Application of bilingual workshop book within professional training of future social workers
The use of a bilingual workshop in the conditions of professional training of future social workers is highlighted. Emphasis is placed on theoretical and practical training when studying academic disciplines in the Ukrainian and English languages.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 23.02.2023 |
Размер файла | 26,6 K |
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Application of bilingual workshop book within professional training of future social workers
S.M. Sytniakivska Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor (Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University),
I.V. Litiaga Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD in Pedagogy), Docent (Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University)
This article highlights the relevance of applying a bilingual workshop book in terms of professional training of future social workers. Emphasis is placed on both theoretical and practical training while studying special subjects in native and English languages.
The scientists whose works were analyzed and became the basis for the development of the workshop book are mentioned, given that there are almost no educational and methodological publications on a bilingual basis in Ukraine for training specialists in a certain field.
In the course of presenting the main material of the study, the application of the "Workshop book: social sphere" by students of the first (bachelor's) level of the specialty 231 "Social Work" and the second (master's) level of the specialty 231 "Social Work. Social Pedagogy" of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University was considered.
These results are highlighted in accordance with the sections of the workshop book. The "Terminological Dictionary" section contains information on the interpretation of terms in Ukrainian and English and additional interpretation of their essence and content, which gives a student an opportunity to choose the most accessible, understandable option for himself/herself. Attention is focused on the fact that the presented terms and expressions are the basis and components of the study of various educational subjects in the specified specialties. The subject "Introduction to the specialty" was taken as the basis for studying the terms. Each student has the prospect of learning terms in English and their further usage on bilingual classes.
The "Grammar guide" section presents classifications of sentence types and schemes, the word order in them, the rules for using parts of speech, irregular verbs, time forms schemes, a system of abbreviations, word combinations of the most used words, etc. It may help students, lecturers and scientists to expand the spectrum of theoretical and practical assets.
The main part of the workshop book is a practical section contains a list of different types of exercises in Ukrainian and English to be used on special subjects' classes on the example of the subject "Introduction to Specialty". The article also presents the thematic educational plan, the structure of the specified educational subject, as well as the algorithm for processing various components of educational and methodological support.
In the Conclusions, the logical coverage of the terminological dictionary, the grammar guide and the list of practical tasks in the Ukrainian and English languages are presented as well as the prospects for expansion, increase in the description of terms, and practical tasks during the study of special subjects within the specialties 231 "Social Work", "Social Work. Social Pedagogy" is described.
Key words: social work, social pedagogy, bilingualism, workshop book, professional training.
С.М. Ситняківська,
І.В. Літяга
У даній статті висвітлено актуальність використання білінгвального практикуму в умовах професійної підготовки майбутніх соціальних працівників. Закцентовано увагу як на теоретичній, так і практичній підготовці при вивченні навчальних дисциплін за фахом українською та англійською мовами. languages bilingual english
Зазначено науковців, праці яких були проаналізовані та стали основою для розроблення практикуму з огляду на те, що в Україні майже немає навчально-методичних видань на білінгвальній основі для підготовки фахівців у певній сфері.
Дані результати висвітлені відповідно до розділів Практикуму. Розділ "Термінологічний словник" містить інформацію щодо тлумачення термінів українською та англійською мовами та додаткового пояснення їх сутності і змісту, що надає можливості здобувачу освіти обрати для себе найбільш доступний, зрозумілий варіант. Закцентовано увагу на тому, що представлені терміни є основою та складовими вивчення різних навчальних дисциплін. Кожен студент має перспективу засвоєння термінів англійською мовою та подальшого їх використання під час занять на білінгвальній основі.
У розділі "Граматичний довідник" представлені класифікації типів та схем речень, порядок встановлених у них слів, правила вживання частин мови, неправильних дієслів, схем часових форм, систему скорочень, сполучення найбільш уживаних слів тощо для здобувачів вищої освіти, викладачів і науковців для розширення спектру теоретичних і практичних надбань.
Основна частина Практикуму - це практична складова, яка демонструє перелік різних видів вправ українською й англійською мовами для використання їх на заняттях для зазначених спеціальностей.
