Development featuring pedagogical training organization of philology teachers
Disclosure of the content of the issue of teacher training at the beginning of the 20th century. Overcoming the contradiction between the existing level of teacher's professional and pedagogical training and new requirements for its organization.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 01.01.2023 |
Размер файла | 38,7 K |
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Kharkiv National University of Economics by Simon Kuznets
Foreign Philology and Translation Department
Development featuring pedagogical training organization of philology teachers
Osmachko S.A.
Мykytiuк М.М.
Lazarenko T.V.
The article reveals the content of the teachers' training at the beginning of the twentieth century in Ukraine. It is indicated that the historical approach will also help to eliminate the inequality between the current level of practical professional and pedagogical training of teachers and the new growing demands to its organization and methodology. Also the problem of genesis of the idea of training teachers in philology in the history of domestic pedagogical thought, which allows you to characterize the deep national traditions and progressive trends in the national system of teachers' education. The article examines the improvement of teachers' training in the historical projection, which will help to make scientific forecasting of the further development of teacher training. The study conducted by the authors reveals the background of the origin of the higher school, the peculiarities of the development of science in the 16th-18th centuries, Characterization of the work of universities as centers of scientific and research work in the ХІХ century On the basis of logical and systematic analysis of wide theory base (historical, pedagogical literature, archival documents, memoirs, periodicals) the peculiarities of pedagogical institutes' work, the level of development of university pedagogy are given. The article examines pedagogical factual material, especially the identification and characteristics of the development peculiarities according to the idea of training teachers in philology in the history of national pedagogical thought [2].
Based on the analysis of archival materials, one of the tensions of public and educational activities of Ukrainian universities of the nineteenth century are considered. The participation of professors and lecturers in the dissemination of scientific knowledge among the public. For example, public lectures and readings in the second half of the 19th century were devoted by scientists to prominent figures in the field of knowledge and writing, education and enlightenment. However, the authors did not specify the peculiarities of the work of historical and philological societies and faculties of universities in view of identifying their role in the formation of professional training of teachers of philology.
A thorough study of historical and pedagogical sources shows that philological education in general and, in particular, the training of philologists actually began in the times of functioning when ancient schools were set up in the times of Kiev Rus.
Key words: humanization, educational process, language environment, seminary, statistical collection, historical proection.
Розвиток організації педагогічної підготовки вчителів-філологів
teacher training pedagogical
У статті розкривається зміст питання підготовки вчителів на початку ХХ століття на Україні. Указано на те, що історичний підхід сприятиме також подоланню суперечності між існуючим рівнем практичної професійно-педагогічної підготовки вчителя та новими зростаючими вимогами до її організації й методології. Також порушено проблему дослідження генезису ідеї підготовки вчителів-філологів в історії вітчизняної педагогічної думки, яке дозволяє схарактеризувати глибокі національні традиції та прогресивні тенденції в національній системі педагогічної' освіти. Розглянуто вдосконалення підготовки вчительських кадрів в історичній проекції, яке допоможе здійснити наукове прогнозування подальшого розвитку підготовки вчителів. Ґрунтовне дослідження проведене розкриває передумови виникнення вищої школи, особливості розвитку науки в ХУІ-XVIII ст., схарактеризування роботи університетів як центрів науково-дослідної роботи в ХІХ ст. На підставі логіко-системного аналізу широкої джерельної бази (історичної, педагогічної літератури, архівних документів, мемуарної літератури, періодичних видань) розкриваються особливості роботи педагогічних інститутів, рівень розробки питань вузівської педагогіки. Розглядається джерелознавчий фактологічний матеріал, зокрема виділення й характеристики особливостей розвитку ідеї підготовки вчителів-філологів в історії вітчизняної педагогічної думки [1].
На підставі аналізу архівних матеріалів розкрито один із напрямів громадсько-просвітницької діяльності українських університетів ХІХ ст. - участь професорсько-викладацького складу у поширенні наукових знань серед громадськості. Так, наприклад, публічні лекції і читання у другій половині ХІХ ст. учені присвячували видатним діячам-мовознавцям та письменникам, питанням виховання і освіти. Однак, автори не конкретизували особливості роботи історико-філологічних товариств та факультетів університетів з огляду на визначення їхньої ролі у становленні професійної підготовки учителів-філологів.
Ретельне вивчення історико-педагогічних джерел показує, що питання філологічної освіти в цілому, і зокрема - підготовки учителів-філологів фактично розв'язувалися з часів функціонування стародавніх шкіл за часів Київської Русі.
Ключові слова: гуманітаризація, освітній процес, мовне середовище, семінарія, статистичний збірник, історична проекція.
