Innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages

Methods of teaching foreign languages, innovative methods and technologies that adapt to the processes of globalization, digitization, and mobility. The concept of "innovative technologies". Types of interactive forms of foreign language learning.

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Дата добавления 26.02.2023
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Innovative technologies in teaching foreign languages

Інноваційні технології у викладанні іноземних мов

Veremiuk L.L.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Avchinnikova H.D.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

The article defines the relevance of researching foreign language teaching methods, in particular, innovative methods and technologies that adapt to the processes of globalization, digitalization, mobility, etc. The vision of the concept of "innovative technologies" is revealed by Ukrainian (O. Pometun, L. Pyrozhenko, O. Bigich, M. Voloshinova, O. Matsneva) and foreign (K. Davison, M. Brin) scientists. Various foreign language learning technologies are considered. It was found that the project method provides personal-oriented learning and is a way of developing creativity, cognitive activity, and independence; the method of cognitive games contributes to the creation of positive environment, assimilation of the material with the help of an emotionally saturated form of its reproduction. Analysis shows that the use of interactive forms and methods in the implementation of a personally oriented approach and teaching a foreign language make it possible to increase the amount of speaking practice in class, are interesting for students, help to learn the material and use it in further classes, perform didactic and various developmental functions. The authors of the article state that the teacher has the role of a mentor of independent educational, cognitive and creative activities of students. It is important to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions where a student can express himself as a subject of educational activity and take an active personal position. Also, after many methods and educational games are analysed, project method proved to be one of the most effective and popular. It was discovered that since the project is planned and implemented by the student independently or by a group of students, this method provides favorable conditions for the activation of their responsibility, the formation of partnership relations between the project executors and the teacher.

Key words: foreign languages, innovative technologies, teaching methods, interactive learning, project method, game activity, problem-based learning.

У статті визначено актуальність дослідження методів навчання іноземних мов, зокрема інноваційних методик і технологій, які адаптуються до процесів глобалізації, цифровізації, мобільності тощо. Бачення поняття «інноваційні технології» розкрито українськими (О. Пометун, Л. Пироженко, О. Бігич, М. Волошинова, О. Мацнєва) та зарубіжними (К. Девісон, М. Брін) вченими. Розглянуто різні технології навчання іноземної мови. З'ясовано, що метод проєктів забезпечує особистісно орієнтоване навчання та є способом розвитку творчості, пізнавальної активності, самостійності; метод пізнавальних ігор сприяє створенню позитивного середовища, засвоєнню матеріалу за допомогою емоційно насиченої форми його відтворення. Аналіз показує, що використання інтерактивних форм і методів у реалізації особистісно орієнтованого підходу та навчанні іноземної мови дає змогу збільшити обсяг мовленнєвої практики на заняттях, є цікавими для студентів, допомагає засвоїти матеріал і використовувати його надалі, виконує дидактичні та різноманітні розвиваючі функції. Автори статті стверджують, що викладачу належить роль організатора самостійної навчально-пізнавальної та творчої діяльності студентів. Важливо створити такі психолого-педагогічні умови, за яких здобувач освіти зможе проявити себе як суб'єкт навчальної діяльності та зайняти активну особисту позицію. Після аналізу різних методик та навчальних ігор метод проєктів виявився одним із найефективніших та найпопулярніших. Виявлено, що, оскільки проєкт планується та виконується самостійно студентом або групою студентів, то цей метод створює сприятливі умови для активізації відповідальності, формування партнерських стосунків між виконавцями проєкту та викладачем.

Ключові слова: іноземні мови, інноваційні технології, методи навчання, нтерактивне навчання, мультимедійні засоби, робота в групах, метод проєктів, ігрова діяльність, проблемне навчання.

Research question

teaching foreign languages innovative method

One of the priority areas of education reform defined by the State National Program "Education. Ukraine of the 21st century", there is a need to "achieve a qualitatively new level in the study of foreign languages". Unlike other subjects, a foreign language is a whole field of knowledge, as it reveals to a person the treasury of a foreign culture, new lifestyles. Ukraine's integration into the world community requires perfect use of foreign languages. Recently, approaches to learning foreign languages have begun to change. This process is quite logical, since the student who comes to study has significant experience in learning a foreign language and automatically transfers his expectations to the process and result of university foreign language training.

