Modern and traditional teaching methods of English from the perspective of own teacher’s experience

The methodological basis and application of combined methods in classes with students (immersion, project method, task-based method, and inquiry-based method) in English. Achievement of communicative competence based on the language knowledge, skills.

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Modern and traditional teaching methods of English from the perspective of own teacher's experience

Oksana Stepanechko, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Considering the constant changes that take place in the modern world and, consequently, the psychological characteristics of the learning generation, there is a need to analyze and improve methods of teaching English. Analysis of the theoretical basis of the traditional and modern approaches and methods at different stages of language learning and the author's own experience allows for optimizing knowledge and teaching practice to create the most effective conditions for foreign language learning. The theoretical foundations of methodologists and scientists (S. Thornby, J. Richards and T. Rogers, M. Reno, and J. Will), who studied both “forgotten” and modern methods widely used to teach students today, are analyzed. Therefore, the main attention was paid to the latest methods of teaching a foreign language and their application in our own practice to test their effectiveness. The methodological basis and application of combined methods in classes with students (immersion, project method, task-based method, and inquiry-based method), led to the conclusion that the rational and situational use of appropriate and acceptable methods in English classes requires creative teaching approach. Whereas pedagogy and methodology are sciences and arts simultaneously, the flexibility in choosing the proper methods for specific situations gives the highest efficiency and effectiveness in teaching and learning English and motivates students.

Keywords: the methodology of English, immerse method, communicative approach, project method, task-based method, inquiry-based method, the efficiency of teaching and learnin.

Сучасні та традиційні методи викладання англійської мови, базуючись на власному досвіді викладача

Степанечко Оксана Вікторівна, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Беручи до уваги постійні зміни, що відбуваються в сучасному світі та, відповідно, психологічні особливості покоління, яке навчається, постає потреба в аналізі й удосконаленні методів викладання англійської мови. Аналіз теоретичної бази застосування як традиційних, так і сучасних підходів і методів викладання на різних етапах вивчення мови, а також власний досвід автора публікації, дає змогу оптимізувати знання і практику викладання з метою створення максимально ефективних умов засвоєння студентами іноземної мови. Проаналізовано теоретичні основи методистів і науковців (С. Торнбі, Дж. Річардса і Т. Роджерса, М. Рено, Дж. Вілл і С. Белл), які досліджували як «забуті», так і сучасні методи, що широко застосовуються для навчання учнів сьогодення. Виходячи з дослідження, ми поділяємо думки науковців, що традиційні методи не є прийнятними для сучасних студентів і можуть бути використані лише в окремих випадках, таких як, наприклад, пояснення (переклад) окремих термінів чи понять для кращого їх розуміння й економії часу. Тож основна увага була приділена новітнім методам навчання іноземної мови та їхньому застосуванню на власній практиці для перевірки ефективності. Методологічні основи й застосування комбінованих методів на заняттях зі студентами (занурення, метод проектів і на основі завдань, а також на основі пізнання/цікавості), дали змогу дійти висновку, що раціональне й ситуативне використання відповідних і прийнятних методів на заняттях з англійської мови вимагає творчого підходу викладача, оскільки і педагогіка, і методика є науками й мистецтвом водночас, тому гнучкість у виборі правильних методів для конкретних ситуацій дає найвищу ефективність і результативність у засвоєнні англійської мови та мотивує студентів.

Ключові слова: методика англійської мови, метод занурення, комунікативний підхід, метод проектів, метод на основі завдань, метод пізнання, ефективність засвоєння мови.

Constant changes in the educational system are caused by the need to analyze the changes in modern students' minds and their perception of learning material. These factors evoke our attention to review traditional and innovative methods and approaches to teaching and describe our own experience of their application in our practice. Based on the research, we share the opinion of researchers that traditional methods are not acceptable for modern students and can be used only in some cases, such as explanation (translation) of certain terms or concepts to understand better and save time.

