Use of video materials in foreign language classes as a means of forming communicative competence
Consideration of the method of using video in professional foreign language classes as a means of forming communicative competence. Tools that contribute to the individualization of learning and the development of the motivation of speech activity.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.02.2023 |
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Use of video materials in foreign language classes as a means of forming communicative competence
Tetiana Pylaieva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign
Languages National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
Aurika Leshchinska, Senior Lecturer at the Depsrtment of Foreign
Languages and Intercultural Communication Simon Kuznets
Kharkiv National University of Economics
The article is devoted to the method of using video in foreign language classes as a means offorming communicative competence and a tool that promotes individualization of learning and motivation development of cadets' and students' speech activity. It was found that the main purpose of learning a foreign language is the development offoreign language communicative competence in the totality of its components: language, speech, socio-cultural and educational-cognitive. It is emphasized that the use of video materials in foreign language teaching is based on the principle of clarity. The following classification of video materials is presented: for the purpose of creation; by genre; by the number of topics covered; by method ofproduction; for didactic purposes; by structure and degree of completion; under the terms of use of video materials. It was found that video materials can function as: content support, semantic support, stimulus to language learning. There are three main stages of working with video texts: pre-text stage, text stage, post-text stage. It is established that the goals of the pre-text stage are to motivate students and remove possible difficulties in perceiving the text. The following types ofpre-text tasks are distinguished: options for predicting the content of the text, presentation of the main content of the text by the teacher, preliminary research or project work. Text stage is to ensure the further development of language, speech or socio-cultural competencies of students, taking into account the real possibilities of foreign language communication. There are the following types of tasks: tasks to search for linguistic information (selection of equivalents to Ukrainian words and phrases and vice versa; filling in gaps in sentences with the right words and expressions; searching for adjectives or verbs used with a noun; writing different grammatical forms ofverbs); tasks for the development ofreceptive skills (search for correct answers to questions; determination of true or false statements; correlation of disparate sentences with semantic parts of the text, etc.); tasks designed to develop speaking skills; tasks created for the development of socio-cultural skills. The purpose of the post-text stage is to use the source text as a basis and support for the development of productive skills in oral or written speech. Project work and role-playing games can be used at this stage. It is concluded that the use of videos in foreign language classes is a very effective method of presenting educational material and allows students to maintain a constant interest in learning the language and diversify classes, avoid monotony that often occurs in traditional classes.
Key words: foreign language, institutions of higher education, communicative competence, video materials.
Тетяна Пилаєва, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Національної академії Національної гвардії України
Ауріка Лещінська, старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов та міжкультурної комунікації Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця
Використання відеоматеріалів на заняттях з іноземної мови як засобу формування комунікативної компетенції
video foreign language communicative
Стаття присвячена розгляду методики використання відео на заняттях з іноземних мов професійного спрямування як засобу формування комунікативної компетенції та інструменту, який сприяє індивідуалізації навчання і розвитку вмотивованості мовленнєвої діяльності студентів та курсантів закладів вищої освіти України. З'ясовано, що основною метою вивчення іноземної мови є розвиток іншомовної комунікативної компетенції в сукупності її складових: мовної, мовленнєвої, соціокультурної та навчально-пізнавальної. Підкреслено, що використання відеоматеріалів у навчанні іноземної мови базується на принципі наочності. Представлено наступну класифікацію відеоматеріалів: за метою створення; за жанром; за кількістю тем, що охоплюються; за способом виробництва; за дидактичним призначенням; за структурою та ступенем закінченості; за умовами використання відеоматеріалів. З'ясовано, що відеоматеріали можуть функціонувати в якості: змістовної опори, смислової опори, стимулу до вивчення мови. Представлено три основні етапи роботи з відеотекстами: дотекстовий етап, текстовий етап, післятекстовий етап. Встановлено, що цілями дотекстовлого етапу є мотивування студентів та зняття можливих труднощів сприйняття тексту. Виділено