Analysis of conceptual and categorical apparatus of rehabilitation teachers training to work in inclusive education

Conditions for successful rehabilitation of children with special educational needs. Formation of a positive attitude towards the teaching profession, mastering the system of knowledge about the peculiarities of students with special educational needs.

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Дата добавления 23.02.2023
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Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University (Uman, Cherkasy region, Ukraine)

Analysis of conceptual and categorical apparatus of rehabilitation teachers training to work in inclusive education

Anna Slatvinska

PhD in Education, Instructor at Special and

Inclusive Education Department


The article presents an attempt to specify conceptual and categorical apparatus of the study. Based on the analysis of the concepts `disability', `incapacity to work', `children's special needs', `developmental impairment', `maladaptation', `children at risks group', `problem children', `children with anomalous development', `disabled children', `children with limited abilities', `specific children', `exceptional children ' the terms `children with special educational needs', `inclusive teaching' have been defined more accurately. It has been proved that `children with special educational needs' comprises children with developmental impairment that leads to limited abilities in their participation in a traditional educational process. It usually causes their special needs in specific pedagogical help that will overcome these limitations and obstacles. The article determines the conditions for successfully rehabilitation of children with special educational needs.

Inclusive teaching means organization ofspecific conditions (individual curricula complex, complex ofindividual programs, training manuals, literature) and adequate external conditions (necessary comfort level, specific means of transportation and organization of adaptable studying room, distant educational instruments, innovative methods and information and communicative educational technologies) for children with special educational needs in order to adapt to their necessities.

In order to explain the concept `would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education at general educational establishments' the sense of the close terms have been revealed: `corrective and pedagogical activity', `rehabilitation and pedagogical activity'. Would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils ' inclusive education at general educational establishments is a process ofcomplex organization ofteaching and educating impacts. They bring positive attitude to pedagogical profession, accomplishing the system of views, beliefs, theoretical knowledge and concepts on specific features of the pupils with special educational needs that are necessary for mastering modes and instruments to work with the pupils at inclusive education, as well as formation of certain personal qualities that provide stable motivation to the activity.

Key words: maladaptation, children at risks group, disabled children, children with limited abilities, children with special educational needs, inclusive teaching, would-be rehabilitation teachers training.

Анна Слатвінська, PhD in Education, викладач відділу спеціальної та інклюзивної освіти Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини (Умань, Україна)

Аналіз понятійно-категоріального апарату процесу підготовки учителів-реабілітологів до роботи в умовах інклюзивного навчання


У статті здійснено спробу уточнити категоріальний апарат дослідження. На основі аналізу понять «інвалідність» «непрацездатність», «особливі потреби дітей», «порушення розвитку», «дезадаптація», «діти групи ризику», «проблемні діти», «діти з аномальним розвитком», «діти з інвалідністю», «діти з обмеженими можливостями», «особливі діти», «виняткові діти» уточнено терміни «діти з особливими освітніми потребами», «інклюзивне навчання». Доведено, що «діти з особливими освітніми потребами» - це діти з відхиленням у розвитку, внаслідок якого відбувається обмеження можливостей їх участі в традиційному освітньому процесі, що викликає у них особливі потреби в спеціалізованій педагогічній допомозі, яка дозволяє долати ці обмеження, труднощі. Визначено умови успішної реабілітації дітей з особливими освітніми потребами.

Встановлено, що інклюзивне навчання включає створення спеціальних умов (комплекс індивідуальних навчальних програм, планів, методичних матеріалів, літератури) та адекватних зовнішніх умов (необхідний рівень комфортності, спеціалізовані засоби пересування та організація адаптивних навчальних місць, дистанційні засоби навчання, інноваційні методи та інформаційно комунікаційні освітні технології) для дітей з особливими освітніми потребами з метою пристосування до їх потреб.

