Advantages and disadvantages of using elements of distance learning in the process of economic disciplines studying

Analysis of the current state and prospects for the development of distance learning after the end of the Covid-19 pandemic. Characteristics of the main components of online education. The specifics of studying economics in a virtual learning environment.

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Дата добавления 05.02.2023
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Languages Lviv Polytechnic National University

Advantages and disadvantages of using elements of distance learning in the process of economic disciplines studying

Nataliya Mukan,Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor,

Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Education

Nataliya Morska, Senior Instructor at the Department of Foreign

Lviv, Ukraine


The article is devoted to the research of the problem of using the elements of distance learning in higher education institutions.

The aim of the article is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using elements of distance learning in the development of economic disciplines in a modern university.

The scientific and pedagogical literature, which highlights various aspects of the research problem, including the current state and prospects for the development of distance learning after the Covid-19 pandemic; distance learning technologies and the possibility of their use in training; the attitude of teachers and students to the use of elements of distance learning, including teaching of professional disciplines were analyzed.

It has been found that the study of economic disciplines is in great demand among consumers of online educational services. The use of different methods and forms of learning helps to find and determine an individual learning style for each student.

The main components of distance learning courses (creation of lecture notes in printedformat; development of standard tasks, tasks and examples that allow students to understand the practical application of theoretical material; compiling a list of questions for self-assessment; compiling a list of used sources; compiling test tasks for online testing preparation of tests to check the level of mastering the content of the discipline) were characterized.

The advantages of using elements of distance learning in the process of studying economic disciplines as an opportunity to work in a virtual learning environment, use of multisensory means of communication, overcoming temporal and spatial obstacles, timeliness of feedback are emphasized. The disadvantages of distance learning such as difficulties with the implementation of the control function, low level of electronic network capacity during online classes, the problem of organizing practical training are highlighted.

Possibilities of using mobile technologies in distance learning are presented Portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connection to data collection devices, laptops and networks; individuality are highlighted as their advantages. The conclusions based on the performed research are presented.

Key words: distance learning, economic disciplines, student, teacher, information and communication technologies.


Переваги та недоліки використання елементів дистанційного навчання у процесі освоєння економічних дисциплін

Наталія Мукан, доктор педагогічних наук, професор, професор кафедри педагогіки та інноваційної освіти Національного університету «Львівська Політехніка» (Львів, Україна)

Наталія Морська, старший викладач кафедри іноземних мов Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» (Львів, Україна)

Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблеми використання елементів дистанційного у закладах вищої освіти.

Метою статті є виявлення переваг та недоліків використання елементів дистанційного навчання у процесі освоєння економічних дисциплін в умовах сучасного університету.

Виконано аналіз науково-педагогічної літератури, що висвітлює різноманітні аспекти проблеми дослідження, серед яких сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку дистанційного навчання після завершення пандемії Covid-19; технології дистанційного навчання та можливості їх використання у підготовці фахівців; ставлення викладачів та студентів до використання елементів дистанційного навчання, зокрема й у викладанні навчальних дисциплін професійного спрямування. З'ясовано, що вивчення економічних дисциплін користується особливим попитом серед споживачів освітніх послуг онлайн. Використання різних методів і форм навчання сприяє пошуку та знаходженню індивідуального стилю навчання кожного студента.

Охарактеризовано основні компоненти дистанційних курсів (створення конспекту лекцій у друкованому форматі; розробка типових завдань, задач і прикладів, що надають можливість студентам зрозуміти практичне застосування теоретичного матеріалу; складання переліку питань для самостійної перевірки знань; складання переліку використаних джерел; складання тестових завдань для онлайн тестування; складання контрольних робіт для перевірки рівня освоєння змісту навчальної дисципліни). Виокремлено такі переваги використання елементів дистанційного навчання у процесі вивчення економічних дисциплін як можливість працювати у віртуальному навчальному середовищі; використання мультисенсорних засобів комунікації; подолання часових, просторових перешкод; своєчасність забезпечення зворотного зв'язку. Виокремлено недоліки дистанційного навчання: труднощі із реалізацією функції контролю; низький рівень пропускної спроможності електронної мережі під час проведення занять онлайн; проблема організації практичного навчання. Представлено можливості використання мобільних технологій у дистанційному навчанні та виокремлено їхні переваги: портативність, соціальна інтер- активність, контекстна чутливість; підключення до пристроїв збору даних, портативних ПК та до мереж; індивідуальність. Представлено висновки, зроблені на основі виконаного дослідження.

