Formation of the communication culture of the future specialist in the international business

Consideration of the content of the discipline "Culture of communication" in accordance with pedagogical technology. Analysis of motivational, cognitive, communicative, reflective stages of pedagogical technology introduced into the educational process.

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Дата добавления 09.02.2023
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Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of International Economic Relations Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine)


Nowadays, the growth of economic cooperation requires improving of the professional training system for future international business specialist, which will help increase his level of professional competence, effective communication with partners and build a positive image of the Ukrainian economic sector. Disciplines of the socio-liberal cycle of the educational program «International Business» specialty 292 «International Economic Relations» at the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics allow to acquaint future professionals with the peculiarities of business relations, to form worldview values, to master the techniques and methods of effective cooperation, to master the ethics and culture of communication, which involves the formation of experience of cultural interaction for further future professional activity. One of such disciplines is the «Culture of Communication», which was introduced into the educational process of S. Kuznets KhNEU. The relevance of teaching this discipline for future specialists in international business is based on the communicative nature of the professional activities of workers in the economic sector. The article considers the content of the discipline «Culture of Communication» in accordance with pedagogical technology, which allows to streamline the structure of the discipline, which aims to motivate, acquire knowledge, acquire qualities and professional skills to communicate. The stages of pedagogical technology introduced into the educational process are analyzed, namely: motivational, cognitive, communicative and reflexive. In accordance with these stages of pedagogical technology, students form a culture of communication that provides fruitful activities in cooperation with other colleagues and business partners.

Key words: communication culture; the content and structure of training; international business specialist; pedagogical technology; subject-subject relations; motivational, cognitive, communicative and reflexive stages.


Леся ЄВДОКІМОВА-ЛИСОГОР, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри міжнародних економічних відносин Харківського національного економічного університету імені Семена Кузнеця (Харків, Україна).


У наш час ріст процесів економічного співробітництва вимагає вдосконалення професійної системи підготовки майбутнього фахівця міжнародного бізнесу, що сприятиме підвищенню його рівня професійної компетентності, здійсненню ефективної комунікації з партнерами та побудови позитивного іміджу української економічної галузі. Дисципліни соціогуманітарного циклу освітньої програми «Міжнародний бізнес» спеціальності 292 «Міжнародні економічні відносини» у Харківському національному економічному університеті імені Семена Кузнеця дозволяють ознайомити майбутніх фахівців із особливостями ділових відносин, сформувати світоглядні цінності, оволодіти техніками та прийомами ефективної співпраці, опанувати етикою та культурою спілкування, що передбачає формування досвіду культурної взаємодії для подальшої майбутньої професійної діяльності. Однією з таких дисциплін необхідно визначити «Культуру комунікації», яка була упроваджена до навчального процесу ХНЕУ ім. С. Кузнеця. Актуальність викладання вказаної дисципліни для майбутніх фахівців міжнародного бізнесу ґрунтується на комунікативному характері професійної діяльності працівників економічної галузі. У статті розглянуто зміст навчальної дисципліни «Культура комунікації» відповідно до педагогічної технології, що дозволяє упорядкувати структуру дисципліни, яка спрямована на формування мотивації, засвоєння знань, набуття якостей та професійних умінь здійснювати комунікацію. Проаналізовано етапи впровадженої у навчальний процес педагогічної технології, а саме: мотиваційний, пізнавальний, комунікативний і рефлексивний. Відповідно до вказаних етапів педагогічної технології студенти формують культуру комунікації, що забезпечує плідну діяльність у співпраці з іншими колегами та бізнес-партнерами.

Ключові слова: культура комунікації; зміст і структура підготовки; фахівець міжнародного бізнесу; педагогічна технологія; суб'єкт-суб'єктні відносини; мотиваційний, пізнавальний, комунікативний і рефлексивний етапи.

