Use of Internet resources in teaching listening to students of non-language faculties
Ways to use Internet resources in teaching listening to students of non-language faculties. The activation of educational and cognitive activity of students at the expense of the increased dynamics of training on professionally-oriented communication.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 04.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 43,1 K |
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Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University
Petruk N.O., Assistant at the Department
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internet educational cognitive communication
The article highlights the concept of listening and discusses the main ways to use Internet resources in teaching listening to students of non-language faculties. On the basis of theoretical generalization of information resources the activation of educational and cognitive activity of students at the expense of the increased dynamics of training on professionally- oriented foreign language and intercultural communication is investigated. The process of listening is analyzed as the perception of speech by ear and its main components. This process consists of the simultaneous perception of language form and understanding of the content of the statement. The means used to teach listening directly in the process of foreign communication of non-language faculties are considered. Listening is characterized as an effective component of teaching students who come to an educational institution with different levels of language skills and training, with different attitudes towards a foreign language as a subject.
The main basic Internet services are analyzed, which help to create a virtual environment for teaching foreign language listening to students of non-language faculties, as this is required by the ever-changing content of modern society. Examples of the most relevant Internet platforms are described in detail, and how they help in the process of listening training; how they contribute to students' interest in further learning a foreign language. It is considered how Internet platforms can be used for teaching listening in classrooms and for independent work of students.
The effectiveness of teaching listening by requiring students to perform exercises to develop general communication skills is described. The practical significance of article is the possibility of using the proposed basic Internet services and educational Internet platforms in the development of speech skills of students of non-language faculties.
Key words: Internet resources, listening, students, non-language faculty, skype, e-mail.
У статті висвітлюється поняття аудіювання та розглядається основні шляхи щодо використання Інтернет ресурсів у навчанні аудіювання студентів немовних факультетів. На основі теоретичного узагальнення інформаційних джерел досліджується активізація навчально-пізнавальної діяльність студентів за рахунок підвищеної динамічності навчання по професійно-орієнтованій іноземній мові та міжкультурній комунікації. Аналізується процес аудіювання як сприймання мовлення на слух та його основні компоненти. Цей процес складається з одночасного сприйняття мовної форми і розуміння змісту висловлення. Розглядаються засоби, які застосовуються для навчання аудію- ванню безпосередньо у процесі іноземної комунікації немовних факультетів. Охарактеризовано аудіювання як ефективний компонент навчання студентів, що приходять до навчального закладу із різним рівнем мовних здібностей та підготовки, з різним ставленням до іноземної мови як до предмета.
Аналізуються основні базові послуги Інтернет, котрі допомагають у створенні віртуального оточення для навчання аудіюванню іноземної мови студентів немовних факультетів, адже цього потребує постійно мінливий зміст сучасного суспільства. Детально описуються приклади найактуальніших Інтернет платформ, та яким чином вони допомагають в процесі навчання аудіювання; як вони сприяють зацікавленості студентів в подальшому вивченні іноземної мови. Розглядається, як Інтернет платформи можна використовувати для навчання аудіювання на аудиторних заняттях і для самостійної роботи студентів.
Описується ефективність навчання аудіюванню шляхом обов'язкового виконання студентами вправ на формування загальних комунікативних навичок. Практичне значення статі полягає у можливості використання запропонованих базових послуг Інтернет та навчальних Інтернет платформ у розвитку мовленнєвих навичок у студентів немовних факультетів.
Ключові слова: Інтернет ресурси, аудіювання, студенти, немовний факультет, скайп, електронна пошта.
Formulation of the problem
The role of the Internet in teaching foreign languages is extremely high in modern conditions, when special attention is paid to the development of independent thinking, opportunities for search and analytical behavior of students. Learning foreign languages, having a distinctive feature - informativeness - implies active work with information, where a special role is given to critical and creative thinking. In recent years the Internet has become a powerful source of such information. The Internet has a number of advantages for the education process: expanding the boundaries of the information field through the use of new learning tools; use of new forms of visual material; increase of cognitive activity and motivation of students; individualization of learning; intensification of the education process.
The global network offers both teachers and students who study English language many useful resources. The use of these resources in educational process allows teaching them practical English.
Listening is an important component of learning a foreign language at all stages. You can achieve educational and developmental goals with this type of activity. In the process of listening, students learn to listen carefully to sound language and predict the meaning of audio text. This type of speech activity allows you to master the sound side of the language, its phonemic composition, intonation: rhythm, stress, melody.
The main purpose of teaching listening is to prepare students for language communication in natural conditions. If you do not hear and do not understand the speaker, you will not be able to give him an answer. Regular use of audio text has a positive effect on the cognitive sphere of students and allows better perceiving and understanding the text by ear.
Research analysis
The problem of developing listening skills is of interest to many researches. Many domestic and foreign scientists and methodologists, such as M. Tkachenko, L. Dmitrova, M. Tarashevsky, L. Johnson, R. Matthews and others, worked on the analysis of listening and its features.
The purpose of the work
Investigate the use of Internet resources in teaching listening to student of non-language faculties.
