Formation of university students’ positive motivation for foreign languages learning
The proposed study is aimed at determining the teaching methods that motivate students of higher education institutions to study foreign languages. A generalization is made that the purposeful formation of students' positive motivation is organized.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 23,5 K |
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Formation of university students' positive motivation for foreign languages learning
Alla Boichuk,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Halyna Sivkovych,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Oksana Tytun,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Formation of university students' positive motivation for foreign languages learning
The proposed research is aimed at identifying teaching methods that motivate students to study foreign languages.
It is noted that the prerequisites for success in learning foreign languages are positive motivation, deep interest, perseverance in performing tasks. It is emphasized that motivation is based on needs, professional interests, ideals, values, moral beliefs of students, as well as due to the creation of the European Higher Education Area. It should be taken into account that the nature of foreign language professional competence is related to personal motivation, which can provide optimal results in solving professional and personal problems. Accordingly, when learning foreign languages, motivation to learn becomes important, which gradually ensures the formation of a motive that turns into action - the professional activity. Research shows that in order to form a support and maintain learning motivation, it is necessary that the learning process meets the goals set primarily by students.
In the course of the reseach it was generalized that the organization ofpurposeful formation of university students ' positive motivation for foreign languages learning is influenced by external and internal factors that can be provided through the implementation of innovative forms, methods and technologies of higher education. It is also affirmed that interactive teaching methods are the most effective in forming students 'positive motivation. Thus, the use of these methods of teaching and education contributes to awareness of the importance of a foreign language knowledge, responsibility for the effectiveness of joint foreign language activities in the group, the formation of self-esteem in future foreign language professional situations. It should be emphasized that needs and interests are an important source of motivation.
Based on professional and proven experience, the authors argue that a prerequisite for the formation of positive motivation is the optimal balance of knowledge and skills needed for learning a foreign language.
Key words: positive motivation, foreign languages, teaching methods, external and internal factors, educational and cognitive activities, professional training.
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Оксана ТИТУНЬ,
кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри іноземних мов Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника (Івано-Франківськ, Україна)
Пропоноване дослідження скероване на визначення методів навчання, які формують у студентів вищих навчальних закладів мотивацію до вивчення іноземних мов.
Зазначається, що обов'язковими умовами досягнення успіху у виченні іноземних мов постають позитивна мотивація, глибока зацікавленість, наполегливість при виконанні завдань. Підкреслено, що мотивація ґрунтується на потребах, професійних інтересах, ідеалах, ціннісних орієнтаціях, моральних переконаннях студентів, а також обумовлена створенням європейського простору вищої освіти. Слід наголосити, що природа іншомовної професійної компетентності пов'язана з особистою мотивацією, що може забезпечити оптимальні результати у розв'язанні професійних і особистісних проблем. Відповідно, під час навчання іноземним мовам важливого значення набуває мотивування до навчання, яке поступово забезпечує формування мотиву, який переходить у дію - професійну діяльність. Дослідження показує, що для формування підтримки й збереження мотивації учіння необхідно, щоб навчальний процес відповідав тим цілям, які ставлять перед собою передовсім студенти.
В ході дослідження зроблено узагальнення, що на організацію цілеспрямованого формування позитивної мотивації студентів ВНЗ до вивчення іноземних мов мають вплив зовнішні та внутрішні чинники, які можна забезпечити за допомогою реалізації інноваційних форм, методів і технологій навчання. Також, зазначається, що під час формування позитивної мотивації студентів найбільш ефективними є інтерактивні методи навчання. Отже, використання зазначених методів навчання та виховання сприяє усвідомленню значущості знання іноземної мови, відповідальності за результативність спільної іншомовної діяльності в групі, формуванню самооцінки результатів власного навчання в майбутніх іншомовних професійних ситуаціях. Слід наголосити, що важливим джерелом мотивації є потреби й інтереси. motivate students education
На основі професійного та апробованого досвіду автори стверджують, що обов'язковою умовою формування позитивної мотивації є оптимальне балансування обсягу знань і вмінь, необхідних при вивченні іноземної мови.
