The research into acme-features of productive scientific and pedagogical activity of higher education institutions teachers
The analysis of scientific and pedagogical activities of the teachers has been made being based on the study of scientific works and the selection of appropriate goalmotivational, cognitive, activities, communicative, reflective-productive ones criteria.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.03.2023 |
Размер файла | 75,6 K |
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Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
О.A. Dubasenyuk Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor,
О.V. Voznyuk Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor
scientific pedagogical activity teacher
The article presents the results of a study of the features of productive scientific and pedagogical activities of higher education institutions teachers. The research has been conducted on the basis of acmeological approach. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical activities of the teachers has been made being based on the study of scientific works and the selection of appropriate criteria (goalmotivational, cognitive, activities, communicative, reflective-productive ones). The three levels of their productivity are differentiated. The highly productive level is characterized by such aspects: teachers' scientific orientation, the interest in scientific knowledge, the constant need to generate new ideas, high-level research knowledge and skills, the desire for continuous self-development, high level of research competence. The productive level is characterized by such aspects: teachers' inherent need to acquire value-oriented innovative knowledge, pertinent skills, continuous selfimprovement, significant effectiveness of scientific and pedagogical activities. Ineffective teachers are characterized by such aspects as low motivation and lack of interest in scientific research, low efficiency of scientific activity. The dependence of the motives for further scientific and pedagogical activity on the level of teachers' productivity has been proved in the process of the research of their acme-peculiarities. It has been proved that it is the creative nature of teachers' activity that allows to realize both their own natural potential and the natural talents of young researchers. Thus, the study of acme-features of productive scientific and pedagogical activities of the teachers of higher education has shown that a set of activating factors of motivation, satisfaction and research competence determine the creative orientation of teachers, their desire to reach the acme-pinnacles.
Key words: acme-features, productive scientific and pedagogical activity. high school teacher, acmeological approach, competence.
О. А. Дубасенюк, О. В. Вознюк
У статті представлено результати дослідження особливостей продуктивної науковопедагогічної діяльності викладачів закладів вищої освіти на засадах акмеологічного підходу. На основі вивчення наукових праць та виділення відповідних критеріїв (ціле-мотиваційний, когнітивний, діяльнісний, комунікативний, рефлексивно-результативний) здійснено аналіз науково-педагогічної діяльності викладачів. Виділено три рівня їх продуктивності. Для високопродуктивного рівня - характерна наукова спрямованість, інтерес до наукового пізнання, постійна потреба генерувати нові ідеї, сформовані на високому рівні дослідницькі знання та вміння, прагнення до постійного саморозвитку, високий рівень дослідницької компетентності. Для продуктивного рівня - притаманна потреба здобувати ціннісноорієнтовані інноваційні знання, уміння, неперервне самовдосконалення, значима результативність науково-педагогічної діяльності. Малопродуктивні педагоги характеризуються низькою мотивацією та відсутністю інтересу до наукового пошуку, невисокою результативністю наукової діяльності. У процесі дослідження акме-особливостей викладачів ЗВО доведена залежність мотивів подальшої науково-педагогічної діяльності від рівня її продуктивності. Саме креативний характер діяльності дозволяє викладачам реалізувати як власний природний потенціал, так і природні задатки молодих дослідників. Отже, дослідження акме-особливостей продуктивної науково-педагогічної діяльності викладачів закладів вищої освіти свідчить, що сукупність спонукальних чинників умотивованості, задоволеності і дослідницька компетентність визначають творчу спрямованість особистості викладачів, їх прагнення до досягнення акме-вершин.
Ключові слова: акме-особливості, продуктивна науково-педагогічна діяльність. Викладач вищої школи, акмеологічний підхід, компетентність.
Introduction of the issue
The importance of the issue under consideration stems from current educational changes, as well as from the processes of development, modernization of domestic higher education, which requires improvement of scientific and professional activities of higher education teachers and creating conditions for them to achieve scientific and pedagogical achievements and professional skills. These problems are outlined in the laws of Ukraine "On Higher Education" (2014), "On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities" (2015), as well as in the Concept of the New Ukrainian School (2016) and the National Qualifications Framework (2011). The urgency of the problem lies in the need to train the teacherresearchers, that is, the specialists of a new generation, able to dynamically master the methodology and techniques of scientific and pedagogical research, implementing these aspects into practical training of the prospective professionals. Such training should be based on the experience of the teachers with a high level of competences and skills, who have reached the pinnacles in research and professional activities [4].
