Psychological Characteristics of Communicative Behavior of a Teacher
The purpose of this scientific article: to give a psychological description of the subject of communication; describe psychological methods of organizing the communicative process; to propose the psychological characteristics of an inventive teacher.
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Дата добавления | 26.02.2023 |
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Psychological Characteristics of Communicative Behavior of a Teacher
Mykhalchuk Nataliia
Dr. in Psychology, Professor,
Rivne State University of the Humanities,
Rivne (Ukraine)
Onufriieva Liana
Dr. in Psychology, Professor,
Head of the department of General and Applied Psychology, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohnenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine)
The purpose of our research is: to give the psychological description of the subject of conversation; to describe psychological ways of organizing a communicative process; to propose psychological characteristics of an inventive teacher, to find many ways and means for organizing communicative activity of a personality; to show psychological mechanisms of success of heuristic conversation; to determine psychological characteristics of effective communicative behavior of a teacher.
Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: the categorical method, structural and functional methods, the method of analysis, systematization, modeling, and generalization. The methods of interview and observation are used as experimental ones. The participants of our research were 45 pupils of the 7th form of school №15 of Rivne, school №7 of Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine). The experiment lasted during 2020-2021 years.
The results of the research. The educational dialogue that is the most effective during the process of secondary education is characterized. It is established the educational dialogue comprises four dominant functions of communication: communicative, informative, regulatory and emotional, but at different lessons one function plays a major role and others - a secondary one. The educational dialogue is shown to have a personality-based orientation, i.e. partners of communication perceive each other as equal individuals.
The harmonious and disharmonious dialogues are distinguished in the article. Dialogue is considered as a harmonious one, in which both partners equally show initiative in choosing its topic and direction, actively influence the course of a dialogue, regulate its course, play a leading role. In a symmetrical educational dialogue the student, being outside the teacher's guidance, can suggest a topic of conversation, actively defend and argue his/her position, can both start and end the dialogue as for his/her own will.
Conclusions. It is showed that the educational dialogue is remained, as a rule, disharmonious, but in its deep role structure the teacher-student dialogue could have a huge number of "superficial" realizations, which were built in harmony. It is established that the quality of pedagogical leadership is higher, when the student becomes more active and independent in the teacher's proposed regulations of any educational dialogue.
Three typical variants of didactic behavior of the teacher, which differ in a degree of perfection of his/her speech and communication activities are identified: the lowest degree "a Teacher - a Supervisor", the intermediate level "a Teacher - a Facilitator", the highest degree "a Teacher - a Communicator".
It is proved that only a teacher whose activities at the lesson was unfold at the last of these levels, was able to realize fully the defining goal of the pedagogical communication. This goal proposes the change in the "field of meanings" of personality.
Key words: communicative behavior, field of meanings, semantic fields of the personality, supervisor, facilitator, communicator, peculiarities of perception, peculiarities of understanding, pupils audience, dialogical communication, discussion, heuristic talk, emotionality, originality, expressiveness.
Михальчук Наталія, Онуфрієва Ліана. Психологічні характеристики комунікативної поведінки вчителя
Мета статті: дати психологічну характеристику предмету комунікації; описати психологічні способи організації комунікативного процесу; запропонувати психологічні характеристики винахідливого вчителя, винайти шляхи і засоби організації комунікативної діяльності особистості; розкрити психологічні механізми успішності евристичної бесіди; визначити психологічні особливості ефективної комунікативної поведінки вчителя.
Методи дослідження. Використано такі теоретичні методи дослідження: категоріальний, структурно-функціональний, аналіз, систематизація, моделювання, узагальнення. В якості експериментального методу використано методи інтерв'ю і спостереження. Учасниками нашого дослідження стали 45 учнів 7 класу закладу середньої освіти №15 м. Рівне, закладу середньої освіти №7 м. Кам'янець- Подільський (Україна). Експеримент тривав упродовж 2020-2021 років.
Результати дослідження. Охарактеризовано навчальний діалог як найефективніший на заняттях у закладах середньої освіти. З'ясовано, що у навчальному діалозі здійснюються чотири домінувальні функції спілкування: комунікативна, інформативна, регулятивна та емотивна, але на різних уроках одна функція відіграє основну роль, а інші - другорядну.