Formulation of the problem

In modern conditions of strengthening the development of international economic relations, cooperation is carried out with colleagues, business partners, professionals, representatives of their own and other cultures. Conceptual principles of training future specialists in international business are laid down in such normative documents of the state as «National Strategy for Education Development in Ukraine 2021», «Higher Education Standard for Specialty 292 «International Economic Relations «for the second (master's) level of higher education» (Order № 380 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 04.03.2020) (Standard of higher education in specialty 292: 5), «Strategy of Ukraine's integration into the European Union». It should be noted that according to the Classification of Occupations (DC 003: 2010) the future specialist may carry out professional activities in the field of economics as an economist in international trade, economic adviser, economic consultant, consultant or expert on foreign economic affairs, head of foreign cooperation, and also a manager of foreign economic activity. In the process of studying the discipline «Culture of Communication» the future specialist acquires such competencies as: the ability to demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts in accordance with the process of professional communication; ability to make and justify decisions on the establishment of international economic relations at all levels of their implementation; ability to show knowledge of business communications in the field of international economic relations; ability to carry out effective oral and written business communication in the professional field; ability to work in a team; ability to communicate in a foreign language; ability to highlight the peculiarities of perception and understanding of the partner in the process of professional communication, the ability to improve their own level of communication and use it in interaction with business partners; ability to create an image of the future specialist; ability to adhere to the rules of etiquette and rules of corporate conduct in cooperation with partners; ability to characterize types of conflicts and demonstrate skills of mutual understanding; ability to organize and conduct business meetings and negotiations.

The results of a pilot study based on the Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (hereinafter KhNEU S. Kuznets) among students majoring in International Business show that only 15% of students have a high level of readiness for communication culture, 65% found a low level experience of communication culture, but it should be noted that they wish to implement their communicative potential in professional activities. At the same time, 20% of respondents prefer not to take an active part in business communication, but demonstrated a desire to acquire communication skills. The study showed that the vast majority of students recognize the importance of preparing for a culture of communication for their future professional activities.

Research analysis. The problem of communication culture is the subject of close attention of a number of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. It should be noted that aspects of the culture of professional communication, psychology of business communication, self-confidence as a professional actor, public speaking in business, image building, intercultural competence and other research carried out in their work the following scientists: Berestenko O., Doronina M., Doroshenko V., Dubova V., Zolotova L., Kaidalova L., Kubrak O., Kushnir O., Lavrynenko V., Lysenko N., Lytvynenko O., Mozgovyi V., Popov V., Sedova L., Telezhkina O., Chernyshenko O. and others.

In this study, a theoretical and methodological analysis of the work of scientists was made for the construction and better structure of the content of the discipline «Culture of Communication».

According to Kaidalova L., Kubrak O., Telezhkina O., an important aspect for effective communication in the professional activities of the future specialist is to establish contact, setting the interlocutors to cooperate for further fruitful activities. In their work, the authors mention that the communication process is difficult to plan in advance, so the future specialist must learn to recognize the client, specialist, partner by appearance, his nonverbal gestures (mimic, facial expressions, posture, etc.), which will allow to be informed of his intentions and preferences.

Amelina S., Alexandrova S., Baranovska L., KanKalyk V., Osovska G., Reva V., as well as many other scientists studied the issues of business communication, development of communicative skills and formation of communication culture of specialists in various fields of training. These scientists have reflected in practice-oriented manuals for the formation of professional and business communication. pedagogical educational culture communication

Baglay O., Halytska M., Slyushchynskyi B., Kolbina T. in their research emphasize the demand for specialists in international economic relations, who are aware of cultural differences, able to choose the means of verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal communication in collaboration with colleagues and experts from other cultures; have experience of intercultural interaction.

Enrique de las Alas-Pumarinho Miranda and Lawrence J. Brahm explored the art of negotiation. According to scientists, such a process requires a specialist to carefully prepare before the negotiations, namely: collecting and analyzing information from other parties, formulating a model for future negotiations, drawing up an agenda, choosing and preparing the venue for the event and more. Researchers note that to participate in negotiations, first a specialist must be aware of the subject of negotiations, manage the situation during the negotiations, be organized, resourceful, smart, able to focus their attention, be emotionally restrained, confident in themselves and their team.

