Psychological, pedagogical and methodological approaches to the content characteristics of the components of the professional image of future junior bachelors of journalism

It has been found out that the professional image of the future journalist has the character of a stereotype (simplified image). Definition and characteristics of the main structural components of the personal component of the professional image.

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Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University

Psychological, pedagogical and methodological approaches to the content characteristics of the components of the professional image of future junior bachelors of journalism

Wu Yueyuan Graduate student

Ternopil, Ukraine


From a methodological point of view, the image is an integral characteristic of a personality that combines a set of ideas about a specialist as a person and a future professional and embodies the integrity of his/her personal and professional image. It has been found out that the professional image of the future journalist has the character of a stereotype (simplified image), it has to be a holistic image and has to correspond to personal qualities as much as possible. It is advisable to start forming a professional image while students are still studying in colleges.

From a psychological point of view, the professional image of the future journalist should be: variable (includes variable characteristics); emotionally colored; pragmatic (determined by the desire to meet expectations); realistic (should have an unambiguous perception); holistic (involves the balance of all its characteristics and components).

Based on the systematization of publications of specialists, we have made a generalization that the professional image of the future journalist from the methodological side covers natural, personal, behavioral and professional components. Thus, the natural component of the professional image consists of the external data of the future journalist, which include facial features, photogenicity, height, physique, posture, manifestation of physical health in appearance, gender-role manifestations, temperament.

The main structural components of the personal component of the professional image include communicative, intellectual and emotional-volitional qualities, motivation, as well as moral traits. Moreover, among the moral traits we prefer patriotism, decency, honesty, love for the Motherland, responsibility, conscientiousness, altruism and personal charisma. We believe that motivation is the main incentive for active behavior and encourages students to self-development.

We believe that the components of the behavioral component of the professional image of the future journalist should include such patterns of behavior as: leadership behavior; behavior in difficult life and professional situations; daily behavior. In addition, in the behavioral component of the professional image, the main role has been assigned to the attitude towards: the country, the people and society as a whole; one's family and relatives; oneself based on the characteristics of specific actions and deeds.

The main components of the professional component of the image of a journalist are knowledge, practical skills, professional skills of a journalist, cognitive potential. All components are aimed at developing students' ability to self-development and self-improvement.

Keywords: image; professional image; future journalists; psychological and pedagogical features of the image; characteristics of image; components of professional image.


Formulation of the problem. For the quality performance of professional duties, a future journalist must have a formed professional image. We believe that the professional image for a journalist not only has a significant impact on the quality of professional activity, but also acts as a significant personal and professional category. We have shared the opinion of scientists that "professional image has a psychotherapeutic effect, gives sociability, responsibility, professional confidence, social activity, diplomacy, reflexivity, etc." [1, c. 295]. It should be emphasized that the purposeful work on the formation of an adequate professional image is quite difficult, because it should take into account that "the main characteristic of the image is its dual orientation, as it must meet both the capabilities of the carrier and the needs of the audience" [2, c. 293]. Taking into account the fact that journalists during the hybrid Russian-Ukrainian war have an extremely significant impact on their electoral audience, the issues of their professional image are particularly relevant and require a balanced approach to their study and the choice of ways to form them.

Analysis of recent research and publications shows that methodological approaches to the formation of the image of mass communication workers have been studied by T. Zakhars, O. Kiyashko, V. Kostiuk, V. Margalyk and others. In the scientific publications of S. Amintaev, M. Apraksin, O. Beketov, L. Zharikov, A. Kalyuzhny, O. Petrov, N. Tarasenko, V. Cherepanov, V. Shepel, the branch of mass media was launched. Shepel has founded a branch of scientific knowledge - pedagogical imageology, in which the professional image is considered as a factor of success in a career and an effective element of achieving competitiveness, as well as an effective tool for building effective relationships in a society.

It should be noted that over the last 10-15 years, many dissertations have been written on the formation of the image of specialists of different specialties, namely:

- development of a professional image of a social pedagogue in postgraduate education (I. Nicolaescu, 2011 [8]);

- formation of professional image of primary school teacher in the process of studying professional disciplines (I. Razmolodchikova, 2011 [10]);

- formation of the image of the future technology teacher in the system of educational work at pedagogical university (V. Bondarenko, 2016 [12]);

- formation of the professional image of a future foreign language teacher (N. Prus, 2017 [9]);

- development of the professional image of a history teacher in the system of postgraduate education: (P. Sheremet, 2018 [11]);

- formation of professional image of future masters of pedagogy of higher educational institutions (A. Korkishko, 2018 [12]).

