Formation of health-preserving competence of higher education seekers during Ukrainian language classes in the conditions of distance learning in institutions of higher medical education

Analysis of the concept of health care competence as a component of the education system. Formation of the competence of education seekers in classes in the Ukrainian language in the conditions of distance learning in higher education institutions.

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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.01.2023
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Formation of health-preserving competence of higher education seekers during Ukrainian language classes in the conditions of distance learning in institutions of higher medical education

S.D. Poplavska,

S.V. Hordiichuk,

O.V. Antonov,

M.V. Kiriachok,

O.V. Horai


The article presents the results of scientific analysis of the concept of health-preserving competence (HPC), which is identified as an indivisible component of system of education of Ukraine, as well as the prerequisite for introduction of New Ukrainian School (NUS). Peculiarities of HPC functioning in terms of distance learning application are singled out and described.

Author's questionary was designed in order to accomplish the objectives of research; thus, a survey aimed at gathering and processing statistical data on formation of health-preserving competence of education seekers during Ukrainian language classes in the conditions of distance learning in institutions of higher medical education. The survey results indicated that level of formation of above-mentioned competence varies from high to low depending on the type and features of technical means of distance learning as well as they level of integration into the educational process.

Moreover, level of HPC directly impacts the health of applicant for higher education by causing negative tendencies, such as inability to concentrate on the tasks given and/ or new material that is being presented via means of distance learning, low level of interest and involvement into educational activities, accidental loss of track of time, feeling of disorientation etc., which, in their turn, can potentially decrease the quality of knowledge obtained as well as skills that are being formed. This negative phenomenon can also potentially affect all aspects of training of future healthcare professionals thus this issue requires dedicated scientific research and proper methodical and methodological recommendation.

Perspectives of future research imply proper analysis of the level of development of HPC in applicant for higher education of different years of study as well as to distinguish the factors that negatively impact the formation of health-preserving competence under the conditions of continuous distance learning; corresponding recommendations for the educators of MHEIs aimed at improving the quality of knowledge obtained by the students as well as the skills formed will be designed.

Key words: health-preserving competence, medical higher education institutions, healthcare professionals, Ukrainian language classes, distance learning, higher education seekers.


Формування здоров'язбережувальної компетентності здобувачів закладів вищої медичної освіти на заняттях української мови в умовах дистанційного навчання

С.Д. Поплавська, С.В. Гордійчук, О.В. Антонов, М.В. Кірячок, О.В. Горай

У статті наведено результати наукового аналізу концепції здоров'язбережувальної компетентності (ЗЗК), яка визначена як нерозривний компонент системи освіти України, а також передумова запровадження Нової української школи (НУШ). Виокремлено та описано особливості функціонування ЗЗК в умовах застосування систем дистанційного навчання. Для досягнення цілей дослідження розроблено авторський опитувальник; таким чином, проведено опитування, спрямоване на збір та обробку статистичних даних щодо формування здоров'язбережувальної компетентності здобувачів освіти під час занять українською мовою в умовах дистанційного навчання у ЗВО.

Результати опитування показали, що рівень сформованості вищезазначеної компетенції варіюється від високого до низького залежно від типу та особливостей технічних засобів дистанційного навчання, а також рівня їх інтегрованості в навчальний процес. Крім того, рівень сформованості ЗЗК безпосередньо впливає на здоров'я здобувача освіти, викликаючи негативні тенденції, такі як нездатність зосередитися на поставлених завданнях та/або новому матеріалі, який подається за допомогою засобів дистанційного навчання, низький рівень зацікавленості та залучення до навчальної діяльності, втрата відчуття часу та простору, відчуття дезорієнтації тощо, що, у свою чергу, потенційно може знизити якість отриманих знань, а також навичок, що формуються. Це негативне явище також потенційно може вплинути на всі аспекти підготовки майбутніх медичних працівників, тому це питання потребує цілеспрямованих наукових досліджень та відповідних методичних і методологічних рекомендацій.

Перспективи майбутніх досліджень передбачають належний аналіз рівня розвитку ЗЗК у здобувачів вищої освіти різних років навчання, а також виділення факторів, що негативно впливають на формування здоров'язбережувальної компетентності в умовах безперервного дистанційного навчання; будуть розроблені відповідні рекомендації для вихователів МВНЗ, спрямовані на підвищення якості знань, отриманих студентами, а також сформованих умінь та навичок.

