Theoretical and research aspects of the problem of improving the personal and professional sphere in the teacher's pedagogical activity
Knowledge that forms the foundation of self-development and professional and pedagogical education. The philosophy of human-centrism as a new quality of innovative human thinking that surpasses the established standards of thinking of past eras.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 10.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 307,3 K |
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Theoretical and research aspects of the problem of improving the personal and professional sphere in the teacher's pedagogical activity
O.A. Dubaseniuk
O.V. Antonov
I. Borawska
professional pedagogical education
The relevance of the outlined problem is determined by modern innovative transformations in the field of education. The article presents theoretical and research aspects of the problem of development and improvement of personal and professional spheres in the teacher's pedagogical activity. The role of the teacher's personal sphere is substantiated, pedagogical orientation in particular, socially and professionally the most significant personality traits are singled out, namely: social responsibility, love for the child, love for one's profession, humanism, benevolence, sociability; corresponding professional qualities include: theoretical and methodical training by profession, psychological-pedagogical and theoretical-practical preparation, development of pedagogical skills. An important role in the self-improvement of a teacher is played by such a cognitive component as knowledge that forms the foundation of continuous self-development and professional and pedagogical education. The philosophy of anthropocentrism as a new quality of innovative thinking of a person, which surpasses the established standards of mind frame of past eras, appears as the methodological basis of knowledge about a person. An activity component has been identified, which includes pedagogical skills and mastery of the methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing, based on the conscious use of psychological-pedagogical and methodical knowledge. The active component includes such components as gnostic, projective, constructive, communicative, organizational. The research aspect involves conducting a pedagogical experiment to identify, in particular, the dynamics of the formation of the components of the activity component in the process of training future teachers in higher education institutions. As a result of the experiment, through the introduction of the appropriate model and technology, there were changes in the levels of formation of professional skills in educational work according to students' self-assessment. The graduates' orientation towards further professional self-improvement and self-development is also traced. All this testifies to the students' readiness for future independent work to improve their personal and professional qualities, knowledge, and skills. A comparative analysis of the data obtained at the beginning and after the completion of the formative experiment made it possible to identify positive changes in the levels of productivity of students' training to improve the personal and professional spheres of students in the experimental and control groups. Thus, the analysis of scientific literature and the conducted experiment testify to the effectiveness of the developed model and technology in improving personal and professional spheres in the pedagogical activity of an elementary school teacher. Several problems have been identified that require further research by taking into account the current situation in Ukrainian society: the pandemic and martial law.
Key words: pedagogical activity, teacher, personal sphere, professional sphere, self-improvement, cognitive component, activity component
Теоретичні та дослідницькі аспекти проблеми вдосконалення особистісної та професійної сфери у педагогічній діяльності вчителя
О.А. Дубасенюк, О.В. Антонов, І. Боравська
Актуальність окресленої проблеми зумовлена сучасними інноваційними трансформаціями у сфері освіти. У статті представлено теоретичні та дослідницькі аспекти проблеми розвитку та вдосконалення особистісної та професійної сфер у педагогічній діяльності вчителя. Обгрунтовано роль особистісної сфери педагога, зокрема педагогічної спрямованості, соціально і професійно найбільш значущих рис особистості - соціальної відповідальності, любові до дитини, любові до своєї професії, гуманізму, доброзичливості, товариськості; професійних якостей - теоретичної та методичної підготовленості за фахом, психолого-педагогічної теоретичної та практичної підготовленості, розвиток педагогічних умінь. Вагому роль у самовдосконаленні вчителя відіграє когнітивна складова - знання, які становлять фундамент неперервного саморозвитку та професійно-педагогічної освіти. Методологічним підґрунтям знань про людину постає філософія людиноцентризму як нова якість інноваційного мислення людини, що перевершує усталені стандарти мислення минулих епох. Виділено діяльнісну складову, яка вміщує педагогічні вміння - володіння способами і прийомами навчання та виховання, засновані на свідомому використанні психолого-педагогічних і методичних знань. Діяльнісна складова включає такі компоненти як гностичний, проєктувальний, конструктивний, комунікативний, організаторський. Дослідницький аспект передбачає проведення педагогічного експерименту щодо виявлення, зокрема динаміки сформованості компонентів діяльнісної складової у процесі підготовки майбутніх учителів у ЗВО. За наслідками експерименту шляхом упровадження відповідної моделі та технології відбулися зміни в рівнях сформованості професійних умінь з виховної роботи за самооцінкою студентів. Також простежується орієнтація випускників на подальше професійне самовдосконалення, саморозвиток. Все це свідчить про готовність студентів до майбутньої самостійної роботи щодо вдосконалення власних особистісних та професійних якостей, знань та вмінь. Порівняльний аналіз даних, отриманих на початку і після завершення формувального експерименту дав змогу виявити позитивні зміни в рівнях продуктивності підготовки студентів до вдосконалення особистісної та професійної сфер студентів в експериментальних та контрольних групах. Таким чином, аналіз наукової літератури, проведений експеримент свідчать про ефективність розробленої моделі та технології щодо вдосконалення особистісної та професійної сфер у педагогічній діяльності вчителя початкової школи. Виявлено ще низку проблем, які потребують подальшого дослідження за допомогою врахування сучасної ситуації в українському суспільстві: пандемії та воєнного стану.
