Future fine arts teachers' professionalism formation in the department cultural and educational space

Defines and characterizes the pedagogical conditions for future fine arts teachers' professionalism formation in cultural and educational space of department. These conditions are the following: lecturers’ scientific activity and involvement of students.

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Future fine arts teachers' professionalism formation in the department cultural and educational space

Tetiana Saienko

Tetiana Batiievska

Yuliia Mokhirieva

Poltava, Ukraine

The article defines and characterizes the pedagogical conditions for the future fine arts teachers ' professionalism formation in cultural and educational space of the department. These conditions are the following: compliance of lecturers' basic education with department profile; organization lecturers' artistic and creative activity and the process of motivating students to perform the above-mentioned activity; lecturers' scientific activity and involvement of students in research and innovation activities. It is proved that teaching, scientific and artistic activity of the lecturers of the Department of Fine Arts of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is the basis of the department cultural and educational space. It is carried out at the level of modern higher education and allows carrying out professional training of specialists in the educational-professional program `Secondary Education (Fine Arts).

Keywords: department; cultural and educational space; future fine arts teachers; professionalism; formation; pedagogical conditions.


Статтю присвячено проблемам професійної підготовки майбутніх учителів образотворчого мистецтва в культурно-освітньому просторі випускової кафедри педагогічного університету. Висвітлено різні підходи до визначення понять «професіоналізм майбутніх учителів образотворчого мистецтва», «культурно-освітній простір педагогічного університету», «культурно-освітній простір випускової кафедри».

Визначено та схарактеризовано педагогічні умови формування професіоналізму майбутніх учителів образотворчого мистецтва в культурно-освітньому просторі випускової кафедри. Такими умовами є: відповідність базової освіти викладачів профілю випускової кафедри; організація художньо-творчої діяльності викладачів випускової кафедри та мотивація до неї студентів; наукова діяльність викладачів випускової кафедри та залучення студентів до науково-дослідницької та інноваційної діяльності.

Доведено, що викладацька, наукова та художньо-творча діяльність викладачів кафедри образотворчого мистецтва Полтавського національного педагогічного університету імені В. Г. Короленка є основою культурно-освітнього простору випускової кафедри, здійснюється на рівні вимог сучасної вищої освіти і дозволяє належно здійснювати професійну підготовку фахівців за освітньо-професійною програмою «Середня освіта (Образотворче мистецтво)».

Подальшої дослідницької уваги потребує висвітлення питання професійного становлення молодих учителів образотворчого мистецтва в сучасному культурно-освітньому просторі.

Ключові слова: культурно-освітній простір, педагогічний університет, випускова кафедра, майбутні вчителі образотворчого мистецтва, професіоналізм, формування, педагогічні умови.


Issue statement: At the current stage of social development, the education system needs new approaches to specialists in fine arts training, which is reflected in the Law of Ukraine `On Education,' the National Doctrine of Education Development.

In recent years, the issue of forming future fine arts teachers' professionalism in the cultural and educational space of pedagogical universities has become especially relevant in this aspect. The relevance, theoretical and practical significance of the outlined issue in the system of higher professional education, its insufficient theoretical and methodological development, as well as the needs of today have necessitated our research.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of future specialists' vocational training is given due attention in the

works of Ukrainian researchers. In particular, such aspects as the modern philosophy of education were studied by V. Andrushchenko, I. Ziaziun, V. Kremen, V. Skotnyi, N. Skotna, and V. Ohneviuk. Theoretical and methodological principles of university education were researched by the following scholars: V. Bezklubenko, V. Bitaiev, H. Vasianovych, S.Honcharenko, V. Kurylo, M. Lukashevych, V. Lutai, O. Meshchaninov, and S. Sysoieva. A. Aleksiuk, M. Yevtukh, and V. Kushnir investigated the development of modern pedagogical technologies and their introduction into the process of vocational training. V. Bykov, T. Koval, P. Stefanenko, and M. Chepil analyzed general pedagogical principles of organization of the educational process in universities.