Ключові слова: здоров'язбережувальна компетентність, медичні вищі навчальні заклади, медичні працівники, урок української мови, дистанційне навчання, здобувачі вищої освіти.

Introduction of the issue

Continuous transformation and development of education system of Ukraine requires implementation of particular changes into different aspects of its functioning. Moreover, constant use of means of distance learning due to long-lasting outbreaks of COVID-19 pandemic, Russian-Ukraine war and other important factor that prevent the national education system of Ukraine come back to its former tracks. Thus, the vital components of newly-formed current educational reality, including the concept of New Ukrainian School (NUS), must undergo substantial research aimed at optimization of the entire education system, as well as clarifying and prioritizing its functions and output.

Thus, health-preserving competence (HPC) as one of the essential components of distance learning that directly impacts both the physical and mental conditions of the higher education seekers, serves as the prerequisite of successful knowledge assimilation and skills formation, which can potentially benefit an individual in the labour market, but, at the same time, can decrease competitive potential of one if the level of formation of HPC is insufficient.

The issue of importance of HPC and the level of its formation is being widely discussed both by educators and researchers. It has also been reflected in recent legal framework such as Concept of New Ukrainian School [1] and corresponding changes to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" [2].

In recent years, politicians, doctors, researchers, educators state the fact that the requirement to fulfil one of the main tasks of the state educational program is the formation and preservation of health of children and adolescents, which, in its turn, contradicts the existing signs of socio-economic and environmental crisis in Ukraine caused by multiple factors including Russia-Ukraine war. Particular attention is paid to maintaining and preserving the health of the younger generation.

All this leads to the actualization of scientific research on the study and development of the problem of protection and preservation of health of students of HEIs of Ukraine. Given the urgency of the problem of preserving the health of citizens, in most government documents relating to education (National Program "Education (Ukraine of the XXI century)", "Children of Ukraine", National Doctrine of Education, the program "Health of the Nation") among the priority tasks are the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle through education, the creation of a healthy educational environment, the formation of spiritual, mental and physical health of the individual, the formation of children's responsible attitude to it as the highest individual and social value, formation of HPC. According to the National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine, educators and parents have a priority task which is stated as "teaching people to take responsibility for their own health and the health of others as the highest individual and social values. This is through the development of effective valeological education, full medical care, optimization of the educational process, the creation of environmentally friendly living space, involvement in physical culture and sports of all participants in the educational process " [3].

Current state of the issue. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the problem of forming health-preserving competence, as well as the formation of a healthy lifestyle is considered in the works of L.V. Volkova, H.I. Vlasiuk, O.D. Dubohai, M.D. Zubalii, I.I. Petrenko, N.М. Khomenko and other); H.P. Holoborodko studied formation of the concept of a healthy lifestyle in primary school students; S.O. Svyridenko conducted research on formation of a healthy lifestyle of during extracurricular activities); A.L. Turchak, V.M. Orzhekhovska considered prevention of bad habits in the process of formation of HPC and deviant behavior of students; O.V. Vakulenko analyzed the role of HPC in the process of formation of personality in adolescence; M.S. Honcharenko, L.H. Tatarnykove, S.O. Yurochkina reviewed the basis of ensuring proper HPC formation in the education system,; I.D. Beh, S.V. Lapaenko studied educational work at school on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the creation of favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of personality- oriented education of students [2].

Outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. Analysis of recent research dedicated to the formation and features of HPC indicated that this issue remains topical and urgent, nevertheless, the problem of formation of health-preserving competence of education seekers in the conditions of distance learning in institutions of higher medical education has not been properly covered.

Aim of research is to analyze and assess the process and level of formation of health-preserving competence (HPC) of higher education seekers during Ukrainian language classes in the conditions of distance learning in institutions of higher medical education (on the basis of Zhytomyr medical institute of Zhytomyr regional council). The following research methods are used: analysis and synthesis; designing a specialized questionary, which is used to collect experimental data on the issue; statistical analysis of the data collected.

