Music teacher and primary school teacher training within one educational program
Normative-legal and substantive components of the training of a teacher of musical art and primary school within the framework of one educational and professional program. Practical training of applicants of a double major within one educational program.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 25,2 K |
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Music teacher and primary school teacher training within one educational program
Nataliia Demianko
Poltava, Ukraine
The article reveals the legal and substantive components of music teacher and primary school teacher training, which is within one educational and professional program «Secondary Education (Music). Primary education». Its characteristic features are analyzed. The combination of general and professional competencies, and program results of training, which are formed by its educational components are defined.
Keywords: educational program, music art, primary education, competencies; program learning outcomes.
Наталія Дем 'янко
У статті розкрито нормативно-правовий і змістовий складники підготовки вчителя музичного мистецтва та початкової школи в межах однієї освітньо- професійної програми «Середня освіта (Музичне мистецтво). Початкова освіта». Висвітлено традиції підготовки вчителів за двома спеціальностями в Полтавському національному педагогічному університеті імен В. Г. Короленка. Обґрунтовано необхідність розробки та впровадження освітньо-професійної програми в сучасних умовах: задоволення освітніх потреб регіону і запитів суспільства щодо підготовки висококваліфікованих учителів музичного мистецтва та початкової школи, підвищення їх конкурентоспроможності на ринку праці, значний попит абітурієнтів на подвійну спеціальність, збереження кращих педагогічних традицій університету. Визначено нормативно-правову базу створення програми, зокрема: Наказ МОН України № 506 від 12.05.2016р. (редакція від 31.05.2019 р.), Тимчасовий стандарт вищої освіти першого (бакалаврського) рівня освіти зі спеціальності 014 Середня освіта (Музичне мистецтво), затверджений Наказом МОН України № 375 від 06.04.2016р., Стандарт вищої освіти за спеціальністю 013 Початкова освіта для першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти, затвердженого наказом МОН України № 357 від 23.03.2021 р., Професійний стандарт за професіями «Вчитель початкових класів закладу загальної середньої освіти», «Вчитель з початкової освіти (з дипломом молодшого спеціаліста)» (наказ Мінекономіки № 2736 від 23.12.2020р.). Висвітлено унікальність і мету освітньої програми, умови навчання та працевлаштування випускників. Схарактеризовано обсяг та теоретичний зміст програми, який становлять базові знання з історії, теорії музичного мистецтва та методики його викладання, основ інструментально-виконавської, вокальної, диригентсько-хорової технік, педагогіки, психології, педагогічної майстерності, методик початкової освіти, дисциплін загальної підготовки, які забезпечать готовність учителя до формування в школярів ключових і предметних компетентностей. Визначено перелік обов'язкових освітніх компонент програми, які розподілено рівномірно між обома спеціальностями та поділено на блоки загальної підготовки та професійної підготовки за спеціальністю 014.13 Середня освіта (Музичне мистецтво) та спеціальністю 013 Початкова освіта. Означено загальні та фахові компетентності, які формуються у здобувачів вищої освіти в процесі засвоєння освітніх компонентів та відповідні програмні результати навчання. Розкрито особливості практичної підготовки здобувачів подвійної спеціальності в межах однієї освітньої програми.
Ключові слова: освітня програма; вчитель музичного мистецтва; вчитель початкової освіти; компетентності; програмні результати навчання.
Introduction. In the current conditions of reforming all spheres of life of Ukrainian society, socio-economic, cultural, and political development of the state, entering the European educational space, the issues of ensuring the quality of higher education are of paramount importance. The problem of teacher training in two specialties, including music and primary school, is much more relevant as it is related to the reform of the national education sector, certain socio-economic conditions of Ukrainian society, and valuable pedagogical traditions. Teacher training in two specialties significantly expands its functionality in general secondary education, makes it competitive in today's labor market, and opens up prospects for the endless professional development and development of individual abilities.
Teacher training in two specialties significantly expands its functionality in general secondary education, makes it competitive in today's labor market, and opens up prospects for endless professional development and development of individual abilities.