More and more often specialists pay attention to their own image, form the image of their team, the company where they work, seek to improve it as a representative of the economic sector. Korolko V., Palekha Yu. and others note this in their works. Scholars pay great attention to the formation of communication skills and ethics of business relations, adherence to the rules of culture of behavior, moral norms, ability to make decisions and be responsible for them, have managerial skills, be tolerant and friendly, fair and reasonable in order to create a positive image of the future international business specialist.

The conducted theoretical analysis of the literature allowed to form the content of the discipline, to determine its structural components, the foundations of which are laid during training, in preparation for professional activity. Therefore, despite many years of research and current challenges in the economic field, the content, stages and process of forming a culture of communication of future international business professionals in higher education remains unclear.

The purpose of this work is to build the content of training, consideration of pedagogical technology, its stages and the formation process of communication culture of the future specialist in international business.

Presenting main material

The current challenges of the new millennium are aimed at strengthening globalization, expanding economic activity, civilizational change, which requires the formation of a new ethics and communication culture of the future specialist in international business. Therefore, the urgent need was the introduction of the educational process of KhNEU S. Kuznets in special course «Culture of Communication» for future specialists in international business.

The content and structure of this discipline are based on the socio-cultural orientation of professional training of future specialists in international business, based on modern research, constantly discussed among colleagues at the Department of International Economic Relations in KhNEU S. Kuznets, are improved in accordance with the proposals of stakeholders and conducted questionnaires and surveys of students in this specialty.

The content of this course included topics: «The essence of the concept of» culture of communication», «Content and forms of professional and business communication», «Formation of the image of the future specialist», «Features of communication as a form of professional and business interaction», «Conflicts and ways to manage them «in professional activities», «Organization and conduct of business meetings» (Cultura de la comunicacion, 2020: 4).

It is appropriate to begin the acquaintance with the discipline with the methodology and conceptual apparatus of the communication culture, explanation of the place of the discipline in the system of scientific knowledge and its relationship with the humanities.

The essence of the concept «communication culture» is clarified on the basis of the analysis of the scientific literature of social and liberal content. The philosophical aspect allowed to consider communication as a form of social interaction of people for the purpose of fruitful cooperation. Communication is a means of achieving mutual understanding of people based on the ideas of humanism, the principle of openness, focus on complementary positions of its participants and recognition of their uniqueness. Research by psychologists has shown that the very phenomenon of communication is a multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, which arises from the needs of their joint activities. It takes into account the exchange of information, the development of a common strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of another person. But this alone does not exhaust the essence and content of communication. Future specialists cannot fully interact, share experiences, skills, their own mood without contact with each other and without influencing each other. In addition, in the process of communication, the specialist gets the opportunity to get to know the outside world better, to master the achievements of material and spiritual culture, the rules of professional activity. So, on the one hand, communication is the main means of mastering culture, and on the other hand, it is an integral part of culture. Therefore, the phenomena of culture and communication are interconnected by a complex system of direct and indirect connections. In the process of communication, the future specialist gets the opportunity to raise the level of their culture. This is done through mutual enrichment of the cultural experience of the participants in communication.

It should be noted that the main means of communication is language. The latest indirectly includes all types of activity, without its application contacts in professional and other fields are impossible. The ability to be a good interlocutor is always valued in professional activities. «Speak so I can see you» these words of Socrates clearly describe the interlocutor not only as an intellectual person, but also communicative, that is a person who is well versed in all the colors of the spoken word and uses them appropriately. This skill involves mastering the culture of communication in verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal expression.

In the process of oral communication, personal contact and direct feedback are provided. According to Mitsich P., during oral communication there is a loss of information: 100% of information is conceived, 80% is acquired in verbal form and expressed, 70% is heard, 60% is understood, and 24% is remembered. Therefore, in the process of studying the course «Culture of Communication» special attention is paid to techniques and tools of active listening, which allows students to acquire skills to concentrate longer on the information flow, highlight the main in a message and focus on it.

