Formation of communicative culture of students in higher technical educational institutions by means of game technologies

Analysis of the structure of Game technologies for the formation of communicative culture among engineering and technical specialists. Formation of a communicative culture of the individual. Game technologies as a type of interactive technologies.

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Дата добавления 27.02.2023
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Formation of communicative culture of students in higher technical educational institutions by means of game technologies

Kateryna Halatsyn,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of English for Engineering № 2 of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Alla FESHCHUK, Teacher at the Department of English for Engineering № 2 of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

(Kyiv, Ukraine)

Formation of communicative culture of future specialists in engineering contributes to their professional development, growth and self-realization; ensures their readiness for successful professional activity. Interactive methods that ensure the interpersonal interaction of all its participants play an important role in the formation of communicative culture of a personality.

The aim of the paper is to analyse the essence, structure and functions of the game technologies in formation of communicative culture of the future specialists in engineering.

The article reveals the essence of the concept of communicative culture as a special quality of a personality of a future engineer, characterized by the system of communicative knowledge, the ability to control and regulate their linguistic behaviour, argue their position competently and convincingly, the ability to conduct business negotiations in the process ofprofessional activity and choose the necessary style of behaviour to achieve the goal of a communicative act, collaborate productively in the process of professional tasks solving. Different game technologies are analyzed as a kind of interactive technologies (game discussions, game situations, exercise games, role-playing games); principles of organization of game activity as a means of formation of communicative culture (teacher-player, psychological support, openness, tolerance, reasoning of thoughts, actualization of achievements, positive, motivation through responsibility) are offered. Advantages of game technologies in formation of communicative culture of a personality of a future engineer (readiness for professional and interpersonal interaction) are presented.

The conclusions outline the basic prerequisites for activating the process of formation of communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions by means of game technologies (providing development activities, developing students' creativity and activity, creating a positive emotional environment, achieving some success).

Key words: communicative culture, formation of communicative culture, interactive methods, game, game technologies, student of higher technical educational institution.

Катерина ГАЛАЦИН, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри англійської мови технічного спрямування № 2 Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського» (Київ, Україна)

Алла ФЕЩУК, викладач кафедри англійської мови технічного спрямування № 2 Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського» game technology communication culture

(Київ, Україна)



Сформованість комунікативної культури майбутнього фахівця інженерно-технічного спрямування сприяє його професійному становленню, зростанню та самореалізації; забезпечує його готовність до успішної професійної діяльності. Важливе значення у формуванні комунікативної культури особистості мають інтерактивні методи, які забезпечують міжособистісну взаємодію всіх його учасників.

Метою статті є аналіз сутності, структури та функцій ігрових технологій формування комунікативної культури у майбутніх фахівців інженерно-технічного профілю.

У статті розкривається сутність поняття комунікативної культури (особливої якості особистості майбутнього інженера, що характеризується сукупністю комунікативних знань, сформованістю умінь контролювати і регулювати свою мовну поведінку, грамотно і переконливо аргументувати свою позицію, вмінням вести ділові переговори у процесі професійної діяльності, швидко орієнтуватися у комунікативній ситуації й обирати необхідний стиль поведінки для досягнення мети комунікативного акту, продуктивно співпрацювати у процесі вирішення професійних завдань). Аналізуються різні ігрові технології як різновид інтерактивних технологій (ігрові дискусії, ігрові ситуації, ігри-вправи, рольові ігри); пропонуються принципи організації ігрової діяльності як засобу формування комунікативної культури (викладач-гравець, психологічна підтримка, відкритість, толерантність, аргументованість думок, актуалізація досягнень, позитив, мотивація через відповідальність). Подаються переваги ігрових технологій у формуванні комунікативної культури особистості майбутнього інженера (готовності до професійної та міжособистісної взаємодії).

У висновках окреслюються основні умови активізації процесу формування комунікативної культури студентів технічних вишів засобами ігрових технологій (забезпечення розвивальної діяльності, розвиток творчості й активності студентів, створення позитивного емоційного середовища, досягнення певного успіху).

Ключові слова: комунікативна культура, формування комунікативної культури, інтерактивні методи, гра, ігрові технології, студент вищого технічного навчального закладу.

Problem statement

The development of the Ukrainian society, as well as of the whole human community, requires updating of the educational system. The essence of the educational system updating is based on the combination of competitive, high-quality professional training of future specialists of various profiles and cognizant philosophical and psychological, educational and communicative training. Such combination promotes professional development of future specialists, provides their constructive interaction not only in the professional, but also in interpersonal spheres. In this context, the problem of formation of communicative culture of future specialists of all specialties in general and, in particular, specialists of engineering field is kept current. It is obvious that the specific requirements for the communicative culture of the students of higher technical educational institutions are outlined as one of the most important components of their professional competence.

Literature review

The analysis proves that the formed communicative culture of the future specialist in engineering field contributes to the students' professional development, growth and self-realization; ensures their readiness for successful professional activity, which requires interaction in the field of “man - technology”.

