The pedagogical conditions of effective learning activity of the applicants for the second (master’s) level of higher education
Analysis of the concepts of pedagogical state, state-cause, applicant for higher education. Empirical study of creating conditions for effective educational activities of applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education at the university.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.01.2023 |
Размер файла | 16,7 K |
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The pedagogical conditions of effective learning activity of the applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education
S.S. Vitvytska*
The article analyzes the basic concepts of "condition", "pedagogical condition", "condition-reason", "condition-circumstance", "condition-factor", "efficiency", "pedagogical conditions", "activity", "educational activity", "higher education seeker (applicant for higher education)" and the relationship and interdependence of these concepts.
The main pedagogical conditions that affect the educational activities of applicants for higher education of the second (master's) level are identified and characterized.
The results of theoretical and empirical research of each pedagogical condition are presented (positive motivation to study; rapid adaptation in higher education environment; availability of pedagogical abilities; propensity for future professional activity (to the chosen profession); level of preparation for higher education; efficiency, purposefulness, availability of individual and creative opportunities, social activity, interaction with the team and others.
Different points of view of scientists are considered in order to determine the pedagogical conditions: the first one identifies pedagogical conditions as a set of any measures of pedagogical influence and opportunities of the material and spatial environment; as a set of activities, content, methods and organizational forms of teaching and education; the second position is occupied by researchers who link pedagogical conditions with the construction of a pedagogical system that reflects a set of internal (which ensure the personal development of educational subjects) and external (contributing to the procedural aspect of the system) elements that ensure its effective functioning and further development.
Methods of research of pedagogical conditions are characterized and results of research, their quantitative and qualitative analysis are given.
Key words: condition, pedagogical condition, activity, learning activity, applicant for higher education, effectiveness of learning activity.
Introduction of the issue
The current state of Ukrainian statehood is characterized by complex socio-economic, political and spiritual processes. For their successful implementation it is necessary to train highly qualified personnel for various branches of science and industry, which encourages the reform of the national system of higher education. In particular, it is a question of creation of conditions for effective educational activity of applicants for higher education (the Law of Ukraine "On higher education”, 2014; "Concepts of development of education of Ukraine for 2015-2025 y.", etc.).
In the legal framework "National Strategy for Education Development in Ukraine for 2012-2021 y.", the Concept of Education Development of Ukraine for 2015-2025 y., the strategic task of Ukraine's educational policy is to expand international cooperation, increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian higher education within the network of world educational services.
Achieving this goal requires modernization of theoretical and methodological foundations of higher education, its structural and organizational restructuring. Higher pedagogical education performs a special, key function in shaping the intellectual potential of the nation and society.
Current state of the issue. The problem of pedagogical conditions is widely studied by scientists in various aspects: pedagogical conditions for the introduction of innovative technologies (I. Bohomolov, L. Romanov, A. Spitsyna, Osobov and other); pedagogical conditions for the formation of competences and competencies (O. Melnyk, O. Korolop, I. Kladikova and other); pedagogical conditions for training specialists in certain sectors of the economy (O. Hnydiuk, Yu. Chechulina, V. Synishyna); pedagogical conditions of health-preserving education (F. Kalinchuk, S. Ihnatenko), pedagogical conditions of teaching activity (L. Tkach, Yatsenko); pedagogical conditions for the organization of independent work of higher education seekers (L. Orel, Kyryliuk, I. Tsisariuk and other).
Aim of research is conduct analysis of the concepts of "condition", "pedagogical condition”, "condition-reason", "condition- circumstance", "condition-factor", "efficiency", "pedagogical conditions", "activity", "educational activity", "higher education seeker (applicant for higher education)"; to carry out the coverage and analysis of empirical and theoretical research in order to create conditions for effective learning activities of applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education at the university.
Results and discussion
Despite the fact that the subject of a large number of dedicated studies are pedagogical conditions for the implementation of certain processes, in modern science there are differences in the understanding of the concept of "pedagogical condition", thus, this concept is not always interpreted in accordance with the research problem.
Philosophical interpretation of this concept is associated with the relationship of the object to the surrounding phenomena, without which this object cannot exist, as well as an essential component of the complex of objects (things, their states, interactions), with which the existence of this phenomenon is indivisible.