The study of scientific and pedagogical sources has shown that the theoretical and practical principles of art pedagogy were studied by S. Konovets, N. Myropolska, V. Orlov, H. Padalka, O. Rudnytska, and others. The issue of future fine arts teachers' creative and artistic development was the subject of research made by O. Kaidanovska, O. Muzyka, O. Piddubna, M. Stas, O. Stashchuk, A. Marchenko, Yu. Mokhirieva, I. Pastyr, V. Shcherbyna, etc. The influence of the environment on the person's creative potential development was studied by Sh. Amonashvili, O. Anokhin, Yu. Brodsky, A. Helmont, V. Sukhomlynskyi. Scientists A. Trosheva and N. Romanchenko studied the influence of the cultural environment. The educational environment was studied by O. Voronin, S. Deriabo, V. Slobodchykov, and V. Levin, whereas the environment one was studied by V. Afanasiev, H. Taraskina.

The paper aims to highlight the conditions for future fine arts teachers' professionalism formation in the cultural and educational space of the graduating department.

The research methods are the following: theoretical analysis, which has been used to clarify the essence of the category `future fine arts teachers' professionalism,' `cultural and educational space of the graduating department;' systematization has been used to determine the ways of forming future fine arts teachers' professionalism in Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University; prognostic analysis - to determine the prospects for improving the quality of future fine arts teachers' professionalism.

Presenting the main ideas

Globalization, innovations in the information society, changes in cultural and educational paradigms, and technologies necessitate research on the impact of the cultural and educational space of the graduating department on future fine arts teachers' professionalism formation. The idea of cultural and educational space in the pedagogical university, in line with culturological concepts of space, is a complex synthesis of ideas about a heterogeneous, multifunctional object. It can be considered as a separate unit and as a whole, and as a result of interaction with coexisting spaces (personality space, city space, educational space), or they fit together (the space of the pedagogical profession, the space of science, the space of myth, the space of creativity) (Smolynska, 2015).

According to many researchers, the cultural and educational space of the pedagogical university should be a significant factor that determines such a quality as future teachers' professionalism in general, which, in turn, is determined by a number of internal qualities determining them. That is, pedagogical professionalism, being derived from the cultural and educational space of the university, is gradually developing through the accumulation of experience, involvement in professional activities of other crucial factors of its consolidation, namely people, organizations, and institutions.

There are different approaches to the cultural and educational space of a pedagogical university. But they agree on the point of defining it as a cause and effect of symbolizing the interactions of subjects that take place in a particular physical and intellectual landscape, creating a new cultural and temporal reality that may be different (professional, pedagogical, social, cultural, scientific, etc.).

We agree with the definition of the cultural and educational space of a pedagogical university made by Ye. Smolynska.

The cultural and educational space of the pedagogical university is a specific type of local chronotope, which arose as a result of the individual (lecturers, students, managers) and collective (university) entities to develop value-oriented applied and symbolic professional- pedagogical reality, in turn, determines the parameters both this reality and the activity of the subjects concerning its development and organization (Smolinska, 2015, p. 394).

In our opinion, the cultural and educational space of the Department of Fine Arts of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is the environment that, according to V. Sukhomlynsky, is the key to spiritual life richness, the fullness of interests, mutual exchange of spiritual heritage between students and lecturers, their professionalism formation (Sukhomlynsky, 2002, pp. 11-16). teacher pedagogical cultural educational

Future teacher vocational training is provided by lecturers of the Department of Fine Arts. They conduct fruitful research and creative work in various fields of art; take an active part in different types of conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and competitions, namely university ones, interuniversity ones, international scientific and scientific-practical ones. The department staff has connections with foreign scientists and artists and publishes their works in scientific and artistic publications (Saienko, Chornoshchokov, Muzhykova, 2018, pp. 240-271).

Lecturers of the department provide future fine arts teachers and lecturers with university education, which, according to K. Jaspers, must fulfill four objectives, namely `... The first one is research, training, and acquisition of certain professions; the second one is education and upbringing; the third one is communication-based spiritual life; the fourth one is the space of sciences' (Zubrytska, 2002, pp. 113-114).

