Monitoring of cognitive determinants of professional and personal self-determination of participants in the educational process

The main cognitive determinants of modern youth, which are leading, orienting on self-determination at the professional, personal level. Cognitive components of professional self-determination of university students. Improvement of pedagogical conditions.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2023
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Monitoring of cognitive determinants of professional and personal self-determination of participants in the educational process

Popova Galina Viktorivna Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of The Departmentof Pedagogy and Psychology of Management of Social Systems, NationalTechnical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Shapolova Victoriia Valeryivna Phd (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management named after Academician I. Ziaziun National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Solodovnyk Tetiana Oleksandrivna Phd (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences), associate professor, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management named after Academician I. Ziaziun National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»


The main cognitive determinants of modern youth are considered, which are leading, guiding against self-determination at the professional and personal level. The purpose of the work is to determine the main cognitive components of the professional self-determination of higher educational students on the example of Ukrainian Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) students, to identify the level and substantiate the need to control it through monitoring.

The main conditions in the context of the socio-cultural functioning of the participants in the educational process are highlighted, which are defining against trends in levels of a particular cognitive determinant. Recommendations for improving the pedagogical conditions for the prevalence of such components of selfdetermination as family values and a multifaceted personality are provided, which allow improving the activity of participants in the educational process, increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of professional and personal self-determination.

It is noted that for the majority of respondents, the dominant values are: family, close relationships, development (self-development, spiritual development), health, as well as money, material or financial well-being. More than half of the respondents pointed out the peace of mind and freedom among the most important values.The respondents associate planning the future with these values. About a third of the respondents feel fear of the future coused by the uncertainty of the prospects for their future in Ukraine.

It has been pro vena need to increase the number of hours for students' attachment at enterprises and organizations of Ukraine with possible future employment. This improvement of higher education will help to increase the motivation of future professionals, awareness in planning a specific future.

Key words: Monitoring, cognitive determinant, professional and personal self-determination, educational process, professional activities, higher education.

Попова Галина Вікторівна кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри педагогіки та психології управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І.А.Зязюна, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»

Шаполова Вікторія Валеріївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки та психології управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І.А.Зязюна, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»

Солодовник Тетяна Олександрівна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки та психології управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І.А.Зязюна, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»

Квасник Ольга Віталіївна кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки та психології управління соціальними системами ім. акад. І.А.Зязюна, Національний технічний університет «Харківський політехнічний інститут»


Анотація. Розглянуто основні когнітивні детермінанти сучасної молоді, що є провідними, орієнтуючими щодо самовизначення на професійно- особистісному рівні. Мета роботи - визначити основні когнітивні компоненти професійного самовизначення студентів вищих навчальних закладів на прикладі студентів ВНЗ України, виявити його рівень та обґрунтувати необхідність його контролю шляхом моніторингу.

Виділено основні умови в контексті соціокультурного функціонування учасників освітнього процесу, що є визначальними щодо тенденцій у рівнях тієї, чи іншої, когнітивної детермінанти. Надано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення педагогічних умов для превалювання таких складових самовизначення, як сімейні цінності та багатогранна особистість, що дозволяють удосконалити діяльність учасників навчально-виховного процесу, підвищити результативність та ефективність професійно-особистісного самовизначення.

У процесі дослідження зазначається, що для більшості респондентів домінуючими цінностями є: сім'я, близькі стосунки, розвиток (саморозвиток, духовний розвиток), здоров'я, а також гроші, матеріальний, чи фінансовий, добробути. Більше половини респондентів серед найважливіших цінностей відзначили душевний спокій і свободу. З цими цінностями респонденти пов'язують планування майбутнього. Близько третини респондентів відчувають страх перед майбутнім через невизначеність його перспектив в Україні. self-determination pedagogical student

Доведено необхідність збільшення кількості годин для проходження практики студентів на підприємствах та в організаціях України з можливим працевлаштуванням у майбутньому. Таке вдосконалення вищої освіти сприятиме підвищенню мотивації майбутніх фахівців, обізнаності у плануванні конкретного майбутнього.

