Primary school pupils’ environmental competence formation in the process of mastering the natural field of study
Highlighting the peculiarities of the implementation of environmental competence of elementary school students in the process of mastering the natural sciences. The field of education, which is implemented in the integrated course "I explore the world".
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 05.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 23,6 K |
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Primary school pupils' environmental competence formation in the process of mastering the natural field of study
Nataliia Vlasenko
The article highlights the features of primary school pupils' environmental competence formation while mastering the natural field of study through an integrated course `I explore the world. ' The features of environmental competence formation, in particular, educational technologies of situational modeling, in primary school, which are related to the need to teach and educate the younger generation, able to coexist harmoniously with nature, rationally use and reproduce its riches, are revealed. It is determined that, in the process of ecological competence formation, pupils' orientation in the environment, cognitive abilities, and research interests are formed; and the corresponding attitude to nature is brought up.
Keywords: ecological competence; natural field of study; integrated course `I explore the world '; educational process; primary school.
Наталія Власенко
Реалізація екологічної компетентності учнів початкової школи в процесі вивчення природничої освітньої галузі
У статті висвітлено особливості реалізації екологічної компетентності учнів початкової школи в процесі опанування природничої освітньої галузі через вивчення інтегрованого курсу «Я досліджую світ». З'ясовано особливості реалізації екологічної компетентності в початковій школі, які пов'язані з необхідністю навчання і виховання молодого покоління, здатного гармонійно співіснувати з природою, раціонально використовувати та відтворювати її багатства. Найбільш екологічно спрямованою є природнича освітня галузь, яка реалізується в інтегрованому курсі «Я досліджую світ», відповідно до Держаного стандарту початкової школи згідно з концепцією НУШ, де кожна змістова лінія пронизана ідеями формування в дітей цілісного сприйняття природи, розуміння єдності біологічного і соціального, усвідомлення необхідності їх гармонійної взаємодії. Наскрізне проникнення екологічних ідей у зміст освітніх галузей початкової школи вибудує чітку стратегію екологізації освіти в нашій державі. Визначено, що в процесі реалізації екологічної компетентності, зокрема освітніми технологіями ситуативного моделювання, розширюється орієнтація учнів у навколишньому середовищі, формуються пізнавальні здібності, дослідницькі інтереси, виховується відповідне ставлення до природи. Екологічна компетентність проявляється в систематичному прийнятті рішень щодо врахування екологічних наслідків власної діяльності, що чинить певний вплив на довкілля. Якщо цей вплив буде позитивним, він не порушить крихкої динамічної рівноваги в біосфері. Основою екологічної компетентності є екологічні знання, досвід практичної діяльності в довкіллі. Набуті екологічні знання є особистісними надбанням, вони формуються внаслідок отримання певних типів інформації. Таку інформацію учні одержують під час навчання в початковій школі, опановуючи природничу освітню галузь на уроках інтегрованого курсу «Я досліджую світ». Реалізація екологічної компетентності в початковій школі буде здійснюватися успішно за умови використання в освітньому процесі технологій ситуативного моделювання, зокрема застосування ігрових завдань екологічного змісту (імітаційні ігри, розігрування ситуації за ролями, квести, подорожі, екскурсії тощо). Встановлено, що важливою умовою реалізації екологічної компетентності в процесі застосування ігрових завдань екологічного змісту є перетворення зовнішніх мотивів і стимулів у внутрішні мотиви особистості, що сприятиме формуванню природобезпечної діяльності без контролю із зовнішнього боку. Визначено рівні екологічної освіти школярів (екологічна грамотність, екологічна освідченість, екологічна компетентність), із яких формується екологічна культура. Екологічна культура людини включає її екологічну свідомість та екологічну поведінку. Таким чином, можна зазначити, що реалізація екологічної компетентності молодшими школярами в процесі вивчення інтегрованого курсу «Я досліджую світ» не може існувати без глибокого осмислення учнями екологічних явищ, естетичної краси власне природи, а також розуміння негативних наслідків дії людини в природі за допомогою практико-орієнтованої ігрової діяльності.