Показано, що навчальний діалог має суто особистісне спрямування, тобто партнери по спілкуванню сприймають один одного як рівноправних особистостей. Тому лідером може бути не тільки вчитель, але також учень - тоді виникає можливість побудови рівноправних партнерських взаємостосунків у навчальному діалозі.
Виокремлено гармонійний та негармонійний діалоги. Гармонійним вважається діалог, в якому обидва партнери однаковою мірою виявляють ініціативу у виборі його теми і спрямованості, активно впливають на хід діалогу, регулюють його плин, відіграють лідерську роль. У симетричному навчальному діалозі учень без керівництва вчителя сам може запропонувати тему розмови, активно відстоювати та аргументувати свою позицію, може як розпочинати, так і закінчувати діалог за власним бажанням.
Висновки. Показано, що навчальний діалог за своєю суттю залишається, як правило, негармонійним, але за своєю глибинною рольовою структурою діалог учитель-учень може мати величезну кількість "поверхневих" реалізацій, що побудовані саме гармонійно. Встановлено, що якість педагогічного керівництва стає вищою, коли учень виявляє більшу активність і самостійність у запропонованому вчителем регламенті навчального діалогу. psychological communication teacher
Виокремлено три типові варіанти дидактичної поведінки вчителя, які розрізняються за ступенем досконалості його мовленнєво- комунікативної активності: найнижчий ступінь "Вчитель-супервай- зер", середній ступінь "Вчитель-фасилітатор", найвищий ступінь "Вчитель-комунікатор".
Доведено, що тільки вчитель, діяльність якого на уроці розгортається на останньому із названих рівнів, здатний найповніше реалізувати визначальну для педагогічної комунікації мету, яка передбачає зміну (іноді - перебудову) "смислового поля" особистості. Вказано на доцільність індивідуального підходу до кожного окремого учня, адже зміна "смислових полів" різних учнів під впливом того самого повідомлення залежить від розвитку "смислового поля" кожного із них.
Ключові слова: комунікативна поведінка, поле значень, семантичні поля особистості, керівник, супервайзер, фасилітатор, комунікатор, особливості сприйняття, особливості розуміння, учнівська аудиторія, діалогічне спілкування, дискусія, евристична бесіда, емоційність, оригінальність, експресивність.
In the process of preparation for a conversation, the teacher is planning her/his plan to provide a clear understanding of topics' development, outlining the basic questions for pupils. If a teacher is experienced, these questions are short and precise; put in a logical sequence; awaken the opinions of pupils, develop their understanding of new material; the number of questions has to be optimal (Максименко, Ткач, Литвинчук & Онуфршва, 2019). The effectiveness of the method of conversation depends on the teacher's ability to formulate and ask questions. Depending on their complexity, they are divided into:
- questions about facts;
- questions that require comparisons and appropriate analysis of phenomena;
- the questions of causation and the significance of each phenomena;
- questions that can be answered by disclosing the meaning of the concepts, substantiating general conclusions, using inductive and deductive findings;
- questions that require proof (Bredart, 1991; Cilibrasi, Sto- janovik, Riddell & Saddy, 2019).
During the conversation it is important to pay attention to the quality of the pupils' responses, both in terms of content and style. They have to be complete, well-informed and reasoned; accurate and clear, literally well-designed (Mykhalchuk & Dan- chuk, 2021). If the pupil fails to answer the questions correctly, he/she will formulate more comprehensively for him/her, and if he/she can not answer the questions in that case, it will be easier to ask a question, the answer to which will help to approach the correct coverage of the issue in its first formulation. In the course of a conversation, it is advisable to be the first to ask questions to the whole class, therefore, to call for the pupils' response, to make a differentiated approach to the pupils; poll not only those pupils who wish to take the active part at the lessons (Гончарук & Онуфрієва, 2018). The advantage is that the teacher can work with the whole class and with micro-groups of individuals, without a low control over their state of their knowledge (Mykhal- chuk & Ivashkevych, 2019).
If the activity is heuristic, every time, depending on different circumstances, a new system of actions is created. In the process of the activity of many automated actions periodically, as it is necessary, they repeated and reproduced; in this case the person relies on known schemes of actions (Терновик & Сімко, 2020).
However, all the activities, the more than the speech itself, can not be completely automated; otherwise, we would have to agree that the person always says ready-made stamps, stereotypes or understands only well-studied material, known to her/ his linguistic units (Crookes, 1989). In fact, however, each time, depending on the situation of communication, such a statement appeared and it is adequate to the given situation (Mykhalchuk & Bihunova, 2019). We can say that automated and heuristic components are included in turn, with the leading role of the latter.