У Висновках зазначається логічне висвітлення тлумачного термінологічного словника, граматичного довідника та переліку завдань українською й англійською мовами та перспективи розширення, збільшення опису термінів, практичних завдань при вивченні навчальних дисциплін за спеціальностями 231 "Соціальна робота", "Соціальна робота. Соціальна педагогіка".
Ключові слова: соціальна робота, соціальна педагогіка, білінгвізм, практикум, професійна підготовка.
Introduction of the issue
The educational policy of Ukraine regarding the training of specialists in various fields is undergoing significant positive changes, especially regarding the level of learning foreign languages. The professional orientation of students is in forming an idea about the specifics of the chosen specialty and, accordingly, studying its theoretical and practical foundations including the usage of foreign language. It is possible to do on a bilingual basis when special subjects are taught fully or partially in any foreign language. This is due to the fact that in the 21st century, particularly in our country, modern methods, techniques and models of training specialists are being developed precisely on the basis of bilingualism (native language/foreign language), which will enable future specialists to be competitive in the modern labor market. That is why it needs to be studied at both theoretical and practical levels because learning a foreign language and with the help of a foreign language becomes an integral part of the process of forming a modern specialist.
Much attention is paid to the formation of linguistic competence of philology students of different language educational institutions, scientists emphasize the importance of training highly qualified philology specialists of a new type who are able to quickly adapt in the new multicultural information society, are ready for cooperation with representatives of other countries, self- education and lifelong learning [1; 2].
The same requirements are dictated by modern realities to future social workers. But, considering that a small amount of time is allocated to the study of a foreign language in general, we highlight the expediency of the development of foreign language communicative competence within the scope of studying professional (special) subjects [6-8]. That's why we have designed the bilingual workshop book: social sphere.
Current state of the issue. Regarding the researches and publications in which the solution of this problem was initiated, we analyzed it from different points of view.
From the point of view of bilingual education in higher educational institutions, its theoretical foundations are reflected in the works of N. Mykytenko, A. Kovalchuk, and F. Moiseyeva. Since the concept of bilingual education appeared relatively recently in Ukraine, it needs further study and specification [8].
Educational and methodological support also needs to be developed for the training of future specialists in various specialties. In particular, if dictionaries of terms and expressions for the specialties "Social work" and "Social pedagogy" are created, published and used (O. Bezpalko, M. Holovaty, I. Zvereva, L. Lokhitska, I. Mygovich, T. Semigina, S. Kharchenko, etc.), then there are almost no bilingual workshop books, educational and methodological manuals for the above-mentioned specialties. As for the abundant words practical assignments (exercises, problem-solving tasks, etc.), they are also presented in different manuals in native language (N. Grabovenko, O. Shevchuk), but they require further development on a bilingual basis.
The lack of bilingual educational and methodological materials, despite the obvious relevance and demand, is explained, as a rule, by insufficient knowledge of professional vocabulary in a foreign language, and sometimes by the lack of existing bilingual educational and methodological materials that can be used as examples in the conditions of creating appropriate methodological support.
Outline of unresolved issues brought up in the article. So, the literature and other materials we have studied demonstrated the insufficiency of educational and methodological support on a bilingual basis for professional training of future social workers.
Aim of research is to conduct the analysis of the creation and use of a bilingual workshop book for future specialists in the social sphere. This goal is implemented in the analysis of the sections of the workshop book on the provision of educational subjects for students in specialties 231 "Social Work", "Social Work. Social Pedagogy", namely: a terminological dictionary, a grammar guide and a list of practical tasks in Ukrainian and English.
Research methods: theoretical analysis of methodological and pedagogical literature, Internet resources on the issue connected with the professional training of future social workers; synthesis and generalization.
Results and discussion. Let's consider the use of the "Bilingual workshop book: social sphere". It was developed for students of the first (bachelor's) programme of the specialty 231 "Social Work" and the second (master's) programme of the specialty 231 "Social Work. Social Pedagogy" of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.
The dictionary of terms and expressions (social sphere) is one of the sections of the workshop book, it was published as a separate issue for the first time in 2014 and was revised and republished in 2016 under the title "Bilingual Terminology Dictionary: Social Sphere" [4]. It presents the interpretation of terms that define the main theoretical and practical principles of social work, social pedagogy, which facilitates the educational process of students when studying special subjects bilingually and also provides an opportunity to use a greater number of resources in educational and research work [4].