Introduction of the issue
In the communication, balance, self-esteem and modern conditions of the development of Ukrainian society in the field of pedagogical education in higher education institutions (HEIs), the personal growth of subjects of education, which is determined by the presence of personal potential, is of particular importance. The major signs of the present time, which exert a priority influence on all aspects of the development of modern education, have become the processes of cultural globalization, which are accompanied by a number of inconsistencies, in particular moral ones, which determine the urgent need to counteract the process of demoralization of society, a sharp decline in its spiritual and moral foundations; worldviews that determine the need to change the value worldview paradigm in accordance with the latest achievements of modern science and the new sociocultural conditions of humanity's existence. Contradictions caused by the current conditions of world development require the formation of competitive human resources, the key characteristic of which is the concept of personal potential in the context of its maximum use. This provision is revealed to the greatest extent in the activity of the teacher in accordance with the provisions of the "New Ukrainian School" Concept. In the scientific literature, first, personal and professional spheres are distinguished, in which the teacher's personality and activity are self-improved.
Aim of research is to analyze the theoretical and research aspects of the problem of development and improvement of personal and professional spheres in the teacher's pedagogical activity.
Current state of the issue
The personal sphere of development and professional self-improvement of the teacher was studied by such scientists as V.M. Haluzynskyi and M.B. Eutukh, who divided the characteristics of a teacher's personality into socially oriented (general human moral traits and qualities, value orientations, awareness of public duty, striving for the heights of one's profession) and professionally and pedagogically oriented (pedagogical imagination, organizational abilities, purposefulness, self-criticism) [2: 39-40].
The research of I.D. Bekh, V.M. Herasymenko, T.D. Demianiuk, P.M. Shcherban and others highlights the peculiarities of national education, its essence, and system. singled out the following qualities that should be characteristic of a national schoolteacher: a high level of national self-awareness, the embodiment of typical features of the native people, spiritual wealth, emotional culture, the desire for constant self-improvement, perseverance. Academician I.D. Bekh states the following: "The golden rule of acquiring spirituality by a growing personality is its awareness of self as a bearer of spirituality" [1: 54]. This rule has entered the educational use of the teacher and is implemented by him as a process of developing spiritual and moral self-awareness in the student, which has value-transforming power.
Foreign studies emphasize that an "effective teacher" is required to have: high self-esteem; emotional stability; personal maturity; social responsibility; the desire for maximum flexibility; self-confidence; cheerfulness, and the ability to empathize/pinpoint relevant material; the ability to give a unique color to the teaching process; creating positive incentives for students' self-perception; ability to master the style of informal, sensitive communication with students, etc. The described qualities are determined by the positive "self-concept" of the teacher, which can serve as a kind of litmus test for assessing the professional suitability and professional readiness of the teacher [10: 364].
In the activity of the teacher, the process of formation of the following qualities is highlighted: general pedagogical qualities of the personality, in particular pedagogical orientation, including social responsibility as the most socially and professionally significant traits of the personality; love for the student; love for one's profession; humanism; benevolence; sociability; professional qualities - theoretical and methodical training by profession; psychological-pedagogical, theoretical-practical preparation; development of pedagogical skills; individual psychological qualities - features of mental processes (pedagogical thinking, observation, attention, imagination, memory; empathy, will, temperament).
Results and discussion
Thus, based on the analysis of modern pedagogical literature, personal qualities are characterized by social, and professional- pedagogical orientation.
