Formation of health care culture of military personnel during physical training

Implementation of the development of the health care culture of military personnel in the military training environment through the use of various forms of physical training. Application of active, innovative methods and various forms of training.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 20.02.2023
Размер файла 21,5 K

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Deputy Chairman of the Committee - Head of the Organizational Department of the Sports Committee of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi

National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after

Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Khmelnytskyi

Formation of health care culture of military personnel during physical training

Tatarin Oleksandr Vasyliovych Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Miroshnichenko Valentyna Ivanivna Doctor of Pedagogy

Klavdiia Tushko Yuryivna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences


The article is devoted to the substantiation of the methodical foundations of the development of the health care culture of military personnel during physical training. The authors note that a proper health care culture is evidence of a person's readiness for professional activity.

The health care culture of military personnel is interpreted as the result of their physical training, the characteristic features of which are motivation for physical development, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, improvement of physical qualities necessary for military professional activity.

The development of the health care culture of military personnel is implemented in the military training environment through the use of various forms of physical training.

The methodical foundations of the development of the health care culture of military personnel during physical training include the selection and competent combination of appropriate methods, techniques, means and forms. The development of the culture of health care, physical, moral and mental qualities of military personnel during physical training is ensured by the use of methods of persuasion, example, competition, encouragement, coercion and team influence.

The authors draw attention to the importance of such qualities of military personnel as endurance, strength and dexterity. The methodical foundations of the development of the health care culture of military personnel during physical training are represented by the sequence of application of certain methods and techniques. It is important to use active, innovative methods and various forms of training to strengthen the motivation of self-development of military personnel, selfimprovement, and a high level of health care culture.

The authors interpret general endurance as an element of physical culture. Speed endurance is determined by the ability to maintain the speed achieved at the end of the distance.

The development of the culture of health care is achieved by a selection of exercises in which both physical and moral and psychological qualities are found to a significant extent; using rational methodical methods of performing exercises that contribute to the development of these qualities.

Keywords: health care culture, physical training, physical training method, military personnel.


Татарін Олександр Васильович кандидат педагогічних наук, заступник голови комітету - начальник організаційного відділу Спортивного комітету Державної прикордонної служби України, Адміністрація Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Хмельницький

Мірошніченко Валентина Іванівна доктор педагогічних наук, професор, начальник (завідувач) кафедри психології, педагогіки та соціально- економічних дисциплін, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Хмельницький,

Тушко Клавдія Юріївна доктор педагогічних наук, професор, доцент кафедри психології, педагогіки та соціально-економічних дисциплін, Національна академія Державної прикордонної служби України імені Богдана Хмельницького, м. Хмельницький



Анотація. Стаття присвячена обґрунтуванню методичних основ розвитку культури здоров'язбереження військовослужбовців під час фізичної

підготовки. Автори зазначають, що належна культура здоров'язбереження є свідченням готовності людини до професійної діяльності.

Культура охорони здоров'я військовослужбовців трактується як результат їхньої фізичної підготовки, характерними ознаками якої є мотивація до фізичного розвитку, дотримання здорового способу життя, вдосконалення фізичних якостей, необхідних для військово-професійної діяльності.

Розвиток культури здоров'язбереження військовослужбовців реалізується у військовому навчальному середовищі через застосування різних форм фізичної підготовки.

Методичні основи розвитку культури здоров'язбереження військовослужбовців під час фізичної підготовки містять підбір та грамотне поєднання відповідних методів, прийомів, засобів та форм. Розвиток культури здоров'язбереження, фізичних, моральних і психічних якостей військовослужбовців під час фізичної підготовки забезпечується застосуванням методів переконання, прикладу, змагання, заохочення, примусу і впливу колективу.

Автори звертають увагу на значення таких якостей військовослужбовців як витривалість, сила і спритність. Методичні основи розвитку культури здоров'язбереження військовослужбовців під час фізичної підготовки представлені послідовністю застосування певних методів та прийомів. Важливим є застосування активних, інноваційних методів і різноманітних форм навчання для посилення мотивації саморозвитку військовослужбовців, самовдосконалення, високого рівня культури здоров'язбереження.

