Методичні аспекти еколого-валеологічного виховання молодших школярів із особливими освітніми потребами

У роботі визначено методи еколого-валеологічного виховання та засоби педагогічної взаємодії з учнем, що сприяють становленню його екологічної свідомості, компетентності та культури, враховуючи індивідуальні особливості (вікові, психо-фізіологічні).

Рубрика Педагогика
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Дата добавления 27.02.2023
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Pedagogically valuable form of generalization of personal observations and impressions of a child with mental retardation is their reproduction in drawings, in which individual features of perception, imagination, environmental thinking is well traced. For example, the teacher's proposal to draw a blossoming apple is implemented differently in children's drawings, according to the worldview characteristic of each child: in one picture there is an apple blossoming with white flowers, in another - a bird circling over a tree, in the third - a broken tree branch, still in the fourth there is a hive nearby, etc. The drawings indicate the presence or absence of the elements of pupils' ecological thinking, showing their attitude to the depicted object of nature, understanding of their emotional state. It is good to invite the little "artists" to name their drawings, so that the child comprehends its attitude to what is drawn, combines the observed verbal and graphic images, learns to distinguish the main features and verbally calls it.

The above methods and means of educational work with the pupils with special intellectual development make their minds work, instil skills and the need for mental work. At the same time, herewith the emphasis shifts from the acquisition of knowledge to the emotional colouring of thoughts, which affects the development of feelings, experiences, and environmental thinking.

In general, the methodical aspects of ecological and valeological education of junior schoolchildren with special educational needs are aimed at the consistent implementation of the following goals and content of ecological and valeological education (the content of ecological and valeological education is given in brackets):

1. Development of the sensory sphere in the schoolchildren through the practice of sensory interaction with the objects of nature (sensory observation of the state of the environment, the lessons of admiration and beauty, excursions, cognitive activation and harmonization of practical interaction of junior schoolchildren with the environment through the use of natural - olfactory, visual, auditory, tactile - information).

2. Strengthening the health of the schoolchildren (nature therapy, correction of psychophysical development, etc.).

3. Development of pupils' cognitive interest in the natural environment (mental observation of the state of the environment, comprehension of the aesthetic and practical value of nature, folklore and oral folk art, riddles, drawings, musical works, presentations and educational films, fiction, visual arts, fairy tales, stimulation of imagination and fantasies).

4. Assimilation of ecological ideas and ecological-ethical concepts and norms (ethical conversations, fairy tales, ecological games, analysis of ecological situations, the lessons of thinking, ecological excursions, nature therapy technologies, suggestion of ecologically acceptable moral norms/rules, taking into account the tendency of children with mental retardation to imitation and high emotionality of perception).

5. Development of the subject-practical activities with an ecological content in the schoolchildren (stories, drawings, applications, handicrafts, fairy tales, poems, molding, practical works on gardening, vegetable growing, flower growing, recreation in nature)

6. Development of the emotional and value sphere, the environmental morality in the schoolchildren (the stimulation of moral feelings and motives regarding the interaction of man and nature, actualization of emotional experiences, the reflection of moral actions of man in nature - providing appropriate ethical evaluations through direct approval or cautious judgment - in the specified field by the teacher and peers).

7. Formation of ecological thinking in the schoolchildren in the context of awareness of cause-and-effect relationships concerning man and nature (stimulation of independent mental activity - search, analysis, comparison, generalization, operation with such concepts as phenomenon, event, cause, effect, comprehension of the observed through a gradual transition from concrete objects, facts, phenomena to abstract generalization).

8. Formation of environmental consciousness in the schoolchildren in the context of awareness of the unity of man and nature, aesthetic and practical value of nature (ecological and valeological games, collective creative actions, ecological projects, nature conservation actions, practical works).

9. Formation of a harmonious worldview (psychological and ecological trainings, the analysis of moral choice situations, nature therapy).

10. Formation of environmentally conscious behaviour of schoolchildren in the context of psycho-emotional and behavioural expression of their point of view regarding environmental problems and nature conservation processes (involvement in specific practical actions in which the child must comply with certain rules; demonstration of examples of ecologically competent behaviour, giving examples of ecologically appropriate behaviour of adults, fictional authoritative characters; organization of environmental protection activities together with the adults).

Conclusions and research perspectives

With taking into consideration the given above, it can be stated that for the education of ecological and valeological culture of the pupils with special educational needs, it is advisable to primarily develop emotional, value and sensory spheres through the methods of developing the ecological consciousness, as well as the methods of forming environmentally sound behaviour and stimulating moral feelings and motives which are optimally and most effectively implemented through: lessons of admiration, walks and excursions, ecological games, the analysis of ecological situations, project tasks, the use of the potential of artistic creativity and folk experience, the organization of practical nature preserving and environmental activities, nature therapy and fairy tale therapy.

It should be emphasized that environmental games are the closest ones to children's needs and the opportunities for learning the nature and interaction with it; they are to be systematically integrated into educational process, with obligatory adhering to pedagogical conditions and gradually complicating the didactic goal. At the first stage it is advisable to use the games to prepare children for mental activity; on the second - for the development of intellectual processes and cognitive activity; on the third - for children's realizing the universal value of the natural environment and the development of harmonious interaction with it.

The determined methodical aspects of ecological and valeological education of primary school pupils with special educational needs enables to effectively implement ecological education in an inclusive environment and realize their purpose consisting in helping special pupils develop personal potential, socially rehabilitate themselves, attain self- realization, act ecologically competently and in a safe way, thus developing their homeland and well-being.

We consider the prospective directions of our research being the development of a holistic pedagogical system of ecological and valeological education of junior schoolchildren with special educational needs based on the socio-pedagogical situation in Ukraine.


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