Use of interactive technologies in the process of remote foreign language learning

Experience of using interactive methods and technologies of foreign language learning in online classes. Effectiveness of using innovative educational technologies. Improving the quality of language learning by students and forming communication skills.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 05.01.2023
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Flight academy of national aviation university

Foreign languages department

Use of interactive technologies in the process of remote foreign language learning

Herasymenko L.S., PhD in Ped., Ass. Prof.

Chala N.D., Senior Teacher

Kovalova I.V., Senior Teacher


The article attempts to analyze the features and experience of using interactive methods and technologies during remote foreign languages learning in order to increase students' knowledge and communication skills. The advantages of these methods are demonstrated. The emphasis is placed on their prospects in higher education institutions (HEIs). The main methodological principles that can ensure the effectiveness of innovative educational technologies and improve the quality during foreign language learning are presented. The possibilities of sharing the screen option, which is the main means of operative didactic support for optimal material mastering, are examined. It is indicated that the integration of interactive technologies into the remote educational process encourages students to actively perceive, adapt and implement information. Interactive learning is a special form of cognitive activity organization, which has a specific, predictable goal - to create comfortable learning conditions in which each student feels his success and intellectual ability. The teacher's main task during foreign language learning process is to shift the emphasis from different exercises types to creative semantic activities of future specialists, which means the skillful use of acquired knowledge.

During interactive studying, students learn to be tolerant, think critically, make deliberate decisions; special attention is paid to the participants' teamwork in interactive communication. Teacher's explanations and demonstrative exercises will never give long lasting results. This can be achieved only through active (interactive) learning. Interactive learning allows teaching students to find quickly the information they need on the Internet, analyze, present their own opinion and discuss it with the other participants.

Thus, the use of innovative technologies in education, in particular in the remote foreign language process learning, will significantly expand and diversify activities during classes, which in turn will positively affect the results in the educational process, because a creative approach to things promotes self-education and self-improvement both students and teachers.

Key words: interactive technologies, remote learning, teaching methods and techniques, information and communication technologies, multimedia.


Використання інтерактивних технологій у процесі дистанційного навчання іноземних мов

У статті зроблено спробу проаналізувати особливості та досвід використання інтерактивних методів і технологій вивчення іноземної на онлайн заняттях з метою поглиблення студентами умінь спілкування.

Продемонстровано переваги цих методів та акцентовано увагу на їхній перспективності в ЗВО. Наведено основні методичні принципи, що можуть забезпечити ефективність використання інноваційних освітніх технологій і підвищити якість вивчення іноземної мови. Простежено можливості використання опції демонстрації екрану, яка є основним засобом дидактичного забезпечення оптимального засвоєння матеріалу. Зазначено, що інтеграція інтерактивних технологій в освітній дистанційний процес, спонукає студента активно сприймати, шукати, адаптувати та презентувати інформацію.

Інтерактивне навчання - це спеціальна форма організації пізнавальної діяльності, яка має конкретну, передбачувану мету - створити комфортні умови навчання, за яких кожен студент відчуває свою успішність, інтелектуальну спроможність. Основним завданням педагога в процесі вивчення іноземної мови є перенесення акценту із різних видів вправ на творчу смислову діяльність майбутніх спеціалістів, яка полягає у вмілому використанні набутих знань.

Під час інтерактивного навчання здобувачі освіти навчаються бути толерантними, критично мислити, приймати обдумані рішення; особлива увага приділяється взаємодії учасників інтерактивного спілкування. Зазначено, що часто пояснень викладача і практичних вправ не достатньо для формування стійких умінь іншомовного спілкування, однак, цього можна досягти за допомогою активного (інтерактивного) навчання. Інтерактивне навчання дозволяє навчити студента швидко знаходити потрібну інформацію в Інтернеті, аналізувати, презентувати власну оцінку та обговорити її з іншими учасниками.

Таким чином, використання інноваційних технологій в освіті, зокрема у процесі вивчення іноземної мови, дозволить значно розширити й урізноманітнити види діяльності під час занять, що в свою чергу позитивно вплине на результати освітнього процесу навчання, адже креативний підхід до звичних речей, сприяє самоосвіті і самовдосконаленню як студентів так і викладачів.

Ключові слова: інтерактивні технології, дистанційне навчання, методи і прийоми навчання, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, електронний підручник, мультимедійний процес.

