The use of authentic animated audio and video online resources in the context of hybrid teaching in the academic environment
The use of authentic animated audio and video resources in online learning in the context of hybrid learning. The impact of animation on university students, analysis of effectiveness to improve the educational process of learning a foreign language.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 22.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 1,5 M |
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Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University
Humanitarian Faculties
Department of Foreign Languages
The use of authentic animated audio and video online resources in the context of hybrid teaching in the academic environment
Kanova N.H., PhD in Phil., Ass. Professor,
Marchuk I.P., PhD in Ped. Sc., Ass. Professor,
Orlov V.V., Senior Lecturer
Odessa, Ukraine
The article substantiates the use of authentic animated audio and video online resources in the context of hybrid learning in the academic environment. The experience of the use of French site audio-videomaterials in the process of teaching the French language as a foreign at the university is described for this purpose. The structure of the site and the main sections Articles / Vidйos / Podcasts that have the particular linguo-didactic potential are described. The specifics and procedure of face-to-face work with the materials of the sections are focused on.
The components of vidйos section are defined as animated audio-videomaterials (AAVM), the main feature of them is efficiency. The term `expediency' is introduced by us for the first time to better describe the AAVM parameters on a linguistically specific level. It reflects the main features of the observed AAVM and performs information saturation and high information density of the material. It implies dynamic, spectacular, rational and concise presentation of information comfortable for perception, limited to one and a half minutes; no undue pauses or distractions.
Additionally, the AAVM of the site are characterized by authenticity, functionality, accessibility, emotional saturation and intonation integrity. 226 professionally oriented AAVM are chosen for future sociologists and political scientists mastering the English language. The classification of sociocultural and professionally marked AAVM according to the subject is performed with the focus on a future profession of the learners. Further guidelines for the use of the authentic animated audio and video online resources in the context of hybrid learning of the French language in the academic environment are considered perspective. Additionally, the other sections of the site are to be described for the educational tasks. Key words: authentic online resources, animated audio-videomaterials, academic environment, foreign language teaching, professionally oriented AAVM, expediency.
Використання аутентичних анімаційних аудіо та відео онлайн ресурсів у контексті гібрідного навчання в академічному середовищі
Іванова Н.Г., к. філол. н., доцент, Марчук І.П., к.п.н., доцент; Орлов В.В., ст. викладач кафедри іноземних мов гуманітарних факультетів Одеський національний університет імені І.І. Мечникова, м. Одеса, Україна
У статті обґрунтовується використання автентичних анімованих аудіо та відео онлайн ресурсів в контексті гібридного навчання в академічному середовищі. З цією метою представлено досвід використання аудіо-відеоматеріалів французького сайту в процесі викладання французької мови як іноземної в університеті. Описано структуру сайту та його основні рубрики Articles/Videos/Podcasts, кожна з яких має певний лінгводидактичний потенціал. Відзначено етапи й особливості роботи в аудиторії з матеріалами, що наповнюють рубрики сайту.
Компоненти, що є складовими рубрики Vidйos, визначено як анімовані аудіовідеоматеріали (ААВМ), основною властивістю яких визнана їх експедитивність. Термін “експедитивність ”, вперше введений нами для більш точного опису параметрів ААВМ на лінгводидактичному рівні, цілком відбиває основні особливості досліджуваних ААВМ, що проявляються в інформаційній насиченості і високій інформаційної щільності матеріалу; динамічності, видовищності, раціональності і лаконічності в пред'явленні інформації; комфортності сприйняття; обмеженій тривалості; відсутності необґрунтованих пауз і відволікаючих факторів.
Крім того, досліджувані ААВМ сайту характеризуються автентичністю, функціональністю, емоційною насиченістю та інтонаційною оформленістю, доступністю. Відібрано 226 ААВМ, що мають професійну спрямованість на тих майбутніх соціологів і політологів, які вивчають французьку мову. Здійснено класифікацію соціокультурно й професійно маркованих ААВМ за тематичним принципом, домінантою якого є координація з майбутньою спеціальністю учнів. Перспективними є подальші методичні розробки з використання аудіовідеоматеріалів цього сайту при вивченні французької мови в академічному середовищі. Крім того, потрібно описати з навчальною метою інші рубрики сайту.