The section mentioned above (the dictionary of terms and expressions) of the workshop book includes a list of the main concepts of social work and social pedagogy in the alphabetical order. The knowledge of these terms and expressions is necessary for studying all educational subjects related to professional training of students of specialties 231 "Social Work", "Social Work. Social Pedagogy". The explanation of each concept is provided in two or three versions in Ukrainian and English. Also, each concept has additional information such as functions, principles, methods, classifications, typologies, etc. Thus, the learner has the opportunity to choose the most understandable definition of the concept and get acquainted with brief information about its essence [5].
It should be noted that the terms and expressions are included in the constituent components of the educational complex of each special subject, namely: the annotation of the special subject; curriculum; educational program; educational and methodological support of the lecture course of the subject; methodological materials for practical and laboratory classes; recommendations for the organization of independent and individual work of students; tests (final tests), which contain theoretical questions, test tasks and creative tasks; questions and tasks for a credit/exam [3; 9].
The study of the main terms and expressions bilingually begins in the first year while studying special subject "Introduction to the specialty". Students get acquainted with the main concepts and terms during lectures and practical classes, perform independent work, test assignments, consolidate knowledge while writing the final tests and taking the credit/exam, as well as demonstrate the knowledge of so-called vocabulary minimum within the limits of independent work. In the future, students are able to use the knowledge of basic concepts and terms when studying other educational subjects by specialty throughout the entire period of study.
We also should note that ensuring the educational process in the conditions of bilingual education does not negate the use of all the specified educational and methodological materials; however, it requires a certain modification of them in terms of content and form, since it is created in two languages. In addition, it is appropriate to note that the educational and methodological support of the professional training of future social sphere specialists should be correlated with the method of implementing the model developed for the training of future social sphere specialists on a bilingual basis [8]. This concerns the training of master's level students in the specialty 231 "Social Work. Social Pedagogy" under the educational program "Social Work. Social Pedagogy" directly when studying such special subjects as "Models and standards of social sphere specialists training" (in English), "Topical issues of social pedagogy" (in English), "Project grant activity in the field of social work" (in English), "Organization of non-formal education of children and youth"(in English).
This section of a workshop book is a supporting material not only for students, but also for those concerned with the professional training of social workers and social pedagogues, as well as for those engaged in scientific research in this field, although it does not cover absolutely all terms, concepts and expressions of social work and social pedagogy.
The grammar guide provides an opportunity for students majoring in "Social Work", teachers, and scientists to operate extract definitions of basic terminology, express their own opinion, and ask questions in accordance with English grammar. This grammar guide contains the classification of sentence types, the word order in English, the rules for using parts of speech, irregular verbs, schemes of tense forms, a system of abbreviations, and extract combinations of the most used words. It also contains a scientist's colloquial dictionary, which includes colloquial formulas, the sequence of presentation of the material (beginning, continuation, conclusion), work with scientific data, examples, comparison of facts, data, expression of scientific approaches to the problem, methods, methodology, strategy, trends, areas of activity, goals, intentions, description of models, content, references to various sources, information about conferences, articles, reports, projects, seminars. The grammar guide is also designed to expand the range of actions related to presentations of scientific theoretical and practical assets in this field.
The main part of the workshop book is its practical section. For an example of its use during the study, consider the subject "Introduction to the specialty". To understand the use of practical tasks, we present the thematic plan of the subject by modules and topics, namely:
Module I. The essence of the scientific organization of the work of students majoring in "Social Work" and the theoretical foundations of social work;
Module II. Social work with different categories of clients in social institutions.
Next, the structure of the educational subject is presented, which includes the distribution of the total number of hours for full-time and part-time education separately for lectures, practical, laboratory classes and time for independent work.
Students are also offered an algorithm for studying lecture material and
literature, instructions for completing independent tasks and preparing for practical classes, tests and exams [5].
The main section of the workshop book consists of various practical tasks (matching tasks (logical pairs), true/false exercises in Ukrainian and English, and others) on the topics of the educational subject "Introduction to the specialty" as an example that can be used when studying other subjects, which are presented in educational program 231 "Social Work" or "Social Work. Social Pedagogy".