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University (PNPU) has historically developed and long-lasting practice of training specialists in two specialties, one specialty with an additional specialization, which combined philology and music, mathematics, and computer science, choreography and foreign language. The Department of Music has many years of experience in such training, where for forty years (since 1981), teachers have been trained in the following specialties: «Pedagogy and methods of primary education. Music» (1981-1996), «Primary education. Pedagogy and methods of secondary education, music» (1996-2003), «Primary education. Music education» (1998-1999), «Pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Music. Social pedagogy» (2000-2016), «Music. Culturology» (2002-2010), «Pedagogy and methods of secondary education. Music. Psychology» (2007-2012), etc. And today, the problem of teacher training in two specialties remains relevant.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Issues of pedagogical and music-pedagogical education in Ukraine, academic traditions of music pedagogy, and features of professional training of music teachers were studied by scholars. O. Lobach analyzed the development of musical traditions and the professional education of music teachers at PNPU (Lobach, 2014). N. Kalita considered the structural and semantic model of primary school teacher training in the context of modern educational paradigms) (Kalita, 2015). E. Provorova identified ways to form music teachers' communicative competence, methodological training on the basis of praxeological approach) (Provorova, 2010). L. Sbitneva studied aspects of training future music teachers for music and aesthetic education of students) (Sbitneva, 2015). S. Strelets revealed features of primary school teacher training by means of innovative technologies (Strelets, 2012). N. Sulaieva motivated the need for the convergent combination of formal pedagogical education with non-formal art education and highlighted its potential in enriching the professional competence of future teachers (Sulaieva, 2013). O. Fediy studied theoretical and practical aspects of teacher training by means of aesthetic therapy (Fediy, 2009), etc. However, the problem of training teachers in two specialties within one educational program, including music teachers and primary school teachers, needs further research.
The purpose of the paper is to reveal the legal and substantive components of the training of music teachers and primary school within one educational and professional program «Secondary Education (Music). Primary education».
Presenting the main findings. Music teachers and primary school teacher training within one educational program has been carried out in PNPU since 1981. The expediency and demand for the double specialty are evidenced by many years of pedagogical experience and significant scientific achievements of the Department of Music and other departments of the University involved in the educational process. Among the graduates are doctors of pedagogical sciences (V. Berezan, O. Lavrinenko, O. Otych, N. Sulaieva, O. Fediy), teachers- methodologists (O. Mostova, O. Shikhalkina, etc.), winners of professional competitions (L. Rzheko, L. Khaletska, J. Yasko), Honored Workers of Culture of Ukraine (V. Shevchenko), Honored Artists of Ukraine (N. Mizeva, R. Pochep, V. Sokolyk, N. Sulaieva).
The educational and professional program «Secondary education (Music). Primary education» of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in specialty 014 Secondary education / subject specialty 014.13 Secondary education (Musical art) in the field of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy was started by the teaching staff of the Department of Music PNPU in 2018 meeting the modern educational needs of the region and society's demands for the training of highly qualified, competitive teachers of music and primary school with the prospect of their further employment and successful performance of their professional duties in educational and cultural institutions. The working group responsible for its creation included candidates of pedagogical sciences, associate professors, and applicants for higher education in the specialty, and employers, heads of general secondary education. Stakeholders, namely headmasters and teachers of educational and cultural institutions, who took part in improving the program and expressed their suggestions, joined the educational program review.
When creating and updating the educational program, the developers were guided by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 506 of 12.05.2016 (version of 31.05.2019). It states that higher education institutions that train applicants for higher education in specialty 014 «Secondary education» (By subject specialties), have the right to carry out educational activities under educational programs that provide for the acquisition of a second specialty, in particular, 013 «Primary Education». Editors of the educational program «Secondary Education (Music). Primary education» 2018, 2019, 2020 were created in the absence of Standards for specialties 014.13 Secondary education (Music) and 013 Primary education and relied on the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» of 01.07.2014, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On approval of licensing conditions for educational activities of educational institutions» of 30.12.2015, «On approval of the National Qualifications Framework» of 29.04.2015 6 266 and from 25.06.2020 № 519, «Methodical recommendations for the development of higher education standards», approved by the higher education sector of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (protocol № 3 from 29.03.2016) and amendments to order № 584 of 30.04.2020), Temporary standard of higher education of the first (bachelor's) level of education in the specialty 014 Secondary education (Music), approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 375 from 06.04.2016, Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1 / 9-239 from 28.04.2017 with recommendations approximate sample of educational programs. Adoption of the Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 013 Primary education for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 357 of 23.03.2021, as well as taking into account the Professional Standard for Professions «Primary School Teacher», «Primary School Teacher (with a diploma of junior specialist)» (Order of the Ministry of Economy № 2736 of 23.12.2020) contributed to optimizing and balancing the content of the educational program 2021 year in both specialties.
