Forming grammatical competence while teaching professionally-oriented foreign language in non-linguistic universities

Teaching grammar in the Ukrainian educational community. Principles of studying grammar in secondary, primary school, its assimilation in English lessons in universities. Disadvantages of approaches to language learning in the Ukrainian education system.

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Дата добавления 25.01.2023
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Forming grammatical competence while teaching professionally-oriented foreign language in non-linguistic universities

Tetiana Berkutova

associate professor of the department of foreign languages National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”; Kharkiv, Ukraine

Viktoriia Vrakina

associate professor of the department of foreign languages National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”; Kharkiv, Ukraine

Valeriia Sadkovska

associate professor of the department of foreign languages National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”; Kharkiv, Ukraine


teaching english grammar

the article deals with teaching grammar in Ukrainian education community. Students start learning grammar at secondary, sometimes even at primary schools, and continue acquiring it while studying at institutions of higher education. However, qualitative progress in grammar usage while writing and speaking English is rarely seen. One possible explanation is that there is a widely adopted approach in Ukrainian education system according to which the formation of grammatical competence goes through a number of fixed steps from grammar knowledge to speech practice. It is assumed that detailed and thorough knowledge of rules of English grammar and their difference from grammar rules of the Ukrainian language contributes to better understanding of peculiar features of the English language and further it positively influences the acquisition of all language skills and abilities. Unfortunately, considering the real situation of teaching English at Ukrainian universities under conditions of insufficient class-room academic hours, such an approach does not bring desired results. Communicative approach of teaching foreign languages and competencies that are to be developed demands a different approach to teaching grammar that is a holistic approach.

Key words: non-linguistic university; communicative approach; professionally- oriented foreign language teaching; foreign language professional communicative competence; grammar skill; holistic approach.


Тетяна Беркутова

доцент кафедри іноземних мов Національного технічного університету “Харківський політехнічний інститут”; Харків, Україна

Вікторія Вракіна

доцент кафедри іноземних мов Національного технічного університету “Харківський політехнічний інститут”; Харків, Україна

Валерія Садковська

доцент кафедри іноземних мов Національного технічного університету “Харківський політехнічний інститут”; Харків, Україна


розглянуто проблему викладання граматики в українській освітній спільноті. Розглянуто різні ступені вивчення, зокрема вивчення граматики у середній, іноді навіть у початковій школі, і продовження її засвоєння під час навчання у вищих навчальних закладах. Проте якісний прогрес у використанні граматики під час письма та спілкування англійською спостерігається рідко. Розглянуто особливість вивчення граматики, яка полягає в тому, що в українській системі освіти широко поширений підхід, згідно з яким формування граматичної компетенції проходить ряд фіксованих кроків від знання граматики до мовленнєвої практики. Передбачено, що детальне і ґрунтовне знання правил граматики англійської мови та їхніх відмінності від граматичних правил української мови сприяє кращому розумінню особливостей англійської мови і надалі позитивно впливає на засвоєння всіх мовних умінь і навичок. На жаль, враховуючи реальну ситуацію з викладанням англійської мови в українських ЗВО за недостатньої кількості аудиторних годин, такий підхід не дає бажаних результатів. Комунікативний підхід до навчання іноземних мов та компетенцій, які мають розвиватися, вимагає іншого підходу до навчання граматики, тобто цілісного підходу.

Ключові слова: нелінгвістичний університет; комунікативний підхід; професійно-орієнтоване навчання іноземної мови; іншомовна професійна комунікативна компетентність; граматична майстерність; цілісний підхід.


Татьяна Беркутова, Виктория Вракина, Валерия Садковская


рассмотрена проблема преподавания грамматики в украинском образовательном сообществе. Рассмотрены различные степени изучения, в частности изучение грамматики в средней, иногда даже в начальной школе, и продолжение ее усвоения во время обучения в высших учебных заведениях. Однако качественный прогресс в использовании грамматики во время письма и общения на английском наблюдается редко.

Рассмотрена особенность изучения грамматики, которая заключается в том, что в украинской системе образования широко распространен подход, согласно которому формирование грамматической компетенции проходит ряд фиксированных шагов от знания грамматики до речевой практики.