Для розкриття ключового поняття «підготовка майбутніх учителів-реабілітологів до роботи в умовах інклюзивного навчання учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів» розкрито сутність дотичних понять: «корекційно-педагогічна діяльність», «реабілітаційно-педагогічна діяльність». Встановлено, що підготовка майбутніх учителів-реабілітологів до роботи в умовах інклюзивного навчання учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів є процесом комплексної організації навчально-виховних впливів, спрямованих на формування позитивного ставлення до педагогічної професії, оволодіння системою поглядів, переконань, теоретичних знань і концепцій про особливості учнів з особливими освітніми потребами, необхідними для оволодіння способами і прийомами роботи з цими учнями в умовах інклюзивного навчання, а також сформованість певних особистісних якостей, що забезпечують стійку мотивацію до цієї діяльності.

Ключові слова: дезадаптація, діти групи ризику, діти з інвалідністю, діти з обмеженими можливостями, діти з особливими освітніми потребами, інклюзивне навчання, підготовка майбутніх учителів-реабілітологів.

Problem solving

educational rehabilitation special children

Every society has people with disorders in physical, mental or social development. It means that external conditions under which a person lives or state of his health does not coincide with certain norms of the society.

People usually apprehend the sphere of the typical within the boundary. Thus, everything that is outside it is determined as `abnormal', `pathologic' (Shumilovskaya, 2011: 213).

Indecent development is a phenomenon of a complicated nature. In the body, because of immaturity of physiological systems, inadequate (or super) development of the functions of psychics are observed. As an individual, the first place takes social situation of the child's development that promotes indecent features of the character. As a personality with predominant psychological factors, indecent mental development is noticed in the behavior that may be performed by an egocentric person (Glushko, 2004: 188).

Indecent development is mostly reasoned by genetic determinants (hyperactivity, sensitivity, emotional instability, slow transaction of sensorial information from the right to the left hemisphere, immaturity of physiological system).

The present realities prove that any society comprises the people who may need specific attention and care and have any impairments (indecent) in physical, mental or social development.

Analysis of recent researches

The problems of differentiation of the children with special educational needs into groups, levels of school maladaptation and conceptual apparatus of the study accordingly, have been researched by many scientists (L. Baida, T. Vlasova, H. Davydenko, E. Daniels, T. Illiashenko, A. Kolupaieva, Y. Kulakova, V. Lebedynskyi, V. Lypa, M. Liubymov, O. Nahorna, T. Okushko, N. Sofii, O. Usanova, O. Chebotariova). They gave definition to the concepts `disability', `incapacity to work', `children's special needs', `developmental impairment', `maladaptation', `children at risks group', `problem children', `children with anomalous development', `disabled children', `children with limited abilities', `specific children', `exceptional children', etc. As a part of the study the terms `children with special educational needs', `inclusive education' are urgent.

In order to describe conceptual apparatus of the problem of rehabilitation and pedagogical work of would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work with children with special educational needs at inclusive education, the works of the scientists were analyzed (T. Bondar, L. Budiak, T. But, O. Haiash, V. Hladush, O. Hordiichuk, H. Davydenko, E. Daniels, D. Deppler, I. Dmytrieva, N. Diatlenko, T Illiashenko, A. Kolupaieva, S. Korniienko, S. Myronov, O. Nahorna, V. Ponykarova, V. Syniov, N. Sofii, Z. Shevtsiv, I. Yarmoschuk). The scientists define the concepts rehabilitation and pedagogical activity, `would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work with children with special educational needs at inclusive education at general secondary education institutions'.

The purpose of the article is basing on the close terms analysis, to specify the nature of the key concepts: `children with special educational needs', `inclusive education', `would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work with children with special educational needs at inclusive education at general secondary education institutions'.

The main material

The was a confusion in the use of the terms `disability' and `incapacity to work' until the 1970s. It prevented certain policy in the relation of the whole population who may need rehabilitation, from being developed. In 1980 the classification of defects, disability and incapacity to work was developed (Garashkina, 2006: 188).