Statement of the problem
The processes of intercultural integration at the national and international levels have led to humanization and humanitarization of the educational process, increased requirements for the level of training of teachers as bearers of a system of cultural values and organizers of a socially active language environment. Taking into account current trends in general educational processes and, in the field of pedagogical training in particular, the requirement of pedagogical retrospection of progressive superstructures of the past for the purpose of modernization of the content and organizational and methodological support of holistic pedagogical education is necessary to analyse the theory and practice of training teachers of philology in higher educational institutions of Ukraine in the first half of the XX century.
Analysis of recent studies and publications
Among the first who made an attempt to disclose the historical and pedagogical aspect of the organization of pedagogical training depending on the peculiarities of the development of national education, it is necessary to distinguish the famous teacher, historian S. Siropolk and his monograph “History of Education in Ukraine” (first edition of 1937), which reflected the results of the author's research on these issues. The particular merit of the scientist lies in the fact that he viewed the organization of pedagogical education in the context of historical, cultural and political changes that took place in the first ten years of the twentieth century on the territory of Ukraine. Referring to the actual historical material S. Siropolko gave his own assessment of the reforming of the higher educational institutions in Ukraine in the 1920s. He determined how the new educational institutions contributed to the realization of the ideas of the united Ukrainian school that was supposed to form national consciousness and sense of patriotism in the new generation. The monograph pays a lot of attention to the state of teaching and using Ukrainian language in different types of institutions of higher education and, in particular, pedagogical ones [4]. Without diminishing scientific and cultural value of this work for the historiographical heritage of our people, we must admit that in the work organization of development of the methodology and the content of pedagogical training of teachers-filologists is not practically revealed, the demand for which significantly increased in the 20-30 years of the twentieth century due to the fact that the number of teachers and the quality of their work has grown significantly.
Particular aspects of the investigated problem are revealed in the scientific works of S. Rusovoy. Head of pre-school and post-school educational institutions at the General Secretariat of Ukraine, the initiator of Ukrainianization of high school, S. Rusova. She developed educational plans and programs for the training of teachers for preschool and pre-school institutions at teacher training institutes and seminaries, and taught a course in pedagogy. The scientist spoke about the necessity to take into account progressive ideas of national pedagogical thought and believed that the organization of higher professional schools was worthwhile to use national historical and cultural traditions and achievements of world scientists in a synthetic unity [8].
Valuable material on organizational and methodological aspects of pedagogical education is provided in monographs by F. Panachin entitled Pedagogical Education in Russia (1979) and Pedagogical Education in the USSR: Major Stages in History and the Present State (1975). In these works, the scientist chronologically investigated the evolution of pedagogical educational institutions: pedagogical institutes at universities, teachers' institutes and seminaries, women's and special secondary educational institutions, institutes of public education, pedagogical technical colleges, colleges, course pedagogical training. Panachin specified normative and content support for psychological and pedagogical training of teachers, identified the role of leading national public, government figures, educators in the development of professional pedagogical education at different historical epochs [6].
Viewing the previously unresolved parts of the general problem
Despite the interest of scientists in the research of vocational training of future teachers of philology, the problem has not been widely covered in the scientific research and requires further study with the aim of optimizing the system of higher education of Ukraine.
The purpose of the article
The goal of this article is to summarize practical experience and theoretical issues of training teachers of philology at the higher educational institutions of Ukraine in the first half of the twentieth century.
Introduction of the basic material
A critical analysis of the above mentioned scientific works has confirmed that the researchers mainly paid attention to the evaluation of the quantitative growth of the educational institutions during the first half of the XX century, The authors did not set the goal of the development of the system of higher pedagogical education in the Soviet Union. The authors did not set out to make a systematic analysis and pedagogical retrospection of the peculiarities of training subject teachers in the period when the subject-based system of education was being implemented in general education schools. Also, investigators have not revealed the cause-and-effect links in the sphere of reforming the public cultural life, especially between the trends of Ukrainianization, The development of modernist trends in literature, etc., and related changes in the structure, content, and methodology of training teachers of philology as a bearer of the cultural tradition of a certain historical era.
Valuable factual material on the research themes is given in collective works - statistical compilations, textbooks, collections of scientific works devoted to the development of education in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in the first half of the XX century. Some of them are: “Popular Education and Culture in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic” (1973), “Popular Education and Pedagogic Science in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic: 1917-1967” (1967), “Development of Education in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic: From 1917 to 1967” (1972). (1967), The Development of Popular Education and Pedagogical Science in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic: 1971 to 1957 (1957), S. Bush (1957). (1957), S. Buhalo “Education in the Soviet Ukraine” (1945), “Problems of the history of education and school in Ukraine” (1958), A. Avilov “The quality of training of specialists at the Ukrainian SSR universities” (1957), “Public education in the USSR: 1917-1973” (1973). (1973), Development of Popular Education and Pedagogical Thought in the Kharkiv Region (1992), High School of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic for 50 Years (1967).
