Preparation of future educators for the introduction of modern health technologies in the educational process of preschool education

Identification of the ways to improve the quality of professional training of future educators of preschool education institutions to make an effective impact on promoting the health of children. Acquaintance of students with modern health technologies.

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Дата добавления 07.01.2023
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Preparation of future educators for the introduction of modern health technologies in the educational process of preschool education

Protasova A.S., Graduate student at the Department of Technological and Vocational Education Hlukhiv National Pedagogical University named after Oleksandr Dovzhenko

The restructuring and renewal of higher education in Ukraine fundamentally changes the system of professional pedagogical training of specialists. To meet the requirements of the time, a modern teacher of the highest qualification for the system of preschool education must have not only basic knowledge, skills and abilities, but also own innovative technologies, primarily in the field of physical education of preschoolers. This is due to the fact that the work of a preschool educational institution should be aimed at strengthening the psychophysical health of the child, which is impossible without innovative activities. Therefore, a graduate of the specialty “Preschool education" should understand the priority of physical culture and health work, try to constantly solve the problems of maintaining the health of children, improving their level of physical development and physical fitness by introducing health-saving technologies into the educational process.

Innovative transformations are becoming systemic. New types, profiles and types of preschool institutions, new educational programs have been created to ensure the variability of the educational process, focused on the individuality of the child and the needs of his family. Every teaching staff has the right to innovate. Since children become the object of any pedagogical initiative, the teaching staff must assume certain obligations for the preparation and organization of innovation.

Innovative activity is a special kind of pedagogical activity. Innovation (innovation) - in the socio- psychological aspect - the creation and implementation of various types of innovations that generate significant changes in social practice. The goals and objectives of innovation are built on the basis of an analysis of the current situation in the kindergarten and from forecasts of its development.

Key aspects: to educate preschoolers in the culture of preserving and improving their own health; to develop mental and physical qualities and to carry out preventive measures that promote the health of preschool children; to teach preschoolers to understand the meaning of a healthy lifestyle and its value and the value of other people's lives.

Key words: educator, training, education, healthy lifestyle.

Підготовка майбутніх вихователів до впровадження сучасних технологій здоров'я у навчальному процесі дошкільної освіти

Розбудова та оновлення вищої освіти в Україні принципово змінює систему професійної педагогічної підготовки спеціалістів. Щоб відповідати вимогам часу, сучасний педагог вищої кваліфікації для системи дошкільної освіти повинен мати не лише базові знання, вміння та навички, а й володіти інноваційними технологіями, насамперед у галузі фізичного виховання дошкільнят. Це пов'язано з тим, що робота дошкільного навчального закладу має бути спрямована на зміцнення психофізичного здоров'я дитини, що неможливо без проведення інноваційної діяльності. Тому випускник спеціальності «Дошкільне виховання» має розуміти пріоритетність фізкультурно-оздоровчої роботи, намагатися постійно вирішувати проблеми збереження здоров'я дітей, покращення рівня їхнього фізичного розвитку та фізичної підготовленості шляхом впровадження у навчально-виховний процес технологій, що зберігають здоров'я.

Інноваційні перетворення набувають системного характеру. Створено нові типи, профілі та види дошкільних закладів, нові освітні програми, що дозволяють забезпечити варіативність виховно-освітнього процесу, орієнтованого на індивідуальність дитини та запити її сім'ї. Оскільки об'єктом будь-якої педагогічної ініціативи стають діти, педагогічний колектив має взяти він певні зобов'язання з підготовки та організації нововведення.

Інноваційна діяльність - це особливий вид педагогічної діяльності. Інновація (нововведення) - у соціально-психологічному аспекті - створення та використання різноманітних нововведень, які породжують значні зміни у соціальної практиці.

Цілі та завдання інновацій будуються на основі аналізу поточної обстановки в дитячому садку та з прогнозів його розвитку.

Ключові сторони: виховувати у дошкільнят культуру збереження та вдосконалення власного здоров'я; розвивати психічні та фізичні якості та проводити профілактичні заходи, що сприяють зміцненню здоров'я дошкільнят; навчати дошкільнят розумінню сенсу здорового способу життя та його цінності та цінності життя інших людей.

Ключові слова: вихователь, підготовка, освіта, здоровий спосіб життя.

Statement of the problem in the savage looks like that links with important scientific and practical tasks. The need today is to create a healthpreserving environment in preschool education, is one that provides a set of socio-hygienic, psychological and pedagogical, environmental, physical culture and health activities that can provide a child with comfortable living conditions.

This leads to the modernization of professional training of future educators on health activities, which consists in the formation of motivation for physical culture and health work with children, worldview rethinking the priority of this area and the readiness of future educators to solve problems of optimal children's health and ensure their versatile harmonious development.

Future teachers must be aware of the current processes in preschool education, understand that the degree of importance and demand for teachers in the educational process of preschool education is changing, the requirements for its ability to adequately, flexibly and mobile solve problems and challenges arising in professional activities are growing.

Therefore, one of the current priorities in the work of preschool education is the introduction of innovative health technologies, which requires future professionals to master some professional experience in this field.