Ключові слова: автентичні онлайн ресурси, анімовані аудіовідеоматеріали, академічне середовище, вивчення іноземної мови, професійно орієнтовані ААВМ, екпедитивність.
The problem statement. There are inherent challenges in the teaching and learning process in academic environment on a global scale. Audio and video online resources can be considered as optional and, under the pandemic conditions, even obligatory for the use in the hybrid mode of foreign languages learning in the academic environment. Authentic animated audio and video online resources are reliable means of language competence formation of future professionals in different spheres, their application in the academic environment is currently necessitated for the consideration.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The site appears as an online information resource [2] in the methodological recommendations for the practice of translation in the process of teaching French as a second foreign language in National V.N.Karazin University, Kharkiv, Ukraine.The materials presented are to be used for the formation of comprehensive listening skills [3] and for the writing skills development and improvement [4]. There is some experience of the use of the video clips of the site in teaching the foreign audience the French language. TV5 offers a video «C'est quoi, la Dйclaration universelle des droits de l'homme?» addressed to children learning French as a second foreign language [5]. The possibility of using the materials of this site at the intermediate level of the French language skills is noted [6]. The site ljourlactu is also recognized as a «good resource for continuing or improving the learning of French» [7]; on the page «Simple texts in French» from the personal website the Golovanova I. provides links to 43 videos from this site. Obviously, the extended review and deep research with the use of a selective approach is to be made in order to single out the appropriate materials for various skills' sets formation: listening, use of grammar, speaking, writing, etc) for the hybrid mode of foreign languages learning in the academic environment.
The research goal is to perform the generalized description of the authentic animated audio and video online resources on the French site; to analyse the practical ways of their use in the context of hybrid learning in the academic environment; to substantiate the efficiency of AAVM in the process of foreign language study of future sociologists and political scientists.
Research methods. In the process of the prolonged research conducting a set of theoretical, empiric and statistical methods was used. Particularly, the theoretical methods were applied: methodological and methodical works analysis and generalization connected with the foreign language teaching in the academic environment and hybrid education process; interpretation of literature expert evaluation, description of the authentic animated audio and video online resources. The pedagogical experiment and static experiment data interpretation proved the efficiency of the AAVM use in the academic environment.
Research results
The site is available without any charge along with an extended prepaid version. However, the free option is sufficient for the work with the resource in the context of hybrid learning. With bright illustrations and iconography, the site is as simple as possible and is accessible in use. The information provided on the site is authentic and up-to-date. It should be noted that the videos from this site are presented on the YouTube hosting channel «1 jour, 1 question», registered on 27.04.2015 and have 369,000 subscribers with a total of 75,215,800 views before 01.10.2021, and collected on France.TV [8].
The detailed description of the site materials is impossible without the analysis of its structure. The starting page of the site (Fig.1) presents the motto of the site (L'actualitй а hauteur d'enfants! / News on the same level with children!), lists three generic headings: ARTICLES / VIDЙOS / PODCASTS. The first two columns contain a topical thematic focus: MONDE, FRANCE, SPORT, Sciences, Planиte, Insolite, Culture, Histoire).
The ARTICLES section provides the visual perception of information, the PODCASTS section presents audio information, and the VIDЙOS section features audio-visual material that creates a possibility for visual and auditory perception. The ARTICLES section, which is almost daily updated, unites the 1.100 articles. All articles are accompanied by illustrations and/or photographs with an interesting graphic design, often accompanied by additional video material. In section VIDЙOS you can find 980 animated videos (before 23.09.2021) (up to two minutes long) with an explanatory fascinating comment, created on the basis of questions asked on a variety of topics. In all videos, an image accompanied by a sound frame is created in front of the viewer (Video Scribing). All videos combine sound, image and sometimes text (as reference data), i.e. visual and auditory perception is implied. Consequently, the components of this section can be defined as animated audio-visual materials (hereinafter AAVM). As to the style of information transmitted, both sections ARTICLES and VIDЙOS, which provide sociocultural information about the world around, can be characterized as informative, popular-scientific, country-specific.