Modern electronic means of communication are the main characters of our time, more and more often communication is carried out by means of written messages, e-mail, chat, etc. The peculiarity of such business written communication is its structure and content. Written documents are distinguished by the accuracy and logic of statements. In the process of writing letters, students should learn to choose the right words, phrase correctly, structure the text, correctly use grammatical and orthoepic phenomena to make messages effective. In addition, written information can have legal force and be stored for a long time, which requires careful preparation and proper processing.

Future specialists must acquire the ability to identify features of perception and understanding of the partner in the process of professional communication. In his work, Mortensen K. argues that communication occurs when people attach importance to message-related behavior. Research by psychologists shows that in their reaction in the process of communication a person is 90% guided by feelings and only 10% by the mind. It should be noted that feelings are the first to react instantly. In the process of professional communication there are sometimes obstacles and difficulties, so the future specialist should navigate in conflict situations, manage their own emotions and manage intercultural conflicts.

Each country has its own national character, mentality that has been formed over the centuries, they reflect the uniqueness of communication, traditions, ethnic characteristics, life priorities and values. During the study of the course «Culture of Communication» features of interaction with business partners representatives of other cultures are considered, the analysis of business cultures on the basis of studying of «parameters of cultures» and situations of intercultural cooperation is carried out.

One of the important factors of business communication is to determine the image. Business style helps the future specialist to give the impression of self-confidence and activity, organized, competent, reliable person. The persona of a specialist, his formed image is a portrait that he demonstrates in the economic field. The image must work for a specialist, must truthfully reflect his best features and at the same time be simple and concise. Only a positive personal business image will contribute to the success of professional communication, as it, together with a good education and professional experience, is an important factor in the successful career of a future international business specialist.

Negotiation is becoming a popular form of business communication in professional activities, as it presupposes subject-subject equal relations, respect and tolerance for one's opponent, pluralism of opinions, and the establishment of democratic, humanistic values. Today, negotiations are a form of concluding agreements and arrangements in the field of economics. Therefore, gaining experience in the art of negotiation is an important component of the professional activities of future specialists in international business.

Thus, the future specialist of international activities must successfully establish contacts, communicate fruitfully, create a friendly communication situation, be able to listen actively, support partners in difficult situations, respond flexibly to situations of misunderstanding and prevent them, strengthen cooperation and interaction on the basis of universal principles.

Vocational training is defined as a system of organizational and pedagogical activities that ensures the formation of a person's professional orientation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The process of professional preparation for the culture of communication takes place through the introduction of step-by-step pedagogical technology.

In this paper, we consider it appropriate to adhere to the concept of gradual acquisition of knowledge and the formation of experience in acquiring communicative competence, which reflects the active activities identified by M. Kagan, namely: orientation, cognition, transformation (Kagan, 1988: 3). The strict sequence of stages of mastering the educational material (transition from one to the study of the next stage is possible only if you master the previous one) involves determining the didactic means of participants interaction in the pedagogical process (subject-subject relations) at each stage.

The results of own research, analysis of scientific literature, requirements of the classifier of professions, surveys and long-term pedagogical activity in universities allow to distinguish according to the professional sphere of future specialists of international business the following stages of pedagogical technology: motivational, cognitive, communicative and reflective (Yevdokimova-Lysohor, 2017: 2).

Therefore, we will consider the goals in accordance with the above stages of pedagogical technology, topics and tasks that allow to form a culture of communication of the future specialist in international business.

Motivational stage. At the motivational stage of forming the culture of communication of future international business specialists were offered educational materials that aroused students' interest, stimulated cognitive activity, to discuss situations, compare them, justify their point of view, to interact and cooperate. First of all, the issues of relevance of studying the educational material, the importance of communication culture of an international business specialist in arrangement professional relationships, establishing dialogue and cooperation with business representatives, partners and clients were discussed. Therefore, students were offered to create associograms, compose their own dialogues based on and without reference to the context, watching videos, formulating hypotheses to solve the problem situation; conducting discussions on the above examples of cultural communication in professional activities.

In order to understand the importance of acquiring knowledge, gaining experience in the culture of communication, students develop examples of tasks, which are given below.