Ключові слова: моніторинг, когнітивна детермінанта, професійно- особистісне самовизначення, навчальний процес, професійна діяльність, вища освіта.

Problem statement

Modern research has indicated the need to professionals who are passionate about their professional activities, enjoy the process and its results. In order to maintain a high level of activity and productivity, it is worth creating such conditions even during the training of specialists, which will make it possible to realize the rights and obligations of a specialist, and help to increase his work efficiency. The search for possible tools for solving the requirements put forward by modernity has led to the initial stages of the formation of a specialist, which relate to the educational process, including in higher education.

The modern cognitive society required innovative technologies, the purpose of which is to train the generation of young for life in knowledge-intensive and rapidly developing high-tech environment in conditions of an excess of information, the amount of which already exceeds the human capacity for its perception and processing [3] (draft Ukrainian Act on the system of professional qualifications.)

For the effectiveness of dealing with modeling and related processes regarding the information operation, it is important to have a clear system of cognitive threads, including in relation to the main structure of professional and personal activity. The importance and awareness of the choice will contribute not only to the improvement of the processes associated with the formation and specialists development, but also to be an active, which will affect the result and productivity.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Today, various sources record the formation of the structure of personal and professional self-determination under the influence of external factors, which negatively impact on perfomance, productivity, and well-being. As a result, the choice of a profession by young specialists which is not in their specialty, there is a shortage of qualified personnel. This factor leads to problems in the socio-cultural environment and affects the standard of living in general. Awareness of their personal characteristics, an adequate assessment of their own capabilities, correlating them with interests, aspirations, values, taking responsibility for their decisions become strong internal motivators of professional choice and further development of professional self-determination and testify to the personal formation of an individual.

Self-determination has long been of concern to the scientific community, however, it is mainly considered as a component one of the many cognitive contexts (competence, personality structure, self-management, etc.). For example, L. I. Bozhovich, M. R. Ginzburg, E. A. Klimov, I. S. Kon consider the formation of personal and professional self-determination from the point of view of the initial stage, carried out in teens and adolescence, exploring the psychological aspect of the issue. N. S. Priazhnikov considers professional self-determination as a search and finding of personal meaning in the chosen, mastered and already performed labor activity, which indicates a connection between the two types of self-determination [9]. L. I. Bozhovich indicates the unity in time between personal self-determination, a specific definition of a future profession and life planning [12]. MR Ginzburg singles out characteristics, among which he emphasizes the connection between personal self-determination and the choice of a profession, but which cannot be reduced to it [11, 47].

Scientists E. I. Golovakha, N. U. Zaichenko, F. V. Povshednaia, N. S. Priazhnikov, I. D. CHechel, I. G. SHendrik and others considered the problem of self-determination of the younger generation and suggested ways to facilitate this process. In psychology, self-determination is presented as an integrating core of personality development, which covers all its aspects. (V. Zinchenko, I. Kon, V. Rybalka, V. Romenets, S. Rubinshtein, V. Slobodchikov, T. Snegireva, T. Titarenko and others). Such scientists as O. Borisova, Ye. Klimov, A. Markova,

O. Orlov, M. Priazhnikov, V. Ribalka, N. Samoukina and so on) focus on professional self-determination as a necessary factor in the formation of a personality as a subject of professional activity. In this case professional development is considered as a long-term multi-level process, and professional self-determination as a very important part of the formation of a professional's personality [15].

The definition of professional self-determination was studied in the works of T. V. Ananko [1], L. Dong, T. L. Durksen [2], E. F. Zeer [13], L. A. Inzhievskaia [14], S. Kaldi, V. T. Lozovetskaia[15] and others. V. Arkhipov [2], O. Babosov, E. Pavliutenkov and others analyzed the factors that affect the formation of professional self-determination and professional motivation of young people. In the works of E. Golovakha, D. Kostantinovskii, V. Kostiuk, M. Traskunova, V. Shubkin and others were presented the question of the social conditionality of selecting specific professions, the dynamics of their prestige, professional interests and intentions.