Cognitive component. An important role in the self-improvement of a teacher is played by knowledge, which is the foundation of continuous self-development and professional and pedagogical education, including knowledge of the philosophy of education and upbringing (V.P. Andrushchenko, I.A. Ziaziun, V.H. Kremen). The most important is the problem of choosing a certain philosophy, basic teacher's outlook. V.H. Kremen emphasizes that the problem of finding a person in the context of the philosophy of anthropocentrism appears as a component of the global philosophical problem, which reflects the realities of the modern world. According to the researcher, "the concept of people-centeredness is full of deep philosophical meaning. The term anthropocentrism denotes various and at the same time conceptually oriented shades of philosophical thought, the object of which is a person. Physicality, giftedness, spirituality, education, morality, selfishness, intelligence, purposefulness - all these are fragments of the ever-changing picture of human existence, which reveal its new aspects, but do not exhaust the infinite content" [5: 4, 9].
Anthropocentrism represents the actualization of humanistic tendencies in the modern era, which transforms humanism and philosophical anthropology into a new type of worldview. Such a natural fusion of philosophy and anthropology gives birth to a new discipline that emphasizes the study of the human problem in all its essential aspects. As knowledge about man is enriched, anthropocentrism is considered as a new quality of innovative human thinking that surpasses the established standards of thinking of past eras. V. Ogneviuk examines the peculiarities of the philosophy of education, oriented on child- centeredness [7: 1-2]. In the context of the philosophy of education, axiology (various value systems, means of communication and cooperation in the field of education) is important; under the leadership of O.V. Sukhomlynska the value potential of education and upbringing was investigated [16]. Pedagogical implementation of humanistic values is aimed at increasing the general culture of the individual, attachment to national and universal human values, and this requires strengthening the cultural orientation of the professional training of future teachers. Culture is based not only on knowledge acquired by mankind, life experience and methods of activity, but also on the ability to create new things. The purpose of culture is, first, enrichment, formation of a spiritual and moral personality. The cultural function of pedagogical education at the current stage involves, first of all, updating its content on the basis of humanitarianization.
Researchers study various aspects of the cognitive component. Thus, L.L. Katsynska pays attention to the knowledge of legislative documents regarding the purpose and tasks of upbringing and education [4]; Researchers (L.I. Makarova) also prove the need for future teachers to develop the knowledge and ability to independently design programs and methodology for organizing diagnostic research. L.O. Khomych studied the system of psychological and pedagogical training of primary school teachers [15]; I.V. Kazanzhi, D. Latyshina have identified the specifics of psychological-pedagogical and methodical knowledge and extracurricular educational work of primary school teachers [3]. On this basis, it is possible to distinguish: socio-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical and methodical knowledge, however, mastering the above-mentioned types of knowledge does not yet guarantee formation of certain abilities and skills that are components of the corresponding activity. I.A. Ziaziun noted that the mastery of education is "the creative use in practice of the entire arsenal of tools, techniques and methods that derive from the laws of education, the laws of organizing the life of a children's collective" [9]. O.L. Shkyr identified features of the formation of pedagogical skill of a primary school teacher [17]; M.P. Leshchenko determined the priority in the field of humanities knowledge in the direction of the development of pedagogical skills [6].
It has been proven that the basis of an educator's mastery is not only knowledge, but also relevant skills and abilities. O.Ya. Savchenko analyzed ways to improve the professional training of future primary school teachers [12]; V.A. Semichenko developed the concept of integrity and ways of its implementation in the professional training of future teachers [13]. In these studies, the activity component of the professional training of future teachers is also sufficiently characterized. Let's reveal its essence:
Activity component. Pedagogical skills imply mastering methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing, based on the conscious use of psychological-pedagogical and methodical knowledge. Pedagogical skills are developed and analyzed in scientific and pedagogical literature [8; 9; 11]. The main parts of the activity component can be described as follows:
Gnostic skills contain the following components: in the personal sphere they include the ability: to analyze the social role, functional duties of the teacher,; to understand the specifics of the teaching profession; to study and analyze the psychological-pedagogical literature in a certain direction, various concepts regarding the problem of the teacher's professional activity; to study and analyze the self-education programs of outstanding pedagogues; to master teachers and other outstanding educators; to analyze their own capabilities, the level of development of pedagogical abilities as a basis for their own personal and professional growth; In the professional sphere: to analyze curricula and programs; to identify the latest trends, in particular, in the development of pedagogical education, as well as in the provisions of the "New Ukrainian School" concept; to analyze the peculiarities of independent work with students regarding the development of their independence.