Educational and professional program «Secondary education (Music). Primary education»
10RMzkLSBe8MHXLTZm4WgoDj_1y8im4_K/view) has no analogues in Ukraine, because its specificity lies in the combination of music teacher and primary school teacher professional training, which is carried out in the conditions of formal and non-formal music- educational activities. The aim of the program is to form students' general and professional competencies for the successful implementation of music and pedagogical activities in institutions of general secondary and extracurricular education, professional activities in primary school. It fully corresponds to the mission, directions and conceptual principles of development of PNPU, which is reflected in his Strategy for 2020-2025 and the Charter. They are the following: human-centeredness, personal orientation, and student-centered educational process, creation of equal opportunities for applicants for the full realization of abilities, talents, comprehensive development; formation of national and universal values; systematic improvement of the quality of education through updating its content and improving the organization of the educational process; fundamentality of education, integration of science and practice in the educational process, ensuring variability and alternatives, etc.
At the end of four years of study (3 years 10 months), the graduate gains the qualification of Bachelor of Secondary Education (Music). Music teacher. Bachelor of Primary Education. Primary school teacher. According to the current version of the National Classification of Ukraine (Classifier of Professions DK 003: 2010 as amended by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine dated February 15, 2019, № 259), the graduate may hold the positions of a secondary school teacher, head of a group studio, collective (by types of art and folk art), a choir director, a music director, an artistic director, a primary school teacher (a teacher of secondary school) in the institutions of general secondary and extracurricular education of various forms of ownership, subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.
The content of the educational program corresponds to the subject area of the specialties defined for it, namely 01 Education / Pedagogy, 014 Secondary education, 014.13 Secondary education (Music), and 013 Primary education. Its theoretical content consists of the following basic knowledge: history; theory of musical art and methods of its teaching; basics of instrumental, vocal, conducting, and choral techniques; pedagogy; psychology; pedagogical skills; methods of primary education, and general disciplines that will ensure students' basic and subject musical competencies formation. The object of study is the process of music and primary education in comprehensive secondary and out-of-school education institutions.
The scope of the educational program and individual educational components (in loans of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is determined in accordance with the requirements of the legislation on workload for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education and the relevant Standard of Higher Education. It is 240 credits evenly distributed between the two specialties - 84 credits for each (excluding the block of sample components, for which 60 credits are allocated).
Mandatory components of the professional education program (180 ECTS credits) include the disciplines of the general training cycle and the disciplines of the vocational training cycle in two specialties. They are a coherent, logical, interconnected system and provide the formation of general and professional competencies, and the achievement of program learning outcomes.
Educational components of general training in «Foreign Language (for professional purposes)», «History of Ukrainian Statehood and National Culture», «University Education and Academic Writing» develop, in particular, the following general competencies: the ability to exercise their rights and responsibilities as a member of society, to be aware of the values of civil (free democratic) society and the need for its sustainable development, the rule of law, human and civil rights and freedoms in Ukraine; to preserve and increase moral, cultural, scientific values and achievements of society on the basis of understanding the history and patterns of development of the subject area, its place in the general system of knowledge about nature and society; act socially responsibly, consciously, on the basis of ethical considerations. Professional competencies are the following: to use in professional activities knowledge of the history of Ukrainian statehood and national culture, Ukrainian and foreign languages, university education and academic writing; communicate in state and foreign languages orally and in writing. Among the program results of training in general training there is knowledge of the history of Ukrainian statehood and national culture; normative-legal, organi-zational, semantic components of university education; management in the practice of the norms of academic integrity; ability to communicate orally and in writing on professional issues in Ukrainian and foreign languages, to organize monological, dialogical and polylogical forms of communication with younger students, other participants in the educational process, respecting human rights and social values; to integrate and use academic subject knowledge as a basis for the content of educational branches of the State Standard of Primary Education.
Educational components of professional training «Psychology» and «Fundamentals of Inclusive Education» form the necessary general competencies for teachers of music art and primary school: the ability to identify, pose and solve problems; act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives); professional competencies: the ability to solve professional and pedagogical issues based on knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, the basics of inclusive education and conduct research; to organize the educational process in primary school taking into account the age and individual characteristics of younger students, the development of critical thinking and the formation of value orientations. The program outcomes of the teaching and learning process are the following: knowledge of peculiarities of development and functioning of psychological phenomena for solving professional tasks, skills of taking into consideration features of the organization of inclusive education in teacher's work, planning and implementation of the educational process considering age and individual characteristics of elementary school children, fulfillment of prophylactical measures as for the safety of the students and their physical and psychological health.
