Communicative and Quasi-Communicative Techniques to Develop Students' Communicative Competence

Communicative and quasi-communicative techniques for developing students' communicative competence. Reasons for poor quasi-communication. Review of a set of exercises for the development of communicative competence of students of philological faculties.

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Communicative and Quasi-Communicative Techniques to Develop Students' Communicative Competence

Комунікативні та квазікомунікативні техніки для розвитку комунікативної компетентності студентів

Ivashkevych Ernest

Ph.D. in Psychology, Translator,

Rivne State University of the Humanities,

Rivne (Ukraine)

Івашкевич Ернест

Кандидат психологічних наук, перекладач, Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет, м. Рівне (Україна)


communicative competence exercises student philological

The purpose of our article is: to describe communicative and quasi-commu- nicative techniques to develop students' communicative competence; to show the reasons for bad quasi-communication; to describe the types of exercises that are inherent to each of the stages of the development of communicative competence of students of philological faculties; to show how the professional development of students, future translators, depends on their communicative competence.

Methods of the research.The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

The results of the research.Professional activity is one of the most important ways for everyone to connect with the world, and for many people it is a real factor in building relationships with others. So, the main importance of leading activities in determining the life path of each individual is that it opens a person's guidelines for inclusion him/her into new spheres of life in the society, introduces it to new social structures and allows to establish even more and the quality of social ties.

Conclusions.The professional development is presented as a sequence of certain specific phases that differ by content and the form of presentation of professional desires. The way of career should be divided into five stages: growth, search, strengthening, stabilization and decline. The period of choosing a profession and the professional development is the second stage of this five-step model, which covers the age of 14 to 25 years and is characterized by the fact that the individual performs professional activities in different roles, focusing on his/her real professional opportunities. We should also note that professional development is understood by us quite broadly: it is the formation of a person's idea of his/her professional career, and preparation for future professional activity, the initial process of professional activity and the whole career path, change in a career and retirement. The professional development of students, future translators, depends on their communicative competence that in a great degree depends on the processes of real, natural communication, which can be presented in a monologue and a dialogue forms, and also on the process of quasicommunication.

Key words: communicative competence, communicative techniques, quasi- communicative techniques, quasi-communication, professional activity, professional opportunities, monologue speech, dialogue speech.

Івашкевич Ернест. Комунікативні та квазікомунікативні техніки для розвитку комунікативної компетентності студентів.

Метою нашої статті є: описати комунікативні та квазікомунікативні техніки розвитку комунікативної компетентності студентів; показати причини поганої квазікомунікації; описати види вправ, які притаманні кожному з етапів розвитку комунікативної компетентності студентів філологічних факультетів; показати, як професійний розвиток студентів, майбутніх перекладачів, залежить від становлення їх комунікативної компетентності.

Методи дослідження.Для розв'язання поставлених у роботі завдань використовувалися такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення.

Результати дослідження.Показано, що професійна діяльність є одним із найбільш значущих для кожної людини способів зв'язку зі світом, і у багатьох цей спосіб стає справжнім чинником побудови взаємостосунків із іншими людьми.Доведено, що основне значення провідної діяльності у визначенні життєвого шляху особистості полягає в тому, що саме вона відкриває людині орієнтири щодо включення до нових сфер життя в суспільстві, вводить її до нових соціальних структур і дозволяє встановити ще більшу кількість та якість соціальних зв'язків.

Висновки. Показано, що професійне становлення розглядається як послідовність певних специфічних фаз, що розрізняються за змістом і формою презентації людиною професійних бажань. Доведено, що професійний шлях має бути розділений на п'ять етапів: зростання, пошук, зміцнення, стабілізація і спад. Період вибору професіїі професійного становлення є другим щаблем даної п'ятиступінчастої моделі, яка охоплює вік від 14 до 25 років і характеризується тим, що індивід виконує професійну діяльність у різних ролях, орієнтуючись при цьому на свої

реальні професійні можливості. Професійне становлення розуміється нами досить широко: це і формування уявлення людини щодо своєї професійної кар'єри, і підготовка до майбутньої професійної діяльності, і початковий процес професійної діяльності, і весь професійний шлях, зміни в кар'єрі і вихід на пенсію тощо. Доведено, що професійний розвиток студентів, майбутніх перекладачів, залежить від їх комунікативної компетентності, становлення якої значною мірою визначається процесами реального, природного спілкування, що можна подати у монологічній та діалогічній формах, а також процесом квазікомунікації.