However, it should be noted that even now a number of problems related to the coverage of pedagogical, psychological and methodological aspects of the formation of the professional image of students majoring in specialty 061 "Journalism", who are educated in colleges (institutions of pre-professional higher education) remain unexplored. It has been found out that there is a lack of scientific publications that cover psychological, pedagogical and methodological aspects of studying the professional image of future journalists studying at colleges. These aspects have been the basis for writing this article.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the main psychological approaches to the analysis of the essence of the professional image of future journalists, as well as to identify and characterize the content components of the professional image in the psychological, pedagogical and methodological context.

Presenting main material

The formation of a personality necessarily involves the acquisition of self-confidence, which leads to the formation of an objective need to find a worthy form of manifestation of one's inner essence and one's own "I". A vivid manifestation of the realization of the personality has been the image. The brighter the personality realizes itself, the more interesting and creative is his/her image and the better professional prospects he/she will have in the society. That is why the image today is a bright instrument of personal and professional realization of the personality. Accordingly, the study of the image problem has recently gained more and more practical and theoretical significance based on the innovative changes that are taking place in all spheres of Ukrainian society. The concept of image is important for many spheres, social institutions, advertising, marketing, mass communication processes. It should be noted that the scientific definition of "image" is often used in journalism, where communication between subjects takes place through the phenomenon of a "professional image".

It has been established that the general theoretical aspects of the study of the essence of image as a scientific category were in the focus of attention of all Ukrainian scientists. Thus, in the publications of V. Zinchenko [3] and G. Pocheptsov [4] it is proved that from a methodological point of view, it is advisable to consider the image in several planes: firstly, as an integral characteristic of the personality; secondly, as a comprehensive definition that combines a set of ideas about a specialist as a person and a professional; thirdly, as a scientific term that embodies the integrity of the image of a professional subject.

In the context of our research, we consider valuable the publications of O. Romanenko [5], T. Khomulenko [6] and M. Navrotska [7] on the characteristics of the main features of professional image. In particular, based on the generalization and systematization of scientific information, the most important features of the professional image that should be formed by future journalists include informativeness, which consists of a set of specific features that will be inherent in a journalist as a person and a specialist. In addition, scientists have agreed that the professional image of a future journalist should be a holistic image that is adequately selected and fully corresponds to the personal qualities of a professional in the field of journalism.

It should be emphasized that psychologists, having in their arsenal appropriate methods, have the opportunity to study the formed image of professional image, to assess the degree of influence of various factors on its formation, to study the system of categories used by different professional groups of specialists in the process of social perception. In this context, it is especially important to define the psychological essence of the phenomenon of image, to trace the connections of this term with other socio-psychological concepts. professional journalist personal

Thus, from the psychological point of view [5], the professional image is variable, emotionally colored, pragmatic, realistic and holistic. Let us reveal these psychological characteristics more thoroughly.

Therefore, the professional image of the future journalist from a psychological point of view should be variable, so it does not have the same characteristics for everyone. This is because the composition of student groups is heterogeneous. Each group and each individual student - future journalist has its own particular perception, its own attitudes, its own standards-stereotypes. So, the study of professional image should be carried out in the context of social and psychological characteristics of a particular student audience (student group and each individual student).

Image is an object that is emotionally colored, so during its psychological and pedagogical study it is necessary to pay attention to the emotional reactions of students. Important are the manifestations of relations described by integral assessments ("like" - "dislike", "positive" - "negative", "good" - "bad", etc.). It is connected with the fact that forming their individual professional image, future journalists should be guided not only by their own vision, but also by the level of emotional reactions of their close environment.

Professional image as a mental image is pragmatic, it is created for specific purposes - in our case, for the effectiveness of the journalist's professional functions in the future. Pragmatism of professional image is determined by the desire to meet expectations. This determines the need to analyze the moods and expectations of the audience for which the journalist will work, as well as the direction of journalism in which he or she will work (sports, military analysis, music, entertainment, education, scientific journalism, etc.)