Therefore, one of the tasks of higher vocational education is to find effective means of formation of the communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions for effective fulfilling of their professional functions in future. Consequently, the problem under study is relevant and timely.

In this regard, the problem of formation of communicative culture of an individual is complex and multifaceted and therefore was the subject of interdisciplinary research of scholars in different fields: psychologists, educators, sociologists, linguists, etc. In this context, the analysis of various scientific sources gives grounds for the statement that scientists reveal the essence of the concept of communicative culture of an individual, determine its functions, structure; analyze the objective and subjective factors that contribute to its formation, as well as study the obstacles and barriers to the successful formation of communicative culture of an individual. The focus of recent research has been on revealing of the peculiarities of formation of communicative culture of an individual depending on age, specificity of future professional activity, etc.

According to the scientific studies, the detailed analysis of the concept of culture of interpersonal interaction is urgent. O. O. Gavryliuk defines the communicative culture of an individual as a complex dynamic personality formation, which reflects the social level of personality development, readiness for communication activity, system of views and actions that meet the needs for self-realization and the way to achieve the goals in communication, fruitful friendly interaction in different spheres of life (Gavryliuk, 2001: 115-160).

V. V. Sadova regards communicative culture as a multifunctional personal formation, which contains the art of speech and listening activity, objective perception and correct understanding of the person and underlines that this formation promotes the development of humane relationships and achievement of effective interactions on the basis of mutual interests (Sadova, 2000). In turn, O. V. Uvarkina interprets the communicative culture of a personality as a system of relationships for interaction with others in the form of a model of probable and real behavior, containing a system of communicative knowledge, skills and personality traits. The author defines communicative culture as a conscious, civilized personality trait, based on traits of a person's character, his/her communicative and organizational skills, personal qualities, and the need for communication and contact with others. This property is formed on the basis of acquired knowledge and skills and manifested in the ability to perform communication activities in different conditions (Uvarkina, 2003).

K. O. Halatsyn offers such definition of a communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions as a special quality of a personality of the future engineer, characterized by a system of knowledge in communication, skills to control and regulate linguistic behavior, argue standpoint competently and convincingly, ability to conduct business negotiations in the process of professional activity, orient quickly in a communication situation and choose the necessary manner of behavior to achieve the goal of a communicative act, cooperate productively in the process of professional problems solving (Halatsyn, 2012: 54-59).

Thus, the communicative culture of the future engineer, in our opinion, is an acquired ability of an individual, which must be formed and developed in the process of goal-oriented and systematic educational work of a higher technical educational institution. Based on the definitions presented above, the aim of this paper is to analyze game technologies and their role in the formation of communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions.

Main part

The analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature gives grounds for claiming that interactive methods, namely, such ways of organization of the educational process in a higher educational institution that ensure interpersonal interaction of all its participants, are important in the formation of communicative culture of an individual.

Game technologies rank one of the leading places among the interactive technologies, which are defined as a systematic way of organizing training, aimed at the optimal construction of the educational process and realization of its tasks (Piekhota, Kiktenko, Liubarska, 2002: 49). It is game technology that allows us to model a specific professional activity (or its particular aspect); in the process of implementation of such technology the professional qualities of future specialists, their creative skills, as well as communication skills, are actively formed and developed. According to D. V. Chernilevskiy, the correction of personality structure, his/her value orientations, value relations and internalization of the acquired knowledge and skills from the external sphere into internal are performed in the process of game technologies implementation (Chernilevskiy, 2002: 154).

In the course of the study it has been found that the game activity, which forms the basis of the game technology, performs many functions which are leading in the process of formation of communicative culture of an individual. So, first of all, it is necessary to distinguish incentive and motivational function that ensures the emergence of interest and, accordingly, a motive for a particular activity, which comprises the very basis of the communicative culture of an individual. Equally important is the educational and developmental function of the game activity, because it is in the game that the student learns something new, gains new knowledge, develops logic, creativity, thinking, attention and imagination. The interaction among the participants, establishment of communication, mutual influence, which determine its communicative function, are of particular importance in the game activity. Another important function is educational, which involves the education of participants in the game, formation of their positive personality qualities and traits, as well as entertaining function, which focuses on the students' fun, a certain kind of having a rest. Another essential, in our opinion, function of the game activity can be defined diagnostic function, because it allows us to determine the level of students' knowledge, the formation of their skills, diagnose the level of education and readiness for interaction. Significant in the context of the formation of a communicative culture is the function of self-realization of the participants of the game activity, because the students can realize their potential opportunities, develop the skills, show some tastes in the game. The next function of the game activity is the correction function, which provides the correction of the student's personality, since the game activity allows us to make certain positive changes in the personality structure, such as: rethinking the motives of activity, values, ideals, beliefs, etc.

The analysis of the pedagogical literature shows that the game technologies are multifunctional and multidimensional. The most widely spread technologies are game discussions, game situations, games-exercises, role-plays, etc. Hence, games-ex- ercises help to activate the mental processes of an individual, develop imagination, attention and logical thinking. They can be applied during lessons (crosswords, puzzles, quizzes), as well as during extracurricular work, including educational work, homework and independent work.