Ключові слова: позитивна мотивація, іноземна мова, методи навчання, зовнішні і внутрішні чинники, навчально-пізнавальна діяльність, професійна підготовка.
The issue of formation of university students' positive motivation for foreign languages learning is relevant because students are losing the incentive to study. It is considered that educational and methodological support of universities should form a scientific-theoretical and conceptual unity of professional training of future professionals together with other components of the pedagogical process. The problem of motivating students to study a foreign language at higher education institutions is also due to the creation of European style higher education, which requires the implementation of complex tasks of more effective international communication and deeper mutual understanding. That is why the issues of improving the organization of the educational process, the quality of theoretical and practical training of students, the introduction of positive results of educational and methodological activities of higher education institutions are traditionally relevant issues of higher school didactics and are constantly in the spotlight. The problem of motivating students to study the outlined problem is becoming more acute every year, especially in terms of reducing classroom time for learning foreign languages in Ukrainian universities.
Theoretical framework and research methods. The formation of positive motivation in students is described in a number of scientific papers as domestic and foreign scholars (M. Kademiya, L. Didukh, N. Aristova, T Levchenko, P. Jakobson, F. Lutens,
C. Rodgers, L. Wijnia, V. Miklos, J. Dognal).
The nature of professional competence is related to personal motivation, which can provide optimal results in solving professional and personal problems. This is confirmed by the opinion of M. Kademiya, L. Didukh, who emphasize: "motivational competence - a universal component of the motivational component, which is expressed in the formation of a positive emotional attitude to learning and cognition, awareness of learning goals, desire to improve their educational level, manifestation interest in learning; a specific component includes motivating students to improve their educational level in specific subjects" (Кадемія, Дідух, 2015: 270).
In particular, T. Levchenko emphasizes that the following factors are necessary for the formation of support and preservation of learning motivation: the educational process must meet the goals set primarily by students; their cognitive needs and interests in educational activities must be met; the presence of initiating factors (novelty), research and creative elements; actualization of cognitive, consumer, regulatory, executive functions and parameters of motives (types, levels, qualities, manifestations); differentiation of motives for learning, types of motivation in different forms of learning, taking into account their interaction; taking into account the differences between the ascending motivation to learn, which is available to students and the motivation of their own learning, which should be regulated by the teacher; changing in the motivating effect of strong motives (Левченко, 2002).
From the standpoint of the activity approach,
F. Lutens connects motivation with a physiological or psychological need that activates behavior or causes motivation aimed at achieving a certain goal or receiving a reward (Лютенс, 1999).
In the works of P. Jacobson, the leading opinion is that the necessary conditions for success in activity are positive motivation, deep interest, perseverance in performing tasks (Якобсон, 1969).
The aim of this study is to consider scientific approaches concerning the formation of higher education students' positive motivation to learn foreign languages.
Results. The readiness of students to carry out professional activities is a consequence of the formation their professional competences, the appropriate level of which depends on personal qualities characteristics. They also include motivation, which is based on the needs, professional interests, ideals, values, moral beliefs of students.
Motivation is the initial component of the activity, which directs it in the appropriate direction, according to human needs, and determines the attitude to it (ApicTOBa, 2015). At the same time, the motivation of the individual as a specialist is determined primarily by his professional interests, orientations, ideals, is manifested in professional life. It determines his perception of external events and the logic of behavior. Thus, the set of motives is the result of internal human needs, and in the structure of professional activity is the driving force of generating ideas, organizing their implementation and development of scientific and technological progress, innovation and implementation (Rogers, 1983).
Undoubtedly, in order to master certain competencies that determine the effectiveness of professional training, there must be a corresponding need for them. And the motive serves as a reasonable decision to satisfy or dissatisfy these requests (Wijnia, Servant-Miklos, 2019). Accordingly, while learning foreign languages, motivation to learn becomes important, which gradually ensures the formation of a motive that turns into a professional activity.
Motivated educational activity is an important condition for increasing the level of motivation of students to learn foreign languages, as the set of needs and motives, as well as the purposefulness of the student determine the meaning of student's educational work and readiness for future profession.