Загальну витривалість автори трактують як елемент фізичної культури. Швидкісна витривалість визначається спроможністю підтримувати досягнуту швидкість наприкінці дистанції.

Розвиток культури здоров'язбереження досягається добором вправ, у яких як фізичні, так і моральні та психологічні якості виявляються значною мірою; застосуванням раціональних методичних прийомів виконання вправ, що сприяють розвитку цих якостей.

Ключові слова: культура здоров'язбереження, фізична підготовка, методика фізичної підготовки, військовослужбовці.

Formulation of problem. In order to successfully solve the tasks of operational and service activities, border guard officers must not only be competent in the field of the state border surveillance, have developed professional skills and abilities, but also have good health. The success of the border guard officers' professional (operational and service) activities in general depends to a large extent on the formation of their health care culture.

The urgency of the topic is also enhanced by the complicated military and political as well as social and economic conditions in the area of the anti-terrorist operation; the border guard officers can act more effectively in different situations thanks to health care culture.

The legal framework of the research consists of the Laws of Ukraine «On Higher Education», «On the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine», the Development Strategy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, legislation on border issues.

Analysis of the latest research and publications. Various aspects of health care culture of military specialists are in the centre of attention of scientists (O. Hnydiuk, S. Zhembrovskyi, V. Krasnov, M. Lynets, A. Melnykov, V. Panchenko, S. Prysiazhniuk, O. Starchuk) who studied the development of certain physical qualities, improvement of physical fitness, etc. A significant part of the creative work of O. Hnydiuk, A. Melnikov, O. Mozoliev, K. Panteleev, O. Fihura, A. Chudyk is devoted to the study of the problem of healthy lifestyle, health culture and physical culture of servicemen. The works by S. Prysiazhniuk, V. Krasnov, M. Tretiakov, R. Raevskyi, V. Kiiko, O. Momot, V. Panchenko substantiate the concept of a healthy lifestyle, its components, describe sets of exercises that help to maintain a healthy lifestyle of border guards. The issue of improving efficiency, attractive appearance is relevant. Therefore, it is important to take into account age and individual characteristics in the process of physical education. In addition, the performance of professional duties by a border guard officer requires him to be appropriatelyphysically fit.

Although the works of modern researchers raise the problem of the health care culture military personnel, the issue of the methodological foundations of the development of the health-preserving culture of military personnel during physical training for a live performance has not yet been submitted for consideration by the scientific community. health care training physical

Purpose of the article. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodological foundations of the development of the health-preserving culture of military personnel during physical training

Presentation of the main material of the study.

Scientists note that «the education of health culture is the education of personal qualities in students that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health, the formation of ideas about health as a value, the strengthening of motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, and the increase of responsibility for personal health , family health» [1, p. 7].

We used the following research methods in order to substantiate the methodological bases of the development of health-preserving culture of military personnel during physical training daily dozen: study of documents on the organization of the educational process, pedagogical observation, survey (interview, questionnaire, generalization of independent characteristics), analysis, comparison, evaluation (expert assessment, self-assessment), creating educational situations.

The concept of «culture» is interpreted as a component of professionalism of a specialist, as a specific way of human activities. The phenomenon of culture is defined as a set of not only material but also spiritual values that reflect the active creative activities of people to explore the world in the process of harmonization of relations between a human being, society and nature. «The author defines the health care culture of military personnel as a holistic personal education, characterized by the priority of health care values, high activity in their assimilation and translation in future activities, the formed habit and desire for a healthy lifestyle, the presence of knowledge, skills and skills for preservation and strengthening health, personal physical culture, hygiene, culture of interpersonal relations and psychophysical regulation» [2].

According to the results of the analysis of scientific sources on the subject of the study, the health care culture of military personnel is interpreted as the result of their physical training, the characteristic features of which are motivation for physical development, adherence to a healthy lifestyle, improvement of physical qualities necessary for military professional activity. The development of a culture of health care is one of the tasks of the physical training of military personnel.