Projective skills involve mastery of constructive and predictive skills, which involves the personal sphere of the teacher and its components, which the teacher must consider: prospects for the development of the teaching profession, set long-term goals for continuous self-improvement, which must be implemented through daily planning for the development of personal qualities; the ability to predict the results of one's actions and future goals, as well as to design forms and methods of one's own self-education; skills to teach their pupils to identify the main directions in education and their own life activities; determine the main goals of self- educational activities. In the professional sphere - the ability to design a program of professional self-education activities for a long period; to model the means of self- educational work in the context of professional growth.
Constructive skills in the personal sphere involve planning self-educational activities for a certain period, selecting specific forms and methods of self- educational work in accordance with one's own individual characteristics, as well as the ability to identify possible difficulties in self-educational and self-educational work and measures to eliminate them. In the professional sphere, in the process of acquiring pedagogical skills, the search for promising goals takes place: from the planning of daily educational activities to the results of long-term educational process. Projecting of individual content components, forms and methods of the educational process, selection of optimal educational information, forms and methods of the pedagogical process is carried out; the necessary elements of the teacher's educational work are modeled.
The teacher's communication skills in the personal and professional spheres deepen the teacher's ability to establish friendly relations with students, colleagues, parents, personal and business interaction in the pedagogical process; to develop speaking skills, as well as the ability to navigate pedagogical situations, to find humane ways of solving them; implement an individual and differentiated approach to students, strive to own one's own feelings, behavior in different situations; navigate in pedagogical situations that reflect models of real pedagogical behavior.
Organizational skills. In the personal sphere regarding the development of organizational skills, the teacher must skillfully organize his/her own pedagogical activities, create conditions for self-education, self-educational activities, accumulate experience in professional vision of pedagogical problems, perform practical pedagogical tasks, train in the development of self-instruction, self-control, and self-organization skills; exercise self-control over self-education and self-education activities, develop personal and professionally significant traits (humanity, love for children, for the teaching profession, sociability, etc.); to create conditions for self-educational, self- educational activity of the teacher; to organize productive educational and cognitive activities. In the professional sphere - to develop the ability to organize students' cognitive activities in the educational and bringing process, stimulating their independence, responsibility, and activity; learn to make optimal decisions in specific pedagogical situations, create conditions that contribute to the development of students' potential opportunities; to teach students ways of self-organization of activities and behavior, to organize productive educational and cognitive activities; solve various pedagogical problems, learn to make optimal decisions.
Research aspect. In the activities of the Zhytomyr Scientific-Pedagogical School, numerous experimental studies were carried out on the professional and pedagogical training of teachers. Under our guidance, a study of O.L. Shkyr in the context of training future primary school teachers for class management has been conducted. Much attention is also paid to self-improvement of the future teacher. The components of the outlined model and blocks of the corresponding technology (target, motivational, substantive, activity-operational and control-evaluative) were developed and experimentally verified.
According to the results of the experiment, the dynamics of the formation of professional skills in educational work were analyzed according to the self-assessment of students in experimental and control groups, which cover personal and professional spheres [17: 177-178]. The changes that occurred in the control and experimental groups were detected using non-parametric methods.
Table 1. Changes in the levels of formation of professional skills in educational work according to students' self-assessment
№ |
Professional skills |
Groups |
EG |
CG |
High |
Medium |
Low |
ЛН |
High |
Medium |
Low |
ЛН |
1. |
Projective |
0,90 |
0,81 |
0,78 |
8,65 |
0,76 |
0,63 |
0,54 |
9,65 |
3. |
Gnostic |
0,93 |
0,86 |
0,81 |
6,88 |
0,79 |
0,66 |
0,57 |
8,52 |
4. |
Constructive |
0,93 |
0,87 |
0,81 |
8,71 |
0,82 |
0,73 |
0,60 |
9,41 |
6. |
Applied |
0,96 |
0,90 |
0,85 |
6,49 |
0,91 |
0,84 |
0,75 |
17,59 |
7. |
Communicative |
0,97 |
0,90 |
0,88 |
7,69 |
0,91 |
0,83 |
0,73 |
9,64 |
8. |
Organizational |
0,98 |
0,91 |
0,89 |
10,12 |
0,90 |
0,83 |
0,74 |
6,97 |
A comparative analysis of the level of skill formation in the experimental and control groups also shows the uneven nature of the distribution. There is a significant difference between EG and CG indicators of high (0.90-0.98; 0.76-0.91), medium (0.81-0.91; 0.63-0.84) and low levels of student training (0.78-0.89; 0.54-0.75).