Analysis of scientific literature, dictionaries and reference sources makes it possible to conclude that the condition is the most generalized concept: "working conditions - a set of elements of the production environment and the specifics of the labor process that affects human health as well as efficiency and the results of his/her activities" [2: 1536].
In pedagogical research, this concept is used as a "condition-circumstances" - feature of reality, under which something happens or will happen in the future [2: 1506]. In this sense, this concept is appropriate and can be used in historical and pedagogical studies. Some researchers use the term "factor", which is identified as the condition, the driving force, the cause of any process that determines its nature or one of its main features. Common is the use of "condition-factor" is its anthropogenic origin caused by human activities [2: 1601]. Factor (faciy - "do" - a condition, driving force, the cause of a phenomenon, process - Latin), thus, this term is used in this exact sense in our study. Psychology identifies and studies two groups of factors that affect personality, mental phenomena and processes: external, in relation to the behavior of the individual (personality) - natural and social determinants of his behavior and internal - purely psychological, those inherent in man himself, in his inner the world. In learning, as in other activities, psychological factors are inevitably revealed. There are positive and negative factors [7: 201].
In psychology, the concept is usually exploited in the context of mental development and is revealed through a set of internal and external factors that determine the mental development of a human being, accelerating or slowing it down, influencing the development process, its dynamics, the end result.
Thus, the results of the analysis allow us to conclude that the concept of "condition" is general science, and its essence in the pedagogical aspect can be characterized by several provisions from different points of view.
The first point is supported by the scientists for whom pedagogical conditions are a set of any measures of pedagogical influence and opportunities of the material and spatial environment (V. Andrieiev, A. Nein, N. Yakovlieva).
The second viewpoint is supported by researchers who link pedagogical conditions with the construction of a pedagogical system that reflects a set of internal (ensuring the development of the personal aspect of the educational process) and external (promoting the procedural aspect of the system) elements that ensure its effective functioning and further development.
The third concept identifies pedagogical conditions as a systematic work aimed at clarifying the patterns as stable links in the educational process, which provides an opportunity to verify the results of scientific and pedagogical research (B. Kuprianov, S. Dynin).
Analysis of the positions of various researchers on the definition of "pedagogical conditions" allows us to identify a number of provisions important for understanding this phenomenon:
1) conditions act as an element of the pedagogical system, the entire pedagogical process);
2) pedagogical conditions reflect the set of possibilities of the educational process (content, methods, techniques and forms of teaching and education, software) and material-spatial (educational and technical equipment, natural and spatial environment of the educational institution, etc.), positively or negatively influencing environments and their functions;
3) in the structure of pedagogical conditions there are both internal (providing influence on the development of the personal sphere of the subjects of the educational process) and external (contributing to the formation of the procedural component of the system) elements;
4) the implementation of appropriately selected pedagogical conditions ensures the development and effectiveness of the pedagogical system, the pedagogical process.
Thus, we consider pedagogical conditions as one of the components of the pedagogical system of higher education, pedagogical process that includes educational activities of higher education and reflects the set of educational and material-spatial environment that affect the personal and procedural aspects of the system and ensure its effective functioning and development.
The activity of the higher education system is of great social importance, as its main task is to provide training for specialists in various sectors of the economy, to meet the social needs of people with high level of education and culture.
The concept of "activity" is interpreted in dictionaries as the application of effort to something. Work and directed effort of people in any field [2: 1306]. The activity of the applicant for higher education is unique in its purpose and objectives, content, internal and external conditions, means, features of the psychological course of mental processes, the impact of motivation and more. Higher education seekers are identified as individuals who study in a higher education institution at a certain level of higher education in order to obtain the appropriate degree and qualification [1]. Applicants for higher education are the source of replenishment of the intelligentsia, the spiritual elite of society. Modern psychology considers human activity as a system included in the network of social relations. With the development of society changes the purpose, methods, results, subject of higher education. Accordingly, the requirements for a graduate of a higher education institution, his professional competence and personal qualities due to the effectiveness of the educational process are changing.
The effectiveness of the educational process is measured by the level of implementation of the tasks and objectives of higher education institutions.
Educational activity is one of the main types of human activity, aimed at mastering theoretical knowledge and methods of activity in the process of solving educational problems [5: 301]. By "learning activity” we mean the interconnected activities of teachers and students of higher education in the process of which students obtain systematic, systematic, scientific knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as their development and improvement.
