Developing future foreign language teachers professional competence by creating a favorable educational environment

The peculiarity of the effective training of future specialists and the development of their professional competences. Analysis of created circumstances in the educational process that increase student motivation and help improve academic achievement.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2023
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Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

Developing future foreign language teachers professional competence by creating a favorable educational environment

Olena Chekhratova, PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer

Tetiana Pohorielova, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor

Kharkiv, Ukraine


A favorable educational environment in the context of a higher educational institution contributes to the efficient training of future specialists and the development of their professional competence. It is a set of specially created circumstances, tools, and activities in the educational process, which enhance students' motivation and contribute to their academic achievements. The paper analyzes and substantiates the efficiency of a favorable educational environment in the educational process and its influence on developing the professional competence of future specialists, namely future foreign language teachers as in modern society, an individual needs to be able to acquire new means and methods of teaching and learning form various internal and external sources.

The scientific research conducted in this paper allowed us to identify the following prerequisites for the formation of a favorable educational environment: organization of a motivating educational environment; organization of students ' reflective activity on the process and the results of their individual and group work as; the use of interactive teaching methods that stimulate the development of independence, critical thinking, teamwork skills; the use of ICTfor increasing students' engagement in the educational process. Creating a favorable educational environment is a key element in student-centered learning providing the teachers and lecturers with the opportunity to vary the work, diversify the materials and tools for teaching and learning and make the monitoring process easier and more efficient. In the paper, it is proved that for future teachers, especially foreign language teachers, developing professional competence during the study is vital as they will have an opportunity to gain the necessary experience to start their future career being already equipped with the skills and methods, strategies and tools for developing their students' communicative competence.

Key words: learner autonomy, responsibility, educational environment, study motivation, reflection.



PhD (Освітні, педагогічні науки), старший викладач кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця (Харків, Україна)


PhD (Освітні, педагогічні науки), доцент кафедри педагогіки, іноземної філології та перекладу Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця (Харків, Україна)



Сприятливе освітнє середовище в умовах вищого навчального закладу сприяє ефективній підготовці майбутніх спеціалістів та розвитку їхніх професійних компетентностей. Таке середовище - це сукупність спеціально створених обставин, засобів і заходів в освітньому процесі, які підвищують мотивацію студентів і допомагають покращити академічні досягнення.

У статті проаналізовано та обґрунтовано ефективність сприятливого освітнього середовища в освітньому процесі та його вплив на розвиток професійної компетентності майбутніх спеціалістів, а саме майбутніх учителів іноземної мови, оскільки в сучасному суспільстві особистість повинна вміти використовувати нові засоби та методи навчання, які отримано із різних внутрішніх та зовнішніх джерел.

Наукові дослідження, наведені у роботі, дозволили виділити такі передумови формування сприятливого освітнього середовища як організація мотивуючого освітнього середовища; організація рефлексивної діяльності студентів щодо процесу та результатів 'їхньої індивідуальної та групової роботи; використання інтерактивних методів навчання, що стимулюють розвиток самостійності, критичного мислення, навичок командної роботи, використання ІКТ для підвищення залученості студентів до освітнього процесу.

Створення сприятливого освітнього середовища є ключовим елементом студентоорієнтованого навчання, що надає вчителям і викладачам можливість урізноманітнити роботу, матеріали та інструменти викладання та навчання, зробити процес моніторингу і контролю за освітнім процесом легшим та ефективнішим.

У роботі доведено, що для майбутніх вчителів, особливо вчителів іноземних мов, розвиток професійної компетентності під час навчання є необхідним, оскільки вони матимуть можливість отримати необхідний досвід для початку своєї майбутньої кар'єри, вже володіючи навичками та методами, стратегіями та інструменти розвитку комунікативної компетентності учнів.

Ключові слова: навчальна автономія, відповідальність, навчальне середовище, навчальна мотивація, рефлексія.

Introduction. The development of future specialists' professional competence is vital in the system of modern education. Lecturers and scholars implement various new methods and forms of teaching, and apply innovative technologies in order to draw more attention to students' learner autonomy and responsibility while studying in a higher educational institution. Obtaining a degree is no longer the endpoint of studying, as a specialist in any sphere has to be able to constantly work on self-development and self-improvement. The priority of sustainable development is to optimize all the processes of human life as globalization and modernization create a diverse and interconnected world. To adapt and function in modern society, an individual needs to master new technologies and process a significant amount of information (Ved, 2021). In the educational process, special attention is paid to a certain set of skills and knowledge that enable a learner to develop professional competence in a particular field and contribute to their personal development.

Another important question in ensuring an efficient educational process is developing students' foreign language communicative competence. Modern realia have shown that it is vital for a specialist in any sphere to acquire at least one foreign language while studying.