Предусмотрено, что детальное и основательное знание правил грамматики английского языка и их отличия от грамматических правил украинского языка способствует лучшему пониманию особенностей английского языка и в дальнейшем положительно влияет на усвоение всех языковых умений и навыков.

К сожалению, учитывая реальную ситуацию с преподаванием английского языка в украинских ЗВО при недостаточном количестве аудиторных часов, такой подход не дает желаемых результатов. Коммуникативный подход к обучению иностранным языкам и компетенциям, которые должны развиваться, требует другого подхода к обучению грамматике, то есть целостного подхода.

Ключевые слова: нелингвистический университет; коммуникативный подход; профессионально-ориентированное обучение иностранному языку; иноязычная профессиональная коммуникативная компетентность; грамматическое мастерство; целостный подход.

Problem setting

teaching english grammar

The modern education system is undergoing significant changes in connection with the progressive transformations taking place in all vital spheres of our society, Ukraine's support for the ideas of the Bologna Process and integration into the European educational space. Current priorities of state policy in the field of education are on training professionals with high intellectual potential, developed professional competencies, capable of self-realization and selfdevelopment. Growing needs for communication and cooperation between countries and people with different languages and cultural traditions, the new educational system in Ukraine require significant changes in the approach to teaching foreign languages, updating its content and methods. Therefore, knowledge of foreign languages is an important prerequisite for personal, cultural, professional and economic contacts. Learning foreign languages includes several aspects, one of which is grammar. In the teaching of foreign languages, grammar occupies an important place, it is a kind of framework on which vocabulary is based. Learning grammar causes many difficulties, which are complicated by grammatical terms and rules and a grate number of exceptions.

In accordance with the current State Educational Standards of Higher education, the discipline “Foreign language” is a discipline of the basic part, the knowledge of a foreign language is referred to the general cultural competence and is interpreted broadly enough: “A graduate of a bachelor degree program should have the following general cultural competence: ability to communicate in oral and written forms in Ukrainian and foreign languages to solve interpersonal and intercul- tural problems” [1]. On the one hand, such an interpretation does not take into account the peculiarities of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic higher education institution and almost completely repeats the goal of teaching a foreign language on the stage of basic general education, which, according to the Fundamental Core of the content of basic general education is as follows: “The main aim of studying foreign languages at school is forming of foreign communicative competence: ability and readiness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers” may be the reason for the difficult situation in Ukrainian universities with regard to the foreign language. On the other hand, such neutral goal setting in foreign language learning makes it possible to define the objective of foreign language learning at a non-linguistic university as it is required by the situation.

Thus, we see an almost complete lack of continuity and system in teaching a foreign language at different levels of education, which negatively affects the quality of knowledge of graduates of both general education schools and institutions of higher education.

Resent research and publications analysis

Grammatical competence is the ultimate goal of teaching grammar and consequently of learning grammatical means of communication. In the history of teaching foreign languages several approaches can be distinguished to the formation of grammatical competence.

The most widespread is the conscious- practical method, the main distinctive feature of which is the ability to use grammatical means - speech skills in the form of grammatical competence. The problem of forming grammatical competence is studied by a number of methodologists, among them E. Passov, who in his publications gave a methodical outline of the stages of formation of grammatical skill, described by L. Voronin, R. Milrud, who considers students' grammatical competence in terms of a cognitive model.

It is important to note the definition of grammatical competence as defined by the Council of Europe in the document “Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment”. The collective of authors of this document understands grammatical competence as knowledge of grammatical elements of the language and ability to use them in speech. Grammatical competence includes the ability to understand and express a certain meaning, formulate it in the form of phrases and sentences in compliance with the rules of the language (as opposed to mechanical reproduction of memorized samples). [1]. This provision should be especially taken into account when forming grammatical competence of bachelors of non-language universities, since foreign language teaching has an absolutely pragmatic character and is connected with their future professional activity, but all this happens within the framework of class hours, which are not enough to achieve qualitative results.

Identifying the parts of the problem unsolved in previous research. The conducted research does not cover all aspects of the problem of formation of language competence, in particular, the issue of formation of professionally-oriented English-language grammatical competence remains unresolved, and hence there is no system of exercises for its formation. That is why we believe it is relevant and necessary to consider this aspect of this problem as well as to develop a scientifically sound system of exercises for the formation of professionally-oriented English grammatical competence.

