Influence of family upbringing in childhood on success in student period: Ukrainian model

Study of educational and educational potential of the family in Ukraine. The role of the family in the social, economic and political organization of human society. The influence of parental styles of raising children on the level of success of children.

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Дата добавления 15.02.2023
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Sumy State University

Faculty of Foreign Philology and Social Communications

Department of Germanic Languages

Department of Psychology, Political Science and Socio-Cultural Technologies

Social Research Center

Influence of family upbringing in childhood on success in student period: Ukrainian model

O. Medvid, Ph.D. in Phil., Ass. Professor

P. Sakhno, Senior Lecturer

K. Sakhno, Analyst

Sumy, Ukraine


The article examines the upbringing and educational potential of the family institution in Ukraine. Historically, the family institution plays an essential role in human society's social, educational, economic, and political organization. It is due to the family institution's societal values being nurtured, institutionalized, and transferred from one generation to the other. Family is studied as a relatively independent social life phenomenon with its specific development patterns and influence on other social institutions, processes, and relationships. The psychological climate in the Ukrainian family promotes the advantages and disadvantages of different children's behaviors, influencing the development of the society in general. The purpose of the paper is to reveal the impact of the family as an essential social institution of children's upbringing on the level of success in future adolescent's age. This study examines the effects of a mother's and father's parenting styles on several indicators of success in the student period. Methodology of the research is based on systematic, synergistic, activity- and personality-oriented approaches, as well as theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) and empirical (pedagogical observation, experimental conversation, questionnaire, calculation) research methods. Ukrainian university students (235 respondents from Sumy State University) took part in the questionnaire assessing their perception of the families' parenting style and its influence on self-esteem, general satisfaction with life, determination, independence, and personal success in student life. The obtained results highlight the importance of the role of parents in fostering positive development in adolescence and show that the perceived parenting style of both parents significantly affects the formation of a child and adolescent well-being in the future, including studying as a principal part of life.

Key words: family institution, communication, parenting behavior patterns, psychological climate, success, adolescent age, student period, educational potential.


Вплив сімейного виховання в дитинстві на успішність в студентський період: українська модель

О. Медвідь, к. філол. н., доцент заст. декана факультету іноземної філології та соціальних комунікацій, кафедри германської філології; П. Сахно, ст. викладач кафедри психології, політології та соціокультурних технологій; К. Сахно, аналітик Центру соціальних досліджень Сумського державного університету (Суми, Україна)

У статті досліджено виховний та освітницький потенціал інституту сім'ї в Україні. Історично інститут сім'ї відіграє важливу роль у соціальній, освітній, економічній та політичній організації людського суспільства. Це пов'язано з тим, що суспільні цінності сімейного інституту плекаються, інституціоналізуються та передаються від одного покоління до іншого. Сім'я досліджується як відносно самостійне явище соціального життя зі своїми специфічними закономірностями розвитку та впливу на інші соціальні інститути, процеси та відносини. Психологічний клімат в українській родині пропагує переваги та недоліки різних форм поведінки дітей, впливаючи на розвиток суспільства в цілому.

Мета роботи - виявити вплив сім'ї як найважливішого соціального інституту виховання дітей на рівень успішності в майбутньому підлітковому віці. У цьому дослідженні розглядається вплив батьківських стилів (матері та батька) на показники успішності в студентський період. Методологія дослідження базується на системному, синергетичному, діяльнісно-особистісно-орієнтованому підходах, а також теоретичних (аналіз, синтез, порівняння, узагальнення) та емпіричних (педагогічне спостереження, експериментальна бесіда, анкетування, обчислення) методах дослідження. Студенти вищих навчальних закладів України (235 респондентів Сумського державного університету) взяли участь в анкетуванні, яке оцінювало їхнє сприйняття стилю батьківства в родині та його вплив на самооцінку, загальну задоволеність життям, цілеспрямованість, самостійність та особисту успішність у студентському житті. Отримані результати підкреслюють важливість ролі батьків у сприянні позитивному розвитку в підлітковому віці та показують, що сприйнятий стиль виховання обох батьків суттєво впливає на формування благополуччя дитини та підлітка в майбутньому, включаючи навчання як основну частину життя.