There are a significant number of methods and techniques of language teaching, both traditional and innovative, in the methodology of teaching English. The realization of teaching methods is carried out by various techniques, approaches, and working tools. N. Volkova defines the education approach as a combination (set) of specific learning situations which facilitate the achievement of the interstitial goal of the particular method (Volkova, 2007).

The study aims to analyze the generalization and comprehension of experience in the use of teaching methods at different periods and students' levels to optimize the choice of teaching methods for modern students and create conditions for fluent mastering of English.

The problems of teaching methods are covered in the works of the following scientists: S. Thornbury (2017), J. C. Richards and T. S. Rodgers (2016), and M.R. Renau (2016). Scott Thornbury, in his work “30 Language Teaching Methods” (2017), grouped them according to what they have in common. Deep analysis of “forgotten” and new methods were made by S. Thornbury. He concluded that experimenting with separated-in-time methods underpinned and accrued many benefits (Thornbury, 2017). Maria Luisa Renau analyzed traditional and current language teaching methods in her book “A review of traditional and current language teaching methods” (Renau, 2016). She proved that the choice of teaching method depends on what is appropriate for you - your educational philosophy, subject areas, and school mission statements. She emphasized direct introduction, inquiry-based and cooperative learning, and the CLIL method among modern methods (Renau, 2016: 82). J. C. Richards and T.S. Rodgers elaborated approaches and methods, starting with the grammar-translation method and coming up with the latest ones in language teaching, which have been used from the late nineteenth century to the present day (Richards and Rodgers, 2016). They also analyzed different models of teaching a second language to achieve different kinds of communicative purposes. And describing the interactional model, Richards and Rodgers proved that “areas of inquiry include second language acquisition, interaction analysis, conversation analysis, and ethnomethodology” (Richards and Rodgers, 2016: 24). In their latest edition, they stated that “language teaching today reflects the changes status of English as an international language which has accelerated for more effective approaches to the language teaching” (Richards and Rodgers, 2016). Authors came up with new teaching proposals such as Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and text- and task-based teaching, which were also integrated parts of the interactional model. Some methods are considered appropriate and effective for a particular age group and following acquisition purposes.

Anyway, why are some traditional methods not appropriate and ineffective for students nowadays? Firstly, because of the generation we teach who are different from us. They are multitasking, 100% tech-savvy, visual, speedy, and digital, which makes us - teachers - adapt our teaching according to new requirements from the students and the modern world they live in. Teachers' tasks are to create a friendly learning environment where the affected filter remains lower and lower and to empower our students to experiment with the language without any barriers and fears.

Working with modern educational and methodological complexes and online language learning practices based on authentic materials convinces that communicative methodology is effective for learning a foreign language, bringing learners to real communication situations to the full. But a created communicative situation is not enough for a comprehensive study and proper acquisition of the language, considering that the language is an element of the culture of other nations, their picture of the world, and their way of life. Hence, the foreign language teacher always uses different teaching methods, combining and mixing them in the process of studying and improvising with them (Ivanova, Zhurba, 2013: 194).

From the above, we conclude that the teacher's choice of teaching methods mainly depends on the development of students and the quality of their learning. To achieve a high level of effectiveness in learning a foreign language, the teacher should know the latest methods of teaching and experiment with specific educational techniques and tools to choose an appropriate method in a meaningful way according to the level of knowledge, needs, and interests of students. Rational and motivated use of proper and eligible methods in English classes requires the teacher's creative approach, as both pedagogy and methodology are sciences and art at the same time; that is why the choice of the systems and teaching methods should be based on the creativity of the teacher.

Having experience in teaching English for more than 15 years, the author decided to review the teaching methods considering her own and her colleagues' professional expertise in use.

As post-soviet students, we - current teachers - are familiar with the grammar-translation method from our own school years' experience when we were to learn grammar rules and lists of vocabulary and did a lot of exercises in translation from the target language into our mother tongue and vice versa. But we were afraid of communication caused of the lack of speaking and listening comprehension. Consequently, we can conclude that the effectiveness of this method was very low and extinguished any motivation.