The leading competencies of a music teacher are formed by the educational components of the training cycle, which include: «A basic Musical Instrument with a Workshop on School Repertoire», «Theory of Music and Solfeggio», «Voice Production», «Choral Conducting», «Choral Conducting», «History of Music», «Methods of Teaching Musical Art and Integrated Course «Art», «Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Art». Common competencies include the ability to preserve and enhance moral, cultural, scientific values and the achievements of society based on an understanding of history and patterns development of the subject area; evaluate and ensure the quality of work performed; among professionals - the ability to freely use and reveal the essence of music-theoretical concepts, to analyze the elements of musical language and individual means of expression in their interaction; to use information and communication technologies in the process of music-pedagogical activity; demonstrate instrumental, vocal, conducting and choral techniques and artistic and performing skills; work with the choir; to plan and organize various forms of general music and art education, to choose methods, means and art-pedagogical technologies of formation key and subject competencies of students, to record and control the results of artistic and educational activities, to transfer the system of professional knowledge and skills in the field of education «Art». According to the defined competencies, the program results of training in the specialty 014 Secondary Education (Music Art) are knowledge of the elements of musical language, thesaurus, rules of literacy and analysis of musical text, the role of harmony, and other means of musical expression in creating an artistic image; information and communication technologies; stories development of domestic, in particular regional and world music art, its styles, genres, forms, identification of values and its introduction into music-pedagogical practice; demonstration of instrumental, vocal, conducting and choral performance techniques; knowledge of goals, objectives, content, organizational forms, tools, methods, artistic and pedagogical technologies for the formation of key and subject competencies of students, types, and methods of planning, diagnosis and control of general music and art education, their implementation in professional activities.
According to the Standard of Higher Education in specialty 013 Primary education for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 357 of 23.03.2021) professional training of higher education in the second specialty is provided by «Mandatory Pedagogy of Primary Education», «Modern Ukrainian Language with Methods of Teaching Ukrainian Language and Literature», «Workshop of Oral and Written Speech with Methods of Foreign Language Education», «Mathematics with Methods of Teaching Mathematics Education», «Methods of Teaching Technology Education», «Fundamentals of Natural Sciences and Social Sciences with Methods of Teaching Natural, Historical and Civic Education», «Fundamentals of Computer Science with Programming Elements and Methods of Teaching Computer Science Education», «Fundamentals of Safety with Methods of Teaching Social and Health, Physical Education», «Methods of Teaching Art Education. In the process of their study, applicants form general competencies, including: the ability to follow a healthy lifestyle; work in a team; select, process and analyze information from various sources; and professional competencies: ability to solve professional and pedagogical tasks based on knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, basics of inclusive education; communication in state and foreign languages orally and in writing; integration and implementation of subject knowledge as the basis of content educational branches of the State Standard of Primary Education (linguistic-literary, mathematical, natural, technological, informational, social and health-preserving, civil and historical, artistic, physical culture); modeling the content in accordance with the expected learning outcomes, selection of optimal forms, methods, technologies and means of forming key and subject competencies of junior students; organization of the educational process in primary school taking into account the age and individual characteristics of primary school students, their development critical thinking and the formation of value orientations; implementation of preventive measures to preserve the life and health of primary school students, combating and preventing bullying, various forms of violence; bringing to specialists and non-specialists information, ideas, problems, solutions, own experience and their argumentation on the basis of partnership in the conditions of primary school. musical art educational professional
Among the program learning outcomes of future primary school teachers: critically assess the reliability of informational sources, adhere to legal and ethical requirements for the use of information and communication and digital technologies in the course of pedagogical activities in primary school; to organize the educational process with the usage of digital technologies and distance learning technologies of junior schoolchildren; to integrate and use academic subject knowledge as a basis for the content of educational branches of the State Standard of Primary Education; apply methods and techniques of teaching, innovation, interdisciplinary links and integrate the content of educational areas in standard and non-standard situations of professional activities; to plan and carry out the educational process taking into account the age and individual characteristics of junior students, to ensure the development of cognitive activity of students, to form in them motivation to learn on the basis of partner pedagogy; take preventive measures to preserve the life and physical and mental health of primary school students, provide them with home care (if necessary), plan and implement measures to prevent and combat bullying and various forms of violence or any form of discrimination among primary school students and other participants in the educational process; objectively evaluate their own activities as a subject of pedagogical work on worldviews, spiritual, ethical, aesthetic norms and beliefs in order to self-education, self-development, self-improvement throughout life; to argue and defend their own views on strategic directions of education development in Ukraine; to protect and affirm democratic, humanistic and national ideals, values and traditions in professional activity.