The situations of the communication are changed in the process of communication constantly, their variants can not be calculated. The speaker has to be prepared for the activity in such conditions, which is heuristic. And the ability to organize heuristic conversations needs to be developed specially (Mykhalchuk & Khupavsheva, 2020). This should be directed towards the development of speech skills. The same happens in the processes of reading and listening: texts are always variational, their understanding needs special skills - the ability to read (or to listen).
The main feature of a contemporary foreign language lesson is providing the atmosphere of communication. Creating this atmosphere is not a tribute to the fashion, but a necessity that follows from the regularities of studying. If we want to learn to communicate and to successfully teach any activity it can only be adequate conditions, then creating an atmosphere of communication becomes a necessity for the present time (Mykhalchuk & Danchuk, 2021).
The atmosphere of communication is based on a conscious discipline, on the interest not only in learning, but also in the personality of the teacher as a linguistic partner. Communication can not be carried out under the conditions of "stick" discipline. Unfortunately, a certain part of the teachers believes that the severity of pupils will help him/her to bring order in the classroom. Perhaps the external order of wishes and will of the person be maintained for a while, but the atmosphere of communication will disappear. After all, it is also important for his/her linguistic, personal contact, and not for role-playing. Personal contact will not occur if the teacher interrupts the pupils, shows his/her dissatisfaction with the lack of knowledge of the pupil.
In such a way the best teacher is one who forgets that he is a teacher. Heuristic is a multi-valued concept. As it is known, "heuristic" comes from the Greek "I found", which is a cry of joyness at some kind of discovery or the emergence of a new thought. Heuristics is a science of how to make discoveries.
The development of creative thinking in the learning process is to provide opportunities for creative knowledge in increasing complex of problem situations, which reveal general patterns. The creative assimilation of knowledge is so called discovery of a pupil of this knowledge.
A person who speaks in his/her native language, because of the large linguistic practice of communication, is aware of the conceptual content of the words he/she uses (although he/she does not always understand it and can not explain it). In the context of school education communication in a foreign language, when the language experience is too small, must be taught purposefully to establish such inter-party correspondences in a foreign language. This is necessary because there is such an interconnected relationship or inter-conceptual content relationship can be regarded as the basis of a free word-of-word.
However, if in the conditions of possession of the native language the person himself/herself understands the conceptual content of words, then when learning a foreign language it is necessary to actualize in these cases the ability of the reception of the interpretation of concepts. This allows pupils not only correctly combine words through the comprehension of their conceptual essence, but also to feel the mechanism of word formation in their native language.
The language situation is a key point in teaching foreign pupils' activities, that is the dominant principle in shaping skills and developing these skills - speaking, listening, reading and writing. Linguistic communication is always conditioned by the need of arising of forms of human activity. Every day he/she gets into a lot of different circumstances that require his/her intervention, decision-making.
The organization of the discussion or heuristic talk of the problem at the lesson involves some difficulties. In the process of methodological activity the types of problems can be used at the lesson. They are still poorly studied, often there is the teacher's inability to study the problem when discussing the problem. Also the peculiarities of pupils' intellectual activity there were not taken into account. Teachers are not purposefully developing special skills that are necessary for participation in the discussion, they do not always organize a problem situation taking into account the level of speech and intellectual training of students. These questions are the content of our research. Their solution will allow us to use the discussion of the problem with a sufficient efficiency as a methodological method of studying a foreign language.
So, the purpose of our research is:
1. To give the psychological description of the subject of conversation.
2. To describe psychological ways of organizing a communicative event.
3. To propose psychological characteristics of the inventive teacher, to find many ways and means for organizing communicative activity of the person.
4. To show psychological mechanisms of the success of the heuristic conversation.
5. To determine psychological characteristics of effective communicative behavior of a teacher.
Methods of the research
The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of analysis, systematization, modeling, and generalization. The methods of interview and observation are used as experimental ones.
The participants of our research were 45 pupils of the 7 form of school №15 of Rivne, school №7 of Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukraine). The experiment lasted during 2020-2021 years.
Results and their discussion
The construction of the educational-speaking situation begins with the choice of the subject of conversation, which determines the use of appropriate forms or lexical units.