Oksana Stepanechko - the article's author - is experienced in the direct method in Thailand when a foreign teacher without knowledge of students' native language (L1) teaches entirely in the target language, and the learners are not allowed to use their native language at the lessons. This method has many benefits compared to the previous one, but it has some weak points, such as being time-consuming, students' shyness, and communication gaps. Moreover, it's more difficult for students to trust a foreign teacher, and their curiosity comes out more in the teacher's personality than in their English knowledge.

Also, with primary students, she applied the audio-lingual method based on repetition, drilling, and memorization. The emphasis was made on pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation. The effectiveness of this method was proved by quick memorization and repetition. But with older students, this method is acceptable as a supplementary to the communicative approach that is widely used and popular in our country, especially among different language schools. However, the academic study of four language skills (not only listening and speaking) should be integrated into the learning process.

Some private schools in Ukraine practise immersion and a natural approach where students are immersed in the English language during the whole school day at all lessons. Also, Ukrainian universities are implementing English-speaking groups of different specialties where specific subjects are learned in English. This method is very effective and promotes rapid foreign language acquisition, but The Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian language as the State Language” requires obligatory knowledge of the State language for entering the universities and colleges, receiving government positions, and career promotion (, 2021) and proves the necessity to its careful study and deep awareness.

Ukrainian higher education institutions aimed to improve their teaching system according to the world's educational criteria, standards, and Bologna Process. Those changes entailed the following tasks, such as the development of new philosophy and content of education, theoretical and methodological principles, and scientific inventions to provide radical renewal of the entire educational system, leading it to the level of world standards while preserving the vast and invaluable pedagogical experience of the past.

Present-time students are motivated and inspired only when they can build up a picture of their personal goals, take ownership of their studies, and do research in collaborative project work. J. Wills states, “learners need the experience in communicating in a variety of situations, for example, in different size groups, and for different audiences since different linguistic strategies are appropriate in different circumstances” (Will, 2012: 14). That is why task-based and project-based language learning are gaining popularity and recognition among English teachers among modern teaching methods. According to J. Will, all tasks should have an outcome, and the challenge of achieving outcomes makes a motivating procedure in the classroom. In task-based learning, students are not obliged to use certain target language forms but are free to choose what they wish to fulfill the task goals (Will, 2012: 24). In project-based learning, students manage their learning through inquiry, working collaboratively to research and create projects that reflect their learning (Bell, 2010). We also implement them in the delivery of the ESP courses. Students are often given the tasks with the explicit instruction to prepare presentations or mini-group projects on the designated topic devoted to their future specialty. It's vital to analyze learners' needs for selecting the tasks correctly, taking into account what tasks they like, which way they'd prefer to work, and which teaching style is more suitable for this or that group keeping in mind the strengths and weaknesses of each one. This way, we show our attention to individuals and demonstrate our support. In the General English lesson, students were given a task for the mini-project “The real price of tourism” to curate two destinations and compare the prices for flights, transfers, accommodation, excursions, and food proposed by the travel agencies and make the booking on their own and make conclusions. Despite having been given explicit instruction, many different variants of presenting the results of their research demonstrate their unbridled imagination, creativity, and non-standard thinking.

Task-based use in teaching practice can also be illustrated by the task “The road of my life” with the detailed procedure, elaborated vocabulary, and grammar constructions to complete the task. The main aim of such a task is personal reflection and communication.

Task-based learning at English for Specific Purposes, such as presentation of the latest news in the area they study, a summary of the scientific article from the journal in the field of their future specialty which enriches not only terminology of future programmers and mathematicians, but also helps them delve the subject of their interests.

Such tasks embarked students on a new way of learning and acquiring the foreign language and combined English and specific subjects learning (elements of Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is also a practical and trustworthy 21st-century student-centered approach proved by many researchers as meaningful and exciting to learners. Saunders-Stewart, Gyles, and Shore consider many forms of IBL and mention that it includes analysis, problem-solving, discovery, and creative thinking (Saunders-Stewart, 2012).