Review of literature. The novelty ofthis research lies in proving the effectiveness of using innovative technologies in foreign language classes. Scientific studies by teachers and methodologists (O. Bigich, M. Voloshinova, O. Matsneva, and others) have proven the effectiveness of using electronic technologies in foreign languages teaching. T Koval investigates the use of information technologies, which contributes to real targeted activity and high motivation of students. Many experts dealt with this problem (L. Zenya, A. Konysheva, V. Kopylova, E. Polat, K. Fokina, and others), however, the demands of time pose the task of defining and applying such technologies in foreign language lessons that would contribute to the individual intellectual development of each student in collective learning conditions. Therefore, such technologies include collaborative learning, the project method, game activities, and problem-based learning.

Setting objectives. In this article, we aim to reveal the notion of the concept "innovative technologies" by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, consider various foreign language learning technologies, and prove the importance of using innovative technologies during foreign language classes.


Innovative information and communication technologies have expanded the reach of new language practices. According to O. Pometun, technologies that are implemented through active interaction during class can be considered interactive. They help to gain new knowledge and organize group activities, starting from the interaction of two or three people among themselves and up to the broad cooperation of many [1, p. 117]. Methodists (O. Bigych, O. Boretska, N. Borysko, S. Nikolayeva) believe that learning English is a complex, multifaceted process that requires regular and creative activity. It is considered by specialists as one of the main directions of introducing a foreign language into the public environment, aimed at increasing the level of proficiency.

In order to choose the optimal teaching method according to the level of knowledge and needs of students, it is important for a modern teacher to know special teaching techniques and methods, to use the latest methods of teaching a foreign language. Teaching methods are not simple algorithmized units, their rational and motivated use in English classes requires a creative approach on the part of the teacher [2, p. 55]. Modern communicative methods offer a wide introduction into the educational process of active non-standard methods and forms of work. According to the results of observations, such forms of work as individual, pair, group and team work proved to be effective. Therefore, all exercises and tasks must be communicatively justified by the lack of information, choice and reaction (information gap, choice, feedback). For their implementation, students need additional information, they will make certain efforts to learn it and in this way will be able to organize their activities more effectively [3, p. 54].

There are a number of foreign studies that consider innovative practices against the background of internationalization changes in higher education. Thanks to various projects and programs, European citizens have new opportunities for mobility in the form of academic exchanges, study tours, mobile language courses, etc. As a result, the role of the teacher as a carrier of information and an organizer of educational activities is gradually being rethought and transformed into the role of an intermediary between the educational audience and the world of natural language acquisition. Moreover, the educational audience itself undergoes significant changes and acquires new forms [4, p. 39].

Innovative changes in modern language education are connected with the inseparability of their two dimensions: information-communication and communication-activity. Examining the examples given by the Hong Kong researcher K. Davison, we notice that in some of them the computer is used simply as a device for printing and searching for information, developing presentations. In others, it serves as a powerful means of innovative scientific research. But its greatest innovative potential is revealed when combining the above functions with the function of maintaining intercultural communication and ensuring the solution of specific tasks, organizing activities in a natural language environment. If information and communication technologies can transfer the natural language environment to the classroom, then the informational and activity component can be transferred due to classroom culture.

Scientist M. Brin claims that "auditory culture is not purely a product of communication between teachers and students, but is a manifestation of physical space, which, in turn, represents a wider social context associated with values, traditions and political priorities" [4, c. 41]. Those who do not accept the introduction of innovative changes in traditional language education are effectively ignoring the importance of the audience in which the language is learned. The project described by K. Davison was called "Virtual connections: the classroom as a place for intercultural learning". It was intended to include a real-life situation requiring communication in English between students from several countries via e-mail. Such projects can function only if the goals and content of such communication are seriously thought out. The success of such projects can also be explained by the fact that one corner of the "virtual triangle" enters the authentic language environment.

