Topical problems of preparation of future teachers for the implementation of the follow-up between preschool and primary levels of education

Analysis of continuity between preschool and primary education through the prism of compliance with higher education standards. Justification of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of effective provision of continuity in the practical plane.

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Дата добавления 23.01.2023
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O.H. Kosenchuk


In the article the author analyzes the compliance of the professional standard «Tutor of preschool educational establishment» of higher education in specialty 012 «Preschool education» in terms of professional training of _future educators of GSE. There is some discrepancy between general and professional competencies in these documents. Inconsistencies will cause a number of problems and the future tutors (graduates) might face them while working in preschool educational establishments. After all, their level of training will not meet modern requirements and professional standards.

The article actualizes the problem of professional training of _future specialists in accordance with modern requirements. A thorough analysis of the issue of continuity between preschool and primary education through the prism: compliance with higher education standards in specialties 012 «Preschool education» and 013 «Primary education» in the aspect of professional training of future tutors of GSE and primary school teachers on the implementation of pedagogical interaction in the context of continuity. There has been analyzed the presence of consensus on the issue of continuity, which is specified in the professional standards of «Tutor of GSE», «Teacher of primary school general education», which determined the regulation of normative documents to ensure continuity in the primary education sphere.

In addition, the article substantiates the organizational and pedagogical conditions under which continuity will be effectively ensured in practice: they include the revision of the program of professional training of future primary school teachers and teachers for pedagogical interaction in the context of continuity; normalization of the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» in accordance with the professional standard «Preschool teacher»; development and mandatory introduction of disciplines «Continuity and prospects in the education and upbringing of children and students of preschool and primary education» during the training of future tutors and primary school teachers; inclusion in the tasks of industrial practice the issue of continuity between the initial links of education; coordination of professional methods of teaching and raising children in both links of education in order to ensure continuity, continuity and prospects; development of a single targeted focus of cooperation between GPE, primary school, family and the public in the context of continuity between the initial links of education; increasing the level of professional and pedagogical competence of teachers of both educational links.

Key words: basic component of preschool education, primary school teacher, tutor, State standard of primary education, continuity, professional standard, professional training.



О.Г. Косенчук.

У статті автором здійснено аналіз відповідності Професійного стандарту «Вихователь закладу дошкільної освіти» стандарту вищої освіти за спеціальністю 012 «Дошкільна освіта» в аспекті фахової підготовки майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти. Встановлено неузгодженість між загальними та фаховими компетентностями у зазначених документах. Неузгодженість спричинить у майбутньому ряд проблем з якими майбутні вихователі (випускники) зустрінуться під час роботи у закладах дошкільної освіти.

Здійснено ґрунтовний аналіз питання наступності між дошкільною та початковою ланками освіти через призму: відповідності стандартів вищої освіти за спеціальностями 012 «Дошкільна освіта» та 013 «Початкова освіта» в аспекті фахової підготовки майбутніх вихователів ЗДО та вчителів початкових класів щодо реалізації педагогічної взаємодії; проаналізовано наявність суголосності у питанні наступності, що зазначено у професійних стандартах «Вихователя закладу дошкільної освіти», «Вчителя початкових класів закладу загальної середньої освіти», визначено регламентованість нормативних документів для забезпечення наступності між початковими ланками освіти.

У статті обґрунтовуються організаційно-педагогічні умови, за яких, наступність ефективно забезпечуватиметься у практичній площині серед яких: доопрацювання програми фахової підготовки майбутніх вихователів та вчителів початкових класів до педагогічної взаємодії в контексті наступності; унормування стандарту вищої освіти за спеціальністю 012 «Дошкільна освіта» відповідно професійному стандарту «Вихователь закладу дошкільної освіти»; розроблення та обов'язкове введення дисциплін «Наступність і перспективність у навчанні і вихованні дітей і учнів дошкільної і початкової ланок освіти» під час підготовки майбутніх вихователів та вчителів початкових класів; включення у завдання виробничої практики питання наступності між початковими ланками освіти; узгодження фахових методик навчання і виховання дітей в обох ланках освіти задля забезпечення наступності, спадкоємності і перспективності; розробка єдиної цільової спрямованості співпраці ЗДО, початкової школи, сім'ї і громадськості в контексті наступності між початковими ланками навчання; підвищення рівня професійно-педагогічної компетентності педагогів обох освітніх ланок.

