Model of introduction of an inclusive educational environment in the institution of general secondary education

The model of an inclusive educational environment for the creation of an management system and the construction of a concept for the comprehensive development of inclusive education. Principles of dynamic monitoring of the quality of inclusive education.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 15.02.2023
Размер файла 150,2 K

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Sumy state pedagogical Makarenko university

Model of introduction of an inclusive educational environment in the institution of general secondary education

O.S. Poznyak,

graduate student director

The article considers the tasks of an inclusive educational environment and the peculiarities of its introduction in general secondary education institutions of the city of Sumy and Sumy region to ensure the right of every child for education. An inclusive educational environment is defined as a special environment that provides conditions for education and training, comprehensive development of students with special educational needs and different levels of health.
Creating an inclusive environment is aimed at a harmonious combination of psychological and pedagogical conditions, technical means and resources of the educational institution to organize the educational process for people with special educational needs.
The organization of an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education institutions will promote the emergence of experimental institutions of inclusive education; advanced training of pedagogical workers in the organization of inclusive education of students with special needs; increasing society's understanding and tolerance of people with special needs.
The article is devoted to the search for an effective model of inclusive education environment to create an effective management system, a clear legal framework and build a specific concept for the comprehensive development of inclusive education at all levels. The implementation of the outlined way of organizing an inclusive educational environment requires dynamic monitoring of the quality of inclusive education, creation of optimal conditions for professional development, special education and increasing the level of motivation of teachers.
When talking about the organization of the educational environment, it is wrong to start thinking about furniture and equipment. However, in addition to the physical environment, it is necessary to take into account the equally important social environment, which includes quality interaction between administration and parents, administration and teachers, teachers and parents of children with special educational needs, teachers and children, communication between children.
The article notes that only if an inclusive educational space is created, adherence to the principle of continuity between preschool education, primary school, secondary education, understanding the specifics of the child's educational needs, professional development of teachers, providing psychological and pedagogical support to children, providing educational, psychological pedagogical and correctional and developmental services, providing students with special means of correction of psychophysical development, dynamic and sustainable introduction of an inclusive educational environment in a general secondary education institution is possible.
We came to the conclusion that in general the model is an imaginary or material object, which in the process of research replaces the original object, preserving the typical elements of this study. It was determined that to ensure pedagogical «modeling» there is a need to apply a systems approach, which is based on the study of the object as a holistic system consisting of interdependent components that determine the causal relationship.
Key words: educational environment, inclusive educational environment, student with special educational needs, organizational aspects, methodological aspects.
Main part
Introduction of the issue. Characteristic feature of the modern education system is a change in views on the upbringing and education of children with special educational needs, and the main direction of state educational policy - the development of inclusive education. The experience of developed countries has shown the priority of education of children with special educational needs - the creation of an inclusive educational environment that provides individual educational needs of all children, regardless of their intellectual, material, emotional, social or other conditions, and should be created for children with disabilities and for gifted children, children from remote areas belonging to linguistic, ethnic or cultural minorities, the homeless, as well as for children who are at a disadvantage.

Current state of the issue. A huge contribution to the study of the organization of an inclusive educational environment belongs to such researchers as Yu. Bondarenko, A. Kolupaeva,

I. Kuzava, O. Martinchuk, N. Sofiy,

S. Steblyuk, N. Yarmola. The basic principles of the tendency to create inclusive education in Ukraine and the main stages of its introduction into general secondary education are outlined in the works of N. Teplova. O. Balakhonova, in turn, notes that inclusive education for Ukraine is a pedagogical innovation, and therefore encounters a number of difficulties that significantly complicate the process of its creation. [2: 55].

O. Martinchuk for the first time substantiated theoretically and developed scientific and methodological principles of modernization of professional training of future teachers of special education, defined and substantiated the structure and content of components of students' readiness for professional activity in an inclusive educational environment, established criteria and indicators of readiness. The system of training specialists in special education for professional activity in an inclusive educational environment, designed by O. Martinchuk, was tested, and based on the results of implementation of the developed model, the dynamics of formation of components for this type of activity is highlighted in her works. [6: 125].

Only a few works by practitioners Yu. Bondarenko, I. Kuzava, O. Martinchuk, S. Steblyuk were found, devoted to the search for strategies for the development of a modern inclusive environment of general secondary education in Ukraine and overcoming obstacles along the way [1: 287].

