Opportunities for international students to receive non-formal art education at Poltava V.G. Korolenko national pedagogical university
Highlights to provide international students with non-formal art education in artistic groups at one of the best pedagogical universities in Ukraine - Poltava Korolenko National Pedagogical University. Analysis of the concept non-formal art education.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 21,3 K |
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Opportunities for international students to receive non-formal art education at Poltava V.G. Korolenko national pedagogical university
Nataliia Sulaieva
У статі висвітлюються можливості одного з кращих педагогічних вишів України - Полтавського національного педагогічного університету імені В.Г. Короленка - щодо надання студентам-іноземцям неформальної мистецької освіти в художньо-творчих колективах вишу. Наголошується, що університет має понад столітню традицію підготовки педагогічних і непедагогічних кадрів та досвід навчання молоді різних національностей. Підкреслюється, що науково-педагогічний склад університету є рушійною силою у поступальному розвитку педагогічної науки й практики України та забезпечує надання якісних освітніх послуг за більш ніж 110-ма освітніми програмами. Зазначається, що в ПНПУ імені В. Г. Короленка створене соціокультурне середовище, в якому традиційно конвергентними є різні види освітньої діяльності, зокрема, формальна та неформальна мистецька. Обґрунтовується доцільність поєднання цих двох видів освітньої діяльності під час навчання в університеті іноземних студентів, що дозволяє їм не лише оволодіти складниками обраних освітніх програм, але й дає можливість успішно пройти соціокультурну адаптацію в освітньому середовищі вишу та українському суспільстві загалом. Наголошується, що неформальна мистецька освіта в ПНПУ імені В. Г. Короленка надається студентам у художньо-творчих колективах вишу, мистецький рівень яких визнано як високий не лише в межах Полтавщини, України, але й за кордоном. Підкреслюється, що отримання неформальної освіти є добровільним вибором кожного студента напряму мистецької діяльності, конкрет-ного колективу, творів для виконання тощо. Визначається, що мистецько-освітня діяльність (музична, хореографічна, образотворча, літературна, театральна тощо) студентів-іноземців у художньо-творчих колективах задовольняє їх потреби у адаптації до нових умов, є мотиваційним чинником для пізнання української культури, активізує творчий потенціал кожної особистості, позитивно впливає на гармонізацію психоемоційного й фізичного стану, а також сприяє узагальненню власного життєвого досвіду та допомагає співвіднести його з системою цінностей, які історично склалися в українській державі та сучасному молодіжному середовищі тощо.
Ключові слова: Полтавський національний педагогічний університет імені В. Г Короленка; неформальна мистецька освіта; іноземні студенти.
The article highlights the opportunities to provide international students with non-formal art education in the artistic groups at one of the best pedagogical universities in Ukraine, i.e., Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. It is emphasized that the university has more than a century of traditions in training pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff and experience in teaching international students. It is pointed up that the university's scientific and pedagogical staff is a driving force in the progressive development of pedagogical science and practice in Ukraine and provides quality educational services for more than 110 programs. It is noted that Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University has created a social and cultural environment, which traditionally converges different types of educational activities, in particular, formal and non-formal art. The expediency of combining these two educational activity types while studying at the university is substantiated. It allows international students to master the components of selected educational programs and successfully undergo sociocultural ad-aptation to the learning environment and Ukrainian society. It is highlighted that non-for-mal art education at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is provided to students in artistic and creative groups. These groups' artistic level is highly recognized within Ukraine and abroad. It is emphasized that non-formal education is each student's voluntary choice regarding the field of art, a particular group, and compositions to per-form, etc. It is determined that international students' artistic and educational activities, in particular, musical, choreographic, visual, literary, theatrical, etc., in artistic and creative groups, meet their needs to adapt to new conditions. It is a motivating factor for learning about Ukrainian culture. It activates the creative potential of each individual, has a positive effect on the harmonization of psycho-emotional and physical conditions, as well as contributes to the generalization of one's own life experience, and helps to correlatemit with the system of values that have historically developed in the Ukrainian state and modern youth environment, etc.
Keywords: Poltava V G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University; non-formal art education; international students.