Note that, in general, the condition Н >5,99 is fulfilled for each feature we have highlighted, and this makes it possible to conclude about the presence of a significant difference between the outlined groups of students.
The dynamics of changes in the levels of formation of professional skills regarding the performance of the functions of a class teacher can be traced using the following graph (Fig. 1). It can be seen from the graph that professional skills are formed in students of an average level of EG training, then in students of a high level of CG training. Also, the trend of relatively uniform growth of indicators of the level of formation of professional skills in EG can be traced again.
Fig. 1. Dynamics of changes in the levels of formation of students' professional skills
Such results are confirmed by many years of teaching pedagogical disciplines at Ivan Franko Zhytomyr State University and was facilitated by the developed pedagogy workshop and various training courses on "Theory and Methodology of Educational Work", "Methodology of the Class Teacher", etc. Implementation of practical tasks in the content of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, students' creative report on pedagogical practice, trainings, pedagogical and problem groups, control, self-control, evaluation, and self-evaluation of the results of their training, participation in scientific research contributed to the formation of a fairly high level of professional skills among students EG.
The last criterion for pedagogical training of students is the orientation of graduates towards professional self-improvement. To determine students' readiness for future independent work in order to improve their own personal and professional qualities, knowledge and skills, the researcher at the end of the formative stage of the experiment asked the graduates the following questions: "How will you act in case of appearance of difficulties during educational work with students or their parents?", "What is professional self-improvement?", "Are you ready for professional self-improvement after graduating from a pedagogical institution?" The analysis of the answers convinces that the students of the experimental groups better understand the importance and content of the self-improvement process for the successful implementation of professional and class teacher functions, know and possess the methods and techniques of self- educational work. They are more ready for self-improvement because, as they themselves note, during their studies at a pedagogical institution, they had to systematically engage in independent work and analyze the level of their professional growth.
Thus, self-assessment by graduate students of the level of preparation for classroom leadership (motivational sphere, professional qualities, knowledge, skills and orientation to self-improvement) indicates the effectiveness of training under experimental conditions, especially in experimental groups, proves the feasibility of improving the entire educational process, the effectiveness of the implementation of components models of training for class management and blocks of training technology (target, motivational, substantive, activity-operational and control-evaluative).
These conclusions also confirm the results of the assessment by primary school teachers of the level of preparation for classroom management of graduate students who were on prediploma practice in their classes.
A comparative analysis of the data obtained at the beginning and after the completion of the formative experiment made it possible to identify changes in the levels of productivity of students' preparation for class management in CG and EG (Table 2).
Table 2. Dynamics of changes in the levels of productivity of training future teachers for classroom management among students of experimental (EG) and control (CG) groups
Beginning of experiment |
End of experiment |
Indicators |
Indicators |
Groups |
High |
Medium |
Low |
High |
Medium |
Low |
std. |
% |
std. |
% |
std. |
% |
std. |
% |
std. |
% |
std. |
% |
EG |
20 |
8,0 |
116 |
46,4 |
114 |
45,6 |
67 |
26,8 |
153 |
61,2 |
30 |
12,0 |
CG |
21 |
8,4 |
119 |
47,6 |
110 |
44,0 |
28 |
11,2 |
124 |
49,6 |
98 |
39,2 |
Conclusions and research perspectives
Thus, the analysis of scientific and scientific-pedagogical literature, the conducted experiment testifies to the effectiveness of the developed model and technology for the improvement of personal and professional spheres in the pedagogical activity of the primary school teacher. The developed model reflects certain aspects and qualities of a specialist, which become the standard of a specialist, and to which one must strive in the process of further pedagogical activity. It gives an opportunity to clearly imagine what a modern teacher should be in the context of the provisions of the "New Ukrainian School" Concept, to accordingly develop innovative content, forms, methods, technologies and to identify promising ways.
We see the prospects of the research in the further study of the structure of the personal and professional spheres of the teacher, as well as specialists of various specialties, considering the conditions of the pandemic and the situation of martial law in Ukraine.
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