However, the theoretical training aspects and education of socially competent primary school graduates in the new socio-economic conditions has not been sufficiently developed.

The purpose of the work is to determine the main cognitive components of the professional self-determination of higher educational students on the example of Ukrainian Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) students, to identify the level and substantiate the need to control it through monitoring.

Presenting main material

The study involved a theoretical analysis of the main cognitive components of students' professional self-determination, an analysis of the activities of higher education institutions in Ukraine, some aspects of monitoring in the field of higher education, as well as its effectiveness in relation to the choice a students profession. The practical aspect of the study involved a systematic survey among students, the implementation of a content analysis of students' plans for the next 5 years, the determination of the main spectrum of values that impact on professional self-determination, their ranking by different participants in the educational process. On the part of the educational process, the institution of higher education has applied a number of measures and methods to ensure an increase in the level of the cognitive component of professional self-determination of students before starting a career (for example, gaming technologies). The main content component for the research was the study of the main content of vocational guidance work with students. To solve the problems, the following were used: observation of students' groups who completed a four-year training in psychology, monitoring of their success in the context of cognitive determinants of self-determination, the author's method of assessing and identifying the most significant factors affecting self-determination, methodological developments were created and tested to improve the level of professional and personal self-determination of youth, students.

During our research, 80 fourth-year students, studying psychology in one of the universities of Ukraine were interviewed (average age - 20 years). Among the students surveyed, 10% are completely satisfied with the educational process. 10% of students did not fully meet their expectations from their studies, and they want to change their future profession, gaining new work experience while studying in another professional sphere. It is important that about 40% doubt that they will work in their specialty in the future, noting that everything will depend on the income that their future profession will bring them and the degree of interest and enjoyment of work. Also, it should be noted that 5% of respondents study only for the purpose of obtaining a diploma of higher education without the desire to acquire knowledge.

It turned out that 75% of the respondents in the process of obtaining higher education faced certain moments of educational activity that they would like to change. Content analysis of the respondents' answers showed that the main dissatisfaction is caused by the lack of teaching hours for practicing practical skills and the incomplete presentation of the essence of the meaningful material by teachers, which is not supported by practice. Among the respondents there are students who are dissatisfied with the work of certain teachers, do not understand the importance of some subjects in the curriculum. They express a desire to learn only if innovative methods are used and there is productive interaction with teachers. Perhaps behind this is the desire of these students to get more external motivating force from the educational process, to combine study and getting pleasant life experiences.

20% of the respondents assume that the main way to overcome the shortcomings of practical training is to obtain and develop professionally significant practical skills directly in labor activity, in addition to training in the HEI.

As a result of the content analysis of students' plans for the next 5 years, it was revealed that the following were named the dominant desirable events in the life of students: creating a family, opening their own business (personal psychological practice), which will bring them happiness and professional development. About 35% of respondents dream of professional development in the field of psychology (entrance to a Masters degree programme, improving their qualifications, selfdevelopment), about 20% are planning personal mental development, saving and improving health, developing their knowledge and skills in other areas. The most important for some of the students surveyed were financial goals: material independence, purchase of housing (about 10% of respondents consider it possible, working abroad, to save up for their own housing, make expensive gifts for their parents, etc.).

As for the crisis situation in society (the moment of the 2020 pandemic), almost 30% of students have visible uncertainty, fear of the future, as well as doubts about the reliability of building the future in Ukraine (10%). Among the respondents, there were those who preferred not to talk about their plans.

According to the survey results, we can state that for 70% of the respondents, the dominant value is the family (the first rank in the list indicated by the students), and for 5% the family was mentioned in the 2nd place (25% of the respondents did not mention it). Further, the most often mentioned values were love and development (self-development, spiritual development - 65%), health, and about the leading position of money, material or financial well-being, 60% of respondents pointed to it, peace of mind and freedom were highlighted (50% ), 10% noted sincerity and honesty. Values such as wisdom, fame, stability, life, humor, hobbies and leisure were noted by 15% of the respondents.