The present Ukrainian educational policy is characterized by the strengthening approaches to attracting international students to study in higher education institutions in Ukraine. One of the outstanding universities providing educational services to international students is Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. The university has more than a century of traditions in training pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff. Its history was made by prominent scientists and teachers: Hryhorii Vashchenko, Dmytro Bahalii, Volodymyr Shchepotiev, Vasyl Verkhovynets, and others. A. Makarenko, V. Sukhomlynsky, Y. Kondratiuk, and others were Poltava Pedagogical University alumni and were recognized worldwide. The university has already trained about seventy thousand teachers, educators, scientists, artists, politicians, and public figures (Год, Єрмак, & Киридон, 2009, c. 3). It should be mentioned that Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University has already had an experience in international student training. Thus, students from Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan studied at the university in the 70s-80s of the 20th century. Currently, the university teaching staff preserves the best educational traditions developed over many years. It enhances the best progressive experience, including the development of new pedagogical approaches to teaching international students.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Due to the growing number of international students in Ukraine, which currently stands at almost 80,000 people (Брифінг Міністра освіти і науки, 2022), theoretical and practical principles of training international students in Ukrainian higher education institutions has been significantly intensified. Researchers study the issues of socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance to international students, i.e., A. Hadomska, D. Porokh, L. Rybachenko, O. Tetianchenko, and I. Shulha. Scholars V. Kolomiets, O. Rezvan, and L. Khatkova study the development of international students' cognitive needs. O. Bilous, T. Dovgodko, M. Ivanova, N. Titkova, and I. Sladkykh consider the formation of international students' positive attitude to the culture of the Ukrainian people and adaptation to the educational environment of Ukraine. Studies conducted by O. Bardina-Vizhye, L. Shpak, and Y. Soroka on international students' socio-cultural adaptation are valuable for our studies. Scientists highlight various aspects of introducing international students to the world of Ukrainian culture, involvement in different associations, national groups, etc. At the same time, the issues of providing non-formal art education to international students in artistic and creative groups of higher education institutions are considered only to a certain extent.
Aim of the Study. The paper aims to substantiate the feasibility and highlight approaches to providing international students with non-formal art education in artistic and creative groups at one of the best institutions of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine - Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University.
Today's institutions of higher pedagogical education in Ukraine are characterized by the search for new ways to improve the quality of educational services. To achieve this goal, universities are constantly working to improve the scientific level of teaching staff. In particular, today Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University has a skilled and qualified teaching staff. 85% of university lecturers have scientific degrees and academic titles. They all are the driving force in the progressive development of pedagogical science in Ukraine and worldwide. During the last five years, university researchers have published 230 monographs. Nearly 5,000 articles have been submitted to Ukrainian professional journals. Publications are indexed in international scientometric databases (Звіти про наукову роботу, 2021).
Taking into account the need to improve the quality of educational services, lecturers of Poltava Pedagogical University are constantly working to develop new theoretical and practical approaches to education. In particular, the professors of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University have recently published 24 monographs on various aspects of future teacher training: teachers of the New Ukrainian School (I. Babenko, V. Barbinov, A. Barbinova, N. Vlasenko, I. Karapuzova, Ya. Makarenko, V. Pomohaibo); history teachers (O. Borodenko, Y. Vilkhovyi, D. Loboda, R. Sitarchuk); teachers of art disciplines (T. Blahova, V. Tytarenko, A. Chornoshchokov); physical education teachers (O. Kornosenko, O. Danysko), etc.
The experienced university teaching staff ensures the implementation of more than 100 educational and professional programs. 10 educational and scientific programs are offered to Ukrainian and international students. The programs are the following: pedagogical programs, which include, for example, preschool teacher training, primary school teacher training and subject teacher training, etc., non-pedagogical programs, i.e., history and archeology, tourism, journalism, computer science, biology, psychology, social work, etc.
We emphasize that Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University has created an appropriate socio-cultural environment with all the conditions for providing quality education. Thus, the university has been taking into account the expediency of convergence of formal and non-formal education for years. Hence, formal education 'is received through educational programs in accordance with statutory levels of education, fields of knowledge, and involves the achievement of the training outcomes based on educational standards and the acquisition of qualifications recognized by the state (Про освіту, 2017) and non-formal education 'is usually received through educational programs and does not involve the award of state-recognized educational qualifications by the level of education, but may end with the assignment and/or award of partial educational qualifications' (Про освіту, 2017).