Problem setting

Nowadays, the intensive development of information and communication technologies is an integral part of the modern educational process. Since the COVID 19 pandemic started, teachers have had to transfer to online learning. This change required the teacher to study independently, apply computer technologies, and adapt pedagogical techniques effectively to the online educational process.

Online education allowed studying foreign languages during the invasion of Russia to Ukraine. However, there is still a need to search for effective methods to learn a foreign language. The teacher's professional development is a crucial factor that helps to cope with the online study challenges.

Research analysis. The important contribution to the development and implementation of interactive methods has been made by such scientists as: G. Arnold, A. Schelten, I. Schveitser, F. Stus, I. Veidig, etc. Interactive learning has been explored by such methodologists as I. Abramova, N. Anikeieva, N. Borysiv, A. Verbitskyi, Yu. Emelianov, L. Petrovska, O. Pometun, V. Platov, L. Pyrozhenko, V. Rybatskyi, A. Smolkin, I. Siroyezhin, G. Syrotenko, K. Fopel, T. Chepel, S. Shmakov and others. Online study was a subject of the research of B. Luskin [10] T. A. Miles, A. Motz, J. D. Quick, J. A. Wernert [11].

According to N. Muradov, interactive learning is such learning that goes deeply into the process of communication. To increase the efficiency of the learning process, it is necessary to have three components of communication, they are: communicative (transmission and storage of verbal and non-verbal information), interactive (organization of interaction in joint activities) and receptive (perception and understanding each other) [9]. Indeed, these three components determine the final result, stimulate the cognition process, arouse interest, and strengthen the students' language skills. Scientific sources analysis on the issue indicates that the main attention is paid to the interaction of participants in interactive communication.

The problems of using interactive methods in the educational process are described in detail in the works of E. Polat [5], O. Pehota [4], O. Pometun, L. Pyrozhenko [6] and others. They highlight the efficiency of these methods in the educational process. Recently, a number of articles have appeared that substantiate the need to use various interactive methods during remote studying in HEIs (O. Didenko [2], L. Herasymenko [3], O. Moskalenko [2], S. Muravska [3], etc.). But the problem of using interactive methods and technologies during remote foreign languages learning hasn't been fully resolved yet.

The purpose of this article is to analyze the possibilities of using interactive methods in the remote foreign language learning, give some methods' descriptions and their use in HEIs.

Presenting main material

The teacher's main task in the process of foreign language learning is to shift the emphasis from different exercises to the creative semantic activity of future specialists, which is necessary in the acquired knowledge usage. Among different methods, the most effective are interactive technologies during foreign language studying, which allow solving a number of tasks [1, 4, 5, 7].

In this regard, the problem of developing the national education system to the European level is relevant. Ukraine's intention to join a global educational space foregrounds the need to study the experience of organizing interactive foreign language philological education in HEIs.

Having studied and analyzed the scientific and methodological literature, we came to the conclusion that the problem of preparing students, taking into account foreign language intercultural communication, their professional competence formation and development, has not been sufficiently covered. The level of students' knowledge of foreign languages shows that vocational training does not fully meet modern requirements. This discrepancy creates a number of contradictions between the existing scientific and methodological justification for the specialists training in the area and its international standards. We need to identify progressive ideas and methods of remote learning foreign languages, to outline the prospects for their implementation based on the theoretical and practical experience.

Interactive learning is a special form of cognitive activity organization, which has a specific, predictable goal - to create comfortable learning conditions in which each student feels his succes and intellectual ability. The teacher's main task during foreign language learning process is to shift the emphasis from different exercises types to creative semantic activities of future specialists, which means the skillful use of acquired knowledge [4, 5, 7].

We would like to empathize that the basis of interactive learning in HEIs is the participation in this process of both the teacher and the student. This is mutual learning (in pairs or in a group), where each side is an equal and equivalent part of the educational process which understands what he or she is doing, reacts on what he or she knows, can do and put into practice.

One of the means that allows you to improve the process of foreign language learning is the use of the sharing screen option, where one person shares their computer's desktop or a single application with one or more people. An electronic textbook is another tool for providing interactive learning. It is the carrier of the necessary information, which contains a detailed structured educational material. It makes possible to ensure the audiovisual information provision and provide feedback. innovative interactive foreign online communication

In the educational process, multimedia (in Latin «multum» is a lot and in English «media» is meaning) is a modern technical means system that allows you to work with text information, graphic images, sound (broadcasting, music, effects), animated computer graphics (drawn films, 3D graphics) and functions in a single complex. And it is one of the most promising areas in foreign language learning, especially taking into account the professional direction [5].