The subject of conversation can be offered as:
- links to real facts, events from life, circumstances, processes, relationships (for example, the birthday of a prominent person, the discovery of scientists);
- visualizations of different types, for which there were applied scenes and subject pictures, diaphilms, schemes, photographs, etc.;
- verbal description based on pupils' experience;
- text in graphic or audio forms.
The subject of the conversation must be specified. In this plan it is necessary to distinguish clearly between the concept of an object and so-called colloquial topic, the study of which orientates the program and the process of studying foreign languages. The second case concerns only the thematic area, which can include many specific subjects for conversation. Therefore, the mistake will be, let's say, to invite pupils to talk about the topic "Sport". In this case, the task will be too general and actually pointless.
It is very good if the subject of the conversation proposed by the teacher is close to pupils, relates to the facts and circumstances of their lives. On this basis a strategy is developed for communicative approach for teaching a foreign language.
It should be noted that sometimes even a routine topic, if it can be formulated successfully, can carry a communicative charge. For the most part of conversations this happens when pupils are focused on the content of the conversation and give the opportunity to interpret it differently.
Such undiscovered topics, giving impulses for the conversation, leave the pupil a right to choose (to refine) its content and encourage him/her to express himself/herself and to form his/ her own position, his/her own judgment according to a subject that clearly helps the process of its development.
Dividing pupils in pairs, picking up the subject of conversation and formulating the purpose of communication, the teacher is still not guaranteed that the conversation between pupils will take place. Different pupils are sitting in the classroom, including those ones who can not afford the proposed task. Meanwhile, the goal is to ensure that each pupil takes an active part in the process of studying. Therefore, it remains to ensure the most important condition - a sufficient level of the language and its opportunities for each pupil. To this end, all or a part of pupils offer a great support for doing the tasks - in a form of individual cards, in a form of recording on a portable board, etc.
If pupils have good linguistic training, then this creates favorable conditions for direct access to communicative expression. This purpose is usually directed at solving a certain extracurricular problem.
In organizing a communicative event, the teacher should distinguish between the following steps:
- the separation from the oral conversational topic of the subject of conversation and the formation of a communicative task. Pupils should, with their statement, solve a problem - to prove their superiority, to express their attitude, to persuade, to seek something and so on;
- predicting the course of the conversation and specifying the necessary linguistic means for this. The subject of a special attention here must be structural and include different elements (conjunctions, auxiliary verbs, etc.). If it is necessary, they are processed in addition;
- the introduction of pupils in the communicative situation and the organization of heuristic activity in pairs or in the form of individual mass training.
As situational support we can use for such a statement drawings, pictures, photographs, schemes, etc. can be used.
Inventive teacher will find many ways and means for organizing communicative activity. It is about introducing at the lesson the elements of the activity where the language would be as a mean of solving problems associated with it. Such language excursions will fit into the lesson if the teacher regularly uses a foreign language for each lesson.
Finally, the teacher suggests that pupils always have readymade messages about something interesting from their own lives, from the lives of their loved ones or from reading some information in the press.
Contemporary methodological science emphasizes the importance of developing pupils' ability to communicate freely at a foreign language lesson. There has been a strong departure from practice, when pupils spend a lot of time in the mode of having more or less rigorous control by the teacher, until they master the linguistic material to the level of skills, and only in such a way they go to free form of communication. Communicative practice is the essential component of the lesson and, at the same time, the most problematic ones, since it is much more difficult to stimulate pupils to express their own thoughts than to get the correct, unambiguous answer from them.
One of the natural ways of free communication is a heuristic conversation. Each pupil as a practice in speech implies the development of skills clearly, logically formulate his/her thoughts, is able to do generalizations on the basis of examples, to conduct analogies, to evaluate priorities, to deduce reasons and to provide the ability to conduct a discussion. In such a way the pupils are able to listen without interrupting, can express their own mind relevant and clear.
Proposing the subject of the discussion, the teacher should not provide pupils with all the necessary information in order not to deprive them by their initiative. Pupils have to put forward convincing evidence independently, bring new facts, examples into discussion, and not only paraphrase ready-made ideas.
The success of the heuristic conversation depends, firstly, on the number of pupils involved into the process of discussion, and secondly how motivated there are their speech actions. If the attention of the participants is concentrated on the speaker, the motivation of the speech activity is rather high. So, absolute participation and high motivation are the factors that indicate the effectiveness of the conversation.