Ключові слова: дистанційне навчання, економічні дисципліни, студент, викладач, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології.


Problem statement. Distance learning is becoming one of the popular forms of learning that is widely used today, both in the context of formal and non-formal education. 'The development of the global computer network, the Internet, has opened up new perspectives for the evolutionary improvement of the world's educational system. Today, traditional teaching methods are complemented by new teaching methods based on the use of the Internet, electronic computer networks and telecommunications. Distance education, tele-learning based on the use of information and communication technologies perform a number of new functions and require the implementation of certain principles, among which the principle of distributed cooperation, integration, entering the global network community is important. distance learning pandemic economics education

The analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of using elements of distance learning in the work of a modern university is the subject of domestic research (S. Sysoyeva, K. Osadcha, O. Nevmerzhytska, T. Yaroshenko, O.Pavlenko, S. Sharov, A. Trotsko, L. Rybalko, H. Fedorova) and foreign scientists (E. Armstrong- Mensah, K. Ramsey-White, D. Taylor, J. Grant, H. Hamdy, R. Peloso, F. Ferruzzi, R. Bashitialshaaer, M. Alhendawi, S. Under). In particular, researchers analyze the current state and prospects of distance learning after the Covid-19 pandemic, distance learning technologies and the possibility of their use in training, the attitude of teachers and students to the use of elements of distance learning, including in the teaching of professional disciplines.

The aim of the article. The purpose of the article is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using elements of distance learning in the development of economic disciplines in a modern university.

Research results

According to researchers, in the United States alone, about six million people completed distance learning in 2015 (Allen & Seaman, 2015). According to domestic scientists, the rapid development and widespread use of the potential of distance learning as a form of learning are primarily due to the significant impact of the latest innovation and communication technologies on all spheres of society. The organization of distance learning is based on the principles of open learning, the use of educational software, as well as information and communication technologies used by participants in the educational process to establish communication and cooperation (Mukan, & Lavrysh, 2020; Mukan, Yaremko, Kozlovskiy, Ortynskiy, & Isayeva, 2019).

The study of economic disciplines is in great demand among consumers of online educational services. For many years, there has been a steady increase in the number of students who have expressed a desire to take online courses in economics and business (Visser & Visser, 2012). However, in the context of our study, it is advisable to consider the opportunities, advantages and disadvantages of using the potential of distance learning, ie learning provided by higher education institutions with the simultaneous use of elements of distance and traditional (offline) learning.

Teachers of economic disciplines are aware that the development of students' skills and abilities in learning is important because it serves as a basis for the development of critical thinking. There is no single method of teaching that suits all students. Therefore, theories and concepts of active learning, construction of knowledge, cooperation, collegial work, as well as problem-based learning become especially important.

The use of different methods and forms of learning, namely, lectures, group activities, individual presentation helps to find and determine an individual learning style for each student. The purpose of using various methods is to teach students critically analyzing ideas or problems, to develop intellectual skills so that they can understand the principles and concepts of economic disciplines. There are similarities in the development of distance learning courses. Such characteristic features include: creation of lecture notes in printed format; development of typical tasks, tasks and examples that enable students to understand the practical application of theoretical material; compiling a list of questions for self-assessment; compiling a list of used sources; compiling test tasks for online testing; drawing up tests to check the level of mastering the content of the discipline, etc.

The advantages and disadvantages of distance learning are being studied by both domestic and foreign scientists. Today, it is clear that along with other information and communication technologies, the Internet has one of the significant advantages for the educational process - the ability to provide a large number of students to work in a learning environment filled with text, audio and video (Christensen & Eyring, 2011). The use of multisensory means of communication allows students to choose the best way to get acquainted with the study material and perform various activities (Obizoba, 2015). For example, students who have difficulties in learning the content presented in text format may receive help in the form of a video lecture or online consultation (Al-Jarf, 2011).