Currently, the department is headed by Tetiana Saienko, who is a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, an Associate Professor, and a Member of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine. She graduated from Poltava V. G. Korolenko State Pedagogical Institute and obtained a qualification as a teacher of primary school and fine arts in secondary school in 1988.

Tetiana Saienko also graduated from the Research Institute of Pedagogy of Ukraine (2001). She defended her dissertation at the National M. P. Dragomanov Pedagogical University, specialty 13.00.02 Theory, and Methods of Teaching Fine Arts (2002). She studied for a doctorate at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, specialty 13.00.04 Theory and Methods of Vocational Education from 2007 to 2010.

Yuliia Mokhirieva is a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, and Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. She graduated from Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute in 1991 and obtained a qualification as a graphic designer.

She graduated from Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute (2001). Yuliia Mokhirieva defended her candidate's dissertation in the specialty 13.00.04 Theory and Methods of Vocational Education at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine in 2007.

Tetiana Batievska is a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. She graduated from Poltava V. G. Korolenko State Pedagogical University in 2006. She qualified as a teacher of physics and the basics of computer science. In 2007 she graduated from the Poltava V. G. Korolenko State Pedagogical University with a degree in 010103 Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education and Physics. In 2015 she graduated from Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University with a degree in 7.02020501 Fine Arts.

Tetiana Batievska defended her candidate's dissertation in the specialty 13.00.04 Theory and Methods of Vocational Education at H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University in 2014.

Yurii Samoilenko is an Associate Professor, a Chairman of the Board of the Poltava Regional Organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, and an Honored Artist of Ukraine. In 1971 he graduated from Kursk State Pedagogical Institute. He obtained the qualification as a teacher of drawing, sketching, and labor.

Viktor Babenko is a senior lecturer. In 1986 he graduated from Kharkiv Art and Industrial Institute. He obtained the qualification as a decorative artist.

The classical direction of future specialist training is provided by major disciplines, namely `Drawing,' `Painting' (V. Babenko, Yu. Samoilenko, T. Saienko, Yu. Mokhirieva), `Fundamentals of Composition,' `Fundamentals of Perspective,' and `Fundamentals of Color Studies' (Yu. Mokhireva, V. Babenko).

Future teacher methodical training to manage pupils' art activities is provided by means of teaching the courses `Methods of Teaching Art Activities' and `Pedagogical Drawing' (T. Saienko, V. Babenko).

The optional component is formed by disciplines of general training, namely `Materials Studies' (V. Babenko), `Fine Arts of Poltava' (Yu. Mokhirieva), `Methods of Organizing Art Activities in

Out-of-School Education,' `Methods of Teaching Art and Exhibition Activities in Educational Institutions' (T. Batievska), “Theory and Methods of Special Art Education” (T. Saienko) and vocational training, namely `Decorative Composition,' `Ornament,' `History of Decorative and Applied Arts' (Yu. Mokhirieva), `Decorative and Applied Arts,' `World Decorative Art,' `Carpet Weaving' (T. Saienko), `Easter Egg Painting' (Yu. Samoilenko).

The lecturers' scientific research is reflected in the following disciplines: `Computer Design of Art Products' (T. Batievska), `Traditional Ukrainian Painting,' “Painting of Traditional Household Goods,' `Modern Applied Art' (Yu.Mokhirieva), `Puppetry,' `Traditions of Ukrainian Puppetry,' `Traditions of Ukrainian National Costume,' `Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine' (T.Saienko), `Practice of Art Exhibitions' (V. Babenko).

Future fine arts teacher practical training is carried out during educational (Plein air) and pedagogical practices in the institutions of general secondary, out-of-school education, and higher educational institutions in Poltava city and region, and different regions of Ukraine.

The next condition of future fine arts teachers' professionalism formation is lecturers' artistic and creative activity and the process of motivating students to perform the above-mentioned activity.

The category `artistic and creative activity' has a synthetic meaning; it is divided into two sub-categories, namely artistic activity and creative activity.

Creativity or creative activity is the human activity aimed at creating spiritual and material values (new works of art, scientific discoveries, engineering, technological, managerial, or other innovations, etc.). This definition is found in the Universal Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language by Zoriana Kunch (2007, p. 741).