Task 1. Discussion in microgroups of the content of the following statements of famous people.

- My secret of success is in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own (H. Ford);

- Management is the setting of other people to cooperate (Lee Iacocca);

- Professionals do not only make money, but also create a sense of existence for colleagues and employees (T. Peters).

Among the answers provided by students were the following: to express opinions properly and correctly in the team, to make fair decisions (take responsibility for subordinates, team), manage their emotions, properly plan and organize working hours, respond flexibly in conflicts, support team spirit, etc.

To the question: «What exactly is the success of the communication culture of an international business specialist?» students expressed the following hypotheses: openness to colleagues, polite attitude to partners, tolerance, willingness to cooperate in business and more.

Task 2. Students were invited to watch a video of a conversation between two experts in international activities. The content of the video included the discussion of the following questions: “What is the interaction of specialists during communication? At what distance does communication take place? What should be the volume of the voice during communication? What is the essence of respectful and polite communication between two partners?”

The use of these audio and video materials in the classroom helped to maintain a lively interest in students, to gain experience in the culture of communication and avoid monotony. Video and audio materials stimulated students to listen and watch carefully, to analyze the situation, discuss it in a group, which diversified their learning activities in practical classes.

This material allowed students to draw their own conclusions about the need and importance of preparation for the culture of communication. Therefore, the implementation of such tasks increased the level of motivation of students to acquire new knowledge about the peculiarities of the culture of communication and the acquisition of skills of cooperation with others.

Cognitive stage. The purpose of this stage is to provide students with new knowledge for their further application in the process of communication with colleagues, partners in solving professional problems, the formation of professionally significant qualities.

Students learn about the peculiarities of the communication process through a lecture, teacher's story, texts, illustrations, videos and other sources of information. Preference is given to the following teaching aids: professional texts, professional announcements, contracts, prospectuses, etc. Professional brochures, booklets and more are distributed to students in the form of illustrations. Cognitive videos help to reveal the content of the material, the peculiarities of communication between specialists.

Assimilation of knowledge is due to the following exercises: commenting and interpreting the content of professional texts, answering questions, drawing up the rules of successful speech; finding associations on the topic being studied; sounding of video roles; compilation of scenarios, etc.

Here are some examples of tasks of the cognitive stage:

Task 1. Discussion with students of the list of moral and cultural rules for the future specialist:

1. The first rule be punctual. In international relations, it is very important to organize working hours properly. Planning and punctual execution of all planned tasks is the key to success. Being late is wrong for the person who was waiting for you. Even the sincerest apologies and assurances about the impossibility to come on time are not able to completely make up for the guilt, because at the subconscious level there will be a certain unpleasant residue, which will mean a somewhat negative attitude towards you.

2. The second rule do not say too much. You should not talk about your own business, because sometimes even the slightest hint can affect the activities of your competitor.

3. The third rule do not be selfish. It is impossible to do business successfully, despite the opinions and interests of partners. Often it is selfishness that gets in the way of success. It is very important to be patient with your opponent or partner, learn to listen to the opinion of others and explain or defend your own.

In business communication, the basic principle can be formulated as follows: when deciding which values should be preferred in a given situation, behave so that the maxim of your will is compatible with moral values, nobility of other parties involved in communication, and allows coordination of the interests of all parties.

The experience of international relations allows us to observe that Ukrainian experts have a very unique understanding of market values based on such moral categories as nobility, reliability, decency, courtesy.

Many companies and organizations in many countries adhere to the principle: profit is above all, but honor is higher than profit.

4. The fourth rule dress as usual in the field of professional activity. Clothing is a demonstration of your taste and status in society. This rule should not be taken lightly. Appearance is the first thing your partner pays attention to, and it immediately adjusts him to the appropriate mood. There are general rules for business style clothing. And whatever fashion offers this season, in professional activities it is better to follow the classic style.