Let us resort to the interpretation of physical culture in various sources in order to solve this problem and clarify the methodological potential of physical training daily dozenfor the development of culture of health care. Thus, the «Pedagogical Dictionary»provides interpretation of the concept of “culture of health care” as a part of the general culture of society, one of the areas of social activities aimed at improving health and the development of physical abilities [3].

For the purposes of our research, the most interesting are the health tasks of physical training i. e. optimizing the physical development of military. These tasks include: strengthening and maintaining health, including tempering of the body; optimal development of physical qualities that are inherent in a human being; improvement of physique and development of physiological functions; maintaining a high level of overall performance for many years.

Tempering is a powerful health-improving tool. It allows avoiding many diseases, prolonging life and maintaining high efficiency for many years. Its role is especially important in the prevention of colds. Tempering procedures reduce their number by 24 times, and in some cases completely eliminate them. Tempering also has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism.

Scientific approaches are appropriate within the context of our research that link physical culture with a set of achievements of society in creating special tools, methods and conditions for the targeted development of physical capacity of adolescents, youth and adults [4], with activities aimed at physical improvement of a human being [5-6], with a set of intellectual, social and psychological as well as motor components [7].

We share the opinion of O. Sychov that physical culture is a process and result of human activitieson the transformation oftheir physical (bodily) nature; that it is a qualitative characteristic of the activities that meets the needs of human preparation for work, protection of the Fatherland, to other forms of life-sustaining activitiesthrough their physical, biological strength and capabilities, by means of their health improvement and tempering; is a branch of activities that meets the needs of society in the formation of physical fitness for various forms of vital activities [8].

From the above definition, it is obvious that proper physical culture is an evidence of a person's readiness for professional activities. At the same time, as evidenced by the results of the analysis of the literature, the development of physical culture of future border guard officers is implemented in a higher military educational institution using various forms of physical training.

The physical training of military personnel is carried out in order to preserve their health. Physical training helps to quickly bring the body after sleep to a vigorous state and is a mandatory element of the daily routine carried out 10 minutes after reveille. It is forbidden to distract servicemen from performing the physical training dozen. Variations of the daily dozen are developed by the chief of physical training and sports and approved by the commander of the military installation. According to the guideline papers of the military installation, which do not provide for the full-time position of the chief of physical training and sports, the order of the commander of the military installation appoints an off-line chief of physical training and sports from among the most trained officers (warrant officers, midshipmen). The chief of physical training and sports develops and submits a plan for the physical training dozen for the units of the military installation for approval to the commander of the military installation.

The method of physical training includes the time, place, content, methods and techniques of their implementation, taking into account a number of peculiarities.

The physical training performed for 40-50 minutes. The uniform for the physical training declared by the officer of the day depending on the season and weather conditions. The daily dozen is carried out in the form of complex training with the use of previously studied physical exercises during practical classes. Exercises for the general development, special exercises and partner exercises are carried out during the first month of military training in the process of their physical training. The physical training with 800-1000 meters run. In the future, the physical training includes exercises from different sections of physical training.

Special exercises include: vigorous turning motions; tilts and rotations of the torso and head; jumps with turns; simple techniques of hand-to-hand fighting. Partner exercises include bending, turning, squatting, rolling the partner over the opponent's back, pulling and pushing each other.

The pulse rate should not exceed 160 beats per minute during the physical training. The methodology of the physical training conduct, in our opinion, consists of three parts and involves the consistent application of certain pedagogical methods and techniques in order to develop the physical culture of future military personnel.

The first part is preparatory. It lasts about 7 minutes and contains a number of organizational aspects:

forming-up; military personnel inspection and readiness for the training session;

announcing of the topic; explanation of tasks and objective of the training session;

announcing of the measures to prevent injuries and safety measures during the physical training.

The military personnel is lined-up in a 2-rank formation.

The preparatory part of the physical training contributes the most to the developmental and educational objective if we consider the physical training as a form of a training session. The boost of physical energy received by the military personnel promotes the development of their motivation for the development of culture of health care.

The basic part contributes the most to the realization of educational and upbringing objectives. It lasts about 30 minutes. During this time, military personnel should undertake instructor-guided rapid movement along the running route within the training camp (the instructor must acquaint the military personnel with the running route the day before the training session).