Artistic activity is an activity related to art and involves the reproduction of reality in images. The definition is derived from the adjective `artistic' (Kunch, 2007, p. 814).

Thus, artistic and creative activity refers to a specific type of aesthetic activity, the results of which are works of art addressed to a person.

The lecturer's artistic and creative activity is an accomplishment of various pedagogical objectives, successful emotionally rich organization of the educational process, and obtaining desired results. Moreover, its content is largely revealed through certain professional and personal qualities that generate this activity and ensure its effectiveness.

The lecturer's creative activity includes works of different types and genres of fine and decorative arts, namely projects of restoration of temples and artistic solutions of public buildings, painting, graphics, carpet weaving, ceramics, decorative painting, glass painting, and puppetry. The best of them have been repeatedly exhibited at prestigious international, national, and regional exhibitions. They have decorated halls in state and cultural institutions and are stored in museums and private collections.

Yuliia Mokhirieva is the author of works in the field of painting, graphics, and Poltava painting, which have been exhibited at international and national exhibitions in Dnipro, Kyiv, Khmelnytsky, and Poltava.

Tetiana Saienko is the author of works in the field of Ukrainian puppetry and author's dolls, which have been exhibited at national and international exhibitions in Kyiv, Poltava, Warsaw, and London. The master is the initiator of a series of exhibitions in Poltava that promote the art of Ukrainian traditional puppetry.

Yurii Samoilenko is the organizer of the artistic and creative life in Poltava region, the initiator of artistic actions, which are systematically held in the Poltava Mykola Yaroshenko Art Museum (art gallery). He is the compiler of catalogs of Poltava artists' artistic works, in particular catalogs of the above-mentioned art events. He is the author of tapestries, stained glass, and paintings, which have been exhibited at international and national exhibitions.

Viktor Babenko is an artist of decorative art, a designer, and an author of monumental paintings, works in the field of painting, graphics, sculpture, and printing design. He set up the following projects: the project of Exaltation of the Cross Church of the Exaltation of the Cross Monastery interior recreation in Poltava (coauthored with O. Petrov and O. Riasny) in 1989-1991; the project of iconostasis reconstruction for the Exaltation of the Cross Monastery (co-authored with R. Ruhalov) in 1991-1993. Together with a group of students, he created the design of the V. O. Sukhomlynsky University Museums, the V. M. Verkhovynets University Museums, and the Museum of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy History. The memorial plaque to Yurii Kondratiuk was made according to his sketches. The artist is the author of the painting in honor of the 1100th anniversary of Poltava in the lobby of PNPU building № 1, bust of V. G. Korolenko, sketches of the flag and coat of arms of the university, and the emblem of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy.

In 2011, a large-scale exhibition of works by lecturers of the Department of Fine Arts was held in the large exhibition hall of the Poltava Mykola Yaroshenko Art Museum, where 91 lecturers' works were exhibited.

2021, on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Department of Fine Arts of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, lecturers presented their work at art exhibition `The Department Spiritual Progress' in the exhibition hall of Poltava Vasil Krychevski Museum of Local Lore. The exposition presented a wide range of achievements and results of artistic activity of the department staff and their students during this period. The works of prominent luminaries of Ukrainian art in Poltava region were presented in organic combination with the latest creative achievements of graduates, namely bachelor and masters of the Department of Fine Arts. Along with the works by Valerii Mozok, Ivan Vitko, Yurii Samoilenko, Anatolii Chornoshchokov, Oleksandr Babenko, Liubov Bychkova, Oleksandr Tarasenko, Yuliia Mokhirieva, Tatiana Saienko, there were works by young talented masters of folk art, painters, graphic artists Olena Perepelytsia, Maryna Rozhniatovska, Yuliia Leheida, Nataliia Piliuhina-Dmytrenko, Tetiana Vatsenko, Alla Tymoshenko, Ihor Shypulinand other promising artists-teachers who were graduates of the department.

The artistic and creative achievements of the department include a number of lecturers' and students' personal exhibitions.