Ключові слова: комунікативна компетентність, комунікативні техніки, квазікомунікативні техніки, квазікомунікація, професійна діяльність, професійні можливості, монологічне мовлення, діалогічне мовлення.


In the scientific literature the process of the professional development is often associated with the characteristics of a particular professional activity, which significantly affects the formation of the person during the mastery of the profession (Mykhalchuk & Onufriieva, 2020). Professional development of

the person depends on the formation of a whole system of professionally important qualities (Максименко, Ткач, Литвинчук & Онуфрієва, 2019). This is a rather complex and dynamic process of the formation of functional and operational actions on the basis of individual psychological characteristics of the individual. That is, professionally important qualities of a specialist determine the productivity of his/her activities, and, consequently, contribute to successful professional development (Ivashke- vych & Koval, 2020).

Despite some differences in the process of professional development of the specialist, in the psychological literature there is some unity of the opinion of researchers according to the concept of “professional development”, which means the development of specific professional qualities and personality traits. It is a process which is always quite active (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018). Professional development is a gradual and dynamic process that causes positive changes in personal and professional qualities, contributes to the formation of a positive attitude to the sphere of future profession, the desire to master professional knowledge, skills and abilities (Aleksandrov, Memetova & Stanke- vich, 2020).

There are several reasons that determine the importance of the professional activity as a factor that significantly facilitates the development of the person. This is, firstly, the process of entering the paradigm of the professional activity, which means for the individual the emergence of a completely new social situation of the personal development (Bates, Maechler, Bolker & Walker, 2014).

The last process will have the most important formative impact to a person who significantly is changing and, at the same time, enriching his/her motivational and need sphere of the person. After all, it is professional activity that allows to satisfy basic human needs. The researchers (Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019) gave a particular importance in these processes to the role of leading activities in the process of self-actualization of the individual. Thus, scientists (Batel, 2020) note that a socially justi- fied and valuable way to explain the need for personalization is, first of all, professional activity.

At the same time, it is impossible to imagine the formation of the person as a process of passive mastery of one's own professional activity. After all, any activity has a certain system of features. Some of them are perceived by a person as personally significant ones, and due to this they have a great impact on a person, while other signs remain completely insensitive to the individual.

The most important role in influencing the formation of the personality as a professional are the so-called internal prerequisites, due to which there is the actualization of external conditions, which are somehow perceived by the individual (Mykhalchuk & Ivashkevych, 2019). Therefore, the same activity can have different effects on a person, which ultimately leads to the formation of different qualities, characteristics, traits and types of the person.

But if we tell about the development of communicative competence of students of philological faculty there are some questions which are not solved in scientific literature. So, the purpose of our article is: to describe communicative and quasicommunicative techniques to develop students' communicative competence; to show the reasons for bad quasi-communication; to describe the types of exercises that are inherent to each of the stages of the development of communicative competence of students of philological faculties; to show how the professional development of students, future translators, depends on their communicative competence.

Methods of the research

The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization.

Results and their discussion

Quasi-communicative techniques include the means of communication in dialogical and monologue speech, also the quasicommunication in a writing form. When compiling a dialogue, a micro-dialogue, a monologue, the activity with lexical units, students develop their speech, learn to speak as well as it is possible. Quasi-communicative techniques encourage students to communicate, they always have a stimulus to modeling speech, they influence learner's autonomy in developing students' translation competence.

Quasi-communication is the most important factor in the existence of a society. This is a special mode of existence of a human language with a categorical organization of a language quasi-code to be specific and unique. There are no societies without quasi-communication. It is the process that ensures the formation of the society (quasi-communication - a structure of the society, communication - a model of the community). Without effective quasi-communication many economic processes would stop. Therefore, the question of organizing the processes of communication (quasi-communicative processes) is important for the creation of any society. But a correct organization of any process is impossible without the understanding of its nature, the construction of a model of a quasi-communicative process associated with the study of its structure, the factors which influence this process, the system of actions that make up its basis.

Quasi-communication tactics are the means for the realization in a concrete situation of a quasi-communicative strategy based on the possession of a technique and knowledge of the rules of quasi-communication in general. A technique of quasi-communication is a set of specific communicative skills (skills to speak) and listening abilities.