The classification described the concept `disability' as the one including a number of functional limits in different population and social layers. A person may be regarded as a disabled because of physical defects, health condition or mental diseases. The term `incapacity to work' meant the loss or limitation of opportunities to participate in the society life on the level of the other people. Both concepts did not explain correctly the interrelation between the social conditions, state and expectations of the disabled.

In 1986 the International Disability Association adapted the integral definition of the concept `disability' that included both aspects: medical and social. Disability is caused by physical barriers the loss or limitation of opportunities to participate in the society life on the level of the other conditions. They are not the disabled who make problems for the society. It is the society that does not want or can't remove the barriers on the way of the society and the disabled to reunite. It may be held with organizing appropriate conditions for the last (Timofeeva, 2004: 76).

International Human Rights Movements consider disability a form of social inequality.

In official papers of World Health Organization, disability is described as the presence of structural impairments in a person's body that may be visible or to be diagnosed with medical equipment. They may also bring the loss or imperfection of the skills that under certain conditions may promote social maladaptation, unsuccessful or slow socialization.

The basic for the term `disability' includes the concept `life restrictions'. According to the International, classification of disorders `life restrictions' is described as any limitation, restriction or absence of the opportunity to perform within the limits that are considered as normal for a person of the age (Rubleva, 2002: 100).

Disability is determined in accordance with the criteria for life restrictions but for the medical indications. Life restrictions are known as a complete or partial person's loss of ability or possibility to perform self-service, self-transportation, selforientation, communication, control one's behavior, study and work. The concept explains a disabled child as a person with constant material or money support from other people. Social work with the child (patronage) includes subject-object type of social cooperation (Gorodova, 2011: 22).

Changing of priorities for wider sociological determination completely coincides with the tendency of the last decades when there existed conceptual turning point towards progressing humanism and increasing right of the disabled for self-realization in society's interests.

However, wide explanation of the concept on the one hand, comprises the disadvantage in combining too many specific children's features. On the other hand, the absence of clear and scientifically correct conceptual apparatus moves the issue into the emotional plane. It also proves the idea about the disabled as for a person with limited abilities, passive dependent, completely reliant on social support and medical service. Emphasizing economic lack of dependence and opportunity of independent life turns society attention from the problems of securing civil rights guaranteed by the law for disabled people.

Thus, in many countries including Ukraine, the term `disabled person' is prohibited to use. Instead, the concept `people with disability' is offered for wide use.

Today together with the term `disability', more often the notion `special needs' is used. Its implementation has to accentuate on the fact that comparing with peers the children are complete people with relatively smaller abilities. Essentially, operation by the concepts is the society's tendency towards social relationships humanization.

The most spread and acceptable standard definition of `special needs' is given in the International Standart Classification of Education (in the European Union countries in particular): special educational needs are for the persons whose educating needs supplemental resources. Supplemental resources may include the following: personnel (to help while studying); materials (different learning instruments, especially supplemental and corrective); financial (budget assignation to get additional specific services) (Kolupaieva, Savchuk, 2011: 36).

The concept `maladaptation' is one of the basic terms within the issue studied that appeared in psychiatric literature and determine the process impartment of person's cooperation with the environment.

Gordeeva a states that they are the children with adaptation disorders in a primary learning group who are to be considered as a basic object of pedagogical rehabilitation. School usually is responsible for it (Gordeeva, 2002: 69).

Maladaptation is rather spread at school. In accordance with the ontogenetic approach in maladaptation mechanisms studies, crisis. Turning moment in person's life are of specific significance. It may happen when there occurs a sudden change his `situations of social development' that bring the necessity for reconstruction of the formed stereotype of adaptive behavior.

Constant failure, conflicts between a teacher and a pupil, between pupils that are imposed on it, age crises of a growing personality - all these bring desocialization, his realization not in constructive but destructive activity, disposition to informal impacts that are dangerous for physical and mental health (drug addiction, prostitution, offences, religious sect. etc.) (Fedina, 2002: 23).

Studying difficulties and different violations of school behavioral norms are unanimously determined as basic primary external features of school maladaptation by doctors, teachers and psychologists.