The value dataset guides the vector of students' vital decisions. Striving for development, material well-being and family creation are powerful positive factors affecting the professional and personal development of students. To harmonize this process, it is necessary to create conditions of safety, reliability and prospects, both in the state and within the walls of a higher educational institution. It is necessary to take into account the opinions of students regarding the learning process, create a powerful practical base, motivate and reveal the strengths of mastering theoretical and practical material in relation to the future profession.

Fear of the future and uncertainty push students to look for prospects in other countries. This is reflected primarily in the experience of internal contradictions in the value-motivational sphere. The main results of the severity of contradictions in the designated area among student youth are reflected in Table 1, which shows a comparison of the group during the development of society (group 1 - surveyed in 2018) and the group during the social crisis (group 2 - surveyed in 2020).

Table №1

The frequency of pronounced contradictions (7-10 points) in percent.

Content of the contradiction

Group 1 (2018)

Group 2 (2020)

1. Listen to the advice of your elders (parents) // Make independent decisions



2. Make plans for a career // Make plans for a family



3. To achieve success at any cost (for example, lack of sleep, irregular eating ...) // Protect health and maintain a healthy lifestyle



4. To achieve success even at the expense of minor nonobservances // Strict offence of laws, have a calm conscience



5. Earn now // Give as much energy and time as possible to training



6. To be in a traditional family, formalize the marriage // To be in open relationships



7. To be a patriot of Ukraine, work and live in Ukraine // To go abroad to work and live in Europe



8. To go along with the majority view // To have your own point of view



9. For women: obey the opinion of men // To have an opinion independent of the man



10.To have your own business // To work for others



11. Frequently devote time to communication with friends // Spend more time on your plans



12. Enjoy travel // To be involved in regular affairs and business relationships



In group 1, the most common contradiction is “ Frequently devote time to communication with friends // Spend more time on your plans ”. In our opinion, this indicates the relevance of the graduates' recognition of the need to take responsibility for their future, awareness of the role of their own productive activities. Young people should be active in building their careers, families, everyday life, and be socially active. For many of them, at this moment, upon graduating from an HEI, There is an awareness that it takes hard work, actively implement your plans, devote less time to leisure (entertainment and communication with friends) to meet needs. A significant number of respondents revealed contradictions similar to those mentioned above - "Enjoy travel // To be involved in regular affairs and business relationships ", which is characteristic of 42.1%. According to the authors, solving these contradictions is the social task of the formative period.

The second most common (about half of the respondents) is the contradiction “ To be a patriot of Ukraine, work and live in Ukraine // To go abroad to work and live in Europe ”. With regard to the content of this contradiction, two aspects can be distinguished: regarding the choice of the country for work, which has the characteristics of socio-political socialization, the awareness of oneself as a citizen of Ukraine, the choice of the level of social activity and influence. This contradiction is associated with the idea of oneself as a member of society and the awareness of their prospects in it. The respondents feel a great deal of stress in resolving this contradiction, respectively, in defining their own prospects in Ukraine.

On the other hand, young people actively choose the future from a perspective that is not massively inherent in the older generation. That is, a young person often has to make decisions completely independently, and perhaps contrary to the advice of elders and the society to which they belong. More than one third of the respondents noted that they feel tension in the sphere of making an independent decision, which is not a consequence of the advice of elders, parents, and for the women interviewed there is also a problem in the presence of an opinion independent of the man. 21.5% of respondents have a pronounced tension in the contradiction " To go along with the majority view // To have your own point of view " In our opinion, all contradictions are related to the decision of the social separation assignment during the young person's independence in personal decisions.

The choice of one's own activity in the business sphere in terms of content is associated with several contradictions, which are given in the questionnaire, can be transformed into a single question "Where to direct your energy?"

Many respondents have doubts about their own actions today - " Earn now // Give as much energy and time as possible to training " This contradiction in a certain way determines the value of education and its significance in relation to the future, and also reflects the young person's capabilities for self-organization. Few respondents (15.7%) have tension in the division of forces at the expense of health. In our opinion, they also have a problem of self-organization.