наступні типи дотекстових завдань: варіанти передбачення змісту тексту, представлення викладачем основного змісту тексту, попереднє дослідження чи проектна робота. текстового етапу є забезпечення подальшого розвитку мовної, мовленевої чи соціокультурної компетенцій студентів з урахуванням реальних можливостей іншомовного спілкування. Існують наступні типи завдань: завдання на пошук мовної інформації (підбір еквівалентів до українських слів та словосполучень та навпаки; заповнення пропусків в реченнях потрібними словами та виразами; пошук прикметників або дієслів, які вживалися з певним іменником; запис різних граматичних форм дієслова); завдання на розвиток рецептивних умінь (пошук правильних відповідей на питання; визначення вірних чи невірних тверджень; співвіднесення розрізнених речень із смисловими частинами тексту тощо); завдання, створені задля розвитку навичок говоріння; завдання, створені задля розвитку соціокультурних умінь. Метою післятекстового етапу є використовування вихідного тексту в якості основи та опори для розвитку продуктивних умінь в усному або письмовому мовленні. Проектна робота та рольові ігри можуть бути використані на цьому етапі. Зроблено ввисновок про те, що використання відеофільмів на заняттях з іноземної мови є дуже ефективним методом подачі навчального матеріалу та дозволяє підтримувати у студентів постійний інтерес до вивчення мови та різноманітнити заняття, уникнути монотонності, яка часто виникає на заняттях за традиційною методикою.
Ключові слова: іноземна мова, заклади вищої освіти, комунікативна компетенція, відеоматеріали.
Problem formulation. At the present stage of development of Ukrainian society, in the context of the country's desire to join the European Community, it is important to study foreign languages that are widely used in Europe. Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, new methods and approaches are developed to improve students' mastery of a foreign language, as the study of foreign languages is a requirement of the state and the need of each individual.
Learning a foreign language includes 4 activities: reading, speaking, writing and listening. To build a successful future professional career, a student must have mastered all the activities in the complex, and then he will be able to pass all the exams to determine the level of his knowledge of a foreign language.
Authentic educational and methodological complexes offered by publishing houses of Great Britain and the USA prevail in modern methods of teaching foreign languages: «Campaign. English for the Military» by Macmillan Education, Longman «Intelligent Busines», «Career Paths «Logistics» by Express Publishing, «Begegnungen» by Schubert- Verlag, etc. The use of materials of these textbooks is the basis of professional foreign language study programs at NANGU and Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, which aim students and cadets to study through communication, more natural situation, and teachers on a personal- oriented approach to the student. These textbooks contain a large amount of audio material for listening, which distinguishes them from other textbooks. But, unfortunately, in the process of learning foreign languages using these textbooks, there is a lack of video materials to diversify foreign language classes. Therefore, in our opinion, an important task for the teacher is the correct selection and organization of such material. It is also important to use videos as often as possible.
The analysis of recent sources and publications shows that Yu. Dubovsky, O. Berezovska, J. Malynovska, N. Yamshynska and others dealt with the problem of developing listening skills in their works. The problem of the effectiveness of the use of video materials in foreign language classes was highlighted in the works of N. Pshenyannikov, O. Tarasevich, D. Khaims, N. Belenyuk, A. Holliday. However, in our opinion, some aspects of the use of video materials in order to develop listening and communication skills of students and cadets need more detailed consideration.
The purpose of the article is to consider the method of using videos in foreign languages for professional purposes as a means of forming communicative competence and a tool that promotes individualization of learning and development of motivation of speech activities of students and cadets of higher education in Ukraine.
Presentation of the main material
Among the problems that are theoretically and experimentally solved by the methods of teaching foreign languages, communicative competence and ways to achieve it are still relevant. The main purpose of learning a foreign language is the development of foreign language communicative competence in the totality of its components: language, speech, socio-cultural and educational-cognitive (Berezovska, 2014). Therefore, the teacher has an important task - to create conditions for communication in foreign language classes, using different methods and techniques (role-playing games, discussions, projects, etc.). It is important to promote the involvement of students and cadets in the cultural values of the people whose language is being studied. Video-films can serve to achieve these goals, their use helps the process of mastering the language as a living foreign language activity (Pshenyannikova, 2012).