Working concept `children at risks group' means children who do not present classical forms of developmental anomalies, because of different biological or social reasons have partial disadvantages that may cause studying and educating difficulties and provoke high risk of school maladaptation.

Thus, we explain `risks group' of school and social maladaptation in wider sense than in the spread conception about the children from disadvantaged families, with deviated behavior, the hard-bred.

Similar to the spread conception `risks groups' without opposition to the commonly used determination, while searching for the definition `problem' children under the conditions of mass educational current, we use the present studies of the terms `children with developmental disorders', `disabled children', `children with specific development', `with special needs', `with special educational needs'.

It is reasonable to differentiate the terms `disabled children' and `children with limited abilities' according to the criteria of ability/inability to socialize.

The term `children with limited abilities' was adapted in 1990s. In pedagogics, these general concepts often explain the less general: `children with developmental disorders', `children with developmental defects', `pedagogically neglected children', `abnormal children' and `children with mental disorders'. Legal regulations are also characterized by conceptual variation, it is not always is filled by a clear and considered sense: `disabled child', `children with physical or mental defects', `children with limited health abilities'.

It is the social element of disability and the ability to socialize that are emphasized by the concept `children with limited abilities'. `The limiter' of their abilities is described as the current social order where the potential of the children is not in demand because of their specific features. Children with limited abilities may feel difficulties not only because of the disease but for the unadapted physical and social environment to their needs, society rejection. Most children have broken connection with the outer world, limited mobility, lack contacts with the peers and adults, reduced communication with nature, culture, lack of the opportunity to receive even elementary education (Gorodova, 2011: 22).

Simultaneously, the concept `children with limited abilities' provides accents differently - they are children with physical and (or) mental defects that prevent from mastering educational standards without specific educational conditions. Regardless of the fact that social rehabilitation of a child with specific developmental features in the concept is explained with educational sphere only, implicitly it makes the aspect of abilities of his development. Thus, it also brings the necessity to organize the adaptive developmental environment. This determination also provokes the new configuration of social relationships, where a child lives. It promotes higher requirements for the organizations of its rehabilitation environment.

In accordance with the issue consideration, we provide specifying of the concept `children with limited abilities'. We define it as children with physical and (or) mental defects that prevent them from socialization under standard conditions.

Instead of the demeaning notions `disabled', `abnormal children', `children with developmental disorders', there appears the new ones including `children with limited health abilities'. The term comprises the children whose health prevent them from mastering educational programs under specific educational (upbringing) conditions - disabled children, other children aged 0-18 who within the prescribed order are not recognized as disabled children but have temporary or regular disorders in physical and (or) mental development. They require specific educational (upbringing) conditions (children with hearing, vision, musculoskeletal system, mental disorders, with diseases) (Hafizullina, 2008: 15).

In scientific context the concept direct scholars towards limits `permeability' between the sciences of an abnormal and normal child because the term `children with special needs' may include children with both mental and physical disorders and those without. The latter may have the specific needs that are caused by social and cultural factors.

Not every child with limited health abilities that lead to special needs, are educated in the system of special education. The reasons may be different: the limited number of places in a special educational institution, there is no similar educational institution in a settlement, etc. The factor of parents reluctance for the child to be educated in a specific institution has recently gained a great influence. Educating children with limited abilities at special establishments usually has many positive conditions for mental developmental disorders correction. Simultaneously, it also include the following disadvantages that may cause parents refusal: similar institutions limit the opportunities for connection with normally developed peers, children lose contact with the family (that is known as their primary emotional support), and it is difficult for them to form the desire of managing with life obstacles, social adaptation and rehabilitation (Hafizullina, 2008: 15).

Thus, the leading tendency of the present stage for special education development is an integration of the children with limited abilities into the system of mass education.

The use of the term `children with special educational needs' helps us emphasize the personally oriented tendency that is typical for rehabilitation pedagogy.