Ключові слова: екологічна компетентність; природнича освітня галузь; інтегрований курс «Я досліджую світ»; освітній процес; початкова школа.
environmental competence natural educational
Today, at a time of qualitative educational change in Ukraine, the ability to think rationally is a competitive advantage of the nation, as reduced scientific and technological development decreases the chances of social and economic well-being. One of the New Ukrainian School features is the introduction of an integrated course `I explore the world' in the educational process of primary school. Natural field of study is implemented into the integrated course `I explore the world.' Therefore, there is a need to reveal the features of the natural field of study implementation through the teaching an integrated course `I explore the world' at the New Ukrainian School within the context of partnership pedagogy.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The current ecological state of the planet has led to the solution of this issue at the level of education. It has consequently determined the expansion and deepening of the methodological basis in educational practice. Thus, a significant contribution to the philosophical understanding of the unity of nature and human-beings belongs to V. Vernadskyi, O. Halieieva, E. Hirusov, M. Holubets, O. Doroshko, M. Kyselov, V. Krysachenko, M. Moiseiev, V. Nesterenko, H. Platonov, I. Safonov and others. The psychological-pedagogical aspect of a personality and nature interaction issue was presented in the studies of A. A. Ananiev, I. Bekh, L. Bozhovych, L. Vyhotskyi, S. Deriabo, O. Zaporozhets, O. Kyrychuk, V. Yasvin. Theoretical and methodological principles of primary education, in particular, environmental one, were analyzed by T. Baibara, N. Bibik, V. Ilchenko, L. Narochna, H. Pustovit, N. Pustovit, H. Tarasenko, I. Andrusenko, K. Bakhanov, L. Kondratova, L. Martynets, V. Nyshcheta, O. Onopriienko, O. Piekhota, Ye. Polat, O. Pometun, H. Shkilova, and others (Andrusenko, 2020; Bida, 2002; Vlasenko, 2018; Iepikhina, 2019; Koval, 2019; Padalka, 2018).
However, despite numerous studies, the issue of primary school pupils' environmental competence formation in the process of the field of study implementation through the teaching an integrated course `I explore the world' is not fully covered. Therefore, the aim of our paper is to clarify the key primary school teachers' objectives for primary school pupils' environmental competence formation, as well as to reveal possible ways of its formation.
Presenting the main findings
In the State Standard of Primary Education (2018), one of the key competencies is environmental competence, which involves awareness of the basics of environmental management, compliance with environmental behavior, conservation of natural resources, and understanding the importance of nature conservation for a sustainable society. This approach contributes to the pupils' personality self-realization in life, their social adaptation, and constructive social activities and is a condition for the Ukrainian citizen formation.
Requirements for pupils' compulsory learning outcomes and competencies are determined by fields of study, including the natural one. The purpose of the natural field of study is the following: formation of competencies in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology, environmental and other key competencies by mastering knowledge, skills, and methods of activity, developing skills that ensure successful interaction with nature, forming the basis of the scientific worldview and critical thinking, forming pupils' responsible, safe and environmental behavior in the world based on of the principles of sustainable development awareness.