It should be emphasized that the game technology is based on a specific problematic situation that students solve in groups, summoning up the theoretical knowledge, experience and professional skills. Working on the game discussion, the communicative skills of future specialists are actively formed, their personal qualities such as tolerance, ability to prove their opinion, present themselves are developed. Evidence-based solutions for a specific problem are an important step in the professional growth and personal development of future engineers.

Another factor in the rapid spread of the game technologies is joint collective discussion of a certain problem, which encourages the exchange of thoughts, ideas, as well as search for the correct solution, while taking into account different options and choosing the most effective and correct one (which must be proven by the participants of the game).

The acquired experience proves that role-plays are very popular among the students. Such role identification contributes to the psychological reorientation of students, i.e. they are in the roles of manager, engineer, leading specialist, etc. At the same time, students present not only their professional knowledge, but also take responsibility for making certain decisions, overcome psychological barriers, present their concepts. Another important fact is that the teacher becomes one of the players, providing friendly and business atmosphere. The role-plays contribute to the demonstration of professional knowledge, skills, as well as personal qualities and ability of the future specialist to perform professional and interpersonal interaction (Halatsyn, 2012: 54-59).

Studying the problem of formation of the communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions, we relied on N. A. Antoniuk's research, based on the use of imitation-game training, which involves the use of didactic, role-play, business and other games and imitations (Antoniuk, 2012: 7-11). The author notes, that in the course of such training the student learns to think independently, act, debate, adapt in a group, understand the motives and interests of other participants of the game, make decisions independently and interact with others. It is necessary to point out that, in the context of our study, the basis of the classification of game technologies comprises “the purpose of the game” criterion (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Classification of games

Thus, according to the purpose, the games are classified into educational (aimed at formation of the personality of the future specialist, his/her communicative skills and gaining new knowledge) and search and development. Educational games include didactic, which provide mastery of the theory and practice of the specialist's activity, and those, which contribute to the formation of communication skills of a personality and, accordingly, the skills of interpersonal interaction. In turn, search and development games involve the presence of a problem and search for ways of its further study, which, in fact, contributes to the development of the personality of a future specialist, his creativity, qualities of a researcher, etc. Search and development games are also classified into imitation and non-imitation games.

In the course of the study we have identified the compulsory components of the game:

1) imitation of professional and pedagogical situation;

2) algorithm of actions in simulated situation;

3) imitation and playing roles, their distribution among students, taking into account the wishes of students, their capabilities, etc.;

4) emotionally positive game environment;

5) various solutions for the game situation;

6) result of the game activity, its discussion;

7) evaluation of the results of all game participants according to specific criteria (Antoniuk, 2012: 7-11).

The analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature and practical activity made it possible to distinguish the basic requirements for the game technology:

1) clarity and specificity of the purpose of the game task;

2) clarity of the rules of the game activity that should be kept by all participants of the game;

3) means of conducting the game should include informative, educational and developmental materials;

4) competitiveness as a compulsory element of the game;

5) effectiveness of the game activity, objective evaluation of the players.

The main principles of the game activity organization as a means of formation of communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions are defined as the following: participation of a teacher in the role of a player, who encourages student's activity by advice and his own example; withdrawal of students' fear of playing activities and their psychological support; openness and pluralism of discussion, tolerance, argumentation of opinions; actualization of students achievements, their success; encouragement for the positive achievements; students motivation to participate in the game because of their personal responsibility and their importance in a particular situation.


The results of the research give grounds for the following conclusion: formation of communicative culture of the personality of the future specialist is an extremely important and complex problem that is urgent for the scientists today. The reform of higher education in Ukraine is primarily aimed at the improvement of vocational education, the content of which lies not only in the formation of professional competence of future specialists, but also in the development of their positive personality traits in general and communicativeness and communicative culture in particular.

Game technologies play an important role in formation of communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions and ensure not only acquiring deep professional knowledge by future professionals, but also their readiness for professional and interpersonal interaction. In order to solve the problem of formation of communicative culture of students of technical universities, game technologies should provide, firstly, developmental activity, that is, motivation of students to play, to the very process of game activity; secondly, contribute to the development of students' creativity and activity; thirdly, ensure the creation of the positive emotional environment in which students would feel uplifting, positive, competitiveness, cooperativeness; fourth, should be based on the students' achievement of success, their vision of their own activity.

The effectiveness of formation of communicative culture of students of higher technical educational institutions depends on the content of the game technologies, their procedure, as well as on the management of this process by the teacher who is considered to be a professional in the communicative culture, an equal player and students' partner.


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    презентация [3,3 M], добавлен 05.06.2015

  • Involvement of pupils to study language as the main task of the teacher. The significance of learners' errors. The definition of possible classifications of mistakes by examples. Correction of mistakes of pupils as a part of educational process.

    курсовая работа [30,2 K], добавлен 05.11.2013

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