A third of the respondents are worried about the choice “ To have your own business // To work for others ”. These respondents are considering starting their own business, which indicates their certain maturity and constant business focus.

An important direction in the distribution of his own energy for a young person is becoming the issue of building a family. The contradiction “ Make plans for a career // Take plans for a family ” has tension among more than a third of the respondents, which indicates their uncertainty in this area. The form of family cohabitation (traditional or free) worries a few of the respondents (15.7%). Perhaps these are the consequences of social processes associated with a softening of public morality in the field of family relations.

The interviewed respondents (10.5%) have a pronounced contradiction in the field of legal activity in society “ To achieve success even at the expense of minor nonobservances // Strict offence of laws, have a calm conscience ”, which is associated with legal socialization.

If we take into account the group of students who took part in the experiment in 2020, during the period of the COVID-19 outbreak and the quarantine introduced by the MPH in connection with this situation (group 2), then among the most common value-motivational contradictions, the top three are as follows :

• To go along with the majority view // To have your own point of view

• To achieve success even at the expense of minor nonobservances // Strict offence of laws, have a calm conscience

• Listen to the advice of your elders (parents) // Make independent decisions

A third of the respondents in group 2 (35%), in contrast to group 1 (15.7%), expressed the contradiction “ To achieve success at any cost (for example, lack of sleep, irregular eating ...) // Protect health and maintain a healthy lifestyle ". This is due to the relevance of the problem of maintaining health under quarantine conditions and the young person's awareness of the value of a healthy lifestyle.

A smaller number of respondents in group 2, in comparison with group 1 (where almost half of the respondents were identified), has a high severity of the contradictions " To be a patriot of Ukraine, work and live in Ukraine // To go abroad to work and live in Europe ", due to the loss of relevance of this contradiction in conditions of quarantine restrictions.

A third of respondents in group 2 (2020) have less common contradictions regarding self-organization and distribution of their own energy in business and personal spheres than among respondents in group 1 (2018).

So, in the conditions of public pressure and restrictions of citizens in their activities under quarantine in connection with the spread of COVID-19, almost half of the respondents come to the fore among the contradictions in the value- motivational sphere, contradictions in the sphere of man-society. This is due to legal and civic socialization, reflections on the place and role in society, opportunities and methods of action in this society. The most relevant contradictions, which are inherent in half of the respondents, relate to the determination of the correlation of their own needs and the laws of society at the civil level. Another feature for the group of 2 respondents in 2020 is the separation from the elders, the determination of their own directions of development, which differ from the opinions of the older generation.

During the study, respondents of the first and second groups significantly expressed 4 and more contradictions at the same time, which indicates the tension of the axiosphere in young people on the verge of an independent responsible life and the need for additional personal guidelines among life value choices.

Research on contradictions of HEI graduates allowed us to identify the most intense value-motivational contradictions of student youth in modern conditions: this is the formation of their own responsibility, separation from elders, the presentation and solution of problems for the future at the social level, the distribution of their energy and self-organization in the business and personal spheres.

Based on the results of the monitoring carried out in the context of studying the cognitive determinants of professional and personal self-determination of the participants in the educational process (students), a number of recommendations can be proposed. Firstly, the educational process of higher education should be built in such a way that the intellectual and professional potential of the nation remains in Ukraine and increases the economic and social standards of life.

It is necessary to create such conditions of study and employment, in which the student will have a personal interest in the professional knowledge of the industry that they have chosen. This is possible by increasing practical training, during which students will have the opportunity to practice their skills, learn to independently solve professional problems and take responsibility for making decisions.

One of the ways to gain practical knowledge can be meetings and direct contact with representatives of different professions who have already achieved success in their business. Using the example of their own professional activities, specialists share not only professional knowledge, but also experience of building a career, creating their own business, the ability to act in new or non-standard conditions, providing specific examples, revealing personal secrets and secrets of the success of colleagues. Such classes enable students during their studies gaining insight into the realities of the profession, practical skills related to professional activities, possible options for behavior and communication, thanks to which it is possible to accelerate adaptation processes in their particular field of activity.