Despite the wide interest of researchers and practitioners in the problem of inclusive education, the issue of creating an inclusive educational environment involves taking into account the uniqueness and characteristics of each region of Ukraine in building an effective model based on practical experience.

Outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. The author of one of the few scholars raises the issue of the importance of adherence to the principle of continuity in an inclusive educational environment and emphasizes that continuity is a natural condition for the effectiveness and integrity of the educational process, a factor that determines the logic and sequence of personality at all ages.

Aim of research is to create and describe a model of successful organization of an inclusive educational environment in a general secondary education institution.

Results and discussion. The effectiveness of the general secondary education institution depends on the creation of a special educational environment, psychological and correctional support, team approach, correctly selected learning strategies.

An important role belongs to the teacher, who organizes and provides optimal learning conditions, a favorable atmosphere in the student body, a way of presenting a topic that would involve, be exciting and not burdensome or exhausting for a «special» child, stimulate learning, promote knowledge, the ability to connect them with life, assessing student achievement in different ways. That is why the readiness of the educational institution, the teacher himself, to work with different student groups comes to the fore.

During our research, the issue of developing a model for the implementation of an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education became especially important. During its construction, we relied on the data obtained during the ascertaining stage of the experiment and the results of scientific research.

The main feature of all models is their ability to reflect reality in some way. We agree with the opinion of W. Stoff, the method of modeling should be used when it is necessary to control a complex system. He believes that the model should help to establish how some aspects of the phenomenon affect others or the phenomenon as a whole. Although, as noted by the scientist, the main characteristics of the object being studied remain unchanged [3: 47].

The model of implementation of an inclusive educational environment is indirectly reflected in the content of organizational and methodological principles of its creation. This form of model, according to Lavrikov, in the most general form reflects the scope and structure of organizational and managerial, methodological and pedagogical social, special-professional, moral and ethical knowledge, properties and skills important for educational activities [5: 315].

The model of introduction of an inclusive educational environment in a general secondary education institution is based on the structure of an educational institution. The development of the model makes it possible to determine the basic principles, objectives and content of the subjects of the educational process, training, analyze the work of various educational institutions and build a model as a prognostic result that improves the construction of an inclusive educational environment.

It is known that in general, a model is a material or mental imaginary object, which in the process of research replaces the original object, while retaining some important features of this study.

The model is necessary to understand, first, what is the structure of a particular object, its basic properties, the laws of development and interaction with the environment; second, learn to manage an object or process and determine the best ways to manage it with set goals and criteria; third, to predict the consequences of the implementation of the specified methods and forms of impact on the object.

O. Martinchuk notes that building a model is a process of modeling. This process is interpreted as the researcher's ability to «set the problem and objectives, predict the results of the study, conduct evaluations, determine the main and secondary facts to build a model, select appropriate adequate analogies» [6: 222].

We agree with the opinion of O. Stolyarenko that it is important in the study of the model of separation and combination of its subsystems, the integrity of which ensures their interconnection and interaction; secondly, the presence of integrated qualities that are not inherent in its individual parts; thirdly, the model acts as a holistic formation only when it is justified in view of objectively existing connections and relations [4: 47].

O. Semenova notes that the process of pedagogical modeling is provided by 4 stages:

1) problem statement;

2) building a model;

3) check the model for performance;

4) implementation of the model [4: 39]. Modeling provides a real opportunity, exploring a particular object, to present the results of the study in a form convenient for analysis. Given that modeling is an important tool for systems analysis, we will try to model the process itself and develop an adequate model for the implementation of an inclusive educational environment.

The components of the model of implementing an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education institutions should be understood as a set of interconnected elements that are closely interconnected.

The starting point in the process of determining the relationships between the components of the model is the procedural side of teaching students with special needs in an inclusive educational environment. This makes it possible to study the process of creating an educational environment comprehensively, as a whole, consisting of interconnected structural components and subject to the general laws of organizational structure and functioning of any system.

In our work, we highlight pedagogical modeling as a reflection of the characteristics of the pedagogical system in a specially created object. Characterizing the results of the study, we believe that in order for a particular object to become a model of another, it must meet the following conditions:

1) a system;

2) some extent be similar to the original;

3) me parameters differ from the original;

4) the process of research to replace the original in certain aspects;

5) ovide an opportunity to gain new knowledge about the original [1: 293].

Developing a model for the introduction of an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education, we took as a basis for defining the concept of «pedagogical model» E. Romanov. The scientist understands this concept as a generalized, abstract-logical image of a specific phenomenon of the pedagogical system, which reflects and represents the significant structural and functional connections of the object of pedagogical research, presents it in the necessary visual form and is able to form new knowledge about the object of modeling [3: 48].