True quasi-communication exists for all people without any exception. There is no social public significance being impossible outside of its collective - quasi-communicative, mediated public discussions-recognition, that is outside of any legitimation. Democratically organized community has to achieve unity, consensus, through discourse. Discourse is the practice of quasicommunicative relationships for achieving social understanding and social consensus. Discourse based on the norms and values of coexistence is the highest instance of a social life. To be universal, quasi-communication has to be also argued, rationally grounded, self-conscious. Therefore, one of the main tasks of organizing quasi-communicative philosophy is to study the norms of universal pragmatics, that is the analysis of the underlying conditions of the possibility of the language existence and quasicommunication in a complex system of social attitudes, relationships, which are based on the processes of the identification of common norms, which form the basis of quasi-communicative practices and are arising in speech interactions of people.

We'll emphasize the reasons for bad quasi-communication. They can be:

a) stereotypes - simplified thoughts about any individuals or situations, as a result that there is no objective analysis and understanding of people, situations, problems;

b) “based representations” - the tendency to reject anything that contradicts one's own views, new and unusual information (“We believe in that information we would like to believe”). We rarely realize that the interpretation of events by another person is just as legitimate as ours;

c) bad relations between people, because if the attitude of a person is hostile, it is difficult to convince the justice of our point of view;

d) lack of attention and interest in the partner of communication;

e) mistakes in the construction of statements: the wrong order of words, the complexity of the message, poor persuasiveness, illogicality, etc.

f) incorrect choice of any strategy and use of quasi-commu- nicative tactics.

Strategies for the development of communicative competence and effective quasi-communication are because of such conditions:

1) open - closed quasi-communication;

2) monologue - dialogical process of quasi-communication;

3) role-playing (based on playing social roles). Open process of quasi-communication is based on the desire and the abilities of the person to express his/her point of view and display the readiness to take into account the positions of others. Closed quasicommunication is a reluctance or inability to express clearly the person's point of view, his/her attitude and present available information.

So, quasi-communication has three different meanings:

a) quasi-communication as the activity, as a process of presenting lexical units;

b) quasi-communication as a product of inner speech activity;

c) quasi-communication as a special form of inner oratorical genre.

Quasi-communication in the first, procedural meaning has its synonyms: quasi-communicative activity, quasi-com- municative act. Quasi-communication assumes the exchange in the inner form of thoughts and feelings, the information which was carried out not only by inner speech, but also by means of non-verbal characters that study semiotics (facial expressions, gestures, touches). The same process of quasi-communication is a means of verbal communication with the help of verbal sign units: words, syntactic constructions, texts, intonations, which often are supported by non-verbal means.

Within this term “quasi-communication” is investigated by us in such a way:

a) as a physiological basis of quasi-communication, quasi- communicative activity;

b) by the use of inner mechanisms of speech according to its types: mechanisms of quasi-communication (inner speech), the mechanisms of listening (perception and understanding of speech), etc.;

c) by using of code transitions;

d) by the relationships of thinking and understanding the information;

e) by the implementation of speech functions in the process of quasi-communication;

f) by the interaction of languages in the bilingual inner speech activity;

g) with use of the process of taking possession of inner speech of a student;

h) by the formation of “linguistic sense” (intuition) at different age stages of the person, etc.

The second meaning of the term “quasi-communication” is “quasi-communication as a result”. It has a synonym “a text”, which can be not only written but also oral one. In the theory of inner speech the text is defined according to the person's linguistic activity as the result of a creative process, by the analyses of its derivation. There are the examples of the use of the term “the inner speech” in the following sense: a dialect, rhythmic speech, scientific broadcasting, direct and indirect speech and others.

Within this information quasi-communication is analyzed as:

a) structure of the text, its components, connections;

b) speech styles;

c) speech genres;

d) use of linguistic means (lexical, grammatical) in the text;

e) use of stylistic figures, tropes, phraseology, etc.;

f) linguistic norms and their violation (mistakes);

g) means of verbal expression of the text;

h) means of long-term or short-term storage of chapters of oral and written broadcasting, etc.

The third meaning of the term “inner speech” is speech of the inner oratorical genre or as a quasi-monologue in a piece of art (informational, polemical, pathetic ones).

In the process of inner communicative activity the formation of inner speech structural units is considered to be a simple statement. This is a unit of inner speech or quasi-communica-tion, having a relative autonomy, completeness. It includes a quasi-communicative modal aspect, intonation (verbal one), non-verbal means, which are available to actual categorization (subject-oriented process). Inner statements always correlate with certain situations of life. They also are characterized by motivation: greetings as at the meeting, like when a person calls a taxi by telephone, a student's response at the lesson, a letter to a friend, a speech at the conference, etc.