A topical and open issue related to financing from the state is the implementation of a professional in Ukraine, as well as the provision of related opportunities. Today, work is underway to establish a relationship between educational programs of higher education for training specialists and employers, which will increase the value of a higher education diploma. This will reduce the rate of migration of specialists with high intellectual abilities and a high level of professional capacities, get an opportunity for high wages and decent living conditions for themselves and their families.

For example, to create the proper conditions for learning and communication, it is necessary to use all the possibilities of modern information technologies, for example, distance learning using open online courses and the Moodle platform, ILIAS, or own developments of the HEI, webinars, round tables, discussions with students from other universities in Europe, meetings with potential employers in Ukraine and Europe and more. The rapid use of distance education and the possibilities of the Internet turned out to be especially relevant during the COVID- 19 pandemic in the context of the closure of the borders of a significant number of countries, thanks to which communication and learning became possible. The conditions that now prevail in many countries of the world raise the question of the adaptation of specialists on mobility issues related to finding a job, opportunities to study and work, including abroad.

An important direction of improving higher education and increasing the motivation of future specialists, in our opinion, is to increase the number of hours for students' practice at enterprises and organizations of Ukraine with possible employment. The opportunity to get a job in the organization where the internship is taking place will help students to reveal their professional abilities, gain practical experience, adapt to a specific organization and team, show their professional potential, desire to work and develop in the profession in front of potential employers. Even if the practice base does not become a permanent place of work, the professional and life experience, skills of working in a team of specialists will remain with the professional, which will definitely be necessary in the future.

One of the priorities for improving higher education in Ukraine should be the upbringing of the individual in the context of patriotism, respect, love for their country, to motivate and induce the desire to live in it and develop it. It is the formation of value orientations that should take a leading place in the construction of the educational process. The influence of negative factors (instability of the socioeconomic sector, an unhealthy lifestyle, imposed values related to individualism and personal gain, instilling the idea of rapid enrichment, etc.) on the personality of a young person should be counterbalanced development of a person with analytical thinking, the creation of spiritual and moral guidelines, inculkating spiritual values and norms, socio-cultural traditions of the Ukrainian state, the formation of responsibility for their choice, for their own lives and the lives of others.

Among the priorities of modern youth are career and money, social and professional success, which suspend the desire to enter into family relationships and devalue the institution of the family. In such situation, it is necessary to involve all social institutions, as well as society must stand up for protect the family and family values.

The task of education is to form a person not only as a professional, but also as a full-fledged member of society, ready to create a family, have and raise children, to be responsible for the processes in the family and the state. That's why, in society and in higher education the need to develop and implement programs arises for preparing to family life within the framework of academic disciplines, creating special courses, centers of psychological support and assistance, fostering a positive attitude towards family values.

In conclusion, the satisfaction of professional, family and spiritual needs guarantees the mental and physical health of a person and the nation as a whole.

The task of the higher education is to contribute to the comprehensive development of the student, the formation of a worldview, value orientations, life positions and ideals, a positive attitude towards professional activity, the identification and manifestation of personal qualities, internal needs and motives of a young person, the opportunity to realize oneself in social and personal life.


1. For the majority of respondents, the dominant values are: family, close relationships, development (self-development, spiritual development), health, as well as money, material or financial well-being. More than half of the respondents pointed out the peace of mind and freedom among the most important values.The respondents associate planning the future with these values. About a third of the respondents feel fear of the future coused by the uncertainty of the prospects for their future in Ukraine.

2. About half of the responding have axiospheric tension and need additional orientation and search for resources to resolve contradictions.The contradictions of the axiosphere are an effective engine of human development, but only if the person has the resource to solve them.

3. There is a need to increase the number of hours for students' attachment at enterprises and organizations of Ukraine with possible future employment. This improvement of higher education will help to increase the motivation of future professionals, awareness in planning a specific future.

4. In society and in higher education the need to develop and implement programs arises for preparing for family life within the framework of academic disciplines, creating special courses, centers of psychological support and assistance, fostering a positive attitude towards family values.

