Criteria and levels of aesthetic development students of children's music school

Structure, components of aesthetic development of children. Diagnostic criteria for the levels of aesthetic development of high school students. Directions of formation of artistic and aesthetic taste, culture. Levels of students' aesthetic development.

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Дата добавления 02.02.2023
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Criteria and levels of aesthetic development students of children's music school

Gui Zhang,

Graduate Student at the Department of Choreography and Music and Instrumental Performance Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko (Sumy, Ukraine)

At the present stage of development of Ukraine, against the background of global changes, the purpose of the educational process of out-of-school educational institutions is the comprehensive development of the child, which is impossible to imagine without the harmonization of his personality. The article is devoted to topical issues of aesthetic education of the younger generation, namely the aesthetic development of high school students. The author found that the structure of children's aesthetic development includes the following components: motivational (aesthetic interests and needs of the individual); cognitive-activity (aesthetic experience, intellectual development, aesthetic ideas); emotional (aesthetic feelings, readiness for creative activity, artistic and creative skills). The identified components formed the basis for the development of criteria for diagnosing the levels of aesthetic development. There are such criteria for assessing the level of aesthetic development of children's music school students as: motivational-orientational, indicators of which are interest in music, the presence of aesthetic ideal in music, the desire to form artistic and aesthetic taste and general culture; intellectual and creative (indicators: the presence of aesthetic knowledge, the formation of artistic and aesthetic outlook, self-realization in artistic and aesthetic activities), empathic and emotional (indicators: aesthetic feelings and aesthetic empathy, the ability to emotionally immerse in the world of art, the ability to aesthetic perception and pleasure). Criteria for the aesthetic development of high school children are correlated with the components of the aesthetic development of adolescents, are related and interdependent. Motivational-orientational criterion is leading to assess the formation of the motivational component, intellectual-creative criterion is used to assess the formation of the cognitive-activity component, empathic-emotional criterion helps to assess the level of formation of the emotional component. Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific research, four levels of aesthetic development of high school students are identified: high, sufficient, medium and low.

Key words: aesthetic development, artistic and aesthetic taste, criteria, indicators and levels of aesthetic development, high school students, children's music school.


аспірант кафедри хореографії та музично-інструментального виконавства Сумського державного педагогічного університету імені А. С. Макаренка (Суми, Україна)


На сучасному етапі розвитку України, на тлі глобальних змін, метою навчально-виховного процесу закладів позашкільної освіти є всебічний розвиток дитини, який неможливо уявити без гармонізації її особистості.Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням естетичного виховання молодого покоління, а саме естетичному розвитку учнів старшого шкільного віку. Автором з'ясовано, що структура естетичного розвитку дітей включає такі компоненти: мотиваційний (естетичні інтереси та потреби особистості); когнітивно-діяльнісний (естетичний досвід, інтелектуальний розвиток, естетичні уявлення); емоційний (естетичні почуття, готовність до творчої діяльності, художньо-творчі вміння). Виявлені компоненти лягли в основу розробки критеріїв діагностики рівнів естетичного розвитку. Виділено такі критерії оцінки рівня естетичного розвитку учнів дитячої музичної школи, як: мотиваційно-орієнтаційний, показниками якого є інтерес до музичного мистецтва, наявність естетичного ідеалу в музичному мистецтві, прагнення до формування художньо-естетичного смаку та загальної культури; інтелектуально-творчий (показники: наявність естетичних знань, сформованість художньо-естетичного кругозору, самореалізація в художньо-естетичній діяльності), емпатійно-емоційний (показники: естетичні почуття та естетична емпатія, здатність до емоційного занурення в світ мистецтва, здатність до естетичного сприймання та естетичної насолоди). Критерії естетичного розвитку дітей старшого шкільного віку з корелюються з компонентами естетичного розвитку підлітків, є пов'язаними та взаємозалежними.Мотиваційно-орієнтаційний критерій є провідним для оцінки сформованості мотиваційного компонента, інтелектуально-творчий критерій слугує для оцінки сформованості когнітивно-діяльнісного компонента, емпатійно-емоційний критерій допомагає оцінити рівень сформованості емоційного компонента. На основі теоретичного аналізу наукових досліджень визначено чотири рівні естетичного розвитку учнів старшого шкільного віку: високий, достатній, середній та низький.