The purpose of the proposed article is to study the conditions for the formation of English grammatical competence in non- linguistic universities.

Paper objective. All the mentioned above provisions have determined the title of this paper “Forming grammatical competence while teaching professionally-oriented foreign language in non-language universities” and its main goal: to consider effective strategies for teaching grammatical means of communication, taking into consideration the specificity of students' professional activity and the shortage of contact hours.

Paper main body. Professionally- oriented teaching of a foreign language is such teaching, which takes into account communicative and cognitive needs of students of the corresponding specialty. According to Feschuk modern professionally- oriented approach to foreign language teaching suggests the formation of students' ability of foreign language communicate in specific professional, business, scientific spheres and situations, taking into account the peculiarities of professional thinking with the organization of motivational, as well as orientation and research activities. He also defines foreign language, required by the peculiarities of their future profession [2].

Thus, during their studies at university, students prepare themselves for their future professional work, therefore, all their learning activities should be its didactic reflection. Therefore all their learning activities should include such forms and types of tasks which would correspond to their future professional activities. That is why at present considerable attention is paid to practice-oriented tasks that help to apply the theoretical knowledge obtained according to their specialty in the practical and profess- sional activities of students.

Taking into account all the above mentioned, the goal of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university is to form foreign-language professional communicative competence, i. e. the readiness and preparedness of a specialist (a graduate of a non-linguistic university) to communicate effectively in a foreign language in oral and written forms in situations of both professional and everyday communication with representatives of other countries, which includes the exchange of information of both professional and everyday nature.

As for the tasks, with the help of which the identified goal can be achieved, the analysis of the methodological literature by Zaviryuha, Koloda, Haponenko, Boretska, Larsen-Freeman has identified a number of tasks in teaching professionally-oriented foreign language presented in table 1.

Table 1Tasks in teaching professionally-oriented foreign language

- to teach a future specialist to use the language in professional and natural communication


- to form an idea of the system of the language under study taking into account professional


- ensure that the students memorize a certain amount of linguistic material, e.g. a sufficient

number of lexical units on the subject and normative grammar of the studied foreign language

- to form the skills and abilities of students to use the langmage material in speech

- to form the skills and abilities of students to make their own written statement in a foreign


- to develop the speech abilities of students in the process of mastering the langmage

- to develop the motivation of students for further mastery of the langmage

The implementation of these tasks, in our opinion, should rely on the knowledge obtained in secondary school, especially with regard to English grammar, which falls into a different lexical environment, which, with an adequate level of formation of grammatical skills and abilities, should not cause difficulties for students.

Regarding the last point, it should be noted, that a lot of work of both Ukrainian and foreign authors are devoted to the problem of motivation in learning a foreign language. In our opinion, one of the reasons for demotivation, fear, refusal to further study of foreign languages, is poorly formed linguistic competence at the initial stage of learning. By the initial stage of learning, we mean basic general education.

The foreign-language professional communicative competence, mentioned above, as a goal of teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university consists of a number of competences, each of which is aimed at forming certain skills and abilities. One of the competences is linguistic competence, which in turn includes grammatical and speech competences.

“Linguistic competence means possession of knowledge about the language system, about the rules for the functioning of language units in speech and the ability, using this system, to understand other people's thoughts and express their own judgments in oral and written forms” [3, p. 863]. In addition, this kind of competence contributes to the acquisition of knowledge of the rules of speech behavior, the choice of speech forms and tools, as well as their use depending on the goals, situations of communication and social status of participants in the process of socio-cultural and professional communication.

When studying how the lack of grammar in education affects the professional sphere, it is important to consider not only employer expectation, but also how clients view and feel about informal communication methods. In an era where communication is getting faster and becoming more terse, it is necessary to view opinions of grammar not only from the perspective of older employers, but also from the perspective of the new generation of clients, purchasers and scholars [4].