5. In relation to personal self-determination, a possible form of orientation for students can be psychological working group in the form of thematic games that prepare the participants, showing models of social situations and strategies for their solution. The creation of methodological support for psychotechnics and the implementation of value choices are the prospect of our research.


1. Ananko T. V. Proforiientatsiia ta yii skladovi [Career guidance and its components]. Journal of the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University. Set: Pedagogical Science, 2014. Prod.115. Pp. 8-10. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]

2. Sheridan L., Coleman B., Durksen T. L., Important non-academic attributes in Australian initial teacher education, Australian Educational Researcher ISSN 0311-6999 (2021) [Refereed Article]

3. Proiekt Zakonu Ukrainy pro systemu profesiinykh kvalifikatsii [Draft Act of Ukraine on the system of professional qualifications]. Retrieved from JF7FD00A?an=3 [in Ukrainian]

4. Klimov E. Metodika samoopredeleniya [Self-determination method]. Retrieved from [in Russian]

5. Eticheskij kodeks psihologa Ukrainy [Epic code of psychologist of Ukraine]. Retrieved from [in Russian]

6. Petrochko Zh.V., Bezpalko O.V., Denysiuk O.M. Yak zrobyty pravylnyi vybir profesii. Ekspres-konsultatsiia [How to make the right choice of profession. Express consultation] // Vchymosia zhyty samostiino: Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk dlia roboty z uchniamy vypusknykh klasiv internatnykh zakladiv [Learning to live independently: A teachimg quide for working with final year students of residential institutions]. K., 2002. Pp. 103-127 [in Ukrainian]

7. Yehorova Ye. V., Ihnatovych O. M., Kobchenko V. V., Lytvynova N. I., Marchenko I. B., Merzliakova O.L., Syniavskyi V. V., Tataurova-Osyka H. P., Shevenko A. M. Profesiina oriientatsiia : pidruchnyk [dlia studentiv] [Vocational guidance: textbook [for students]]. Ihnatovych O. M. (Ed.) Kirovograd: IMEX-LTD, 2014. 240 p. [in Ukrainian]

8. Chistyakova S.N. Kriterii i pokazateli gotovnosti obuchayushchihsya k professional'nomu samoopredeleniyu [Criteria and indicators of students' willingness for professional self-determination] / Chistyakova S.N., Rodichev N.F., Sergeev I.S. // Professional'noe obrazovanie [Professional education]. Moscow: Stolica Publ., 2016. №8. Pp. 10-16. [in Russian]

9. Pryazhnikova E.YU. Proforientaciya [Vocational guidance]: uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov po napravleniyu i special'nostyam psihologii [training manual for universities in the stands and specialties of psychology] / Pryazhnikova E. YU., Pryazhnikov N. S. Moscow: Akademiya Publ., 2005. 496 p. [in Russian]

10. Galperin P.YA. Vvedenie v psihologiyu [Introduction to psychology]. Moscow: Direct- Media Publ., 2008. 275 p. [in Russian]

11. Ginzburg M.R. Psihologicheskoe soderzhanie lichnostnogo samoopredeleniya [The psychological content of personal self-determination] / Ginzburg M.R. // Voprosy psihologii [Psychology issues]. 1994. №3. Pp. 43-52. [in Russian]

12. Zeer E.F. Psihologiya professional'nogo samoopredeleniya v rannej yunosti: uchebnoe posobie [Psychology of professional self-determination in early adolescence: training manual] / Zeer E.F., Rudej O.A. Moscow: MPSU Publ., Voronezh: NGO MPSU Publ., 2008. 256 p. [in Russian]

13. Inzhyievska L. A. Art-terapevtychnyi treninh: konspekt lektsii ta robochyi zoshyt dlia samostiinoi roboty z dystsypliny [Art therapy training: lectures notes and workbook for independent work in the discipline]. Kyiv: SIHE «UEM», 2014. 96 p. [in Ukrainian]