Ключові слова: інститут сім'ї, спілкування, моделі поведінки батьків, психологічний клімат, успішність, підлітковий вік, студентський період, виховний потенціал.


Being a specific social formation, a family has undergone profound changes during a long way of its development from a primitive polygamous society to a new type of monogamous family nowadays. "Family roots are deeply embedded in human nature; it is the natural environment where a man develops, forming personality" (Kuzminsky, 2003: 6).

Relevance. A family is an integral part of the modern social system. As the primary and fundamental unit of society, it is closely connected with other system elements. O. Lopatina considers the family "a natural and basic structure of the Ukrainian society" (2014: 61). Society influences the family, forming its specific type, and the family has, in turn, an impact on other social institutions, processes, and relationships. At the same time, it is a relatively independent social life phenomenon with particular patterns of development. Thus, the family acts as a tool that meets the diverse needs of individual identity (spiritual, physical, physiological, cultural, etc.) and as a social institution that directly affects many social processes.

The family as a social institution carries out the formation, development, and functioning of marriage relations in particular cultural, social, and economic conditions, as well as models of family behavior specific to certain social groups, character roles in the family, nature of formal and informal rules and sanctions in the area of family relations. The family, as a phenomenon that emerged in a society, is of great importance for each individual and is universally recognized as the value of society. Therefore, the legal regulation of family relations reflects both the social significance of family relation types and the individual value of certain types of family relationships for each person. The legal and social quality and validity of this regulation determine the state of family relationships in society and the behavior of individuals, who are the members of the family and take part in social relationships, their social and legal status, and even their perception of the world and life in general (Kravchenko & Khromova, 2000: 17).

It's common knowledge that inappropriate family upbringing and parents' neglect of their responsibilities significantly affect the formation of the child's antisocial attitudes, wrongful conduct unacceptable in the legal community, and causes committing offenses. It should be noted that the attempt to define a valid legislative concept of the family was made in the Family Code of Ukraine (2017). However, it is difficult to consider it legally distinct and revealing the essence of this institution. Requirements for the family are in the law sphere, and to a great extent, they are also subject to moral rules. Therefore, we are not supposed to talk about the concept of the family but just about standard features identified as a family concept given in Art. 3, Family Code. According to it, family is the primary and fundamental group unit of society, which consists of individuals who live together, do work in the home, and have mutual rights and duties; family is formed based on marriage, blood kinship, adoption of children, and other grounds which are not prohibited by law and don't contradict moral norms of the society (Family Code, 2017).

According to the Family Code, the concept of the family outlines standard features of this social institution, indirectly defining the individual staff of its members, grounds for its forming, and the other features like co-residing, shared life, mutual rights, and duties. These features are expected to be essential for a legal assessment of a specific unit of individuals as a family.

The goal of this paper is to reveal the importance of the family as the primary social institution of children's upbringing in Ukraine and to research the influence of the family as an essential social institution of children's upbringing on the level of success in the student period.

Methodology and Literature Review. Systematic, synergistic, activity, and personality-oriented approaches, as well as theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) and empirical (pedagogical observation, experimental conversation, questionnaire, calculation) research methods are used to accomplish the purpose of the study.

As a social institution, the family influences individuals, communities, and societies. Family is the primary agent of socialization, the first institution through which people learn social behavior, expectations, and roles (Ayers, 2011; Demir & Drentea, 2016). Like society, the family as a social institution is not stable. It changes along with society, and as family and family structures change, society also changes. All these issues were under thorough study by a lot of researchers within the sphere of Social sciences throughout the world: Murdock (1949) studied over 250 multi-cultural societies and gave the universal family definition; according to Adoms (1986), as families move from being extended to being more isolated, nuclear and privatized, wives and husbands tend to become more egalitarian; Marsh et al. (1996) defined such families "the symmetrical family"; Giddens (1993), Bilton et al. (1996) studied the other type - an extended family, patrilocal family; Haralombos and Herald (1997) examined family as a procedure for socialization, economic activity, and sexual activities; Baumrind (1967) identified three different parenting styles: authoritative parenting, authoritarian parenting, and permissive parenting. Maccoby and Martin (1983) expanded this parenting style model using a two-dimensional framework; taking into account changes in religious and national traditions in the 21st century; some scientists devote their studies to the family lifestyle in different countries, for example, Labeodan, M.O. (2005) describes Muslim families in Nigeria; Kurfi, M. H. (2012) gives samples of changing marriage courtship in Kano, etc.