Analysis of recent research and publications

The current stage of development of the higher education system is characterized by updating the content of professional training of future educators and innovative search for appropriate ways and means of its implementation, as well as strengthening the professional and practical component of the educational process in higher education.

This is emphasized in the studies of T. Andryushchenko, L. Artemova, G. Belenka, O. Boginich, A. Bogush, E. Vilchkovsky, L. Lokhvytska, I. Dychkivska, V. Nesterenko, O. Polovina, T. Ponymanska and others [1-5; 7; 8]. We agree with O. Boginich [2], which states that the fundamental, systemic role in the process of professional training belongs to the readiness of future educators to solve problems of physical culture and health, because the child's health is the basis on which the child's holistic development.

The state of health of preschool children highlights the need to form in them and adults' attitudes to their own health and the health of others as a fundamental value of life. In a holistic system of educational values, the focus should be on a full life and health; focus on physical, mental, spiritual and social improvement and life goals, which is to strive to be healthy, actively determine their own way of life and get closer to the ideal (O. Boginich, N. Levinets, L. Lokhvytska, etc.) [8].

It is important to note that in the context of the implementation of the concepts of modernization of preschool education at the beginning of the XXI century, an innovative approach to the formation of optimal health of children and ensuring their harmonious development. O. Boginich [2; 8] the theoretical substantiation of necessity of introduction in system of education of a improving paradigm as a leading component of philosophical humanistic education, a value-improving direction in educational process is carried out. The scientist based on the synthesis of humanistic pedagogy, spiritual and value transformations, significant potential of physical education of preschoolers, as well as taking into account the problem of deteriorating children's health for the first time in Ukraine substantiated the principles of humanization and health orientation of the educational process.

The researcher proved the need to implement the basic principles of such a process, namely: personality- oriented approach, subject-subject relationships, ensuring optimal realization of the child's personal potential, variability and feasibility of health and prevention and innovative educational technologies [2].

Other scientific works also convincingly prove the effectiveness of the introduction of healthpreserving technologies in the educational process (T. Andryushchenko, O. Boginich, E. Vilchkovsky, N. Denisenko, O. Dubogai, N. Levinets, L. Lokhvytska, etc.) [1 ; 2; 6; 7; 8].

We believe that it is the teachers of preschool education who play a leading role in ensuring the process of forming a child's health-preserving competence. It is quite natural that mastering the content component of the course “Methods of physical education of preschool children” is important in solving the problem of readiness of future teachers to implement the health paradigm.

Purpose of the article - identification of the main ways to improve the quality of professional training of future educators of preschool education institutions to make an effective impact on maintaining and promoting the health of children.

Statement of the main material

The program of the discipline “Methods of physical education of preschool children” provides acquaintance of students with modern health technologies, the feasibility of their introduction in the work of modern preschool institutions. Updating the content of the program on “Health-preserving technologies in the system of physical education and rehabilitation of preschool children” naturally reflects the current priorities in the field of health of preschoolers:

- implementation of the principle of healthimproving orientation of the educational process, which reflects the patterns of education, training and development of preschool children and the humanistic orientation of education in society;

- implementation of the value-health approach in the organization of healthy and safe life of children, which involves creating conditions for personal growth and the introduction of values and the formation of attitudes to health as a fundamental value of life;

- introduction of subject-subject relations, in which the adult and the child become active participants in joint activities;

- application of methodological tools of physical culture and health work in accordance with the psycho-physiological characteristics of children and the specifics of their development in different periods of preschool childhood;

- definition of the activity-competence approach as the basic basis of health-preserving activity in preschool education institutions;

- providing conditions for identifying the physical, emotional, value and health competence of the child;

- the presence of a subjective health-preserving position of educators, parents and children;

- awareness of the value of health; transformation of values of health and physical culture into the property of a particular individual on the basis of active activity;

- active introduction of health-preserving technologies into the educational environment of the preschool institution [5].

Based on the analysis of modern programs of development, upbringing and education of preschool children, the general tendencies of health-preserving physical education of children are determined: the child's personality is considered as the central figure in the educational process; the health of the child as the preservation of sustainable viability and vital functions of the organism in specific conditions of social and ecological environment is recognized as a condition for full physical and mental development; The technologicalization of physical education is interpreted as an innovative way to ensure the health-preserving nature of the educational process in preschool education.

The modern teacher must understand that innovation has become part of the theory and practice of preschool education, and the activities of a modern preschool institution is not possible without the introduction of various innovative pedagogical technologies. In this regard, the use of lectures with problematic presentation of the material is considered as one of the ways to develop cognitive and exploratory activities of students, the formation of their ability to consciously and critically perceive the material, creatively apply knowledge, hypothesize.

It is necessary to draw the attention of future experts to the following: some innovations do not have the appropriate scientific, theoretical and experimental justification. This circumstance creates the illusion of simplicity, accessibility, universality of innovative developments, leads to a reassessment of their role and importance in the educational process of preschool education and raises to the absolute any ideas and innovations of the teacher.

