The use of distance learning technologies by foreign language teachers
In the context of global changes in education in the context of the pandemic, the capabilities of distance technology, the availability of the Internet worldwide raises the importance of the issue of studying the use of distance technology in education
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 27.01.2023 |
Размер файла | 20,6 K |
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The use of distance learning technologies by foreign language teachers
N. V. Borysova
M. H. Shemuda
In the context of global changes in education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number and capabilities of distance technology, the availability of the Internet worldwide raises the importance of the issue of studying the use of distance technology in education, including foreign language learning. The paper finds that the distance learning process is carried out using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous tools, while maintaining flexibility and convenience and expanding the quality and efficiency of both methods of communication. The most effective forms of organizing foreign language classes with the use of distance technologies have been identified. Factors that should be taken into account when working with distance technologies in the process of learning a foreign language are identified: interface, the ability to present a variety of materials, including audio and video, presentations and links to useful Internet resources, automatic calculation of response statistics and activity monitoring. A brief description of some techniques and methods of teaching English remotely is given, their specificity is analyzed. The author also presents the main disadvantages and advantages of using distance technologies by teachers in the process of learning foreign languages, as well as outlines the prospects for their further effective use. It is emphasized that the advantages of distance learning technologies, such as the availability of materials, their ease of usage and the ability to manage the learning process are undeniable. It is stated that there are three main principles on which the distance education system is based: learn from native speakers, learn from authentic material, learn for free. The author also emphasizes that teacher's feedback is an important factor in distance learning. It was found that a well-organized educational process using distance technologies can make learning a foreign language more effective and attractive to all motivated and modern people, regardless of their age, location and financial capabilities.
Key words: distance technologies, distance learning, teachers, learning foreign languages, synchronous and asynchronous tools.
Н. В. Борисова, М. Г. Шемуда
В умовах глобальних змін в освіті в час пандемії COVID-19, кількість та можливість дистанційних технологій, доступності Інтернету в усьому світі зумовлює актуальність питання вивчення використання дистанційних технологій в освіті, в тому числі у вивченні іноземних мов. У роботі з'ясовано, що процес дистанційного навчання здійснюється з використанням комбінації синхронних та асинхронних засобів із збереженням гнучкості та зручності, а також підвищенням якості та ефективності обох методів спілкування. Визначено найбільш ефективні форми організації занять іноземною мовою з використанням дистанційних технологій. Визначено фактори, які слід враховувати при роботі з дистанційними технологіями в процесі вивчення іноземної мови: інтерфейс, можливість подання різноманітних матеріалів, зокрема аудіо та відео, презентації та посилання на корисні Інтернет-ресурси, автоматичний розрахунок статистики реагування та моніторинг активності. Дано короткий опис деяких прийомів і методів дистанційного навчання англійської мови, проаналізовано їх специфіку. Також автор подає основні недоліки та переваги використання дистанційних технологій у процесі вивчення іноземних мов, а також окреслює перспективи їх подальшого ефективного використання. Наголошується, що переваги технологій дистанційного навчання, такі як доступність матеріалів, простота їх використання та можливість керувати навчальним процесом, є незаперечними. Зазначається, що існує три основні принципи, на яких базується система дистанційної освіти: навчайся у носіїв мови, навчайся з автентичного матеріалу, навчайся безкоштовно. Автор також наголошує, що зворотній зв'язок викладача є важливим фактором дистанційного навчання. З'ясовано, що добре організований навчальний процес із застосуванням дистанційних технологій може зробити вивчення іноземної мови ефективнішим та привабливішим для всіх мотивованих та сучасних людей, незалежно від їхнього віку, місця проживання та фінансових можливостей.
Ключові слова: дистанційні технології, дистанційне навчання, викладачі, вивчення іноземних мов, синхронні та асинхронні засоби.
Introduction of the issue
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all areas of public life without exception. The rapid transition of many educational processes to another format has necessitated rapid adaptation to new teaching methods in the organization of the educational process. remote technologies proved to be the only possible means for the implementation of the educational process. Remote technologies proved to be the only possible means for educational process.
Distance learning provides students with access to non-traditional sources of information, increases the efficiency of independent work, provides completely new opportunities for creative selfexpression, finding and consolidating various skills. Therefore, educators faced the question of mastering the skills of using the possibilities of innovative technologies in teaching and combining them with the usual traditional means, forms and methods of teaching.