Modeling the system of implementing an inclusive educational environment is appropriate because it appears as an object and a means of pedagogical experiment.

Creating innovation in the educational institution requires the improvement of legal, methodological, staffing of inclusive education, development of services in local communities, which are necessary for children with special educational needs (SEN) and their families.

The integrity of the model for the introduction of an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education depends on its components of horizontal and vertical levels and the close links between them.

We studied the dynamics of creating a network of inclusive classes in Sumy and Sumy region in comparison with 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic year. Thus, as of January 1, 2022, 122 inclusive classes were created in Sumy, which is 5 classes more than in the 2020-2021 academic year, with 199 students with special educational needs, which was 9 students more than in the previous year. academic year.

The dynamics in Sumy region was as follows: on 01.01.2022 year 596 inclusive classes were created, which is 130 classes more than in the 2020-2021 school year, in which 842 students with special educational needs study, which was 189 students more than in previous school year.

The analysis of the practice of organizing an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education institutions of Sumy and Sumy region was carried out by questioning a wide range of respondents involved in the organization of an inclusive educational environment, including administration representatives, teachers and correctional teachers (speech pathologists, speech therapists, practical psychologists)., teacher / educator assistants on the online platform in connection with quarantine measures, and then martial law and the implementation of measures to ensure the national security of defense of Ukraine, necessary to eliminate the threat and ensure national security.

The questionnaire was created at at up8XQHJJLwGa9NiabHfyVd62aXVf0KWfh 7Cx5Q/edit? ts=61faaf6e.

The questions of the questionnaire were aimed at clarifying the respondents' knowledge of the current legal framework for the organization of an inclusive educational environment; problems of continuity between links; cooperation with colleagues; their attitude to the idea of inclusive education; what needs to be taken into account when organizing an inclusive educational environment.

In order to analyze different points of view on the process of implementation of inclusive education, we included categories of respondents who are directly involved in the organization and implementation of inclusive education in general secondary education:

1) representatives of the administration of general secondary education institutions, which have introduced inclusive education for children with SEN;

2) teachers of inclusive classes and educators (preschool department, primary school, basic secondary and high school and special teachers), correctional teachers;

3) teacher / educator assistants in inclusive classes / groups (preschool, primary school, basic secondary and high school).

Therefore, the objectives of this work were defined as follows:

1. To generalize and classify the identified problems of practice of organization of inclusive educational environment in general secondary education institutions of Sumy and Sumy region.

2. To develop an effective model of organization of an inclusive educational environment to eliminate the identified difficulties and problems of the practice of organizing an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education institutions in the Sumy region.

In creating topical issues for the study, we relied on knowledge of the current legal framework, functional responsibilities of various participants in the process, the desire to undergo retraining, special education, training, self-education, working closely with the support team and willingness to work with students with SEN.

The participants of the experiment were 199 respondents, including: 15 representatives of the administration, 142 - teachers (educators and special teachers) and 42 - assistant teachers / educators.

The research bases selected 18 secondary schools of Sumy and Sumy region: Municipal institution Sumy specialized school of I-III degrees №3 them. Lieutenant-General A. Morozov, Sumy Specialized School of I-III Grades №17, Sumy Secondary School of I-III Grades устано18, Sumy Secondary School of I-III Grades №22 named after Igor Holna Radska, Sumy institution Sumy comprehensive school of I-III degrees №23, Municipal institution Sumy comprehensive school of I-III degrees №24, Municipal institution Sumy specialized school of I-III degrees №29, Municipal institution

Pishchanskaya comprehensive school of I-II degrees of Sumy region, Sumy, Sumy preschool educational institution (kindergarten) №40 «Dolphin», Sumy preschool educational institution (kindergarten) №23 «Golden key», Bochechkivsky educational complex «Secondary school of I-III degrees - preschool educational institution» of Bochechkivsky village council of Konotop district of Sumy region, Myropil educational complex: comprehensive school of I-III degrees - preschool educational institution of Myropil village council of Krasnopil district educational complex: comprehensive school of I-II degrees - preschool educational institution of Novoslobodskaya village council of Konotop district of Sumy region, Chervonoslobodskaya comprehensive school of I-III degrees named after G. Ya. Bazyma of Buryn city council of Sumy region, Mikhailovsky institution of general secondary education - III degrees of Lebedyn City Council of Sumy region, Support Seredino-Budsky institution of general secondary education of I-III degrees

№1 of Seredino-Bud city council, Znob - Novgorod basic institution of general secondary education of I-III degrees of Znob-Novgorod village council of Sumy region, Ugroidy secondary school of I-III degrees Krasnopil village council, Samotoivka secondary school of I-III degrees of Krasnopil village council.