Teaching methods are defined in different ways in didactics and methodology. Thus, V. Onyshchuk believes that teaching methods constitute a system of interconnected activities of the teacher and students and techniques of teaching and learning, and each technique is a system of actions and operations of the teacher and students, which are determined by a rational sequence and purposefulness. According to I. Oliynyk, teaching methods are activities of the teacher and students combined into one, aimed at the assimilation of language knowledge, abilities and skills, and at the organization of the cognitive activity of the students. The classification of methods based on the interaction between the teacher and students in classes, substantiated by O. Bilyaev, seems to be the most appropriate for teaching a foreign language. The ways of such interaction can be different:

1. The teacher teaches language material - students listen (narration, explanation).

2. Students and the teacher exchange opinions on issues studied in English classes, thanks to which they reach the necessary conclusions, generalizations, formulate definitions, rules.

3. The teacher organizes students' observation of the studied facts and language phenomena, followed by a collective discussion of the results.

4. Students under the guidance of a teacher independently acquire knowledge of the language from a textbook.

5. Students acquire the necessary knowledge by performing practical tasks and exercises.

To create an emotional situation in classes, well-chosen examples from literature, feature films, and personal experiences are important. The most common among the methods of this group is the method of creating a situation of novelty of the educational material, which involves outlining new knowledge in the teaching process, creating an atmosphere of moral satisfaction from intellectual work. The feeling of enrichment with knowledge encourages students to self-improvement.

Proponents of the communicative approach and project activities emphasize that the nature of the participants in the communication and, especially, the nature of the speaker's attitude towards them have a determining influence on the language patterns consciously and subconsciously chosen to encode and decode the ideas that the participants of the educational process want to convey and understand. The emergence of information and communication technologies has significantly expanded the range of opportunities for involving native speakers in the process of language learning, without leaving them in an authentic language environment.

With this in mind, let's return to the question of the limits of the educational audience. If we take into account the fact that it is becoming easier to find native speakers who are in a natural language environment for interaction, students in the process of learning can virtually go beyond the boundaries of the classroom, university, local community, but also the country or continent. The conclusion comes to mind: the audience is not limited to four walls, it begins where the student and his motivation are and does not end at all - neither in space nor in time. Thanks to rapidly developing information technologies, students have the opportunity to communicate with people of different ages, cultures and social status [4, p. 40]. Given the availability of synchronous and asynchronous interaction with individuals and groups, teachers do not need to stimulate role-playing games, business games, etc.

In the 1970s, a communicative approach in foreign languages teaching began to be developed and implemented at a practical level, which gave impetus to the development of task-based or activity-based learning. Since the beginning of the 70s, the communicative approach has gone through several stages. At the first, the development of teaching methods took place, with the help of which communicative competence is formed. At the second stage, the types of educational activities for the implementation of the communicative approach were developed and communicative needs were determined [4, p. 45].

Let's consider the method of projects (mono-projects, collective, oral-language, species, written and Internet projects), which is a way of developing creativity, cognitive activity, and independence. Working on the project is a multi-level approach, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. Projectbased learning is relevant because it teaches students to cooperate, educates such ethical values as mutual help and the ability to empathize, forms creative abilities and activates students. The project method implements differentiated, individually creative and active approaches to education. The project can have a research, search, creative, prognostic, analytical and game nature. The basis of the project method is to focus on the interests and wishes of the participants. Since the project is planned and implemented by the student independently or by a group of students, this method provides favorable conditions for the activation of their responsibility, the formation of partnership relations between the project executors and the teacher.

The method of cognitive games contributes to the creation of an emotionally elevated atmosphere, assimilation of the material with the help of an emotionally saturated form of its reproduction. Cognitive games (business, role-playing, situational) model life situations, people's relationships, interaction of things, phenomena. They can be the main or auxiliary form of the educational process. The developmental effect is achieved due to improvisation, a natural expression of students' free creative forces.