Optimally active heuristic conversation is one that involves all the pupils in the classroom that can not be carried out when working with an entire class, which is conducting conversations in a centralized manner. The decentralization and grouping or regrouping of pupils make it possible to avoid this organizational disadvantage. The main thing here is to guarantee the heterogeneity or homogeneity of the groups so that there are no serious controversial relationships between the pupils. It is desirable that the composition of each group is permanent, this will help to eliminate stress and problems with each discipline.
When working in groups the time of active participation of each pupil in the conversation increases. At the same time, the state of anxiety of shy pupils decreases, helping them overcome fear of mistakes.
Also the important is the physical aspect of group activity: the participants are close-range, face-to-face and turn to each other directly, personally. Auxiliary material is also necessary here. In addition, group activity opens opportunities for mutual learning: pupils correct each other, help to actualize means of expressions in the process of discussion. When working in groups, the role of a teacher constantly changes. From the instructor, the controller, the corrector he/she, if it is necessary, turns into an organizer, the assistant or a partner.
Sometimes heuristic conversation can take place as role-playing game. In a role-game organization the class is divided into small groups or pairs of pupils. They are offered close to real linguistic situations and roles for playing. The role-playing game reveals great opportunities for communicative practice. Reincarnation in different forms allows pupils to express the most diverse communicative intentions and mood according to the purpose of communication.
The right choice of subject matter is equally important. The interests of pupils can cause material that it is as close as it is possible to their live-time orientations, while an unusual, exotic topic of the discussion can stimulate more lively response of participants.
The heuristic conversation is preceded by some preparatory activity: pupils are informed about the problem of the discussion, after which it is advisable to carry out the exercise of "brain storm" (brainstorming), during which pupils express their ideas about this problem and note them to use in the discussion. Then the teacher divides tasks between groups, assigns leaders, distributes auxiliary materials. Here it is time to remind pupils about their rules: a balanced participation of all members of the group, providing respect for the leader, a ban on interrupting the speaker.
Encouraging discussion is one of the issues during a heuristic conversation. To organize all pupils the teacher can distribute separate issues between members of each group. Thus, a final solution of the problem is achieved by combining different versions.
The end of the heuristic conversation is not the end of the discussion of the problem. The activity of pupils should be appreciated by the teacher and the whole class. Feedback can be made in different ways: summing up a representative from each group to the class, comparing the conclusions of different groups, comparing proposals and combining them into a general class version or simply repeating the discussion of one of the groups before the class.
The teacher concludes the discussion, summarizing the results of the activity. It is important to solve all issues of each problem, to find out all the differences in the points of view of the participants in the conversation.
The language situation arises when there is a problem that can be resolved through linguistic communication. In educational conditions, the discussed problem may occur spontaneously, of course, but most often it is created artificially for the purpose of learning a foreign language and in a case of solving the tasks of a particular stage of the activity. Language activities have the aim of solving the problem, may be carried out by two or more participants in different situations in the form of role-playing games, as well as in the form of discussion of the problem. In the process of discussing the background problem there is internal, mental activity, and the result of it is conclusions, new ideas.
Discussion of the problem is one of the forms of organization of the linguistic situation, that is a kind of linguistic situation is a methodological method of learning a foreign language.
Problem statement is the initial moment of pupils' mental activity. Without the intensification of thinking, foreign speech was transformed into the formal execution of linguistic rules or the reproduction of finished texts. Common features of the problem statement are the presence of an unknown student, the direction of the students to solve each problem, their interest in solving cognitive difficulties that are arisen.
In order to solve these issues, experimental training of pupils of 9-11 forms was organized by us. To organize the discussion of the problem the obstacles were created by the way to reach the goal.
In the learning process it is always necessary to distinguish between two types of linguistic situations. This is primarily the natural situation that constantly arises in the classroom. They have natural language stimuli. Always there is necessary material for the development of a foreign language. However, it is not a pity, such situations can not provide a full-fledged activity in developing the skills of unprepared reports on a variety of topics, based on different lexical-grammatical material. Therefore, it is necessary, in addition to the use of natural situations for educational purposes, also to use special language linguistic situations.