Figure 1. Start page of the site
On the right of the starting page a new bookmark ESPACE ENSEIGNANTS is marked, which recommends to subscribe to the entry «Dйcrypter l'actualitй. Dйcouvrez nos ressources pour travailler avec ljourlactu» and «Dйcouvrir l'actualitй en anglais. Visionnez les vidйos ljourlquestion traduites en anglais»), as well as to participate in the blog on the pedagogical exchange.
As can be seen, there are no methodological instructions involving the use of these videos in the teaching of the French language in the context of hybrid learning (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. The page Espace Enseignants
We consider the use of the animated audio-visual materials of the section VIDЙOS to be the most appropriate way to teach future sociologists and political scientists [9]. This approach of the students' inclusion in the context of hybrid learning of the French language in academic environment is determined primarily by accessibility and thematic variety of the online information resource.
Moreover, the videos uploaded on the site open up new perspectives on the subject; contain elements of novelty and unpredictability; they are significantly more dynamic, informative, interesting and more spectacular than other video materials. The practice has shown the efficiency of the use of the animated online videos because, firstly, the latter are authentic, i.e. created by native speakers and secondly, functional, being linked to the professional interests of the students, they provoke a communicative reaction. Thirdly, the learners highlight that the design is attractive, creating a sense of comfort and confidence in their knowledge, using different kinds of visualization, e.g. graphic images of key concepts, dates, anthroponyms, toponyms, etc. Then, due to to the «simplified» French language in which broadcasters turn to the native speakers of the language, a significant part of the lexical (and phonetic) difficulties is removed. Fifth, the transcript of some AAVM appears on the clip page. Viewing the proposed AAVM does not require any significant preparatory work provided by the students, as they already have the sufficient linguistic and professional set of skills.
Then one more advantage of the online AAVM of the site should be mentioned: they provide a finished story, considering only one idea in a very short period of time (1 min 43 sec). It is well-known that, for the educational purposes, the use of short-duration videos, which, if properly organized, can ensure that the students work hard in the process of hybrid learning, is preferable. The AAVM of the website under analysis, showing traditions, system of values, realities, mentality, national character, stereotypes of the country, thematically are related to the future profession of the students and, therefore, aiming at a real introduction into the natural language environment, create the illusion of the participation, encourage the expression of the point of view. This is an effective resource for active discussions, debates and role plays.
To draw the attention of the learner the title of each animated video is an interrogative question addressed to him/her personally that contributes to the contact fixation and fast engagement into the authentic context and results in the student's potential development, extensive efficient training and expediency. The presentation is somewhat slow and the vocabulary can be adapted without any difficulty. The revelation of the topic (i.e. in fact the answer to a question clearly stated in the title) is accompanied by animated drawings and illustrations that promote a rapid perception of the information. Each video, saturated with cognitive information, begins with questions triggering its name, serving to obtain new information or to correct and extend what is known previously («A quoi зa sert? Зa veut dire quoi? C'est oщ? C'est lui qui? Pourquoi c'est comme зa?») and emphasizes the cognitive function of a subsequent communication. The most important aspect of the communication is the recognition function of the subsequent communication, its open dialogue.
To characterize the main didactic features of the analysed AAVM (i.e. information saturation and high information density of the material; dynamics, spectacularity, intensity, rational and concise presentation of information; comfort of perception; limited length of one and a half minute; no unnecessary pauses and distractions) we offer the term `expediency'. It is created from the French adjective `expйditif, -ive, that is used to denote a person, a phenomenon, an action, an event characterized by the extreme fastness (Un homme expeditif. Il est expeditif en affaires. Des moyens expeditifs. Notre affaire a ete menee d'une faзon bien trop expeditive. Une procedure expeditive. Un jugement expeditif, hatif et souvent sommaire [10]; un juge expeditif, des procedes expeditifs [11]) and derived from latin medieval expeditivus [12].
VIDЙOS has the greatest linguistic potential and its analysis has made it possible to select from its subdivisions Monde, France, Histoire 226 AAVM correlating with the future specialization of the students and to categorize them by a thematic principle. As a result, AABM theme groups are formed, taking into account their content and interrelationship. The selection of the AABM is based on the professional, historical and cultural characteristics of the subject, thus enhancing the knowledge of the country of study. The thematic classification of sociolinguistic cultural material makes it possible to implement the principle of interactivity based on the methodological principles of communication and professional orientation in the process of the hybrid learning [13], [14].