Self-education, independent work, participation in scientific research, carting out professionally-oriented tasks, maintaining communication with representatives of the profession, chosen by the individual, plays an increasing role in the educational activity of the applicant for higher education.
The success of education, the effectiveness of educational activities of higher education depends on a number of pedagogical conditions:
1. Positive motivation for learning and the level of readiness of the applicant for further acquisition of knowledge;
2. Successful and rapid adaptation in a higher education institution;
3. Availability of abilities for the chosen profession;
4. The presence of a creative team and educational-developmental environment; implementation of partnership pedagogy;
5. Use of modern learning technologies; maximum approximation of the learning process to practical activities.
6. Constant control and monitoring of the quality of educational activities of applicants for higher education;
7. Availability of modern material and technical support of higher education institutions.
The period of study in a higher education institution coincides with the second period of adolescence or the first period of maturity, which is characterized by the complexity of the formation of personality traits. Sociologist V. Shubkin calls the age of 17 to 25 a fateful period in a person's life. Intensive search for the job, choice of priority, transition from idealistic ideas to a clash with real institutions, professional self determination, employment, love, family formation. All this is due to such a sharpness of emotional experiences, with so many decisions that need to be made in the shortest possible time and which greatly determine the fate of an individual. A characteristic feature of moral development in this period is the strengthening of moral motives, reassessment of values, forming conscious motives for behavior.
The performance of a higher education seeker is professionally oriented, it is a form of social and cognitive activity, an expression of aspirations for life selfdetermination and self-affirmation. Most applicants are independent in the learning process, take an active position, preferring forms of learning that are not only a means of knowledge but also a means of selfaffirmation, given the opportunity to express their own point of view. The list of features of the applicants should include: the uniqueness of goals and results (preparation for independent work, mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities, development of personal qualities); special nature of the object of study (scientific knowledge, information about the future profession, etc .; the activities of applicants take place in the planned conditions (program, term of study); special means of activity - books, laboratory equipment, models, computers, etc.; activities of applicants are intensive psyche, high intellectual tension.
Motivation (positive motivation for education) is the main psychological and pedagogical condition for successful learning, effective learning activities of the applicant of the second (master's) level of higher education. This is confirmed by both long-term observations and their annual questionnaires.
The results of the survey (55 respondents) for the chosen profession are reflected in Table 1.
Table 1Attitude to the chosen profession.
Attitude to the chosen profession |
Number / % of respondents who chose the corresponding option |
I've chosen wisely |
40 (72,7%) |
Disappointment |
6 (10,9%) |
I've chosen poorly |
9 (16,4%) |
Factors influencing the choice of teaching profession: parents(34.3%), own wish (28.6%), teacher (22.8%), friends (5.7%), random choice (8.6%).
Table 2.Attitude to education.
Attitude to learning |
Number / percent of respondents who chose the variant |
Learning is very difficult |
3 (5,5%) |
I don't like it |
13 (23,6%) |
Learning is difficult but interesting |
21 (38%) |
Learning is not difficult and interesting |
18 (32,7%) |
Thus, for 38% of respondents, learning is difficult but interesting; 32.7% indicated that learning is not difficult and interesting, 23.6% answered that they do not like to study; for 5.5% learning is a difficult process. That is, most applicants are interested in learning (acquiring knowledge).
The next psychological and pedagogical condition of effective educational activity of applicants is the presence of abilities to the chosen pedagogical profession. We conducted diagnostic tests in the process of studying higher school pedagogy. For example, the method "Barriers to pedagogical activity" and the method "Pedagogical situations" were used. This technique allows to judge the pedagogical abilities of the applicant on the basis of which option he/she selects in a number of predefined pedagogical situations. Before conducting the research, the object of study receives instructions as follows: In front of you is a series of complicated pedagogical situations. After gettingacquainted with the content of each of them, it is necessary to choose from the proposed options the one that is pedagogically (in your opinion) the most appropriate. If none of the proposed answers suits you, you can derive a unique set of options [3: 83-88].
An important condition for active learning is the rapid and successful adaptation of the applicant in a higher education institution in order to be actively involved in the educational activities of HEI, it is vital that the readiness to continue education be formed in the general school; "readiness to learn" we identify as a complex integral property of the student's personality, which includes the attitude, desire and ability to accumulate knowledge, the presence of experience of independent cognitive activity in new conditions.