There is also a large amount of experience in Ukraine, taking into account the social and political features of its development and their impact on the family institution as a structural unit of society as a whole (Ye. Arnautova (2002), G. Vashchenko (2006), T. Zavhorodnia (2014), T. Kravchenko (2000), A. Kuzminsky (2003), M. Levkivsky (2003), O. Lopatina (2014), O. Pronikov (2015), A. Ratsul (2007), M. Sarabeiska (2006), V. Sukhar (2007), A. Tolstokorova (2003), M. Fitsula (2009), etc.).

Theoretical Issues

Family is a small social group consisting of married men and women, their children (own or adopted), other persons related by kindred relations with spouses, and blood relatives (Ratsul, 2007: 55).

The family plays a unique role in the history of human development. It is the family that serves as a transmitter of "social continuity". Family is the most important social institution. It's a whole system of relationships: marriage and family, economic and legal, ethical, and psychological. That is why the family reproduces a man not only as a biological being but as a citizen because socialization primarily occurs in the family. The particular sociological theory - family sociology - studies the whole set of significant problems related to the family.

Compared with other social institutions, the family has particular features that significantly affect the formation of a child. At preschool age, when the child perceives educational influence, most of all, the family becomes the first connecting link between the child and society. It is the family that forms the child's lifestyle and micro-culture, based on societal values and cultural elements.

Modern Ukrainian families often don't have the opportunity to realize their educational potential fully. It is caused by peculiarities of public education, adverse changes in the family, reduction of its integrity, conflicts, and destruction of emotional ties between parents and a child. These prevent the child's acquiring behavioral standards and moral positions, leading to disorders in personal development (Arnautova, 2001: 131).

The emotional potential of the family has excellent opportunities for educational influence on the child. Emotional factors combined with the ideological guidance of parents are the main prerequisite for developing the child's moral dignity. The emotional and value attitude of the child to his / her «I»; the need to respect other people is based on the parents' positive evaluating attitude.

Comprehension of the way the child's spiritual needs are formed, namely, the demand in respect of adult relatives, is necessary for optimizing the entire process of family upbringing. Parents' knowledge about age peculiarities of need formation and main factors contributing to its optimal development provides high results of educational influence, namely: children receive a positive emotional attitude to an adult, desire to be relevant to his/her moral demands, to be good, that is practical guidance of children's behavior.

Affective communication among the family members, the predominance of positive and negative emotions significantly affects the health of the child, the worldview, and awareness of adult relatives' image. The features determining the most typical range of family member experiences, their moods, emotions, emotional contacts, love, and respect for each other create the psychological climate of the family as a micro-community.

The psychological climate of the family is one of the decisive factors of emotional impact on the child. The focus of the activity, the positive or negative mood, and the nature of personal expectations of a growing up person to surrounding people depend on the atmosphere in the family and the morality of parents (Lopatina, 2014: 101).

Being influenced by a "warm" family climate, based on the personal form of children's and adults' communication, children ideally contact their peers, show a friendly attitude toward them, and adequately react to the demands of kindergarten or school. But negative emotions and biased, hostile attitudes toward other people predominate in the behavior of children who are brought up in "unhappy" families. These children tend to effects, leading to conflicts with the people.

The child's health is severely affected by the disorder in the relationships between parents. Under these conditions, the children get conflicting emotions, which result from a collision in the child's mind of opposite emotional attitudes toward a loved person.

The behavior of parents also affects the emotional state of the child. The nature of children's games confirms it. Deep psychological observations of preschool children's games were examined by K. Ushin- sky. The author reveals the game's content and shows its importance to the child's moral development (Konduktorova, 2016).