Ключові слова: Базовий компонент дошкільної освіти, вчитель початкових класів, вихователь закладу дошкільної освіти, Державний стандарт початкової освіти, наступність, професійний стандарт, фахова підготовка.

Introduction of the issue

The reform of the educational system in Ukraine has led to qualitative conceptual changes that are focused on updating the content of preschool and primary education. It unites implementation of the reform «New Ukrainian School», ensuring accessibility to barrier-free qualitative education; implementation of inclusive learning opportunities; professional training and retraining of pedagogical personnel, development of new professional standards of preschool teachers and primary school teachers; implementation of continuity between preschool and primary education links; creation of a modern educational space to ensure the comprehensive development of the child in GPE (general preschool education) and in a primary school of preschool age. Currently, the above conceptual changes are given in the regulatory documents [2; 3; 6-10]. Among the key principles of the state policy in the field of education and the principle of educational activity is defined as the integrity and continuity of the education system [4]. The basic component of preschool education (the standard of preschool education) (hereinafter referred to as the standard) indicates the key idea of effective implementation of continuity between preschool and primary educational levels. According to the developers of the standard, the leading place should be paid to professional training of preschool and primary education teachers, which is based on the basis of a holistic philosophy of personal development in the period of childhood [2: 32-33]. Practitioners and scientists state the fact that preschool and primary education are autonomous and unrelated. A. Bogush, notes that «...we need the effective mechanisms that would be implemented in practice, not on paper» [1: 3].

The end-to-end educational trajectory developed and implemented in educational institutions will provide a holistic philosophy of personality development during childhood years. However, a number of questions still arise: whether the professional training of future teachers of preschool educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as GPE) and primary school teachers is provided for pedagogical interaction in the context of continuity between preschool and primary education links; are the future teachers of GPE familiar with the standard of primary education, and primary school teachers know the standard of preschool education; are future GPE tutors and primary school teachers ready to implement the principles of continuity and perspective in practice; are the teachers of the two primary levels of education ready to provide a synergistic educational trajectory, focusing on the age and individual characteristics of children's development, organizational and meaningful characteristics of the educational process; whether future educators of preschool educational institutions and primary school teachers have appropriate reflective skills. preschool education pedagogical continuity

Current state of the issue. The problem of training future GPE educators and primary school teachers, assessing their readiness to carry out professional and pedagogical activities has been put in the focus of many international and Ukrainian scientists. In the world pedagogy, scientific research on the problems of pedagogical integration are the most valuable (A. Bloom, Best, V. Bretsynka, J. Bruner, R. Winkel, F.R. Winthrop, R. Gagne, L. Klinberg, C. Maziazh, O. Mihai, R. Neuner, V. Roglicek, R. Slavin, R. Stevenson, K.- F. Tamaszewski, A. Horvath). Ukrainian scientific research is aimed at identifying: the nature and essence of the professional activity of a teacher (A. Bogush, E. Karpov, T. Lesina); conceptual ideas in the aspect of progressive shifts in the modern system of professional training (V. Bondar, I. Ziazyun, N. Nichkalo, O. Moroz, S. Sysoeva, L. Khomych); structure and content of its individual components (L. Vashchenko, G. Sibin, A. Linenko, G. Nagorna). Many modern authors express the opinion that the mastery of future teachers with theoretical knowledge involves their integration into practical activities (I. Bekh, N. Gavrish, L. Dolynska, N. Popiakel, T. Ponimanskaya, V. Semichenko,N. Chepeleva).

The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education has always been in the circle of attention of international and Ukrainian leadingscientists and teachers-practitioners. From different angles, the researchers studied the problems of continuity: psychological theories of activity and personality development are outlined in the works of G. Ball, I. Bekh, L. Vygotsky, G. Kostyuk, O. Leontiev, V. Molyako, S. Rubinstein, etc.; the study of the problem of an integrated approach in the system of the educational process in the preschool educational institution is covered in the scientific works of A. Bogush, K. Belay, G. Belenko, N. Gavrish, I. Kindrat, O. Kovshar, O. Kononko, K. Krutiy, N. Lysenko, T. Pirozhenko, S. Yakymenko, etc.

Outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article.

The issue of professional preparation of the future teacher and primary school teacher for pedagogical interaction in the context of continuity between preschool and primary education has not become the subject of a separate scientific study. This issue is becoming especially relevant now, in connection with the implementation of a number of regulatory documents, a new edition: standards of preschool and primary education, standards of higher education in the specialties 012 «Preschool Education» and 013 «Primary Education», professional standards «Teacher of preschool education» and «Teacher of primary schools of a general secondary education institution». As a result, the problem of professional training of future specialists in accordance with modern requirements is actualized.

Aim of the research. At highlighting the results of the scientific search for solving the problems of continuity in the training of future GPE tutors and primary school teachers.

Results and discussion

One of the key principles of state policy and the principle of educational activity in the field of preschool education is the continuity of preschool and primary education. A. Bogush considers the problems of continuity, prospects and continuity between the two educational links as interrelated and interdependence [1: 3]. To create a viable system of continuous education and upbringing, to achieve high educational levels, to ensure the possibilities of constant spiritual growth of the individual, it is important to create favorable conditions for the transition of the child from preschool to primary education. Every child to school should receive appropriate training according to the requirements of the standard; primary school, preserving continuity with the preschool period of childhood, ensures the further formation of the child's personality, his intellectual, physical, social development. The end-toend educational trajectory will provide a holistic philosophy of personality development during childhood.

In this regard, special attention is paid to the system of professional training of the future teacher of GPE and primary school teachers in the context of continuity between the primary links of education. Let us dwell in more detail on the analysis of the standards of higher education of Ukraine for the training of future specialists of the first (bachelor) levels of 012 «Preschool education» and 013 «Primary education» in the context of continuity between the initial links of education [8; 9]. The standard of higher education of the first (bachelor) level in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» states that the object of study and activity is «...upbringing and education of children from birth to admission to school, the formation of the ideas, skills, qualities necessary for schooling, a holistic, realistic picture of the world, the foundations of the worldview. We must point out some differences between the standard of higher education and the Law of Ukraine «On Preschool Education», in particular, in Art. 12 states that the provision of educational services to preschool children is carried out from one year, but in the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» it is indicated that the object of study and activity is the upbringing and education of children from birth to school, however, in fact, the teacher of GPE can work only with children of early (from 1 year) age and up to preschool age. Therefore, this wording requires adjustment in accordance with the provisions of the Law.

We correlated the goals specified in the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» and the theoretical content of the subject area. So, «... the purpose of training is to prepare specialists for the development, training and upbringing of children of early and preschool age in educational and family institutions capable of solving specialized tasks characterized by complexity and uncertainty of conditions with the application of the theory and methodology of preschool education» [9]. It is appropriate to point out that «the theoretical content of the subject area is based on the following concepts: preschool education, education in preschool age, teaching children in GPE, the development of preschool children, the leading activity of preschool children» [9]. Currently, there is a conflict, because in accordance with the standard of higher education in the specialty 012, the future teacher of GPE must educate and teach preschool children before entering school, and for this he must be aware of the State Standard of Primary School, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (hereinafter referred to as the NUS) [5].

We are also convinced that primary school teachers should be aware of both the State Standard of Primary School and the Basic Component of Preschool Education. This approach will ensure continuity, continuity and prospects of continuous education and at the same time continue a comfortable second childhood for older preschoolers, elementary school students. However, in fact, in the standard of higher education in the specialty 013 «Primary Education», the issue of continuity, prospects, continuity of education between preschool and primary education is not covered. Let us dwell in more detail on the analysis of program results of training, defined in the standards of higher education in the specialties 012 «Preschool Education» and 013 «Primary Education». We found that the standard of higher education 012 «Preschool education» in two program results of education (hereinafter PRE) mentions aspects of continuity: PRE 01; 05. Thus, the PRE-01 states that the future teacher of the GPE has «...understand and determine pedagogical conditions, patterns, principles, goals, objectives, content, organizational forms, methods and means used in working with children from their birth to school age; find out typical signs and specifics of the educational process and the development of children of early and preschool age» [9]. The PRE-05 states that « interact in the work of the GPE, family and school. To involve parents in the organization of the educational process with children of early and preschool age in the conditions of GPE» [9].