Socio-pedagogical adaptation is the assimilation of the norms of student life by a young individual, inclusion of him/her in the system of interpersonal relations of the academic group.
Adaptation of applicants for higher education within HEIs should be considered as a complex issue, highlighting the various individual levels and links, each of which has specific mechanisms due to the level of development of the applicant, academic group and forged team. The process of adaptation takes place on several levels: "adaptation" to the new mode of life, to change the mode of work and rest; interactions in the learning system before joining a new team and active selfaffirmation.
According to our research, one third of applicants cannot be fully involved in the learning process by the end of the first semester. This has its own psychological basis: a student, who has developed a stereotype of the regime of educational activities in the classroom, has to overcome it from the first days of being included into the system of higher education. Insufficient attention to the formation of a productive style of thinking in students leads to the fact that the educational process in higher education, forced to rely heavily on the reproductive thinking of freshmen; in addition, this type of thinking does not allow the applicant to make optimal decisions in unusual situations and easily adapt to changing operating conditions. This is the result of long-term observation, the use of questionnaires, for example, "Me and my group” [3: 152-154].
In order to create optimal opportunities for the development and self-development of each applicant, it is necessary to implement such a pedagogical condition as the formation of educational and developmental environment in higher education.
In our opinion, the educational and developmental environment of a higher education institution is an orderly space in which developmental learning is carried out on the basis of variability of content, individualization, differentiation, creative activity of students in educational and extracurricular activities, introduction of modern interactive technologies, active interaction of participants in the educational process and involves the creation of modern information and logistics of the pedagogical process [4].
The educational and developmental environment of a HEI can be structurally represented in the form of: social component, which includes subjects of professional training, communicative interaction between them; subject- content, which includes the content and main types of educational and extracurricular activities of applicants for higher education, means of professional training; organizational-methodological component, which includes the organization of all parts of the educational activities of higher education institutions, methodological support of the educational process; psychological component, which implies the presence of a healthy psychological climate in the academic group, faculty, university; material and technical component, which includes computerization of training and modern equipment; spatial-subjective component (which provides modern design of premises and logistics).
The formation of educational- developmental environment in the institution involves the use of modern techniques and innovative technologies.
In the process of training applicants for the second (master's) level of higher education we use modular context technology.
This technology of focusing on personal structures (comprehensively harmonious in the nature of content) - humanistic, educational, type of management - a system of small groups, the leading method of learning is problem-solving, creative, dialogical, game; by organizational forms: academic, individual-group, differentiated.
The technological approach integrated within the course "Higher School Pedagogy” involves the following: goal setting, planning, organization of the educational process, diagnostic and final performance assessment, tests, problem solving, crossword puzzles, etc. in each module. The study of higher school pedagogy is based on the principles of didactic heuristics (personal goal-setting; choice of individual educational trajectory; meta-subject bases of educational content; learning productivity; primary educational products). The educational process is accompanied by a reflective awareness of students (subjects of education). Forms of educational reflection are different: oral discussion, written questionnaires, graphical representation of changes in progress, and so on.
Every higher education seeker is a unique individual and can be revealed only in activities. Whatever the work (boring, monotonous, one-sided, multifaceted), it is necessary to look for creative use of the opportunities available to applicants. Only on the basis of creativity the applicant can feel emotional uplift and spiritual growth. According to V. Sukhomlinskyi, harmonious, comprehensive development, education, spiritual wealth, moral purity - all this a person achieves when, along with intellectual, moral, aesthetic culture, he achieves a high degree of culture of labor, labor creativity [9: 301].
Conclusions and research perspectives
The educational activities of higher education seekers are a complex phenomenon, the main of which is solving educational tasks. The applicant's educational activity can be narrowly focused (desire to have positive assessments, study the main literature, etc.), widely active (fairly complete understanding of the importance of learning, mastery of methods and techniques of teaching, desire to communicate with teachers), creative (deep understanding of learning, higher education as a system, independence in the study of educational material, original speeches at seminars, etc.).
The core of educational activity is the educational self-knowledge of applicants, by which B. Ananiev understood the awareness of him/herself as a subject of educational activity, which organizes, directs and controls the learning process. Solving this problem is promising for further research.
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