Furthermore, the power of the educational influence of the family lies in the fact that parents can shape the spiritual needs of the children from the early years of their life. Forming needs is realized through an impact on the emotional sphere of the child. Thus, the positive emotional attitude of parents, approval, and promotion of the child's activity, during which individual inclinations and capabilities of the child are displayed to the maximum, lead to increasing emotional level and value attitude of the children to themselves. Maintaining self-esteem at the station, which was formed under the influence of the family, is one of the leading social needs of the child. If external impacts lower children's self-esteem, they get negative emotions.

The relationships with parents greatly influence the child's personality. S. Newberg investigated the ideas of parents about their relationships with their children. He identified several stages in the upbringing orientation of parents:

- when parents have a "selfish orientation", they project their desires and needs on a child as an object of action;

- "conventional orientation" involves the perception of the child in terms of traditions and attitudes accepted in society; the role of a father, in this case, is limited to the performance of socially defined actions;

- "subjective-individualistic orientation" considers the child as something unique; adults express their solidarity with the needs of the child;

- "interacting orientation" occurs when a parent perceives the child as a complex changing system, and a father improves his role: he not only meets the needs of the child but also tries to find methods of balancing their needs in such a way that each of them will be met with understanding (Fitsula, 2009: 273).

It should be stressed that parental love is "raising" their children. This highly moral feeling is not limited to the number of emotional experiences: pride for the baby, joy for their success, affection for them, tenderness, responsibility, anxiety, self-sacrifice, etc. Manifestations of parents' love may vary, but parental love always strives to perceive the child as an individual. It is expressed first by the predominance of a particular form of communication between parents and their child and vice versa; the lack of parental love and non-individual attitude to the child leads to an authoritarian form of communication. In turn, it lowers self-esteem and promotes the image of "I am a child", estrangement from the upbringing influences.

The emotional impact of family educational potential can be used effectively only if knowledge of the psychological mechanism of these factors is available. An essential condition of the influence mechanisms is authority. The authority of the close adult is based on the firm belief that a senior person endowed with strength, wisdom, and knowledge outdoes the children in all things. However, not all adults have absolute authority over their children.

The basis for this belief is close emotional contact between an adult and the child, due to which the child feels to be a subject of a loved person's love, care, concern, and emotional experiences. It should be noted that children do not forgive their parents' authoritarian style (both hyper and hypo custody) (Sukhar, 2007: 57).

The authority of parents depends on the frequency and quality of their contact with their child, awareness of how the child is getting on, the degree of understanding, and solving the child's problems. Sometimes the behavior of parents causes false authority. In his work "Parental Authority," A. Makarenko (1988) gives examples of the following harmful authority types:

- "suppression authority", which is based on coercion and intimidation and leads to the formation of children's deception, cruelty, and aggressiveness;

- "distance authority", when parents try to keep children away from themselves, talk with them haughtily, coldly;

- "self-assumption authority", when parents boast their exclusivity, humiliating others;

- "pedantry authority", when parents make children consider every word as an order, punish for the slightest fault;

- "reasoning authority", when parents moralize on any occasion;

- "love authority", so-called blind love, forgiveness, excessive nurturing;

- "kindness authority", when parents yield to children, being ready to sacrifice to make them happy;

- "friendship authority", when the child's behavior is paid for with gifts and promises (Levkivsky, 2003: 190).

The proper authority must be based on the set of features, such as love, and respect for the child's personality, combined with high demands on them.

In her research, D. Baumrind distinguishes indicators of parents' behavior that influence the formation of certain qualities in children: control, maturity, particular features of communication, and friendliness (Pronikov, 2015: 217). Baumrind (1967) initially identified three parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. Maccoby and Martin (1983) expanded this parenting style model using a two-dimensional framework. They made a further distinction by expanding Baumrind's permissive parenting into two different types: permissive parenting (also known as indulgent parenting) and neglectful parenting (also known as uninvolved parenting).