In addition, the placement of educational content on platforms on the Internet overcomes the difficulties associated with limited time resources, territorial remoteness of students and teachers. Learning opportunities are available to those students who work or have certain social responsibilities (Murdock, Williams, Becker, Bruce, & Young, 2012).

It should be noted that students can use not only educational materials developed and presented by the teacher, but also use the resources of electronic libraries, which include a significant number of textbooks, manuals, test books, professionally- oriented tasks. Confirmation of this opinion is found in the works of scientists. “Examples of such electronic textbooks in economics are, in particular, textbooks and manuals presented in the Electronic Textbook Library, which contains literature from 31 economic disciplines; Electronic Economic Library, which contains not only textbooks but also scientific articles on economics, finance, taxation, international trade, customs, institutional economics, management, marketing, economic and mathematical modeling, and the literature is presented in two languages (Ukrainian and Russian); Financial and economic encyclopedia, which presents training materials on 16 key topics of economics (banking system, monetary system, financial system, etc.); portals “All about marketing” etc. (Horobets & Horobets, 2017: 82).

Unlike previous forms of distance learning that used the media (such as television or radio), the use of the Internet as a place of distance learning allows students to get timely two-way communication with their teachers. All these factors contribute to increased interactivity, which increases the effectiveness of student learning and reduces the level of exhaustion and eliminates barriers to student learning, in contrast to learning in the classroom. However, the distance learning of economic disciplines, organized through the Internet, has not only advantages but also certain disadvantages. Such shortcomings include difficulties with the control function, which is an important component of the educational process. “Usually, students, when answering questions, communicate with the teacher in absentia, mostly in writing, solving problems, performing test tasks, and so on. Therefore, the exact identification of the person giving the answers becomes problematic. This issue can be resolved by video link. However, this approach again leads to the organization of study groups, class schedules, limiting the individual approach to students. Therefore, a new task for researchers is crystallizing - to improve the forms and means of control in distance learning” (Melnychuk, 2017: 516). We agree with the author on the limitations of the possibility of applying an individual approach, but we consider the possibility of combining different forms of control as one of the ways to overcome this shortcoming.

Special attention should be paid to the low level of electronic network bandwidth when organizing online classes. There is a problem with the organization of direct interaction between teacher and student. Many higher education institutions, not only in Ukraine but also in other countries, have faced this problem during the introduction of distance learning related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, in our opinion, one of the most pressing issues related to the teaching of economic disciplines in universities and the simultaneous use of the potential of distance learning is the problem of organizing practical training. Undoubtedly, despite the availability of software, the organization of practical distance learning requires the teacher to master special techniques that will contribute to the formation and development of practical skills, gaining practical experience of professional activity.

It is important to take into account that both students and teachers have different attitudes towards the use of distance learning potential (Hannay & Newvine, 2006). Many teachers show a contradictory attitude towards distance learning and point out that distance learning courses are of lower quality. Instead, students are satisfied with the distance learning format. Such a contradictory attitude directly depends on the level of training and psychological readiness of teachers and students to use modern information and communication technologies. Those teachers who prefer distance learning demonstrate a higher level of mastery of modern ICT tools used in the educational process. In general, researchers note that the integration of technology into education is most effective when used in conjunction with traditional teaching methods. The use of multimedia technologies in the educational process contributes not only to the development of the content of economic disciplines, but also provides an opportunity for interactive interaction between teacher and student.

Today, students and teachers use not only computer technology but also other technical means to provide access to distance learning. Students can use mobile phones for many purposes: using smart cards, browsing and accessing information on the Internet or viewing electronic content from computer networks, retrieving information from databases and distributed file systems etc. Yes, training becomes available at the right time and from any location.

Unlike computer technology, mobile technology is not connected with physical location. That's why it is unique in its access to universal learning and learning mobility. That is, mobile technologies contribute to the flexibility and accessibility of learning. High portability, flexibility, timeliness, accessibility, individual approach - these are the provisions that underlie the modern educational process and contribute to its activation.