Ключові слова: естетичний розвиток, художньо-естетичний смак, критерії, показники та рівні естетичного розвитку, учні старшого шкільного віку, дитяча музична школа.


aesthetic development students high school age

Domestic education in children's music schools at the present stage has significant resources in solving educational and upbringing tasks of the growing generation. Currently, research in the field ofharmonious, diverse development of personality, involvement of children and adolescents in traditional values, world cultural heritage are of particular importance. In this context, children's music schools are designed to ensure the fullest possible individual development, including aesthetic, free choice of children's artistic and creative activities, the variability of the proposed forms, methods and practices. Well-known educational, upbringing and developing potential of musical art, its influence aimed at improving the growing personality. That is why the aesthetic aspects of music education in the educational process of children's music schools are obvious. At the same time, theoretical and practical aspects of musical and aesthetic development of modern adolescents due to their age, specific hobbies, remain among the most important for modern practice of additional music education. The search for the most effective pedagogical resources for the successful musical and aesthetic development of modern adolescents in children's music schools determines the demand and relevance of this article.

Analysis of recent research and publications.Problems of aesthetics and aesthetic education are an important subject of research of domestic and foreign scientists and methodologists. Thus, L. Barenboim notes: «The most important trend in music pedagogy of the modern world, which largely determines its methods, can be determined by the desire together with general pedagogy to achieve the harmonious development of the human personality. Achieving a balance between “reasonable” and “spiritual”» (Ростовський, 2011: 43). Not only musicians, but also scholars of other fields of culture attach great importance to the aesthetic principle, especially musical, educational work that pursues the same goal. The roles of aesthetic ideal in aesthetic education, aesthetic attitude of man to reality, aesthetic need are devoted to the works of O. Bovanenko, D. Jolie,

I. Zyazyun, L. Kustaryova, I. Lisovska, V. Murian, V. Ovcharenko, O. Otych, G. Padalka, V. Radugina, S. Radchenko, O. Shcholokova, and others.

The objectives and tasks of the article is to highlight the criteria and levels that underlie the process of aesthetic development of high school students of children's music school.

The methodological basis of the study are dialectical and systemic methodologies used in the field of psychological and pedagogical research. General scientific and logical methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, historical and comparative research of the problem are used.

Statement of basic materials

Based on the analysis of the works of scientists and key research concepts, we have identified the structure of aesthetic development of high school children, which contains the following components: motivational (aesthetic interests and needs of the individual); cognitive-activity (aesthetic experience, intellectual development, aesthetic ideas); emotional (aesthetic feelings, readiness for creative activity, artistic and creative skills). It is determined that these components of aesthetic development are interconnected, interdependent and influence each other. These components became the theoretical basis for the development of criteria for diagnosing the levels of aesthetic development of high school students in the conditions of children's music school.

According to the structural components defined above, criteria for assessing the levels of aesthetic development in older school children were identified. Among them: motivational-orientational with indicators: interest in musical art, the presence of an aesthetic ideal in the art of music, the desire to form artistic and aesthetic taste and general culture; intellectual and creative, which is expressed through indicators: the presence of aesthetic knowledge, the formation of artistic and aesthetic outlook, selfrealization in artistic and aesthetic activities; empathic- emotional with indicators: aesthetic feelings and aesthetic empathy, the ability to emotionally immerse oneself in the world of art, the ability to aesthetic perception and aesthetic pleasure.

From the point of view of S. Goncharenko, the motive is «a subjective cause of one or another behavior and action of a person; mental phenomenon that directly motivates a person to choose one or another mode of action and its implementation», while motivation is considered as «the whole set of stable motives, motivations that determine the content, direction and nature of human activity, its behavior» (Гончаренко, 1997: 217).

As noted by A. Semenova, the concept of motive, motivation determine the internal motivation for activity, which is aimed at meeting the needs of the individual, caused by external and internal circumstances, which determine the direction of activity (Семенова, 2006: 113).

N. Volkova considers the motive as an incentive to action, which serves to meet the conscious needs of the individual and encourages it to active behavior, communication, activity (Волкова, 2003). V. Yagupov explores motivation as an internal or external motivation of the subject to a particular activity without achieving any goal that contains the presence of interest in it, as well as ways to organize and implement this activity (Ягупов, 2002: 537).

Motivational theories aimed at studying the motives of human activity prove that the introduction of personally significant forms of motivation affects the productivity and originality of decisions. A certain motive is defined as the state of the individual to whom the activity is directed. Motives are aimed at meeting the needs and their derivatives. Yes, different motives can be directed to a specific need, which will be manifested in different motives.

Interest is defined as a relationship based on cognitive attraction, understanding of its significance. In the process of its development, interest can grow into a tendency, which is manifested in the need to carry out activities that have aroused interest.