Practical experience shows that the use of video materials is an effective means of developing students' language activities, allowing to solve several tasks simultaneously, which corresponds to the principle of an integrated approach to learning. Students get a clear idea of the life, customs, traditions of native speakers. The use of videos contributes to the individualization of learning and the development of motivation of language activities of students and cadets. Due to the change of impressions and emotional impact of the video, the personal attitude of students to what is seen is formed.
The process of learning a foreign language of professional communication of cadets and students of higher education institutions is inextricably linked with real live communication, knowledge of foreign language structures, mastery of communication skills, future professional interaction with native speakers in modern pro-European society.
Today's challenges motivate teachers to choose modern methods, forms of work organization and teaching aids, so more and more often in higher education institutions video materials are used in teaching foreign languages to develop listening skills. The National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, which trains future officers for our homeland, widely uses videos and videos about the organization of the work of army units in the countries whose language is being studied. At Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics in the Moodle system video clips and exercises for mastering educational material on economic topics studied at the university are presented.
The use of video materials in foreign language teaching is based on one of the oldest and most basic methodological principles - the principle of clarity. Perception and processing of information are embodied in the form of auditory-visual synthesis, which formed the basis of a whole direction in the methodology of teaching foreign languages and served as a basis for creating and developing audiolingual and audiovisual methods of teaching foreign languages (Vajsburd, 2002).
There are a number of situations where the use of video can be especially useful in lessons. For example: if we want to present a complete language context; show the communicative side of language through the study of facial expressions and gestures; practice listening skills in a natural context; imagine situations to play in the classroom (for example, role play); practice description and translation skills; enrich vocabulary; stimulate communication or discussion (Barmenkova, 1999).
When conducting video lessons, it is necessary to follow the basic approaches and principles of their conduct, in particular, the criteria for selecting materials for a video lesson. Language requirements: the language must be modern, in accordance with the requirements and norms of literary language in those areas that students often have to deal with; the presence of natural pauses between statements is required; slang expressions and exclamations should be short enough and not too difficult to understand; the text should not be overloaded with new words, expressions and unfamiliar gestures.
There are requirements for the content of video materials, namely: situations should be typical, such that students may encounter in practice; educational, feature, advertising films, news programs and other topics can be selected for the lesson (Verisokin, 2003).
The content of education and the choice of relevant materials is influenced by the fact that an important point in the process of learning a foreign language is the development of students' ability to intercultural interaction and to use the language studied as a tool for this interaction. This is made possible by the use of a variety of videos during foreign language lessons. In order to acquaint students with the achievements of the culture of the countries of the studied language, it is necessary to introduce regional and linguistic components (Allan, 1983).
Linguistic competence is an integral part of communicative competence, as it provides communication only at the level of identification of concepts, associations and images that arise in people in the process of communication (Freebairu, 1996).
In modern science there are various typologies of video materials, which offer to classify video materials depending on certain factors. Ukrainian researcher L. Maiboroda offers the following typology:
1) for the purpose of creation - specially created for educational purposes video materials; non- educational videos adapted for educational purposes; professionally filmed videos commissioned by the educational institution; self-shot videos;
2) by genre - feature film, video advertising, cartoons, video clips, news blocks, fragments of talk shows, sports and historical chronicles, fragments of documentaries, etc;
3) by the number of topics covered - situationally monotonous and situationally multi-dark;
4) by method of production - removal, reassembly;
5) for didactic purposes - instructive, illustrative, instructive-illustrative;
6) by structure and degree of completion - integral and fragmentary;
7) under the conditions of use of video materials - materials for work under the guidance of the teacher and materials intended for independent work of students. (Mayboroda, 2012).
In the process of learning foreign languages, videos can act in their various functional purposes. Depending on the installation, the duration of the presentation of the video, the place of presentation of the video in the system of work on the formation of foreign language skills and abilities, the video can function as: content support, semantic support, stimulus to learn the language.