The educational linguistic situation is characterized by a number of distinctive features:
- the linguistic situation in a life is always real, while the educational situation is imaginary;
- the circumstances of the reality, which are in a particular living environment, as a rule, are sufficient for a particular linguistic reaction. They have to be detailed in the educational environment;
- the natural language situation does not have, as a rule, a verbal stimulus for linguistic reaction: it appears itself, easily. The learning situation should have a verbal linguistic stimulus;
- in the conditions of a real life situation the direction and the nature of the human reaction are foreseen; in educational conditions the reaction of pupils to the teacher's proposed situation may be different, that is to have options;
- the linguistic reaction to a real situation in the native language is always more emotional, living language supplemented by gestures, facial expressions and actions. That is, a part of the reaction of the subject is expressed by non-verbal means. It is difficult to simulate the activity of pupils in educational conditions, and moreover to cause an emotional reaction to solve a rather difficult task; students have no opportunity to respond with actions, which, moreover, is not essential for the development of a foreign language;
- the natural situation and the more reactions to it are not repeated, they are unique, while the same linguistic situation pupils can "play" repeatedly.
Thus, there is a significant difference between natural and linguistic learning situations. However, this should not be an obstacle to the widespread use of language linguistic situations in the classroom.
Thus, we characterize the educational dialogue that is the most effective in the classroom in the process of secondary education. We believe that in the educational dialogue there are four dominant functions of communication: communicative, informative, regulatory and emotional, but at different lessons one function plays a major role and others - a secondary one. The topic of the educational dialogue should depend on its subject and clearly correspond to the educational program. At the same time, we believe that the goals of any dialogue are boundless, they have no end, as the processes of learning and cognition itself do.
The educational dialogue has a purely personal orientation, such as partners of communication perceive each other as equal individuals. Therefore, the leader can be not only the teacher but also the student. Then there is a great opportunity to join equal partnerships in the educational dialogue.
We distinguish harmonious and disharmonious dialogues. Dialogue is considered as a harmonious one, in which both partners equally show initiative in choosing its topic and direction, actively influence the course of a dialogue, regulate its course, play a leading role. In a symmetrical educational dialogue the student, being outside the teacher's guidance, can suggest a topic of conversation, actively defend and argue his/her position, can both start and end the dialogue as for his/her own will.
The educational dialogue in its essence remains, as a rule, inharmonious, but in its deep role structure the teacher-student dialogue can have a huge number of "superficial" realizations, which are built in harmony. In our opinion, the leading role of the teacher in the dialogue only at the first glance contradicts its harmonious construction, but in fact the quality of pedagogical leadership is higher, the more active and independent the student can show in the teacher's proposed regulations of any educational dialogue. That is why the harmony of educational dialogue requires a radical restructuring of the entire traditional system of education, its content and methods. Therefore, the use of the discussion or heuristic conversation as a form of educational activity is appropriate in today's conditions of secondary education.
Undoubtedly, a teacher who seeks to engage in the process of dialogical communication with students in their educational activities has to work constantly on the style of their speech, working in a way of emotionality, originality, expressiveness, emotionalness. Summarizing the results of numerous observations made by us in the classroom in the process of contemporary secondary education, we identify three typical variants of didactic behavior of the teacher, which differ in a degree of perfection of his/her speech and communication activities.
I. The Lowest degree: "A Teacher - A Supervisor". Such a teacher offers students some messages that are monotonous, synchronous in their logical and compositional structure; they are characterized by lexical and syntactic repetition, insignificant development of communicative skills, abilities of pupils.
II. The Intermediate level: "A Teacher - A Facilitator". The teacher freely forms oral texts, uses abstracts and notes only occasionally, focuses on students, takes into account the peculiarities of perception and understanding of a particular student audience, uses various linguistic forms of information presentation (a story, a conversation, a monologue with elements of dialogue, etc.), uses various methods of logical composition of building messages.
III. The Highest degree: "A Teacher - A Communicator". Such a teacher is fluent according to the basic speech skills. He/ she communicates, establishes fairly trusting relationships with pupils and achieves close relationships with them at the level of finding personal meanings and personal sense.
Only a teacher whose activities at the lesson unfold at the last of these levels, is able to realize fully the defining goal of the pedagogical communication. This goal is not reduced to the enrichment of the "field of meanings" (Leontiev's term (Леонтьев, 1983: 76)) of the student (providing him/her with the objective information), but involves a change (sometimes - restructuring) of the "semantic field" of the personality (the inclusion of various meanings in the hierarchy of the activities of a pupil, the structure of the explication of this knowledge to the appropriate, in his/her view, motives). And then there is a need for an individual approach to each pupil, because the change of "semantic fields" of different students under the influence of the same message depends on the development of "semantic fields" of each of them.
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