5. The fifth rule keep your language clean. Everything you say and write must be correct grammatically. The ability to communicate, engage in dialogue, discussion and persuade the opponent is very important in negotiations. Watch your pronunciation, diction and intonation. Never use obscene language or abusive language. However, do not forget that the ability to listen to the interlocutor is no less important aspect of communication.

Discussion of such material allowed to reveal the existing knowledge of students about future professional activities, the rules of fruitful cooperation with partners, the level of awareness of the importance of communication culture in the future field of activity and more. For example, among the professional qualities students also mentioned the following: politeness, sociability, competence, politeness, responsibility, decency and others. Among the functions of a specialist in international activities, students identified the following: offers of information services, consulting, business meetings, meetings, etc., which facilitates interaction with professionals, staff, partners.

Task 2. Establishing relationships in the process of business communication. The beginning of a business conversation is of great importance for establishing a relationship. The more original the beginning of the conversation, the faster you can capture the attention of partners. There are a number of popular ways to establish friendly contact:

- the choice of neutral material for the beginning of the conversation, which may relate to the well-being, biography of the interlocutor, his marital status, interests, hobbies;

- formulation of the question in a form that requires the consent of the partner the answer is «yes». This requires a preliminary study of his personality;

- creating the impression of the interlocutor of the coincidence of his interests with the interests of the interaction initiator. Talking about music, sports, literature, collecting will not only make a favorable impression on you, but will also remove your partner's alertness and prejudice;

- use of tactics of so-called coordination, expression of compassion, attitude with respect to the interlocutor;

- ostentatious openness demonstration of readiness to reveal to the partner tasks and the purposes of a business meeting;

- a positive assessment of the individual abilities of the interlocutor his professional status, his inherent sense of duty, courage, principle.

In accordance with the above, students gave examples of establishing relationships between specialists in international relations; determined the positive and negative features of such contact.

It should be noted that the task contributes to the formation of a culture of communication and involves mastering the knowledge of the beginning of the conversation, the ability to attract the attention of interlocutors and, as a result, the communication process is more efficient, which promotes interaction between professionals.

Task 3. Game «Interview for a vacant position in the department of International Relations».

A situation is proposed: the head of the department selects candidates for the vacant position. One student is involved in the game as a head of the department, others are candidates for the vacant position. The head of the department needs to talk to the candidates for this position and choose the best one. It is necessary to prepare questions that will provide the necessary information from the interview:

- reason for job search;

- information on the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant;

- professional qualities of the specialist;

- moral qualities of the specialist.

All students are involved in such a game and reflect on the composition of questions and their formulation. The situation allows students to recognize issues, as well as analyze, compare and classify them in terms of common characteristics and their differences.

Task 4. Learn about the reasons for the tightness and fear of public speaking and the ways to overcome them, suggested by Otto Ernst in his book “The Word is Given to You”. Prepare your own rules of successful speech, you are the master of your word.

1. Excessive immersion in their own experiences. You need to think about the case, focus on the content of the speech. You need to make yourself believe that you are well prepared for the performance and can tell the audience something important and useful (suggestion).

2. Excitement due to lack of experience. Usually use the opportunity to participate in various discussions (family, friends, team, etc.).

3. Memories of failure. Speeches are unsuccessful and you need to react to them calmly and sensibly.

4. Insufficient preparation. The best preparation is self-confidence.

Doing these exercises allowed students to better get acquainted with the material and learn the rules of communication.

Task 5. «Cultural personality in the portrait of human» Get acquainted with the cultural characteristics of the Ukrainian, French, Spanish, German and other cultures and answer the following questions:

1. What qualities and features are characteristic of Ukrainian / French / Spanish / German / Chinese, etc.?

2. What qualities are you especially proud of as a representative of Ukrainian / French / Spanish / German / Chinese culture? Conversely, what qualities do you feel ashamed of?

3. How do Ukrainians / French / Spaniards / Germans / Chinese see other cultures?

Communicative stage. The communicative stage is characterized by productive and creative activities of teachers and students and is based on subject-subject relations.

To prepare students for communication, the teacher should simulate different situations for professional activities, tasks, exercises that would stimulate students' need for dialogue, to express their views, argue their positions and demonstrate acquired professionally significant qualities (courtesy, hospitality, nobility, tolerance etc).