The matching task (logical pairs) consists of five terms and their definitions, to match every logical pair correctly. They differ in complexity: some of the tasks test only knowledge of facts, formulas, rules, others - understanding of the connections between them. In the process of solving these tasks the skills of comparison and juxtaposition are formed.
Test tasks allow checking a big amount of studied material in a short time, to quickly diagnose students' mastery of the basic level of training in separate modules/topics. These tests can be used both for individual verification of knowledge and as separate tasks during independent or final tests [5]. Two task modifications are defined: tasks in which the answer can be chosen only once, and tasks in which the answer can be chosen several times. Tasks can be composed in the form of choosing answers and in the form of providing answers (students should answer themselves to form a logical pair) [5].
The proposed tasks allow checking a big amount of the studied material in a short period of time, as well as quickly diagnose the students' mastery of the basic level of training in separate modules/topics. These tasks can be used both for an individual test of knowledge, and during the performance of independent or final tests. Let's consider them separately using specific examples.
Matching task in Ukrainian and English on the topic "Social work as a science and educational subject". Match [5: 33]:
Social assistance |
вид соціальної діяльності спеціально уповноважених органів держави, спрямованої на підтримання системи гарантованого державою рівня матеріального забезпечення та фізичного стану, складу сім'ї, віку, здоров'я, участі у суспільному та іншому виробництві |
Social work |
короткострокова (одноразова чи періодична) грошова виплата, цільовим призначенням якої є компенсація втраченого заробітку або додаткова підтримка громадян у разі настання соціального ризику за рахунок коштів соціальних страхових фондів чи бюджетів різних рівнів |
State social assistance |
наука і мистецтво розширення сфери соціальних взаємодій людей, їх активної адаптації до нових реалій життя, повноцінної ролі в суспільстві; професійна або волонтерська діяльність, спрямована на гарантовану підтримку і надання соціальних послуг будь-якій людині |
Social rehabilitation |
наука про соціально-педагогічні механізми формування особистості в соціумі та гармонізацію її взаємовідносин на мікро-, мезо- та макрорівнях |
Social pedagogy |
вид соціальної діяльності спеціально уповноважених органів держави, соціальних служб для молоді, об'єднань громадян та інших соціальних інституцій, спрямованої на здійснення системи організаційних, економічних, правових, культурних, освітніх, лікувальних, оздоровчих та інших соціальних заходів щодо відновлення фізичного стану, честі, гідності, прав і свобод дітей та молоді |
Match [5: 45]:
Безробіття social adaptation
Адаптація соціальна social policy
Гендер unemployment
Політика соціальна gender
True or false tasks are to determine the true or false statements on the topic "Social support of the individual" (if "false", then the correct statement must be suggested) [5: 51]:
Victimhood is a socio-biological characteristic by which people define the concepts of "man" and "woman". |
T / F |
A deviant is a person who does not follow the norms of behavior existing in the society. |
T / F |
Empathy is the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, sympathize, empathize. |
T / F |
Delinquent behavior is a psychophysiological state of an individual, which consists in the impossibility of meeting significant life needs at this moment of life; awareness of a deep internal contradiction. |
T / F |
Case social work is a method of helping individuals and families to solve psychological, interpersonal, socioeconomic problems. |
T / F |
Tasks to confirm or deny (explain your point of view) [5: 68]:
1. |
Deviant behavior is the behavior of an individual or group of individuals that is responding to social norms. |
2. |
Ethical principles are provisions of ethics, which provide the overall direction of activity and serve as the basis for partial standards of behavior. |
3. |
Marginals are individuals who had lost signs of belonging to a |
stable social institution, band, group within social relations that have been established. |
4. |
Social work is a kind of human activity, which is aimed to optimize the implementation of subjective role of people in all spheres of society in the process of ensuring the existence of life of the individual, family, social and other groups. |
5. |
Social hostel is an institution for temporary accommodation of orphans and children deprived of parental care, aged 10 to 18 years. |
Tasks on certain topics such as "Develop a conceptual mini-dictionary for the topic "Micro-factors in the process of socialization"" are also relevant [5: 75].