Methodist from the USA J. Field (Field, 1995) identifies several cycles of exercises related to the demonstration of video without sound and with sound:
Stage1: preparatory. At this stage, exercises are performed to listen to the dialogues that will be heard in the film (without a picture); lists of content questions are compiled;
Stage 2: interactive exercises in a group before the screening of the film: dialogues that reflect the situation in the film; developing the completeness of the script; discussion of the title of the film; suggestions for the title of the film.
Stage 3: watching a movie without sound. At this stage, the following are performed: description of individual frames of the film (still frame); presentation of a separate scene with its further discussion, interpretation; warning of the content of the next scene; collecting lexical units necessary for the description of the scene; composing a written dialogue / text from the film (group work): a) composing questions for the revised video; b) the story of the content of the video in different grammatical tenses.
Stage 4: watching a movie with sound. At this stage, students can indicate in the proposed list the words they «see» and «hear»; insert important missing words in the proposed text; to conduct a role play on the content of the video clip; write questions for communication, discussions about the content of the film; perform language grammar exercises based on video material; play the text of the video in group work; reproduce the content of the film into a corpse full of work.
Stage 5: exercises after watching the video: distribute the proposals in a logical sequence of events in the film; create new own video text products; compose multiple choice exercises for the image and soundtrack; answer questions in writing or orally; to work on the text with the missing words; create your own video.
There are several types of tasks for each stage of working with video texts.
In the methodology of teaching foreign languages it is customary to distinguish three main stages of working with video texts: pre-text stage, text stage, post-text stage.
Let's consider these steps carefully:
I. Pre-text stage. Its goals are: 1) motivating students, setting them up for the task, through their active participation in the learning process; 2) possible difficulties in the students text perception removal and their preparation for the successful completion of the task.
There are several types of such tasks:
1. Various options for predicting the content of the text, which can be based on: generalization of previously acquired knowledge on this topic; title features: a quick look at part of the film without sound: a list of new words with translation or definitions offered to the text: the content of questions or correct (false) statements. Such tasks can be performed orally, working in pairs, groups or during a face-to- face discussion in class.
2. Teacher's summary of the text's main content. The teacher can briefly convey the main plot of the video, thus explaining what students will see. In his speech, the teacher can convey the main idea of the text in simple and clear words, and can keep a number of difficult to understand expressions. The main thing in this case is to anticipate possible difficulties of linguistic, linguistic and socio-cultural nature and remove it with the help of various techniques, including explanation, interpretation, translation, correlation with previously studied material and so on. Obviously, to use this type of task, the teacher must have a certain level of professional and methodological and professional and communicative competence.
3. Preliminary research or project work. You can complete a series of lessons on any topic or issue by watching videos. Students are given tasks in advance to study specific material, which logically prepares them for watching videos. Pre-reading texts and discussing issues on the same topic (native and foreign languages) also help increase motivation when watching videos, provided that the video opens new perspectives on the vision of the topic, contains an element of novelty and unpredictability.
ІІ. Text stage. The purpose of this stage is to ensure the further development of language, speech or socio-cultural competencies of students, taking into account the real possibilities of foreign language communication.
You can select the following types of tasks:
1. Tasks for finding language information. This type of exercises and tasks is aimed at finding, isolating, fixing, transforming a certain language material: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. In this case, the content of the exercise provides a degree of efficiency and justification of the task. The task can be formulated as follows:
Watch the video and select: English, German, French equivalents for the following Ukrainian words and phrases; Ukrainian equivalent to the following English, German words and expressions; fill in the blanks in the sentences with the right words and expressions; write down all the adjectives or verbs that were used in the video with the noun "syllable"; write the verbs from the list below in the grammatical form in which they were used in the text; from the list of synonymous expressions below, select the ones used in the video text.
2. Tasks for the development of receptive skills (at the level of allocation of meaningful and semantic information). At this stage, you can use traditional exercises designed to: find the right answers to the questions that the teacher offers for review; determination of true or false statements; correlation of disparate sentences with semantic parts of the text; building parts of the text in a logical sequence; establishing causal relationships, etc.