Next, let us consider grammatical skill. Grammatical skill is an automatized component of consciously performed speech activity that ensures correct (error-free) use of a grammatical form in speech. Mastery of grammatical skill means the ability to choose a model appropriate to the task in a concrete situation of communication, and to carry out correct formation of a speech unit according to language norms, i.e. mastering grammatical skill is one of the conditions for performing speech activities. The formation of grammar skills and abilities is based on three main stages: explanation of the rules, processing of speech patterns, use of grammar structures in various communicative situations. But these stages do not always follow one another, some of them may be repeated. There is a cyclical assimilation of the grammar.

We emphasize that the learning of grammar rules should take place in communicative situations of all types of speech, using various technologies (table 2).

Table 2. The technologies of mastering grammar skills


-focus on communication

-reliance on the model and the action by analogue

-reliance on consciousness and combination with practical action

-stimulation of speech activity and self-directed work

-reliance on the principles of visuality, accessibility, strength and consistency

-taking into account the principle of approximation.

Grammatical skill includes:

- morphological skills (correct use of grammatical phenomena in speech at morphological level);

- syntactic skills (correct word

positions in sentences of all types);

- graphical skills (correct use of letters in writing);

- orthographic skills (error-free spelling skills).

The main qualities of grammatical skill are: automaticity, error-free execution, consistency, low level of tension in performing actions.

In the process of educational activity in a foreign language, students of a nonlanguage university must use additional types

of exercises in parallel with the main types of exercises to participation of the native language: monolingual and bilingual; by

function in the educational process: training or control; by place of performance: classroom, home, laboratory. It is appropriate to use testing of grammatical knowledge, skills and abilities, which involves the implementation of tasks related to the design of phrases and sentences, namely: to choose the right form from a number of proposed; find a mistake among the underlined fragments of the sentence; choose synonymous syntactic constructions; fill in the blanks with the appropriate grammatical form or syntactic structure, etc.

To solve the problem of mastering grammatical competence, a rational system of exercises is needed, which should provide the following: selection of necessary exercises that correspond to the nature of the skill; determining the required sequence of exercises; location of the educational process and the ratio of its components; regularity of exercises; the relationship of different types of speech activity. Each exercise has a 3- or 4-phase structure: 1) task (important because it must contain a motive to perform a speech action, at the same time the student must explain what and how he must do); 2) the sample of execution (optional, because it can take place if there is a need in the sample of execution, and may be absent); 3) task performance (is actually an exercise); 4) control (by the teacher, self-control). To select the necessary exercises for different components of the system, it is necessary to determine the types and kinds of exercises according to certain criteria, to characterize them and to identify them from the suitability for the formation of certain skills or speech skills. We conclude that the following main types of exercises are used to form grammatical competence.

The speaker with the formed language competence will be characterized by such general language skills that are directly related to the identification of grammatical competence, namely: 1) to choose syntactic structures that correspond to communicative intentions; 2) to predict the syntactic schemes of utterance (provides a normal pace and automatism in speech, reducing to a subconscious and machine act the process of constructing a whole sentence by the first word or the beginning of the utterance); 3) to overcome intralinguistic interference - a false analogy in the formation and use of grammatical forms; 4) to connect sentences within supra-phrase units (ability to grammatically coordinate the members of a sentence, to coordinate their forms in time, to use syntactic synonymous structures); 5) generalize grammatical concepts; 6) have the means to express the connections and relationships between phrases and lexical meaning of expression.

All existing and possible communicative competencies have equal status, as each of them fully satisfies the intellectual needs of its owner. Therefore, language proficiency should be assessed in terms of the level of formation of the relevant communicative competence. In order to substantiate the content of grammatical competence as a mandatory component of the foreign language learning process for students of non-language universities, to determine a set of conditions for its effective formation, to trace the impact of the process on the student's personality, we will focus on theoretical principles.