An examination of these works showed that the 1950s-1970s editions are lacking in objectivity and the comprehensive character of the essence of the processes studied. As a result of the centralization of all scientific and educational institutions, the dominance of the administrative-command system and the consolidation of ideological stereotypes, most of the authors analyzed the work experience of professional educational institutions very narrowly. In the works of this historical period, scientists I. Avilov, M. Grishchenko, K. Prysyazhnyuk, G. Yasinsky and others focused more attention on the quantitative growth of educational institutions, the general development of curricula and programs of these institutions at the general union and republican scale. It is also shown that the system of pedagogical education in the URSR did not actually differ from the general union one. The authors identified only positive trends and achievements of the professional and pedagogical sphere [5].
However, the order of the same nature of the content of the mentioned works, it should be noted that the authors paid a lot of attention to the analysis of normative support for teacher training. Referring to the materials of the teachers' meetings, scientific conferences, and the decrees and directives of the Soviet government and the Communist Party, Researchers specified educational policy and the strategy of reforming educational training in accordance with the socio-political and cultural changes that were in power in the 1930s-40s. [3].
A brand new approach to the assessment of the professional and pedagogical training in the higher educational institutions of Ukraine of the period we studied is presented in the publications of the 1990s.
So in the monograph by I. Prokopenko “Teacher Training in Kharkiv during the Soviet Period: Conceptual Approaches and Practical Experience (1917-1991)” (1992) shows historiographically the peculiarities of the organization of pedagogical education in one of the most developed industrial and cultural regions of Ukraine. This article characterizes the content of psychological and pedagogical training of teachers at the faculties of the Kharkov Institute of Public Education, the Institute for Social Education, the Pedagogical Institute of Professional Education, and the Physical and Mathematical Institute during the 20-30s of the XX century [2].
V. Mayboroda in his monograph “Secondary Pedagogical Education in Ukraine: Historical Experience, Lessons of the 1917-1985” (1992) (1992) determined the leading tendencies of the development of theory and practice of the organization of higher education of pedagogical guidance, has investigated the ways of retrospection of the ways of renewal of the content of the psychological and pedagogical training of the teachers [8].
V. Lipinskii in his work “The Formation and Development of the Educational System in the URSR in the Twenties” (2000) has described in detail the development of the psychological and pedagogical training of teachers. (2000) detailed the interdependence of the work of secondary educational institutions and institutions of professional pedagogical education. Thus, the author analyzed the content and methodological peculiarities of general pedagogical and special training on short-term and tertiary teacher training courses, Pedagogical colleges, pedagogical schools, institutes of public education, libraries and other educational institutions that operated in Ukraine in the twenties. But the study does not contain a logical and structured analysis, the above scientific summaries do not give a full idea of the specifics of contentbased support for the pedagogical training of teachers, particularly philologists [7].
In the work of V. Lugovoi “Pedagogical Education in Ukraine: Structure, functioning, tendencies of the development” (1994) is a theoretical and methodological explanation of the pedagogic education system in Ukraine as a comprehensive system and its genesis as a pedagogic phenomenon was specified. The author summarized empirical data and characterized its structure based on humanism principles to reveal the tendencies of progression and regression of this educational system. The author thoroughly and intensively investigated the formation of the network of pedagogical educational institutions in Ukraine and showed that severe centralization and unification of the content of pedagogical training on the entire territory of the USSR led to the interdistruction from the system of pedagogical education of other states. In the Soviet Union the level of education and science training dropped significantly, the national component in the content of pedagogical training actually disappeared [5].
General problems of practical professional-pedagogical preparation of the teacher at the higher educational institutions of Ukraine (1917-1928) are also treated in the dissertation research of O.Lavrinenok (1998). The researcher revealed the content of practical professional and pedagogical training of teachers at higher educational institutions of Ukraine in 1917-1928. Having identified and analysed the leading tendencies and peculiarities of its development; revealed the most important stages of the practical professional and pedagogical preparation of the teacher during the investigated period; acknowledged the progressive improvements and specified ways of implementing the advanced ideas of practical professional-pedagogical training of teachers in 1917-1928; and in the educational process of the current high pedagogical school [4].
The scientific publications of N. Demianenko dedicated to the problem of universal teacher training at the Ukrainian higher educational school in 1920-1933 acknowledged the essence of universal teacher training in the unity of the theoretical and practical components. Based on the retrospective analysis of curricula and programs of higher educational institutions of Ukraine in this historical period revealed the content of such training, features and trends in its development. Namely the content of professional and pedagogical training of the teacher was considered by the author as a valid way of pedagogization and professionalization of the educational process of pedagogical higher education institution. However, the researcher paid no attention to the interdisciplinary integration of teaching disciplines in these educational institutions and the significance of such integration for the formation of professionalism of subject teachers, especially philologists.