As a result, there are four models of parents' behavior:

- authoritative behavior - children are independent, mature, self-confident; active, cautious, curious, friendly, and adapt themselves to their surroundings;

- authoritarian behavior - children are not confident, distrustful, and reserved;

- indulgent (permissive) behavior - children are not convinced, incurious, and cannot control themselves;

- neglectful (uninvolved) behavior - children are more impulsive, cannot self-regulate emotion, encounter more delinquency and addictions problems, have more mental issues, up to suicidal behavior in adolescents (Zavhorodnia, 2015: 133).

The authoritative form with high-verbal communication involving children to discuss family problems, taking into account their opinion, the willingness of parents to help children, believing in their successful independent activity, and adequate parental supervision are considered to be the best practice of upbringing in the family.

However, the studies (Baumrind (1967), Maccoby & Martin (1983), Kravchenko & Khromova (2000), Arnautova (2001), Lopatina (2014), etc.) show that most parents, especially in the early age of the child, have subjective and objective treatment, authoritarian form of communication. Deviations from the authoritative style cause personality deformation, making self-realization difficult.

An inconsistent, mixed parenting style, lack of coordination, and contradictory opinions of parents about the upbringing harm the child mainly; constant unpredictable reactions of parents deprive the child of the sense of stability in the surrounding world and create heightened anxiety.

The family has high personal significance. For most people, it is a principal place of residence, a specific niche, that guards and protects a person. From the first days of the baby's birth, the family is designed to prepare it for life and practice, to provide the rational organization of life at home and help to learn the positive experience of older generations, to get personal experience of behavior and activity (Tolstokorova, 2003: 47).

The educational influence of family increases if parents are interested not only in studies but also in extracurricular activities of their children. Under such circumstances, family interests coincide with the interests of society. An influential factor in family upbringing is the joint activity of parents and children. Children should be involved in family work and have specific duties appropriate to their age opportunities. Such cooperation has a more substantial educative effect than verbal instructions. pedagogical educational social parental family

The success of family upbringing mostly depends on the organization and traditions of family life: the order in the family household, participation of the children in the family budget, general daily routine, giving a working place for everybody, in particular for studies, observance of specific family rules (each thing has its place; if you come back from a walk, wash your hands, etc. - home comfort also influences children).

According to asignificant number of scientific works (G.P. Murdock (1949), T. Demir & P. Drentea (2016), etc.), a family is a society in miniature, which builds social interaction in general. Compared with other social institutions, the family has peculiarities that significantly affect the formation of children's personalities:

- availability of all forms of human activity realized through family functions; as a result, the family builds its lifestyle, microculture, based on values and cultural elements of society;

- the inclusion of the child in the family, the formation of the first ideas about what is good and what is wrong, when a child perceives educational influence to the greatest extent, the family is the first link between a man and a society, conveying from generation-to-generation genetic code, specific social values, which are the value orientations of family members;

- continuity and duration of contact among persons of different sex, age, and life experience causes the children's interiorization of behavior patterns, at first, of their parents and only then of people outside the family;

- mainly, emotional ties between members of the family, based on love and affection, form the favorable basis for influence mechanisms such as imitation, suggestion, and mental "infection" the family plays a particularly significant role in the development of the child at the primary stage of socialization (Vashchenko, 2006: 177).

In the first phase (1 year), the child is developing along the axle of "trust - distrust". The extent of trust depends on the quality of maternal care.

In the second phase (1-3 years), the child is developing along the axle of «autonomy - shame and doubt» The ability of body self-control, the balance of obstinate, and voluntary actions is formed. Particular features of such balance are determined by the willingness of parents to give the children the opportunity to control their actions gradually and independently, restricting them gently in dangerous areas of life.

The third stage (3-6 years) is defined by the "initiative - fault" axle. Apart from autonomy, the initiative gives the ability to assume obligations, plan and solve new problems, and acquire new valuable skills. Children's predominance of effort depends mainly on how parents treat their will, recognize and fulfill their right to curiosity, imagination, and creativity (Kuz- minsky, 2003: 59).

The child's feeling of guilt is caused by parents who do not encourage their children to be independent or punish them excessively. Interaction of parents and children provides (or doesn't) the child's success in their further stages of socialization to a great extent.