Taking into account the above mentioned results of the analyses, in the process of foreign language teaching of future sociologists and political scientists we recommend to use the following authentic online materials of the site:
1. General country-specific and cultural information
Outstanding personalities of France: First President (1959-1969) of the Fifth Republic, Charles de Gaulle («C'est qui, de Gaulle?») (Fig. 3); The present President, Emmanuel Macron («C'est qui, Emmanuel Macron?»); King Henry IV of France, the founder of the French royal dynasty of Bourbon («C'est qui, Henri IV?»); Microbiologist Louis Pasteur («C'est qui Pasteur?»); President of the European Parliament (1979-1982) Simone Veil («C'est qui, Simone Veil?»).
Figure 3. The screenshots or the AAVM «C'est qui, de Gaulle?»
Biographies of well-known politicians: German Federal ex-Chancellor Angela Mekel («C'est qui Angela Merkel?»); British Prime Minister Boris Johnson («C'est qui, Boris Johnson?»); 45th US President Donald Trump («C'est qui, Donald Trump?») and («C'est qui le nouveau prйsident des Йtats-Unis?»); President of the United States Joe Biden («C'est qui, Joe Biden?»); Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom («C'est qui, la reine Йlisabeth II?»); South African President Nelson Mandela («C'est qui Nelson Mandela?»); Martin Luther King (C'est qui, Martin Luther King?»).
World's Regions, Countries and Cities:
African continent («Quelles sont les particularitйs du continent africain?»); Burma («C'est oщ, la Birmanie?»); Catalonia («C'est oщ, la Catalogne?»); Portugal («C'est oщ, le Portugal?»); Brazilia («C'est oщ, le Brйsil?»); India («C'est oщ, l'Inde?»); Iran («C'est oщ, l'Iran?») u («C'est oщ, l'Iran?»); Venezuela («C'est oщ, le Venezuela?»); Jerusalim («C'est oщ, Jйrusalem?»); Stanbul («Oщ se trouve la ville d'Istanbul?»); New York («Pourquoi la ville de New York est-elle aussi connue?»).
Information on French overseas territories («C'est quoi, les DOM-TOM?», «C'est quoi, les Outre-mer?», «Pourquoi les Outre-mer font rкver?»).
Paris most famous landmarks: Eiffel Tower («А quoi sert la tour Eiffel?», C'est quoi, l'histoire de la tour Eiffel?»; Notre Dame («C'est quoi, Notre-Dame de Paris?»); Champs-Elysйes («Pourquoi les Champs-Йlysйes sont si connus?») (Fig. 4).;Republic Square («Que reprйsente la place de la Rйpublique?»); Palace of Versailles («C'est quoi, le chвteau de Versailles?»); Pantheon («C'est quoi, le Panthйon?»); Center Georges Pompidou («C'est quoi le centre Georges Pompidou?»).
Ukraine («C'est quoi, l'Ukraine?»; «Зa s'est passй en 2015: la guerre n'est pas finie en Ukraine; «Est-ce qu'il y a encore la guerre en Ukraine?»; «Pourquoi l'Ukraine est-elle en train de se dйchirer?»).
Figure 4. The screenshots of the AAVM «Pourquoi les Champs-Elysйes sont si connus?»
2. France domestic policies, traditional values and country realities:
Symbols of the French Republic and their role in the development of civil society: the motto «Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood» («Зa veut dire quoi: « Libertй, Йgalitй, Fraternitй ?» (Fig. 5); «C'est quoi, la fraternitй?»); French flag («Pourquoi le drapeau franзais est-il bleu-blanc- rouge?»); National holiday of France 14 July («C'est quoi, le 14 juillet?»).
Figure 5. The screenshots of the AAVM «Зa veut dire quoi: «Libertй, Йgalitй, Fraternitй?»
Administrative, territorial, economic and cultural units of France: departments («Pourquoi la France est-elle divisйe en dйpartements?» (Fig. 6); «C'est quoi, une banlieue?»; «Pourquoi Paris est la capitale de la France?»):
Figure 6. The screenshots of the AAVM «Pourquoi la France est-elle divisйe en dйpartements?»