In an educational sense, the game helps students overcome insecurity, promotes self-affirmation, and the fullest manifestation of their strengths and capabilities. The game is the most accessible type of activity for students, a way of processing the impressions received from the outside world. Features of thinking and imagination, emotionality, activity, developing need for communication are clearly manifested in the game. An interesting game increases the student's level of activity, and he or she can solve a more difficult problem than in a regular lesson. But this does not indicate that all classes should be held in the form of a game. The game is only one of the methods, and it gives good results only in combination with listening, conversations, reading and others.

Choosing a certain interactive method, namely "Interview", "Round Table", "Reflexive Circle", "Dozensofquestions", "Hotsummary", "Project", "Expert Groups", "Excursion", the teacher forms the appropriate skills in students. In addition to this, as a result of the interaction of communication, mutual learning occurs on both sides. Next let's analyse the most interesting interactive games.

The games offered below involve mastering the vocabulary of the studied topic and commonly used words. "Grabaminute" is a game in which a student is given 1 minute to represent a term written on an interactive map. The participant must provide as much information as possible about that subject/ term, its meaning, usage, etc. The student who provided the most complete and coherent information about the subject or notion indicated on the card wins. Knowledge test: vocabulary on a specific topic combined with grammar. It's a good way to consolidate the learned material. Aim of the game: critical thinking and the skills of quick response are improved.

"An-item-description" is a game in which it is necessary to describe a word or word combinations indicated on interactive cards, without naming the root of the word and without using gestures. At the same time, the active role is played by the rest of the group, which has to guess the word. Knowledge test: vocabulary on a specific topic combined with grammar. Aim of the game: quick reaction skills are improved, the search for synonyms in English is intensified. Direct communicative contact with the group has a positive effect on the relationship within the group.

"Chainstory" is a game of logic, a manifestation of imagination and individuality. The essence of the game is to continue the story of the previous student. Knowledge test: topic-specific vocabulary and general vocabulary combined with grammar. Aim of the game: the skills of quick response, logical thinking improve, attention increases, focusing on the plot of the story plays an equally important role, which helps to develop memory. The above-mentioned games can be held in the second part of the lesson, to increase the activity of students and improve the perception of information. They do not require significant training and depend on the students' theoretical knowledge level. Regarding the discussion group forms, which are described below, in addition to the theoretical basis, there must be a reasoned answer. The relevant discussion forms below force students to analyze their thoughts before voicing them, because not only speaking, but also explaining their own reasoning is an important element.

1. "Roundtable" (Collective game to solve a common problem).

2. "Scientific debate" (Educational dispute-dialogue in which students representing different disciplines defend their opinion, which is opposed to others).

3. "Competition in small groups" (Motivational game that encourages students to be active).

4. "Brainstorm" (A game that develops critical thinking).

5. "Situation" (A game that develops the ability to react quickly and fantasize).

6. "Judicial sitting" (Game with distribution of roles and search for constructive answers).

7. "Training" (a form of training using various forms of work with a small group to improve skills in the process of simulating situations that are close to reality).

Another example can be the game "What? Where? When?". The audience is divided into two teams, which take turns sitting at the table. The game is played by the analogy of a well-known TV show. Each team receives an envelope with a question. The jury determines the correctness of the answers, calculates the number of points.

"Brainstorm" is a method of organizing joint group and creative work in the audience with the aim of increasing the mental activity of the participants and finding fruitful ideas, constructive solutions, solutions to complex problems or non-standard situations. It is advisable to use it at the very beginning of solving a problem or if this process has reached a dead end. The purpose of this game is to ensure the generation of ideas for an extraordinary solution to a particular problem. The following elements are required to conduct a "brainstorming session":

1. It is necessary to express as many ideas as possible and record them.

2. All expressed ideas are recorded, even at first glance, senseless.

3. Absence of any criticism.

4. All participants have the same right to express their opinion [5, p. 7-11].

Excursions in English and filming a video report can be included in interesting extracurricular interactive activities. An important stage of this event is preparation: distribution of roles among students, approval of the itinerary, students' independent search for information and its approval by the teacher acting as an expert [6, p. 7-10]. The main problem of involving interactive games is determined by the fact that the student often does not have his own opinion, and if he does, he is afraid to express it openly, to the entire audience. Constant conducting of interactive classes contributes to a significant improvement of communication skills, as a result of which internal limitations disappear. In the process the student learns: to communicate with different people, express alternative opinions, make balanced decisions, participate in discussions [7, p. 2-6].