A new approach to the convergence of formal and non-formal education is to involve future teachers in receiving non-formal art education in the artistic and creative groups at Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. We define non-formal art education in the system of teacher training as the voluntary artistic activity of the individual, carried out outside of formal education in higher education. It is mainly implemented in artistic groups and is not supplemented by the issuance of an official diploma (CynaeBa, 2014, c. 75). While providing non-formal art education to students at Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, it is taken into account that its aim is to stimulate future teachers' personal and professional development by meeting their socio-cultural and educational-professional needs (CynaeBa, 2014, c. 75).
In determining the benefits for international students while studying at Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, the main one is quality education. It, above all, involves their immersion in the university socio-cultural environment, which is a combination of formal education and non-formal art education in artistic and creative groups. Not only will it help international students to master the components of selected educational programs, but also give them the opportunity to successfully undergo socio-cultural adaptation to Ukrainian society. After all, when choosing a university, international students pay attention to the quality of education, admission requirements, tuition fees, the level of tolerance for people of other nationalities at the university and a city, living conditions, and, last but not least, opportunities for successful socio-cultural adaptation.
When it comes to the socio-cultural adaptation of students, the emphasis is on the fact that it should be 'an active process that is implemented in the unity of two life programs, i.e., external and internal one. The aim of the external program is a socio-psychological adaptation to the peculiarities of the environment and society. The internal program is the implementation of self-realization, self-improvement, developing students' potential, and thus exerting some influence on society and culture'(MeH Ah, 2018, c. 27). At the same time, in order for the adaptation of international students to be successful, it is expedient to involve them in artistic and creative activities. It helps to create “conditions for adaptation of a person to a cultural, artistic environment, their ability to adequately perceive its artifacts and realize their potential with maximum benefit for self-expression in the chosen field of art (MeH Ah, 2018, c. 8).
The socio-cultural environment, which is created at Poltava V G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University with an extensive network of artistic and creative groups, is the basis for considerable and rapid socio-cultural adaptation of international students. Thus, the university has more than 20 groups (music, choreography, theater, decorative and applied arts groups, etc.). Ukrainian Folk Choir 'Kalyna,' the Folk Dance Ensemble `Vesna,' the Folk Ballroom Dance Ensemble `Gratsia', and others are well-known in Ukraine and Europe.
International students' artistic and educational activities in these artistic groups will meet the needs to adapt to new external conditions. It might be a motivating factor for learning about Ukrainian culture and help activate each person's creative potential. Furthermore, artistic and educational activities harmonize psycho-emotional and physical conditions and help generalize one's own life experience and correlate it with the system of values, which are historically developed in the Ukrainian state and modern youth environment.
An essential aspect of receiving non-formal art education by international students in the artistic and creative groups at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is its content. Criteria for selecting compositions for artistic and educational activities are the following: national orientation of compositions, compliance with the needs of students (preferences, age), compliance with resource provision (legal, informational, material, and financial, personnel), and expediency in professional training.
While receiving non-formal art education in artistic and creative groups at Poltava Pedagogical University, international students have the opportunity to get closer to the highly spiritual pieces of the heritage of the Ukrainian people. They are able to join the performances and highlight the most significant signs of perfection of human existence in their ethical, aesthetic, and patriotic manifestations, as well as master the theoretical and practical foundations of musical art (folk, author's, spiritual, variety of vocal and instrumental compositions, etc.), fine arts (paintings, graphics, sculptures, decorative and applied arts, etc.), choreographic art (folk, classical, modern dances), literary and theatrical art (lyrics, epics, drama), and other kinds of art selected by international students to perform in artistic and creative groups.