Saunders-Stewart et al. emphasized the range of benefits of IBL: a deep understanding of the topic, application of knowledge or skills, acquisition of critical thinking, problem-solving and personal skills, increased motivation, self-confidence, and self-efficacy (Saunders-Stewart, 2012). Provocative and intriguing open-ended questions motivate students to discover the answers and, at the same time to investigate the topic deeper, analyze the information, infer, reflect on received knowledge, and evaluate the conclusions. The teacher also has to use smartphones and social media during the lesson. A little research to answer the intriguing question will help hold their attention and help them learn the language in a meaningful context. Having received responses on the “Big question” of the topic “Travelling” “Why do people travel,” the teacher presented a vlog of teenagers with controversial information that there was no need to travel as we have food from different countries, restaurants with diverse cuisine and pieces of art from foreign artists in the museums. After that, a discussion was proposed where students gave other reasons, asked their foreign friends' points of view in the chats, debated, discussed, and emerged new questions to the interlocutors. Finally, they concluded that the solution couldn't be limited to one answer. The teacher revealed that curiosity was a powerful state which empowered students to keep moving forward in their explorations. As we can see from the example of IBL implementation, this approach “creates a deep and transferable learning and strengthens students' engagement” (Gholam, 2019).

With this approach, students become explorers and discoverers where they can formulate their questions on the topic proposed, direct their learning process, take responsibility for it, and show ownership.

In order to achieve communicative competence - communicative skills based on the language knowledge, skills, and abilities - a foreign language teacher uses the newest and latest methods of teaching, which combine communicative and cognitive goals.

The methodological basis and application of combined methods in classes with students (immersion, project method, task-based method, and inquiry-based method) led to the conclusion that the rational and situational use of appropriate and acceptable methods in English classes requires creative teaching approach. The flexibility in choosing the suitable methods for specific situations gives the highest efficiency and effectiveness in teaching and learning English and motivates students.

Further scientific research we would like to investigate in the field of computer-based English learning.

immersion inquiry-based language communicative


1. Волкова Н.П. Педагогіка: Навч. посіб. К.: Академвидав, 2007. 616 с. Volkova N.P. Pedahohika: Navch. posib. K.: Akademvydav, 2007. 616 s.

2. Державні сайти України. 2021. Derzhavni saity Ukrainy. 2021.

3. Іванова О., Журба О. Ефективні методи вивчення іноземних мов. Науковий вісник Національного університету біоресурсів і природокористування України. Серія «Філологічні науки». К.: ВЦ НУБіП України, 2013. Вип. 186. Ч. 2. С. 193-198.

Ivanova O., Zhurba O. Efektyvni metody vyvchennia inozemnykh mov. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho universytetu bioresursiv i pryrodokorystuvannia Ukrainy. Seriia «Filolohichni nauky». K.: VTs NUBiP Ukrainy, 2013. Vyp. 186. Ch. 2. S. 193-198.

4. Bell S. Project-based learning for the 21st century: Skills for the future. 2010.

5. Gholam A.P. Inquiry-based Learning: Student Teachers' challenges and perception. The Journal ofInquiry andAction in Education, 2019. Volume 10. Issue 2. P. 112-133.

6. Richards J.C., Rodgers T.S. Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

7. Thornbury S. 30 Language Teaching Methods. Cambridge University Press, 2017. 140 p.

8. Renau M.L. (2016) A review of the traditional and current language teaching methods. International Journal of innovation and Research in Educational Sciences, 2016. Volume 3. Issue 2. P. 82-88.

9. Saunders-Stewart K.S., Gyles P.D.T., Shore B.M. (2012). Student outcomes in inquiry instruction: A Literature-derived inventory. Journal of Advanced Academics, 23(1), 5-31.

10. Will J. A framework for task-based learning. 2012. 160 p.

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