All phrases of inner speech are correlated with sentences. Often the components of the inner speech are coincided. However, sometimes the statement is broader, louder in volume. The most important role within the statements is played by: intonation, deictic means (indication of participants in the process of quasi-communication, time or spatial localization of facts and characteristics referred to this process).

The linguistic act is also a unit of inner speech process and the unit of the generation of the whole text. A linguistic act should be understood by us as a purposeful act, a unit of normative lexical forms in a certain inner language group, a social group of inner units of speech behavior, which are presented in each situation of quasi-communication.

In such a way quasi-communication is a universal achievement of mankind and the process of obtaining the universal reality of social existence. Speaking at the same time is a process of verbal communication with the help of verbal sign units: words, syntactic constructions, texts, intonations, often with the support of nonverbal means. The feature of contemporary public speech communication is its dialogicity: various forms of a dialogue (a dispute, a discussion, polemics, TV debates, interviews).

The process of quasi-communication in a great degree influences dialogical speech of students. In such a way a dialogue is a process of interaction between two or more participants in the process of communication. Therefore, within the paradigm of a speech act each participant alternates himself/herself as a listener and also as a speaker.

The dialogue between the TV presenter and his guest in the studio usually involves the presence of another third person - the audience, which can be expressed by the famous formula: “Thank you to everyone who was today with us”. From time to time political opponents, arguing with each other in the media spheres, argue primarily with the audience.

A multi-vector type of communicative process is a dialogue that is a conversation between two or more individuals. A feature of a dialogic communication is a quick change of the roles of a communicant and a communicator. The initiative in the partnership has to be moved from one person to the other one. Thanks to the latest technology, this multi-vector process of interaction makes mass communication multifaceted and high-grade, within the conditions which are created for the efficient exchange of products of information. The interests of the people are realized greater when individuals' needs are met, and the positions of the representatives of dialogue process are timely clarified.

In such a way monologue and dialogical texts differ from each other both from the point of view of the structure of the texts underlying some speech situation, and from the point of view of the regularities of the text formation the partners of communication operate with. So, the dialogue is based on a dialogical unity: the expression of the opinions and their perceptions, the response to them, which is reflected in the structure of this speech act. The dialogue consists of interrelated replicas of the partners of communication.

The main features of the dialogue are: the intention, purposefulness, rules of conduction of the conversation. Purposefulness of the speech activity in a dialogue is the available or hidden purpose of the speaker (a message about something, a question, an order, a counsel, a promise). In order to achieve some goal, each of the partners of communication realizes his/ her intentions, facilitating the partner to certain speech actions. The rules for conducting the conversation are necessary for the dialogue: a) the message has to be given in certain acts; b) the message corresponds to the topic of conversation; c) the partners of communication make the broadcast clear and more consistent.

The role of a teacher is also changed in the learning process. A teacher facilitates the process of communication, helps students to achieve autonomy in determining the goals and ways of learning a foreign language, mastering their speech, linguistic abilities, non-verbal means of communication. Mother tongue is also used occasionally, where it is necessary, when a speech is justified by a difficult situation.

A dialogue, as well as a monologue, is characterized by its reverence. Communication, as a rule, takes place in a direct contact of participants who are well aware of the conditions in which communication takes a right place. A dialogue involves visual perception of the partners of communication and proves a certain incompleteness of statements, supplemented by extra-language means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, poses of partners of communication). With their help, the speaker expresses his/her wishes, doubts, pity, assumptions. Consequently, they can not be ignored in teaching foreign language communication.

Dialogue speech is characterized by certain communicative psychological and linguistic features. One of the most important psychological features of dialogical speech is its situational character. Situational dialogical speech is that one when often its meaning can be understood only taking into account the situation in which it is carried out.

A characteristic feature of a dialogical speech is its emotional color. Speech is usually emotionally colored, because the speaker transmits its thoughts, feelings, attitudes to what content is being discussed. This is reflected in the selection of lexical and grammatical tools, in the structure of the replicas, in the intona- tional design. The present dialogue contains replicas of surprise, capture, appreciation, disappointment, dissatisfaction.

