Systematic approach to results-oriented management of preschool education institutions

The history of the development of the preschool education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The question of management of preschool education institutions and the orientation of the industry to the result with unlike criteria for evaluating success.

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Дата добавления 02.02.2023
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Senior teacher of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University; Ph.D student of the Institute of Education.

Systematic approach to results?oriented management of preschool education institutions

Hamidova Khalida Aydin gizi

Baku, Azerbaijan


In the process of changing the traditional management mechanism and forming a new one, a qualitative revolution in management takes place. Basically, new, unusual situations arise, and result?oriented and effective methods of influence are needed. Well? trained leaders are needed to manage preschools. At the same time, it is important to take into account as much as possible the features of the history of development of the preschool education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan and its multidimensional, internal qualities and features.

The article analyzes the issues of management of preschool educational institutions and orientation of this field to results with different requirements in achieving success. The article clarifies the essence of results?oriented management. Due to major changes in education, including the content of preschool education, many changes have been made in management, and the article provides information and analysis on these issues.

Result?oriented management levels and mechanisms are widely analyzed. All this requires the solution of scientific directions and practical issues of results?oriented management in preschool education. The relevance of the study is also related to this. Preschool education is the basis for the successful preparation of children for school. From this point of view, ensuring quality in education and achieving positive results should start here.

To achieve a positive result, the manager must, above all, create a unique management system in the enterprise. The structure of this process consists of activating factors. In turn, activation factors are also divided into several areas: planning; financing (according to the public and private sectors); decision making; instruction; control. The successful solution of these issues related to the management process can be realized only if the managers are provided with sufficiently clear, experimental facts and offered to them the tested ways. The study covers a wide range of issues listed above.

Keywords: preschool education; institution; results?oriented; management; efficiency; mechanisms; requirements; quality; system.



Хамідова Халіда Айдін гізі,

старший викладач Азербайджанського державного педагогічного університету; аспірант Інституту освіти.

Баку, Азербайджан.

Через нововведення в системі освіти, зокрема щодо змісту дошкільної освіти, система управління теж зазнала змін. Нові незвичні ситуації потребують результат?орієнтованих та ефективних методів впливу. Для управління дошкільними закладами освіти потрібні високоосвічені керівники. При цьому важливо максимально враховувати нюанси історії розвитку системи дошкільної освіти в Республіці Азербайджан та її багатовимірні внутрішні риси й особливості. У статті проаналізовано питання управління дошкільними закладами освіти й орієнтації галузі на результат з різними критеріями для оцінювання успіху. Роз'яснено також сутність результат?орієнтованого управління. Аналізуються рівні й механізми результат?орієнтованого управління. Актуальність дослідження також пов'язана з потребою в науковому обґрунтуванні та прикладному дослідженні результат?орієнтованого управління в системі дошкільної освіти. Дошкільна освіта - основа успішної підготовки дітей до школи. Тому забезпечення якості освіти слід розпочинати вже на цьому рівні. Для досягнення позитивного результату керівник має, передусім, створити на підприємстві унікальну систему управління. Структура цього процесу складається з активуючих факторів. Зі свого боку, активуючі фактори також поділяються на кілька сфер: планування; фінансування (у державному та приватному секторах); ухвалення рішень; настанови; контроль. Успішне вирішення питань, пов'язаних із процесом управління, може бути реалізоване лише в тому випадку, якщо менеджерам надаються чіткі експериментальні факти та пропонуються перевірені підходи.

Ключові слова: дошкільна освіта; заклад; результат?орієнтований; управління; ефективність; механізми; вимоги; якість; система.



Хамидова Халида Айдын гызы,

старший преподаватель Азербайджанского государственного педагогического университета; аспирант Института образования.

Баку, Азербайджан.