Among the various means of activating students' artistic and creative activity, such a form of artistic and creative activity organization as a masterclass should be noted. It allows combining the perception of works of art with direct participation in the creative process, mastering certain techniques of artistic or artistic and pedagogical activities. In terms of the educational process, the department staff implements such types of masterclasses as a lecturer's masterclass, an artist's masterclass, and a student's masterclass.

Under the influence of such cooperation with artists, students reevaluate the value of personal art. They have opportunities for their own realization in the art field, as well as such an important component of art and pedagogical education as the formation of the art connoisseur.

The creative activity of the lecturers of the department is presented in Vol. 9 of the encyclopedic edition `Poltavika,' and their works are published in 30 catalogs. The creative activity of students of the departments is presented in 5 catalogs of art exhibitions.

It should be noted that the artistic and creative activity of the staff of the Department of Fine Arts with students is organized in such a way that it has a productive continuation in the post-student years. Among the graduates of the department, there are talented teachers, teachers of fine arts in secondary schools, heads of clubs and art studios, artists, and masters of folk art.

Alla Tymoshenko, Maryna Rozhniatovska, Viktor and Yurii Panchenko, Olena Pushkarieva, and Yuliia Storozheva are active participants in the artistic life of Poltava region, Ukraine, and abroad, members of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.

Members of the National Union of Masters of Folk Art of Ukraine are Nataliia Dmytrenko, Tetiana Vatsenko, Nataliia Dihtiar, Dmytro Korol, Tetiana Kobzar, Tetiana Saienko, Svitlana Soroka.

The next condition for future fine arts teacher professionalism formation is the lecturers' scientific activity and the involvement of students in it.

The lecturers' scientific research aimed at art education is united by the common theme `Theory and methods of forming the artistic culture of the individual at different stages of its development.' It is implemented by the department staff in theoretical, methodological, artistic, and creative aspects. The result of lecturers' scientific research was the defense of Ph.D. theses dedicated to the various artistic and pedagogical aspects.

The scientific and professional image of the department staff is evidenced by their involvement in dissertation writing. Lecturers of the department actively participate in the international and all- Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences on pedagogical and art education.

The annual all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference `Art in the Realities of Modern Education' held by the department staff and dedicated to the issues of art education and artistic creativity is traditional. It was launched in 2013.

Lecturers of the department involve students in research and innovation through work in problem groups; writing individual and joint scientific publications; participation in international, all- Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences and seminars; participation in All-Ukrainian student Olympiads and competitions of scientific works.


Thus, the teaching, scientific and artistic activities of lecturers of the Department of Fine Arts are the basis of the cultural and educational space of the department, carried out at the level of modern higher education and allow proper training of professionals in the educational program `Secondary Education (Fine Arts).'

Prospects for further research. Further research should highlights the pedagogical conditions for future fine arts teachers' professionalism formation through art and exhibition activities and professional development of young fine arts teachers in the modern cultural and educational space.


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    презентация [1,6 M], добавлен 28.11.2012

  • What is the lesson. Types of lessons according to the activities (by R. Milrood). How to write a lesson plan 5 stages. The purpose of assessment is for the teacher. The students' mastery. List modifications that are required for special student.

    презентация [1,1 M], добавлен 29.11.2014

  • The development in language teaching methodology. Dilemma in language teaching process. Linguistic research. Techniques in language teaching. Principles of learning vocabulary. How words are remembered. Other factors in language learning process.

    учебное пособие [221,2 K], добавлен 27.05.2015

  • Italy - the beginner of European education. Five stages of education in Italy: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, university. The ceremony of dedication to students - one of the brightest celebrations in Italy.

    презентация [3,8 M], добавлен 04.04.2013

  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • The model of training teachers to the formation of communicative competence. How the Web 2.0 technology tools affect on secondary school students in communication. The objective of the model is instantiated a number of conditions. Predicting the Future.

    курсовая работа [30,3 K], добавлен 11.06.2012

  • The Iron Age Celtic culture on the British Isles. Cultural life of London: in the West End, in the East End and in the parts of central London. The characteristics of British arts and letters, theatre and cinema, music, literature, the fine arts.

    контрольная работа [17,8 K], добавлен 18.07.2009

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