On the basis of the New State Standard, two standard educational programs were approved: the New Ukrainian School 1 (under the guidance of O. Savchenko) and the New Ukrainian School 2 (under the guidance of R. Shiian). The integrated course `I explore the world' combines the educational content of several fields of study (Andrusenko, 2020; Balokha, 2018; Vorontsova, 2019; Hilberh, Tarnavska, Khytra, Pavych, 2020; Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi osvity Novoi ukrainskoi shkoly, uryadopublikuvav- novyj-derzhstandart-pochatkovoyi-osvity-dokument/). With integration in mind, the course `I Explore the World' aims to:
- formation of scientific thinking and research culture; development of systemic ideas about the integrity and diversity of nature, the establishment of the sustainable development principles, effective, safe, and environmental behavior in the environment (the natural field of study);
- formation of pupils' ability to change the world around them by means of modern technologies without harming the environment, to use technologies for self-realization, cultural and national selfexpression (the technological field of study);
- formation of pupils' ability to solve problems using digital devices, information and communication technologies, and critical thinking for development, creative self-expression, personal and social well-being; safe and responsible activities in the information society (the information field of study);
- formation of pupils' independence, their social involvement, and activity through the formation of a healthy lifestyle, development of entrepreneurship, ability to cooperate in different environments, self-confidence, integrity for security, well-being, and sustainable development (social and healthcare field of study);
- the creation of conditions for pupils to form their own identity and readiness for change through awareness of their rights and freedoms, understanding of the links between history and present life; fostering an active civic position on the basis of democracy and respect for human rights, gaining experience of coexistence in democratic procedures (civic and historical field of study);
- development of children's mathematical thinking, the ability to understand and evaluate mathematical facts and patterns, make informed choices, recognize problems in everyday life that can be solved using mathematical methods, model processes and situations to solve problems (elements of the mathematical field of study);
- development of pupils' ability to communicate in the Ukrainian language for spiritual, cultural, and national self-expression, to use it in personal and public life, in intercultural dialogue, to see it as a prerequisite for success in life; fostering the ability to communicate in mother tongue (if it is not Ukrainian); formation of a respectful attitude to cultural heritage; enrichment of emotional and sensory experience (elements of the language and literature field of study).
Ecology is not an independent field of study. However, primary school pupils' ecological competence formation is provided by the ecological component integration with basic subjects, which expands the scope of natural knowledge, and shows their connection with life. It increases pupils' interest in learning; after all, a responsible attitude to nature formation is possible only in conditions of constant interaction and awareness. Environmental education is one of the most crucial objectives in forming pupils' sense of environmental awareness and responsibility.
According to the Glossary, environmental competence is an individual and collective (social) ability to understand the inextricable link between each individual and humanity as a whole with the integrity and relative immutability of the natural environment, awareness of the need to use this understanding in practice, skills and the habit of acting concerning nature, without disrupting the connection and cycle of the natural environment, to promote their improvement for the lives of present and future generations of people (Velykyi tlumachnyi slovnyk suchasnoi ukrainskoi movy, 2001).
Undoubtedly, the natural field of study is the most environmentally friendly, which is implemented in the integrated course `I explore the world,' according to the State Standard of Primary School and the concept of the New Ukrainian School, where each content line is permeated with ideas of children's holistic perception, awareness of the need for their harmonious interaction. We are convinced that such a thorough penetration of environmental ideas into the fields of study in primary school will build a clear strategy for the education greening in our country.
The Concept of Environmental Education states the following: `Environmental education, on the one hand, should be an independent element of the general education system, and on the other hand, play an integrative role in the entire education system'(Kontseptsiia ekolohichnoi osvity Ukrainy: Informatsiinyi zbirnyk Ministerstva osvity i nauky Ukrainy, 2020, 13 p. 9). It should be noted that the Concept of Environmental Education of Ukraine is a key document for the environmental education implementation in Ukraine. It is an element of the harmonious development of the state concept approved by the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in 2001. Therefore, understanding the need to integrate environmental education at the state-building level is not an innovation of today. It is a valuable balanced idea of the strategy of national education.
Environmental education in primary school aims to predict the planned result, namely the primary school graduate's model. Its implementation requires the fulfillment of the following objectives: education of certain needs designed to implement a healthy lifestyle and improve the environment; formation of a system of skills for studying, assessing, and improving the state and health of the population; development of aesthetic perception and assessment of the environment state (emotional sphere); development of confidence to solve environmental issues (volitional sphere); development of the ability to analyze environmental situations (intellectual sphere); the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and participate in practical matters of environmental protection.
Ecological competence is knowledge of environmental laws, rules, and regulations, principles of human behavior in the environment, which keep a person away from ecologically immoral
acts, and direct environmental activities. Pupils' environmental competence is defined as the ability to gain environmental knowledge and experience in life situations, guided by the priority of environmental values and non-pragmatic motivation to interact with the environment based on awareness of personal involvement in environmental issues and responsibility for environmental consequences. It is possible to find a way out of global environmental issues through the system of training citizens with a high level of environmental awareness and culture, based on new criteria for assessing the relationship between humanity and nature.