Из?за нововведений в системе образования, в частности в отношении содержания дошкольного образования, система управления тоже претерпела изменения. Новые необычные ситуации требуют результат?ориентированных и эффективных методов воздействия. Для управления дошкольными учреждениями образования нужны высокообразованные руководители. При этом важно максимально учитывать нюансы истории развития системы дошкольного образования в Республике Азербайджан и ее многомерные внутренние черты и особенности. В статье проанализированы вопросы управления дошкольными образовательными учреждениями и ориентации отрасли на результат с разными критериями для оценивания успеха. Разъясняется также суть результат?ориентированного управления. Анализируются уровни и механизмы результат?ориентированного управления. Актуальность исследования также связана с необходимостью научного обоснования и прикладного исследования результат?ориентированного управления в системе дошкольного образования. Дошкольное образование - основа успешной подготовки детей к школе. Поэтому обеспечение качества образования следует начинать уже на этом уровне. Для достижения положительного результата руководитель должен, прежде всего, создать на предприятии уникальную систему управления. Структура этого процесса состоит из активирующих факторов. В свою очередь, активирующие факторы также делятся на несколько сфер: планирование; финансирование (в государственном и частном секторах); принятие решений; установки; контроль. Успешное решение вопросов, связанных с процессом управления, может быть реализовано только в том случае, если менеджерам предоставляются четкие экспериментальные факты и предлагаются проверенные подходы.

Ключевые слова: дошкольное образование; учреждение; результат? ориентированный; управление; эффективность; механизмы; требования; качество; система.


Formulation of the problem. Research has shown that the management of the head of the organization is based primarily on the system. Work with children, teachers and parents is regulated by the system. The goal of the system as a whole should be an indicator. For this, children's individual development indicators by age should be taken as a basis. Building the results on children's development is the essence of preschool education. The expectation of the principle of child?orientation in the pedagogical process also serves this purpose. In general, system?model approaches to the problem attracted special attention when considering management issues. It became clear that a systematic approach to management requires that its subject and object be considered in a holistic way, in interaction with the environment. As can be seen, efficiency in management is the level of implementation of the goals and strategies set by the organization to achieve a certain quantity and quality, as well as to show economic results. Performance combines complex categories covering a number of indicators. In this sense, efficiency, which is a multidimensional system, means the integrated evaluation of any organization. Fulfilling one or more of these requirements may not be effective. These include: efficiency; utility; efficiency; quality; productivity; quality of work; application of innovations; quality of management.

Analysis of the latest relevant research and publications. The authors of system?model approaches to management are L. Bossidi [8], E. Yudin [12],

D. Sink [11], A. Blinov [7], N. Vasilyev [9], K. Belaya [6], R. Abutalibov [5] and others. Since the problem under study is related to the results?oriented management of preschool educational institutions, it is necessary to focus on working with personnel. This study includes the work of E. Litvinenko

«Management team: how to create it?» [13], «Development of professional skills of the head of the institution in the management of kindergartens» L. Makarova [14], R. Mamedzade, Quality as one of the leading directions in education [3],

P. Aliev, Modernization of management of a comprehensive school [4],

R. Abutalibov, Fundamentals of management [5]. In addition, some other studies conduct content analysis to enable modern systems management. Based on this and the aforementioned study, we have identified concepts related to governance structure in education that we should focus on in the future.

Aim and tasks

The aim of the research is to determine the pedagogical basis for the results?oriented management of preschool education institutions, to clarify the results?oriented systematic approach to each area of management.

For this purpose, the article sets the following tasks:

сlarify the modern results?oriented management system in preschool education institutions;

to explain the pedagogical work to be done on result?oriented management of children's development;

to clarify the pedagogical basis of results?oriented management in preschool education institutions.

The theoretical backgrounds

The ideas, facts, considerations, approaches, concepts and models that are important for the management of preschool education institutions are selected, modified, based on the pedagogical results of the research and put forward and applied new ideas that are important for good governance.

Market conditions require the development of appropriate indicators and criteria to assess management effectiveness. It is necessary to apply to the preschool a number of key indicators that assess the effectiveness of the management system; efficiency assessments by management levels and functional subsystems are required.

