joint decisions (Павлова, 2011, p. 31).
One of the methods of group work in foreign language classes is a game (Глушок, 2010, p. 57). The following topical discussion forms force students to analyze thoughts before voicing them, because the obligatory element is not only speech, but also an explanation of the course of their own thoughts (Глушок, 2010, p. 58-59):
- «Roundtable» (collective game to solve a common problem).
- Scientific debate (educational dispute-dialogue, in which students - representatives of different directions, defend their opinion, the opposite of others).
- Competition in small groups (motivational game that encourages students to be active).
- «Brainstorm» (a game that develops critical thinking).
- Situation (a game that develops the ability to react quickly and fantasize).
- Judicial sitting (a game with the distribution of roles and the search for constructive answers).
- Training (a game with the distribution of roles and the search for constructive answers).
An example is the game «What? Where? When?». The audience is divided into two teams, which take turns sitting at the table. The game is made by analogy with the famous TV show. Each team receives an envelope with a question. The jury determines the correctness of the answers, counts the number of points (Глушок, 2010, p. 60).
Interesting extracurricular interactive activities include English tours and video recording. An important stage of this event is the preparation: distribution of roles among students, approval of the route list, independent search for information by students and its approval by the teacher, who acts as an expert (Глушок, 2010, p. 61).
Thus, examining the problem of group methods of work in foreign language classes, we can conclude that the group interaction of students:
- ensures the implementation of the basic didactic principle - the principle of activity in learning, as group work is characterized by a high level of cognitive and communicative motivation of students;
- is one of the factors of developmental learning aimed at forming a creative personality that is able to acquire new knowledge through cooperation with other members of the group;
- is an interactive form of learning that activates students' thinking and develops speech initiative (Павлова, 2011, p. 32).
Conclusions. Using work in small groups in a foreign language class helps to overcome language barriers, eliminate shyness and insecurity. In the conditions of mutual learning and mutual assistance, students lose the fear of academic failure and increase communicative and cognitive motivation. By sharing work and exchanging information, a study group can produce knowledge that an individual group member cannot acquire on their own. Further research is needed on the analysis of interactive methods of forming students' communicative competence while learning English.
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