Current state of the issue. Theoretical and practical aspects of distance learning have been considered in studies by both foreign and domestic scientists: J.E. Adams, A.A. Andreeva, F. Bodendorf, H. Dichanz, G. Hoppe,J. Kettunen, K.R. Kolos, V.O. Kukleva, V.Yu. Vashchenko, etc.
Aim of research. The purpose of this study is to present the practical features of distance learning technologies in the process of learning foreign languages, define their effectiveness and issues.
Results and discussion. The purpose of foreign language education is the formation of foreign language communicative competence for direct and indirect intercultural communication, which ensures the development of key competencies. New methods using distance learning technologies are an alternative to traditional foreign language teaching. Distance technology is defined by Raheen Brooks as "a type of learning that is referred to as e-learning, which is a formalized teaching and learning system that is specifically designed to be carried out remotely by using electronic communication" [5].
Implementation of distance technologies in the process of learning foreign languages allow: train different types of speech activity and combine them in different combinations; understand language phenomena; contribute to the formation of linguistic abilities; create communicative situations; automate speech actions; ensure the implementation of an individual approach and intensification of independent work of students.
Priority in teaching foreign languages is to perform oral exercises. This is the feature and main difficulty of teaching foreign languages. Distance learning of English with the use of distance technologies should ensure the implementation of the following tasks: formation and development of reading skills with the direct use of Internet materials; improving listening skills based on adapted and authentic audio texts; formation and development of skills of monologue and dialogic speech; expansion of active and passive dictionaries, acquaintance with the vocabulary of modern English; formation of stable motivation of cognitive activity, the need to use a foreign language in real communication; formation of a culture of communication; the ability to communicate with native speakers who can be added to friends, communicate on various topics at a convenient time and place.
Distance learning technologies can be very effective in learning English. For learning such speech activities as reading and writing, you can largely limit the asynchronous type of distance learning, because the features of these types of speech activities do not require sound accompaniment in themselves. However, learning to speak, pronounce and listen requires reliance on sound, as well as the creation of various situations that stimulate oral expression, has a need to rely on illustrative and audio materials.
From the point of view of learning English, all educational platforms provide enough opportunities for effective organization of the distance learning process: writing skills are well developed when students use chats and forums where they can communicate; there are opportunities to develop listening skills, as students are not tied to a limited number of listens to the material; it is very easy to check the quality of homework; effective development of speaking skills. Students can make an audio recording of their own speech.
The use of online services can successfully and effectively affect the distance education system. Three main principles on which the distance education system is based: learn from native speakers, learn from authentic material, learn for free.
The first question that arises is which way synchronous or asynchronous teachers plan to use. In other words, will the teacher use online teaching to gather the class in a virtual classroom at the same time (synchronously) or will he send students the work and ask them to report on its implementation (asynchronous).
The teacher's task is to make the material as accessible, interesting, visual and stimulating as possible. Illustrated online lessons that encourage students to co-create, search, and turn them into researchers are always more rewarding.
Among the effective distance
technologies in the process of learning
foreign languages can be distinguished websites, web resources, social
networks, instant messaging services
and mobile applications, etc.
For instance, students can learn English online on specially designed websites that contain hundreds of pages of audio, texts, videos, interactive exercises, a variety of games, listening assignments, fairy tales, and songs. Mastering this material will help: improve English; improve language practice; form communicative and sociocultural competence of students; make lessons interesting; motivate students to learn etc.
The use of Internet resources provides great opportunities for distance learning and diversifies the forms of work in the classroom, attracts students to learn the language.
Social networks, instant messaging services and mobile applications such as Viber allow you to create closed groups, communities, chats, discuss topics, tasks, problems, information.
For example, learning English grammar is possible thanks to effective and interesting applications that can be installed on smartphones:
Learn English with Danny Grammar's Word Challenge from the British Council. Together with Danny Grammar you will have the opportunity to test your knowledge easily and interestingly not only of grammar, but also to check your vocabulary and spelling. You need to choose the level of difficulty of the test and go through online exercises in the form of a game,
thus identifying weaknesses in knowledge.
Grammar Up from Grammar Express. The application was created to practice grammar in preparation for the currently popular TOEIS (English Proficiency Test).
Practice English Grammar is a free application for iOS and Android, which was nominated in 2014 for the Best Education App. The undoubted advantage of this application is a successful combination of flash cards (for memorizing grammar rules), games, articles and various ways to test and assess knowledge (tests, quizzes), which will help improve writing skills through consistent study of grammar topics from basic to complex.