Outcome?oriented management reflects the effectiveness of ensuring the socio?economic development of preschools. It manifests itself in the indicators obtained in the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Outcome orientation, as an indicator of performance, is measured by results. Second, the end result of the activity is the results we get from the children. However, as an economic concept, the result is broader than this interpretation. The result is a manifestation of diversity.

Research methods

The methodological basis of the research is the theory and concepts of sociology, pedagogy and psychology of management, theories, approaches and models of mental development, education of preschool children, personality theories, state documents, decisions and instructions on the development and management of preschool education. Theoretical analysis, observation, interviews, questionnaires, analysis of activity products, testing, the following methods were used in the research.

Research results

Labor productivity management is a multi?level approach to the problem of planning, measuring, evaluating, monitoring and improving work efficiency. In fact, result?oriented management considers not only the problem of measuring live labor productivity, but also the efficiency of the entire production system. These include performance criteria such as efficiency, economy, quality, profitability, productivity, modernity and innovation. Of course, the priority of each criterion will depend on a number of factors and, above all, the condition of the preschool: compliance of technical means, finances, technology, services and products, position in educational services with market requirements, selection of staff and other measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of the activities and development of the kindergarten.

Outcome?oriented management of a preschool can be considered outside its internal boundaries. In this regard, it is important to take into account the interaction of the preschool education management system with science and education, culture and sports, medical institutions, as well as public organizations and other institutions that are suppliers of personnel and materials.

The effectiveness of the education system is determined by the performance of the leader and the results of management.

As noted by the eminent Finnish expert Timo Santalaine in his book

«Management by Results» [10, p. 10], the activity of the head of an educational institution is determined by factors such as personal qualities, experience as a leader, education in management, desire. Management outcome consists of structural and activating factors. In turn, structural factors are interpreted as planning, financing (depending on the type of institution: public, private, municipal), decision?making, leadership, control and activating factors of management (creative approach) - motivation, information, organization, cooperation, situation control. Structural management factors require a rational approach, consistency, objectivity and systematicity. Good governance results are only possible when the manager is in control of the management situation, which balances the use of structural and activating factors. Experience shows that modern leaders use structural factors frequently and successfully, and at the same time are very unprepared to use activating factors.

The process of modernization of the pre?school education system has provided both a change in the structure and a change in the internal, key aspects. First of all, it is important to emphasize the radical change in the goals of preschool education, the comprehensive development of the child according to the age and individual capabilities of the child, to ensure an equal start to all children's development, to protect and strengthen their health. The main strategy for the development of preschool education aimed at achieving new goals is to create a flexible, personality?oriented education.

The new target guidelines of the state education policy have led to a

number of interrelated changes in preschool education, which has led to the

emergence of new quality features.

Let's look at them.

First. Formation of modern infrastructure of preschool education system. This process is characterized by two trends.

The first of them is to differentiate the network of preschool educational institutions in the following areas: preschool education success

there are pre?school educational institutions with different types and priorities in the direction of expanding services provided to children: creche; nursery?kindergarten; kindergarten; orphanages; general education schools where school preparation groups operate; preschool educational institution operating under the educational complex; preschool educational institution established under enterprises and organizations; sanatorium?type preschool educational institution; special preschool educational institutions for children with disabilities; experimental pre?school educational institutions established under research institutions and higher education institutions; family?type small group house; community?based learning groups for children [2, p. 11];

in order to expand the range of services provided: in the organizational and pedagogical structure of a number of preschool educational institutions, services are created to organize work with children who do not attend preschool educational institutions and their parents. These are «mother schools» for young children and their parents, short?term stay groups for children and «development centers» for preschool children;

in the direction of various forms of ownership of preschool educational institutions: along with state and municipal institutions, private enterprises.

The second trend that characterizes the process of forming a new infrastructure of the preschool education system is integration.

It manifests itself with the creation of a new educational institution that combines preschool and primary school age children.

The main purpose of such an institution is to «ensure the continuity between preschool and primary general education, the implementation of the educational process by creating optimal conditions to protect and strengthen the health, physical and psychological development of pupils and students» [2,

p. 11]. There are the following types of institutions for preschool and primary school children in Azerbaijan: pre?school groups organized in schools, kindergartens - school complexes [2, p. 11].