All these factors are the components of a favorable educational environment in the context of a higher educational institution, which contribute to the efficient training of future specialists and develop their professional competencies.

Analysis of recent studies and publications. The question of creating favorable educational environment by fostering learner autonomy is discussed in various contemporary works (Dmitrenko et al., 2020; Tuchina et al., 2020; Zadorochna, 2015; Karaieva, 2011; Lavrysh, 2020). In connection with learner autonomy it is vital to take into account the issues of responsibility (Mitchell & Ream, 2015; Pohorielova, 2020; Ponomarev & Chebotarev, 2012), study motivation (Nikolaeva & Zadorozhna, 2020; Maslova, 2019), and reflection (Krapivnyk et al., 2021; Bondarenko, 2021). Prominent scholars also research the topics of language learning via ICT, the problem of Internet-based assessment, and the problems connected with ICT technologies in the educational process (Bigich, 2009; Borysko, 2019; Gurevych & Kademiya, 2016).

It is necessary to create an innovative educational environment that corresponds to the content of education, as well as the forms and methods of its implementation. The effectiveness of university training depends on the conditions in which a certain educational process is implemented.

It is generally established that the effectiveness of training of future specialists is influenced by external circumstances (the context of disciplines, readiness of teachers to manage the process of responsibility enhancement, the optimal ratio of freedom of choice and accountability of students, constant feedback on the educational process and internal beliefs of the individuals (values of the individual, self-reflection, self-correction), which are prerequisites for the formation of their professional competences.

In this regard, modern researchers argue that a favorable educational environment in the context of a higher educational institution is a set of specially created circumstances, tools, and activities in the educational process, which contribute to students' motivation and conversely ensure effective training of future specialists and enhance their professional competence.

The purpose of the article is to analyze and substantiate the efficiency of a favorable educational environment in the educational process and its influence on developing the professional competence of future specialists, namely future foreign language teachers. By increasing students' study motivation; focusing the educational process on professional activities; implementing personal educational pathways; increasing the role of reflection in the educational activities and using ICT in classes.

Results and discussion. In order to ensure the formation of professional competence of a future specialist, and increase the efficiency of the educational process, it is necessary to create a favorable educational environment.

A favorable educational environment in higher education institutions is the conditions and circumstances which enable students to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience as well as form professional skills and competencies. Studying under such conditions will work for the students' self-development and self-improvement, a better understanding of their learning needs, increased study motivation, and cognitive activity, and improving reflection.

The essence of a favorable educational environment is reflected in the professional competence of a foreign language teacher. It comprises communicative, informational, linguistic, and social competence; it is connected with the ability and desire for self-development, self-education, creativity, and communication using a target language, selecting norms of linguistic structures, and behaving properly while organizing different educational activities. A teacher with a developed professional competence is always ready to carry out foreign-language interpersonal and intercultural communication. Possessing all of the above-mentioned skills and qualities makes a specialist highly competitive in the labour market.

The scientific research conducted in this paper allowed us to identify the following prerequisites for the formation of a favorable educational environment, which is inherently motivating and catalytic.

The first prerequisite is the organization of a motivating educational environment. If students possess intrinsic motivation, they master the educational materials easily, pay more attention to planning and analyzing, and are interested in the collaborative work with the lecturer and other students. They are willing to diversify the educational process, choose innovative forms and methods of learning, participate in various types of assessment, and can accept any, even negative results of their studying in order to conduct self-correction. Thus, providing a favorable learning atmosphere is the key to ensuring students' positive motivation.

Promoting students' cognitive interest in learning involves them in constant search, offering difficult but feasible tasks, thus linking new material with the previously learned one and providing control and feedback. What is more, such activities help in fostering future teachers' professional competence as they get acquainted with the way of constructing the tasks, adapting, and checking them (Dmitrenko et al., 2020).

In a favorable educational environment, a lecturer gives the right to choose the way of working with the material, plan the lessons and research certain topics: to set the goals and set the deadlines, determine the criterion for assessing the work and control the educational process. Doing all the tasks collaboratively means that the students may analyze the professional competence of their lecturer, thus becoming more early engaged in the teaching and learning process.

In such conditions, the participants ofthe educational process can positively and more effectively use the acquired knowledge and experience for personal and professional development. The student is not only involved in active cooperation in the classroom but also realizes the importance of improving their skills and abilities in extracurricular time.

It can be noted that study motivation is a driving force of the education process, especially if we consider mastering foreign languages. This is an extremely difficult and tiring process that may cause a lot of misunderstanding. The structures of a language, new vocabulary, and cultural peculiarities - all of these may work against positive results unless a student possesses study motivation. Only this may help the student seek the result, work hard, be able to overcome difficulties, and, in the end, achieve academic and personal success (Chekhratova, 2018).