The tasks developed for this stage create the basis for the creative development of the student's personality. These can be exercises to determine the form of defending professional ideas on the basis of democratic principles in dialogue, resolving problematic situations in professional activities, finding ways to resolve misunderstandings, and so on.

Here are some examples of tasks of the communicative stage:

Task 1. Role game «Show your hospitality»

Students were invited to show their hospitality and exchange gifts with clients, professionals, partners, representatives of other countries. Performing such a task leads them to think about what to give, when to give, how to give and what to say (Yevdokimova-Lysohor, 2017: 2). In order for students to realize that gifts are one of the most delicate aspects of professional communication, they composed and acted out dialogues, the condition of which was the interaction of business partners who greet and give each other gifts. The task of the student audience was to evaluate the dialogue and select the pair of students who played their roles best.

It is important to remind students that the way gifts are presented depends not only on the traditions of the country of clients, business partners, but also on interpersonal relationships, so the homework was to write an essay on «Universal gift in business partnership.»

Task 2. Find the correspondence of character traits / mentality of nouns and representatives of such cultures as England, France, Ukraine, China, Germany, Japan in the table. Gentlemanhood, calmness, restraint, inclination to order, curiosity, passion for adventure, thrift, diligence, commitment to tradition, distrust of the unusual, politeness, ability to sacrifice time and money for good deeds, ability to manage, perseverance in achieving, redundancy, credulity, carefreeness, hospitality:

Representative of the country

Character trait / mentality


tendency to order...






Prepare a meeting with the above-mentioned representatives of cultures, adhering to the specified character traits.

Therefore, at the communicative stage, mostly interactive methods were used, which required students to find additional information and ways of creative action. The above tasks were aimed at organizing the joint work of the subjects of educational activities, which contributed to the development of each individual future specialist in international business, mastering and gaining practical experience of creative cooperation.

Thus, the result of the communicative stage was the formation of skills and abilities of cultural dialogue with colleagues, partners through the practical study of situations in professional activities, during which future professionals gained practical experience in the culture of communication.

Reflexive stage. The purpose of this stage was to evaluate the results obtained by students. Future specialists had to realize their actions, experience, abilities, feelings. In cooperation with representatives of other spheres, they had to control the behavior, speech, attitude to others, relationships with them and so on. In the process of acquiring communication skills in future professionals, it was advisable to form a value attitude to their profession, the environment, themselves and the partners with whom they worked.

Task 1. Students were asked to work on communicative interests «Who is who at your meetings?». It was necessary to write a scenario of a business meeting, taking into account all the recommendations, if the meeting will be attended by participants of all types of communication (Telezhkina, 2015: 1).

Who is who at your meetings?

«Those who speak sincerely.» People who are always honest, do not cheat, do not have any hidden thoughts. These are valuable participants in any meeting. But they need to be protected, because they may not so much end the controversy as provoke new ones.

«Martyrs». They defuse the atmosphere well and quickly take responsibility when something goes wrong. The danger is that they will take the blame too quickly, perhaps before you can figure out who and what is the source of what happened.

«Stone faces» people who do not express their views on a case, always restrained.

«Factories». Such people deserve the words: “You are right. I never thought about it. « They are good participants in the meeting.

Speakers. Penetration into the essence of the matter is replaced by emotions and chatter. Quite often the interlocutors get the impression that such people try to convince themselves first of all, and not others. It is better to communicate with them carefully enough or not to pay attention to them.

«Devil's Advocates.» For such people, any communication is contradictory. They often get to the heart of the matter during the discussion. It is recommended to invite only one of such representatives to the meeting.

«Destroyers». Such people cannot remain silent so as not to destroy someone's idea, someone's project.

«Statesmen». Such people communicate skillfully, take responsibility and know how to move the meeting forward. This type of participants includes the moderator of the meeting.

On the example of such a situation, students had to discuss the role of human values: to determine which of them prevail in the modern world, which values they themselves adhere to in everyday life, and which contribute to fruitful professional interaction.