The term `children with special educational needs' promotes society refusal from the factor when population is differentiated into complete majority and incomplete minority. The concept also proves when characterizing the children the attention is to be shifted from defects, disorders and norms impairments to their needs under specific conditions and educational institutions; it emphasizes on the responsibility for display of the needs (Hafizullina, 2008: 15).

The term `children with special educational needs' widely embraces the pupils whose educational defects are out of the generally accepted norms. It touches the children with specific features of mental and physical development, gifted children and children from socially vulnerable groups (pupils of orphanages, etc.). Universally adopted notion `children with special educational needs' accentuates the necessity to the supplementary support in educating children with definite developmental specific features. Obviously, the most accepted term includes the children with special needs as disabled children, with minor health disorders, social problems and gifted children (Kolupaieva, Savchuk, 2011: 36).

We explain `children with special educational needs' as children with developmental disorders that lead to limited opportunities of their participation in traditional educational process. It causes their specific needs in specialized pedagogical support that will help cope with these limits and obstacles.

Successful rehabilitation of the children is possible when the following conditions are carried out: a) effective medical support that provides the greatest possible development of mental and physical potential; b) the system of socialization that is adapted to their needs and promotes child's social integration; c) the social environment that is favorable for social inclusion and contains physical, social and cultural space for the children full life activity later.

Rehabilitation ideas evolution went through several stages and in past was connected with charity. That happened only in the 20th century when the charity conception was replaced at first by the ideas of social support and later by rehabilitation principals to create the conditions for free and independent life of disabled people (Garashkina, 2006: 27).

The terms of rehabilitation pedagogy to same extent were studied by L. Bohmat, N. Viseman, O. Hloba, A. Hordieva, P. Hornostai, T. Dehtiarenko, T. Yezhova, I. Ivanova, S. Marchenko, V. Nechyporenko, V. Nykolaieva, V. Pkas, I. Fabro, M. Frolov, S. Kharchenko, A. Shevtsov, V. Shpak, V. Shnider. The scientists prove that the term `rehabilitation' is a key in the categorical apparatus of rehabilitation pedagogy.

Late Latin `rehabilitatio' (recovery) comes with `habilitas' (suitableness, ability); re - the prefix means (here) recovery, repetition. That is explained as to recover, literally it stands for `make able again, available again', the words `ability' and `suitable' characterize rehabilitation as socially directed process aimed at person's socialization and adaptation. The abilities that are necessary for complete participation in the society life are determined by that society, its development. Accordingly, inability (unsuitableness) cause stress, activate fear, organize the situation when a person feels his inferiority - maladaptation (Fedina, 2002: 15).

World Health Organization explains the sense of rehabilitation in `not only to return the patient to his previous state but develop his physical and mental functions up to the optimal level' (Bryndikova, 2017: 255).

Rehabilitation is impossible without child's status and activity recovery. In psychological and pedagogical sense, it means child's recovery as a social subject of a leading activity. Rehabilitation is connected not only with copying with family and school obstacles and social discrimination ofthe under aged pupils but with the child's shift of discovery of himself - his I-concept. According to child's integral discovery, his rehabilitation is to be carried out on the personal level, subject of an activity and a social object taking into account his individuality (Fabro, 2010: 106).

In accordance with explanation that is more general rehabilitation means a dynamic system of correlated medical, psychological and social components that promote both health recovery and preservation, as well as person's social status. Y. Bryndikov describes rehabilitation as a separate type of a social activity of specially authorized state bodies, social services, integration of residents, and other social institutes. The social activity is directed towards organizational, economic, legal, cultural, educational, medical, health and other social measures in order to recover physical state, honor, dignity, rights and freedoms of definite categories of population (Bryndikov, 2017: 107).

Thereby, rehabilitation process is determined essentially as complex including medical, psychological, social and economic measures.

We support the definition of the notion `rehabilitation' from the vocabulary of terms for specialists in rehabilitation of sick and disabled people. It is described as a process and system of medical, psychological, social and economic measures aimed at removing or possibly more complete compensation of life limits that are caused by health disorders with stable disorder of the body functions (Malyarchuk, Volosnikova, 2015: 58).