It is challenging to keep and increase intrinsic motivation: there are many factors that not only affect a person (positively or negatively) but also gradually change goals and priorities. While studying, learners experience a wide range of emotions (from pride for completing a task to the desire to gain authority among the groupmates; from a wish to explore a new adult life to a wish to be useful in a group).

Since it is the motivation that affects labor productivity, one of the lecturer's tasks is to make sure that the student has sufficient motivation to complete the course. Moreover, if the teacher helps the student to increase motivation, academic achievements will be better, because language learning is always an active process that requires concentration and involvement in the educational process, and opens up many opportunities for creativity and personal expression.

In creating a favorable educational environment, the teacher helps students to realize that learning is not a mechanical and monotonous following of instructions, learning is the choice and understanding of the purpose of the task, a certain perspective, and result, further evaluation, and correction. The lecturer has to give students the opportunity to prove themselves, and their intellectual skills; pay attention to their interests and choose an interesting topic; discuss the proposed tasks, and make decisions on their implementation together, but do not limit your wards to a certain framework.

There are three main conditions for increasing motivation in the classroom: lecturer's behavior, friendly atmosphere, and permanent work (Okazaki, 2011: 156 - 157). If a student is not afraid of condemnation from the teacher for the wrong answer, familiar with the criteria for evaluating certain educational activities, and understands that it is necessary to make mistakes in order to correct and no longer repeat his own mistakes, since they will not affect the semester assessment on the subject, then the teacher effectively performs his functions. In addition, acting as a mentor and assistant, the teacher should be open not only to suggestions from students but also to adequate criticism, as well as to find time to help students overcome educational difficulties. To make learning interesting and stimulating, to present tasks in an interesting way, to increase students' confidence in their own abilities, to help in gaining positive experience, to increase cooperation in the group, to use self-motivated strategies, and to create conditions for the development of learner autonomy - all these are the teacher's tools for achieving the best results of students (Okazaki, 2011: 160). It is impossible to simplify the task (an adequate degree of complexity will be an incentive for further study of the subject) or completely exclude the elements of control (students must have certain guidelines in learning), but in an effort to achieve motivation and learner autonomy, first of all, it is necessary to abandon the remnants of total control of the teacher over the educational process. Students need a successful experience. Therefore, the educational process should be adapted to their needs, balancing feasible exercises and those that require additional efforts, and control tasks should consist of what students can perform, and not vice versa (Okazaki, 2011: 160).

More difficult is the issue of providing a friendly atmosphere in the classroom, since it is associated with a group of people and the teacher does not know in advance who will come the next time. There may be conflicts that will affect the psychological atmosphere in the group and the academic performance of students, but again the teacher becomes an assistant in solving problematic issues, should feel the mood of the group, and, if necessary, interfere in the relationship of the team, not allow negative statements about the team members, hold meetings and events for the rapprochement of the team.

Another crucial issue to consider when creating a favorable educational environment is the organization of students' reflective activity on the process and the results of their individual and group work.

It is generally acknowledged that the key to ensuring consistency in class is to determine the plan and purpose of the course in general and separately by topics and classes. The definition of goals is associated with previous educational experience, and human capabilities. Without conducting a detailed analysis of their own learning experience, the student may incorrectly set a learning goal that will reduce performance and internal motivation.

Therefore, the process of self-development and self-improvement is impossible without reflection, without which a person loses faith in their own strength. In this case, the intrinsic motivation almost completely disappears, giving way to external conditions for the development of the individual, the influence of the environment, and social restrictions.

In order to master the skills of reflection, systematic work and practice are required, which is an important component of any training. The teacher himself should set an example of how the views, assumptions, expectations, and specific actions and actions are systematically checked and evaluated, that is, to constantly simulate the practice of reflection in the classroom and abroad (Elliot-Johns, 2014).

Reflection is the joint work of a teacher and a student aimed at mutual understanding in the educational process. Understanding the educational process, the student understands how and why he chooses different methods and strategies, learns to evaluate his achievements and the achievements of peers, and increases his own motivation. Such a process can cause both positive and negative feelings in students (Qakici, 2015: 4). professional competence motivation academic

Teaching students of pedagogical universities to reflect from the very beginning of their studies, teachers equip them with lifelong learning skills: reflections on the own experience of a former student and university student, on the experience of school teachers and university teachers, critical listening to lectures and critical reading of professional scientific literature. Thus, instead of being guided by the authority of others or their own whims or their own experience, not supported by reflexive analysis, future teachers learn to constantly analyze and evaluate the practical experience and theoretical achievements, their own successes and failures.