Interactive games involving multimedia technologies include the method of "Presentations", demonstration of "Video projects", interactive games "First Million", "The brain of the class", "Blinking frames" and others. The use of multimedia technologies is possible to supplement classes and lectures. The main advantage of interactive learning is the combination with traditional methods. The interactivity of foreign language teaching methods is manifested in the synthesis of the above-mentioned technologies, in the variety of forms of classes. From the examples given, we can see that there are a large number of forms of interactive classes. The biggest mistake a teacher makes is using one teaching method or choosing one form of conducting an interactive task. It should be remembered that the channels of perception of information are not one-way, so different forms should be involved.

The use of a multimedia complex (MC) consisting of an interactive whiteboard, a personal computer, and a multimedia projector is also an important means of innovative learning. Such a complex combines all the advantages of modern computer technologies and brings the learning process to a qualitatively new level. Thanks to the clarity and interactivity of MC, it is possible to involve the entire audience in active work [1, p. 95]. The use of an interactive whiteboard in classes significantly increases the effectiveness of student learning. It is worth defining the following key areas of MC application:

- presentations, demonstrations and modeling of situations;

- increasing student activity in classes;

- increasing the pace of classes.

The use of MC in practical foreign language classes allows teacher to actively involve students in the educational process, increases motivation to study, stimulates creative activity and promotes personality development, expands the possibilities of presenting educational information, it is the most effective and time-saving, helps students prepare for the tests and exams. MC is a powerful tool that can be adapted for use in language learning with a wide range of topics.

Recently, during the pandemic and the Russian- Ukrainian war, the use of interactive technologies in the digital space is possible on the Moodle platform and in the MyEnglishlab online application. The MOODLE learning management system has many features that facilitate the process of assessing students' knowledge. Knowledge control is carried out in the system using a separate module that offers many types of tests, provides the possibility of retesting with the permission of the teacher, the possibility of protection against cheating by randomizing questions in test tasks, organizing a database of questions for use in tests. The system has mechanisms for storing current grades of each student for all distance courses, setting a grade scale, semi-automatic recalculation of test results, etc. The MyEnglishLab interactive platform is based on an individual approach to learning, the student's independence in completing assigned tasks for a certain period of time, ease of use, organization of learning success in order to achieve high results and satisfaction from the process [8, p. 142-151].


Analyzing the material outlined above, we conclude that the use of interactive forms and methods in the implementation of a personally oriented approach and teaching a foreign language make it possible to increase the amount of speaking practice in class, are interesting for students, help to learn the material and use it in further classes, perform didactic and various developmental functions. The teacher has the role of a mentor of independent educational, cognitive and creative activities of students. However, with frequent use of interactive games, students' interest is lost, perception becomes automatical. It is important that in order to improve the effectiveness of higher education, it is necessary to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions where a student can express himself as a subject of educational activity and take an active personal position.


teaching foreign languages innovative method

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    отчет по практике [87,0 K], добавлен 20.02.2013

  • The history of the use of the interactive whiteboard in the learning. The use of IWB to study of the English, the advantages and disadvantages of the method. Perfect pronunciation, vocabulary. The development of reading, writing, listening and speaking.

    презентация [1,3 M], добавлен 23.02.2016

  • The most common difficulties in auding and speaking. Psychological characteristics of speech. Linguistic characteristics of speech. Prepared and unprepared speech. Mistakes and how to correct them. Speaking in teaching practice. Speech, oral exercises.

    курсовая работа [35,8 K], добавлен 01.04.2008

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