Thus, grammatical competence is a person's ability to correctly grammatical design of their oral and written expressions and understanding the grammatical design of speech of others, which is based on complex and dynamic interaction of relevant skills, knowledge and grammatical awareness. Defining features of grammatical competence, we have identified the following: the ability to understand and express meaning, producing and recognizing correctly designed, according to these principles, phrases and sentences; unconscious use of grammatical forms of native and foreign language, according to the law and norms of grammar (gender, number, cases, etc.), sense of grammatical form, the presence of corrective skills on the correct use of grammatical forms; internal non-verbalized knowledge of the grammatical system of language, knowledge of the morphological syntactic system of language (typology of forms), as well as a set of rules. Grammatical competence provides a systematic knowledge of the lexical, morphological, syntactic, phonetic, and orthographic aspects of language to construct meaningful and coherent utterances; mastery of grammatical concepts, as well as means of expression of grammatical categories; skills and abilities to adequately use grammatical phenomena in speech activity in various communication situations to solve speech-mental problems.

Unfortunately, not all students have above grammatical skills formed properly, although foreign language is one of the main subjects in secondary school. Many students after a high school foreign language course have difficulty constructing grammatically correct affirmative sentences in English, and although it turns out in oral conversation that they know in theory about the fixed word order, they find it difficult to apply it in practice. The situation is even worse with the construction of questions. Here we encounter two problems at the same time: the problem of the form, when students do not know how to correctly construct a question; the problem of content, when they do not know what they can ask a question about.

Graphical and spelling skills are also not very good, although they should be laid down in secondary school. Of course, learning a foreign language is a timeconsuming process; the contact hours allocated for foreign language learning at the secondary general (an average of 2 lessons per week lasting 45 minutes, i. e. 2 academic hours) and higher education (in a traditional non-language high school students learn a language for two years having 2 lessons per week) is not sufficient for mastering the language at a high level. As a result, by the time students come to University they have been learning the language for several years, but without any significant improvement. That is why teachers of higher education face not only the problem of ignorance, but also of low or no motivation to continue learning a foreign language. The complexity of the situation is caused by not only the small number of contact hours, but also the content of foreign language teaching.

Let us turn to the content of teaching foreign languages in a non-language university. This problem has been considered by many methodologists and pedagogues. From our point of view, the teaching content is a set of educational materials, selected in accordance with the goals of teaching and allowing to provide the knowledge of a foreign language at such a level which would be enough to communicate in the field of professional activities and solve problems dealing with the specialty chosen, as well as in everyday life.

The above-mentioned set of educational materials includes:

1) language material - grammatical, phonetic, lexical minimums, allowing to carry out effective professional communication and sufficient for everyday communication;

2) speech material - speech patterns, formulas and clichds, typical for public speaking style, as well as spheres, topics, situations of communication characteristic for a given specialty, for intercultural communication;

3) skills and abilities to use their knowledge for oral and written professionally- oriented intercultural communication, as well as everyday communication.

At the same time, the selection of teaching content is based on two basic principles:

1) the necessity and sufficiency of the teaching content to achieve teaching goal set.

In other words, the material to be mastered must ensure language proficiency (be sufficient) within the framework of the goal;

2) accessibility of the teaching content for its assimilation.

Here it is a matter of taking into account the ability of students to absorb the material selected for the class. In other words, the material to be mastered must ensure language proficiency (be sufficient) within the framework of the goal.

Overestimating the amount of material that should be assimilated by students in the time allotted by the program or inaccessible presentation of the material affects its comprehension. Consequently, it is a violation of the requirements of this principle.

The content of teaching in school should determine a minimum sufficient level of mastering a foreign language, to serve as a solid foundation for further foreign language learning, especially in non-academic institutions of higher learning and only having reached that level it is possible to move forward, improving student's command of the language.

However, currently, the abovementioned principles of content selection are violated at the secondary level of education, with the result that students do not receive the necessary “basic level” to rely on when studying a foreign language in a non-language institutions of higher education. In our opinion, at present between the school and university levels of education there is no continuity. In the conditions of basic general education a concentric model remains in teaching a foreign language at school. It implies a cyclic character of learning the material, going back and deepening the material studied earlier by adding more complicated language material and widening the range of discussed problems or communication situations. The subject “Foreign Language” is a compulsory subject area of the curriculum. In traditional secondary school, starting from the 5th grade, foreign language study takes 2 hours a week. The recommended textbooks used in the learning process, cover the entire volume of English grammar. Students learn such complex grammatical topics as indirect speech, indirect questions, non-personal verbs, modal verbs, clauses, and conditional sentences.