This trend contributes to the mastery of features such as differentiation as well as integration, the pre?school education system's focus on the child's capabilities, parental requirements, adaptation to state requirements and multifunctionality. This trend, both differentiated and integrated, reflects the care of children, the improvement and protection of their health, social and

pedagogical support, the correction of physical and mental developmental delays, and the continuity of education in preschool and primary school, etc.

The second. Transition of preschool education institutions to a «hierarchical» model of organization of educational services.

Educational services provided by a modern preschool are divided into two interrelated levels: the level of basic services that are mandatory for all children and the level of additional services - at the discretion of the child, parents, on the advice of experts.

In addition, the first level of services is provided by the state, and the second is selected by the preschool itself. In this regard, the importance of the state education standard is to regulate the quality of education by adhering to the strictness of pre?school education standards, at the same time to protect children from unnecessary pedagogical burden [1], [2] The above?mentioned features of the pre?school education system show the manifestation of such features as multi?level, differentiation of education and results?oriented.

Third. Expanding the range of programs, technologies and forms aimed at organizing education.

Various complex and special educational programs of the new generation are used in modern preschool education practice. At the heart of all these programs is the development of the preschool child, and their distinctive feature is the focus on universal values inherent in world and national culture.

More developmental, humanistic technologies are widely used:

development education, TRIZ, individual?individual Voldorf training, Recio Emilia Pedagogy, etc.

training, M. Montessori,

In order to achieve purposeful results in the above, first of all, the directions of control over the pedagogical activity of the institution should be determined: work with staff, work with parents, work with children. To carry out this work, the company plans activities at five levels.

Level I is represented by a general meeting of employees (supreme governing body). The meeting convenes to discuss compliance with the rules of the charter. The general meeting elects the pedagogical council of the institution, listens to the report on its activities. The enterprise is managed by a manager. The pedagogical council elected at the general meeting decides on strategic issues of the institution's activity. A methodical cabinet is organized to solve daily questions. The meeting is held no later than two months.

Level II?tactical issues are solved by the farm manager, accountant and methodologist (or social pedagogue). The Methodist and Pedagogical Council deals with the approval of educational programs.

Level III?methodist organizes and plans the pedagogical process, directs and monitors the activities of educators, regulates management issues at its level.

IV?methodist, doctor (or nurse), psychologist, speech therapist, social pedagogue carry out various development programs on organization of educational work with pedagogical staff, provision of methodical information and enlightenment, self?education, diagnostics, prevention, proper organization of health work.

At the 5th level - measures related to the financial and economic, medical staff, healthy nutrition of children, protection from diseases, monitoring and prevention of biological development are carried out.

In general, the main principles of the work carried out at these levels is to achieve purposeful results by ensuring the physical, cognitive, aesthetic and creative, socio?psychological development of children. The pedagogical process begins with developmental training. In this process, taking into account the opportunities and abilities of children, ensuring their personal development is a key condition. The efficiency of the process depends on management.

The solution to the problem of forming the organizational structure of result?oriented governance is seen in the further development of democratic principles in governance, both as a principle of state and public administration and as a system of its organization.

It is understood as purposefulness and decentralization in the implementation of results?oriented management decisions, ensuring the optimal balance of management organizational principles such as collegiality and unified leadership in management, rights, duties, responsibilities.

The result?oriented management structure cannot be separated from all organizational problems: ensuring the consistency of the organizational structure of social and economic systems in the context of the reconstruction of the life of the preschool and society; in parallel with this analysis of the object, subject and management tools for a consistent analysis of each period of the management process and a comprehensive consideration of the issue of improving the management organization [4, p. 129].

Fig. 1 Mechanisms of management

Applied modeling of control and managed subsystems (control apparatus) simplifies the task of systematic control vision, allows the control subject to select the most rational functions of system control.