Thus, the motivational-orientation criterion in our study determines the system of significant motives, needs and interests of adolescents, and is revealed through the following indicators: interest in art; the presence of an aesthetic ideal; desire to form artistic and aesthetic taste and general culture.

Intellectual and creative criterion is represented by aesthetic knowledge, skills and abilities, artistic and aesthetic outlook, self-realization in artistic and aesthetic activities.

The functioning of the cognitive field of aesthetic development is carried out in the processes of human mental activity, in analytical, dialectical and synthetic skills of cognition, in the reflexive reflection of aesthetic information. This criterion is important in the cognitive independence of the student, forms value-based beliefs and views on the importance of spiritual continuity of previous and subsequent generations, which provides the teenager with theoretical knowledge and development of the ability to argue value judgments, worldview preparation for conscious understanding and independent art.

Constant self-improvement of the knowledge system provides enrichment of artistic and aesthetic outlook, knowledge of art and aesthetics help in the formation of maturity, the definition of individual strategy in self-improvement. Aesthetic activity is unique because it accompanies other activities. The presence of aesthetic knowledge, skills and abilities helps students to discover the fullness of their own world and the depth of the external world, unity with it. Nowadays, it is especially important to teach students to perceive the world aesthetically and feel the connection with it, to cultivate in them the need for beauty, to develop the ability to perceive and transform the surrounding reality according to the laws of beauty.

Creativity is a personal characteristic that determines an individual's creative productivity and level of ability to be creative. A. Semenova defines creativity as a universal ability to cognitive, creative activity, and originality - as the ability to produce certain associations and give unusual solutions for the realization of goals and objectives (Семенова, 2006: 185). S. Goncharenko consider the concept of «creativity» as a level of creative talent, the ability to creativity, which is a stable personal characteristic (Гончаренко, 1997: 187).

Thus, the intellectual and creative criterion is realized through the following indicators: the presence of aesthetic knowledge, skills and abilities; formation of artistic and aesthetic outlook; self-realization in artistic and aesthetic activities.

The empathic-emotional criterion contains significant personal characteristics necessary for the productive implementation of aesthetic activities: aesthetic feelings and aesthetic empathy; ability to emotionally immerse oneself in the world of art; ability to aesthetic perception and aesthetic pleasure.

Based on the theoretical analysis, three levels of aesthetic development of high school students were identified: high, sufficient, medium and low.

High level. Students show a manifestation of active interest in various arts, the desire and need for further formation of artistic and aesthetic taste and general culture; argumentatively express personal attitude to works of art, are able to appreciate the beautiful; there is a developed sense of responsibility and obligation to preserve the cultural and historical heritage. Students are characterized by a high level of intellectual development; understand such basic categories as artistic and aesthetic taste, culture, cultural and historical heritage; the necessary knowledge of the past, present and future of culture and arts is available; know outstanding figures of culture and arts, their works; students' evaluative judgments differ in logic and thoroughness; teenagers adequately perceive works of art, know and understand the basic laws of different arts; argue their own views on the categories of beautiful and disgusting in art and life. Students are able to actively and deeply perceive works of art; appreciate the beautiful and refined, capable of emotional empathy from the artistic and aesthetic point of view; show an active interest in obtaining aesthetic pleasure from communication with works of art.

Sufficient level. Students show interest in different types of art, there is a situational desire and need for further formation of artistic and aesthetic taste and general culture; able to express a personal attitude to works of art, show interest in the beautiful; the sense of responsibility and duty to preserve the cultural and historical heritage is situational.

Intellectual development of students at a higher than average level; developed understanding of the essence of such basic categories as artistic and aesthetic taste, culture, cultural and historical heritage; knowledge of the cultural and historical heritage of mankind is complete; students know certain figures of culture and arts of the region, can name some of their works; are able to perceive a work of art, and see in it the beautiful, at the appropriate level argue their own point of view; sufficiently familiar with the basic laws of different types of art; often visit museums, exhibitions, theater performances; take the initiative to participate in educational activities; are able to create aesthetically expressive works of art and choose for this purpose various and non-standard means of expression.

Students are able to actively and deeply perceive works of art, but are not always able to give them a reasoned assessment; appreciate the beautiful and refined, capable of emotional empathy from the artistic and aesthetic point of view; show an active interest in obtaining aesthetic pleasure from communication with works of art.