Results and discussion

Competence approach is identified as the leading in the modernization of the education system of Ukraine as well as one of the most important conceptual provisions for updating the content of education. It is emphasized that the understanding of the competency approach is based on the ideology of interpreting the content of education, which is formed "from the result" ("output standard"). In general, the goal of the competency approach is to ensure the quality of education. In this case, competence is the most important criterion for the quality of education, its compliance with modern conditions and is a set of specific requirements for the level of training of the specialist.

Competence is a multifactorial personality trait. It presupposes not only the presence of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities that are very important factors for achieving high results in professional activities, but also the value orientations of the specialist, his/her awareness of his/her place in society and understanding of the world around him/her, style of interaction with other people, the general culture of the individual, as well as abilities and opportunities for continuous improvement of their own creative potential [6]. health-saving competence ukrainian language

Universal competencies of a wide range of uses, which are called key ones, cover the basics of modern scientific knowledge, principles and patterns of many objects and phenomena of reality. These competencies are multifunctional, cross-curricular and interdisciplinary, as they include cognitive, operational- technological, emotional-volitional and motivational components.

The authors of the strategy of modernization of the content of general education, based on foreign experience, provide basic competencies in the following areas: independent cognitive, civil society, social-labor, cultural-leisure activities, in everyday life (including aspects of personal health, family life, etc.)) [7].

Researchers in the field of healthcare claim that the role of the educator in the process of preserving and maintaining health of the modern students is much more important than the doctors'. However, this fact doesn't mean that the teacher or and educator must carry out duties of a healthcare professional and/or perform specific medicine-related tasks. The educator must work in such a way that the educational process in HEIs doesn't harm the health of students, thus, the educator must possess important professional qualities that allow him/her to generate fruitful pedagogical ideas and provide positive pedagogical results. Among these qualities are, in particular, a high level of professional, ethical, communicative, cultural reflection; knowledge of the formation and functioning of mental processes, states and properties of personality, the ability to know other people and self-knowledge, creative improvement of man; basics of health, healthy lifestyle (HLS); knowledge of the basics of designing and modelling health technologies in training programs and activities; ability to predict the results of their own activities, as well as the ability to develop an individual style of teaching. All these qualities are closely related to each other, affect the effectiveness of the educator's use of tools, methods and techniques of health technologies in the educational process when working with younger students.

Thus, the basic competencies include a set of universal knowledge, characterized by a broad level of generalization, including general scientific and professional categories, concepts, laws, principles and patterns of science, technology and society.

Based on the results of the working group on the implementation of the competency approach, created within the "Educational Policy and Education Peer to Peer" project, the following list of key competencies is proposed: learning ability (learning), civic, cultural, information-communication technology competence, social, entrepreneurial, health [5].

The idea of preserving the greatest value, which is human health and life, to some extent attracted the attention of society at different stages of its development. Recent studies of the phenomenon of "human health" have revealed the limitations of a purely medical approach, which defines health as the absence of disease [6]. Moreover, the complex of purely medical issues is only a small part of the phenomenon of health. Thus, the generalized results of studies of the dependence of human health on various factors suggest that the state of the health care system determines on average only about 10% of the whole complex of influences. The remaining 90% is accounted for by ecology (about 20%), heredity (about 20%) and most - by conditions and lifestyle (about 50%). That is, the purely medical aspect is not the main among the variety of effects on human health, and therefore the medical definition of health as the absence of disease does not correspond to the realities of life.

Moreover, due wide and continuous use of distance learning technologies, the issues of health preservation, as well as the formation of HPC, have become the top priority educational tasks that must be resolved as soon as possible.

In order to identify the level of awareness of high education seekers, we designed a questionary, which consisted of series of questions about health preserving competence and its components (Table 1). 100 respondents (students of Zhytomyr medical institute of Zhytomyr regional council) were offered to participate in the anonymous survey, which was conducted via Google Forms online service during the Ukrainian language lessons with the help of the technical means of the distance learning. Thus, according to the statistical data collected, only 15% of respondents were completely and clearly aware of the concept of HPC and its major components; 35% of participants could more or less correctly identify and explain the contents of health-preserving competence; 17% of students had vague understanding of HPC, thus they were unable to give it a proper definition and corresponding description of its components; 18% of respondents mentioned, that they have already encountered the above-mentioned concept, they couldn't properly explain it; 15% of surveyed had wrong understanding of HPC and couldn't name its structural parts.