According to the results of the questionnaire, we summarized and classified the problems of the practice of organizing an inclusive educational environment in secondary schools in Sumy and Sumy region.

Organizational problems include:

1) imperfect mechanism of timely financial support of the needs of the child with SEN:

a) purchase of aids for development and training, taking into account the individual educational needs of the child;

b) payment for the services of specialists, such as teacher's assistant, educator's assistant and GPA educator's assistant (low tariff category, impossibility to obtain pedagogical categories, in particular for teachers with special education, GPA educator's assistant is not a pedagogical worker at all).

1) insufficient material and technical support of educational institutions (lack of special educational equipment, specially developed educational methods, varied educational programs, insufficient provision of textbooks, special educational furniture and multimedia equipment);

2) imperfect architectural accessibility - unsuitability of buildings of some educational institutions for unimpeded access to them by students with various diseases;

3) inconsistency in the content, methods of management and forms of organization of the pedagogical process of preschool institutions and schools, violation of the principle of continuity;

4) lack of teaching staff;

5) lack of monitoring the quality of educational services to students with special educational needs.

6) exceeded the number of children with SEN in inclusive classes.

Methodological problems include:

1) lack of special training and retraining for teachers to work with students with SEN;

2) unwillingness of teachers to work with children with special educational needs;

3) the content and forms of professional development do not meet the modern needs of practice;

4) inability to teach relevant educational material to children with different abilities, features;

5) incompetence of teachers in the processes of adaptation and modification of the content, methods and forms of educational activity, adaptation and modification of methodical materials;

6) insufficient level of methodological support for distance learning of children with SEN;

inclusive education management

Model of organization of inclusive educational environment in general secondary education

1) imperfection of the assessment system for students with special educational needs;

2) insufficient number of trained special specialists to work with children with PD (speech therapists, psychologists, rehabilitation specialists, etc.), especially in rural areas;

3) transfer of responsibilities or unwillingness to participate in the support team members in creating an individual development program for students with SEN.

Thus, based on the study of scientific and pedagogical literature and empirical experience of creating an inclusive educational environment, a model of introducing an inclusive educational environment in a general secondary education institution has been developed (see Fig. 1), which covers the following aspects: purpose and objectives (to form a prognostic result on the effectiveness of the implementation of an inclusive educational environment in general secondary education, to specify the content of organizational and methodological conditions for creating an inclusive educational environment; to characterize ways to implement the environment and experimentally test their effectiveness); providing conditions for harmonious development; disclosure of internal potential; providing conditions for successful implementation and functions (early intervention, diagnostic, educational, educational and developmental, corrective, organizational, analytical and prognostic), which are placed before the institution of general secondary education in order to achieve the final result; specific principles: continuity (to mitigate the process of adaptation of a student with special educational needs and a gradual transition to the next educational level); child-centeredness, determinism, individualization, variability, differentiation, optimality for the correctional orientation of the educational process, training for comprehensive harmonious development of the child's personality with special educational needs, combination of science and accessibility of education, connection of learning with life; consistency and regularity in the education of students with the peculiarities of development, the creation of adapted conditions for the functioning of the learning process, the optimal combination of all teaching methods, the activity approach to learning; consciousness, activity and independence of students in teaching children with special needs, quality control and self-control, ensuring the dynamics of skills, knowledge and abilities and individualization and differentiation of the educational process;

approaches: competence, personality - oriented, culturological, procedural, systemic and activity);

directions of activity of the institution of general secondary education: organizational, methodical, didactic, special-oriented;

organizational and pedagogical conditions: formation of values of inclusive education; ensuring compliance with regulations, organizing the work of the support team and professional cooperation, development of professional competence for the formation of sustainable motivation to learn in the process of intellectual and personal development of students forming an educational and developmental environment for independent learning; providing correctional assistance to students with special needs in the process of individual educational and cognitive activities;

result: only in the presence and observance of the above-stated conditions, aspects successful introduction of the inclusive educational environment for harmonious development of the child with special educational needs is possible.