Training applicants for higher education in two specialties 014 Secondary Education (Music Art) and 013 Primary Education involves the implementation of the following two-course works: on methods of teaching musical art and integrated course «Art» and on methods of primary education. In the process of their implementation, the formation of general and professional competencies is provided, in particular the ability to identify, pose and solve problems; the ability to search, process, and analyze information from various sources; the ability to act on the basis of ethical considerations (motives); the ability to solve professional and pedagogical problems based on knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, basics of inclusive education and conduct research; the ability to navigate in the information space, use open resources, information and communication, and digital technologies, operate them in professional activities. The program learning outcomes determine possession of skills and abilities of research work; management in the practice of the norms of academic integrity; critical assessment of the reliability and reliability of informational sources, compliance with legal and ethical requirements for the use of information and communication and digital technologies in the course pedagogical activity in primary school; objective assessment of one's own activity as a subject of pedagogical work from the worldview, spiritual, ethical, aesthetic norms and beliefs for the purpose of self-education, self-development, self-improvement during life; argumentation and defense of one's own views on strategic directions of education development in Ukraine; protection and affirmation of democratic, humanistic and national ideals, values and traditions in professional activity.
A significant amount of the educational program by the number of credits (39) is devoted to the practical training of applicants. It occurs through «Educational psychological and pedagogical practice in GEI (institution of secondary education)», «Industrial pedagogical practice (summer)», «Industrial pedagogical practice» in general secondary educational institutions, out-of-school educational and cultural institutions. Internships provide the formation of almost the entire complex of general and professional competencies and program learning outcomes that contribute to achieving a high level of training for modern music teachers and primary school teachers.
Teaching and training of higher education students in the educational-professional program «Secondary Education (Music). Primary education» is carried out on the basis of modern theoretical and methodological approaches, the implementation of which contributes to the formation of competencies sufficient to produce new ideas, and solve complex problems in the field of art (music) and primary education.
Development and implementation of the educational and professional training program for applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education «Secondary education (Music). «Primary education» is driven by labor market demands and regional educational needs for qualified teachers, as 90 percent of entrants are from the rural community, and rural schools especially need qualified teachers who have two specialties - «Music» and «Primary Education». Teacher training in two specialties significantly expands its functionality in GEI (institution of secondary education), makes it competitive in today's labor market, and opens up prospects for endless professional development and development of individual abilities. It is confirmed by reviews of employers and stakeholders, statistics of the Department of Education and Science of the Poltava Regional State Administration (№ 1737/0201-13 from 22.06.2020), and significant demand for applicants for the dual specialty.
Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University has many years of successful experience in training teachers in two specialties, including 014.13 Secondary Education (Music) and 013 Primary Education. Educational and professional training program for applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education «Secondary education (Music). Primary education» is unique, and balanced; it implements the goals, namely training highly qualified music teachers and primary school teachers with the prospect of their further employment and successful solution of complex specialized tasks and professional responsibilities in educational and cultural institutions. Its development and implementation in modern conditions is an urgent educational need of the region.
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14. Федій, О. А. (2009). Підготовка педагогів до використання засобів естетотерапії: теорія і практика: Монографія. Полтава: ПНПУ імені В. Г. Короленка.
1. Fedii, O. A. (2009). Pidhotovka pedahohiv do vykorystannia zasobiv estetoterapii: teoriia i praktyka: Monohrafiia [Preparation of teachers for the use of aesthetic therapy: theory and practice: a Monograph.]. Poltava: PNPU imeni V. H. Korolenka [in Ukrainian].
2. Kalyta, N. (2015). Pidhotovka vchytelia pochatkovoi shkoly v konteksti suchasnykh osvitnikh paradyhm [Primary school teacher training in the context of modern educational paradigms]. Aktualni pytannia humanitarnykh nauk [Current issues of the humanities], 14, 265-269 [in Ukrainian].