Average level. Students are interested in certain types of art that are of particular interest to them; weakly expressed manifestation of desire and need for further formation of artistic and aesthetic taste and general culture; students are able to express their own attitude to works of art, are able to appreciate the beautiful, but face difficulties in the process of their reasoned analysis; a sense of duty and responsibility to preserve cultural and historical heritage is underdeveloped.

The intellectual development of students is not enough; fragmentary understanding of the essence of such basic categories as artistic and aesthetic taste, culture, cultural and historical heritage; knowledge about the cultural and historical heritage of mankind is not complete, it is manifested in some aspects; students know individual figures of culture and arts, but are not familiar with their cultural heritage; are able to perceive a work of art and see the beautiful in it, but feel difficulty in arguing their own opinion; fragmentarily acquainted with the basic laws of different types of art; visit museums, theaters, performances, etc., participate in artistic and creative activities, but show insufficient interest in this process; capable of improvisation and successful use of means of expression.

Students are able to actively and deeply perceive works of art, but are not always able to give them a reasoned assessment; appreciate the beautiful and refined, capable of emotional empathy from the artistic and aesthetic point of view; obtaining aesthetic pleasure from communication with works of art is subject to external influences, there is no need to obtain aesthetic pleasure.

Low level. Students have no interest in art; the desire and need for further formation of artistic and aesthetic taste and general culture is not observed; the expression of attitude to works of art takes place at the level of "likes" - "dislikes", students experience difficulty in assessing the aesthetic significance of a work of art; do not feel the need for a responsible attitude to the preservation of cultural and historical heritage.

The intellectual development of students is not enough; underdeveloped understanding of the essence of such basic categories as artistic and aesthetic taste, culture, cultural and historical heritage; superficial knowledge about the cultural and historical heritage of mankind, do not know the figures of culture and arts, their artistic achievements; evaluative judgments are meaningless, concise, do not know how to argue their own judgments; the degree of artistic sense is poorly developed; rarely attend artistic and cultural events, participation in artistic and creative activities of the class and school is passive; poorly developed creative skills, no initiative in creating works of art.

Students are only able to superficially perceive works of art; do not know how to appreciate the beautiful and refined, are not capable of emotional empathy from the artistic and aesthetic point of view; there is no interest in communicating with works of art and the desire to obtain aesthetic pleasure.


Aesthetic development is an important characteristic of personal attitude to reality, demonstrates the level of self-determination of each person, his ability to individual selection of aesthetic values and thus to self-education and self-development. Aesthetic development affects the spiritual formation of the individual, enriches his potential, fills life with meaning, makes the child aesthetically educated, intelligent. One of the most important problems of society is the education of a highly spiritual, highly cultured, aesthetically educated person with high moral principles. Therefore, the task of a modern school is not only to prepare an educated person, but also to form an aesthetically developed personality with a high national cultural potential, a developed sense of beauty, and established artistic and aesthetic tastes.

Prospects for further exploration in this direction.The study does not cover all aspects of the problem of forming the aesthetic development of high school students in a children's music school. Further substantiation is required by such vectors as providing a personality-oriented approach to the aesthetic development of students of children's music school, the development of appropriate scientific and methodological support.

Список використаних джерел

1. Волкова, Н. (2003). Педагогіка.Київ : Видавничий центр «Академія», 575.

2. Гончаренко, С. (1997). Педагогічний словник.Київ : Либідь, 187.

3. Ростовський, О. Я. (2011). Теорія і методика музичної освіти.Тернопіль : Навчальна книга - Богдан, 640.

4. Семенова, А. В. (2006). Словник-довідник з професійної педагогіки.Одеса : Пальміра, 221.

5. Ягупов, В. (2002). Педагогіка.Київ : Либідь, 2002, 560.


1. Volkova, N. (2003). Pedahohika [Pedagogy]. Kyyiv : Vydavnychyy tsentr «Akademiya», 575. [in Ukrainian].

2. Honcharenko, S. (1997). Pedahohichnyy slovnyk [Pedagogical dictionary]. Kyyiv : Lybid', 187. [in Ukrainian].

3. Rostovs'kyy, O. YA. (2011). Teoriya i metodyka muzychnoyi osvity [Theory and methodology of music education]. Ternopil' : Navchal'na knyha - Bohdan, 640. [in Ukrainian].

4. Semenova, A. V (2006). Slovnyk-dovidnyk z profesiynoyi pedahohiky [Dictionary-handbook on professional pedagogy]. Odesa : Pal'mira, 221. [in Ukrainian].

5. Yahupov, V. (2002). Pedahohika [Pedagogy]. Kyyiv : Lybid', 2002, 560.

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