3. The political system of the French Republic
General information («C'est quoi, la Ve Rйpublique?»; «C'est quoi, la nationalitй franзaise?»; «C'est quoi, la dйmocratie?»; «C'est quoi, un rйfйrendum?»; «C'est quoi, un jour fйriй?»);
The functions of the institutions of legislative and executive power: Senate («А quoi sert le Sйnat?»); The National Assembly («C'est quoi, l'Assemblйe nationale?») (Fig. 7);
The screenshots of the «C'est quoi, l'Assemblйe nationale?»
authentic animated online hybrid foreign language
The functions, powers and responsibilities of the President of the Republic («А quoi зa sert, un prйsident de la Rйpublique?; «C'est quoi, les pouvoirs du prйsident de la Rйpublique franзaise?»; «Est-ce qu'un prйsident peut aller en prison?»), Prime Minister («А quoi sert le Premier ministre?»; «C'est quoi, un Premier ministre?»).
4. Features of the electoral process in France
General procedure («Comment зa se passe le vote?» (Fig. 8): «C'est quoi, un dйbat politique?»);
Figure 8. The screenshots of the AABM «Comment ga se passe le vote?»
Presidential campaign («Comment зa marche, la campagne prйsidentielle?»; «Comment fait-on pour кtre candidat а l'йlection prйsidentielle?»; «Comment est choisi le prйsident de la Rйpublique en France?»);
Local elections («C'est quoi, les йlections rйgionales?»);
Major political trends in France:
- The right and the left in politics («Зa veut dire quoi droite et gauche en politique?»; «C'est quoi, le Front National?»; «D'oщ provient l'argent des partis politiques?»).
5. Actual political issues
Basic concepts and directions («C'est quoi, la politique?»); National, racial and religious problems: a policy based on achieving political, ideological, economic and religious goals by violent means («C'est quoi, le terrorisme?»); counter-terrorism («Comment les pays luttent contre le terrorisme?»;»C'est quoi, la radicalisation?»; «C'est quoi, le djihad?»; «C'est quoi, l'antisйmitisme?»; «C'est quoi, l'apartheid?»; «Pourquoi y a-t-il une Journйe mondiale de l'Afrique?»; «C'est quoi, le racisme?»; «Comment agir contre le racisme?»; («C'est quoi, la discrimination?»); («Pourquoi y a-t- il de l'esclavage dans le monde?»); Current problems of combating slavery («C'est quoi, l'esclavage moderne?»; «C'est quoi, l'abolition de l'esclavage?»);
Current political issues affecting foreign policy: The war in Syria («Depuis combien d'annйes il y a la guerre en Syrie?»; «Comment arrкter la guerre en Syrie?»); The role of Turkey vis- а-vis Syrian refugees («Quel est le rфle de la Turquie auprиs des rйfugiйs syriens?»); The causes of the terrorist attack on Cфte d'Ivoire («Pourquoi la Cфte d'Ivoire a-t-elle йtй attaquйe par des terroristes?»); The reasons for the division of Korea into two countries («Pourquoi la Corйe est-elle sйparйe en deux pays?»); Today's life in Africa («C'est quoi, vivre en Afrique aujourd'hui?»).
The ways and means of collective expression of socio-political atmosphere: Demonstration («C'est quoi, une manifestation?»); Strike («C'est quoi, une grиve?»); Boycott («C'est quoi, le boycott?»); Solidarity («C'est quoi, la solidaritй?», «C'est quoi, la solidaritй internationale?»); Trade unions («C'est quoi, un syndicat?») (Fig. 9):
Figure 9. The screenshots of the AABM «C'est quoi, un syndicat?»
6. The main socio-economic concepts and economic problems in the country of study
Poverty and wealth: («C'est quoi, кtre pauvre?» (Fig. 10) and «Pourquoi existe-t-il des gens trиs riches et d'autres trиs pauvres?»); Economic crisis («C'est quoi, une crise йconomique»); Taxation («Pourquoi nos parents paient-ils des impфts?»)
Figure 10. The screenshots of the AAVM «C'est quoi, кtre pauvre?»