Discussion and Results

Socio-pedagogical studies in Ukraine explicate that a modern Ukrainian family is often unable to realize its educational potential. The objective factors, such as: a single-parent family, poor living conditions, lack of financial support; and subjective ones, such as: the weak teaching position of parents, have a negative impact. The most severe objective reason is a single-parent family. A significant number of divorces lead to an increase in families where a mother (rarely a father) is raising children alone. In such families, upbringing is complicated because, in most cases, children are neglected, uncontrolled, spend their time outside the home, and are often in contact with non-moral people (Sarabeiska, 2007; Lopatina & Skrebtsova, 2014; etc.).

Moreover, the family's poor living conditions also negatively affect the upbringing of the children. Parents often cannot provide the child with a permanent studying place, so it is difficult for the child to focus; it arouses their irritability and dissatisfaction. Moreover, the family's low living level also affects the child.

Children from such families feel less dignity among their classmates, as they stand out with clothing and lack money for lunches or excursions. It depresses them psychologically and embitters them against their parents.

Our earlier research (Sakhno, 2010) shows that many today's families in Ukraine make mistakes in upbringing their children. Families that bring up so-called "educationally neglected children" can be divided into three groups in terms of pedagogics: pedagogically unable, pedagogically passive, and antipedagogic:

The first group consists of parents who try to be active in bringing up their children but do it clumsily and inconsistently, pedagogically groundless. They use their experience acquired from their parents (authoritarian style, restriction of freedom, threats, and punishment or permissiveness and indulgence of whims).

The second group contains families that are not very active in bringing up their children. Due to objective reasons (illness, employment, frequent absence) or subjective ones (lack of common approach to upbringing, discord between parents, conflicts), they cannot properly raise their children. Such families have strained relations and conflicts.

The third group is represented by the families, who disrespect the moral and law rules and bring up their children under amoral conditions. Parents' behavior (drinking, stealing, debauchery) forms an antipedagogic environment and opposes their family demands to school requirements.

Nowadays, another type of family has appeared; it attracts special attention for further studies. These are families in which parents do business. They don't have time to raise their children, so they entrust governesses. Parents do not let them play outside the home and choose friends of their level, and sometimes nobody controls how the children spend money (Sakhno & Kolomiets, 2015).

The result of child upbringing will significantly depend on the style of family influence and the way it is realized. To solve this problem successfully, parents must know basic pedagogical requirements and make necessary conditions for upbringing the child in the family. First, this is a family atmosphere where each parent and family member realize the responsibility of raising children.

Moreover, the family's everyday life, relationships between its members, collective work and rest, events in the state, and the children's surroundings raise them. A good life example and experience are the best way to teach them to be kind and hard-working. Parents' love and proper upbringing conditions are the sources of child well-being in the family today and in the future. Children are susceptible to the love and affection of their parents, and they are frustrated when they lack it.

The daily influence of parents largely determines the formation of the child's mind. In fact, both the atmosphere of intellectual life in the family and the activity of adult family members in meeting the cognitive interests of the child expand the outlook. Children's intellectual development also depends on how the family meets their spiritual needs, organizes their studying activities, even the family's language environment, etc.

Due to communication with parents, children receive the first lessons of citizenship. These lessons are the beginning of a long maturation that a child must undergo before becoming an honest citizen, for whom personal and social rights and duties are inseparable, who loves the homeland and is ready to study and work for its prosperity. The family also forms the foundations of morality. Gradually, communicating with beloved people, the child begins to realize what is good and evil when the good is active, respect for people, and responsibility for their actions and deeds (Sukhar, 2007: 205).

The family is the center of the child's upbringing, a social step in life. The family forms the consciousness, will, and feelings of children. Under parents' guidance, the children get their first life experience, elementary knowledge of the surrounding reality, and life skills in society. Impressions of childhood are reserved for the whole life. Children's experiences affect all their further activities, though they often remain subconscious. People can forget these impressions; nevertheless, they often determine their actions.

All the statements mentioned above and factors characterizing Ukrainian families as the results of social, pedagogical, and psychological observations and theoretical analyses were added with some empirical research - questionnaire and quantitative data.