3. Lobach, O. O. (2014). Kulminatsiinyi period rozvytku profesiinoi osvity vchyteliv muzychnoho mystetstva v Poltavskomu natsionalnomu pedahohichnomu universyteti imeni V. H. Korolenka (1981-2014) [The culmination of the development of professional education of music teachers at Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko (1981-2014)]. In Kafedra muzyky Poltavskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni V. H. Korolenka: retrospektyvnyi analiz: Monohrafiia [Department of Music of Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko: retrospective analysis: monograph.]. (p. 65-90). Poltava: ASMI [in Ukrainian].
4. Osvitno-profesiina prohrama “Serednia osvita (Muzychne mystetstvo). Pochatkova osvita” pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 014 Serednia osvita /predmetnoiu spetsialnistiu 014.13 Serednia osvita (Muzychne mystetstvo) haluzi znan 01 Osvita / Pedahohika [Educational and professional program “Secondary education (Music). Primary education” of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in specialty 014 Secondary education / subject specialty 014.13 Secondary education (Music art) in the field of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy].
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7. Pro zatverdzhennia Pereliku predmetnykh spetsializatsii spetsialnosti 014 „Serednia osvita (za predmetnymy spetsializatsiiamy) “, za yakymy zdiisniuietsia formuvannia i rozmishchennia derzhavnoho zamovlennia ta poiednannia spetsialnostei (predmetnykh spetsializatsii) v systemi pidhotovky pedahohichnykh kadriv [On approval of the List of subject specializations of specialty 014 “Secondary education (by subject specializations) ”, which is the formation and placement of state orders and combinations of specialties (subject specializations) in the system of pedagogical training]: Nakaz MON Ukrainy vid 12.05.2016 r. №506.
8. Pro zatverdzhennia profesiinoho standartu za profesiiamy “Vchytel pochatkovykh klasiv zakladu zahalnoi serednoi osvity”, “Vchytel z pochatkovoi osvity (z dyplomom molodshoho spetsialista)” [“On approval of the professional standard for the professions” Primary school teacher of general secondary education, “Primary education teacher (with a diploma of junior specialist”)]: Nakaz Minekonomiky Ukrainy № 2736 vid 23.12.2020 r.
9. Pro zatverdzhennia standartu vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu “013 Pochatkova osvita dlia pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity” [On approval of the standard of higher education in specialty 013 Primary education for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education]: Nakaz MON Ukrainy № 357 vid 23.03.2021 r.
10. Provorova, Ye. M. (2010) Komunikatyvna kompetentnist vchytelia muzyky: teoriia i tekhnolohiia: Monohrafiia [Communicative competence of a music teacher: theory and technology: a Monograph.]. Kyiv: NPU imeni M. Drahomanova [in Ukrainian].
11. Sbitnieva, L. M. (2015). Rozvytok systemy muzychno-estetychnoho vykhovannia v Ukraini: istoryko-pedahohichnyi dyskurs: Monohrafiia [Development of the system of music and aesthetic education in Ukraine: historical and pedagogical discourse: a Monograph.] Kyiv: Pedahohichna dumka [in Ukrainian].
12. Statut Poltavskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni V. H. Korolenka [Charter of Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko].
13. Stratehiia Poltavskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni V. H. Korolenka na 2020-2025 rr. [Strategy of Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko for 2020-2025.]
14. Strilets, S. I. (2012). Pidhotovka vchyteliv pochatkovoi shkoly zasobamy innovatsiinykh tekhnolohii: Monohrafiia [Training ofprimary school teachers by means of innovative technologies: a Monograph.]. Chernihiv: ChNPU imeni T. H. Shevchenka [in Ukrainian].
15. Sulaieva, N. V. (2013). Pidhotovka vchytelia v pedahohichnomu prostori neformalnoi mystetskoi osvity: Monohrafiia [Teacher training in the pedagogical space of non-formal art education: a Monograph.]. Poltava: PNPU imeni V. H. Korolenka [in Ukrainian].
16. Tymchasovyi standart vyshchoi osvity pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia osvity zi spetsialnosti 014 Serednia osvita (Muzychne mystetstvo) [Temporary standard of higher education of the first (bachelor's) level of education in the specialty 014 Secondary education (Music art): Nakaz MON Ukrainy № 375 vid 06.04.2016 r.
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