It is quite obvious that two hours a week is not enough to master all these topics properly. And the repetition of these lessons in cycles, does not give the necessary effect or improve the knowledge, because initially some of the topics have not been absorbed at a solid level.

As mentioned above, the number of contact hours at universities is small, averaging 2 academic hours per week. The main focus is on the study of professionally-oriented lexical units, the formation of terminological vocabulary and building professional communication skills. Grammar is not given high priority because, on the one hand, nowadays teaching a foreign language is based on communicative approach, on the other hand, the students after the secondary school course are considered to know grammatical concepts and to be able to use them in speech according to the situation. Although we believe that communication can take place without the knowledge of grammatical structures and rules, but this variant is acceptable only if people find themselves in a communicative situation and communicative environment of the foreign language which they have never learned. However studying English in Ukraine is of mass character. By the time they come to university, students learn English for at least seven years, and during that time most of them still don't have any qualitative improvement of their knowledge, making a lot of grammar and vocabulary mistakes (table 3).

Table 3The most common mistakes made by students on grammar and vocabulary

- lack of understanding of what part of speech is necessary, to fill in the blank

- failing to know which verb form is to be checked in the gap - the personal (form-tense), the non-

personal (gerund, participle, infinitive)

- inability to determine whether the action expressed by the verb is present, past or future

- inability to determine whether a verb should be in active or passive voice

- inability to determine whether a verb is used in direct or indirect speech, and draw conclusions

about the proper form of the tense

- inability to form plurals of nouns, comparisons of adjectives and adverbs, ordinal numerals,

pronouns of different types

To improve the situation with the formation of lexical and grammatical skills in a secondary school it is recommended when teaching grammar and vocabulary to develop grammatical and lexical skills on coherent texts with further analysis of the use of grammar and vocabulary. It is also necessary to develop these skills not only in receptive activities, but also in productive ones, first of all in spontaneous speech and not only in grammatical exercises. It is important to periodically conduct delayed control of grammatical tools, since statistics shows that many grammatical phenomena and vocabulary of primary and basic school remain unlearned. Performing grammatical exercises for contrasting two indicated forms (as it often happens in textbooks and manuals) is not enough to form stable grammatical skills. It is necessary to analyze grammatical forms in the texts they read and to achieve understanding as for what information they carry and why they are used in a certain context, and offer coherent texts in which different grammatical forms should be used correctly. In the learning process it is important to pay more attention to the compatibility of grammatical units, that is students should be taught to learn not individual words but word combinations. We need to draw students' attention to how grammar structure influences the choice of lexical units, to teach them to see the connection between vocabulary and grammar.

And if the issue of learning lexical units can be solved by memorizing them and constantly using them in both oral and written speech, the problem with the teaching of grammar has a long and permanent nature. Learning grammar at universities is complicated by the very concept of teaching a professionally-oriented foreign language and the limited number of contact hours.

Under such conditions, it is not possible to correct the problems of secondary school and study deeply any sections of the English language. At the same time, it should be noted that “grammar is of primary practical importance, because with its help the formation of oral and written communication skills is ensured”.

We believe that in the conditions of a non-linguistic university it is appropriate to use the so-called “holistic approach” to teaching English grammar and use a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. Let us turn to Western methodologists.

Despite the changes that have taken place in the views on language as a means of communication and on the goals of language teaching, namely the development of the four key competencies - speaking, writing, listening, and reading, when teaching grammar, some researchers point to the superiority of the form over content: grammar in the curriculum is presented in the form of separate structures with a verb as the main element [5].

There are some reasons for studying grammatical structures as separate elements:

1) it is easier to teach and learn this way, and

2) it is easier to check learning. However, the question is to what extent is such an approach justified? Is it reasonable to postpone the learning of such complex grammatical phenomena as the passive voice or the future continuous tense by students until they have reached an advanced level of language proficiency, such as B1 or B2 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)?

Meanwhile, the breakdown of grammatical material into separate structures and elements may prevent students from forming a holistic picture of how grammatical phenomena are used in the language. Moreover, some grammatical categories are convenient simplifications and sometimes distortions of how they function in the language.