In non-formal art education, traditional forms of artistic and educational activities organization are used, i.e., collective, group, and individual. Realization of the aim and objectives of non-formal art education occurs during collective classes. It is due to genre and pedagogical features. During collective classes, a significant number of international students are attracted to artistic activities. They join the artistic and educational environment and perform compositions with Ukrainian students. The collective performance of compositions gives each student the opportunity to feel part of a whole and, at the same time, to be realized in accordance with individual capabilities by performing certain roles. Group form of activities is often used in non-formal art education when the head of the group works on certain fragments of the play or individual choral or orchestral parts. Individual forms of work with international students are also quite productive. Their peculiarity is that the teacher works with each student individually, taking into account their personal level of proficiency in the Ukrainian language or the development of artistic abilities, skills, and aspirations. It gives international students the opportunity to work on developing their own potential and achieve a higher level of performing skills. However, this form of education does not give a chance to gain experience working in an artistic group and feel the pleasure of working together. international poltava art education
The use of various forms of non-formal art education is determined by the kind of art. Non-formal musical educational activities are carried out in choirs (Ukrainian Folk Choir `Kalyna,' Folk Vocal Ensemble `Svichado,' Folk P. Lymanskyi Amateur Choir, etc.), vocal ensembles (Pavlo Baklanov Folk Ensemble 'Zhyva Voda,' People's Amateur Pop Music Center `Viktoriia,' Ukrainian Folk Male Vocal Ensemble `Chebrets,' Women's Song and Folklore Group `Cheremshyna,' Pop Song Studio `Gloriia.' Participants perform songs individually or participate in various temporary creative music groups. Non-formal choreographic activities are realized in dance ensembles (Folk Dance Ensemble `Vesna,' Folk Dance Ballroom Ensemble `Gratsiia,' Creative Laboratory of Modern Dance 'SOUL DANCE,' Folk Ensemble of Modern Ballet `Mariia,' Choreographic Group of Ukrainian Folk Choir `Kalyna,' etc.) Non-formal literary and theatrical education is embodied in theater studios (Literary and Artistic Theater-Studio `Globus,' Student Theater `Faculty-F,' Student Theater of Fashion). Non-formal fine arts education is provided to students in the groups of drawing, painting, and decorative arts of the Department of Fine Arts.
Receiving non-formal art education at Poltava Pedagogical University will satisfy international students' educational needs. They can freely choose the directions of artistic activity and artistic and creative groups. International students who have spare time and realize the need to fill it with non-formal art education can become members of any group. They can suggest compositions for mastering, certain forms, and methods of organizing artistic and educational activities. Systematic and purposeful acquisition of non-formal art education in artistic and creative groups will allow international students to achieve a certain result, evaluate it and bring it to the audience, taking part in a concert or an exhibition. Effectively combining formal education with non-formal art education, every international student becomes a member of the artistic and creative group and makes a significant contribution to personal development, in particular, their own professional and pedagogical development.
The result of providing non-formal art education to international students in the artistic and creative groups at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is their entire socio-cultural adaptation, personal and professional development, based on an integrative combination of the following developmental components: artistic, spiritual, and social development.
Based on the foregoing, we are able to draw conclusions that all the opportunities to provide international students with non-formal art education in the artistic groups are created at one of the best pedagogical universities in Ukraine, i.e., Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. The university has more than a century of traditions in training pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff and experience in teaching young people of different nationalities. The university's scientific and pedagogical staff is a driving force in the progressive development of pedagogical science and practice in Ukraine and provides quality educational services for more than llo educational and professional, and educational and scientific programs. Poltava V G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University has created a social and cultural environment, which traditionally combines different types of educational activities, in particular, formal and non-formal art. The expediency of combining these two educational activity types while studying at the university is determined by the fact that it allows international students to master the components of selected educational programs and successfully undergo socio-cultural adaptation to the learning environment and Ukrainian society. Non-formal art education at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University is provided to students in the university's artistic and creative groups. These groups' artistic level is highly recognized within Ukraine and abroad. Non-formal education is a voluntary choice of each student regarding the field of art, a particular group, and compositions to perform, etc. International students' artistic and educational activities, in particular, musical, choreographic, visual, literary, theatrical, etc., in artistic and creative groups, meet their needs to adapt to new conditions. It is a motivating factor for learning about Ukrainian culture, it activates the creative potential of each individual, has a positive effect on the harmonization of psycho-emotional and physical conditions, as well as contributes to the generalization of one's own life experience, and helps to correlate it with the system of values that have historically developed in the Ukrainian state and modern youth environment, etc.
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статья [701,0 K], добавлен 21.09.2017Teaching practice is an important and exciting step in the study of language. Description of extracurricular activities. Feedback of extracurricular activity. Psychological characteristic of a group and a students. Evaluation and testing of students.
отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013The purpose and psychology-pedagogical aspects of extracurricular work on a foreign language. Requirements to extracurricular work. Forms of extracurricular educational work on a foreign language. Using the Internet in extracurricular work on English.
курсовая работа [38,9 K], добавлен 19.03.2015Можливості використання мультимедійний технологій при викладанні фахової медичної англійської мови. Оцінка рівня забезпечення навчальних закладів обладнанням в Україні. Пакети мультимедіа-навчання Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press.
статья [26,6 K], добавлен 13.11.2017