Understanding of incomplete replicas of partners in a dialogue is facilitated by the contact of partners of communication, by the presence of a common situation, reciprocity replicas, the use of extra-language means (gestures, facial expressions), knowledge of two partners of communication in the circumstances of the reality, and in the most cases - towards each other. In addition, the released members of the sentence can be restored, based on the contents of the previous replica.

Example 1

Peter. Jean! Would you like a meat sandwich or cheese sandwich?

Jean. А chees sandwich,please.

A dialogue is widely used as “ready” speech units. They are called “formulas”, “templates”, “cliches”, “stereotypes”. They are used to express a gratitude, the exchange greetings, congratulations, to attract the attention of the partner of communication at the beginning of the conversation, to confirm or to comment, etc. “Ready” speech units (phrases, suggestions) provide a dialogue with emotionality. Here are some examples (“ready speech units” are highlighted).

Example 2

A. Е:тш me! Is there a chemist's near here?

B. Yes. It's over there.

А. ThanKs a lot.

In a dialogical speech, words often referred to as “fillers of silence”. They are used to hold a conversation, to fill a pause in it, when the speaker searches for a corresponding replica. For example: well, well now, you know, Let me see, Look here, І say.

Any dialogue consists of separate interrelated statements. Such statements, the boundary of which is the change of the partner of communication, are called replica. Replica is the first element of the dialogue. Replicas come in varying lengths, but are closely linked with each other by their communicative functions, structurally and intonationally. The closest connection is between adjacent replicas. The totality of replicas is characterized by structural, intonational and semantic completeness, it is called a dialogue unity (DU).

The first replica of dialogical unity is always initiative (it is also called a replica for inducing or controlling the situation). The second remark can be either completely reactive (differently - dependent, or a replica - a reaction), or reactively initiative, that is possible to include such reaction into the previous statement and into the whole text.

Example 1

Peter: What would you like to eat, Edith?

Example 2

Ben: Is lunch ready?

Ann: Yes. Let's have lunch in the garden.

In both cases, the first replica of a dialogic unity is usually initiatory, the second one in Example 1 is reactive (here the conversation may also stop), and in Example 2 it is reactiveinitiative: firstly, the reaction (the answer to the question), and then - the inducement (proposal statement), by the help of which the conversation continues. In such a way pupils have to learn:

1) to start a conversation using an initiative replica;

2) to respond correctly and quickly to the reactive replica of the partner of communication with a reactive replica;

3) to support the conversation in order to continue it, with not purely reactive statement, but using reactive-initiative replicas;

4) depending on the functional interrelationships of the replica in the dialogue to distinguish between different types of a dialogue unity.

Here are some examples of a dialogue unity.

Example 3.Dialogic unity «Message - Message».

Pretty girl: I want to buy a hat.

Assistant: Hats are upstairs on the next floor.

Example 4.Dialogic unity «Message - Question».

Hostess Bradley: Alice! Perhaps that passanger is without ticket.

Hostess Alice: Which passanger, Anne?

Example 5.Dialogic unity «Question - Contr-question».

Voice А: What's wrong with you, Mrs Bloggs?

Mrs Bloggs: What's wrong with me?

Example 6.Dialogic unity «Motivation - Question».

Ann: Let's eat lunch in the garden?

Ben: Shall we sit on this seat?

The system of exercises for teaching dialogical speech consists of three main stages: the first stage is the initial one, on which the presentation of the material takes a place; the second stage is the middle one, where the practice of the development of skills of dialogue broadcasting takes place; the third stage is the last, creative one - at this stage there is a creative, independent activity of students in the process of a dialogical speech. Let's look at the types of exercises that are inherent to each of the stages we have described.

Each functional type of a dialogue is characterized by a certain set of dialogue unities.

I. Dialogue - Question: Question - Answer, Message - Question, Message - Reply + Message, Message - Message, Message - Reply Message + Additional Message.

II. Dialogue - Arrangement: Question - Reply + Message, Message - Reply Message + Additional Message, Message - Reply + Question, Incitement - Consent or refusal, Question - Answer, Message - Question.

III. Dialogue - Sharing experiences, thoughts: Message - Message, Question - Reply + Message, Message - Question, Message - Reply + Additional Message, Question - Answer.

IV. Dialogue - discussion: Message - Message, Question - Answer, Message - Reply, Message - Message in reply + Additional Message.