The organization of purposeful formation of positive motivation of university students to study foreign languages is influenced by external and internal factors. The external ones include: current trends in the development of the profession; economic and social indicators of the country's development; professional needs in the labor market, etc. The internal factors are as follows: social significance and content of future professional activity; the content of educational material and the quality of teaching, forms, methods, teaching aids; application of innovative pedagogical technologies; ways to evaluate learning outcomes; teacher's style of work; logistical support; psychological climate in the group; stimulating initiative, self-education and selfimprovement, etc.
Curiosity and novelty of the content of the material are important for the constant stimulation and increase of students' cognitive interest in learning foreign languages; awareness of the practical need for knowledge; involvement of students in active extracurricular activities; personality of the teacher; innovative forms, methods and technologies of teaching. Therefore, in order to increase the level of motivation of students to study and carry out professional activities, it is necessary to introduce mechanisms for continuous improvement of the level of their professional competence by means of teaching a foreign language (HiKonaeBa, 2003). This can be ensured through the implementation of innovative forms, methods and technologies of higher education. In this sense, we are talking about dynamic changes in the world around the educational activity, which is based on original methods of development of various forms of thinking, creative abilities, high social and adaptive capabilities of the individual.
Thus, interactive teaching methods are the most effective in forming positive motivation of students, namely:
Methods of stimulating students ' learning activities are aimed at forming positive motives, cognitive interests that enhance their cognitive activity and contribute to the enrichment of professional information, focus on the profession and responsibilities. Among these methods are: methods of educational discussion, ensuring success in learning, modeling cognitive games, modeling professional situations, business games, producing interest in the process of teaching educational material, educational excursions, creating life situations, project method.
The effectiveness of students' learning activities depends, as a matter of fact, on the manifestation of cognitive interests that direct them to the relevant (cognitive) activities, acquaintance with new facts. These cognitive interests can be stimulated by the above mentioned methods. Thus, the method of ensuring academic success involves helping weak students with a lack of interest in knowledge and the desire to consolidate success.
Great importance is attached to the personal position of the student, the desire to learn. The most important source of motivation is needs and interests. The teacher must know them and be constantly guided by them, creating opportunities for their actualization and satisfaction. Thus, the responsibility for motivation belongs entirely to the person himself (sometimes it is called "internal motivation" or "selfmotivation") (flotHan, 2017).
At the same time, it is necessary to rely on the subjective experience of the student, knowledge and skills, and therefore use the method of reliance on life experience.
Study tours are a very effective method of involving students in the process of learning foreign languages, the formation of motivation for educational and future professional activities. Thus, by composing texts of routes, students enrich their inner world, knowledge of their homeland and strengthen patriotic feelings. Particular attention should be paid to providing opportunities for independent activity and self-organization. To develop a new excursion topic, it is recommended to create creative groups of 3-6 people, the group leader is appointed as the most experienced and erudite student. As practice shows, the perfect relationship between the leader and group members is important for successful work, i.e., the "psychological climate". Each participating guide prepares their material in a foreign language, which is combined and edited by the supervisor or together, and later by the teacher. Naturally, the interests and professional training of students are taken into account when choosing subtopics.
In the process of learning, teachers use the method of creating interest, namely, they use all forms of learning to present material, such as interesting travels, routes, events, involving topics of professional orientation in a foreign language.
The method of creating a situation of novelty of educational material involves the delineation of new knowledge, which students could master. The use of this method creates a certain moral and psychological atmosphere in which students enjoy intellectual growth. It is the method of creating a situation of novelty that forms in students a valuable attitude to learning foreign languages and to the future profession.
Researching the educational and cognitive activities of university students, it is necessary to optimally balance the amount of knowledge and skills needed in learning a foreign language. Foreign language for professional purposes as a professionally-oriented discipline contributes to the persistent need of students to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, in the development of cognitive and research activities aimed at self-education in order to master the future specialty. However, without proper motivation of the process of cognition, the use of professionally-oriented forms and methods of teaching (related to solving problems and problems of the future profession) training material is not an effective tool in future practice and is not fully used. Thus, the teacher must implement a constant situation of novelty during classes.