After that, the military personnel begin to perform physical training exercises in a group way on the crossbars. This is followed by exercises of the physical training in the frontal way. The aforementioned exercises are followed by circuit training which is performed by means of a multi-fitness station.

The organization of exercises performance on gymnastic apparatuses contains the following: a methodology of gymnastic exercises performance; measures to prevent injuries and provide assistance during gymnastic exercises; undertaking special running exercises on the football field; methods of organizing the performance of exercises).

Overcoming certain elements of the obstacle course is also an important stage of the basic part of the physical training in terms of the development of health care culture of military personnel. This is achieved by the methodology of overcoming obstacles, methodology of training to overcome obstacles, methodology of overcoming certain elements of the obstacle course.

The concluding part lasts about 5 minutes. The instructor must summarize the training session, answer questions from the military personnel during this time. He should identify the best cadets, point out the shortcomings and ways to overcome them, give tasks for individual training.

The physical training in winter conditions at low temperatures is carried out at a rapid pace in the form of alternating walking and running in combination with exercises for general development and special exercises. Due to the danger of strong exposure to cold, the daily dozen is carried out in overcoats (jackets) and includes walking, which alternates with moderate running in terms of speed and duration. The physical training during the warm season in the presence of appropriate conditions foresees sports that can be played according to simplified rules as well as swimming. Exercises for general development, exercises on simulators, with dumbbells, weights are performed during the physical training conducted inside. The physical training ends with running and walking on the halt.

A special feature of the formation of the health care culture of military personnel is the consideration of climatic and weather conditions.

Places for the physical training are assigned to units military personnel. They should be well lit. Distances for walking and running are marked by indicators.

The conduct of the physical training is carried out by the officer of the day and periodically by the commanders (chiefs), specialists in physical training and sports as well as military medical service.

Methodological bases of the development of the health care culture of military personnel contain selection and competent combination of the corresponding methods, techniques, tools and forms. The development of the health care culture, physical, moral and mental qualities during the physical training is ensured by the use of methods of persuasion, example, competition, encouragement, coercion and influence of the team; objective assessment of the change in developing qualities.

As the physical training peculiarity is manifested through the possibility of targeted influence during the classes in order to develop the military personnel a culture of health care and required for their operational and service activities, material, financial, medical, methodological, propaganda support of the physical training as well as professional training in general plays a significant role in the development culture of health care of military personnel.

We believe that the development of the health care culture of military personnel depends to a large extent on the experience and pedagogical skills of teachers who supervise physical training. This is confirmed by the opinion that «the training of physical education instructors at the present stage is seen as the one aimed at preparing for specific professional activities, mastering a set of knowledge about a human being and physical culture, the development of emotional and value relations, moral norms, the ability to transmit of the health care culture.

Conclusions. Thus, the methodological bases of the development of culture of health care of military personnel during their physical training include the selection and competent combination of appropriate methods, techniques, tools and forms. The development of of the health care culture, physical, moral and mental qualities during the physical training is ensured by the use of methods of persuasion, example, competition, encouragement, coercion and influence of the team; objective assessment of the change in developing qualities. Due to this, there is a purposeful influence in order to develop the military personnel physical qualities necessary for their operational and service activities. Promising areas of further research on this issue are to define the concept of physical fitness of military personnel, to clarify gender approaches to the development of culture of health care of military personnel, the features of future professional activities of cadets and experience in training programs application.


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  • Общая информация об уроке, его тип, учебно-методическая задача, этапы, оснащение оборудованием и программным обеспечением. Использование фронтальной, индивидуальной и практической работы. Речевая зарядка, цель аудирования, выполнение тестов и их итоги.

    конспект урока [19,7 K], добавлен 22.11.2011

  • Історія формування позитивної мотивації у навчанні. Виховання відчуття боргу, відповідальності та профорієнтації. Особливості проведення уроку англійської мови на теми "I`ve got an idea", "Plenty of things to do", "The life of social environment".

    курсовая работа [48,0 K], добавлен 16.11.2010

  • Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.

    дипломная работа [574,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2016

  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

    реферат [19,1 K], добавлен 01.11.2012

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