Stage I. Exercises of the first stage are of conditionally speech, receptive and reproductive ones. They can be imitative, substitutions, transformations, questions - answers, reciprocation exercises. All exercises at this stage are performed consistently in the following regimes: “teacher - student”, “student -teacher”, “phonogram - student”, “student - phonogram”, “student - student”.

Example: Exercise 1

А: I'm interested in dancing.

В: I'm interested in dancing too.

А: I'm interested in reading books.

В: I'm interested in reading books too.

Stage ІІ. The exercises of the second stage have the aim to develop the skills of compiling micro-dialogues and simultaneously improving the skills of mastering dialogical unities. Using previously learned dialogical unities, students form dialogues of two-three dialogic unities.

The exercises of the second stage take place in certain educational-speech situations and with communicative tasks. Pupils offer auditory verbal supports (a phonogram of a dialogue - a sample) and visual verbal supports (a micro-dialogue - substitute table and a micro-dialogue - a schema), which are based on a micro-dialogue-sample. After verifying the understanding of a micro-dialogue - a sample students listen to it again and in pauses repeat each remark by a speaker or a teacher.

Example: Exercise 2

- It made a deep impression on me, too. How did you like the singing?

- Yes, he is my favorite opera singer.

Stage ІІІ. The exercises of the third stage have the aim of teaching pupils to compile and to conduct their own dialogues according to the training and speech situations at the level of program requirements. Third stage exercises are productive. All supports are removed, exercises are independent. At this stage of teaching the speech situations for pupils are offered, the degree of deployment of each component is gradually changing - decreasing - depending on the pupils' acquired dialogical skills. Here is an example of the exercise of this stage.

Exercise 3.Topic “Shopping”.

Tasks for the first partner: You are an absent-minded customer. Now you are at the Hat Department. Choose the hat.

A task to the second partner: You are a shop assistant. Your customer is very absent-minded. Help him to choose the right thing. Be polite.

The teaching of a dialogical speech through a series of exercises involves mastering the skills and abilities which are necessary to implement a communicative situation in accordance with the communicative tasks of the partners of communication, taking into account the specific conditions of communication, as well as based on various types of interpersonal and inter-rolled interaction of controversial speakers. In such exercises it is also foreseen to train situational use as a versatile linguistic material, as well as various functional types of speech and types of communicative interaction of pupils. Situational-related learning of a dialogical speech can be offered in the content of the following exercises:

1. Make a dialogue to series of drawings, using keywords (pictures depict the sequence of actions of people who communicate).

2. Make a dialogue on the contents of a picture or a picture.

3. Make a dialogue using available data about the situation, the beginning and the end of a dialogue.

4. Make a dialogue based on the keywords.

5. Make a dialogue by reading the text.

Consequently, dialogical speech is characterized by a set of features and represents not only one kind of speech activity of its participants, but a speech act (the exchange of information), in which a real speech and inner speech are inextricably linked types of speech activity. Dialogue communication is manifested in the monologue form. To our mind, a dialogue communication is the best way to develop and to form communicative competence of students.

Professional activity is one of the most important ways for everyone to connect with the world, and for many people it is a real factor in building relationships with others. So, the main importance of leading activities in determining the life path of each individual is that it opens a person's guidelines for inclusion him/her into new spheres of life in the society, introduces it to new social structures and allows to establish even more and the quality of social ties.

Thus, professional achievements, their evaluation by other people have a significant impact on the formation of many important personal characteristics, such as self-esteem, self-confidence, strengths and abilities. The latter includes the achievement of a certain social status in the society and in the paradigm of the professional sphere. Professional activity facilitates quite serious changes in the professional paradigm of the individual, determines a certain dominant strategy of individual behavior, goals and programs of actions, shows the attitude to the results of own professional activities of future specialists.


The professional development is presented as a sequence of certain specific phases that differ by content and the form of presentation of professional desires. The way of career should be divided into five stages: growth, search, strengthening, stabilization and decline. The period of choosing a profession and the professional development is the second stage of this five-step model, which covers the age of 14 to 25 years and is characterized by the fact that the individual performs professional activities in different roles, focusing on his/her real professional opportunities. We should also note that professional development is understood by us quite broadly: it is the formation of a person's idea of his/her professional career, and preparation for future professional activity, the initial process of professional activity and the whole career path, change in a career and retirement. The professional development of students, future translators, depends on their communicative competence, which in a great degree depends on the processes of real, natural communication, which can be presented in a monologue and a dialogue forms, and also on the process of quasi-communication.


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