The habit of critical pedagogical reflection helps students in the process of mastering the profession during their studies at the university and will be useful in improving their own pedagogical activities after its completion. Applying reflection during the tasks, the student uses a variety of resources and strategies, can attract different principles, and justify his own opinion in the process of implementing his own ideas (Lavrysh, 2020: 325).

It is believed that reflection must necessarily be written, since, describing our own experience, we immediately receive materials for comprehension and evaluation, it is easier for the student to express their own thoughts, and not the teacher's ideas, writing them down, and it is much easier for the teacher to help pupils with problems if they were presented in writing. When students, having received certain support materials, cards, and tables, can analyze their own activities or the work of colleagues, moving according to a clear plan and discussing their own ideas.

The process of reflection is quite complicated and requires concentration and attention. In addition, a person should be motivated to study analysis and understand the importance of forming such a skill. The ability of reflection should be formed gradually, simulating this process, and developing its various types. When students are accustomed to such tasks, you can change the format from oral to written work, suggesting that they continue to use support materials for analysis, and give answers to closed-form questions in order to accumulate experience after performing certain exercises and tasks. And only then proceed to issues with open forms, to individual written reflection, to analysis during the task.

So, with the help, but not under the strict guidance of the teacher, the student learns to independently develop communication skills for successful cooperation, control his own learning, teach others, make presentations, form continuous learning skills, and improve the ability to evaluate himself, others and even the teacher.

Continuing to study the subject, the student must respond to changes in the curriculum, methods, and tools used in classes and in extracurricular time. And only constant motivated analysis and reflection can help to prioritize and monitor their own progress.

Such skills will help to establish the process of cooperation in a team with the teacher and other students, especially if there are certain difficulties in the team. Students who have a habit of analysis and reflection will be able to objectively assess the situation, and find the causes of the conflict and ways to resolve it. In addition, even negative experience in the group can be used as a professionally-oriented educational situation, since future teachers will often face different types of conflicts in their work, which means that the sooner they understand how to get out of a difficult situation, the easier it will be for them to adapt to work in a secondary education institution.

Students do not come to study at higher education institutions with clear ideas about reflection, the need to constantly use it as an instrument of professional and personal growth, and the best ways to implement it. Therefore, students need help in the process of transitioning from thinking as a student to thinking as a teacher, it is necessary to manage their pedagogical reflection through special tasks that accompany traditional exercises and tasks that students perform in class and at home, that is, the systematic introduction of a reflective component to the process of studying at the university.

Finally, it is very importantto use ofinteractive teaching methods that stimulate the development of independence, critical thinking, teamwork skills, etc, namely the use of information and communication technology when creating a favorable educational environment.

The use of ICT contributes to the development of students' creative potential (Borova et al., 2021). The use of ICT increases the chances of professional growth and creative organization of the educational process since technology is used not only to solve problems related to communication, and collaborative work but also to manage information, its creation, and dissemination, the formation of knowledge, and the creation of effective, independent, reflective courses (Ferrari, 2012).

The introduction of ICT technologies into the educational process affects the development of the student's competencies, NA skills, understanding of certain aspects of the future profession, as well as the ability to follow modern world trends. The use of ICT makes it easy to move from task to task, find a more convenient way to do work, and work effectively with all modern technologies (Borova et al., 2021).

This service allows the teacher to structure the course by sections, determine their topics, create a calendar plan, and specify the timing of the study of relevant material, as well as the timing of educational tasks. An important advantage of the service is productive and fast communication between the subjects of the educational process, which is the key to productive feedback. In a specially designed classroom, teachers have the opportunity to publish learning assignments for specific academic groups, send out announcements, and initiate discussions. Students have the opportunity to exchange teaching materials, design an individual learning pathway, monitor their own academic progress and the progress of the academic group, and add comments. By choosing the sequence of tasks, students plan their studies, set goals, and achieve them, as well as reflect on the process and the result.

The teacher encounters a number of problems and shortcomings, since, firstly, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, adapt and load tasks, and choose an adequate verification option (automatic or manual). Secondly, it is necessary to develop a system in which students will not repeat the task more than a certain number of times in order to obtain higher results. Since in such circumstances, the student may not know the correct answers at all, but only remember the sequence of tasks or the correct answers. In this case, they do not even need to have certain knowledge; they can simply remember the answers after the fifth attempt to get the best result.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. Taking into consideration the information in the research, we believe that creating and maintaining a favorable educational environment increases students' study motivation, increases the efficiency of the educational process, creates a positive atmosphere for mastering a foreign language and acquiring communicative competence, and become the basis for developing professional competence of future teachers.

We see the prospects for further investigation in the researching the influence of a favorable educational environment in training specialist of different spheres.


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