It should be noted that mobile devices are lighter and cheaper than computers, as well as easy to use, provide connectivity, interactivity, provide real-time information, increase user availability when needed and help them meet real-time services. Portability and versatility make mobile devices a powerful medium for teaching and learning.

Modern mobile devices perform many functions that were previously only available to computers. Today, their advantages include simplicity of use, which facilitates learning and use, and improved access.

Thus, the main advantages of mobile technologies include: portability; social interactivity; context sensitivity (the ability to collect data that is unique to a particular location, environment, time, including real-time and simulated data); connection to data collection devices etc, laptops and networks; individuality that can be adapted to a specific person with individual needs, requests, interests.

Mobile devices can be more easily integrated into the curriculum than desktops and classrooms, without any extended requirements related to the environment, infrastructure and context of use. However, there are many barriers to using mobile devices that directly affect the usability of mobile devices and applications. Variety and screen size, low performance, limited memory (multimedia content), limited display resolution and memory, limited file types supported and reduced input method, small keyboards and keys; different platforms and operating systems used by different models (Fetaji & Fetaji, 2008) directly affect and make the use of mobile devices difficult in learning. However, the technological power of mobile devices has increased dramatically in recent years. Screens have become bigger and better, systems have more memory and multimedia capabilities; and more advanced data entry methods have been developed.

Today, mobile phones, tablets and other portable devices are no longer used only for chatting and contacting, keeping diaries. These are now handheld computers that have the ability to deliver learning objects and provide access to online systems and services. The development of multimodal portable devices such as the iPhone, Android-based mobile devices, and the use of GPS are constantly complementing these learning opportunities (Boggs, 2005).

Restricting the use of mobile devices and applications can have negative consequences for students. For example, the screen of a mobile device is smaller than the screen of the desktop, so there is a problem of insufficient space to display more information. There is not enough space on the screen to display a lot of graphics. The mobile application interface should not be transformed into a scalable desktop interface. The information may not be displayed correctly. Huge amounts of information on a small screen can affect user recognition. Due to low graphics resolution and limited color gamut, interface objects and multimedia information may appear corrupted and unreadable. Due to the deterioration of the visual appearance of the interface elements on mobile screens, the quality and efficiency of perception and understanding of the content of the discipline suffers.


Distance learning is one of the most popular forms of learning today. Its organization is based on the principles of openness, accessibility, individualization of learning, interactivity. Common features characterizing the courses designed for use in distance format (creation of lecture notes in printed format; development of standard tasks, tasks and examples that enable students to understand the practical application of theoretical material; compiling a list of questions for self-assessment; compilation list of sources used, preparation of test tasks for online testing, preparation of tests to check the level of mastering the content of the discipline etc) are accentuated.

The advantages of distance learning are identified (the ability to work in a learning environment filled with text, audio and video materials; the use of multisensory means of communication; overcoming temporal and spatial difficulties; timeliness of feedback). The shortcomings of distance learning (difficulties with the implementation of the control function; low level of electronic network capacity during online classes; the problem of organizing practical training) are emphasized.

Possibilities of using mobile technologies in distance learning are considered and their advantages are singled out: portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity; connection to data collection devices, laptops and networks; individuality that can be adapted to a specific person with individual needs, requests, interests.


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2. Мельничук І. М. Розвиток дистанційного навчання в економічній освіті. Молодий вчений. 2017. № 2. 515-518.

3. Al-Jarf R. Helping medical students with online videos. International Journal of Language Studies. 2011. № 5(3). Р.99-110.

4. Allen E., Seaman J. Online Report Card: Tracking Online Education in the United States. Babson Survey Research Group: Babson, MA, 2015. 62 р.

5. Boggs R. ECAR study: Trends in wireless communications in higher education, seminar on academic computing. 2005. URL: 8.pdf

6. Christensen C., Eyring H. J. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Cambridge, MA : Harvard Business Review Press, 2011. 179 p.

7. Fetaji M., Fetaji B., Universities go mobile: Case study experiment in using mobile devices. ITI IEEE conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-26 June 2008, pp. 123-128.

8. Hannay M., Newvine T. Perceptions of distance learning: A comparison of online and traditional learning. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 2006. № 2(1). Р. 1-11.