14. Lozovetska T.V. Profesiina kariera ta osobyste zrostannia [Professional career and personal growth]. Kyiv, 2015. 279 p. [in Ukrainian]


1. Ananko T. V. Proforiientatsiia ta yii skladovi [Career guidance and its components]. Journal of the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University. Set: Pedagogical Science, 2014. Prod.115. Pp. 8-10. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]

2. Sheridan L., Coleman B., Durksen T. L., Important non-academic attributes in Australian initial teacher education, Australian Educational Researcher ISSN 0311-6999 (2021) [Refereed Article]

3. Proiekt Zakonu Ukrainy pro systemu profesiinykh kvalifikatsii [Draft Act of Ukraine on the system of professional qualifications]. Retrieved from view/JF7FD00A?an=3 [in Ukrainian]

4. Klimov E. Metodika samoopredeleniya [Self-determination method]. Retrieved from [in Russian]

5. Eticheskij kodeks psihologa Ukrainy [Epic code of psychologist of Ukraine]. Retrieved from [in Russian]

6. Petrochko Zh.V., Bezpalko O.V., Denysiuk O.M. Yak zrobyty pravylnyi vybir profesii. Ekspres-konsultatsiia [How to make the right choice of profession. Express consultation] // Vchymosia zhyty samostiino: Navchalno-metodychnyi posibnyk dlia roboty z uchniamy vypusknykh klasiv internatnykh zakladiv [Learning to live independently: A teachimg quide for working with final year students of residential institutions]. K., 2002. Pp. 103-127 [in Ukrainian]

7. Yehorova Ye. V., Ihnatovych O. M., Kobchenko V. V., Lytvynova N. I., Marchenko I. B., Merzliakova O.L., Syniavskyi V. V., Tataurova-Osyka H. P., Shevenko A. M. Profesiina oriientatsiia : pidruchnyk [dlia studentiv] [Vocational guidance: textbook [for students]]. Ihnatovych O. M. (Ed.) Kirovograd: IMEX-LTD, 2014. 240 p. [in Ukrainian]

8. Chistyakova S.N. Kriterii i pokazateli gotovnosti obuchayushchihsya k professional'nomu samoopredeleniyu [Criteria and indicators of students' willingness for professional self-determination] / Chistyakova S.N., Rodichev N.F., Sergeev I.S. // Professional'noe obrazovanie [Professional education]. Moscow: Stolica Publ., 2016. №8. Pp. 10-16. [in Russian]

9. Pryazhnikova E.YU. Proforientaciya [Vocational guidance]: uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov po napravleniyu i special'nostyam psihologii [training manual for universities in the stands and specialties of psychology] / Pryazhnikova E. YU., Pryazhnikov N. S. Moscow: Akademiya Publ., 2005. 496 p. [in Russian]

10. Galperin P.YA. Vvedenie v psihologiyu [Introduction to psychology]. Moscow: Direct- Media Publ., 2008. 275 p. [in Russian]

11. Ginzburg M.R. Psihologicheskoe soderzhanie lichnostnogo samoopredeleniya [The psychological content of personal self-determination] / Ginzburg M.R. // Voprosy psihologii [Psychology issues]. 1994. №3. Pp. 43-52. [in Russian]

12. Zeer E.F. Psihologiya professional'nogo samoopredeleniya v rannej yunosti: uchebnoe posobie [Psychology of professional self-determination in early adolescence: training manual] / Zeer E.F., Rudej O.A. Moscow: MPSU Publ., Voronezh: NGO MPSU Publ., 2008. 256 p. [in Russian]

13. Inzhyievska L. A. Art-terapevtychnyi treninh: konspekt lektsii ta robochyi zoshyt dlia samostiinoi roboty z dystsypliny [Art therapy training: lectures notes and workbook for independent work in the discipline]. Kyiv: SIHE «UEM», 2014. 96 p. [in Ukrainian]

14. Lozovetska T.V. Profesiina kariera ta osobyste zrostannia [Professional career and personal growth]. Kyiv, 2015. 279 p. [in Ukrainian]

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