Instead, in the standard of higher education 013 «Primary Education», the object is defined as «...educational process in primary school» [10]. The question of continuity between preschool and primary education as a whole cannot be traced, the PRE has not been recorded, no mentioning of preschool education and continuity. If we consider that pre-school children are 5-6 years old, and first-grade students are the vast majority of 6 years of age, an effective model of continuity, integrity and continuity of the educational process should be built. According to the terminology of L. Vygotsky during transitional age periods, the leading function of continuity is to ensure the lyrical development of the child. It is continuity that prevents and minimizes crisis phenomena in the mental development of the individual. We stand in solidarity with scientists and practitioners on the importance of continuity between preschool and primary education. A. Bogush defines «... continuity as the highest stage of development, the roots of which sprouted in the previous soil» [1: 3]. Continuity in the work of GPE and primary school is not only a consonance in general approaches, values and principles. It should be traced in the content, methods, forms, main aspects of the development of the personality of the preschooler and primary school student. Therefore, it is important to preserve the main activities of preschool children in elementary school, especially in the first grade, such as: play, cognitive, artistic, labor, communication, etc. GPE educators should be familiar with the content, forms and methods of work in elementary school. Continuity will allow the primary school teacher to take into account the standard of preschool education, to understand what competencies are formed in the child during preschool childhood. The standard of preschool education indicates the key idea of effective implementation of continuity between preschool and primary levels of education, the priority place should be taken professional training of teachers of preschool and primary education. Let us dwell in more detail on the study of the issue of professional training of future GPE tutors and primary school teachers to implement the principle of continuity between preschool and primary education.

Of course, the professional training of a teacher (in all fields) in higher education institutions involves the study of age psychology, where future teachers learn knowledge of the characteristics of the mental development of children of different age periods. They also study pedagogy, in the content of which they get acquainted with general pedagogy, didactics and the theory of education. However, only students of the specialty «Preschool Education» study preschool pedagogy, professional methods, the content of educational programs for preschool children, and get acquainted in detail with the peculiarities of mental development of children of this age period. In educational programs, the training of primary school teachers, the study of preschool pedagogy and methods of working with preschoolers is not provided.

Therefore, as practice shows, the problem of continuity between the first educational links is more concerned with preschool specialists who understand the large discrepancy between the content, forms and methods of work in GPE and elementary school. In part, this problem is solved by some higher education institutions, which, within the framework of educational and professional programs for the first (bachelor)level of higher education, introduce selective specialization, for example, a preschool teacher with selective specialization, a primary school teacher, or a primary school teacher with selective specialization, a preschool teacher. Given that the standards of higher education in the specialties 012 «Preschool Education» indirectly mention the issue of continuity between the primary links of education, namely in the context of preparing the child for school, instead, during the preparation of the future primary school teacher, attention is not paid to the issue of preschool education, which is fundamental for the child, the end-to-end educational trajectory will not provide a holistic philosophy of personal development during childhood.