Current state of the issue
Acmefeatures of teachers' research activity and its methodology have been considered at different stages of development of pedagogical science by such scientists as: V. Kraevsky, V. Kremen, N. Kuzmina, N. Nychkalo, S. Palchevsky, N. Pobirchenko, S. Rybalko, S. Sysoeva and others [4]; the methodological principles of scientific research have been studied by N. Kushnarenko, N. Kichuk, O. Krushelnytska, O. Mykytyuk, O. Martynenko, L. Onyschuk, L. Sultanova, D. Chernilevsky. The implementation of theoretical conclusions into practice has been the research subject of E. Barbina, I. Zyazyun, Z. Kurland, V. Slastyonin, V. Sheiko and others. In this regard, it is important to study the basic concept of "scientific and pedagogical school", which has been carried out in the scientific research of S. Goncharenko, O. Grezneva, O. Gnizdilova, V. Lozova, L. Sukhorukova, O. Ustenko and others. In the context of university education, the activities of scientific and pedagogical schools were studied by O. Antonova, O. Adamenko, A. Aleksyuk, N. Biruk, O. Gluzman, S. Zolotukhina, B. Stuparyk, O. Sukhomlinska and others.
Aim of research is to explore the features of productive scientific and pedagogical activities of higher education teachers on the basis of acmeological approach.
Research methods are based on theoretical and methodological procedure of analyzing the problem field of the research by moving from the general to the specific, that is, from theoretical aspects of the problem field to its practical aspects. The research has been carried out on the basis of such methodological approaches as: systemic, personality-oriented, activities, synergetic, acmeological, competence approaches, which provide a comprehensive implementation of the research goal. The dominant approach is acmeological one, since it creates favourable opportunities for the scientists to achieve acme peaks in scientific and professional activities.
Results and discussion
The acmefeatures of productive scientific and pedagogical activity of teachers of higher education institutions are clarified with taking into account the following criteria:
goal-motivational criteria is connected with setting current and future goals, objectives, motivating teachers' actions and behaviour;
value criteria is connected with value perception by the teacher's personality of scientific and pedagogical values (universal and national ones);
cognitive criteria is connected with a holistic system of scientific and pedagogical knowledge;
activity criteria is connected with introduction of innovative forms, methods, means in scientific and professional activity;
communicative criteria is connected with the realization of positive attitudes, humanistic values, responsible attitude to research activity in communication process;
reflective-productive criteria is connected with a comprehensive analysis of one's scientific and pedagogical activities, personal achievements, the level of culture (this reveals the need in analysing one's attitudes, as well as the needs in scientific activities to carry out the self-analysis and self-assessment of one's achievements).
We distinguish three levels of teacherresearchers' productivity based on the analysis of their scientific and pedagogical activities.
High level of scientific productivity. This level characterizes the scientists and educators who have established scientific schools, have been managing the training of scientific and pedagogical staff for decades. In Ukraine, these are such well-known scientists as S. Gurevich, N. Nychkalo, S. Zolotukhina, L. Lukyanova, L. Khomych, O. Antonova, O. Yaroshynska, A. Vykhrushch, A. Sbrueva, S. Sysoeva and others who see scientific perspectives and work for the prospective achievements.
The scientific school is a team of scientists of different ages who work on a certain scientific concept and develop urgent and prognostic topics. The scientists consider promising concepts of modern pedagogical education, innovative approaches for solving modern educational problems. There is a transfer of experience, knowledge from the older generation of scientists to the younger one. The scientists manage research topics and projects.
Such researchers are characterized by high publishing activity, create individual and collective monographs, textbooks, manuals, scientometric and professional articles. Such scientists are chairmen or members of specialized scientific councils. They have been training the scientific and pedagogical staff from different regions of Ukraine and abroad for a long time. Numerous doctoral and candidate dissertations have been defended under their supervision.
Over the last 5 years, the teachers of the department of pedagogy have published more than 20 articles in scientific and metric journals, more than 140 articles in scientific journals of Ukraine, 15 monographs (collective and individual), more than 160 publications of approbation and popular science character.