The analysis of pedagogical publications allowed the author to establish the main functions of environmental competence (Balokha, 2018; Zavhorodnia, 2013; Koval, 2019). They are the following:
- formation of reasonable ecological ideas, i.e. the idea of the relationship in the system `Human - Nature - Society' and in nature itself. It allows the student to know and understand what is happening in the world of nature, between people and nature, between nature and society, and how to act in terms of environmental feasibility;
- formation of a value attitude to nature. Ecological knowledge does not guarantee the ecologically appropriate behavior of the individual. An appropriate attitude to nature is required;
- formation of systems of interaction with natural abilities, skills, and strategies.
Based on the analyzed sources, we have determined the levels of schoolchildren's environmental education goal achievement. Ecological culture is formed at three levels. Ecological culture is people's ability to use their environmental knowledge and skills in practice.
Levels of primary school pupils' environmental education are the following:
Level 1 - environmental literacy. There is the cognitive model, formed at the empirical level. Pupils act by sample. As well as motivation for the self-restraint formation within environmental, moral and legal norms is formed.
Level 2 - environmental awareness. The cognitive model is mastered theoretically as a principle of knowledge, a means of environmental self-education, environmental research, and environmental project-setting-up.
Level 3 - environmental competence. The cognitive model is formed as a creative activity. The experience of ecological activity in different life situations is accumulated. The ecological component of key personal competencies is formed.
Thus, environmental competence is the ability of the individual to situational activities in the social and natural environment. The acquired environmental knowledge, skills, experience, and values are actualized in the ability to make decisions, take appropriate action, and be responsible for decisions, aware of their consequences for the environment. In contrast to ecological culture, which can be inherent in the community of society and the individual, environmental competence is specific only to a particular individual. Acquisition of competence combines normative, cognitive, emotional, and axiological- motivational practical components and provides ecological balance in relation to nature in order to prevent ecologically dangerous situations on their basis.
Environmental competence is displayed in the systematic decision-making concerning the environmental consequences of people's activities, which has a certain impact on the environment. If this impact is positive, it does not disturb the fragile dynamic balance in the biosphere. The basis of environmental competence is environmental knowledge and experience of practical activities in the environment. Acquired environmental knowledge is personal property; it is formed as a result of obtaining certain types of information. Students receive such information while mastering the natural field of study.
During the educational process in higher educational institutions, environmental competence is realized through the development and implementation of relevant topics and modules in compulsory, i.e., professional disciplines, in particular, `Fundamentals of Science,' `Anatomy, Physiology with the Basics of School Hygiene and Medicine,' `Methods of Teaching Natural Field of Study,' `Methods of Teaching an Integrated Course `I explore the World,' `Field Teaching Practice' and elective disciplines `Environmental Education in Primary School,' “Ecological Environment,' `Health coaching' for students majoring in 013 Primary education at Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University.
Given the views of leading scientists, it can be argued that one of the most crucial objectives of the modern school is the formation of primary school pupils' ideas about environmental management, the ability to see and predict environmental consequences, and a sense of responsibility to present and future generations. To form environmental competence, it is recommended to follow the principles of environmental education and upbringing. They are the following: interrelation of global, national, and local history approaches; the principle of cooperation; the principle of predictability; the principle of interdisciplinarity; the principle of theory and practice unity; the principle of continuity; the principle of intellectual and emotional perception unity of the surrounding reality in practical activities for its preservation, care, and its qualitative and quantitative content improvement. The process of primary school pupils' ecological consciousness formation will be carried out successfully under the condition of using situational modeling technologies in the educational process, in particular, the usage of game activities with ecological content.
It is established that an essential condition for environmental competence formation in the process of using game activities with ecological content is the transformation of external motives and incentives into internal motives of the individual, which will contribute to environmentally friendly activities without external control. Thus, it can be noted that primary school pupils' environmental competence formation in the process of taking the integrated course `I explore the world' can not exist without a deep understanding of environmental phenomena, the aesthetic beauty of nature, and the negative effects of human activities on nature.
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