We assume that the lack of systematic professional training of future GPE educators and primary school teachers to implement the principle of continuity between preschool and primary education leads to difficulties in the period of adaptation of children to school, substitution of leading activities of the «game» for «learning» in GPE, overloading the educational process in the GPE. We stand in solidarity with the opinion of academician A. Bogush, « is necessary to radically change and seriously finalize the programs on preschool pedagogy and pedagogy of primary school. To adjust professional methods of teaching and raising children in both levels of education in order to ensure continuity, continuity and prospects.» The researcher, back in 2007, proposed effective steps to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of continuity between preschool and primary education in the context of professional training of future specialists in higher education institutions. The key leitmotif of Alla Mikhailovna was the thesis «... to save the provision can be mandatory introduction of special courses at the faculties of preschool education «Continuity and prospects in the education and upbringing of children and students of preschool and primary education» [1: 7]. We will analyze the compliance of the standard of higher education 012 «Preschool education» with the professional standard «Preschool teacher». It is important to understand whether future competitive specialists are trained in higher education institutions whose qualifications and competencies meet modern requirements. It should be noted that the professional standard of the GPE educator was approved after the adoption of the relevant standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool Education», namely, 1456 21.11.2019 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of November 21, 2019 No. 1456 «About approval of the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» for the first (bachelor) level of higher education, and the professional standard «Teacher of preschool education institution» was approved by the order of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine from 19.10.2021 No 755-21 «On approval of the professional standard «Teacher of preschool education institution». We correlated the general and professional competencies specified in the professional standard «Preschool Teacher» and the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool Education». It was recorded that out of 6 general competencies (civic, social, cultural competence, leadership, entrepreneurial, ethical) defined in the professional standard of a GPE tutor, only three (civic, social, cultural competence) are reflected in the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool Education». Instead: leadership, entrepreneurial, ethical are not reflected in the list of general competences of a graduate of a higher education institution.

As for the professional competences provided by the professional standard «Preschool Teacher», eleven competencies are defined: predictive, organizational, evaluation and analytical, subjectmethodical, health-saving, design, psychoemotional, pedagogical partnership, moral and ethical, lifelong learning ability, information and communication. In the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» five competencies of consonants: organizational, subject-methodical, design, pedagogical partnership; ability to learn throughout life. At the same time, two competencies are partially represented: health-preserving, information and communication. Currently, there are no four competencies: predictive, evaluativeanalytical, psycho-emotional, moral and ethical. In accordance with the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» and the professional standard «Teacher of GPE» organizational competence is determined: the ability to choose effective methods, forms and means of organizing the educational process; the ability to organize play (leading) and other activities and support activities initiated by the child. The subject-methodical competence is consonant: the ability to form key competencies in education applicants in accordance with the state standard of preschool education. It should be noted that an important place in the range of competencies is occupied by design: the ability to organize and design educational centers according to the principles of universal design and reasonable adaptation. In the context of continuity, pedagogical partnership is important: the ability to effectively cooperate and communicate in professional activities; the ability to attract participants in the educational process on the basis of partnership and mutual responsibility, however, requires strengthening: the ability to team interaction. The ability to learn throughout life is also provided: the ability to self-reflection and evaluate one's own professional activity; ability to plan and implement individual professional development and self-education Partially represented health-saving and informationcommunication competences. Regarding health-saving competence, we consider it expedient to expand and strengthen: the ability to organize a physically safe educational environment.

It should be noted that the new realities caused by COVID-19 have led to the informatization of the educational process. The future teacher must have certain composts to ensure a high-quality educational process. The professional standard of the GPE tutor indicates information and communication competence: the ability to effectively use information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) and electronic educational resources in professional activities; the ability to adhere to the rules of safe behavior in the digital environment, not presented in the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education». Predictivecompetence is absent in the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool Education», but the professional standard «Teacher of GPE» states: the ability to plan and predict the results of the educational process; the ability to target, self-organize and prepare for the educational process; ability to document professional activities.

We trace a similar situation in the absence of evaluation and analytical competence of future GPE educators, namely: the ability to carry out andinterpret the results of monitoring thequality of educational activities for adaptation and adjustment of the educational process in accordance with the capabilities and needs of applicants for education; ability to determine the level of formation of competencies in applicants for education in accordance with the state standard of preschool education.

There is also a lack of psycho-emotional competence in the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education»: the ability to self-control, self-regulation and tolerant interaction; ability to respond quickly to changes, flexibility, adaptability and stress resistance. Moral and ethical complexity is not represented: the ability to take into account the cultural, religious, social and linguistic characteristics of the family during the educational process and implement it regardless of their own views, stereotypes and prejudices.