The factors analyzed in our study systematically affect independence in decision-making, success in studying and professional development, and in general, the further life of a person. Moreover, the effect of this influence accumulates with age. In adolescence, the character of relationships with parents has already developed. Therefore, the respondents we involved in this questioning study were asked to use the effect of their past family experience and to evaluate its significance for their personality development for the moment.

The issue of the impact of family upbringing in childhood on the level of success in adolescent age was studied with the help of a survey among students (20-21-year-old) of Sumy State University (235 respondents).

The questionnaire comprised ten questions:

1. What was the style of upbringing that prevailed in your family?

A. democratic B. authoritative C. authoritarian D. mixed

2. Your Family:

A. complete (father and mother) B. incomplete (one parent)

3. Your family has the following behavioral style:

A. conflicting methods of resolving issues prevail

B. compromise methods for resolving issues prevail

C. mixed methods

4. Who has influenced your positive upbringing more?

A. mother B. father C. grandmother D. grandfather E. together

5. Who has influenced your adverse effects of upbringing more?

A. mother B. father C. grandmother D. Grandfather E. together

6. What kind of relationships with your family have you developed?

A. positive B. negative C. neutral

7. Assess your level of independence in life now:

A. high B. average C. low

8. Assess your level of determination in life now:

A. high B. average C. low

9. Assess your level of success in life now:

A. high B. average C. low

10. Evaluate the impact of your family on your success in student life:

A. high B. average C. low

77% of students surveyed were brought up in a complete family, 23% - in a single-parent family. Analysis of relationships in the family showed that 48% of students have families where compromise dominates in problem solutions; 42% of them refer to families characterized by mixed methods of resolution, and 12% of respondents - to families where conflicting methods predominate.

Regarding the defining of upbringing style, we obtained the following results: 40% of the surveyed students consider the upbringing style in their family democratic, 38% cannot identify the particular upbringing style used by their parents, so they call it "mixed". These data indicate that methods sometimes complement each other, making possible various behavior choices: 14% of respondents call the upbringing style authoritarian, and 9% rate it as liberal. The analysis of the questioning focused on the self-esteem of the level of individual independence development and competence, general success in life, determination in decision-making, and problem-solving (being necessary for the education process), showed: 41% of the respondents found the level of their independence in student life high, 57% - average; 18% of respondents stated a high level of overall success, 74% - a medium level. It proves that many Ukrainian families prefer the democratic upbringing style as the unit of a democratic society and cooperate with their children. As a result of the positive impact of family upbringing, 89% of respondents formed a positive attitude towards their families.

Students were also asked to evaluate the influence of family upbringing in childhood on the development of their personality. Its positive impact was marked by 52% of respondents, 41% noted the average level of influence, and 7% of students considered the family upbringing impact in childhood on the formation of their personality relatively low.


The study of the influence of family upbringing in childhood on the level of success in adolescence carried out among the students of Sumy State University demonstrates the positive impact of a complete family, democratic style of upbringing, and compromised problem-solving. Such a parenting style provides for the future free-thinking citizens of a democratic society. The psychological climate of the family is one of the most potent factors influencing a person's development. The atmosphere in the family, relationships between children and adults, moral behavior of parents, and style of upbringing, to a great extent, determine success in studying, level of independence, and the orientation of human activity.

People spend most of their time in the family: rest and work doing their favorite business, caring for their loved ones, and enjoying their care and attention. One of the main features of family upbringing is its emotional content, which involves the love of parents for children and the same feeling of children toward their parents. The power of the parents' influence is in the belief of the children in their authority, in the belief that their parents are always right, and their decisions and deeds are just.

Thus, the family is one of society's most important institutions, the primary natural environment of a child, the source of material and emotional support, and the means of preserving and transmitting social values from generation to generation. Family is one of the most influential forces in socialization, the process through which people learn their culture's values, beliefs, and expectations. The family institution in Ukraine reflects the democratic norms of society. The influence of the democratic family atmosphere, based on the personal form of communication between children and adults, helps young people contact with their peers, demonstrate their friendly attitude, and be confident in life situations, promoting successful studying.

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