In general, the represented model of the system of introducing an inclusive educational environment in a general secondary education institution is essentially multifunctional and large-scale, as it is aimed at achieving the goal, efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process. In our opinion, the components of the system are presented in accordance with the logic of the educational process and the specifics of the organization of an inclusive educational environment in the educational institution.

The developed structural and content model allows to create a holistic view of the process of creating an inclusive educational environment.

The effectiveness of the developed model was tested during the molding experiment.

Approbation of the model of implementation of inclusive educational environment promotes the release of a student from an educational institution, which will form a stable motivation to learn in the process of intellectual and personal development.

This model will provide correctional assistance to students with special educational needs in the process of gradual transition to the next educational stage (preschool-primary, primary-senior, senior - basic), the formation of educational and developmental environment for independent learning and implementation of inclusive education of students in general.

Conclusions and research perspectives. Only if an inclusive educational space is created, adherence to the principle of continuity between preschool education, primary school, secondary education, understanding of the peculiarities of the child's educational needs, professional development of teachers, providing psychological and pedagogical support to children, providing educational, psychological, pedagogical and correctional development services and providing students with special means of correction of psychophysical development, dynamic and sustainable introduction of inclusive education in general secondary education is possible. It should be noted that the readiness of teachers to work in the inclusive environment of ZDO and NUS is of great importance in ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education. The purpose of inclusive education is to realize the right of children with SEN to education at the place of residence, their socialization and integration into society, involvement of the family in the educational and correctional and developmental process. At the beginning of the process of modernization of the education system, the problem of creating optimal conditions for the development, education and training of students with special educational needs, corresponding to the trends of education reform on the way to its openness, democracy and accessibility for all categories of the population, and with the introduction in the educational environment of innovative technologies.

The mechanisms related to the organization of the system of implementation of inclusive educational environment and qualified support of students with special educational needs in general educational institutions remain imperfect at the practical level.

References (translated & transliterated)

1. Bondarenko, Yu. (2020). Merezheva forma zdobuttia osvity yak model realizatsii indyvidualnoi osvitnoi traiektorii dlia dytyny z porushenniamy intelektualnoho rozvytku [Network form of education as a model of realization of individual educational trajectory for a child with intellectual disabilities]. Pedahohichni nauky: teoriya, istoriya, innovatsiyni tekhnolohiyi - Pedagogical sciences: theory, history, innovative technoloies. Sumy: SumDPU imeni A.S. Makarenka, 286-297 [in Ukrainian].

2. Haiash, O.V. (2014) Orhanizatsiini zasady udoskonalennia profesiino - pedahohichnoi pidhotovky pedahohiv do roboty z ditmy z psykhofizychnymy porushenniamy [Organizational principles of improving the professional and pedagogical training of teachers to work with children with mental and physical disabilities]. Formuvannya hotovnosti pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv do roboty z ditmy z osoblyvymy potrebamy v umovakh inkliuzyvnoho navchannya - Formation of the readiness of pedagogical workers to work with children with special needs in the conditions of inclusive education: tematychnyi zbirnyk prats, 51-56 [in Ukrainian].

3. Koval L.V. (2018). Orhanizatsiia inkliuzyvnoho seredovyshcha u zakladi osvity [Organization of an inclusive environment in an educational institution]. Inkliuzyvne navchannia v Noviy ukrayinskiy shkoli - Inclusive education at the New Ukrainian School: materialy Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. (26-27 bereznia 2018 r., m. Terebovlia): u 2 ch. Kyiv: Interservis, 46-49 [in Ukrainian].

4. Kolupaieva, A.A. (2016). Inkliuzyvna osvita vid osnov do praktyky [Inclusive education from basics to practice]: monohrafiya. Kyiv: Atopol, 152 [in Ukrainian].

5. Kuzava, I.B. (2012). Rol inkliuzyvnoho seredovyshcha u formuvanni osobystosti doshkilnykiv, yaki potrebuiut korektsii psykhofizychnoho rozvytku [The role of inclusive environment in the formation of the personality of preschoolers who need correction of psychophysical development]. Pedahohichna osvita: teoriya i praktyka - Pedagogical education: theory and practice, vyp. 11, 315-318 [in Ukrainian].

6. Martynchuk, O.V. (2018). Pidhotovka fakhivtsiv zi spetsialnoi osvity do profesiinoi diialnosti v inkliuzyvnomu osvitnomu seredovyshchi [Training of specialists in special education for professional activities in an inclusive educational environment]: monohrafiya. Kyiv: Tsentr uchbovoi literatury, 430 [in Ukrainian].

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