Rehabilitation effectiveness is estimated based on the full range of rehabilitation measures (medical, social, psychological, pedagogical, and professional). The list of disorders that cause the necessity for rehabilitation include disability, alcoholism disease, drug addiction, loss of social status, of work, accommodation, close people, crimes commitment (Yezhova, 2013: 109).

We used the term `rehabilitation activity' because we considered it being aimed at achieving effective pedagogical rehabilitation by the content. We did not see it important to define the concept specifically.

L. Fedina explains `rehabilitation activity' as the one of a teacher that is directed to the support for a child in order to reveal maladaptation and his personal barriers that is the reason for activity discomfort and low effectiveness. Teacher's support also lies in child's development of self-respect and faith if his strength (Fedina, 2002: 19).

Rehabilitation means solving problems of different variants of school maladaptation that are of integrative character. Thus, teacher's training to its effective organization is to be carried out under certain conditions that will provide his forming of functional literacy at rehabilitation performance and develop personally humane orientation (Fedina, 2002: 19).

Since, in the context of its use in the practice of educational institutions the term `rehabilitation' is explained differently, it is urgent to describe key concepts of the phenomenon proceeding from the fact that recovery and corrective and pedagogical activity are main notions of rehabilitation.

The term `corrective and pedagogical activity' is close in essence. A. Goneev determines it as a difficult social and pedagogical phenomenon that runs through the whole educational process (educating, upbringing, development) and works as its subsystem including an object and subject of pedagogical activity, its target, content, operative and activity-based, evaluative and resultative components (Goneev, 2001: 206).

We can't help agree with A. Goneev that corrective and pedagogical activity is a part of pedagogical process as a dynamic pedagogical system, as specially organized, purposeful cooperation of teachers and pupils aimed at solving developmental and educational tasks.

So far as developmental disorders and learning lag often exist as a complicated integrated problem, it is necessary to solve it within a complex approach - basing on a deep diagnostic and corrective activity, interpret and study the etiology of developmental disorders and learning lag. While developing programs of corrective and pedagogical activity, there should appear both components to cope with the defect and preventive measures. Content of corrective and pedagogical activity should be directed to abolish the faults in pupils' cognitive activity and form world outlook, socially important knowledge, skills and abilities; the complete corrective and pedagogical activity is practically oriented and aimed at a high level of effectiveness.

As a working definition of the term, within pedagogical view T. Rubleva offered the following variant: corrective and pedagogical activity is planned and specifically organized pedagogical process that is realized with the group of teenagers with minor developmental disorders and behavioral deviation, and is directed towards correction and reconstruction of personal qualities of an individual and behavioral faults, formation of the appropriated conditions for the development that lead to the complete integration of teenagers into a society (Rubleva, 2002: 46).

The chosen complex of psychological and pedagogical measures of rehabilitation and corrective support for this category of children may help organize the process in the way to recover him as better as possible taking onto account medical, psychological and pedagogical diagnostic.

Thus, children rehabilitation process is not only the issue to save the life but its recovery, ability of the children for self-realization and implementation of a thorough support considering medical factors.

Effective activity of the specialists who perform rehabilitation measures is impossible without a close cooperation with teachers, a psychologists, doctors and authority. According to the experience of the rehabilitation specialists at boarding schools, for maximum coordination it is essential to organize a school social and pedagogical service.

Scientists O. Nahorna and O. Cherniienko believe that in order to provide a complex corrective influence on a child with special educational needs, it is reasonable to organize an interdisciplinary team that will unity educators, corrective specialists, medical men and parents to form an effective and continual educational and rehabilitation space. (Білан, 2018: 61). Members of the interdisciplinary team may supply with rehabilitation and curative support for a child during the whole preparatory period for school and the whole primary education years. Here they include a speech therapist who corrects speech development that will help a child communicate with peers; a teacher who provides educating and educative, educating and corrective influence; a rehabilitation specialist secure implementing opportunities and ways to compensate the defects of different complication, reveal of mechanisms for correction of secondary disorders, development of self-service skills, corrective and developmental, rehabilitation and curative process; psychologist's task implies the development of communicative sphere, formation of person's positive features, adequate self-esteem and necessary level of demands (Bilan, 2018: 61).