Therefore, in some places there are attempts to either completely deny the existing experience in preschool education, or to organize various forms and methods of educational influence without taking into account modern requirements; there are also situations when innovations are not integrated into the integrated system of a particular preschool institution. In addition, sometimes the introduction of modern health technologies is aimed at the external effect, rather than maintaining the health and development of the child.

During the lecture, problem tasks were proposed, the consideration of which was postponed to the seminar, as it required students to get acquainted with additional sources. Due to long-term preparation for solving the problem, they develop the ability to develop and analyze the recommended sources, draw independent conclusions, find facts for their own arguments, make assumptions about further ways of development of a phenomenon.

For example, during the lecture, the teacher revealed to students the concept of health technologies, the importance of their implementation in preschool education, the variability and feasibility of different technologies. After that, students were asked to determine the importance and feasibility / inexpediency of implementing a certain health technology in a particular preschool institution, in to give a reasoned assessment of the chosen technology (to prove the feasibility of its implementation in a preschool institution or the inability to explain certain trends). search for the introduction of technology becomes an end in itself).

Each student or mini-group of students chose to thoroughly familiarize with a particular technology (from their great diversity) and had to present the results of this problem in the form of a presentation taking into account the following aspects: the essence of technology, its purpose and result, scientific and theoretical and experimental feasibility, expediency of introduction for preschool children in various activities, equipment, place on the agenda, the possibility of integration into the integrated educational system of preschool education and under what conditions.

In addition, students had to convince classmates of the appropriateness of their chosen technology by demonstrating effective exercises (exercises were offered to all students) that make up the content of a particular technology and can be used during various activities of children during the day. Future experts tried to convince their opponents of the need and importance of using such exercises to strengthen their own health.

During the analysis and discussion of the presented presentations, the teacher made some additions that helped students make the right independent conclusions.

The effectiveness of the introduction of modern health technologies largely depends on the integration of educational and health activities of preschool education, close cooperation between teachers and health professionals. Health technologies need to be studied, discussed and selected, adapted to the conditions and capabilities of the institution.

Nowadays, there are situations when the practice, ahead of science, tries to introduce various health preserving technologies that do not meet the conditions of the preschool institution and are more typical for medical institutions. That is why there is a need for scientific and methodological, hygienic and medical justification of the conditions for the introduction of such technologies and appropriate diagnostics, adequate to the functional capabilities of preschool children.

Thus, we conclude that the imperative of today is to build an educational environment for preschool education on the basis of modern health technologies. Their introduction into the practice of preschool education leads to the need to change the content of the teaching staff.

Analysis of the practice of preschool education and experimental research on the introduction of health technologies in the system of physical culture and health work of preschool education confirms the importance of technological approach to the organization of physical education and rehabilitation of children aimed at effective positive dynamics in health, physical development and motor preparedness of children, as well as demonstrates the demand for such technologies in educational practice. In modern conditions of educational development, employees of preschool education institutions have the opportunity to choose the trajectory of their professional growth, because well- thought-out organization of the educational process, innovative educational technologies, information and communication support of this process affect the quality of preschool education.

These issues are raised in the State Standard of Preschool Education of Ukraine and new programs, which clearly define the task of forming health preserving competence in preschool children. To achieve these goals, it is important for teachers to understand that the choice of health technologies depends on the program of the teaching staff, professional competence of specialists, specific conditions of the institution, as well as indicators of health and physical development of preschool children.

educator health professional children


Future educators have learned to consciously apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge in their practical work; participate in the organization of cultural space educational institution; create a subject-developing pedagogical environment; draw up a plan of recommendations for parents and teachers on raising a child, including the number of children with special educational needs; plan an individual educational trajectory for the development of an individual child using individually selected modern technologies of preschool education and taking into account the requests of parents and the child himself; lead search for scientific information about traditional and innovative technologies of preschool education and creatively use with preschool children.

Based on this work, we can conclude that the organization of classes with problem-solving material promotes the development of students' lasting interest in the discipline, improves the quality of professional training, expands the creative potential of future professionals. Based on specific facts, students learn to reveal their essence, evaluate them, establish cause-and-effect relationships. Independent solution of a problem in the process of joint discussion increases students' cognitive interest in the topic, activates thinking, creative imagination, ensures the development of professional competencies.

Currently, pedagogical teams of preschool educational institutions are intensively introducing innovative technologies into their work. Therefore, the main task of preschool teachers is to choose methods and forms of organizing work with children, innovative pedagogical technologies that optimally correspond to the goal of developing the child's personality.

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at the implementation of state standards of preschool education.

A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the position of the child in the upbringing and educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. An adult, in communicating with children, adheres to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!”. Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person.

A technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies, guarantees the achievements of a preschooler and further guarantees their successful schooling. Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowing. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state. Everything is in our hands, so they cannot be omitted.


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2. Lebedenko I.U., Rodionova O.N. Inclusive education of preschool children: organizational aspect, Bulletin of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, 8, 20-25 (2015).

3. Malofeev N.N. Correction, integration, inclusion, what's next?, Special Education: Proceedings of the XI International Scientific Conference, 1, 9-15 (2015).

4. Nazarova N.M. On the problem of developing theoretical and methodological foundations of educational integration, Psychological Science and Education, 3, 5-11 (2011).

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