Figure 11. The screenshots of the AAVM «Est-ce que la libertй de la presse est respectйe partout dans le monde?»
7. Problems of freedom of speech («C'est quoi, la libertй d'expression?») and freedom of the press («Est-ce que la libertй de la presse est respectйe partout dans le monde?» (Fig. 11) «Pourquoi la libertй de la presse n'existe pas dans certains pays?»; Advent and advertising functions («Qui a inventй la pub?»); Internet («C'est quoi, les dangers d'Internet?»); Public opinion («А quoi зa sert les sondages?»); Mass media in France («Pourquoi y a-t-il plusieurs journaux en France?»);
8. Gender equality issues: equal rights («Les femmes et les hommes ont-ils les mкmes droits?», «Y a-t-il des femmes prйsidentes dans le monde?») (Fig. 12); Causes of International Women's Day («Pourquoi existe-il une Journйe de la femme?»); Women's right («Depuis quand les femmes ont- elles le droit de travailler?»), «Pourquoi les femmes sont-elles moins payйes que les hommes?», «Depuis quand les femmes ont-elles le droit de voter?»); Combating violence against women («Comment arrкter la violence contre les femmes?»).
Figure 12. The screenshots of the AAVM «Y a-t-il des femmes prйsidentes dans le monde?»
9. Foreign policy, international cooperation
The Geopolitical Organization of Europe: The Foundations of Modern Europe («Pourquoi on a crйй l'Europe?»); The integration of countries into the European Union («C'est quoi, l'Union europйenne?»); The reasons for UK withdrawal from the European Union («Pourquoi l'Angleterre veut-elle se sйparer de l'Europe?»);
The structure and activity of the international organizations: UNO («Est-ce que l'ONU a un chef?»; «C'est quoi, l'ONU?»); UNESCO («C'est quoi, l'UNESCO?») (Fig. 13); The functions of the president of Eurocomission («А quoi sert le prйsident de la commission europйenne?»); Europarlament («А quoi servent les dйputйs europйens?»).
Figure 13. The screenshots of the «C'est quoi, l'UNESCO?»
Cooperation of states in addressing the global challenges of our time (climate change («Comment les pays peuvent-ils agir pour le climat?»); Population grouth («Comment la population mondiale йvolue-t-elle?»); долги стран («Comment un pays peut avoir une dette?»); Universal access to Covid-19 vaccine («Les pays pauvres ont-ils accиs au vaccin contre la Covid-19?»).
10. Education
The right to get the education throughout the world («Est-ce que tous les enfants vont а l'йcole dans le monde?», «Tous les enfants du monde ont-ils le droit d'aller а l'йcole?», «Pourquoi dans certains pays les enfants travaillent-ils?»);
Features of the French education system («C'est quoi, le Bac?» (Fig. 14); «Pourquoi y a- t-il plusieurs Bacs?»; «А quoi sert le brevet des collиges?»; «Pourquoi les йcoliers franзais ne sont pas en vacances en mкme temps?»; «Est-ce que l'йcole est obligatoire?»; «Comment respecter les gestes barriиres en classe?»; «De quoi un professeur a-t-il le droit de parler en classe?»).
Figure 14. The screenshots of the AAVM «C est quoi, le Bac?»
Conclusions and prospects for further research
1. The use of the authentic animated audio and video online resources in the context of hybrid learning of future sociologists and political scientists in the academic environment is substantiated and exemplified with the site for the French language learners
2. The structure of the site and the main sections Articles / Videos / Podcasts that have the particular linguo-didactic potential are described.
3. The specifics and procedure of face-to-face study with the use of the materials of the section Videos of the site are focused on.
4. The term «expediency» introduced by us is necessary for a more precise description of the main features of the analyzed AAVM at the linguistic and didactic level.
5. 226 professionally oriented online AAVM are selected for future sociologists and political scientists mastering the English language in the context of hybrid learning in the academic environment.
6. The classification of sociocultural and professionally marked AAVM according to the subject is performed with the focus on a future profession of the learners.
Prospects for future research.
Further methodological research of the use of authentic animated audio and video materials in the process of online distance teaching French as a second foreign in various fields will be reflected in subsequent publications. In addition, other web pages of different online resources should be catalogued and described for training purposes in the academic environment.
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