Table 1

Level of awareness of respondents on the HPC concept

Level of awareness


Respondents, %



Respondents game substantial and clear definition of HPC and its components.




Respondents gave mostly correct definition of HPC and most of its components, but some inconsistency of their awareness level was detected.




Respondents could hardly define what HPC is, its main components have been vaguely described.




Respondents noted that they have already encountered the concept of HPC, but they didn't carry any substantial knowledge about its meaning and features.




Respondents noted that they are unaware of the basics of HPC concept and can't give it a definition.


lts of the experimental research education greatly impacts academic successfulness of students as well as directly and indirectly influences their motivation and involvement in the educational activities.

Table 2

Level of HPC formation of respondents

Level of HPC formation (according to the survey scale)


Respondents (%)

Main indicators



High level of formation of HPC, which positively impact students' motivation and successfulness during the distance academic sessions.


High level of motivation;

Quick assimilation of knowledge obtained;

Deep involvement in the educational activities;

Absence of health-related complains and attempts to skip lessons;

High-to-perfect well-being;

Next to no visual signs of tiredness/health issues;



Medium level of formation of HPC, which mostly positively impact students' motivation and successfulness during the distance academic sessions with a slight presence of health issues.


Medium to high level of motivation; Relatively quick assimilation of knowledge obtained;

Considerable involvement in the educational activities;

Slight presence of health-related complains and rare attempts to skip lessons;

High level of well-being; Slight visual signs of tiredness/health issues;



Low level of


Students can hardly be motivated

formation of HPC, which can impacts students' motivation and successfulness during the distance academic sessions both negatively and positively.

by the educator;

Slow and inconsistent assimilation of knowledge obtained;

Low involvement in the educational activities, frequent attempts to turn off the camera and/or mic;

Considerable presence of health- related complains and frequent attempts to skip lessons;

Low level of well-being; Presence of visual signs of tiredness/health issues;



Basic level of formation of HPC, which greatly negatively impacts students' motivation and successfulness during the distance academic sessions.


Assimilation of knowledge obtained requires considerable time and effort from behalf of the student, educators and parents;

Individual is usually uninvolved in the educational activity, but is present during the lesson; Individual visits only a small number of classes, Individual files multiple health- related complaints



Essential level of formation of HPC causes severe negative impact on students' learning activities.


Individuals visit selected distance learning classes, but almost always require additional consultations and real-life educational sessions



Non-existent level of formation of HPC can render the entire distance learning concept inappropriate to exploit.


Individual doesn't participate in distance learning activities due to serious health issues caused by the distance learning and/or unhealthy lifestyle

Also, the analysis of the level of awareness of applicants for higher education on the issues of HPC formation and its main components indicated that only around one third of students can freely understand and explain the concept of health-preserving competence, which, in its turn, reduces the effectiveness of distance learning system application.

Perspectives of further research imply in-depth analysis of factors that impact the level of formation of HPC of students of HMEI (higher medical education institutions) and creation of corresponding methodological materials to help the educator to stimulate the formation of HPC in students.

Thus, according to the statistical data, the majority of respondents (58%) indicated high and medium level of HPC development, which positively impacts their academic successfulness and ability to exploit the distance learning system to the fullest; 25% of participants stated, that their level of HPC formation is relatively low, which negatively impacts their academic activities and gradually decreases the their will and motivation to study using distance learning system; 13% of students suffer major health issues caused by the insufficient level of HPC development, which greatly reduce their academic successfulness and ability to work/learn via means of distance learning; 4% of respondents indicated completely undeveloped HPC, thus rendering further academic activities via means of distance learning impossible or next to impossible.

Conclusions and research perspectives

Thus, according to the analysis of the experimentally collected and processed data, we can state that the level of formation of health preserving competence of education seekers during Ukrainian language classes in the conditions of distance learning in institutions of higher medical

References (Translated & Transliterated)

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2. Natsionalna doktryna rozvytku osvity Ukrainy u XXI st. [National doctrine of education development of Ukraine in the XXI century]. (2001). Kyiv: Shk. svit, 21 [in Ukrainian].

3. Materialy Mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii z valeolohii [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Valeology], 22-24 zhovtnia 1996 p., m. Dnipropetrovsk (1997). Kyiv, 295 [in Ukrainian].

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