In modern society the content of foreign language is changing. The amount of information that the students have to absorb has increased significantly, so it is important to use different information resources. Learning a foreign language in a nonlanguage university is a complex process, the main purpose of which is a development of the student's personality, ability and desire to participate in intercultural communication in the language they learn and improve.
The global Internet network allows finding any information. With the help of Internet resources, the educational and cognitive activity of students is intensified due to the increased dynamics of learning. Students directly in the process of communication accumulate and consume knowledge of professional- oriented language and intercultural communication.
The basic set of Internet services includes:
- e-mail, teleconference, videoconference;
- the ability to publish your own information;
- access to information resources;
- reference directories: search, live communication on the network.
In practice, new teaching methods are used for listening by teachers, which include computer technology, Internet sites and Skype. Students are able to search for additional information at the Internet and teachers - additional information in English classes.
The process of listening begins with the perception of speech, during which the listener converts sound (if he can see the speaker then visual) images through the mechanism of internal speech [4, c.137]. The presence of visual components during listening, which are perceived by the visual analyzer, have a positive effect on the process of perception and comprehension of the text by ear. The visual component effects on the cognitive sphere of the listener. Visual supports such as gestures and facial expressions help to understand the meaning of speech.
Well-known German researcher Barbara Leipz approved that the process of listening requires the joint work of many mental processes. Imagination, attention, thinking are activated during the perception of speech by ear. Therefore, the student should be focused, listen carefully and try to remember what he heard. The presence of unfavorable conditions for the recipient complicates the understanding of audio text [2, c.57].
For effective listening in the process of learning English, the teacher needs to create appropriate conditions. Students may have some difficulties while listening, so it is important to teach students to overcome difficulties by creating appropriate conditions in a foreign language environment.
Due to the use of Internet resources in foreign language classes simply requires a virtual environment, as it allows you to go beyond space and time, provides the opportunity to communicate with real speakers (native speakers) on various topics.
The materials of the global Internet can be used both in class with a group and for individual and independent work. Such work will be more interesting compared to traditional forms. In other words, online resources are a valuable information base for education. Students participate in testing and professional and personal interests. Students take part in competitions, held on the Internet, as well as chats, conferences, correspond with friends, and receive information on various issues.
Let's take a closer look at some computer technologies in English listening teaching that help students to develop a communicative component of professional foreign language competence while studying them directly in real life.
Internet sites allow the teacher to solve a number of problems; to form reading skills, enrich vocabulary; to form a stable motivation to learn English; broaden the student's horizons. Thus, in the study of English, the use of Skype is of great importance, which forms an interest in linguistic facts, develops an interest in penetrating the meaning of sentences, the desire to use them independently. With a help of Skype you can send files, create a notebook, and get information. In addition, it gives students the opportunity visually communicate with native speakers in real time, which promotes the development of English speech skills, expands vocabulary, helps to learn grammar. Skype as the website helps to organize independent and research work of students, increase their motivation.
Thanks to the variety of information resources on the Internet, students can perform various tasks of research. With the help of new information technologies it is possible to use the scientific and educational potential of leading universities more actively, the opportunity to organize distance learning courses, expand the audience of students.
The importance of e-mail and blogging in the learning process should also be noted. The advantages of this technology are the development of written speech, mastering intercultural communication. A foreign language teacher is more interested in the communicative potential of e-mail, which is the most common form of communication on the Internet and includes the transmission and exchange of messages and files over a computer network. With the help of e-mail we have the opportunity to interact directly and very effectively with teachers, native speakers and friends. Recently the possibilities of blogging have expanded. When working with them there is a perception of non-verbal means of communication, which is of great importance in the process of communication. Students repeat gestures, facial expressions of the speaker, which makes the language more natural [5, c.35].
Nowadays, the emphasis is on independent work, which became possible with the advent of Internet resources. Let's consider some of them in more detail:
1. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) [6] - is an online platform that provides access to many conferences of leading experts in science, art, politics, design, business, culture, global issues, technology and entertainment. The main idea of the conference is to spread unique idea («ideas worth spreading). On this official website you can find recordings of speeches by the most prominent speakers. The lectures have been translated and licensed, which allows their free use.
The system of working with the site, as with any other audio text, is the following scheme: “soundtext-sound”. First, students are offered to watch the video text without subtitles and understand the basic meaning. This is followed by a detailed analysis of the text with subtitles, and if desired, you can do some additional lexical and grammar tasks.
Thus, there is an auditory-visual combination, simultaneous transmission of sound and images, which promotes the development of skills and abilities of speech perception by ear and is a stimulus for communication between students in the following discussion of the video.
2. [7] - is a platform with audio texts for development and improving listening skills at three levels based on content, voice, vocabulary and natural speed. Listening tasks can be divided into three categories: easy for high-beginning students, intermediate for intermediate-level learners and difficult for advanced-level learners. A combination of adult, teenage, and children's voices are included. You should also pay attention to the fact that on the site you can find English idioms, language games, videos, dictionaries and quizzes that make the process of learning a foreign language more interesting.