Therefore, the task was aimed at understanding by students that it is necessary to learn to understand people, love them and forgive them, treat them impartially, even if they differ from each other.

The scenario of such a business meeting allowed students to analyze the diversity of people and at the same time find out the peculiarities of their interaction.


Thus, the above tasks fill the content of the stages of pedagogical technology of the introduced course «Culture of Communication» in the process of future specialists training and are implemented during classroom and extracurricular forms of education, which contributes to better understanding of communication culture, learning its basic concepts, professional experience, in solving difficult situations and tasks of cooperation, as well as provide the formation of significant personal and professional qualities.

The study of the discipline «Culture of Communication» allowed the future specialist to acquire such learning outcomes as: to operate with basic concepts in accordance with the process of professional communication; evaluate analytical reports, competently use regulatory documents and reference materials, conduct applied analytical developments, professionally prepare analytical materials; have the necessary professional knowledge and skills in business communication in the field of international economic relations, as well as communicate effectively at the professional and social levels, including oral and written communication in a foreign language / languages; increase the level of communicative competence and identify ways of successful cooperation; use different means of communication in the process of professional cooperation; to form the image of a specialist in the external and internal environment of the organization, as well as to form rules of conduct and rules of etiquette in cooperation with partners; learn to manage conflicts in professional interaction with entrepreneurs and business partners; determine the best ways to organize and conduct business meetings and negotiations.


1. Ділове спілкування: усна і писемна форми: навч. посіб. / Тєлєжкіна О. О. та ін. Харків, 2015. 384 с.

2. Євдокімова-Лисогор Л. А. Теоретичні основи розробки педагогічної технології підготовки майбутніх фахівців сфери туризму до міжкультурного діалогу. Наукові записки. Сер. Педагогічні науки. РВВ ЦДПУ ім. В. Винниченка. 2017. № 156, С. 194-200.

3. Каган М. С. Мир обшения: проблема межсубъектных отношений Москва: Политиздат, 1988. 319 с.

4. Cultura de la comunicacion: programa de asignatura para estudiantes de la especialidad 292 (Relaciones Economicas Internacionales) del segundo nivel (master): [Edicion electronica] Jarkiv: JNEU S. Kuznets, 2020. 12 p. (en espanol): вебсайтПКЬ: pdf (дата звернення: 12.02.2022)

5. Стандарт вищої освіти за спеціальністю 292 «Міжнародні економічні відносини» для другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти: затв. наказом М-ва освіти і науки України від 04.бер.2020 р. № 380: веб-сайт. URL: https://mon. (дата звернення: 1.12.2021)


1. Dilove spilkuvannia: usna i pysemna formy: navch. posib. [Business communication: oral and written forms: textbook. way.] / Tieliezhkina O. O. ta in. Kharkiv, 2015. 384 р. [in Ukrainian].

2. Levdokimova-Lysohor L. A. Teoretychni osnovy rozrobky pedahohichnoi tekhnolohii pidhotovky maibutnikh fakhivtsiv sfery turyzmu do mizhkulturnoho dialohu. [Theoretical bases of pedagogical technology development of future tourism sphere experts preparation to intercultural dialogue] Naukovi zapysky. Ser. Pedahohichni nauky. RVV TsDPU im. V. Vynnychenka. 2017. № 156, Рр. 194-200. [in Ukrainian].

3. Kagan M. S. Mir obsheniya: problema mezhsub'ektnyih otnosheniy [The world of communication: The problem of intersubjective relations] Moskva: Politizdat, 1988. 319 p. [in Russian].

4. Cultura de la comunicacion: programa de asignatura para estudiantes de la especialidad 292 (Relaciones Economicas Internacionales) del segundo nivel (master): [Edicion electronica] Jarkiv: JNEU S. Kuznets, 2020. 12 p. [in Espanol]: pagina. URL: (application date: 12.02.2022)

5. Standart vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 292 «Mizhnarodni ekonomichni vidnosyny» dlia druhoho (mahisterskoho)

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