In her scientific publications Kovalenko characterizes innovative processes in the higher pedagogical education of Ukraine in the 20s of the XX century. The article touches upon the typology of educational institutions and forms of vocational training (residential, correspondence, external), the rules of admission to higher educational institutions, the content of training and organizational forms, teaching methods, the ratio of theoretical and practical training [3].
A very interesting material on the history of Ukraine is presented in the scientific research of I. Bogins'koja “Pedagogical Cadres of the Donbas and Polity of Ukrainianization (1920-30th years)” (2000). In particular, the author used his study of archival documents, legislation and research works to characterize the status of the pedagogical staff and the training system under conditions of increasing “Ukrainization” of educational institutions and the role of educators in liquidation of non-writing among the adult population. Also, I. Boginskaya revealed in detail the consequences of the gradual circulation of the policy of Ukrainianization and the corresponding changes in the system of training of teachers, The work has revealed the orientation of repressive actions in the environment of educators and made preliminary estimates of the number of victims of political terror among teachers and philologists in particular. The work characterized in detail the creative path of teachers, analyzed changes in the composition of teachers and based on this analysis formed the social portrait of a teacher in the early 30s of the twentieth century [6].
In the meantime, a number of experimental and methodological works were devoted to the training of future teachers of philology. In particular, scientific value is attached to the works on language and pedagogical training of future teachers of philology by I. Bilodid, N. Babich, B. Golovin, O. Gorbul, V. Gorbachuk, L. Matsko, V. Rusanivsky, N. Semenog.
Psychological aspects of professional pedagogical training of teachers of philology are described in scientific works of psycholinguists B. Ananyev, L. Vigotsky, A. Lurie, I. Sinitsa and others [7].
In scientific publications of methodological conjugation O. Bilyayev, S. Ikonnikov, M. Marun, V. Mikhailik, M. Penipelyuk, T. Chizhovoya and others show that language is a way to understand the world, to attach to the values created by different people. Language is a way of comprehending the uniqueness and originality of one's own identity and historical achievements of representatives of other national cultures. One of the conditions for effective education of spiritual and moral character of the child at school is a complete renewal of professional training of teachers of philology. The role of the modern teacher in a personally oriented, humanized and humanized educational process is not only to transfer the system of knowledge, skills and experience of certain social functions (namely, communicative) to the students. New scientific discoveries on the essence and patterns of child development actualize new settings and development of conceptual training of teacherphilologist as a bearer of cultural values, a sign in the creation of a verbal environment for communication and full socialization of the child's personality [7].
Didactic principles of preparing future teachers of philology for work with students, different approaches to the choice of principles, methods, teaching methods and forms of work, as well as specific principles that formed the basis of the methodological system: interdependence of oral and written forms of language, interdisciplinary links of communicative spheres of foreign language teaching, interconnection in learning all styles of native language are considered in the framework of communicative and active learning (M. Vashulenko, O. Kulakov, O. Kulakov, А. Kuznetsov, A. Vashulenko, and others). Vashulenko, O. Kulakova, M. Lvov) and functional-stylistic approaches (L. Varzatska, M. Kozhina, D. Kravchuk, T. Ladyzhenska, M. Pentilyuk, L. Fedorenko and others) [6].
Therefore, after analysing a broad range of modern scientific works on the organization of educational training, we have reached the conclusion that the research carried out by scientists in the following areas: 1) historical and theoretical study of the conditions of formation of fachological pedagogical education; 2) characteristics of the network of pedagogical educational institutions in different periods of the development of the national pedagogical thought; 3) the scientific study of the specificity of practical and methodological pedagogical training, consolidation of forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical training of teachers in the system of continuous professional education; 4) theoretical and methodological foundation of the pedagogical education system in Ukraine as a comprehensive educational phenomenon; 5) Determination of trends in the development of national pedagogical education in terms of international integration, dialogue of cultures; 6) peculiarities of scientific and research work at higher educational institutions, including language studies; 7) studying the historical aspect of innovative processes that characterized professional and pedagogical institutions in the 20-30s of the twentieth century; 8) the development of national and international pedagogical education. 8) development of language and pedagogical training of future teachers of philology (psychological, methodological, general didactic and other aspects).
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3. Сірополко С. Історія освіти в Україні. Львів: Афіша, 2001.
4. Сірополко С. Національне виховання. Рідна школа. Львів. 1927.
5. Сірополко С. Підсумки педагогічної праці на еміграції за десять років. Тризуб, 1932. Ч. 18-19.
6. Хрестоматія з історії вітчизняної педагогіки. К.: Радянська школа, 1976.
7. Українська педагогіка в персоналіях. Кн. 2. К.: Либідь, 2005.
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