It has to be noted that the professional image of the future journalist as a mental image should be realistic. Realism, first of all, implies unambiguous perception. This means that the professional image should not contain such characteristics that will be perceived ambiguously by others. To make a professional image more realistic, it must be stable and solid. From a practical point of view, in order to achieve realism, the future journalist must learn to constantly reinforce with practical actions, actions that are carried out in accordance with the general concept of the chosen professional image.

The professional image of a future journalist is a holistic image. The integrity of the image implies the balance of its specific characteristics and components. If we are talking about the integrity of the image, its characteristics should be approximately of the same order. Only with a high importance of each of the characteristics, the professional image will be not only harmonious, but also the most effective and holistic.

Since the main task of this article is to study the methodological aspect of the scientific definition of "professional image" of future journalists, we will focus on these issues. In the psychological and pedagogical sphere, as scientists have proved [2; 4; 5], the professional image has the character of a stereotype, that is, a simplified image. Therefore, it should not have a large number of characteristics (components), and its study should follow a scheme with a limited number of components. Among the most important we have highlighted: a) personal traits and characteristics; b) behavior and relationships; c) professional activity.

Now we will dwell on a more thorough description of the components of the professional image of the future journalist from a methodological point of view. Thus, on the basis of studying the publications of specialists [8; 9; 10; 11], we have made a generalization that the professional image of the future journalist from the methodological point of view should cover such interrelated components as:

1) natural (innate); 2) personal; 3) behavioral; 4) professional. We will consider the identified structural components of the professional image in more detail.

In particular, the natural component of the professional image, first of all, consists of the external data of the future journalist, which is one of the most important constitutional characteristics. Quite often it happens that people are able to judge a journalist as a professional on the basis of external data. Despite the fact that it is possible to directly contact and communicate with a journalist, people will often judge him or her by his or her appearance. For example, external data means: facial features, photogenicity, height, physique, posture, manifestation of physical health in appearance, etc.

Sex-role manifestations are also significant in the natural component. In this context, image researchers [6; 7] identify such qualities as femininity and masculinity, which should be clearly identified (a woman should look like a woman, and a man - like a man); journalists of any age should look romantic and sexy.

The natural component of the professional image includes temperament, because it is a natural correlation of stable individual personality traits that characterize different aspects of the dynamics of mental activity. The type of temperament depends on the innate anatomical and physiological features, the general type of the nervous system and the physiological features of the body as a whole. It has been undisputed that the formation of a professional image and the qualitative realization of the professional activity of a future journalist significantly depend on the type of his temperament, gender-role manifestation and specific external data. All natural components should be studied by the future journalist in order to skillfully use them in the implementation of professional activities.

We will focus on the characteristics of the components of the personal component of the professional image, which include communicative, intellectual, emotional and volitional qualities, moral traits and motivation. Thus, we have been convinced that communication qualities and skills play an important role in the personal component of professional image. We have associated this fact with the fact that the success of a journalist's activity is more than 90% related to communication with people [13]. Therefore, the nature of communication, the ability to establish friendly relations and establish proper contact are vital for establishing effective professional activity of a journalist and gaining popularity. As a rule, a positive attitude towards a journalist will be formed if he or she: expresses his or her thoughts freely, has high culture of speech; behaves calmly, confidently, relaxed, simply; establishes constant eye contact with the audience; willingly engages in direct and immediate dialogue; has a sense of humor; answers questions to the point. Intellectual qualities are also important for a journalist. This means that a future journalist must prove himself a person who has deep, solid knowledge, knows all the intricacies of the chosen profession, has professional intuition. To say shortly, he must be a professional with great intelligence and erudition. Emotional and volitional sphere plays the main role in the process of subjectivization of professional relations, because it reinforces the behavior of a journalist. We believe that emotions are a prism of a person's attitude to the world, and the will is a practical expression of this attitude. When creating a professional image, a future journalist must make specific emotional and volitional efforts that cover such mental states as emotional stability, empathy, and the level of conflict.