According to individual program of rehabilitation of a disabled child (if present), accompaniment team compiles an individual developmental program of a child with special educational needs during two weeks from the beginning moment of educational process (Hordiichuk, 2015: 41).

Accordingly, we support O. Hordiichuk in the idea that rehabilitation and pedagogical activity is a new educational type of activity that is regulated with the appropriate legal base of inclusive education. Its contents includes involving people with special educational needs into social life, conditions of general secondary, out of class educating and educative, educating and curative institutions. Their result is in the desire and ability of high-level readiness specialists to bring positive changes for every participants of the activity (Hordiichuk, 2015: 26).

Inclusive studying that is considered to be an instrument for inclusive education, appears here as one of the ways to realize the above-mentioned objectives.

Inclusion is a term to describe the process of teaching children with special educational needs (Dityatkyna, 2016: 23); it is an approach and philosophy that provide for every pupil (disabled, without disability) more opportunities in a social context and in education (Shumilovskaya, 2011: 17). It is a policy and a process that help every child participate in every program (Kolupaieva, Savchuk, 2011: 8).

Inclusion reduces child's isolation and estrangement; he becomes more active, stops feeling him being `specific'. That is variety, difference between pupils is a significant potential that promotes development and creative inception display (Ahmetova, 2013: 11).

The main advantage of an inclusive teaching approach lies in forming a flexible educational environment that may satisfy every child and coincides with individual and mental, physical and psychological needs (Dalinger, 2017: 28).

Inclusive teaching provides an equal access to getting this or that type of education and organizing appropriate conditions to education adaptation by every child despite their individual specific features, educational achievements, native language, culture, their mental and physical abilities (Guseva, 2010: 3).

The basis of inclusive teaching is formed by the idea that excludes any children discrimination, provides an equal attitude to everybody, but makes specific conditions for children with special educational needs. It is important to understand that they are not children who fail but the system excludes them. Inclusive education may support the children when studying and achieving success that promote chances and opportunities for better life (Shumilovskaya, 2011: 16).

Proceeding from the information, we explain inclusive studying as an organization of specific conditions (a complex of individual studying programs, plans, methodological materials, literature) and adequate external conditions (necessary comfort level, specific transportation means and organization of adaptive educational room, distant learning instruments, innovative methods, information and communicative educational technologies) for children with special educational needs in order to adapt to their demands.

N. Malyarchuk states that professional training of teaching staff for inclusive education is a dynamic system with relative autonomy of its subjects' components. The author proves that in order to achieve success in professional training, new pedagogical models that reflect present requirements for a teacher's level of readiness who realizes the inclusive practice, are urgent (Malyarchuk, Volosnikova, 2015: 253).

Thereby, would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education at general educational establishments is a process of complex organization of educating and educative impacts that provide positive attitude to teaching profession. It also includes mastering a system of views, beliefs, theoretical knowledge and conceptions about specific features of the pupils with special educational needs in order to cope with ways and techniques of the work with the pupils in inclusive teaching; formation of certain personal qualities that provide stable motivation for the activity.


Thus, proceeding from the analysis of the terms `disability', `incapacity to work', `children's special needs', `developmental impairment', `maladaptation', `children at risks group', `problem children', `children with anomalous development', `disabled children', `children with limited abilities', `specific children', `exceptional children' the terms `children with special educational needs', `inclusive teaching' have been defined more accurately. In order to determine the key concept `would-be rehabilitation teachers training to work in pupils' inclusive education at general educational establishments' the sense of the following close terms has been described: `corrective and pedagogical activity', `rehabilitation and pedagogical activity'.

We see the further research prospect in explaining the terms hierarchy `corrective and pedagogical activity', `rehabilitation and pedagogical activity'.


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