9. Mukan N., Lavrysh Yu. Video Conferencing Integration: Challenges and Opportunities at Universities. Revista Roma- neascapentru Educatie Multidimensional. 2020. [S.l.], v. 12, n. 1 Sup 2. Р. 108-114.

10. Mukan N., Yaremko H., Kozlovskiy Yu., Ortynskiy V., Isayeva O. Teachers' continuous professional development: Australian experience. Advanced Education. 2019. № 12. Р 105-113.

11. Murdock J., Williams A., Becker K., Bruce M.A., Young S. Online versus on-campus: a comparison study of counseling skills courses, The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning. 2012. № 8(1). Р 105-118.

12. Obizoba C. Effective facilitation methods for online teaching. The Business & Management Review. 2015. № 6(5). Р. 1-11.

13. Visser L., Visser Y, Amirault R., Simonson M. Trends and Issues in Distance Education: International Perspectives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2012. 338 p.


1. Horobets S. M., Horobets, O. V. Vykorystannia elektronnykh osvitnikh resursiv dlia formuvannia informatsiino- piznavalnoho komponenta profesiinoi kompetentnosti maibutnikh ekonomistiv [The use of electronic educational resources for the formation of information and cognitive component of professional competence of future economists]. Problems of education. 2017. № 87. C. 79-84 [in Ukrainian].

2. Melnychuk I. M. Rozvytok dystantsiinoho navchannia v ekonomichnii osviti [The development of distance learning in economic education]. Young scientist. 2017. № 2. 515-518.

3. Al-Jarf R. Helping medical students with online videos. International Journal of Language Studies. 2011. № 5(3). P 99-110.

4. Allen E., Seaman J. Online Report Card: Tracking Online Education in the United States. Babson Survey Research Group: Babson, MA, 2015. 62 p.

5. Boggs R. ECAR study: Trends in wireless communications in higher education, seminar on academic computing. 2005. URL: 8.pdf

6. Christensen C., Eyring H. J. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Cambridge, MA : Harvard Business Review Press, 2011. 179 p.

7. Fetaji M., Fetaji B., Universities go mobile: Case study experiment in using mobile devices. ITI IEEE conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 23-26 June 2008, pp. 123-128.

8. Hannay M., Newvine T. Perceptions of distance learning: A comparison of online and traditional learning. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 2006. № 2(1). P 1-11.

9. Mukan N., Lavrysh Yu. Video Conferencing Integration: Challenges and Opportunities at Universities. Revista Romaneascapentru Educatie Multidimensional. 2020. [S.l.], v. 12, n. 1 Sup 2. P. 108-114.

10. Mukan N., Yaremko H., Kozlovskiy Yu., Ortynskiy V., Isayeva O. Teachers' continuous professional development: Australian experience. Advanced Education. 2019. № 12. P. 105-113.

11. Murdock J., Williams A., Becker K., Bruce M.A., Young S. Online versus on-campus: a comparison study of counseling skills courses, The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning. 2012. № 8(1). P. 105-118.

12. Obizoba C. Effective facilitation methods for online teaching. The Business & Management Review. 2015. № 6(5). P. 1-11.

13. Visser L., Visser Y., Amirault R., Simonson M. Trends and Issues in Distance Education: International Perspectives. Charlotte, NC : Information Age Publishing, 2012. 338 p.

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    презентация [447,5 K], добавлен 21.10.2015

  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

    курсовая работа [39,4 K], добавлен 26.05.2015

  • Development of skills of independent creative activity in the process of game on the lessons of English. Psychological features of organization of independent work and its classification. Development of independence student in the process of teaching.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 03.04.2011

  • Modern education system in the UK. Preschool education. The national curriculum. Theoretical and practical assignments. The possible scenarios for post-secondary education. Diploma of higher professional education. English schools and parents' committees.

    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • Disclosure of the concept of the game. Groups of games, developing intelligence, cognitive activity of the child. The classification of educational games in a foreign language. The use of games in the classroom teaching English as a means of improving.

    курсовая работа [88,5 K], добавлен 23.04.2012

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