Moral traits play a significant role in the personal component of the image. There are generally recognized features by which a journalist has been recognized as a highly moral person. Among them are patriotism, decency, honesty, love for the Motherland, responsibility, conscientiousness, altruism, personal charisma. Among these moral traits, personal charisma takes the leading place. Thus, charisma can be acquired and natural [12]. Acquired or artificial charisma is one that is constructed on the basis of wealth or reputation. Whereas natural charisma (charm) is more individual in nature and can exist simultaneously with power, fame and wealth, but can also do without them. This type of charisma can be called "magnetic charisma". Persons who possess such charisma "inspire their ideas and feelings to those around them, and they obey them, as, for example, predatory animals obey their tamer, although they could easily tear him apart..." [12, c. 152].

Motivation also occupies a proper place in the personal component of the professional image of a journalist. It seems that motivation, as H. Markus and Sh. Kitayama [15], acts as an energy source for any behavior and is an incentive for active self-development and self-improvement. In the activity of a journalist, in our opinion, the need for achievement is important, which reflects the activity and desire for creativity in journalistic work.

We will consider the components of the behavioral component of the professional image of the future journalist. We proceed from the fact that the main concept that allows us to scientifically describe the activities of the individual and his place in the system of social relations is a specific social role, which has been understood as a social function of the individual, as an appropriate way of human behavior depending on his status or position in society. Thus, a social role is a stable stereotype, a way of behavior that is implemented in the form of socially determined determinants - role requirements and expectations for a journalist as a person and a professional. The analysis of literature [1; 2; 4; 6; 14] has allowed us to identify the following patterns of journalist behaviour as significant for perception:

- leadership behavior (the process of internal social and psychological selforganization and self-management based on the organization of relationships between team members through the individual initiative of participants);

- behaviour in difficult life and professional situations (the journalist's activity is always "full" of difficult situations in which it is necessary to make quickly difficult and responsible decisions; in a difficult moment, the journalist must not get confused and act decisively, courageously and effectively);

- daily behaviour, or behaviour in the "routine" (the most difficult work of a journalist is daily, painstaking, day in and day out practical activities aimed at fulfilling his or her professional duties).

In the behavioural component of the professional image of a future journalist, an important role belongs to the following characteristics

1) attitude to the country, people and society in general; it is very important that the journalist really sincerely cares for the Ukrainian state;

2) attitude towards one's family and friends; colleagues and professional audience (electorate) often project the journalist's attitude towards close people onto the attitude towards work;

3) attitude to oneself; that is, how a journalist treats himself or herself, "whether he or she is on fire at work" or, on the contrary, pays the most attention to himself or herself and personal problems, forgetting about professional activities.

We will focus on the analysis of the components of the professional component of the journalist's image. First of all, we would like to note that knowledge, skills and abilities are the fundamental components of this component. Thus, knowledge is divided into special (knowledge of theory and practical knowledge); psychological (knowledge of the psychological laws of the profession ofjournalist); methodological (knowledge of methods and techniques, taking into account the specifics of their profile). This component, of course, includes the professional skill of the journalist, which is associated with the level of practical skills. Among the range of practical skills we distinguish design, constructive, organizational, communicative and gnostic skills. A prominent place in the professional component belongs to the cognitive potential, which implies the ability of a journalist to self-development and self-improvement.


Thus, we can state that the image in the psychological and pedagogical context involves a harmonious combination of external and internal personal, individual and professional qualities of a person. It has been found that the professional image of the future journalist is a dynamic characteristic that is in constant interaction with society, culture, reflects the level of balance of relations between different personalities.

On the basis of the conducted inductive-deductive analysis in the structure of the professional image of a journalist, the main place has been given to the natural (innate, constitutional), personal, behavioral and professional components. The described components form the basis of the professional image of the future journalist, in which the natural component is a kind of core, the core of the image. The internal level of a journalist's professional image consists of personal, behavioural and professional components. All components of the professional image can be improved, expanded and filled depending on the goals of journalistic activity. It is advisable to start such improvement during the training of students majoring in 061 "Journalism" at the colleges.

The prospects of our further research in this direction will be aimed at studying the range of pedagogical conditions that will have a positive impact on the practical activities of teachers in the formation of students majoring in 061 "Journalism", who receive education at college.


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8. Nikolaescu, I. O. (2011). Rozvytok profesiynoho imidzhu sotsial'noho pedahoha v pislyadyplomniy osviti [Development of the professional image of a social pedagogue in postgraduate education]. Candidate's thesis. Cherkasy [in Ukrainian].

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