The workshop book also presents various creative and professionally oriented tasks, such as: filling in the diagram according to the topic, developing a crossword puzzle, a game, finishing a fairy tale, familiarization with the work experience of a certain organization in the social sphere according to a certain algorithm (demonstration of videos from the Internet), analysis of legal documents, scientific literature, primary sources, archival materials, development of own projects for social services, public organizations, charitable funds with a presentation and their analysis, writing summaries to scientific articles that highlight social work with various categories of clients, solving socio- pedagogical tasks, analysis of statements of famous personalities, writing theses, essays on social topics.
Regarding the performance of similar professionally-oriented tasks in English, the workshop book contains examples for the educational subject on the specialty 231 "Social Work. Social Pedagogy" "Topical issues of social pedagogy" on the topic: "The problem of term formation of modern socio- pedagogical science".
Task. Design a non-standard definition of 2-3 socio-pedagogical categories (to be done in trios). Checking: The student reads a non-standard definition of any socio-pedagogical category, and the rest of the students must understand what kind of category it is [5: 93-98].
Conclusions and research perspectives
Therefore, taking into account the relevance of the analyzed edition, it is logical to highlight in the workshop book: a section contains information on the interpretation of terms in Ukrainian and English and additional interpretation of their essence and content that is a terminological dictionary, which will facilitate the assimilation of all academic subjects related to professional training during all years of study in specialties 231 "Social Work", "Social work. Social Pedagogy". It is important that in the workshop book presented not only a list of terms and concepts, but also additional interpretation of their essence and content, which gives a student an opportunity to choose the most accessible, understandable option for himself/herself.
Using the grammar guide section will allow future social workers, teachers, and scientists to operate with definitions of basic terminology, express their own opinion, ask questions in accordance with English grammar, and use it in their presentations.
The main part of the workshop book is a practical section contains a list of different types of exercises in Ukrainian and English to be used on special subjects' classes on the example of the subject "Introduction to Specialty", which will contribute to the assimilation when studying other special subjects and the practical use of the main terms of social and socio-pedagogical activity.
Regarding the future prospects of research in this direction, it is planned to increase the number of terms and practical tasks that can be used during the study of educational subjects in the specialties 231 "Social Work" and "Social Work. Social Pedagogy".
References (translated & transliterated)
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реферат [543,8 K], добавлен 25.12.2014Понятия "метод" и "прием", особенности данных понятий. Основные методы обучения, используемые в методике преподавания иностранным языкам на старшем этапе. Анализ учебно-методического комплекса О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеева "English. Student’s book".
курсовая работа [38,8 K], добавлен 22.04.2014The employment of Internet in teaching Foreign Languages. The modern methods of teaching 4 basic skills. The usage of Internet technologies for effective Foreign Languages acquisition. Analysis of experience: my and teachers of Foreign Languages.
курсовая работа [2,3 M], добавлен 30.03.2016Context approach in teaching English language in Senior grades. Definition, characteristics and components of metod. Strategies and principles of context approach. The practical implementation of Context approach in teaching writing in senior grades.
дипломная работа [574,3 K], добавлен 06.06.2016Process of learning a foreign language with from an early age. The main differences between the concepts of "second language" and "foreign language" by the conditions of the language environment. Distinguish different types of language proficiency.
статья [17,3 K], добавлен 15.09.2014Основы обучения лексике в средней школе. Особенности активного, пассивного, потенциального словарных запасов. Рассмотрение этапов формирования лексических навыков. Комплекс лексических заданий по теме "My future profession" в 11 классе средней школы.
курсовая работа [184,9 K], добавлен 21.06.2015The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.
презентация [156,0 K], добавлен 09.03.2015Peculiarities of English nonsense rhymes – limericks and how to use them on the classes of English phonetics. Recommendations of correct translation to save its specific construction. Limericks is represented integral part of linguistic culture.
статья [17,5 K], добавлен 30.03.2010Історія формування позитивної мотивації у навчанні. Виховання відчуття боргу, відповідальності та профорієнтації. Особливості проведення уроку англійської мови на теми "I`ve got an idea", "Plenty of things to do", "The life of social environment".
курсовая работа [48,0 K], добавлен 16.11.2010Studying the system of education in Britain and looking at from an objective point of view. Descriptions of English school syllabus, features of infant and junior schools. Analyzes the categories of comprehensive schools, private and higher education.
презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012