Essential Grammar Activities from Cambridge University Press. Fans of Raymond Murphy and his legendary grammar can already download an electronic version of the textbook for Android and iOS. Applications are presented in different variations depending on the level of knowledge. Each application contains 1,500 exercises structured on 21 grammatical topics, divided into 136 units. Among the advantages of the application is the function of audio recording, which allows you to listen to phrases and record your own pronunciation. However, it should be noted at once that in the mobile application you will find only exercises, and in theory you should refer directly to the textbook.
Learn English Grammar is another
application from the British Council. Here you will find thousands of
questions aimed at improving the
grammar of any level (from Beginner to Advanced). Each level contains 600
grammar tasks divided into 25 grammar topics. Learn English Grammar is available in two versions: American and British.
English Grammar Book is another free application for devices based on the Android platform, installing which, you have the opportunity to get a wide range of grammatical topics with a detailed explanation of the theory, as well as tests and quizzes to test mastered material. This application contains different complexity options depending on the level of knowledge.
English Grammar Test. This application contains 60 tests and 1200 grammar exercises for Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels. Here you will find 20 sections on different topics for each level. After passing the test, we get a summary of the aspects of grammar that we have successfully and that need to work on. Each mistake is explained in detail.
Practice English Grammar - Sam. This application will help to improve English grammar by solving unusual problems. Help Sam to overcome all obstacles by performing interesting exercises. Your competitors in the game can be friends or players from around the world. Practice English Grammar with Sam gives you the opportunity to prepare for the next international exams TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, FCE and CAE.
Teacher feedback is an important factor in distance learning. The student must see his successes and learn to work on mistakes. Motivation to achieve is realized in the success of students' educational activities, in the pursuit of goals and perseverance. Success- oriented students are more likely to achieve their goals. In the context of distance learning, it is especially important to praise students, celebrate their achievements and successes, even small ones.
Synchronous mode allows to collaborate in real time. The advantage of synchronous mode is to attract participants instantly and at a specific time.
Video conferencing is very useful and popular when learning a foreign language - it is a real-time online conference. They are held on a specific day and time and is one of the most modern means of communication that allows to conduct classes in “remote classes” when students and teachers are at a distance. Participants can see each other, the teacher has the opportunity to accompany the lecture with visual material. Video conferencing can also be conducted using Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, etc.
Chat - communication of network users in real time, a means of operational communication of people via the Internet. There are several types of chats: text, voice, audio-video chat. The most common is text chat. Voice chat allows you to communicate by voice, which is important when learning a foreign language remotely. For educational purposes, if necessary, you can organize communication in chats with native speakers. This is a real opportunity for language practice, which is carried out within the framework of the proposed problem for discussion, joint project activities, information exchange. Students have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate the quality of the publication, including in a foreign language, which contributes to the development of speech skills.
Common web resources for distance learning are Moodle, Google Classroom,, etc.
The Moodle platform is a free, open distance learning management system. Allows you to use a wide range of tools for educational interaction between teachers and students. In particular, it provides an opportunity to submit educational material in various formats (text, presentation, video, web page); to carry out testing and interrogation of students with use of questions of the closed (multiple choice of the correct answer and comparison) and open types; students can complete tasks with the ability to send relevant files. Moodle has in its tools: forms of task delivery; discussion forums; download files; evaluation journal; messaging; calendar of events; news and announcements; online testing; Wiki resources.
The Google Classroom platform is a service that connects Google Docs, Google Drive and Gmail, allows you to organize online learning using video, text and graphics. The teacher has the opportunity to test, monitor, systematize, evaluate activities, review the results of exercises, apply various forms of assessment, comment and organize effective communication with students in real time. The core element of Google Classroom is groups, which allow users to easily send messages to other users. With Hangouts, students and teachers can have real-time online conversations. is an online service that allows to create interactive exercises that can be used in work with an interactive whiteboard or as individual exercises for students. It also allows create different types of exercises on different topics.
There are many videos available on the Internet that reveal the topics, including the channel of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, courses on the platforms Prometheus, EdEra and other sources. For students, a video tutorial is a very handy resource that can make up for an absence during an online lesson. It is possible to return to unclear points and review the explanation several times, more slowly, with pauses, according to your own learning style. It is possible to use these videos in preparation for testing or even after completing the course to update the material later; to include text blocks in pauses in the video to draw the viewer's attention to certain moments in the video. Finally, it's possible to develop listening tasks that are needed to complete after watching the video.