Management quality is the compatibility of the relationship between a system of requirements and management subsystems with the functionality of directing the performance of the managed subsystem to better results. This compatibility can be expressed as follows.

The specificity of management is associated with a significant expansion of the scope of management and control subsystems, increasing the amount of information required for the normal operation of an entire system.

Fig. 2 Infrastructure of the management system

This diagram shows three projects that the preschool is working on. It is important that not only the teaching staff, but also the children's parents participate in each of them. Creative groups are created for a specific topic; These groups should include innovative, creative educators. In the work of such a group, one person cannot be forced to work on order, people unite with their will to create and implement something new. The task of the creative teams is to ensure a more detailed and in?depth development of one of the sections of the project. This structure reflects the special period of the preschool's activity - the mode of development, changes in the content and organization of the pedagogical process.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

In the process of changing the traditional management mechanism and forming a new one, a qualitative revolution in management takes place. Basically, new, unusual situations arise, and result?oriented and effective methods of influence are needed. Well?trained leaders are needed to manage preschools. At the same time, it is important to take into account as much as possible the features of the history of development of the preschool education system in the Republic of Azerbaijan and its multidimensional, internal qualities and features.

The results?oriented management process develops at several levels. The first level is determined by the leader's ability to see the mission of the preschool. These include perspective, transparency and collegiality, specificity, high quality performance. The second level suggests reviewing the results in terms of quality [3, p. 11].

The quality of pre?school education is the result?oriented organization of the pedagogical process in the kindergarten, where the level of development increases in accordance with the individual, age and physical characteristics of each child in the process of education and training. Each of these depends on results?oriented management. What determines the quality of preschool education?

The quality of the teacher's work.

Relationships in the teaching staff.

From the conditions created by the leader for teachers for the creative search for new methods of working with children.

From an objective assessment of the performance of each employee.

As a result, the quality of pre?school education is a manageable period. Therefore, at the heart of the above «quality» components can be divided into two approaches to quality management.

One is the management of the whole pedagogical process and its components.

From the individual subjective aspects of the other management system: the formation of a team and the regulation of the moral and psychological climate within it.

Quality is determined from two positions that can be claimed to be the result of the whole team:

how the pedagogical process is established in the kindergarten (selection of regimes, programs and technologies, provision of benefits, system of increasing the professional development of teachers through various forms of methodical work, etc.);

how the child (children) in the institution exercise their individual development rights to age?appropriate skills and abilities.

As a result, the quality of a preschool's work is both an activity and a result.

The third level of results?oriented management requires looking at results that meet needs. The result?oriented management mechanism of a modern preschool educational institution changes the nature of management functions, creates new interactions between the institution and all participants in the pedagogical process.

The mechanisms are working between kindergarten - external environment; management - the public; managed?managed; pedagogue?pedagogue; teacher? parents; teacher?children; child?child.

Prospects for further research. The problem of formation of the organizational structure of management, first of all, requires an understanding of the development of preschool education as a complex socio?pedagogical system, taking into account the objective factors of democratization.

Thus, we can summarize our views on the issues we have studied and come to the following conclusion:

Each organization, being a complex social system, consists of a system of governance and governance, a unity of interaction between the entity that governs and the persons it governs. When this effect is regulated from a scientific point of view, the probability of effective results increases significantly. At the same time, in management, the means of activating influence are selected, taking into account the structure and function of the organization.

There are a number of elements of the management system in preschool education. It includes basic and subsystems. The main system is a manager and a hierarchical structure to which he is subordinated (meaning executive authorities and private companies). The subsystems of management include the structures dealing with the issues of making management decisions, their delivery and implementation.

Those related to the management subsystem, as well as management - planning, control, stimulation, coordination, etc. aiddir. This system combines principles, methods, rules, norms and procedures, and regulatory guidelines established for the performance of management actions.

Each of the structures of the results?oriented management system of preschool education is interconnected, and the effectiveness of the results depends on their responsible selection, proper formulation and quality implementation. Outcome?oriented management should serve the effective preparation of children for school and should be focused on the formation of the child's personality.


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