3. BBC Podcasts[8] - is a BBC radio station with a variety of topics that students can listen to without subtitles. It is useful to listen to audio materials, because they ”dive in” the listener in authentic environment, activating acquired knowledge.
It should be noted that in BBC Learning English - 6 minutes English podcast presenters are native speakers, so it is possible to listen and learn the language in the form in which it is used by ordinary people in English-speaking countries. Audio material can be divided into three levels: elementary, lower-intermediate and intermediate, upper-intermediate. Accordingly, the pace of speech dialogues varies, depending on the level of language training. You can also find explanations of new words and expressions. All explanations are in English only. Another advantage of BBC Learning English is that scripts are added to podcasts (a text version of the language).
With the help of Internet resources students research, analyze and synthesize information, perform additional tasks at a convenient time for them, expand vocabulary, use Skype to solve issues with the teacher; participate in distance learning; perform work, perceive correctly the language, gestures and facial expressions of the teacher, gain skills and abilities to work in the information environment, using information technology.
The materials of the global Internet contribute to the formation of students' communicative component of professional foreign language component in their direct learning in real time. Many professional- oriented texts are taken from the Internet to quickly enter live vocabulary and improve communication skills. Another advantage of using the Internet in the learning process is the verification of students' mastery of the material passed by means of testing in real life. According to E. Y. Matsevich and A. A. Flaxman, “in a certain number of audit classes, such foreign language teaching is the most productive, because it contains the element of live communication, harmoniously combining active and passive learning, promotes access to active foreign language skills.” [2, c.79]. This is due to the fact that foreign language teaching is based on the interaction of a student who is learning a foreign language with a computer and a teacher in class. As we see the teacher must not only motivate students to use modern innovative technologies in the performance of certain tasks, but also use this technology to improve their skills [2, c.79].
The effectiveness of listening training is closely connected with the mandatory performance of exercises by students to develop general additive skills.
Audio texts for listening should correspond to the content of the research topic in oral speech, because more complex content includes a lot of unfamiliar vocabulary, it makes more difficult to understand the meaning of the text. Listening involves the perception of audio text as a whole message, rather than an understanding of individual phrases. [5, c.279].
This understanding depends on the student's ability to understand the meaning of individual words and phrases. This is the moment of transition from the phrasal to the textual comprehension and leads to the clarification of the general meaning of speech perceived by the ear [5, c.257].
Work on the development of listening skills should take place during the entire period of study of students. It is advisable to give listening tasks at each lesson (if thematic planning and time allows) so students will get used to authentic speech. It is very important, because students of non-language specialties usually do not have enough of this practice.
Listening practice should take place in stages according to the knowledge of students. Before listening directly to the audio text, students should be directed to possible lexical and grammatical difficulties in the listening material. This will make the task easier for students and help to overcome certain difficulties. Regular use of audio text has a positive effect on cognitive sphere of students and allows them to better understand the text by ear.
Summing up, we can draw the following conclusions. Thanks to the unique invention of the 20th century - the global Internet - we are given the opportunity to develop personality, to get an education without leaving home, to communicate with people and to bring together cultures. Today the activities of foreign language teachers and students are not limited to the classroom system of education, it goes beyond the classroom, educational institution, city and country. Information technologies contribute to the creation of an open information space, which is based on the principle of interactivity and co-creation of participants in the educational process. New information technologies are actively used in the process of forming students' professional foreign language competence. This allows you to solve several problems:
1) optimize the learning process;
2) improve the quality of listening training;
3) give an opportunity to communicate with native speakers;
4) increase motivation to learn foreign languages, which is most relevant for student of non-language specialties ;
5) give an opportunity to use new sources of information.
Listening is the understanding of speech by ear. It is extremely important, because it is the basis of communication, the mastery of oral communication begins with the listening practice. There are some difficulties with the perception of oral speech, so the teacher and students must be responsible. They should pay enough time to listening practice regularly, and do it step by step.
The use of the Internet, in our opinion will contribute to the formation of general and professional competencies of specialists, improve the quality and training in a non-language university.
1. Bigunyak O. R. Fundamentals of teaching English in higher education: reference book. Kyiv: Osnova, 2016. 250 p.
2. The use of distance learning technologies in the teaching of foreign languages: in 3 v. / head ed. S. B. Sobol. Novgorod: Velikie reki, 2012 V. 2. 423 p.
3. Oskoboyna R. L. Basics of listening training: textbook. Kyiv: Osnova, 2014. 340 p.
4. Petrova O.I. Listening and its problems: textbook. Kyiv: Svit znan, 2008. 130 p.
5. Tarnapolsky O. B. Methods of teaching foreign language speech activity in a higher language institution of education: textbook. Kyiv: INCOS, 2006. 248 p.
6. TED: Ideas Worth Spreading: web-site. URL: (date of application: 08.02.2022)
7. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab - English Listening: web-site. URL: (date of application)
8. BBC Learning English - 6 Minute English: web-site. URL: features/6-minute-english (date of application)
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