Explanations, conversations, lectures, and debates are involved in the verbal methods of forming motivation to study foreign languages. With the help of the first component, teachers influence students' consciousness, instill in them moral norms and rules of conduct, which they then apply in their professional activities. In addition, the method of explanation is especially effective in mastering the vocabulary of professionally oriented topics.
Conversation as a method of teaching should be used for clarifying as well as for the purposeful formation of psychological characteristics, beliefs, interests of students. Depending on the interview they can be both frontal and individual. During the frontal conversations, teachers justify the topic as vital, not far-fetched, formulate questions so that they encourage students to talk, direct it in a constructive direction. Individual conversations with students are carried out according to a pre-arranged plan, and at the same time the emotional state of students encourages openness. When applying the above method, students become aware not only of the content of heard moral sentences, but also experience them. For this purpose teachers use examples, beliefs, etc.
Methods of stimulating the duty and responsibility of students include raising awareness of the common and personal importance of university students; meeting the requirements for the fulfillment of their duty; intensification of conscientious work; operational control over compliance with requirements; instructions on learning deficiencies, comments.
The use of these methods of teaching and education contributes to the awareness of the importance of the studying foreign language as a useful activity for their own qualification in the process of training in higher education; responsibility for the effectiveness of joint activities in the group; formation of self-assessment of results of their own training in future professional situations.
An important component of the educational process is independent work. This type of work stimulates the search for information in additional special literature, develops skills in using a variety of information sources. The student performs the planned tasks under the methodological guidance of the teacher, but without his direct participation. Therefore, independent work forms students' motivation and skills of self-education, teaches them to apply knowledge in practice, promotes the acquisition of knowledge and skills, creative professional growth, instills a culture of mental work and prepares for future self-improvement. (Сшкович, Бойчук, Титунь, 2020: 88).
All tasks of independent work in the section are obligatory and optional. The first are those that students must perform by all means mastering the topic. Selective tasks that students can choose at their discretion, allow them to get the required number of points. Among the introduced methods and techniques of teaching, the involvement of students in the performance of professionally-oriented tasks, in project work, in creative competitions, in weeks of foreign languages is effective. Particular attention should be paid to such type of creative research activities as project work, during which the maximum activation of skills acquired in the classroom, and the final result is a synthesis of search, analytical, generalizing activities, as well as their own creativity. Such work can take place both in groups and individually. The defense of project works in foreign languages is practiced, in which students present their own practical developments. Although not all students are able to complete the task, the example of others inspires less creative or less diligent students. In our opinion, the development of independent creative projects by future specialists is a necessary condition for their professional training.
The teacher has a decisive role in increasing the cognitive interest of university students in learning a foreign language, because motivation does not arise spontaneously, and its successful maintenance is a sign of activity and skill of the teacher. We believe that it is important to select material that would interest future professionals and allow them to use the acquired knowledge both in professional activities and ineveryday communication (eg, communication strategies and tactics, its nonverbal means). Solving qualification problems in the field of artificially created professionally-oriented environment provides significant opportunities for the formation of experience of future practical activities. The effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities aimed at forming positive motivation depends on the level of deep and lasting cognitive interest in the future profession, a positive attitude to the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, the need for self-improvement. The use of innovative forms and methods of teaching, which allow to model the professional content of future activities, provide creative acquisition of professional knowledge, acquisition of necessary practical skills, development of professional qualities, satisfaction of educational needs.
Based on this, we realize that one of the main tasks of a university foreign language teacher in Ukraine is primarily to ensure a high level of motivation for a foreign language learning by students. In turn, this requires the development and justification of organizational and didactic model of formation of such motivation, which would take into account not only the specific features of the motivational sphere of students, but also promising areas and trends in foreign language learning. It should be noted that the above tasks are based on modem learning technologies, independent work, initiative and creativity, which provide students with effective mastery of knowledge and skills in a foreign language.
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реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015