Fig. 1 Publication activity of the teachers of the Department of Vocational, Special Education, Andragogy and Management of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University
It is important to note the axiological orientation of research activities of the scientists of high-level competence being formed during the educational activity and is always manifested in terms of values and personality interest. This creates favourable opportunities for achieving high scientific and professional results [2]. Such researchers are characterized by high scientific results, which are marked by the awards of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Such researchers are also characterized by distinguished scientific orientation at and interest in scientific knowledge, they reveal constant need for generating new scientific ideas, based on modern research methodology. They also are characterized by high-level research skills:
gnostic skills (these presupposes analysing scientific literature, both historical and pedagogical, modern and those highlighting urgent pedagogical phenomena, structuring research materials, analysing modern methodological approaches and concepts);
designing skills (these presupposes setting advanced, far-sighted research goals, as well as taking into account current issues and promising lines of research, studying modern scientific literature, identifying prognostic ideas and the possibility of their implementation in practice;
constructive skills (these presupposes planning research goals, tasks for the near future, as well as highlighting constructive, practice-oriented ideas);
organizational skills (these presupposes organizing a team of researchers for joint research, as well as conducting productive research using historical and pedagogical, theoretical, empirical and other research methods, implementing scientific results in practice, developing current research projects, participating in various national and international scientific-practical conferences, seminars, webinars of different levels of the organization);
communicative skills (these presupposes establishing scientific contacts with foreign scientists and domestic researchers, conducting joint research, exchanging interesting information, establishing contacts with various categories of scientists, including assisting young researchers in research, communicating during scientific conferences, webinars, webinars, webinars, webinars).
As a result, the scientists have acquired a high level of research competence. The research activity of such scientists is characterized by aspiration for acquiring new knowledge being the way of active scientific search, as well as the forming of creative knowledge and new experience. The scientists have acquired a high level of research competence, which is considered to be personality's integral property which is manifested by the willingness and ability to work independently concerting the solving of research problems and creative transforming the reality based on a set of knowledge, skills, values [5].
The research competence of the University teacher characterizes his/her personality and presupposes his/her possession of skills and methods of research activities at the level of technology as for finding knowledge for solving educational problems and building modern educational process [1]. From the point of view of A. Khutorsky, such competence turns out to be the result of human cognitive activity in a particular field of science, as well as the mastery of research methods, and researcher's developed motivation and value orientations.
Productive level of scientific productivity. The teachers of productive level also have sufficient experience in scientific and pedagogical work. Some University teachers hold the positions of vice-rector, dean, head of the department and others, they run the research centres or laboratories, scientific circles. They are motivated and focused on creative research. They also train scientific and pedagogical staff from different regions of Ukraine. The doctoral and candidate dissertations are also defended under their supervision. Their research activities are also characterized by an important need to acquire valueoriented innovative knowledge, that is, the need not only for new knowledge but also for the results of this activity being an integral aspect of their personality (S. Rubinstein).
Such scientists possess a definite set of scientific and pedagogical knowledge and skills. They organize young researchers for productive search producing new knowledge. Such scientists gradually acquire a sufficient level of research competence, which means knowledge being a consequence of human cognitive activity in a particular scientific field, and mastering the research methodology for carrying out research activities. They are characterized by a sufficient publishing activity. They are also constantly improving their scientific and pedagogical activities, striving for continuous self-development.
Ineffective teachers. They are characterized by low motivation and lack of interest in scientific research. They defend dissertations due to the need to work in a higher education institution. They cannot set prospects for goals and plan productive work for a certain period. They supervise students' scientific activities, organize their research activities, but this activity is limited by their workload, such as supervising the writing of students' term papers and qualification works. Thus they reveal a low need for new knowledge and they do not work on the development of their research skills. They are not interested in the results of scientific activities as well as they experience some difficulties in writing scientific publications, articles thus showing low publishing activity. In all, they do not seek to engage in personal and professional self-improvement.
Let us summarize the results obtained.
1. The dependence of the motives of teachers' scientific and pedagogical activity on the level of their productivity has been proved in the process of the research of acme-peculiarities of the educators. According to statistical criteria the outlined tendency is most clearly manifested between "high" and "low-productive" activity of the educators.