As a result, the professional level of training of future tutors (graduates of a higher education institution in the specialty 12 «Preschool Education») will not meet the professional standard «Preschool teacher», and the young specialist will not correspond to the position, because currently there are no a number of competencies, both general and professional. The management of the GPE will need to carry out additional training of a young specialist in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard. Thus, the content of the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» requires coordination and amendments in accordance with the professional standard of the teacher of GPE, because the future specialist must be competitive and meet modern requirements. Conclusions from this study and prospects for further research in this direction.

Conclusions and research perspectives

In terms of implementation of a new State Standard of Primary Education, the Basic Component of Preschool Education, development and implementation of professional standards of an GPE tutor and a primary school teacher; implementation of higher education standards concerning the specialties 012 «Preschool Education» and 012 «Primary Education» there exists significant need for changes in the preparation of future preschool teachers and primary school teachers to work in new conditions.

Analyzing the Standards of Higher Education of the specialties 012 «Preschool Education» and 013 «Primary Education», we record inconsistencies in the context of continuity, and therefore cross-sectoral interaction, joining forces and coordinating approaches to the development of Higher Education Standards for future primary school teachers and teachers would allow us to work out effective mechanisms of continuity between the primary links of education.

In addition, there exists an urgent problem to normalize the standards of higher education in the specialties 012 «Preschool Education» and 013 «Primary Education» in the context of compliance with the professional standards «Preschool Teacher» and «Primary School Teacher of a General Secondary Education Institution», because future specialists must meet modern needs and be competitively capable. This can be done by consolidating the efforts of practitioners, scientists, teachers of higher education institutions in solving topical issues in the field of preschool education, including continuity and pedagogical interaction.

Summing up the said above we should emphasize that in order to ensure continuity between preschool and primary education, significant progress in the content of normative documents has been made. In particular it concerns the professional standards of «Preschool Teacher», «Primary School Teacher of a General Secondary Education Institution», higher education standards in the specialty 012 «Preschool Education» and 013 «Primary Education», State Standards of Preschool and Primary Education.

However, there is still a number of organizational and pedagogical conditions under which, in our opinion, continuity between preschool and primary education is ensured in the practical field. They include the revision of the program of professional training of future primary school teachers and teachers for pedagogical interaction in the context of continuity; normalization of the standard of higher education in the specialty 012 «Preschool education» in accordance with the professional standard «Preschool teacher»; development and mandatory - introduction of disciplines «Continuity and prospects in the education and upbringing of children and students of preschool and primary education» during the training of future tutors and primary school teachers; inclusion in the tasks of industrial practice the issue of continuity between the initial links of education; coordination of professional methods of teaching and raising children in both links of education in order to ensure continuity, continuity and prospects; development of a single targeted focus of cooperation between GPE, primary school, family and the public in the context of continuity between the initial links of education; increasing the level of professional and pedagogical competence of teachers of both educational links.

The article does not exhaust all aspects of the research problem. We consider it promising to study the international experience of professional training of future GPE tutors and primary school teachers for pedagogical interaction in the context of continuity between the primary links of education; analysis of domestic and international models of continuity between preschool and primary education.

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7. Profesiinyi standart «Vykhovatel zakladu doshkilnoi osvity» [Professional standard «Preschool teacher»]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

8. Profstandart vchytelia pochatkovykh klasiv, vchytelia zakladu zahalnoi serednoi osvity i vchytelia z pochatkovoi osvity (z dyplomom molodshoho spetsialista) [Professional standard of primary school teacher, teacher of general secondary education institution and teacher of primary education (with diploma of junior specialist)]. Retrieved from: https: // [in Ukrainian].

9. Standart vyshchoi osvity pershoho (bakalavrskoho) za spetsialnistiu 012 «Doshkilna osvita» [The standard of higher education of the first (bachelor's) in the specialty 012 «Preschool education»]. Retrieved from: https: // doc/files/news/683/68361/2019-11-22-012doshkilna-B.pdf [in Ukrainian].

10. Standart vyshchoi osvity pershoho (bakalavrskoho) za spetsialnistiu 013 «Pochatkova osvita» [The standard of higher education of the first (bachelor's) in the specialty 013 «Primary Education»]. Retrieved from: https: // [in Ukrainian].

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