3. Tasks created for the development of speaking skills. The following methods of working with video are aimed at developing the skills of monologue speech:
a) Lack of image while preserving the sound: used to describe the probable appearance of the characters and their clothes, objects that could be nearby, the scene, the nature of the relationship between the characters, and so on. These tasks are a specific type of monologue - descriptions while preserving the pronounced features of the description of people, objects and more.
b) Tasks aimed at using the "Pause" button. In this task, students are asked to make assumptions about the further course of events, which is inextricably linked with the development of such discursive skills as the definition and establishment of logical and semantic connections of the text and their development.
c) tasks created to reproduce what is seen in the form of a story, message, etc.
A number of tasks can be effectively used to develop the skills of dialogic speech, for example: mute the sound while saving the image, followed by playback of the intended text. This exercise can't be used to reproduce the texts of the monologue, as the content of the monologue is almost impossible to predict. In the analysis of dialogue, in the presence of such elements of language situation as place and time of events, the situation is quite standard (in the store, in the theater, at the doctor's, etc.)
4. Tasks created for the development of sociocultural skills.
To achieve the necessary and sufficient level of socio-cultural competence, it is necessary to have a certain set of knowledge about the countries whose languages are studied. However, it is very important to learn to compare different cultures of the world, to notice in them culturally specific features and to find general cultural patterns. The most difficult task for the teacher to form socio-cultural competence is the ability to teach students to interpret different situations of linguistic and non-linguistic nature in terms of cultural characteristics of a particular state, avoiding false stereotypes and being influenced by imposed judgments and ideas.
Using video provides a great foundation for this. When working with videos, it is suggested to use this type of task as establishing intercultural comparisons and differences. The teacher must devise a system of support, drawing students' attention to the isolation, recording and interpretation of the necessary information.
III. Post-text stage, the purpose of which is to use the source text as a basis and support for the development of productive skills in oral or written speech.
The same stage may be absent, provided that the video text is used only for the development and control of receptive skills. In contrast to the third stage, both previous stages are mandatory both in terms of using video text as a means of developing complex communication skills, and as a means of controlling receptive skills (listening).
At this stage you can use: 1) project work related to the preparation of similar videos independently (conducting a video tour of the city, school, attending a school concert, a story about your family, profession, etc.); 2) role-playing games based on the plot or situation of a video film. In this they can be partially modified.
The difficulty with using videos is that it is not always possible to find a film that fits the topics being studied. But it depends on the teacher and his desire to use videos in foreign language classes.
In our opinion, the use of grammatical video materials in senior courses is important and interesting. Now on YouTube video hosting, a variety of video tutorials with grammar material are available, which are explained by native speakers. Viewing and analyzing this learning material encourages students to listen carefully and diversifies classroom activities. After explaining the grammatical material in this way, it is very expedient, as practice has shown, to organize questions in order to identify incomprehensible and consolidate grammatical material by performing exercises to test comprehension of this material.
It should be noted that the use of video materials in foreign language classes must comply with a number of conditions: 1) the video material used must be based on the level of knowledge of students and cadets; 2) visual materials should be thought out and used in moderation, they should be demonstrated gradually and only at the appropriate time of the lesson; 3) the screening should be organized in such a way that all cadets and students can see and hear the video material well; 4) the teacher must clearly identify the main idea and the most important material; 5) explanations given during the demonstration of the video must be carefully and in detail thought out; 6) video material must correspond to the studied educational material; 7) it is desirable that the speaker's pronunciation be clear and understandable(Pshenyannikova, 2012).
Summarizing the above, we can say that authentic films open wide opportunities for active work in the development of listening and speaking skills and make the learning process of mastering a foreign language attractive to students and cadets at all stages of learning.
The use of videos in foreign language classes is a very effective method of presenting educational material and allows students to maintain a constant interest in learning the language and diversify classes, to avoid monotony, which often occurs in classes according to traditional methods.
Video materials are distinguished by the fact that they effectively attract the attention of students and cadets, develop a number of aspects of language activities, as well as provide ample opportunities for personal development. We believe that this method is the most relevant and effective for use in classes with students who have a sufficiently high lexical and grammatical knowledge.
Prospects for further research, we consider a detailed search for various types of exercises that can improve the level of foreign language proficiency of students and cadets, knowledge of which will help them in their future professional careers.
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