2. It is important to note that the vast majority of the teachers are not only aware of the creative nature of scientific and pedagogical activities, but also consider this indicator to be the main motivating factor for their further work in certain scientific field. It is the creative nature of the activity that allows the teachers to realize both their own natural potential and the natural talents of young researchers. However, the understanding of creative scientific orientation of "highly productive" teachers in contrast to "low-productive" lies in that that the former focus on the end result of their activity (the formation of creative personality of the researcher and mastering the ways of selfrealization of their talents), while the latter ones focus on intermediate results (conducting classes, scientific events, etc.).
3. A significant part of the teachers, despite all socio-economic problems, continues to be guided by moral values. Such features as spiritual values, the importance of creative, mutually enriched professional communication are of unsurpassed significance for such teachers, who focus on the difficult process of mouldering a teacherresearcher.
Thus, the study of acme-features of productive scientific and pedagogical activities of the teachers of higher education institutions has shown that a set of motivating factors for the attractiveness and satisfaction of such activities determine the research orientation of teacher's personality. So, we can dwell on a conclusion that the dominant motivational factors for highly productive activities, owe to the creative approach of the teachers and the values of the scientific sphere, which are related to teachers' creative and natural potential to develop student youth.
It is the painstaking process of cultivating the creative personality of a inexperienced researcher that causes real satisfaction for the mentorscientists. It is proved that one of the effective forms of training highly qualified teachers is scientific schools of pedagogical orientation, providing coordination of research and initiation of new research directions, which reveals the creative potential in inexperienced scientists, unfolding their creative abilities. This is confirmed by more than 30 years of activity of Zhytomyr Scientific and Pedagogical School, which resulted in a significant increase in the scientific potential of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.
In particular, the Department of Vocational, Special Education, Andragogy and Management of the University currently employs all certified teachers, among 17 teachers there are 7 doctors of sciences, professors or 41% of the total number of teaching staff; and 2 research are completing their doctoral studies. The teachers of the department have a high publishing activity. The doctoral and postgraduate studies have been operating at the university for a long time [3].
Properly organized research process in higher education institutions contributes to teacher-researchers' acquisition of a high level of competence, successful adaptation to fleeting changes in life, awareness of the importance of one's methods of scientific activity.
Therefore, the following ways of formation of creative acme-personality are inherent in productive teacherresearchers:
Defining a common goal, which should be attractive to every scientist including inexperienced researchers. In higher education, there is such a significant goal as the personality and scientific growth of teacher-researchers and inexperienced researchers combined with the development of their professional intentions. It is important to master the strategic goal, which involves the process and technology of solving basic scientific and pedagogical problems, as well as understanding the creative potential of academic disciplines.
Awareness of the importance of purposefulness in scientific activity leads us to the differentiation of three main stages: goal setting, goal realization and goal affirmation. At the stage of goal setting the teacher formulates the leading scientific and educational goals/tasks on the basis of comprehension of current educational changes and actual problems of student youth, the modern approaches to the process of formation of experienced researchers. Hereby we have fundamental objective: creative development of the personality is reflected in a number of strategic objectives. The main ones are:
1) designing and developing the personality of the teacher-researcher, his/her formation as an individual,
2) education and development of the team of scientists.
The general research tasks are solved hereby: the formation of creative qualities, scientific worldview, professional interests and intentions. The ways of achieving the set objectives, the means of creative interaction are designed at this stage.
At the stage of goal realization certain tasks are realized through planning of research work with inexperienced scientists, the scientific information is selected, collective scientific projects are organized. Young researchers master the methods of goal setting under the guidance of a supervisor: they learn how to predict the results of scientific achievements of certain goals; they also learn how to make optimal decisions, how to gain experience due to forming creative cooperation.
Conclusions and research perspectives
Thus, the results of our study indicate that productive teachers are characterized by value-oriented unity, which is mediated by the value content of their joint activities.
Thus, by comparative analysis of research activities of different levels of teachers' educational productivity on the basis of acmeological approach it was proved that the main psychological and pedagogical factors that contribute or do not contribute to increasing the level of productivity are: high level of goalmotivational and developed value sphere, pertinent personality qualities, productive system of relations, creative orientation of research knowledge and skills, the ability to continuous personality self-development, selfimprovement and in general a high level of scientific and pedagogical competence and its effectiveness.
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