The amount of multimedia support in the classroom can be different: from a few minutes to using during a whole lesson. In the using multimedia process, the role of the teacher changes significantly, he or she is primarily an organizer, coordinator of the students' cognitive activity. The use of interactive forms during the foreign languages learning students will be more effective if the content of the educational process matches with the students' future professional activities. The teacher must take into account the level of students' basic knowledge and communication skills. It is necessary to ensure that theoretical knowledge in the process of active learning becomes deliberate. The student must develop and improve not only the foreign language knowledge, but also recognize its connection with the future profession.

Scientific and pedagogical literature presents a huge number of various multimedia genres: block topic, media lesson, self-dictation, test tasks, media project, photo / video presentations, virtual tours, dynamic tables, static tables, etc. All these media are efficient tools for providing interactive learning.

Educational work is performed in individual and group forms and consists of several stages:

- selection and study of information and professional problems, computer multimedia technology absorption;

- creation and collective discussion of specimen computer multimedia presentations created on the information proposed by the teacher.

Another form of interactive learning is the use of questions for discussions. If necessary, they can be successfully displayed on the screen. You can place each question on separate slides.

The self-dictation has been a well-known form of obtained knowledge testing, but in a multimedia format it works much more efficiently. For example, you can use Google Jamboard application and create a slide where you place any text with missing letters. Students can collaborate and make changes in the document simultaneously. In the process of completing the tasks, the participants communicate, discuss possible answers, and distribute the roles.

Another tool, which can be used for interactive discussions is Padlet. The teacher conducts online classes and additionally provides a link to the created page in the Padlet, where there is a statement that should provoke discussion [3].

Media classes are a set of various multimedia techniques that work during the entire the lesson, facilitating the full revealing and awareness of the topic being studied by students [7].

Using the right software and resources together can improve the new ideas understanding, as sharing the screen option helps the teacher present new material in a clearer and more complete way. Studying with visual aids is much more effective as it has a number of advantages:

- provides a more complete presentation of the material using specialized websites;

- develops motivation to review resources that facilitate to study a foreign language;

- provides great opportunities for participation in teamwork, personal and social skills development;

- provides the possibility to save used files and to revise already worked out material;

- ensures the multiple use of the teacher's worked out material, its distribution/exchange;

- stimulates the professional growth of both the teacher and students, facilitates searching for new learning approaches.

Interactive methods of foreign language learning also include: independent work under the teacher's supervision, problematic and creative tasks, work in pairs, a question from a student to a teacher and vice versa, frontal technologies. While using the method of working in pairs, the teacher can use the function - break out rooms. Breakout rooms allow you to split your Zoom meeting in up to 50 separate sessions. The meeting host can choose to split the participants of the meeting into these separate sessions automatically or manually, or they can allow participants to select and enter breakout sessions as they please. In pairs the students can discuss the task, take an interview, determine the partner's attitude to a particular issue, make a critical analysis, present the topic and so on.

According to A. Pavlovych, using frontal interactive learning technologies in pairs, it is more advantageous to use such methods as: "Microphone", unfinished sentences (combined with the "Microphone" exercise), "Brainstorm", "Studying-learning", "Decision Tree", etc. [8]. Among pair and group work methods the most successful forms are inside/outside circles; brain storm; think - pair - share; pair - interviews and others. All of them can be done online following clear teacher's instructions. Among the interesting extra-curricular interactive activities, we included excursions in English and creating a video report. An important phase in the extracurricular activities is training students' roles assignments, the students' independent search for information, presentation of the information and providing feedback.


Transferring education towards online format in HEIs is a challenge today. We need to find methods, which help to create a friendly and comfortable virtual environment that will allow students to succeed in learning foreign languages.

Interactive methods are one of the most effective in a foreign language acquisition. Applying interactive methods, the teacher enhances students' active search for information, critical thinking skills and cognitive interest formation. The use of interactive methods and technologies during the online educational process provides an opportunity to involve each participant actively in the discussion, and this contributes to mastering the language.


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