Western scholars (Rod Bolitho in particular) cite as examples of such formalization and simplifications teaching to use indirect speech, passive voice, and modal verbs. The traditional types of exercises for these topics are fill-in-the-blanks or multiple choice tasks at the sentence level. However, the sentence, despite the fact that it is a handy tool for practice and strengthening of grammatical skill, does not always reflect all the peculiarities of the functioning of grammatical categories at the discourse level.

As a result, without experience with grammar at the text or discourse level, students cannot use the learned grammatical categories not only in a text or discourse, but also in the context of real communication.

Modal verbs are given plenty of time and attention in textbooks, and the peculiarities of their use are studied, while in the language there are other ways of expressing modality which students don't learn about in class, but that they encounter in real life situations.

As part of a holistic approach to the study of modality in English we can suggest working with different types of texts followed by exercises to help students to recognize the actual intentions of the authors of the texts by the way they use modal verbs and other structures expressing modality. The adverbs probably, possibly, perhaps, the phrases “there's a chance that ...”, “is likely to...”, “there's no need to...” are used along with modal verbs. The study of modality should begin with adverbs. The kinds of texts that can be used include, for example, horoscopes - to express the meaning of probability, possibility, certainty; school or hotel rules, as well as other administrative regulations can be used to study the aspect of obligation.

Self-diagnostic texts can help with the “ability” aspect. Company activity reports can be used to illustrate contexts using the “necessity” aspect. Modality is also expressed in intonation, So, in order to distinguish shades of attitude of speakers, it is reasonable to perform listening tasks.

Another grammatical topic where a holistic approach is appropriate is the indirect speech. When communicating what is heard or read, it is possible to express a number of nuances, such as the formality or colloquiality of the means used, distance from the author, the desire to shorten or summarize someone's speech.

These nuances are expressed by grammatical, lexical, or stylistic means rather than simply by following the rules of transforming direct speech into indirect speech. The well-known rules for transforming direct speech into indirect speech are seen by some researchers not simply as an oversimplification, but as an erroneous interpretation of the system of means of information transmission in the language. The first step to studying this system can be familiarity with examples from colloquial language, in which, for example, there are such transfers of other people's words like “...I turn to Elena and I'm like “What does that mean?” and then she goes “Do you have a question?”...”

The next step might be to examine a text that contains examples of different ways of transmitting other people's words such as “had reportedly been executed”, “is believed to have been”, “according to local sources”, “has not been identified - inverted comas”, “spoke of his fears”, “reported” etc. This variety of ways of transmitting of other people's words is not available for consideration at the sentence level [6].

Teaching to use the grammatical category of the passive voice is usually postponed until the tenses have been studied, although passive voice can be used by students who know the conjugation of the verb “to be” and the third form of the sense verb.

Traditionally, the passive voice is studied in terms of tenses and often by transforming sentences from the active voice into the passive voice. In this approach little attention is paid to the reasons why speakers or writers use the passive voice.

One way that helps to move from the formal use of passive sentences to a conscious choice of passive structures according to the communicative task is working with the text and questions on each case of the use of passive constructions, such as:

- Why does the author address the reader directly?

- Why does the author use the passive construction in this sentence?

- Is the actor in this sentence


- Is the person in this sentence


- Which texts and contexts often use passive constructions (in operating instructions, for example)?

- Which nouns and adjectives add a shade of passive meaning?

Thus, by working with grammatical categories at the text level, students learn to understand not only the grammatical category of the passive voice, but also the role of vocabulary in expressing the meaning of “active” or “passive”.

Grammatical accuracy is an important aspect of language learning since it can create confidence in learners for making communication through the foreign or second language [7].

Conclusions of the research

For the effective formation of all components of grammatical competence in a student of a non-language university during the study of English it is important to focus on the laws, principles and rules of theoretical knowledge, aspects of knowledge organization in human thoughts and memory, methods and techniques of cognitive development should be applied. In general, we can say that the formation of speech skills is impossible without mastering the language grammatical material.

From our point of view, the holistic approach to teaching grammar helps students to choose structures and ways of expressing what they want to express, instead of worrying about whether they use them correctly.

Moreover, the holistic approach to teaching grammatical categories, which also includes forms used in colloquial language, will allow students to advance to a higher level of foreign language proficiency.

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