Tests with automatic testing allow you to organize a quick assessment of the level of mastery of educational material by students. Usually test systems provide the ability to create questions of different types (multiple choice, text or numerical answer, ordering, matching, etc.). There are often libraries of readymade questions that you can add to your own test sessions, modifying them as needed. Most services provide the ability to form questions, sometimes with answer options, using images, audio and video clips. One can create online tests on Google forms as well as on specialized platforms
Asynchronous mode can include a variety of media, audio and video lessons (but not limited to). With the help of asynchronous learning mode, the student can work at their own pace and at a time convenient to them. The advantages of asynchronous learning are: independence, flexibility and individual pace.
In asynchronous mode, the student can work at their own pace, which is difficult in synchronous learning.
English can be studied online on a specially designed British Council website The site contains many pages of audio, text, video and more than 2,000 interactive exercises. One can register on the site and add your own materials, communicate with other users and download free resources. There are a variety of games in the Games section that will help you improve your English and just have fun. The site also publishes many fun and useful jokes of expressions for the development of spoken language skills. The British Council also offers a number of audio and video materials to improve language practice. These include podcasts with short stories, audio series, a set of TV programs created with the BBC to learn English, as well as an educational video with explanations of how to use the language in certain situations.
Many materials for all activities in English lessons and different levels of proficiency can be found at: http: //, It's possible to check the mastery of grammar material and take the test on the websites
https: // nglish-grammar-reference. The following sites will help you prepare for the
external evaluation:
https: // zno/,
https: // mova-2021/. It's possible to watch movies and cartoons in English at: https: //
Learn English for Kids Learn English Kids is an interesting educational website for learning English for students aged 5 to 12. The site offers online games to develop vocabulary and grammar, a variety of stories, videos and other exercises to improve language skills. Learn English Kids will also help teachers and parents, as it contains hundreds of free resources that can be printed. There is also a separate section for parents on the website to help you learn English with your students outside of school.
The LearnEnglish Teens website ( is designed specifically for teens 13 to 17 years old to find exercises for language practice, tips for passing exams, auxiliary exercises to improve grammar and vocabulary, as well as fun videos, games and quizzes.
Business English LearnEnglish - resources to help improve business English; - discussions on various issues that interest you; http://www.rong- - the collection of pages includes the following categories: listening, reading, grammar, writing, newspapers, magazines.
Conclusions and research perspectives. The use of distance technologies in foreign language teaching is a major breakthrough in the education of students who do not have the opportunity to acquire knowledge in the traditional way. Thus, distance learning has a number of advantages that can contribute to the effectiveness of student learning: additional time and opportunity to consider the decision and think about the answer; opportunity for full participation in the communication process at any time; speech rate can be changed; students with different language skills can communicate with each other; participants of interaction do not depend on time, place and planning process; a sense of comfort in communicating in writing. Among the effective distance technologies in the process of learning foreign languages can be distinguished websites, web resources, social networks, instant messaging services and mobile applications, etc.
Based on the above material, we can identify the following advantages of using distance technologies in distance education in the process of learning foreign languages: flexibility (receiving distance education, mostly do not attend regular classes, but study in a comfortable way yourself time and in a convenient place); modularity (each individual course creates a holistic view of a separate subject area, which allows a set of independent courses-modules to form a curriculum that meets individual or group needs); parallelism (training is carried out simultaneously with professional activity (or with training in another field), ie without separation from production or other activities); costeffectiveness (efficient use of educational space and technical means, concentrated and unified presentation of information, use and development of computer modeling lead to lower training costs); manufacturability (the use of new advances in information technology in the educational process); large audience and social equality (equal opportunities education regardless of place of residence, health and social status, which allows to significantly expand the number of students): the role of the teacher (distance education expands and renews the role teacher, makes him a mentor-consultant, who must coordinate the cognitive process, constantly improve the courses he teaches, increase creative activity and skills in accordance with innovations and innovations); positive impact on the student (listener) (increase creativity and intellectual potential of a person receiving distance education through selforganization, the desire for knowledge, the use of modern information and telecommunications technologies, the ability to take responsible decisions).
Distance learning is a unique opportunity to gain new educational experience, a means of developing independence and responsibility for the process and outcome of their education, a challenge for the ambitious and creative.
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